Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 20, 1907, Image 1

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Devote! to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming interests of this Community.
NO. 3
Returning Traveler Com
pares Resources of Gold
Field Region and Ba
ker County
Beturning from Nevada and
Southern California and having
een the wonders that ran be worked
In the most unpromising localities
by the intercut of, MiIch Lee
the wealthy sheepman of Baker
county has declared his intenti n of
getting into notion immediately
with the view of wcing th Jvigle
valley railroad con-amded Mr.
Iee says there will bo no trouble in
getting the road completed if it in
once startod nud that he i going
to make it part of his business to
Kre it started.
Mr. Lee's- tup into Nevada was
a revelation to bun. He saw the
barren wastes of ti c Nevada gold
fields where wood iu f'l't a cord and
coal is nut lo be had. where pro
duce and rood muffs of alt kinds
Lave to be hip cd long distance
and ho Haw I he whole country I
thriving, bimpl.v Im i-uukl- it is being
boosted by millionaire.
The logic of the wealthy sheep
man in that tho millionaires me
seeking good investments always
and that it is up t linker county to
show that it is the field for such in
vestment. He aaid :
"Her in Baker county we have
the finest nnns in the went. I
know whereof I Hpeak. All that is
needed is capital to develop them.
There is every advantage June. In
thoheait of these great gold mid
copper mining dUtiicls we have a
valley that will raise enough food
to Bupport 75,000 people. When
the mine are opened up the men
back of them will not havo to con
tend with tho difficulties that they
do uow in Nevada and they will
find that they have Letter properties
at that.
iiiihtot 01 coi ini mats.
"Our greatest drawback is that
the leading men of the community
are prone to sit about and sun
themselves instead of getting out
and introducing themselves and
their country to tho world. Thore
would bo no trouble at all to mak''
13akerCity the greater inland trad
ing point on the Pacific coast if cap
ital could be brought hei'c, and it
time that something of that kind
nai done.
"StartiDg at Copper Butte and
running to the Iron Dyko mines,
Baker county has tho groaicst cop
per bolt in the went. With a rail
road running the length of thai
belt, this city would be the distrib
uting point for the finest mines in
the district and would touch nearly
all of them by rail- We need the
Lngla valley railroad and you may
count me in the front raokH of the
boosters henceforth." Journal.
Oregon and Washington Association
Indulges in Discussion Railroad
and Lumber Situation.
The annual banquet of tho Ore
gon and WuBbiugtou Lumbermtns'
Association given at the Commer
cial Club Saturday night was at
tended by representative men from
all parts of the northwest, and a
number of addresses were made.
In a few years this association has
come iuto prominence aud tho mem
bership has increased from 18 to
105 since its organization in May,
W, 13. McKay acted as toasttuas
ter and the first speaker was (lov
ernor Chamberlain. In a brief ad
dress lie condemned tho govern
ment policy in withdrawing vast
areas of timber land in Orogon.
"Forest reserves for the protection
of water and timber are all right,"
said the governor, "but should all
timber lands that are now proposed
be withdrawn it will work a great
injury to the lumber iudustry in
Oregon and seriously affect the
commercial interests of the entire
Goveruor Chamberlain was fol
lowed by Mayor Laue, who spoke
(u a humorous vein and had the
largo nndienro in an uproar during
his speech. Tho tin-mo of Mayor
Lane's address was I'm benefit to
bo dot h od by the association of
men of different professions.
"Chamberlain is a good governor,
but could lie run a sawmill?'' asked
the mayor.' "However, the associ
ation of bodies of men gives an op
portunity (or the exchange of ideas
and perhaps tho govcruar's addons
will be of benefit to this aHsocialion.
Kvcii the humblest man is superior
to the most biilliaut in some things,
and often impart knowledge of
gieut valuo. Tliere in nothing that
tlio elTorts of combined mm. Is can
not nccompliHh and in the future
wo raay be doing biisincKS with
Mars and other plain ts. J he best
iustrm-tioii I tver received in my
life was from an insane putient mid
hi traifiing fitted mo for the si
lion I now hold.' '
A roar of laughter greeted this
tetii iik mi l llir- mayor was unable
to continue for several minutes. He
gave a 1111 illustration of what coin
bined and concentrated elTort will
do the rue of the Japanese empire
to one of the strongest powers in
Ihewoild I'o'llaii'i Im declare.!
lobe the cieateKt lumber produc
ing city in the woi Id.
Franklin II. Cole wis the next
Meaker, and be put the cro.vd in a
, good liuinot iv a number (.1 slums
lie m I'd in i u t " V 11 v -i ii m
I k.i i t li Michigm a 'il Miiiiicsupi
lumber men who have .i-uk-il i)n.
gon buve t il en awy with them
nothing but iilc.i-uiit on in i 1 s
i'l'lieie'is no raou whv 1 1 Miould
jt"ke aulhiig el e, a-t the city
, veins well ui I ! I by an etlnl'-nt
I police ue." Mr. Cole t'Ul'l) il
on thecal shortage and stated Unit
he con-eli ('I tint the cie tU-ht
dicap to the iiiiileriu in'cnst ol
1 be iioitluvet. Mr. Cob- i-; well
known 0:1 the coast us pui h-.hcr of
the West Cmt Lumbci man.
iuckman's sikom; m'hk 11.
idnr 1 1- c-i til 'n . 01 Mrattte, was
called on next, and he gave a
strong address and some stirring
statistics concerning the present
congestion of traflic. caused by the
ear nhortago lie said:
'The condition in Orogou is
nothing compared to what it is in
Washington. In one place tho
grass has grown entirely over a
loaded freight ear. Another in
stance miuht bo given whece a car
was nine days in gaing four miles
"The average rate of freight cats
on tho Northern Pacific is only 3(1
miles in '21 hours, so it is easy to
Hee the causes of the present eon
gcHtiou. Oregon is to ho congratu
lated on her determination to have
a mill did commission, and in a few
years I feel assured that great bene
fits to tho state wili result "
A C Dixon, who has been at the
legislature on behalf of tho railroad
commission, made a brief address,
praising the work of the Oregon
The closing address was given by
(Jcoige P. Cornwall. Ho told of
his experience at tho legislature,
and expressed himself as well
ploasod at the passage of the rail
road commission bill. Ho said
further: "Oregon is a vast unde
veloped empire, and what wo ueod
to develop it is box-cars."
Alter tho banquet the members
adjourned to tho club rooms.
Oregon iau.
Charlie Noel and Will Whittaker
of Eugene cftino to the city yester
day aud started for tho Vesuvius
this morning.
Dr. Munhull, who recently dosed
a series of religious meotiugs at
Emporia, Kansas, told, according
to the Kansas City Journal, an iu
teresting story. Tho Journal says:
"A gaeat mauy ponnios had boon
put in the offering, and his atten
tion was called to this. One night
he held up a silver dollar aud a
copper penny and gavo a conversa
tion held by the two coins. "You
poor little red cent, you; you don't
amount to anything. I'd hato to
be you,' said the big dollar. 'I
kuow I'm not very big,' replied the
cent, but tho children liko me, aud
Icaubuya good many things.'
Huh! you can't buy auythiug at
all,' said the dollar. 'Just look at
mo, big and bright and shiny, I can
buy a whole lot more than you can."
Maybe so,' said tho little red cent,
meonly, but I go to church a heap
oftener than you do anyway,' "
T. K. Campbell of Cottage Grove Ap
pointed a Member of the Railroad
In the appointment of T. K.
Campbell of Cottage drove, a mem
ber of the Iladroid Commission for
the slate of Oregon under the
Chapin Bill, Secretary of State Bell
sou hhowed his willingness to do
the will of the people. All day
Monday strings of Telograms and
Isltera were poured in upon Soc.
Itcnson requesting tho apjioiritinent
of Mr., ICugeneaiid I Jose
burg look a hand with us while
Cottage drove left the wires hot.
I he Collage drove Commercial
Llub with I. K tJumpbcll as its
president started the bull rolling in
1 S01 mid h is never wavered in its
purpose. With the passing of the
Jh.ipin Hill and the appointing ol
the railroad fommj-iHjoii, the name
f Collage drove is ( lonely con
nected, and the selection of T. K.
Campbell as a member of tho Com
mission a muht ii'.tunil consequence,
which, without opposition, was con -ceeded
by all within the bounds of
territory, who-e representatives it
feel the lot of Secretary Benson to
name. A happy co-incident, it is
that .Mr. Cumpbi li's early connec
tion v.iih t'ic creation of the hill,
Inn iesi b ii'-e in tips tcititory imd
Iih mviiIi.h li'nes fur thu place.
rrr 1 'irT'l '' ' g
His life has been one of cjnstaut
activity ; has always been a heavy
shiper of building material and has
ncen injustice where it has been
practiced by railroads from all
phases of the shinpors side.
T. K. Campbell was born at St.
Anthony, Minn., Sept. 23, 1857,
going with his parents at an early
nge to Leavenworth, Kansas,
where he received his education and
served his time as a stone cutter,
not content with journeyman's
work, ho followed tho steps of his
father, and embarked iu tho con
tracting business, working west
ward, in iS!o he established him
self in Salt Lake where ho built tho
Knutsford hotel, the Dooley block
and other largo buildings now
staud iu that city to his memory.
In 1H92 Mr- Campbell reached
Portland and immediately opened
ft pint on the old Stevens place,
Kast Portland, from where he sup
plied all the cut stone for the City
Hall. His ontiro occupation had
been iu heavy stone work until
1 SOT when he became n resident of
Tjane County and engaged iu the
timber business (which added to his
knowledge of tho shippers needs)
which he has followed until now.
In ioor Mr. Campbell moved to
Cottage Grove, built his own home,
became at onco interested iu the
welfare of tho community, he has
has a family of nix children, and is
respected and commands tho con
fidence ot tho business men with
whom he has been much in con
tact during his residence hero.
He has not told us, but we know he
will not givo up Cottage Grove as
his homo city,
Slain Eor Refusing Cup of Cold Water
and Jury Justifies the Act.
Douglas, Arl,, Jiiu. 3I. One
man was killed and another wound
ed over a canteen of water and a
desert jury held tho survivors justi
fied for their part iu tho shooting.
Bill and Lynn DeSpain, prospect
ing for placer gold iu the Colorado
desert, became lost in the trackless
sweep of Hands, In their wauder
iugs they come, half crazod from
thirst, upon u well beside the adobe
hut of Arthur Jones, a grizzled
hermit of the wabte,
Tho DoSpaius became nearly frau
tic with jov, for B?ar'H well, the
next watering place, was a hard
day's ride distant. But when they
asked to fill a canteen, Jones re
fused. The prospectors legan to draw
water from tho well any way, when
Johoh opened fire on thorn from the
Ioor of his abode. Bill DeSpain
fell with a bullet in his hip.
Before Jones could firo again,
Lynn DeSpain had shot him dead.
Then DeSpain dragged his brother
into tho hut uud went for help.
Bill DeSpain will recover.
Neither prospector was arrested
pending the decision of the coro
ner's jury exonerating thorn.
Vesuvius Mine.
The pleasant weather is to be
taken advantage of by p. J. Hard,
mauager of the Vesuvius Mining
Company in Bohemia. This morn
ing ho sent another crew of men to
go to work on the trestle, where
they left off on account of the heavy
storm. Mr. Hard hopes to finish
this lime, and if weather permits he
will bo able to get the mill started.
Commercial Club.
At the regular meeting of tho
Commercial Club helJ Monday
evening a general good feeling pre
vailed. Regular ousiness was at
tended to, the time fr receiving 'p
plieattons for membership at $10
ws extended to March l.xth. A
loiter from Senator Bin ''ham was
read thanking tli club f'T its letter
of appreciation 10 the Lane Co. del
edition for thiirtand all through
he session on Railroad Legislation
Then the following letter wis rea l
from J; N. Twd, chairman of the
Poitland Chamber of Commerce
Toe Portland Chamber of Commerce.
Portland. Oregon.
Poi ll oid, Oregon, Feb. 14th, Ioo7.
Cottage Grove Commercial Club,
Cottage Grove. Ore.
Dear Sirs: Now that the light
is over and the battle won, I want
you to know that we all appreciate
the splendid services given by your
club in behalf of the interests of
the people of this state. You were
not only one of the first to nee the
necessity for railro.ul control, but j
you nave uever wavered in tue
light from the beginning to the end
and I trust that your city and your
members will all receive some of
the benefits which will How from
the results of your work. Wishing
you every snccess, I am,
Yours very truly,
J. N. Teal.
Campbell Appointed
At this point, by telephone, came
the news that T. K. Campbell Ind
been appointed by Secretary of
State Benson as a member of the
Railroad commission,
'Nough Said,
Paudamouium reigned, London
Springs ginger ale and cigars
mingled with the llow of congratu
lations to Bio. Campbell and our
selves, for wo all felt good. If
President Hinds adjourned by the
souud of tho gavil no one hoard it.
Government Recruiting Office Opened
Corp. R. V. Weed of the ilth
Infantry and I. M. Kelso, Jr., 1st 1
lieutenaut, retired, are in Kugeuo !
and have established a recruiting!
station for the enlistment of U. S.
soldiers, for Phillipine service iu
the Cocketlino & Wetherboe build
ing. Office rooms'have been rented
and the olh'ce will bo kept open in
definitely, trying to get young men
to join the regular army.
Trowing Boquets.
In liugene the ladies ore throw
ing beautiful boquos of floowers at
Sheriff Fisk aud Chief of Police
Farrington. Not at all strange for
the work that lias been doue by the
oflicers of the past week. What
a strauge world. Oue party will
find fault aud coudemu while the
other will pr use and uphold. No
matter what the criticism or praise
maybe, our oflicers, whether they
bo municipal or county, have a
sworn duty to perform aud whether
that duty meets with the likes or
dislikes of tho masses the laws
should be uphold and in forced and
the offenders made to tulTor the
most severe peualty. Spriugfield
Damewood Bros, came on horse
baok to the city Tuesday,
Cottage Grove
Club in
icasm, catctiy iigures and illustra
Tho enthusiasm which is mani-j lions that illustrate. She is posted
fosted by the various commercial and knows how to use what she
bodies throughout tho state of Ore-1 knows a rare gift. It is no dry
gon, particularly those holding stereotyped lecture on temperance,
membership in the Oregon Develop-! but a discussion with live person
rnent League, in presenting to j ality behind it, when one hears her.
thousands of people asking for Ore-1 Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle:
gon facts and opportunities, will cer- Barely is it the pleasure of Augus-
tainly result in adding euormoucly
to the population of the Hale.
The Commercial Club of Cottage
Grove has just received for mailing
several thousand copies cd the an
nual edition of tho Bohemia Nug
get. It is beautifully illustrated
with mining and farm scenes. The
descriptive nutter treats o f mines,
1 4 1
ninoer iamis, lanning, stock rais-
ing, and fruit growing iu Lane
county and that section of the Wil-
lamette Valley particularly adjacen)
to Cottage Grove.
Last Thursduy night, Astoria the
oldest city in Oiegon, held a meet
ing under the auspices of her Cham
ber of Commerce and raised $0,480
in less than an hour's time. This
was $;,ooo iucash for advertising 1
and the $lso represented forty new ;
members at $12 each. There were
numerous subscribers of f.'loo per
year and io per year, many at
J12o and $!o per year, a'l payable
monthly and among the littrr were
three ladies.
A North Bend dispatch of Janu
ary 2s says: Seven thousand dol
lars was raised in six hours Satui.
j ciiy anernoon ov a coiMumtee ap
pointed by the North Bend Cham
; ber of Commerce to raie a fuud for
i advertising the city of North Bend,
1 Coos Bay, Ore. It is expene l to
I raise a total of $10, 000.
; The Portland Commercial Cbib
I added ?'2,4S. i to the fuud with
J which it is advertising the State of
I Oregon ot a dinner last Tuesday
I Many other points in Ore-'oi! uie
at work and the commercial and in
dustrial bodies of tho state should
get out their very best advertising
matter and into the mail without
Railroad Commissioners Appointed.
The state board has appointed
the Kailroid Commissioners as fol
lows: Oswald West of Salem, now
state land agent; C. B. Atchison,
a Portland lawyer and T. K. Camp
bell a Cottage drove lumbermau.
Both the lovers of the artistic and
tho devotees of the realistic wili
find au opportunity to worship at
their respective shrines next Thurs
day Feb. 21, at Opera House, the
event being Benton's maguificaut
production of "The Co w boy's Girl."
The play that became famous in a
single night F.very clfort has
been made to keep this wonderful
play up to its high standard of ex
cellence and purity. Tho original
scenery, the original story of heart
interest, its wealth of mirth provok
ing scenes aud iucidents; and ubove
all, its atmosphere of the plain,
have beeu preserved in all their
entirely. A refreshing tieat is iu
store for all
Jamestown Ter-Centenmal.
A beautiful Lithograph map of
the Jamestown Ter-Centennial
grounds is on exhibition tn tho
wiudow of tho Nugget otlice.
Gray Wolves.
Gray wolves are very thick
along Sharp's Creek !uto the Bo
hemia mining district. Ouo of
them entered the front yard at Joe
Damowood's aud killed ;i sheep.
Ada Wallace Unruh National Organi
zer W. C. T. U. At the Meth
odist Church.
Ada Wallace Uuruh, National
Organizor aud Lecturer of the
Woman's Christiau Temperance
Union will lecture under the aus
pices of tho local W. 0. T. V. at
tho Methodist church next Monday
evening. This will give au oppor
tunity to hear a world wide popu
lar lecturer ou a subject of world
wide interests.
Columbus F.iupiirer: Mrs. Ada
Wallace Uuruh, the national orgau for the W. 0. T. U. spoke last
night at the Baptist church. She
is a graceful, eloquent,
speaker. Her logic is electric, her
rhetoric picturesque and vivid, her
s 'e Dervou5i fervid, forceful.
1 nor are Hashes ol wit, delicate
bits of humor, nbarp thrusts of sar-
ians 10 entertain one wno is so
thoroughly magnetic in person and
o enthusiastic and earnest in her
chosen calling as Mrs. Ada Wallace
Unruh. Mrs. Unruh's earnest ef
forts, brilliant, forcible lectures do
not go unappreciated by the organi
zation, and she is regarded as one
of its most valuable speakers.
Youthful Natural Hittorv
, T0UIUI natural History.
paper 111 the recent summer
! examinations contained the two
, following essays by a youth of ten
whose literary talent will no doubt
some day shine forth in the land.
He is at all events original in his
the r:or.K
Tho eaglo is the king of all birds.
The eagle can fly right at the sun
and never wink its eye.
It is because it keeps its eves
I open like all us Americans that we
1 l t it be our natbnol burd and em
I bluni .
j The young eagles are called sig-
If yon leave a baby lieing around
where a eaglo can get it it will take
it iu its beake and fly away with it
to its leqrio.
My father says President Iloose
telclt woo l sooner have our nationol
burd to be a stork, because it
bringeth and takelh not away as
the Kajjle doth.
The Beaver youst to be yoused
ill tho time to make hats out of,
but wheu peepel wor 6traw hats
and other kinds the Canadions took
all the Beavers for their nationol
em bluni, thou Canada is not really
yet a nation, I don't think.
The Beaver is very yousful to cut
down trees and holler them out for
can jos for the Injuus with its teeth.
Beavers work hard at that all
sumer and sleep in rivers under the
ice in the winter. I think that is
all ther i to no about Beavers.
Robert LI hot in Woman's Home
Companion for February.
Everyone on Edge, so for Safety's
Sake Members Took Adjourn
ment. Salem, Ore., Feb. 1(5. 'The
temper of this House is such right
uow that it woulu be dangerous to
attempt to act important bills. I
therefore move, you Mr. Speaker,
that we adjourn at this time until
Monday at y o'clock," said Mr.
Coffey, at noou today and though
there was a protest the House
finally quit.
The statement of Coffey is unique
iu the aunals of the Legislature,
and merely reflects the situation
here. Night work, factional fights
and disappointed hopes have set
the members on a wire edge, and
the organization is decidedly dan
gerous to any legislation.
"If I had an important bill I
would uot want to have this House
consider it uow. There are one or
two good bills just ahead, and it
would be dangerous to brtng them
up now," said Coffey, in conclus
ion. Journal.
Mrs. W. C. Johnson and Miss
Fannie returned yesterday from
Kdwiu Tuller went to Yoncalla
Passengers coming to the city to
trade via tho O. & 8. 1$. lty. Tues
day only had twenty minutes in
town, ns the train arrived so late.
Mrs. Ben Pitcher came to the
city Tuesday from her home on
Bow river on O. & S. E. By.
B. M. Hawley of Sharps Creek
was iu the city Tuesday.
Wednesday's Register says that
there was bom at Mabel, on Jan,
22, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell, ty
girl baby weighing Itf pounds,