! i HURT, BRUISE OR GPRAIM ST THE OLD-MONK-CURE RELIEVES TROM PAIN I'rlra 2.1c ami Mc 2 IHHIUATION IN CANADA. Allierta Country Fatt Coming to the Front. Tin" ( 'iitill'lillll I'lK'Hir Jtuilwtiy mm jinny I iiihv i'iit.'iiM iii it irrriit. i rrl;-ji limi tti.rk, jiml iiimI of Cnlpiry, Unit will I'vi'tituully bring tin-l-r viitr .MHtJHHI iicrcH of iim lini hind iim llirn in in nil of ('iiiimlii. 'llnv I in c jui-t thrown 'H'ii to hcI I Ifinciil tln Iiiki Murk of 1 U,tKM iiiti-k , wllirli Ihi'J' lire Ki'llillg Ml Ill $.rl.(K 1 1 1 f I K I i ,. r lu ri. Iii counci l Mm w ith 1 1 1 -t itri ynti'd In 1 1 I they lire srlling nun-irljnlilc ImihIm ill fo.m ill!.m to $1.Vki Tnrr v 1 1 it-1 1 i iiiiiii.t lie nnr4tMKi'l (or grii.mg jiin pofi m, ini'l nll'ir li' a mnge w here link IIIHV C. ( litnllllnlll till ClillIC ) cur w il limit hIk Iter. Tin' ful iiic of Wi'xti'rn Ciiiut'lii, ti in I 5.inl n iiliiriv (In- H'nil hi t ii iorllon of Al ii'itn itiviiici', Ii iiHnnri' l . fulguiy, il lliclliipoli-, )i i lly of HI 1,1 II III il.luil, ititnln, ruiiiuMcl lnrgiily of A iiicriciiiiH, la it live, up In . laic cily. llHrrtml IhihIik'hh Im in tin' IiiiihIh of bright, pro j.'tcHiic liiinini'HN inch, who I hi 1 1 ' Ui -t'liiiriuoiiM hIim lM. Tlii-ri' hii' u ii i 1 1 1 1 H-r of j i 1 . 1 i 1 1 ir liniihci liH'nti'il tlicri', itinl ii In 1 1 1 innrki l fur cluck in iiflor'li'T by m llllgi' pllrkllg IlillISi'. Alilllg Hie lilli' of the Ciiiui'l uii 1'iii'ilii railway in Smith Mil AlUrlii, then' Iiiivi Imtii twenty IcvmI'iih I'-ti.lilinhi'il tliii p.iht year, to In- f.illowcl iy I lnrly im r.- next yoir, mi that Ihire will In- llo hi ii illume fur tile hiillit'liMn Tu4 JT'ollKC'l til 1 1 1 . H M'l't ion . Tlii" of lli-Ci-ri'Bd'n, Till' Hew oervillit Irnl ii'i'wiitii tier tefeli'liceii ninl the In ImI ivm ri'ilil them "Hf, ilecliiiea n writer In Aiihwith, Willi ll.Hllil f .)i, . "I urn nut j 1 1 1 1.- H.itlllei with your lefereini'M, .lane," hIic hiiIiI. "N.i.vllier am I. iiiuiii," ieMiii(i'( tho ctiilwnrt iniilil, "Imt tlicy'ii- tin! bi-Mt 1 ciMllil K'"'." In iiiillini; il Miii a hiiuiii; tuiniiiK i-uiua 1 'Jl 1,1 Ml. iw ii tin olit rntlinlmt (il Imt Iiiih turn fuuinl run ninl wnti Iim viilm-.l at Caution. lunc U i n I :i Ilnltiitliini ln.it ki-l mi r'u-i'lv I'lii t' I" III K'1"'"1' will l llll nl.ili 'I to III TI IVI 1 iiiuiii the rr iii Mum A lie rk It I lir.llil l' II n I'l I 1 1 iii linwe it, In ii'ihtiiI t ii -ii r i i !- imlv tluit tin v mi lire il h A IIiim kV, ful I lii-v uir Imt inly lurking n tin- Ih-m i li'iiii'iit i hu ll 1 1 it i' liui'le A ll' nek'n n 1 i I! u n lit . Iut nr. aiften Inn ml il in I ln ir rllei t". Ki'iiirm lr Unit Alli'iiek'n lire Hie nriemul ami only eeiiiiiu (I'lrous j s ! n -1 -1 - t he lt f trrnal remeily known ninl when purrlm-HiK ln-ti-r- I lie only I'e nv Ih to alw.iyx iixlnl uj'oli Inning All I'l k'n. t nrU Allm. "It till ttrf," Iiiiihi'iI I'lielp Alletl S ii I k . "in the nlil tliiyx, when wr ruiiMu'1 eluiri;!' it up to ';rii,' wluit wni it we iincil to en II thin rocky ort of fii-l-im; we nil have just nfter tlie C'tirlHtiiina ferliviliea?" WORKS IN THE GARDEN. Eighty-Seven Years Old, but Hat a Sound Back. Ilohelt Si'iilliin, S7 yeam nil, of fifi tilinletl Street, Sl'lieeil I'iiIIh, N. Y., a inn' Mur.lv oiii io ( tmr a oil) in oNr day Ink" I. A X Al I t: liltiiMo IjI'IMMi 'I n !.) I I'tiiKi'lH" ii liiii l iiiuiii y II II liula to run'. K. W lilCVK'S nlKlintnii' In mi I arli Iml. 'i: I'leoiiotn y , "Wlint'a tlie mill t.-r with thnt mun?" niki'il the ilniler, nfter tlie "iiitiener hi I Hi lie nut. "lie j;ot inn. I when I trie'l ! Bell lllm n I 'III ll llllm I l ei'." "TIiiH'm I'lijiein," Midi one of lili iiriidi liolH. "Ile'x II' d Mll'l iloti, lllll HlIIlV. lie Iiiidj;h nil hii 'driM miiim iireneiil h on liln family Ii ..'." ('Iih iiu J'l ilniue. Uca'ncia Cannot lie Cured dr du al ni'i'ld t;..iiH im tt.rv eiiiinol rem h IMi iIIm nwti-l I'l.n ii n oi ( i.e eti r . 'I i.eie In nn I cmi r,my to I llle id n nvnn, Kiel tliltl In d)' enic-lllu-tlniml ri'iiie-1 lei I'i-m:i,i mm In i nn. il dy mi In limn, it rmiil il n n i.l I l.e inm -mi lluliiK cl ti n K nit nc h nn '1 uU.. W lien thin tnlm in iiil1ntiirl ynti Inti e n ruiul.l!iitf miiiinl or In. inn let I lrfir In IC. mi'l hi n II Ii elilliely rloiieil, I'entni l Hie ri-i till, ml iinli" I dn (iitlnuinimniu i ttn I41 Ift.r ii on t nii'l t l.ln t tide to 1icel In ltn i.onnnl i-oinllili'U, denrliiK w ill d ili-Mruyeil f.irever; Hill" i RH'H nn I I'l ti'll urn emmril dy Intnrrh. die II In in. 1 1.1 UK I III ft li lllllftineii luU'lltl'ill o tin' In llcoil mi r 1 ni'i n WiiwiIIkIvo Htm Iturnlri-'t ImlUm fur n)r rftiw nt I'i'ftllii p i'ftuii1 t-y rntitrrli I ll.nl rnri tint I i ruri-'l d) Hall 1 lrili lire. Km! lor ciri uli, Iren. C. J IIKNKV A (t)., Tulc.lo, (J. Hi. dl dy lirllKKlinii. liftil'ft 1 mini) l inn ftru lliu dcit. ntlil Kftnjfti. I ml I Klin n t Matron in erowilel rnr) Sir, when no many edlerly women nr MnmJiiiK up why iloii't yon nie 11 ml olTer of Ilium your neat? Senteil I'llHlellKt-r (with llllJIlitVl Yoil nre Inlinrlim umler a initake, inmlitm. I am tho Iteiinh'il Ncly. Mothem will flriil Mra. Wlnrtow'ft OoothlDK Hyrui' thn belt remcdr to uw tor their cdUJruj Surlug tho tvalhliif trlol. THE SPENCER SEEDLESS APPLE Makes An Expert Investigates It and Flattering Report. There linn Ihm-m much ii'lvore oriti i h 11 1 of tho Sjx'iit'er Sct'ilh'm A'ih, notnhly in tlu Kural New Yorker uml Hiiiiie of ilH Hatelliti'M. Tho opinion of 11 recoun! .til horticulturist, who linn liuiile 11 thorough cxiimiiiul iuii of tho iipl'lo, boinn iillowi'il free nmc in the oreharil w hero I hoy are rjrown, Hlmiilil Im viiliiahlo to tin ho who aro thinking of I'luntitiK thwNi trees, us well lis to tho.o w h hy roiiMoii of the rrit icininH luivo U-on iletorroil from ptirfhiiMiii:. A ooiniiny wan rooently oriini.eil in ('anmla to humllo tho Sjioinvi SootllofH Aiilo troeM, Imt the inlvor.-o crtt irisuis ularino'l tho nrpiiiiors, ninl they ro fitsoil to liroceeil further witli tlio iiol'o- H o n t I Oman, w ho t ial iotiri until they ooiihl have tho ru- workn in hm ow n limit 1011 thoroughly oxamiiitsl hy 1111 ox- t;iir'loti,i;ivoH tliankH ii'rioiieol hurtieulturiht of roiiitat ion of their own Holoctioii. This was roiulily iiMscnto'l to. ami its a rccult t ho I Ion . John I'rytlon, who fur inoro than twen ty years wan minifler of uvrleiilturo for tho iroviiieo of Ontario, wius oloetoil to examine ninl report on this upplo. Tho lion. John Mryilon's 11111110 Is n hom-cholil wiinl in C'aniiila ainl (Jrcut ltrittiin, atnl his roititat inn is Hiich us to IM mil's Kiilney Tills for his hoiiiiiI I mck uml kiilneys; Mrs. t iootchioiis, his ilaiicht. r, hays: "Father hinl it mo vere attack of kiil- lii y t mill ile ami luinUipo, w hich cnuscl him much KiifToriiiir. llo Iiclthii titkini; Jionn's Ki'lnoy Tills ami was Kinmouroil. j will furry Kriut weight whorovor ho is Wo always keep them on huinl. My ; known. His report is most llattoriiij.' liiislmii'l was fiirtil of luul pains in tho ami an uiiiU:ililioil onilorsoment of tho Imek hy taking only part of a Imix." j applo. A fopy of it is sent froo upon Sohl hy all ileiilors. fit) fonts a Ihix. ' Hppliitit o 1 to (ho Sju'iuor Sooil ots Faster-Milhurn Co., Iluffalo. N. Y. Applo Company, Kvir.-tt, Washington. MYSTERY OF BOY'S POCKET. Hood's Sarsaparilla Him iinninc'l all other uimJIcliiti, In merit, (nli ami rtinm, It mircM. rrat a It lias hinn, lia ap. l.nre nl I jr only J'Kt di'ifiin. It Inn ri-n-lvi-'l l.jr -1 11 nl rnurit mnro than VMtti Imf IiiikhIuIh In lo yi iirn. ' ... ......... I II ..i.rm... i.t 1 ..II 1.1..,..! .11.. 11 xinaii liny can K' m" ms po'KeiH. 1 .....n n,, ,.,.. run, ail tiiiui'ir ami nil emijiioiin. It nlr'-nirlhen tho utoinmh, rrentr: an I'niill In I'uhlln Merino! Koreeil to I n lonil Afiff N Miirhlr llro. Aiiyune of h eiirlntii turn of mlml who wlli tnko the Iroulile t Ret lit Mi" yliillNlId will lliif I Unit IlKures iloii't 1 Willi H K;il'l to the liinnlier of thlnK 'I hey Hliiiply jtKo out. Ill one of Hie Hllili' hcIikuU 111'' toiiefl IT recently tiirneil her llelieMt Y,:tM ti'WMIil 11 lively I- ) e.'i r old U Im lill'l ilroiH'i 11 heavy nnirlilo on the floor ! vl ltd 11 limit licit utiiiitii.il llu reel I :l I Ii ill . A t tlii- moment of her IiiIoiimohI htii 1 1 ny . when the urchin wan iIoIiik hln level hei-t to felt'li Innocence, n 1 1 11 mI t-n I Miinller iniiililo tlroiM'i from hli pok ! ami roileil ihtohs tin- llHr after IM liia!e. That hi ttleil It. Alinslieil nml shrink In;;, the culprit rami' forwnnl. At the enmiiialnl to remove every article In his jMicketx he honltatctl. Ile hei out ii.'iIiikI this UlieXIMw'teil oiitniKe Umi 11 saci eil I lint 1 1 nt t ii lis Ioiik nn he lare!, hll' U'forc tho hlrch rod henan Its fell work the urchin Huhinllteil. Ills flrt hainlful eonta Ined threi? pliis-s of copper win ( linulntoil ), one piece (not liiKiiluteil ) , t w ohl purses, 11 miKpemler fnsteiiliiif, eleven strict ear IrnimfeiM nml n llu whistle. As h I'e.lclieil iiKalll n lou of llemllsli Joy eilliie oer his freckhil face. (Hie a I'l I -rle ciime nut. It was a live moiiso. The teacher elllteho.l Imr i-klrts liervoilhly while It was ls'lm reinoveil. Thou the Invostlatloli JiPH'ii'deil. When It was over I ! articles h.".i! 1 o:ne from tho hoy's pockets. They nre eat- lllolleil us follows, U-sllleH tll'lHC Illlll t Ioium : I wo ii eturi ear'ls. one Klioelaeo, one 1 1 1 tohiicco sack, one piece of rlnhon, olio hr iketi watch, four election eanls, one ear ticket, sevin tnhacii' eanls, two foh.ieco taj;s, one tin monkey, 0110 llsli lumk, one mirror (hroken), one pen! mirror, one wioilen nx, one Ihnillan pin, two Hi rews, one nidhiT washer, 0111; IkIukIiihs t arl, two huttons, thirty seven aate ntnt.es, si-von inarliles, two Imok, one toliacin coiijMin, throe pieces of orailKo I'eel, two hlalil; flirt rhinos. Olio lo.uleil fiirtrhlo, three nrks, 0110 poll ell, two matches, one key, half n fl(ii rot to, one puncliil iietiny. one hwket, two raisins, one hroken eolnh, one cufT j pin ami 11 ploiv of fautly. Now Vork Times. ai pi'tlti! ii'l dnll'lii tip td linl" nynt'Tn. It ruren that tin d f .-wJInif ami lmki-i the wink nl run if. In 1111ml liiidl form nrln i tincritntcij tadliit kiiowu an Sarsatahs. Vh doHna tl. Tho farina of thi I'nileil Slnten rover WII.'MI.IKMI n'Tis, lilel -ai;loy nearly 1,.",IS)SSI people. riTp St. V tun' f I I 0 IH-rrrmiiftlit Si-rv.. Ki-ninriT- liftni- ftnd nil Ni rvmni ntly ciiri-il liy I'r. KIiik-'r OriHl . Kl.nitr.rr I- III I: I2lrlftl Imltl- Kn'l In-ftllwi. J.'r. H. JLKIIo. ,lL,.;l A rrli St., 'blift..l'ft. Tin tnlnl commerce of shout :,.VX),KK a yi-nr. AbyNiiiiiia in I'll r$ tURrO IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. I'AZ'i nlN'IXIKNT In !! nun-nl I to euro ntry in-'- i.l IrdliiK, Miii'l, dlf 'liiiK or prolrii'linK (illi In ii t i J I iU or money ri luieli '1. Vkt. Jn prim-up nn) (teriiiMiix have the Mime avenge hrniii weight. CASTOR 1 A I'tfr Infants and Children. Th9 Kind Yea II2V0 A!v;sys Bought Hoars tho Blt;iiiituro of Nearly on tliinl of tho 31,00 Inhab itantH of ( Tevelttail, Ohio, were Ixirn in ICuiop. OOD TOE SOURCE OF ALL DISEASE Ivvcry part of the body Is tlcpetnlcnt on the Wooil for nourishment nnd ntrrti";th. When this life fctrenm is flowing through the system in a state of 1 unity nnl richness we ore nsstircJ of icrfcct and nniutcrni)teJ health; -ei anso pure tlood In nature's snfe-guam against disease. When, however, the body is fed on weak, Impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of its strength, disease genus collect, nud the trouble is manifested in various ways, l'ustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skin affections chow that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too much ocid or the presence of eome irritatintr humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., ore all decp-eeatcd blood disorders that will continue to grow worse as loop; xs the poisou remains. These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood in various ways. Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the ftvenucs of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and form uric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Coining in contact with contagious diseases is mother cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and microbes of Malaria into our lunrrs, and when these get into the blood in Buflicicnt quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Had blood is the source of nil dis ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to Buffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely ana permanently cures uiooa diseases 01 every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so thorough that hereditary taints are removed and weak, diseased blood made strong and liealthy so that disease cannot remain. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Mood Toison. etc.. and does not leave the Plightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely harmless to any part of the svstem. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class fltOH fctorcs. liook ou the blood and any medical advice free to nil who write. Ilarr flkrlrfon la Found. There arrived In this city last week for the Museum of Nat urn I History tho skeleton of a loxolophiMloii. It was unearthed In southern Wyoming, where the K'reat hoiiHt run mod In lare min ders ninny centuries ngo, hy an ex pedition sent out from tho museum hy Professor Walter (iraiiKer. Speaklnjf of tho success uttcudliix tho search, Professor (JranuKor said: "Wo found the skeleton of the lar Rost mammal living at tho time and for which wo made careful Ron roll. This huco mammal was known ns tlie lo.io lophodon, a in I it 11 re of elephant and rhinoceros. It had six horns two 011 or.uous ones In the hack of tho skull, two smaller ones over tho eyes and two rudimentary horns 011 the tip of tho noso. "Wo ohtnlnod nil Interesting lot of tho skeletons of tho tltaiiothores, n Kinnller nnlmnl than the Inst; numer ous specimens of tho enrvnrn, Infitld Intf the largest of the tlino, tho inosii nyx ; ninny rodents, or squirrel-like inamiuals; somo of the earlier ontnel llke, oven toed, hoofed niiimmals; nn nchonedon, one of tho very lnrgp, even tootl nnl:nnls, with plgliko tooth and feet and 1111 early prliuato like the le murs, iiothnretus. In all wo ohtnlnod too species It; the Wnshnklo hasln, 100 In the IlrhU'OH hnsln ami forty In tho Wiihsntch hnsln." Now York Tribune. $300,000 Cjpitjl Stock. $200,000 deposited witt Inj. Drpt of MichifiQ UNITED STATES HEALTH & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Ol .-ttgiiiaw, Michigan. WRITE TODAY a-k I tiir hImiui our jrtnlar one dollar a month plan that ay aerl'lrntnl ilcnt h fticl Hcriili'iit ami Mrk inilciiifiity. ovt Kyi' anil or'U.atioii. All die.iiies on tin- 1'acitle I'oaM paiil through the first National Bank of Portland. R. L ALDRICH, Mgr. Western Office 209-210 Marquam Bldg. Portland, Ortgoi Many Afflicted Country People R re coming to tin for treat tnt'iit ami rt'turniiiK noun? ctinMl. We jrf'rma iH-ntlv atil j'Tornptlv curt Inilies turn, lUirutiiRtiMii, all i'rivale anl Wimtiiij; lMM-at. Nervous IMor di'rs, I'iM'RM'n of Wnnn'ii ami ChiM n, Kfzt'ina, Hlood, Sk in and rhroliir iJiseaseM. No niHtU-r what your 1 rou hie may be, come to hee us. Free Ciosultatioa and Eiimuutioo. New York Surgical and Medical Institute Ptrminrntlv Located at Cornrr of Sixth and Uij'a) Waihiniton St.. Portland, Or. The Wonderful Chlnrnr, lilt; Osh, emperor of China nml founder of tho Itlnp; dynnsty, wns fa inous for the tiumher of things In whh'h he nntlc Ipated our proRent elvlllzntlon. One day, nfter tdttlnir nwhilo In deep thought, lie enllod his equerry to him. "Ilnrnoss NMagnrn," ho eoniiiianded, briefly. And It wns done. Of course. It Is with tic Invidious wish to detrnct from tho splendor of this achievement, Inerodlhle its It un doubtedly Rooms, thnt we ndd the fur ther fact that Niagara wns the euipiir or'a old bny inn re. Tuok. All lila Oivu, Yes," snld Woodby, "this Is niy cont-of-nrins." "Hy tho wny," reninrked G addle, "do you know thnt Sneerwell lins Uen tell ing everybody that It's not really your coat-of-nrins nt nil?" "The Idea ! Why, I designed It my solf." Philadelphia Tress. PURELY VEGETABLE Slltrht ItUlake. "Walter, what does this nieunT Twenty-flve francs for two hard boiled "Very sorry, sir. Slight mistake, str. I've given you the bill Intended for tho Anierlenu nt tho next table," l'elo Mole. nirda of a Feather. Mouqulu How do you like the weather tliese daysT Heaurejard Exceedingly disagree able, Mouquln And how Is your wife? Ilenurejurd The same, thank you, Le Klre. Hard to Shake OS, Hewitt Ho sticks closer than a brother. Jewett Yes j he sticks like a church debt. Woman's Home Comimd.-lon. II HOLD UP! ! and consider ri"EH POMMEL LIKE ALL VWTERfROOF CLOTHING. lsmadf of the best milmaliinliiackorrllow ftMrantfd.and sold rriiiSf dwkrs vrrwhrf tir STICK TO THE SIGN OF THE FISH A little elderly (Jermnti who keopa a atntlouer's shop nrmiw-n mid Interen's hlmwlf by making up stories about his eilKtoiiiem mid telling them to his fain Ill'. "Iat young lady who has df pink cheeks, she be married soon, I t'luk," he aiuiolltlfcd one lilKht. "Now, my I'nrl, you know not tings nt her whateffer. Is It not so?" mid his wife tried to look ns If she did not think I1I111 n wonderfully clever man. "It U like dls," said the stationer. m leintily. "I observe, nnd I know. At first "lie buy paper nnd envelopes do an tiie; later she huy twhe ns more paper, and den five tl'nes as more paper iis envelopes. So I know she Is hi romo betrothed. ' "And today," he snld, beaming with phanure, "today she huy only one half dozen envelopes mid five times ns more paier; and when I tell her sin get dein ehoajM'r If she buy runny, alio s;ij to me, 'I have no need of more, t'nrik you.' so I know do friend he oomes soon, mi'l so comes de marriage on quickly." Mori" than I lO.OOO.IKK) worth of ort inx xoo'li were sold in the United States last year. VThe Jar of Coughing Hammer blows, steadily ap plied, break the hardest rock. Coushinc, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs ji until trie ncaitny tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. "T lwy kcop fr' fhrri Pucfiml In th hnii. It iovp iirfrt tv1 Hr Imnnver ftnf of lit li;v.l nilili. i.r I'liril rolilt. hftvll u'! it f"r yri-t mnny jr;ira kih! an know nil nlvnit it." Man. MaiiV oiikktba.i, Vara burn. N. V. A alado bvi.CH T-r Co , rxwll, Malta. Aiao manufaaturara ot 7 StRSAPABJLLA. PILLS. ha:r virion. ijers biliousness, constipation retard re covery. Curo theso with Ayor's Pit's.. m . yr''i -uiiviilK oinrH'i'a. r-fr'iin'fi pn fn: in. I, hi! v-r. 1. n1. f I : f him, .'livei. 7 ; oM, ftiil pr.." Itt mnt oa ut-pllrfttli.n. UUi aUaUiat. ; Zlrif or up1 Hfl'l Control rimJ I tii- ( atXUjIal 2ttf- FRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, Registered; SHORTHORN CATTLE, Registered J BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACIFIC NURSERY CO. Catalogue Free. Tangent, Oregon wr'i sz-i a ': f W.'f U 1 CROPS NEVER FAIL' In 'h" I -r Snnkf l'allr, Ilatio, wher- ;.ri,mn M i,.i i -.ii (, iiijt v li nn-nt -k-r ar- alr-a-l v ;. fttd. iMMK'ft B'T- n uihU- lop rl, irrtcu-i f lanil mill nv.tlt ih- t'-i!ltfr. I h h t a l lt wa r-i valley In tli world. J- tii"t v Iniatf; rho cn frtiti ; 1 i tti-i criiiiN of rain. nlfulfA ar o if. Uio in vt-fj in Hiiitar iacioru. w K. II. t-xie r hum lo Yiluwi'iif ytTii ; hm rountry of vtw. r 'uri.w. A It ton startfHi Jan. 1, a rccori drciiaier. rit- lor imrl rtilnr. C. C. MCIOICK It K A I, KSTATK COMI'ANV ht. Antlionjr antl Aahtuu, Idaho. AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Mu'le In all i ylw and a 1 slze. ip wtr am! oil anywhere, lnt Iirllllug Tunis n ade. ii"t caiu lia unci prlci-. BEALL & CO. 321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or. i have atoo't the trst for orer v years. anl are an 11 iu the leal. Their atiaolute certainty of trrowth, their uticoitiinonlr large yir'n'.a of delicioua Tretal.les and beautiful flowera, make them the moht . reliable and the moat popular every- where, boiil by ail uealera. 1907 fceed Annual free on request. D. U. FERRY A CO., V '4 Detroit. Mich. f- FOR WASHING WINDOWS Use hoi water and 20 Mule Team Borax wip dry and polish with old newspaper. All ilcak"-. Sample. Souvenir Picture in 10 coin r nil tnKik let .-h', ami di'ttli-rs name. Ad dn l'A im coAsT UOKAX t'O .Oakland.t'al P. N. U No. 7-07 WHEN writing; to advertiaera pleaa inenlii'D thla paper. I k. WIHIl Wl 111. I 'ZT1 BftllO TOWTH CANADIAN COLiHtTTa A.JTOWCN M TrUONTD. CAM ?TVH nw u a t." Harvesting Dollars is possible if the seed be judiciously planted. Southern Alberta, Canada, has denmn-trated beyond a doubt that it is the greatest cereal growing country on tho continent, and "Alberta Red Wheat" grown there took both the Gold and tronze medals at the Portland Exposition. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has 3.000,000 acres of the best of land, irrigable and non-irrigable, just eat of Cal gary, Alberta, which they are selling at from 112 to $15 per acre for non-irrigable and f IS to $25 per acre for irrigable. Lands sold by them three months ago at these prices are now now being held by the purchasers at $50 per acre and upwards. The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just aa certain as the harvesting of cereals. If you are interested drop a card to the address below for literature fully describing the opportunity of the uge. The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company, Ltd. 54 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. SALES DEPARTMENT. CANADIAN PACIflC RAILWAY. IRRIGATED LANDS Be sure to mention this paper when writing. J W SWIFT SPLCMC CO., ATLANTA, CA First Impressions of deutul students lire seldom the best. The Spencer discovery since EVERY FARMER SHOULD READ THIS Seedless Apple is the greatest the seedless orange. It is a marvel in apple culture. No seeds, no core, no waste; rich red color; commercial size; good shipper; excellent flavor; splendid keeper; a market leader; no bloom, frost proof. WRITE TODAY For free booklet and particulars. Splendid in ducements to agents. The Spencer Seedless Apple Co. MAIN OFFICE 414 American National Bank Bldg., Everett, Washington.