Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 13, 1907, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Fanning Interests of this Community.
NO. 2
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Map Showing proposed ihni;e in county line between Lane and Douglas Counties-
pen hc any inconvenifMK.-e on ( count
of the diHlfiYice which is almobt
doulilo what it is to tho Lane countv
The Oictfon Soutli Ivastern rail
road is now built and operating its
line in tranMortin'' ores, rawen-
Kers, mailH and supplieH to and
irom the JVjheiniu niiDos and onlj
lacH about six milf;H of track to
complete the road to its terminus at
Uonita, Oregon.
Lane county . and ulwavH hiiH
lcn the baso of o)orations and
Hupplifs for tlie entire Uohcmia din
trict. U'e feel that it in imporfrnt tht
tno roads sliould n under one syp
t"m and Hiipet visor.
In the matter of survey f.r U. S
patents and the filing of lrgal docu-iiM-ntH
the cxitiric bouiidurv lioe
has causnd great inr-onveuienco and
exptiiwe from tlm fact that many of
the mining propcities are divided
hv thiH liiii-, tlnrehy making it
iiecofsar.v to lile records in both
Lane und I) niglas counties.
The iimpoNed change of line has
Il'mi a )voeatl lv the mine own-rs
of Bohemia, for sever al years and
we sincerely trust tlmt the bill now
pending beloie the State IgMat ns
"ill receive favorite a tion.
Very Truly Yours
L N. Konkv, Pres.
Lumbermen and Shippers Meet in
Cottage Grove.
The meeting of Lumbermen and
Shippers held Teh. '.Hh in th rooms
of the Commercial Club was rnllpd
to order by Pres. Hinds of the club
at : o'clock p. m
C. P
I'red Russell, Chambers Lumber
Co.; Henry Fischer, Brown Lum
ber Ojmpany; V. C. Watrous,
Morris McKibben, McKibben Bro?.
Lumber Co.: J. 15. Hopkins Eu
gene Lumbar Co.: Cieo. Tavlor
I laytor L.umOer Co.; Cbas. K.
iSpauiding, Spaulding Logging Co.;
Tones, secretary of the Huh ?p.BU,?'n& aPftu'ag tW.,nK Co
stated the object of the meeting fol- KrV n ,,?',T ?t u'
loned by T. K. Campbell with re- E'. Dunn Wildwood Lumber
i. .1 1 .1 . 'Co. J. n. McGladvs. Mnhatut
Lumber Co. ; Geo. Gerlinger. Wil
lamette Lumber Co.
Meeting adjourned subject to call
of the chairman.
marks showing why the meeting
was called and explaining the situ
ation as he saw it at Salem. On
motion Geo. Cornwall. C. H. Burk-
hoi ler and J. B. Hopkins were
added to the committee on resolu-tionM.
Meeting adjourned until evening.
KVKNING session.
Meeting was called to order by
Pres. Hinds, T. K. Campbell was
elected chairman and C. P. Joues,
Jr. Secretary.
AU Churchill and Elza Holder
man are working on oue of Mr.
Churchill's properties.
'r I. r L' .
rj 1 .1 , i iuc ureu oeeuruies lyompany
1 ( Pfframs niiM lottery rrcm ranA ..... f J
, . , are Bteadiiy pushing on the work
from some of the Senators and Itep. frcm fhe Jhampion Basin side.
- itv,.-J 1. i v;l( uj i i a -J LI IL1 i'C I
In Ixdialf of tho inine owiiri" and
miners of tho Boh mia Mining Dm.
triot, I wish to jxiint out a few lu ts
and reasons why we want, and
should have our pet tion granted
relative to uniting our litru t in
one county.
We say, nut us in Lano Countv
not becauae of any prejudice against
louglas county or 111 favor of Lane
The ofllcials of both counties have
always been courteous and consid
erate in matters referred by us to
We aay put us in L.ino County
becauae we oro mostly in that
county, and many of our claims ex
tend into both counties, and main
workings or uuutli of tunnels,
boarding houses und mills am in
Lane county and by present boun
dary lino the face of the tunnel is
in Douglas, thus leadirg to compli-
canons in many ways, i lie dis
tance and condition of tho roa Is nre
much more in favor of Eugene as a
county seat than Roueburg.
There is no road of any kind di
rect to Itosehiirg except oy travel
Jng over liime county roads, which
is only 17 miles to the O Sr S. 1.
railroad (now building into the dis
trict) hence bv railway to Cottage
urove, anil rj miles soutli to
lloseburg or 21 miles north to lin
gerie, or if we have to transacl
business on both ends of our claims
we must go both north and .nouth.
Owing to the good condiliou of
Lone County roads into tho district,
and tho coming railroad, we can
see no chango probable, in favor of
Rosebuigever becoming more no
cessablo to those of us having busi
ness at the county, Beat, for it
would be a loug and expensive
road to give us any kind of an out
let in I)ougla9 County.
The principal improvements are
in Lane County, whore 1 tic groater
part of the taxes will bo paid and
the money for tho improvements of
roads has and will come from la
borers; and mluers ure caused a
hardship by boing compelled when
necessary to collect claims to go so
far and often flies in two counties.
The smull area asked out of
Douglas County is very small. We
do not know that that county has
ever epent a cent for impro- einents
iu the territory osked, nor has there
accrueu any material benetit in
taxes or otherwise to suid Douglas
county, (we understand taxes not
to exceed $150.00 per annum has
been collected by that county.)
We foot that while it is vory im-
fiortant to us, we ure asking but
ittle. In fact the blight change
works no hardships or b?uefit to
anyone except the mine owners in
the district, and really is necossary,
to define just where the county line
n in aany places. The chaDge
a-ked cut-, out a ragged line and
gives a b linito straight line bound
ary. Thir is nt a liugeno or Lane
couiiIn niuve, it is a rcqucs? of the
mine owners oi tho district, a pe
tition adopted by the Bohemia Mine
Owners' Association and si'Miod bv
- n j
all th" members asking for this
( hango his been forwarded to the
This association is not composod
o those who t-'me and go, every
nu iubi r is a initio owner and have
ih betterment of conditions of tho
distiict at heart mi I pocket.
The writer is manager and prin
cipal owner of two largo mining
companies owning '" claims all in
I'ouglas county. Has expended
many thousand dollars on these
properties and live thousand on
road woik to connect theso Douglas
county properties with the Lane
county roud, the only outlet from
the district.
I also control mid mauage an
other niii.iitg company, owning six
teen chims partly in Lane and part
ly in Douglas county, all buildings
and mills ate iu Lane county,
though tho winers at tho end of tun
nel are working in Douglas county.
I represent interests owning over
1(100 acres in the district, all inter-
are alive, nil properties upon which
development is boing pushed as
rapidly as nioiuy can semi it-
I join the niit:? owuors otthe dis
trict in asking you to .set into Lue
county tho small amount of terri
tory as tdiown in plat, from Douclas
county, thereby greatly reducing
some of tho cilhculties we are under
in trying to develop this part of the
state. V. T. Hakd.
Kditor Nugokt: I am heartily
in favor of the proposed change
in the lines of Lane and Douglas
counties, whereby all of the Bo
hemia Mining Districts will be in
L,ane county.
I hove been mining iu the die
triot for over five voars.
v -
I represent the Bohemia Gold
Mining Company, which has ex
pended about $lo,ooo and the
Crystal Consolidated Mining Com-
pany, wuicit nas expended about
..r)o,ooo iu tho district.
Tho Bohomia Gold Mining Co.
owns fourteen claims, ten of which
are Jin Lauo county and four in
Douglas countv. The Crystal Con
solidated Mining Co. owns ten min
ing claims, nine of these are in
Lane county and one iu Douglas
Cottage Grove is the natural
gateway to the Bohenm district.
Lane county has spout considerable
sums of money on the wagon road
from Cottage Grove to Bohemia.
It often happens that we have to
record location certificates, deeds
and mortgages to the name claim in
both counties.
The eoonty seats of these two
counties are over seventy miles
apart. Thus we are put to a great
deal of expense, time and annoy
ance iu filiDg papers of our mining
It often happens as in the case cf
the Music, Champion, Vesuvius
and other mines. That tho tunnels
are stoited from tho surface in one
county, and their interior end or
face in the other county. If a
miotr is hurt in quo of theso tun
nels and wants to begin suit for
damages it is a question, in which
county be was injured, and as it is
indefinite whero the dividing line is
in some parts of the difetrict, expn
sive litigation is liable to arise.
I own one mining claim and I do
not Know wnat county it is in. It
lies between two ridges and either
one of them could be taken ns the
dividing line between the two coun
Douglas county has not biilt one
root or wagon road within the
limits of the district. The mine
owuers have built over eiuht miles
of wagon road within the limits of
Douglas county at a cost of over
liven if Douglas county should
ouuu a wagon road from Oakland
or It08ebur: to the district it
would be used but vory little and
would not be of aoy practical value
to the mines.
A railroad runs from Cottage
Grove to within 17 miles of tho
center of the district and all of the
freight to and from tho mines will
always iro bv that route. For these
reasons I am heartily in favor of
me proposed cuange.
Gko. W. Li-ovd
Kim Ton Bohemia Nl';cht-
Dear Sir; You woik in behalf of
I he proposed change in the south
ern boundary line of Lane County
by which the Bohemia Mioiug Dis
trict will be all included in one
couuty, is ia line with the b-.'st in
terest of the district.
The location of the veins iu rela
tion to tho main summits of the
ridge dividing the two counties of
Lane and Douglas, is such that
many of the leading properties of
the camp lie partly in each county.
In some cases the mine is in Doug
las County and the reduction works
and camps are 10 Lane County..
The advantages that would re
sult and community of interests
that would bo promoted bv havin"
the camp nutted in one county,
would greatly assist iu its develop
ment. I sincerely hop that this
may be accomplished and I believe
the proposed chauges will accomo-
plish the desired result to the best
interests of the district.
Yours Sincerely,
A. B. Wood,
Manage r Oregon Security Co.
Hd. Ni'ooi vr: I owu mining
claims in both Lane and Douglas
counties in Bohemia Mining Dis
trict. It is a lnconvonienrp
to have our properties divided in
two counties
I can not seo anv reason why
Douglas countv can lav anv claim
w j - J
to a part of Bohemia as against the
owners ot the ground 111 question:
all desire to be uuited in one countv
and Lane county with Eugeue as
the county feat is the onlv reason-
11 ...
auie way to accomodate the miners
and mining compauies eporatiug in
t- 1 r . . . ...
isouenua. 1 nope tho liegisiature
will pass the bill to unite Bohemia
iu Lane county.
Gko. MeOrKi'N
of shippers expressing their regret
ut not being able to attend.
Chairman Campbell then an
nounced th it l he club bad made
Day and night shifts ore running
the cross-cut tunnel at the Vesuvius
from the Wild Hosr depn f tn
- 0 r - vr
... .t 1
1, ,, .. , . 1 i'uif-1 vfnih uuu are Dreoariue'
the call for the meeting, thnt it wms I .. i, i y 1
c the way for a Iirge production of
now proper for those present to ef-L . ' , ' . ,
r 11 . lore wl.en the we.itnpr o-cn uttlpd
Editor Bohemia Nugget,
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
liKAR Cmr: Witli reforonce to
the matter of changinj? the Lane
Douglas line as proposed in a bill
now pending uetore the Legislature
we will sav that the North Fairview
Mining Co. is a heavy owner of
property in both Douglas and Lane
counties and we urgently advocate
tne proposed change for the follow
ing reasons:
The miners and citizens of Lane
county have worked for years de
veloping the Bohemia Mining Dis
trict,, tuey wttu aid Irom the Lane
countv court, have exnrndpH nvor
$75,ooo.oo in building roads and
Drtdgea leading into the district in
addition to the hundreds of thou.
sands of dollars that they have
spent m developing their mining
properties and ttiev should be af
torued every lacuity and conven
lence to aid them in their work.
rrt . .t .
inai mere is no road and no
practical means of travel from the
district into uougias couuty.
Practically all miniuc claims and
propet ties situated in the territory
in question are owned or operated
oy persons residing- in Lane countv
and all business transacted at the
Douglas rountv seat must Ka ,1mm
j - - - -w wssuv
at a very ooDsiueraoic addittoualex
En Ncuuet: I am not in favor of
robbing any man to pay another, or
any county to enrich its neighbor
countv. But the Bohemia Minincr
District is so geographically situated
inai it is Put little value to Douglas
county and would be of inestimat-
able value to Lane county, s al
communication to and from th
district is by railroad and wagon
road from Cottage Grove in Lane
countv. Hence it will be well to so
change the dividing- line to include
all the District in Laue couuty. I
own mine properties in tho District
in botn counties, have mined and
been familiar with the District for
many years.
W. W. Oui,eshy.
U. of 0. Students Visit Southern Ore
Prof. Terril of the University of
Oregon with eight students from
tne department ot mines at the
University started Mondav for a
week of practical experience at the
mines. They went to Jacksonville-.
Oregon, whore they will visit the
Opp mine and make a study of
actual work in underground sur
veying, oti their return will visit
the groat power plants 'on Kogua
Rivor and from Oranti Bass will go
up Louse Creek to the Grauit Hill
mine where another opportunity
will be given to see underground
feet an orL'anizition. C I Howard
read the following resolutions which
were on motiou adopted --
Kksoi.vo), That it is the sense of
this meeting ot Shippers and Lum
bermen of Central Oregon, rep
resenting 150 mills, that we unani
mously endorse House Bill No. 2,
known as the Chupiu Bill, now be
fore the Legislature of the State of
Oregon for adoption; as agreed up
on by the joint committe of the
House an l Senate- B it further
Rhsoi.vkd, That it is the sense of
this meeting that the Chapin Iliil
roud Commission Bill bo treated as
a purely business measure.
Wherk ys. The Southern Pacific
Company have again sounded the
death knell to the lumber industry
of Central Oregou by advancing the
freight rates on lumber from the
Willamette Valley to California an 1
bay poiUs fron $0.17 pr thousand
feet to $8.3.' per thousand feet, thus
again assertiug the all powerful and
domiuatmg influence of the Hani-
man system from which the helpless
shij pers have no means to redress,
Wiukkas, The people aud indus
tries of Oregou have aheady con
tributed large sums of money iu ex
cess ot a fair and reasonable interest
on the bonded iudebetedness and
watered stocks of the railroads iu
Oregon, which has made it possible
during the past six months for Mr.
Ilarrimiu to acquire over $100, 000
000 of stock iu the Illinois Central,
the Baltimore & O do, the New
Yoik Central, the Atchinsou, the
Chicago it Northwestern, the Chi
cago, Milwaukee it St. Paul, and
the St. Joseph and Grand Island
Kailroads, an 1
Whi reas, The larger portion of
this vast sum was yvruu"? from the
people of Oiegon to further gratify
the overweaning ambition of Mr.
Harriman, he now seeks to impose
a still greater tax on the importaut
industries tntmtary to his sys'em.
1 hertfore, be it
Resolved. That it ia the sense of
this meeting that a committee be
appointed to wait on the iiarnmau
traffic officials and demaud that the
$ rate be maiutained. The
committee to report to the Corner-
cial Club of Cottage Grove the re
suit of its labors. And further be it
Kesolvh), That the terrible am
bition of Mr. Harriman. and the
methods by yvhich lie puts that am-
union mto operotiou, must be
T. II. Chambers, A. C. Dixon
ai d J. T. Kinnev were named bv
the chuii man as the committee to
carry the appeal for help to the
traffic officials of the Herrman lines,
as per resolutions adopted.
Ou motion of C. II. Buikholder,
a vote of thanks yvas given the
Line County delegation at Sulem
for the stand the v have taken on
the railroad legislation
A general discussion ot mutters
at issuo was ireely indulged iu by
those present. Mr. Geo. Cornwall
of tho Pacifio Timberman. Portland
delivered an address of interest.
Iho following committeo was up-
poiuted to take action towards the
organization of a permanent associ
ation for the protection aud pro-no
tion ot the lumber industries of the
Willamette Valley,
J. 11. Chambers. A. 0. Dixon of
the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., J. J.
iveeney, Leona MiMs Lumber Co.;
Ivld JenKs and lien Curry
working on their contract at
Golden Slipper property.
Beub Thorn and Clarence
working at the Royal Flush.
Dick White is getting ahead with
his tunnel.
Charley Otterson is running two
shifts at the Oregou-Colota do tun
nel and reports splendid showing of
Wo'k is going on at the Bohemia
Queen mine.
Sherman Clark and brother are
at the Combination.
Bill George is making good head
way with his contract on the Bos
ton group.
F- J. Hard is in Salem today to
meet with the commutes on couuty
lines relative to the desired change
in the Bohemia Mining district.
Jack Klofenstino has goue to
Nevada with a number of other
miners for the winter.
Notice of Annual Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meetiug of the stockholders
of North Fairview Mining Co. will
be held at the office of the company
No. 450 Willamette street, Eugene,
Oregon, ou Monday, February 18,
1qo7, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of electing five directors to
serve for tlie ensuing year.
Hekbkrt Leigh, See.
Cottage Grove Local in a Smashup.
The Cottage Grove local leavlug
hero a 5:10 Thursday morning, ow
ing to a very heavy fog, went
against the rear end of a freight
train at Junction C ty. No one was
injured beyond a few bruises the
fireman received from jumpiug from
his engine. The engiue was put
out of service and the regular ca
boose al6o an extra that was attached
to tho freight train were bith splin
tered to kindling wood. Two brake
men were asleep in the caboose and
escaped uuhurt. Several people
from here were on the passenger.
The Chapin Bill.
The Chapin bill passed the Houeo
Monday evening with the proviso
that appointment be made by the
board Governor. Secretary of
State and State Treasurer. The
Senate will have somethiug to aay
Deiore it Becomes a law.
The contest at the Opera House
Feb. ( was one which was a credit
to the W. C T. U-, and especially
to Mrs. DeSpain who has yvorked so
hard in the L. T. L. The program
as rendered showed that a cood
deal of yvork bad been done bv the
coutestaut and trainers. Mrs. De-
Spain is doing a good work in Cot
tage Grove in the Loval Temner-
ence Legion and the parents of this
city should send their children aud
lend their sympathy to her in what
she is trying to do. The L. T. L.
meets every Thursday at 4 :15 p. m(
at the M. church,