Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 06, 1907, Image 7

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    Whij Refer
to Doctors
Because uc make medicines
for them. Wc give t hem the
formula for Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral, niu! they prescribe it
for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
consumption. They trust it.
Then you can nH'ord to trust
it. Sold for over (0 years.
Aft'i I'linrtr l'rinil U Unit
ti'MINl li Ml 'rrr IhiMm' I ll.iW lli) ft atrwl
i1"it nf it fi l-twl t.Mt l nitil mim
knutt niml m liillt ii -iH-'iim U a I i km
t-.,i if m I too lvi,y."- Mamh I',.
('"III., lli'ht liiltf, Mum.
Aim iitiiuitoiutra or
A MSRTSi .'.".'i'l
vrtr'a fill (.roatly rt'cl the Chorry
PnctCKul In brunklnu up a cold.
. i
On Wat.
Fl lliiyiimw (ilinme it ticket t' Klnli- i
tuvv ii. tnl t I'. j
A cent tin- wn v ?
M II imiiihv Why. nf rntire, y' (l'ii-i, i
ft! It. 'I Ihtc'h only out- ;iy f i
tow ii. 'I oIihi.i r.iiuif. i
Deafness C mi not He Cured
tv Infill n 'i ' 1' Mt i tin n n I hr y inn ml ten ft t tin
tll-ia-.-.! i f f ii ii 4ii l i.i' inr 'I l e . I' l i n ! i 'in)
ity o i 'i i r a in B. ni.d ' l at It y i .i."tl i u- :
tiniml ri-iio' lie, lea-m m In i hii. ! I hn lit- I
f I tt l il 1 1 I'.'lidlt ii .M nf l t.i- h. in -II ft II li III K i I
I ii inr It lull I ul i' I in (hi til1 hi In I it I'ii tin I !
v "il It it a r it in i l ' ti k fti it ml i r I :n iit r I et l hear. I
In IT. II it 1 1 IN If ti 1 1 I -t r u '. I t I v I' I' d , 1 it'Hl 1 1 t it n I
ti.f r.-nu'.i, m il n,.!i tin i ti i; h in m ii' inn inn lit
In rn nut u;i'l tt i itil.e in ! ml to Its in
I't 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 Ii , I . i' it ' 1 1 1 1 Will l.ii ili-rttii.M'il t.-i-wr;
liiii t n-'-n "ii t ( till nre rit'ii.'l l.y littnrrll. J
til' Il III II "1 1. 1 II fcf I lit All Hll.N 1 1 ifi I till It! lull of j
llii- li. II' H'l IMI I . HI t ft I
W it w 1 1 1 ir i i iiii- I ! tiiiilfi' 1 IndUr Inr nn r
rnaui'i I't it it i ft. ii.'' I t.v i at - r i e 'i (
in 't i i i ! i. I t ) 1 1 nil n i mr i a i mi', m il: Inr
Cut tilm :n i-
I I l II KS I V ,t l l ., 'loledu, O.
r-.-M I t I1 it .; I- 1-. . . .
lin.l I mi. I.) I li ft mui tlil lust.
'I lift llllllmrhlltla' klnrl,
The f . iiii. 1-T t.r Hi,- Iiuilii lill.l fiun-
IK, Am- ln-l M-.m-h K..I Iih.'IiiI.I, k t li
cii.H t ' nt l.'il.' .1 it !im t -or Ji'W
inIi 'lit 1 1 it r I i'. i nil Tnl l on ill.- Mini, lit'
full' IlllN mIUi VVIIH lll-till.V I'll It It'll
(llll'l l I lll'll' t ' till- 11. Hill' UlltllS, illM I
Aiiik-'Ik'I !.-: 1 1 itNo In ttiiliisil ti--, nil
;.i'iii. ii til nil H"M u tnl allvcr. Ilo
nnti. M.nt-r Aiiim lifl. wiih burn In 17 1.'
i.n.l .11. -.1 In IM'J. llr. likt- hi fjlli.r.
C-Hlt llllll-ll III I lit' I'lllll llllHlllfNH. Ill till'
i-inH'M- of lilt ruin IhihIiii-mk In ttu't II
i.:if. lur. tin court liunLi-r to tin- l.iitt.1
(;iMf of ll.'nw. TIiIh ItBiiki-r wii" no
liuiri-HMi liy Ikl .iy it'h luinliifii nlilllty
Hint he luniifil lilui inoiicy for Iiivi-nI
ini'iit. nn. I It Hun lu I li Im wiiv Hint tin-I-r
. 1 1 1 l.iinklic fi''"' "f ltt liHthllJ wan
4Ntnl.lUhi'.l. i:lilT Miilttltly.
Keep tle K dney Wei and tha Kid
ney Will Kaep You Well.
Sirk, mifli-riiiK', liiii'tiitl woiiii-ii iiri
li ai titiiK' tli1' I r,u' l"t'l 1'tK'ks ii r i 1
Im t 'lint tlll'lll.
MtM. W. ii. lhiviH, of
( irui-hln-fk, 'I'i-x..stiyn:
"l'iii'kai'lii') hurt me
no I f.nil.l Imr'lly
htuii.l. .vh-IIh of .lir
jtiiifHS mill hii'U Itt'iiil-
.li i o w
M urlti-H wt-rc fi'iin-lit
y " i . t . . i .
it ml i ni it. '111111 in i in'
kl.lin-vrt him irri'ti
Inr. So. hi nfU r I In--
1 1. 1 1 tnkin INuiu'm Ki.hx-y I'illn I .iissi'.
hi'ivriil irrnvi-l ntniH-H. 1 i;ot wi'll ami
tin' Iroiilili- luirt hot rttiirniil. My I nick
in t-'.i'iil nml Hiroii Bin I my p-m-rnl
lii-iihli ln-ltir."
Sulil I iy nil li-iilcrn. fiO cciitF h Ikix.
I'usirr-Milliiirii Co., Htiffalo, N. Y.
-J A 7.-- -.,,.,' .' '
AN'eCctable PrepM-alionfor As
slmilalinj tlicFinxlaniinctfuIa
tiiig the 5toinnck aivdUowcls of
Tromolcs DigcalioivChperPuI
ncss and ncst.Contains neilltcr
Opium. Morphine norMiiuuraL
Slx SmJt
Apcrfecl Remedy forConsllprt
Tion, Sour Stomach, I) iarrhocn
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcnsh
ncss and Lobs of Sleet.
FacSuiuU Si'trvlur of
T".. . M--r.''rt.d1.2,.'
nothing llfilna.
It wnn n ilull iiioi'mIiik In Hit jvitl'-o
court, nml I lit' nic u; I l i ii 1 i-. ii Iipih-iI li t
of loiii; nIiiimIIiil'. mil In IiIn clmlr look -
llU' llllo HJ ill ''. A il Imilii'r WIIH lil 'HIL'Ilt
Ih'I'iiIi- IiIui hihI tin- JiiiIIi t'liill li lull. 1. 1 II
f - tin rx'.
"Ilil.nlciilr.1, l-li?" iiltt.-n-( tin-
ciiiirt. nli'.i-iit inlmli'illy.
"VfH, your lionor," ii'lnillli-.l tin' prln
"An you lufirrlcilV" nnk-l iihikIn-
rn t ...
"o," win tin- ri-pl.v.
"'I'lii-n wlmt cxi'iin' 1o yon linvi?"
ilcilliltl. It-'l till' I'liltt. liH-rliillili'lllly
f 1 1 1 1 1 1 tC IIh- i-oiniiill iih-iiI J i:t r.
A tltli-r inn oMT llii- nn 'lli'iii' nml
tin' nut kI"I in ti- iiinir to with a Klnit,
kI'iiii'Ihk n pr'li't!NM ily nt tin m-i.U'I
IT Whin rout I wilt Mil Joilflii-'l, roll
tnir.V to lila iininl riiMtniii. In- rnlli'l
tilt' ll'VHilM-r llll'll lllfnll' t I III.
"Iio you lluil nnyllilitft In w rlti' tliU
ma r 1 1 1 ii s V In- nnl.fl lu ii ili'itrly ni;iir-Ih-iihIvi'
"Nn," wiih tin reply.
Tin' mnliitiHli' lo.'lted ri'lleveil.
'"I'llltt'M Ifnoil Unit Ih I 'nenti I
lltntilit tlit-ii- wrikii't urn tiling wortli
l it Inn." lit- m.i 1.1. New York Sun.
K) I Hr A Oil) IN ONf DAY
Ink.- I A A I I I-. lilt' iM. il IMM I'll. I. It
In 'n iftift iflnli'l t j . 1 1 1 . - II It Inllft Li I'H ri . I.. V
1 1 l;i 1 . n k. nit' u i r u i ti i iti Ii In i . .
II Khfi',
Tttirlir-r Now. liii little liny In lliln
Sntnlitv h. inn tt-il nif uliitl n i in
mill in?
T in v TnlT 'liy. ilni'n Ih nlm)io li-
Itii'il lull" in net up ill for .!' Iiifiik.-
'I'lin ('nlliolie Sl'l!lil.ll-I fill I 'l lllll'il.
lllfTrrriil Khmlrn.
Tim ri-!i'lir.iti-i iiieillmn Mppc,l tliret
llllies on the lilni'1' e.ililliet.
"Anil now, klinl hir." ftli-'1. In
t i'k Vt li'f, -lllt f !i;iile Wtilllil
vntl like Hie to tell mi It l.t Hit '.''
" liy." f.'l I.e. I the I tile mil ti III till'
illilletii'i-. "I wolll.l like mi to tell lint
Hie' my MlTi- tol.l Hit- to iii.'il'll
u-lmn I etiirleil il.iMii to.Mi to il;iy."
Clilrngu lially NewH.
Shake In'n Your Short
Allfn'n !i"t In.". A .nt.l.r. It innkfn t!(-h
f.r iiftv nliui-ft fii 1 cHv, It U n re.'tn.ii i iirt l"r
ftHt-ntiii, rnlin'in n ii-1 li i it . 1 1 f-l , li 1 1 . c f' t.
fnl'l l.y nil l'"ii.'Kll. I'lli-il '.""'. I llitl .n. ft
n, nmll' 1 I HI T.. ..; lu.i Aiu il h. OlLmtt' .l,
L. H", .' 1 .'in.
I n'-ln.l.
Mr, fittiiilnolr Wf fut mo many flirlf
mil i .ri'Hiiitn linn yenr I hut I iluu't klioMT
lint In "In K'itli tlivin.
Mm I 'liillit 'iti K.'Ht tirr I don't woti
iler. Tli Mturi-n nre n!i-oliilvly n-fiihiiij
to tnukr Buy t-irliungvn tliin neiiuli.
Muther will flnj tr. Wlnmnir'n 'Mm'hlnii
lymii tbn bvsl ri'infilr to tnm lur itiolr clutilru j
Jurlug itio U.otiiln; jnilUxl.
Inlrr of Oar tlUrunlriil,
Slni;!etoii -Hello, ilil mini ! You're
looklnx blue IliU nioi'liliiK. WIiiiI'n up?
W'etlilerly ( iilooinily ) - 'I'lie ju ice of
ecu I.
A Wnrrlr, Tno.
Tim wooden lionrtlM tlntt luul mnrkeil
tlte irrn vcb In ii-rtiiln rurnl eemetery
rotlfl off. mui were riikfl up In tlte
Mprlni: elemilni;: 'oiis-iHetit Iy, on Me
morlnl Iny, when the tlele.itlon from
tin- ;. A. 11. nrriwil with fliu'H mui
n pprtipi'lntf tlonil ileeointloii" for their
ileplirteil eolliriltli'N, till' lleeonitlllC roin
liilttee fnuml Itself Hoiuen lint lu doilht
ni to which k'riive ltelonufl tn Cnptnlti
I'.loiltfi'tt mui which to 1 I'rlcson.
'I lie nilsliiken ilclenti-H lienpetl thi-lr
offerliiktM upon IIiiniirth'n IhM reHiIni;
pliiei, nntl ilepnrteil. Thnt nfterniMin
Krli-fon, tlm w ltlow-r, ilrlfteil, with tlm
ret of hU wnrhl. ti tbo cemetery.
When he ntiw the flnif nml the Ilo with
nlini e I ii ii 1 1 ii li, the nslniilnlicil Swctle
fell to chuckllm: JoytiUMly.
Vill," he oxphilncil, (lellk'htetlly,
low. fuller hniu- pooty Hiunrt. too! Ay
tiink tint vor nil rUht nml hoiii kI'
yoki on Hminiih In vor pooty
llithter lu'i'sc-lluf."
For Infanta nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
iV af a
nf Use
U' For Over
Thirty Years
ICiniiloyril tin Hi l.tfi li ri
I of I'nrla 1'iille l one.
i The tmluliiK of tin- yotiiiK Newfoiiml
IiiimIh Hint lire perloillcii Ily inhleil t'i
(the Mllce Hl'ifT U one of the mIkIiIH of
I'iiiIm. II IiiIh-n plnce lu the heiii. till r-
tern of the nelllM ploliKelirH, II Hltnill
ImlMliitf on the iUiiMlile not fur from
(In- 'iilhf linl of Notre li.ime. loi,"4
nml men enter Into the exccil' with
y.eHt nml I here Ik iiMiuilly n crowil of on
loolti iM. Only iltiiuiny IlKuren nr.- u-ei,
hut Hie "li-Hi-lie" Ih in-Vel theleHM II real-
ImHc nlTiilr.
The liljj ilo'vi kllOW JMTfeetly well
wlmt the exeri Ine lne.itm nml they Willi
with comic i-nl hiiHliimn until Hie tliim
my Ih thrown Into Hie wnl'-r nml nn
iiK'ent ploiii-ur riiHln-M out on lienrln
tin- Hphihh nml outcry of the t-pi-cl tt torn.
While the men lire with linen nml
life ImoyM the il'iK plllliKeH Into the
wilier, muIiiih to the iltiininy, wnlch'-H
with mi re littelllijence for mi npporluii
Ily to Ket nu iiilvniitii'eoiin hohl 1..1.I
then It i-lther mnIiiih iiHliore or wnllH
for IIm liuivtter, who hrllu'i to the rcm-iic
Ioiik Jioleti, cork leltn Mini the like. The
inure eXM-rlenceil ilo'M, however, will
4-nnlly effect n rencue from llit to liint
w ithout liiiiiinii iimmIm!iiii' e, nml It Ih mi
iiiHplrltit; nlht to wiilch them looking
for n f.H.tholil on the ullppcry hLIch of
the rlier Imnk nml pulilnk' Hi"' lmnvy
I 1 1 i ' Into n i!iii-e of Hjtfety.
It tnki-M nhout four months to trnln
the 1 1. n etllcleiilly. 'I ln-y ure nUo
c li.-ir'i-i) with the protect loll of their
imiHlelH when nttnekfl !' the tlcKper
nte nilllniiM who kIci-ji uii'lcr the nrdn-M
nf the hrltN'e lu Htiinuier. ThtiM In I'nrU
the police iIiikm nr! ii proved rucci-hh.
Only n i-lli'le i-iililme reinnllied of
the WltK'ttl loinl of produce with which
the Inn kter luid hllirted In. It win
II K'. hend. mid Hie keen wlttel hll. k
Mtcr wiim nllve to the cliniice of selling
It. nlthotiKh the hour w.ih lute. A-i lie
Uliiliffl from Hltle to hl'le of the Ntrect.
M-ekliiK' pur.'luiHcr, f :t n writ-T lu
the New York Sun. Ik w.t hailed from
ii il.M.rwny hy it hntisew ife's cry:
"W'lint ure you H'lliiitfV"
"Whoii, IU1I !" Mild the vernier to !i!h
Imrw; nml to tlm prospective .iMioiner
he enllfl, "Only one i-uhhap' left, Uiiss-
"Ih It a pxt one?" Hint- nskeil, from
(he curh.
"Sure; iih himkI ""' 'ViT riMue
from Jer-ey."
"How much lo you wnnt for It?"
"It's worth a dlnn-, lady, hut 1 wn;it
to m-ll out, no you t'uu have It for a
After pulling off Home of the leaven
to make Ktirr the head was fresh and
Kntnid. the woman handed the huckster
a nickel. The coin was transferred to
his Mn'ket, ulrendy w i-ll tlllel, ami th"
ciiMiaKc nu iilacetl In tint woman'
As hIh- turned to p, nnnther woinan
who hud come up during tho hargalu
In said to the merchant:
"i lot any ,iillmtilf
"Yes, mn'ain; one head left."
"I low much In It?"
"Ten cents,"
"Is It a plod head?"
"I'Mnest kind of Iuir Island nl-lmp-."
The woman who had Just houirlit tht'
last head of ealthaj;e was. astonNhed liy
IiIh calm nssertlon that he had on-' left
when clip knew the hottoin of his cart
was Imre. She waited to see h.nv he
would natlsfy the Rf-ond woman.
When the last comer nahl. "I'll tak
It," the huckster turned calmly to the
owner of the oahhnne. tixik It from her
nrniH nnd handed It to the new custom
er. At the Hiimo time he took her illuio.
from In-r tinkers.
As the lirst woman sttMid with mouth
open, too astonished to protest, the se '
ond walked mvny. Then the woman de
prived of her cahhane found voice to
say, IntliKnautly :
"That was my oahhnjre! How "
The huckster Interruiiletl her with:
"Yin, ma'nni, I know it. Here's the
dime 1 K"t you for It. You're a nickel
"Hut I didn't wnnt to hcI! It."
"IHdii't want to sell It!" he ..'xelnttn
etl, In n Horrowful tuno. "Sure you did,
w hen you could mnko n profit like that.
Never miss n chance to mnke money,
latly. That'H the wny to p-t rich.
"Here's your dime," nml na tho wom
an, ntlll diiKeil, took the dime, he said,
"(Jit up, Hill!" Youth's Companion.
M oiler u I'emeiirnn.
KtKH'titly a city editor In Ottunnva,
lown, was Informed by phono at a Into
hour that a prominent citizen had died
Buddenly. CnllliiK one of the reporto
rlnl ntnff, the city editor Instructed
him hurriedly, and tho youiitf mau shot
out of the oflhv on douhlo quick. Some
twenty minutes later ho returned, and
as ho hnstened to the corner where his
typewriter stood, the city editor asked
him : I
"Well, what nhout It?"
"Oh, nothing," until tho young man,
ns ho beKiin mnklng tho keys rattle,
"only ns Mr. Hlnnk was walking along
tno street, he snys, 'I'm going to die,'
nnd he leaned up ngnlnst the fence axuJ
made good." Judge.
"That photographer you recommend
ed, does Indulge In some of the moat
nonsensical talk," said lVckham.
"How bo?" asked his friend,
"Well, when he was tnklng my wife's
picture tho other day he said, 'Look
pleasant, now. lie natural.' " I'hila
delphla Tress.
'I'lm f ii mil v trttti of Hut irrufter Ih n
alio iiuiiiii uuu oa iuu Kiuiic. ia a
Itluiu tree.
Tramp In Manr Nation. I
There iirrlved In Iiii'luii Inst, even-'
1 1 1 K mi "(,'.1.1 mini mimed Murk All who
1 1. 'in lii-t-ii wnmli-tiiig for the Inst six
yn ih.
Murk All I nn engineer liy trsd
nnd h net. out from Fleet, street on
Ail. II, l!)'K), with the ohject of Wlllk
Ing iJO.fXiO inlli-M lii Meveii yenrn. Tha
Idea of the enterprise wnn to dlsprovn
n theory, which All attribute, to engl-iK-t'i'iug
I'ltiplnyern, Hint after ii mini
lum rein hi-d yenrH of nun he Is iih
Icm for man tin I lahor.
Some Kcntlemen who w-re desirous
of disproving this theory agreed to
pity All i.VHi If he could walk Wi.tHiO
Inlli-H lu seven years, i-nrtilng his liv
ing nt his tin. lc, nnd that he Khali
tl'.t beg, Hell photographs of himself or
pictures pont curds, nuike speeches r
exlillilt hliii-nlf nt miiMlc hulls. All
these combf ions, he says, he has faith
fully ohxerved. He has been nil over
thw three kingdoms und has visited
I'riiii'e, Spain, Switzerland, Ib-lulum,
lloliand. Ituly mid (ieriuany, but failed
to get Into HuhhIu. His rford nw Is
riS.UOil in Hi,
II" iioposes to t It k n week's rt In
Iohdoii, then walk t' New Haven and
itom to I)ii-pm. where Im will r"siime
his pedestrian exercise through
l'rance. Throughout his travels Mark
All wears the union Jack on his right
nrin. Ioiidoti 'Lrwiil -lu.
Im Ulna.
The following iinnouiifetnerit to the
hungry whs posted the other dsy in
flout of a restaurant conducted by a
; reek In tlie Hui'M-bhof section of Jer
sey City:
: korncut hecfe und garbage :
: In flu utile too-day. :
. . .
The proprietor mid he made the sign
all by himself. New York Sun.
Invigorate the Digestion.
'I i i 1 1 ; ii" i r a 1 1 tin- di-'e-t I. ia and fttimti-
hit'- I lii- t'trjit'l liver ntel lnivv-1- tii n-'i- ;
ii..!i;!i' "i urn I n .hut . t.iiiulv rem- I
edv, I'.r .ii'lrt Ih'- I'i I-. h eh la in ;n '
is- t r '.vt r a cciit iry. 'I hey i I- a -e the j
I'IimhI nml impart new vt'nr to 'In- bodv !
One "f Iwnivcrv tnclit lur a nk will!
1 1 -1 1 rt ! I I,.- all that i- i . -. j ' i i r -. . Fur l'nti-ti- :
patioti or iy-.i i-in, "ii or two taken,
every n irht will in a ll rt t inu ntlord
great n In I.
llrainl. i t h's Pills nre the same but
laxative tunic pill your irran p-n-nt-ti.-i
'l nn 1 b.-iiig purely "vc-r'i-tab;c- arc tnlapt
eil to every y.-ti-ni.
f-olil in every dm nnd medicine store,
either p ain or llgllr coiitetl.
"Don't you think," said the gloomy
young lady, with a scientific twist,
"that the pleasures of the table induce
tapid consumption?"
"Sure." answered the practical young
man, "what else are they put there
for?" r.altiinore American.
riTP pr- Vitus rni nnd all Ni-rvoun ns-'n'W
I 1 1 0 lTmnt,ni:y ctirt-tl t.y 1 tr. Ktint-'n i.r' iit
S.rv.- h..i..rf. i.nil f.,r I'KKK fit rial limtli nml
trtnuni'. 1-r. it. J I. K lin. . IJ., tfjl Arcli .-t., I'liiUt-.l'a.
Serial of One Million Word.
All advertiser in a London paper
says he has Immediate use for a "sen
sational serial." wfiich must consist of
about l.Un,(KHj words. The longest
novel, so far, Is said to be Ceorge
Kliot's "Midilleinarch," which contains
nearly r.-.M-) words.
1'AZO nINTMr.NT Iv (iiniri'iiti i-1 in euro any
i km' ul leliini;, ml . lili-ciliii,' nr prntrii'liiig
l-.lcs In 6 to II ilays or money ri-fiiink-J.'ino.
Hrj-unrf III f'anarltr.
I lor It) you speak any laugrutifre
other than tlie inotb-r tongue?
.niu No. And I never expect to be
nb'.e to talk like mother can.
The Kidneys
When tlicy ar weak, torpid, or stagnant,
the whole system suffers. Pon't neglect
them ut this time, but heed the warning ot
the aching back, the bloated face, the sallow
complexion, the urinary disorder, and begin
treatment at once with
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which contains the best und safest curative i
In usual liquid form or in chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
Many Afflicted Country People
are eomlni; to me for treatment ami
returning liotne ettretl. We iertna-m-ntlr
ami ronit lv cure, lntline.--Ilon,
Ulieutiiaiism, all J'tivale atui
WastitiK HiaeaM's. Nervous IHsor
dera, IMst-a-ies of Women ami Child
ren, Kt'zuma, lllooil and Skin 1 i s
eases. No matter vv hat jour trouble
may be, come to see us.
Frtt Consultation and Elimination.
New York Surgical and Medical Institute
PcrmaiKntly Locatrd at Cornrr of Sixth and
(J2J1,) Wuhincton Sti.. Portland, Or.
There is no satisfaction keener
than being dry and comfortable
when out in ihe hardest atorm.
i A. 3. TOWH fti.boJTOII. MASS. 01 A.
Color mora good brighter and faster colore than any other dye. One 10c package color silk, wool end cotton equally well and la
ullrsnU lo glv,, pe.r.ct results. Ai.k dealer, or will aend poat paid M 10c package. Write lor free booklet bow to dye.
EuaraiHVVU v.u g aziisf,ft reruns - weiiii w wes ciiu pw
Uatti and ml color. MONKOC DRUG CO. UuWlU. MImoutL.
Contagious liloo'l Poison has 1rotilit more sufTerin;', misery nntl Inimila
'.ion into the worM than all oilier diseases combined ; there ia liardly fmy
limit to iti jiowcrs for evil. It i.i the Mackest ami vilest of all disorders,
ATer kiir t!ie lives of those unfortunate enough to contract it ami often hcin
' ransmitted to innocent oflsprin, a Llihtii. legacy of eufTcrin ami shame.
So Iii'lily contagious is the trou'-le that innoc ent jiersons may contract it
y ir.iti the dame taLlc ware, toilet articli s or clothing of one in whose
'ilool the treacherous virus has taken root. Not only is it a powerful poison
;uit a very det iptivc one. Only those who have learned hy bitter experience
know by the little f.ore or r.lcer, which usually makes i'.s appearance first, of
Ihe fiiifl'-rin which is to follow. It comes in the form of ulcerated mouth
tnd throat, unsightly cojiptr colored spot-;, swollen glands in the proin,
falling hair, offensive sores and ulcers on t!:c body, and i;i severe cases tlm
finder nails drop off, the bones become diseased, the nervous system is shat
tered ami the sufferer ljecomes an objer t of pity to bis fellow man. Kspeci
ally is the treacherous nature of Contagious lilood I 'oison, shown when the
infer ted person endeavors to combat the poison with mercury and potash.
These minerals will drive away all outward symptoms of the troubles for
a while, and the victim is deceived into the belief that be is cured. When,
however.the treatment is left off he finds that the poisonhas only been driven
deeper icto the blood and the disease reappears, Mid usually in worse form
because these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the virus from
the blood but have weaketied the entire system because of their destructive
action. ,S. S. S. is she only real and certain cure for Contagious Wood Poi
son. It is made of a combination of healing blood-purifying roots, herbs
and bark",, the best in Nature's great laboratory of forest and field. We
oh'er a reward of $1,000 for proof that vS. S. S. contains a particle of mineral
Write for our special took on Contagious Blood Poison, which fully ex
plains the different stages of the trouble, and outlines a complete home treat
ment for all sufierersof this trouble. No charge is made for this book, and
if you wish special medical advice about case orrnyof its symptoms, our
physicians Will be glad to furnish that, too, without harge, "
kiti'llv r'-inetii tier that w I
nn 1 M-Il all
L,n I- nf Minnie ,-t'n k- ati'l linl
the market, ."inini'l Jo'.j want
li that an: nn
lu buy or fct-'tl
h rite or w if
125 Abinglon Building Portland, Oregon
Iff" M iiit-r of I'nrtlani Stock Exctianire
' '-r-aA'
BERKSHIRE SWINE, Registered) f
Catalocue Free. Tangent, Oregon
in h' l'tier Sunk Valley, Itlaho. whrr
:.,, M : '.ii Miiiy !i"inft'fkTM arv Hlr'lv
ih ! t. .V.tjj tuT s uii1j eldp- il. irriub e land
-t 1J aw tiii .h- s 1 1 ir. l(u li at h 1 ! t wa!er-t
vnllv in th world. Kin-- c imul: rhi cti Iiiill;
'iMiiifiis- rrii'ts f ;raiu. nlfullu !(... f-.iiO,-ti
in -stfl ui sun tr litcuiri-. w it. it. jcump
s:on it e:luw-tun parK uiifiM ruunirv of vast r
.Hiirtt". Alitoii Mnrtftl Jan. 1, lyoti, a record
t'Ti user. V nit- Inr I'urt cnliir--.
M, Antliuny and Ahhtuu, ltliiliu.
With 32-t.aKO Illustrated booklet, giving l.ono
" nu .i.'.t,'i; iniiM mini i.'oi
ii-i-D for linrax in the Home.
rarm ami Dairv,
ami a Souvenir Picture. 7xn In., 10 i-olora
free fur .'.- ati'l yutir deuirr a name. Address
l'aeilie Coast Borax Co., Oakland, CaL
--e vji(ii'a lam'rr
Ma le in all styles unit a I i7i. Ciet vvatrr anil oil
liny where. Hist l.nlilim luul. n-atle. Let eulu
1hk and prli-es. BEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
' m i.i at, j r
i .x'
- -r: -V -j";, J a J .;r-7e?nw ,
Harvesting Dollars
is possible if the seed be judiciously planted.
Southern Alberta, Canada, has demonstrated beyond a doubt
that it is the greatest cereal growing country on the continent,
and "Alberta Red Wheat" grown there took both the Gold and
Bronze medals at the Portland Exposition.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has 3,000,000 acres
of the best of land, Irrigable and non-irrigable, just east of Cal
gary, Alberta, which they are selling at from f 12 to (15 per acre
for non-irrigable and f 18 to f25 per acre for irrigable.
Lands sold by them three months ago at these prices are now
now being held by the purchasers at 50 per acre and upwards.
The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just as
certain a the harvesting of cereals.
If you are interested drop a card to the address below for
literature fully describing the opportunity of the age.
The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company, Ltd.
54 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
in any form. S. h. goes clown to tr.e
very bottom of the trouble and by cleansing
the bloixl of every particle of the virus and
adding rich, healthful qualities to this vital
fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder.
So thoroughly do2S S. S. S. cleanse the
circulation that no Signs of the disease are
ever seen a'tain, and oflr-pring is protected.
Best in America
We make them
We d' net tako orders and ppnleonr Rubrr
nm;n, heal., iitr. We manuiacture our
Own. .'OOd3. Cnir - uirnneht 19 t :.o new -1
n l l .- t, ip. ti.-y can buy. W rue today lor our
"i:uLo-.r biaiiip CataloKue."
Portland. Oregon
01 .-aKiiiaw, MieliiL-an.
ap t: I Stock.
d-jo-itrd with
Irs Drpt of
ns'i t-iir aliiiut our jmpular one dollar a
m:r.lh plan tliat ays at-eHletita: ileum
ui. I H'ii'ieiit ati'l ftii-W iri'teintiity. oive
ai-e- ati'l in' ion. All hll.stt-es fin
tl.e I'acitin mist .aid thriiugti the first
National Bank of Portland.
R. L. ALDRICH, Mgr. Western Office
2C3-210 Marq'iim Bid;. Portland, Oregon
rerry Fe!s
are not an experi-
mi-rit but with nrotjcr cu'.tl-!
vatior..they asuure Bucctm X. . j
douSts at p'.antin-r nor Uisap-
pointrrctits nt harvest, flct
for biffffest. surest, best crop
at alli-calcrs. l-'amous for over
years. 10O7 Scu Auuual
Irce oa request.
r pi rrDDv a. rr
. , , . Detroit, Mich.
Wonderful Home
This wonderrut Chi
nese Doctor ts called
pri at because he cur-a
t eople withoui nera-
t un that art. k veu uri
to die. Ha curea wl h
tliese wonderful Chi
n -se herbs, roo-s, buds,
t-urks and vegetables
:lua are entirely un
known to nu-iM. al B 1-
ent-e in Ih a conn:r throuuu Hie use ol Ihosa
harmless remedleM. 'l"h! 1 tmouidoenr knows
tlieai-.luiiotover600d.tter ut remedii s, wblett
lie usei bik'oi sft'.u'ly In dirterent diseases, lie
euaran peg tocerecat ar-li, a-thma, lun, throat
rle iiuiat, nerveus efts, Siuiaatb, liver, kid
neys, t-to. : has hundrels of testunonlais.
C'liurirea moderate. Call and see hiuu Pu-leut
out of the city write f-r blivn : ami circular,
bend stamp. CUNsCt TATiON lillili
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1 62' first SU. S. C. Cor. Morrison
Mention iaier Portland, Oregon
P. IM. U
No. 6-07
TTHKN wru,1(r t0 ail vertlsers please
t t
uienlluu tht paper.
B aura to mention thl paper when writing.