Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 06, 1907, Image 6

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A Vlain Talc of Strange
Happenings on the Sea
fhirinp some days 1 m no,niore of the
doctor, or of ,inyoii. about the ship save
nn old negro, w ho t-eoaiuo my servant. He
was not an unkindly baking being
f age. and somewhat feeble in his
notions; but lie never opened hit lip
when I questioned him. and gave tl plain
"Yes" or "No" to any demand.
It must haw been on tho fourth day
rfler my capture thit the nameless ship,
which hitherto " not been speeding at
r.n abnormal pace, began to go very fast.
Finally, by the consciousness that the
ship had stopped, and that there was
much agitation on dock, 1 looked from
my window and observed the cause of the
confusion, for there, ahead of us mile
t more, was one of the largest ice-bergs
1 have ever soon. I watched intently, hop
ing to see other bergs that should toll me
li.ur fur we hid pine towards the North,
but the night fed suddenly. I had a no
tion that Captain Black was running to
hiding; and his hiding place lay to the
north, far above the course even of Canadian-bound
The time passed, the weather growing
colder day by day. the bergs more fre
quent about my windows; until on the
wiling of the seventh day the ship stop
ped suddenly. The work of mooring was
not a long one. On the next morning I got
up at daybreak, and looked eagerly from
my spying place; but I could discern only
a blank cliff of rock, tho ship being now
moored against the very side of it. The
negro brought a nort with my breakfast :
and I read an invitation to dine with
Captain Black that evening. I welcomed
the prospect of change, when the old man
threw open the door and said, "The Mas
ter waits I"
He led the way up the companion lad
der, which was, in fact, a broad staircase,
elaborately lit with the electric light : and
so brought me to the deck, where there
was darkness save in one spot above the
fore-turret. There a lantern threw a great
volume of white light which spread out
upon the sea, and showed me at once that
we were in a cove of some breadth, sur
rounded by prodigiously high cliffs : and
the light being focussed straight across the
bay, disclosed a cleft in these rocks lead
ing apparently to a further cove beyond.
I had scarce lime to get o'her than a
rough idea of ihe whole situation, for a
boat was waiting at the gangway. The
men gave way at once, keeping in the
course of the searchlight, and rowing
straight to the cleft in the cliffs, through
which they passed; and so left the light
and entered a narrower fjord. This sec
ond cove opened after a while into a
lake, above wh"Be shores I observed many
twinkling lights, which seemed to come
from windows far up the face of the cliff.
There was a rough landing stage, cut in
the rock, and an iron stairway led thence
to the chambers which evidently exited
When we had come to shore, and had
been received there by several men who
Leld lanterns, the negro pointed to the
iron stairway and told me to mount ; he
following me to the summit, where there
was a platform and an iron door. The
door opened as we arrived before it, and
there standing by it 1 found the young
. "Come in," he said, "they're waiting
for yoa."
We were in a broad passage lit by the
electric light a passage cut in a crystal
like rock, whose surface had almost the
lustre of a mirror. The passage led np
to a second door this one built of fine
American walnut ; and we passed through
It at once into a roiwn where I was as
tounded to see indisputable evidence of
civilization and of reflneruent. The whole
chamber was hung round with superb
skins, the white fur of the polar bear pre
dominating; but there were couches cusn
ioned with deep brown seal ; and the same
glossy skin was laid upon the floor in
bo many layers that the footfall was
noiseless and pleasantly luxuriant. The
furniture was both niodorn and
The room had a solitary occupant. One
slanee assured o. that 1 was face to face
with CaDtain tfuctt toe captain uia i
liad seen in Paris; but yet not the same,
for all the bravado and rough speech
which which then fell from his lips was
wanting. When be stepped forward and
I.IH out his hand to me, I had the mind
nlmost to draw back from him, for
Vnew that the man had crime heavy upon
liim ; but a second thought convined me
of the folly of making a scene at such a
moment : so I took the great hard hand
and looked him full in the face.
"I am glad to see' you." said he; "din
ner waits us;" and with that we paused
Into another chamber containing a dining
table laid for four persons in a very ele
pant manner. The only servant was
iriant black, and the guests of the Cap
tain were the young doctor, the Scotsman
known as Dick the Banter, ana myself.
The captain made no attempt to con
real information from me. The first oc
casion of his speaking during dinner was
in answer to a remark of mine that
found the room very pleasantly warm.
"Yes," he said, "you must feel the
imnire. You know where you are, of
fnurae. This Is the west coast of Green
land, and there is a Danish settlement not
fifty miles from you although we don'
leave cards on our neighbors Well, !
won't have you hurried, and you're my
pueut until I put a certain straignt ques
tion to you. When that happens you
think twice about the answer.
"This pleasant party must disperse,"
li said to m later; "you can go to the
quarters we have provided for you, unless
you would like to see more of us."
"I should like to aee everything you
oan show me," I replied, being aflame
,ith curiosity to know all that the strange
..,i,. nuii teach me: and then he
wade a motion for the others to follow,
and we passed from the room.
ThA " WAV from the dining room
ibrouga a long parage lighted with arc
lamps at intervals, and having the door
of many txmi on tho right hand side
of it. Several of these doors were otti :
and I saw the interiors of well furnished
Ivedroom. of smaller sitting rooms, and
of a bountiful. y furnished billiard room.
At the end of the passage we desivnded a
flight of stairs to another landing. This
proved the way to a small stretch of
beach, and here I found several substan
tial buildings of stone, evidently for the
use of Black's company. The largest of
the houses seemed to be a kind of hull,
well lighted by arc lamp. Into this we
passed, lifting a heavy curtain of skins:
and sea'.'.l there, on all sorts of rough
loungvs anil benches were the men I had
seen in Paris, with fifty or sixty other,
no less ferocious booking.
"Men." said Hlnck. "I want to tell you
that we've got a stranger with us: but
he's here to stay, and he's my charge.
"lias he jined?" aske.l a blear-yed
man. who mul eyed nie witn imi.n curios
ity: but the captain answered:
That's my affar. and you keep your
tongue still if you don t want me to cut
it out : he'll join us by-and-by."
That's agon rules," said Koaring John.
'Agon what?" asked Plack in a tone
of thunder. ,
Agen rules," replied Iloaring John :
his man broke my jaw, and I 11 pay
him. or. you guess."
Maybe you're right. No stranger
stays here unless he joins, except them
from the mines but I've my own ideas
on that, ana when tne tune comes I n
abide bv what's done. If any man would
ike to dictate to tne, let him step out."
The fellow slunk away under the
threat. Hlack was master beyond all
question, and he protected me.
We went back with him to the long pas-
age where I had seen the doors ot m-n
chambers, and there he bade me good
night. The doctor showetl me into a room
cut in the solid rook, but with windows
towards the sea. Put first he said:
Y'ou must have been born under a
lucky star; you're the first man to whom
Black ever gave an hour's grace."
The bed in which I lay was wondrous
soft and downy ; and the cold gave me
eep sleep, so that I awoke at a late hour
to find the sun streaming through my
rock window, and the negro telling me
that my bath was ready. When we re
turned to my sleeping place, I found the
bed curtained off, leaving a commodious
apartment, with books, armchairs, a writ
ing table and a fireplace, in which a coal
fire burned brightly. Put the greater sur
prise was tne view rrom my window
over a sunlit ijora, away to mountain
peaks, snow-capped ami shining; and be
tween them to a vista of an endless snow
plain, white and dazzling.
The doctor came to me while I was at
breakfast. "The captain sends you his
compliments," he said. "The men are in
clined to resent the exception that has
been made in yoar cas;. I am afraid it
will lead to trouble unless you choose to
close with the offer that Plack makes to
'How has an exception been made in
my case, and wnai is ine ouer :
'Captain Black has brought thirty or
forty Englishmen of your position to this
place within the last three years : not one
of them has lived twenty hours from the
time he set foot in the rock house. The
time will come when you must sign an
agreement such as I have signed, and
these men have signed and I don't be
lieve that you will refuse.
'Y'ou lay it all down very clearly, I
replied, but you can nave my answer
now if you like.
"Plack won t hurry yon. You can t do
better than take things easy, and see the
The idea of inspecting the place pleased
r ill t ... f .1. . . . 1
me. 1 lonoweu wonor iMunrc ro tne
beach. The was lofty and awe-
inspiring. I stood entranced with the
vigor born of the life-giving breeze. At
last he touched me upon the shoulder, and
pointed to where the nameless ship lay
snugly moored.
"Look, he said, at the Instrument of
our power, is not sne mugnincenif un
her we defy the urorld. Aboard her, we
are superior to fleets and nations; we
laugh at the fastest cruisers and the big
gest warships.
He Bpoke w:th extraordinary enthusl
asm. 1 ne greai snip wan a m-aii-
.... t I.l..,! I
teous object, lying there golden, yet swan
like, the guns uncovered as the men work
ed at them.
"She Is a wonderful ship,' said I, 'and
built of metal I never met with."
"Iler hull is constructed of phosphor
bronze," he answered, "and she is driven
by gas. It was one of Black's Inspira
tions to choose Greenland for his hole;
it is one of the few comparatively unin
habited countries in the world where coal
is to be bad."
"Who are your miners?" I asked.
"Honest British seamen whose voyages
have been Interrupted. We give them the
alternative of work in the mine, or their
liberty on the snow yonder."
"But how can they live in such a place?"
"They don't live," said he. "They die
like vermin."
For some days I saw no more of Doctor
Osbart or of Captain Black. Once or
twice I uw the wan "Four-Eyes," and
from him gained a few answers to my
questions. He told me that Captain Black
kept up communication with Europe by
two email screw eteamers disguised as
There were fifty prisoner In the mine.
If fifty men were to be turned free, then
surely I could count on fifty allies; and
fifty-one etrong hand could at least make
some show even against the ruffians of the
rock house. Give them arms, and a
chanoa of surprise, aud wko knowtT I
It mljbt hare boon a tnad hope, hut
yet It rtt a ho(. I'nlon the mini "Four
1'yos" del.bernlcly deceived me. Black
would connive nt Ilif murder of tlfty
BritNh seamen before another twenty
four hour had sped. Tlioio men would
have a; tho alitor of deipcratlon t drive
them to ttu attack; nn.l I felt nun- lint j
If I oould got some nrm into their hand,
the attempt would at loan Is' j n -t i ti . l 1 1
luriti)t tho rotnainlni: hour of the day i
I encaged myself In searching t In lionw
on the beach; but, although I looked into
many of them, 1 found no "Is" of armory.
Then I riMiK'inlvnsI that Black lunl a
I f rill.w III Ills MtUilv.
I I,.,,,... !,, tii..v would sulVico. with
knives and any revolvers I might lay j
hands it)!), to 'hold a ring of men against ;
the compauv. This thought I bugged l '
me all day, going often io im- inm piri
form above the creek to know if there
were any sign of the release of the min
ers, or of preparation for getting rid of
Towards evening, when I was weary
with the watching, there was the sound
of a gunshot below in the creek : mid I
went to thy window, and saw the whole of
a cruel scene. Some twenty of these sea
men, black as they had come from the
coal shaft, were going ashore from a long
boat, while an electric titunck was bring
ing twenty more from the outer creek
where the nameless ship lay. But the
men who had first landed were surround
ed by the others of Black's iMinpany ;
and were being driven towards the hills,
and so to the great desolate plain of
snow where no human thing could long
retain life. The pirates hit lustily with
tho butt ends of their pistols; the honest
fellows used their tints, and many a man
thev laid his length upon the rock. Inch
by inch they gave way. were driven to
wards the ravines and the countless miles
of snow plain; and as the battle rage.l,
the armed liegan to shoot with murderous
purpose. IloHth at last was to the
horrors, and. a body after IxMy roue.i
Jowu the rocky slope and fell splashing
. i . i t.
into the water, lliose unwoimuen
panic nt the sight and tied with all possi
ble si'ed away up the side of the glacier
mount, and so to their deatU in mat
frozen refuge beyond.
At 7 o'cloi-k 1 dined as usual I closed
my own dor, and tor tnree nours or iimn-
iiacod mv chamber, the fever ot antici
pation and of design burning me as with
Of the doors about, the majority were
closed; but the Doctors was opeu. 1 te
gan to feel my way iu the blinding dark.
My first proceeding was to run upon some
si ght article ot furniture and to overturn
it. Twice I went round the room, and
could not put my hand upon the rules .
but at the third attempt I found them,
and gave a sigh of relief. Then an over
whelming terror struck ine chill and pow
erless. My sigh was echoed from the cor
ner by the window; and a low chuckle of
laughter followed it. 1 stood as a mau
petrified, my hand upon a gun. but my
nerves straiued to a tension that was hor
rible to bear.
In another moment the electric light
flooded the chamber, and 1 saw macs
sitting at his writing table, observing me.
a jeer upon his lips, and all the termite
malice of his nature written in his keen
and mocking eyes. He had a revolver
cocked at his left hand, but a pen in his
right ; while manuscript lay before turn,
n that he must have been in the nxm for
some time, and had extinguished his light
only at my coming. He leaned over the
table, and drew near to it a lounge on
which the skin of a polar bear was spread.
Sit here," he said, and at the bluu
word my nerve came hack to me. ou re
a smart boy, and have ideas, but. like
all little bovs, your ideas don't go far
enough. I was just the same when I was
your age, always trying to climb perpen
dicular places, and always falling down
again. Silly lad. to put your head into a
business which never concerned you.
"I enme here to-night to stop your
rdering fifty Innocent men," I said
but he started up at the words and raved
liko a maniac.
"tml who made you Judge? Who
set vou to watch me. or give your opin
ions on what I do or what I don't do?
Who asked you whether you liked it or
didn't like it?"
(To be rontlnued.
Anolbrr ttcnnilnl Spoiled.
"Oh, yes," said Miss Kidder, "Mrs.
HetijsMk wet a trap for her husband lat
night, and "
"You don't sav?" pxclahiKsl Miss
Onussip. "Why, I always ttinilit him
too harmless and timid "
"Just so; tisi timid to set n inonso
trap. That's why she had to do It for
him." Philadelphia Press.
Helping lilra Alotiic.
Clinplelfh I say, old man, I wish
you would Intercede for tne with that
pretty cousin of yours.
Haverly Sure, I will, rtnly the oth
er day I told her you hud more money
than brains.
ChaploiKh What did Hhe. Bay?
Haverly She wanted to know If you
had as much as 30 cents.
Hurrah for Wlilowa.
Tom I hear Fred Is married. I al
way thought ho was too timid for any
thing of that kind.
Jack Oh, ho married a widow.
Tom A widow ! Whore did he meat
Jack He didn't moot her at ull ; alio
overtook him.
(ood for lllm.
Ascum Markley has a very bad
memory, hatm't he?
Borroughn It depends on the way
you look at It. I coiwlder It very good.
Awum You do, eh?
BorroughM ie; lie lounexi me a
"fiver" laHt taring and he'a forgotten
all about It. Philadelphia Prow.
Talbluv Hbop.
"It took you yeurii to learn all about
the business Iu which you were no buc
ceasful." "Yes," answered Mr. Cuinrox, "and
motuer a ,.u
take me yeui muic io tuigci uuuui iu
The famous palace occupied by the
luta r.Mrirn W. Chllds. of the Phlla-
aM kV - o w i
.... w - a ... 1. 1 V. I
aeipma linger, v u.ui over
11.000,000, 1. to be transformed Into aa
BDurtiuent bousfe
Proposed Oregon Tax Law
(('mitltuiiit trom 1kI work )
(l'cal estate lux u lien What tn In-
. hub I't Unity 1 llect id sale.) j
Section "S. All taxes, w Melt may I'o
lieieal'ter lawfully impie-ed, elmri-ed, "f
loieil upon leal prnpetty, including i
tuxes nn pels.'iml propotn cningen up- i
'nn ifii I j'li.pcily us lunviili'd
in Ihe
pro, r.hnc sc. I mil. xlmll U and t boy at
hereby ,l, c'iin'.l t U H lion lil'li sucli
renl l'Topel t V f torn itiul imludiiiif the
iluv mi Inch the wnrunn inn imi
the cullcclii'ti of sucli tuxes iihiii real
property is issued, Mint fi"in inul nllei
the time the s.lid taxes upon persoiml
property nre sn charged upon real pinp
etty, until tin y slmul.l be paid, or un
til tlio title hi m II ls vest oil I" tlio pur
chaser upon sale for Midi taxes. Such
liens t-hull include till cosls, penult ics,
cliiirgcs, inul expenses oti d inul con
cerning sucli taxes whicli by tlio provis
ions of law cluill accrue, attach, or be
made. Such liens .shall Imvo priority
to nod idmll Is'tullv naid and t:ltiftic.
before any inul every judgment , moi I -
gage, or other lien or claim w hatso-
ever, except the lien for u tax for a
H'ihneiucnt year; and every cei t ilicute
of delinquency, sale for taxes, or t runs-
fer of property" under a tax judgment
Sil le, whether M'id or ineffectual for
any other ptiivso or tmt, provided
onlv that tho consideration required by
law shall luivo lcen pui'l t.icrefor, shall
U- deemed to assign to and vest ill tlio
holder, purchaser, or transferee tlio
lien herein jiresct ibed.
ell & l' l mi' . section .Has. nn i-hangc
l-rj't w aM pri
1 l.nn v. ho h h.oc Imtm
li.oi;-.l iivni ir
.il I'l.'I'rilv. .Itl'l le Hill.-Ollutc
.4lc" l"l "t.l .llr" In I""
i to I tic Ui crililicalc id dr
lux JIM'1"'"! ihr rcli,i
lin.iirmy p'.m )
(Foreclosure Summons or notice.;
Section :!'.. Any time after tho ex
piration ol three years irom ine ursi
date of (leliiniicney of any tax included
in a certificate of (lelimiuency the hold
er of such certificate may cause sum
mons to ls served on the owner of the
property do-cribi-d in the eortilieuto,
notifying the owner llial no win apply
to the circuit court of tlio county in
which such propetty is situated for a
decree foreolostno; tho lien npiinst the
jiroHTty ntioned in such certittcate.
Such summons shall contain
1. The title of tho court, the de
scription of the property, inul the name
of tho owner of the legal title thereof
a.s tho Maine appears of ns'ord. if
known, the name of the holder of the
certificate, the date thwreof, and the
amount for which It was issueil, tlio
vear or years for tho doliniUeut taxes
for which it was Issued, tho amount of
ull taxes pu il for prior or subseiiient
yours, and tho rato of interest on said
'1. A direction to the owner of (ho
liynl title of the ptojMTty as tlio same
appears of record, if known, ami of any
other jiersoii or persons who may have
Borne interest in or I ion or claim Usn
the property, und whom the holder of
suid certificate may desire to make co
defendants, summoniim him to a)ear
within hixty days after service of huiii
inons or notice, exclusive of the day of
,ervice, und defend the action or pay I
the amount due; and, when service is
mad.' by publication, u direction us
ufore.-aid sutiimoniiiK Mm to appear
within si'ty days after tho date of the
first publication of the summons, ex
clusive of the day of said first publica
tion, and defend the action or the
umount due.
'A. A notice that, in enso of failure
to do so, decree will ho rendered fore
closing the Hen of such tuxoH und costs
against the land and premise named.
4. A summons shall lo Biiliscri bed
by the holder of the certificate of delin
quency, or by some one in his Isdialf,
und residing within the state of Ore
gon, and iifHin whom all process and
paj.ers in the proocodinn may l' served
with tho mime force and effect us if per
sonally nerved on the holder of said
certificate within this state.
5. A coiiv of Huid Htiiniiions shall tie
delivered to the tax collector. There
after, when any owner of real property
or ts-rson interested therein seekH to re-
I . .1 A. I . 4..
deem aH provided in tins act, ine ni
collector ohall ascertain the umount of
costs accrued in foreclowing said certifi
cate and include Raid costs aa a part of
the redemption to be paid.
The proceeding provided by turn aox
for the forecloHure of all oertifleatcH of
delinquency issued pursuunt to this act
Hhall he commenced within mx years
from the date of tho original tlelin
qiiency, ami not after wardd.
(Service of Hiiinmoim.)
Section 40. Summons ahull lie Herv
ed and returned in the mime manner us
uniniiiinu in R eivi 1 action is nerved in
the circuit court.
(InterHted persona may pay before ex
ecution of deed.)
Bection 43. Any peraon owning an
interest In luiidrt or lota mum which
judgment and decree in prayed, an pro
vided in this act, may, in person or by
Hieiit. nav the taxes, assessments, pen
alties, interest, and cohU due thereon
to the tax collector of the county in
which the mime are Bituated at any
iii.iB Imforn the execution of the deed,
on. I for thu amount ho paid ho ahull
tannine Hank.
"Here's a story about a new automo
bile bunk that bus Juat been started In
New York."
. i miiih nf m run A 1a
noflltor ,.( for his money ?"-Cleve-
- , . ,
lud Plain Dealer.
tui Adviser Senator, bow
much did your campaign cost you?
Uniiatir T .it y in tin It was pretty ex-
i - ,; . tlme iiinggold. It cost mi
' "JJ or thr w
1 sleep.
I luive il licll nn tlio property liillde f"f
Ihm's, HMscNNmeiih, penalties, inlcteM,
(i, ,i)r hu,u j,gietit is puived;
t, person or initlml lly " flmll
r.dl vt or leeeixe Hie sumo mIiiiII tivt "
receipt for sucli mymcut, ir iniio l
u,., person h ceil iliciito slmwitiK sucli
puyinehl .
( Appeal Appeal bond rr.Mvdnro. )
Section 47. Appeals from tlio llmil
otilel, judgment, and ilecreo of (lie
omul limy bo taken to the nuproino
court by giving notice thereof orally iu
open com! at tlio time of the rendition
of t lie judgment , decree or final order,
or by n'vmg written notice thereof at
any time m ithin thirty days allot tin"
rendition of sunl order, hut not there
after. The manner of taking ami per
fect ing appeals to tlio supremo court
and tho proceedings thereon, and tlio
ileteriniliat ion and disposal thereof,
shall conform to ami lie governed by
tho statutes for taking iiidieuls in eiiuit-
Ml euon, except i u so far as tins act
j l;iv ()tuirw iso provide But no iis'iil
m ), ,,lhUo,l the defendant fnun
()V judgment , ilecno, or Html older
, (or' , !,,( ln,s or bdrt for taxes,
Lll(j iM11(' KjV(. ,, ,ippeal shall
().,eriite as a siilsTsedeas, unlehH tin- lo-
operate as a suis'r
fondant taking such appeal Hiall, with
in t ho t ime al low.'d wilhln which to
tile an iindortakini; on nj'peal, also de
posit wit h t ho county cloik an amount
of inotiev equal to tho amount of tho
judgment and costs rendered In such
cause by tho circuit court. If, in case
of an appeal, such judgment, dis-rce,
aud final older be utlitmed, in whole or
in part, tho supreme court shall direct
that the amount dr.oHitod with the
county clei k as aforesaid, or n much
thereof as may bo neocusary, be credit
ed upon the judgment so rendered, and
execution shall issue for tho balance of
said judgment, damiu'es and 0od.
Theroiion it shall bo tho duty of such
county clrrk to apply so much of the
amount deHsited with him as aforesaid
as k ha 1 1 ls hooohsnry to satisfy tho
amount of the judgment , decree, and
final order. If, upon a final hearing,
judgment shall be refused for tho sale
of the land or lots for the tuxes, penal
ties, interest, and costs, or any part
thereof, in said priseedirios, the coun
ty clerk shall ay over to the lurty who
hall have imule such deposit, or his
legally authorized agent or rcproMontu
tive, the amount of the delt, and in
any event shall so refund ho much thereof
as shall remain after the satisfaction of
the judgment, interest, ll'id Costs
against tho Und or lots in respect to
which such deposit hhall have Is en
(Holder of certificate must pay tuxes
Forfeiture. )
Section 4H. F.very purchaser of a
cert ilicute of delinquency shall, before
applying lor judgment, ami uecreo oi
foreclosure, all taxes that have ac
crued on the projH-rty included In said
certificate since the issuance of said cer
tificate, and any jirior taxes that may
remain due and unpaid on said proper
ty. If any purchaser of delinquent cer
tificates shall sillier 11 HUl'Heqileul tax
to Is-come delinquent, and a HuliseqUent
ert ilicute of delinquency to issue on
tho same property included in hm cer
tificate, such tirst purchaser shall for
feit his; rights thereunder to tho sub
sequent purchaser, and sucli nilise-
iiient purohiiHi-r shall, at the time ot
obtaining his certificate of delinquency,
t ci lee m said first certificate of delin-
iioncy outstanding thereon to tho date
if said redemption, and the amount ho
i mid in redemption shall become a part
of said Hiilisequent certificate of delin-
inency, und draw Interest at (he rate
of fifteen s r cent per annum from the
date of payment. Said holder of a cor
ticate of delinquency permitting u sub
sequent certificate to issue on the same
pros-rty ahull, on notice from the tux
ol lector, Hiir render sani corticate oi
delinquency on payment to him of the
redemption money in id by tho subse-
iient purchaser. Provided, that tins
m otion ahall not apply to counties or
(Publication as costs.)
Section f2. In case any person shall
be compelhsj to publish u notice In u
newspaper under the provmions of this
act, then, before any tier.-ion who may
have a right to redeem the lands or lots
from Hale shall be permitted to redeem,
be Hhall pay to the ofllcer who by law
is authorized to receive such redemp
tion money the amount paid for pub
lishing Hiich notice, for the use ol the
person compelled to publish such no
tice, as afoiesaid.
Section 6(1. 1. The tax collector
shall, upon the issuance of n certificate
of delinquency, collect fifty cents. 'I
For making a deed, to include not more
than ten tracts or lota, including ull
services rendered, Including Kales and
posting notices, three dollars. 3. The
county clerk shall, upon filing applica
tion for judgment, and for all sorvlccH
rendered to and including judgments,
collect two dollurs. 4. The clerk of
the court Hhull collect from each con
testant at the time of filing such Con
Much lb Saute.
The American I supirose you never
heard a genuine Indian war whoop,
did you?
The Englishman No; but I've heard
some of your college yells.
On Illaeurdant Noim.
Ruffon Wrats The Idee of jour claim
In' to be overworked, ye durnnd old hobo I
TufTold Knutt I am overworked,
b'gosh ! F ifty times a day I hev to ex
plain how It la that I don't git no em
ployment when the country Is JIt runnln'
ver wit' prosperity.
'lost five dollars.
' ( AHMlciimo'd bv oiMier.)
Section no. ' (Vilitb'ut.H of dolln-
1...11 I... i.t ui toi id do III III . and
oilcncv riiim oo irr-' .
n iiMHigunioht thereof shall vest in Hm
assign r bis local 'J'" "
the right aud title of tho original put
chasel .
(Taxes void six years after delinquon-
Section Ull. All taxes heretofore or
hereafter levied by any enmity. 'ity,
(..Mil. school district, load di-trut. port
or other municipal taxing agency or
dl-trict of the stale of Oregon, alter the
expiration of six yea.s fr lb" tin,..
when such (axes are delinquent.
be void Provided that this section
shall not be construed as infect mg any
right acquired under or by vlrtm. ol the
issuance of a cerlitiealo of delinquency
provided for in tM ad.
(Licit creditor may pay tax )
Section 117. Any person who has a
lien bv mortgage, or othorl-e, upon
anv land "ii which tho taxes have not.
boon paid may pay or redeem m b
taxes and the interest and charges
thereon; and the receipt ol the person
authorised to receive such tax
,1.. mot ion monev shall constitute
or ro
an ad-
ditiotial lion on such land
.. ....... i . ill. rem Klu-l illed. il'id
to the
the in
terest mid charges thereon; uli'l
amount so fllid. and tho interest
charge thereon, shall he collei UO'e
with, as part of, and in the sa tan
ner as the amount secured by the origi
nal lien.
Ill A (' I "iiip . i-illi.ti 3111. r.lriilrd In
liu Imlr tnli -milium. )
(Payment of tx by is ciiMint or tenant )
Section m. When any tax on any
real estate shall have ls.011 iid by or
collected fnun any isvuiaiit or tenant
when there is some other person ho,
by agreement or ot herw ise, ought to
pav such tax, or any part thereof, such
oociitmiil or tenant shall 1' entitled l
. . . ..ii.
recover by action the amount which
mu h person should have paid, with in
terest! hereon ; or ho may retain the
same out of any rent due or in-erning
from him to such htsoii for real estato
on which such tax is so juiid.
(II. A 1'. ( iimp, witi'in SI4S. n" rlnnr- )
( ltooaling section.)
Section ''. That chapters 5, l, and
7, of title X of the ( 'isles and Stnt
utoa of Oregon, compiled and annotated
by Hon. Charles It. Bellinger and Wil
liam W. Cotton ; and sections 4, .',
7, H, l, in, II, and 11! of an act a p.
proved 1 ei ember 14 , U".l. and found
upon mne 4 ot Mcqiiitur of tho lenerul
I, aws of tho Ss'ciul Session of limit:
and an act out il led "An act to amend
section 'in'.'M of Bellinger and Cotton's
Annotated OhIcs and Statutes of Ore
gon," approved February 11!, liMi.'l; and
an act entitled "An act to amend an
net entitled 'An not to amend sect ion
:ili'.iH of Bellinifer and Cotton's Anno
tated Codes and Statutes of Oregon,
approved I'cbtuiiry 1'.', Iln:i, and to de
clare an emergency," approved I'e-
ecmU'r 1!4, lfuit and chapters; 7, oil,
14.ri, IMI, 1 'il!, and iHilof thelieneral
Laws of Oregon, l'.Mlo; and an act lllisl
in the olfue of the secretary of stale
Hecemher 1!4. Itin.'l, entitled "An act to
.i . .... ri io - i
amclHl sect loll .!.. oi l.riniii- mo
Cotton's Annotated Codes und Statutes)
of Oregon;" and an act out it led An
act to amend section :!(l'.J of tho ( odes
and Statutes of Oregon, ufl annotated
bv Charles It. Belinlger and William
W. Cotton, and giving tho apportion
ment or revenues for tho rtato among
tho seveial count les, and defining tho
method or proceeding in making the
state up'sirtionineht, approved rob-
ruury 1!4, l'.Hi.'l; and all oilier acts anil
parts of acts amendatory of any ol the
acts und sections alsive set foith, and
ull acts and mrtri of acts in conflict
herewith, If and the same hereby are
reis'iilod: Provided that the repeal of
section itOHH of the Codes and Statutes
of Oregon, compihsl and annotated by
Hon. Charles B. Bollinger and William
W. Cotton, shall not affect the dupli
cate thoieof, section .'!.'! 7 4 of said Codes
and Statutes of Oregon, as the same is
umended by an act approved February
IM, llidil, and found ii kmi Migc "14 of
the (icnoral Ijiwh of Oregon, HKI.'t.
(Saving clause.)
Section HO. That, notwithstanding
any! hing to the contrary in this act
contained, all laws heretofore in force
urn continued in force and effect until
all things and acts in and about, the as
sessment, appoi tionmcnt and levy of
taxes upon the basis of ownership of
property on the first day of March,
1H07, und the assessment, uportiou
meiit, levy, and collection of taxes, and
priM'ocdingH incident thereto, made or
commenced prior to Murch 1, 11)07, ex
cept us speci lied in section f5 of thirl
act, have been fully and duly done und
performed as fully uh If this act bad
never been enacted, but the taxes levied
on the basis of ownership of property
on the first day of March, 11(07, Hhall
be collected as herein provided. Thin
uet Hhall not lo const rued to inhibit or
take away the power of countloH, Incor
porated cities or towns, school district,
road districts, porta or other municipal
corporations or agencies to levy such
rate or amount of general or Hpoeial
taxes as now or heretofore by law they
may be permitted or required to levy.
tnol Alien.
"It's true," said Uncle Alien Sparks,
"that a rose by any other rame would
smell as sweet, but it Isn't tho same way
with an old cheese. Y'ou can ehoot a lit
tie green riaiut Into it and pass it off for
In Liquidation.
Scott (showing ring) I'd hnte to
lose It. It's a diamond of the first wa
ter. Mott You suld Just now you'd
soaked It three times. Bostoa Transcript.