Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 06, 1907, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Jinn,,); Inti i Ms d Ibis Community.
NO. 1
New Company Will I'rohahly tic Or-(j-tnicil
Willi Capital of Three
Million Dollars Instead of
Fr.c Million. Says Secre
tary The limit ik'cicc in tli" suit for
loM-ch iHtit e I r j ; ; 1 1 1 liv the 'I'm ,t
Coinpanv of America againM the
Oicgon Scruiiliis Company was
isMl'-d today 111 the I'nib'd State
iiiciiil com! and III1' valuable iiiih
1 f 1 ' claims o t!:n ilrli'iiilant com
pany will lr h iM to at 1 -t v 11 mot t
1 v t-1 1 io tiic tiust f mi in v to
m-ciiic a t 1 1 1 t iHsnc ol s,p 0,1,00
Wallace M''aiil'iiit "iii' l-d ap
poi'iti il tiia si 1 1 i,"iinii.H''i 1 1 - -1 wit'-i
pOWel tl. Mil till! !HjllttV f t I
securities company in compliance
Willi ' In judgment ( !"iceosnje.
Many I ' i 1 1 tti I ii Miili i.t-i have
Hutch'-d tin- O'll'-olllc i,t ill" j.liu'llt
Mlllt 'o a !"' IVl'T a'ol lo i'ltl l nrt'- '
with much inti -rest . II) if a 1 1
Mini tu he 1.10;, th ill VUIMIOO iiwv.
of Oleeoll Sc( III ll ! h hi III I'ml -
Ian. I
'l'h" hie of tl!' 1:111. big on v
ha-i been Sli";'ht with i:iat strife,
nil ! h'j;-ii 1 'uti o t ic tor 11 nun ,
her "f ye. its, I'll I despite thi 111 11
aide ln:in m '.ilii' h It "!!'tols it has
never i;n !r 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ni"ti'- lo pa
its debts
It is vii.l timt 'lie future ol tin
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V' eomp.iiiv 1 i a rcoig am
zutioii, wlncn in ica'ntv will In: a
new company "Mli a Io.m-i i;iit ili i
atioii. (1. 15. I t-nt 11 ol New j
Yojk, scciclnrv o tli" seeuilt ic
coiniiaii s . hu Imch hi Po'llund foi :
neu-rid tl.iyh ni ti-iuliti tu lh ml- !
justmt'iil c( its nlTaiis. IK- naid that J
thi.- scl i nif of reorganization had '
not 11 j-t (t i tol l ut that cv i.vj
liohh 1 of siocl. in Jin. defunct cotl)-
pany wi'uhl tcccivc an i-i-ual va'tn-j
of stock 111 tin- ik v I'Miipanv. Itl
in saiil tliat the new i)iiiiuii v will I
liavo a iiijiital htoik of .o-jo.di-o
i he I'.niitiihation of tin- old com
pany wiin f s.(,".,,,M'- .Journal
Blue River District.
One of the biggest mining deals
1 unstimulated in the WiU'inu tie
Valley fi r niw time wan completed
in Hits city l-'M i vi idng when V.
T. Shurlhdl, ol S.u 1 auieiito. who is
allied with Fai-teiu capital, snured
a eoDttolling intercKts in the Great
Noithern iiiiih'. 'I'll in is the m-coii l
property in value in the lilue River
Distiict. ShuttletT pun based the
stock of ltigene and l;ioivnvill"
This mine has recently been
closed because of debts against the
company, which caimcd lack of
faith in its futtite. The purchas '
yesterday means that work will be
lemiine't nt the mine in u few days.
Thn purchaser leturned yeslerday
from 11 week in the lilue River dis
trict, during winch h made h
tliorough investigiitioii of the Great
'I In re m now a four-stamp mill
and a Huntington mill at the (ileal
Northern, ami ShurtklV announces
bis intention to install complete
machinery for handling basn ore
in I'ddition to the present equip
ment. The Great Noilhein lor lack ol
finances has been closed for ti e hist
six months. Albany stockholders
uro today rejoicing at t hu transfer,
lor they held on to their stock and
Hecured more in the recent slump
iu value of stock. The put'diane
yesterday wa j cny'ueored by Dr. A.
J. Hodges and L. l' Fish, of this
city, tho former representing the
Albany stockholder).
Rogue River Placers.
Galieo, Or., Feb. '2. The placer
diggings on Roguo river that wore
equipped with hydraulic machinery
tho pant full and winter are Inning
their test runs mid the returns are
from 10 to 12 cents a cubic yard,
or about $100 per day each to tho
giant in the sluiccf.
Three of these new hyraulie
properties are located on Paradise
and Halt Moon bars, about 25milos
below Gulico. Los Augelcs mining
men nuil capitalists control them.
Tho ground is nil virgin and can ieB
its values principally in coarse
gold. Tho district is icmoto and
difficult to reach, which accounts
for its having been so long over
looked. Oyer 200 tons of mining
e'JU'Pmeuti principally pipe utid
nil" Ihi i
H Iht.-I 1
I. ,
'V I
ll M l tin- i t ,t
tin- Went Foik
ill and
la. I.
On 1'iwi r ) 1 a v- i f'l a l.j;; li-drmihi-
'iO!ii owned and ; . t i -atf'l
I v the Milieu I e .e'iii!. Ii'
Company , an eusti rn i : 1 .. a;- , !
which Colonel !' I'.lae hd I i in iii-aj-'ci,
is Iiad.V hi o; . i.iti.iij , It
hua iinipli- water foi v. n m ci;:ht
nionths' Htcudv run "I I h' ;'iiiil ,
Th" ground is deep, ii'ic in !,r, to
'i.ioot haiiktt o ;;rav uii'J Mil
gravel, eartill!' eoai-e and lni''
Granite Hill Operations.
C.tai.tte Hill, (r.. 1, ... - '
tlO'lhli! tirt'.veeii the lni:i is . 1 1 1 1
(Irani'.' Hill ni tii.i :'- , an ; .
lift ecu t lie 1 - ! nii-r own' i s .!
prop 1 1 1 an-1 t m- :ir : i n ( '
Field-. ( 'oiii'.im , ha- 1 1- en ' 1 1 -I'M
ll.V M il h'd li v T'li 'nelit mi I d
111! back waio - in.-1 til'- ii-i' iii-e i
i . "
- d ie
on t h'' j.iiicl a-e i uc n I !i
ells it sel I. ( j et it !- -Ii . Iia i
r Hum.-1 I h Ahi- iu ,,ii
I'u 1 I-. t'oiiij-ai I L'lin a.f i
i'l full J o- -iu'i i f ti;.- pi .
..i l- p,, -J,
pi' l-eltV,
1 1 1 . 1 "lit
( iMiiii"
ill ar. !
ami is r.r'ie .ii. i :n::ii-l
t'i make a I e; mini' of t':
Mill. Tli" ( c 1 1 ii i.i n - ha
ci Vi r f ,'i i i, ii. . i . ir i c 'e '.
'piil'ini nt
Fhiyd Tu ketsnain ,,l
! i,l I'.
I 1 11 ! ' I.
M-.-i :.
lr.s 1 1 si;;n' da- M'J
(lie mine and Chai h-v
of V. F Mom, hi
A ',.
iuld l''ivhlh ( 'orn
in 11 ,
charge of th-- pi
I as In "ii i'i 1 -
.11 il 1 1
i a nip mi I w
!i I,
, 1 It"-
.in th
I ;
Ml'l.t. 1 in- mine 1
lliji'iihoiit by th eti 1. its
plant i-l' the Cni, hn cotuj m
Roue linr.
1 a;
Cottage Grove Leader Chamjes
I. -F Fill!' ui le, a w 1' k 1.0 n
i'ti'iter iin! ucwM'tii i-1 m 'ii 1
ban.v took sioii 1 ;h" Collage
Groe I.i-hIi r plant Moiidav. Mr
I'uDrtnlie w ill bring l..s faim'v heie
soon. What Albany h'l-s s- will Li
gain to Cottage- Grove. Th" Nug
get welcomes to our city all n w
ci'ietis of the eiitelpii w it'll
w Inch Mr. J hi I h mile is u 1 . 1 i t' d
w i t ti in his I'i i iner home 1 1 1 1 .
Senator Bingham Accuses Jackson of !
Salem, "1.. I'd', a. iSpmal.i
Senator'H in- was aroiis' ,1 !
this morning by infoi inatioa that i
bill by IM wards of Lane, to li the j
boundary line between li.uu- and
Poughis comities, had been n fei red
upon motion of Jackson of lhjug I
las', to a special committee of which
Jackson is chairman. Ja. I.s ,11 is
Hiipposed to be opposi d to the hill,
hence the anger ot the senator liuin '
I, anc. He hurried into the ho isc 1
and told the l.ane licpl esentat lies
11l1.1t lie thought of thin action in
letting Hie bill get into the hands
of the enemy, and thei- went after '
-Jackson j
' I want you to understand that j
we are- not going to have any hold- '
ii business with that Lane-1 hmglas
boundary," lie exclaimed, with
some warmth.
Jackson disclaimed any intention
ol trying to strangle the measure
in committee, but liiughani thought
his getting possession of thn bill
justified his getting anxious about
it. Latr Jackson went over to the
.Senate to renew his assurances ol
friendship, and Senator r.ingham
repeated his warning, adding:
"If there is any attempt to hold
up that bill, I'll make trouMo for
The bill was introduced in the
House by Kd wards and provides
for the annexation to tho southern
part of Lane County of 1 section of
tho Bohemia mining district, in
cluding iu all about a section and a
half of mineral land. Mr. Kdwards
introduced tho bill on petition of
the owners and mines and the oper ators
of the properties, who desire
to withdraw from Jackson County
for tho reason that tho railroad in
terests are more directly attached
toLano County. At the piesent
time these people were instructed
to use roads constructed by Lano
County and a braueh railroad that
has been built to a point within o
miles ot the mines.
In order to reach th" piiucipal
points in Jackson County from iho
minos, a jourucy of betweon (10 and
70 miles over tho mountains by a
route that is impassable u part of
each year is necessary. Oregonian.
ci.inln, w ic
l-i imI. Inil flntniil fnr ?oan n Trdin
Plarnm in Rpfiion nf Rrants Pass
- (liaiitri Pass, Oi . !' h. 2.--lie-;
i ' uiiM" ol the cxtoiibivo placor work :
liind the f.ood returiiH iu yellow
' metal businnss i more active in ! ; ,.
J r.-mlH Pass than it has been for ,r
Hometimo. It is believed by con - ',. ,.
M-rviitive mining men tliat fh" otit-: o
, put of virgin (ohl from thin set tion , w, , (
t "f Uio Unto will total dose to 1 ,- fu 't
; 000,000 tins seaon. 1 hu rainHiu,
I have l.e' ti rtipiouH 'I. lis far, 'wid J
t h'To is a ood ileptli ol mow on As thin nlTords an nb'ind
unee of water the hydraiihc
Uii'M ar" thtinderini' dav find
inht. An unbroken run of th"
j giants till late in inny or June if
i uv siit' d. M(jnt of the L'ol I yield is
I bjin ei han(''(l over local bank-
n ceiitefH. the inim-rs n-ceiving
jf'.iiiin exehacf-e, mid the return'
'from the placer dinji"t's are IIiuhJ
' )',oin at once into the c hannelH of
1 1 ade
Th" quart, mines are ulno very
leisy in the (itants 1'iihs and Jos'1-
phi'"' dii-tti' tu. Thero nr" some
i . o piopeities L'tiippHl with mills,
,.ii; iiihiui. 1 rL.lllj'- au.r
.1... l.,.,a .wti.u ill,.
vi ilui. .Several properties will
icpiip an soon as the weather settles1
an -I (lie roads arc- passable for i
Iii-i'-hf veii'ons S.iiiin nf the I
1 r . 1. : .. ... 1 ..... I .
noil"- 01 nun iiisuni wnore uiiii.s j
h iv; bei ii hung up for noun' time
,. "ii ccciiuM ot uiigiiliou are now!
.-ctting fjec of legal entanglements
o ii I will soon be busy again.
Dry Wood.
tall at Monroe Wood Yard hr
by wood.
F. A. Monkoi:.
j Install Officers.
r,; ,ve Oil Fellows
n my l.r thren of the
Wlo ct'Ilit'i
!''dei I'ioi.i I
tio eveuin'.
- will be the
I in-
-1,,-el,! ,
i! ; ii t loll o;
fl'ive J-.
- uren '
01 t UC lOl-
. O .(A I .
EiKjC'i'! Items.
aii i Mr-. l;,n'hfim came
;a!i .1.1 on ti,( !o")l to spend
and Sun lav at home.
Fill, of ih" Feji-ter f-Jice,
:n -lav
( ' -t"i:
, i
IV s
Mil K-Ul
i . Mi-
( ,C Ve
:. A for
1 II
W 1
i'A'i i 1
! l;;ii"
a -I
1 !
M : -.
1 1 a -t
t ',.-!l-
e ; .
itl a -
,1 ttin
I'. K .
je Grove,
u.v, :
I I law :
I ii'iti,-.-
ii -.-t of Mrs.
days returned
Lugene Flood.
iiiaiMi.i-tuMii;: di-itriets of
"- 1 1 CDiiipi lie I to .shut
d :: ! 1 win-el moved on
of ti.-- 1.: water, no seri
i.'e was d'.r.e in t!:e citv.
1 If
down an
(HI s -iaai
:;'i r Wains
, : a! Ii i: 1 s
..;;H,,ot get by ;
things looked j
11, iii- I n a 'a inii
tld l'.Ugeue ;
1 i
r.i'.ndreds of cities
1 won 'ii
!,e v-: ; . i
watc-r 0
to tat- e a little
-tor. eiy if they
-lily have the 1
I 0:1 - it n- 1,: our
.em tit ol being i
L'rand Oregon
ftieam -.
Kd I ';
I., the h.
1:11 tonfiued
rhl.J r.jN'jA'.
'I ).e (.'
We are going to get Busier
f ' " nil,,,-.,,,!
15 per ceinit W
on any Suit
per cenit off
on any Overcoat in the house during
the month of February with cash
the leading Clothier and Shoe House
Successor to Welch & Woods.
! COX- Infant child of Mr. and
j Mrs. Tom Cox Monday rooming,
I I'eb. 4th.
Flofi.sie J luff died
,1 ; T..l. ..,1 r,t .
, tnonia, aged 17 years. She was
1 siek but a few days and her un-
U'melT death saddens the yonng
'people of Cottage Grove, among
j whom she was very popular. Misa
i HufT was an active member of the
-v" last evening ''-' Ohurcn and prominent in
at that placed ' Jvpworth League work.
vi -iiin. 1 'Icr Cottage Grove borne was
v.i-nt to Cot- ; 'th Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Isham
in where she j while Hhe was attondinK school.
.1 two and will I Iev. J. L. Beatty preached a touch
id to iemain at I 'ng funeral sermon at the home of
1 1 .. IT' II . J
I uer oaronis near uimer yeuieraay
md little 'afternoon,
for Cot-' Many of the League members
They are j were at the service. A large num
for good ,er floral tributes were sent by
friends and two beautiful floral
: pieces purchased in Portland by
I the young people were in evidence
of their love and respect lor their
deceased companion and friend.
Lane County
The Lane County Poultry Asso
ciation elected officers at a meeting
in Lugene Thursday afternoon as
follows: J. O. Watts, president;
: Amos Wilkins. vice-president: B. F.
Ketney, secretary; A. W.Bond,
treasurer; An executive committee
as follows ouas ftnnrintir1 : ft P
Hurd. Rm Wirlmnr T. O Holt A
1 report of the financial condition of
(the association was read, showinc a
surplus of 8o.8o from the exhibi-
tion held in the Walton block last
J. W. Veatch is visiting his
father and mother iu Los Anaeles.
High School Notes.
Prof. Strange gate us an inter
esting talk Friday about the im
portant industries of Cuba, the im
portance of the island, and how
much it is to the welfare of the
United States to be on good terms
with the government and people of
Several new branches Lave been
begun by the varioun classes this
week which is the beginning of the
new semester. Among them are
Geology and Roman history, which
studies have been taken up by the
freshman class as they have finished
Physical Geography and greek his
tory. The junior class have begun
the study of Zoology, and the soph
mores will take a final examination
in algebra next Friday and then be
gin geometry.
Agnes Langdon was absent a few
days last week on account of sick
ness. Ernest Wyatt, Allen Baker and
Belle Burkholder were absent from
the junior class Monday.
Mr. Phillips, one of the school
directors, visited the high school
last week and expressed himpelf as
being much pleased with the work
being done.
The high school mourns the loss
of one of their classmates, Flossy
Huff, who died Sunday evening
Feb. 3, of pneumonia. Flossy en
tered the high school in September
with the present class of freshmen,
having also been with them last
year in the eighth grade.
G. B. Hengen has returned East.
F. C. Coffman and wife returned
to Cottage Grove this afternoon,
after visiting their brother, Milo
Coffman in Eugene who is quite ill.