Millions Spent on Intoxicants. i Continued from tirst page.) c miniate for a state otlico in Tcn-H- s.see. democrat or republican, is a t- :iipcnnce reformer. Senator, a ilemocratie loader, lias f !jd-4Cil himself to a movement to 2; vo cciy H'lloon from tli state. (' liloriiims sy that a treat tem I ranee lesson taught lv the i . Franci-vo taitliquake. San 1'ianeison consumed much liquor I iul wan known ns a wide-open t wn. When t ho seismic ili-;- tion i laret, tl'cre i the least i t fort towar.l leal lostrietion of the li'iuor UatnV, I t'RK-IU.OOl l n AM I u 1 C Vs vhieh fact i taken to inti ute that pure-hloodo.1 American have set their face against the vice ot ill unV.entiesv Th'' SD.15l1.nn st.des received but 4 per cent ot th" im migrants who came into the conn try list voar, and they .ire loading the crusade u j i 1 1 t the salnon. eelver 1' "v 1 . 1 1 1 Olllce nt ISo ic'en Oivinii, ,a . im II i:;th i'.a;. I le names the following vvllnes-es 'lo prove Ills' coutinious residence .upon :i pit cultivation .!, the liu.l, vl: .Libit Palmer. .iitfii-'t Sin, !i. l.'im.'s I.i'hi, Foster Phillips, nil of Colt. 11; 1 Itwc. ( ieu'.n. 1!.: 1 imin Ti. Kino , i:ei;s.r. I 'rank A . Ti ipp. 'f 1 ! 1 M . 1 Any and ;ill 1 r- 1 t 1 l iin lii". Nel'M'H II..' ab.IV . d'-sel . I I IV' I UI'SIC (I I I tilt- I 1 I ' I I I ,.1 i I . ' 11 .11. tin . Olll.'e .Ml O! I ef- ! e I '. I I V VI I .NOT lei: nil; Many s.mtii "cum s believe tint the abolition of the dive would ;; tar- -t r occurred, the saloons were ! tlier toward itnptoviu i i!vr coa- c .osed and kept closed Men whojditions and prove the surest wolu 1 . . t . 1 - -.1.1 . 1. . . 1 lion 01 llie race pronicm mm 1011m be divise.l. An eiTort is bein ma le to secure the enactment law which will prohibit the ship ment of liquor into prohibition ter ritory by apph iti interstite coin voie thev wouid die if thev did 3 at linvo alcohol were made to 1 work clearing away debris, and it is slid tuiuy of them have stayed i ti the 'vnter wagon" ever sinco. li'orth Carolina has also taken a 1 I'.'p.irtmeni 01 tiie intei lor. I, .111. 1 Ollice ;il lowehuri;, Oreu a. HccemUr 'Jsth, p.i.u; N ,'tl.-.' Is h-r.'lv ejven t'.it sami 1:1. k 1 i:vts. of Cotl ace Urine, OivpMi, has t. , d n. 1! iee of his intention to make tlnal live-year proof tu support 01 Ids claim. r. Homestead 1'iitry N. ton ... male .1,111. :.';. Pid. (or the I 'antige of the local option law. j merct provisions t'.-oenshoro, with more than 30.0c Oj The Legislatures of 30 states arc j-pulation, is as drv as a bone 1 now in session, an i it is probable South Carolina has the state dis-1 that all of them will consider the jvnsaiy svsteni. I lapaor ip.iestion in one form or an-'inn stMto whioh ten vp.irs! other. While comparatively few I ".1 .1 t 111. Ml I . I 1 I, in-1 oiii.'.' iii 1; NOTUT. IMPLICATION i,v N I .1 1 ssi: . if M1HH..I ( ! . f In 1 ,1 1 1 1 I , . . i 1 1 . v t 1 1 i-n i- ! 01 el .Im. 1 ' . II 'in -'. ".:!. ni.i.1.' .ta'i I T. s',. Nl'( s'( , Se. 1 1. 111 I . I' 1 1 -1 1 i ; mi i s.ii.l .i ., .f I ... .. U O' 1 . . i . ... . II. .... I'll ... ... . . 1 . 1 la j .'.-i on 1. nil urn 1 . . ,,. ,, 1 I. . 4 .... I ...... j... . ..'III T I .,llll' . ....l.l'l .11.11 P.ll't 'M"'l 'I III ! 111.1 le hefotv IJeytster (Hi.l lo'e. lver ; I . S. lin.l Oltl.'e fit Koseluir-. Oie .'. in . hi uril lilt I'.mC I le tiiin.'s the following witnesses!1'! ; o prove liis eoiittti'iuus reshlenei upon, anil eultlv.illoii o(. the l I 1; Walter l'.;iker, .1. I. I'.ilnier, ! John Mm tin. John Sears, nil of t'ot I tap ii'.n i', Oregon. I'.i-.n.i wns I j. Kiii. Ueul-ter. ..i:-i, Li! II II U I he 'l-ll i ! l pi. I"N 3 J rein M I I '.'Ml . 1 '! I 1 I I I I 'I SI, 1. .1 s ;., 1 !i" s'.. on April ,'.h, ri lie name-; the lo loil.'W 01 i iMi t 11 1 1 ;. Ml :tt :o regarded the distillers and j men are wt.liPf? to espouse tlu ). ewers' lobby as its real ruler, is cause of total prohibition, it is tin w trying to keep the legislature deniably true that the movement to :. in going oo far in enacting laws icstriet drunkenness is .Ninon-wide, v..ieh cannot be enforced, thus 1 and that takinj the N'atiou as .1 'ikeuing the whole anti-drunken-i whole ilrunkeuness is on the Ue as movement. In that state the j crease. Thirty millions of our :.Ioore law permits tin citizens of 1 people, or over one-t!)ird of our e-iy geographical division in : population, ulrea ly live under pro- oantj, township, city or ward, to hibitiou laws. Oregonian. nbohsh saloons by a petition Mnd iv a maioritv of its citizens. Crockery Maine is technically a prohibi ! Corbits. t. on state where the sule of intoxi-; Joe Damewood cuuo in :mi:i cants is an outlaw business. The I Wild wood yesteidav. York Sunday laws are strict 1 1 the books, but elastic io en-1 . icement. Iu Chicago, u city ! made up largely of foreign-born' c Pzens and sous of foreigners, the' icf mr-nt toward local restriction of .he liquor traffic is slow. Ohio 11s progressed from a simple pre- , notice of his intention to 111 ike lin.i eiuct local opuon law to a regula- i "WX N.f lion which will permit the citizens l(0 i-vt,. i;. p.i, i.,r the L-ts :. am of unv prescribed district in the 1'. Section 1. Tovshlp s. i:.iiur . :tv to nrohihir saloons within that 1 - W., nml that suhl pro..; will territory, the only re.uiremeat UvtV Ur i eing that a majority of toe citi- ej,)R. on April l ttti. 1 t7. :c:;sign a petition against them, j He names the following witness,.- Nebraska has a state inebriate i to prove 1 - On 1 n 1 hi ( ). prov c 11, ui'l W alt. 1 1 uon. 1 n im I'M. Uoli. I'i a 111 :;. hi . W i ; 1 i. 1 in 1 ni :!' ill . I'o N.. ."IN I., r. 'Il t The Compartment Observation Cars Tlic (ii ivdcy 0! yen liomc Tliccomforts of a club Tlic luxury of a first class hotel. Chiented Liirvited , . 1 r nophm: roi; a i ion. lvpartment of the Intetlor I . ill.l Olhee :it Koselmi Oregon leeelliler '.'sth, 1 ""I. j Noti.e is herehv uiveti ni i;i.i:s 11. i:i.i.i:i:s. ot rie.isant Hill, Oiei;oa. has iKo.l notice of hi- intention tu ma k e ti ua I . !ieear proof in Niippoit of his' ela 111. lloniestea.l I '.a try No "'.'Is. ir.a.l" April ;W, !'. tor lie N W 1 . Seetioti -'1, Townli:p i: S. um ' 1' W. an 1 thnt s.ifl pro'.fwill !' !!ia !e hefore ltey;ister anil IJeeeivei 1". S. L.ui'l O.'li.e at Kosei.iiru. Or. - ; 011, on Mareh N PiC He n. imes t he following witness-, to prove his continuous r"-il":i.v upon, and e'lltlvatioti of. the l uel vl: I'apt.i". l 1 I.UllUlollil. of l'llu'elM', lire. K-lnholi I'npeiifuo. of l'l.-a--: ant Hill, Ore.. James O. P.n-to.v. KllCelie, Ore. , I-'re.l II. Stnster. o! j l.'r.'i well, ( )fe. 1'.i:mami I.. I'.i'io . Kr .is! 1 it. I 1 1 M ni l: 1. am. ac r JIM: ;;. is;s ! Mil h i: i oi; im p.i.if. ri: j I 'nlteil States Lainl I !liee, Uo-el'iirv:. ore.. .Nov. L':'.r.. 1"" ' Notlei I- hereby iven In eon,-' pllauee with the provl-ioiis .( the in I j i.f Congress of.lillif ''. ls7s eiitll!e.l ' "An net for the s;ile of timber 1 . 1 n 1 111 ! . 1. . -......... I .. 1 V . ' to prove hH continuous residence , . ,. , . r -7 . ... '.. . ..... ... a aint U ash u'ti i I errilory. as I law providing for "the examina-!;!.'" a"u " 1 " ! ,xt(.,lt.,i in all the I'uMIe l.mP ion of dipsomaniacs, inebriates and, johll lK Pam,.r j0,. p;imereH, I s'iUl'-i u l2viin"r ; nersnns a lietM to the evepssirp msp I V..n ilor.l.ui S .mn..l k' ! JOM.l II M II.M.iiu.i. , . . .. .v . ,. . ,, .. 1 -. ., , n t .- . .1 I s. I 1 I ,. , , ,1 I , ' 1 I . ' I I l I 1 , U , . . , ' i Tenitoryi of onnii, Iki this 'lay j filitl in this ctliee his sworn state- 1 i nieiit No. 7'.,j:, f ir the purchase ol the I SK of NI! i, ; K j of Sl;i, ami SV NO Ml i: Ol- SI I l,; I i !' ri:ii iion i roi.' I Notice K le'lel -IV. I '. I t 1; o '( fill e . . 1 1 1 : 1 ; 1 . I s ,!e j- lie. I o.,t 'I tr 1 il I t he Stale of ( irei; mi .' ,! I .a lie 1 ei 1 lie I M n .lav I . 1 . 1 ' N .1 'si' hi: 1 ..1 i, U.uly II Allnnl yen .era M I'.iulMuineDplis, I u i -1 Smintl a:ul liilormc iliatc I'tii 11I s via the fil 1 'i i 1 Liill u 1 it )U I! RAILWAY 1 1 , i"i h ' m o I 1 I ll. I I'll. '.III 1 1'" I ' . ol He 1 I 0 I . I S s Miaiie'iiit.i s.iiis h Ul ICO I . I I I" at cost at Miller and j Nona: for. hi r.i.n a rio Hepartineiit of the Interior. Lnn.l Otllee at Koseluiri;. Ore. 1"C. I's, l'.tO'i. .Notice Is lieivbv uh.-n that JAM I'.S n. m-:vis. of Cot tau'c lifave. Oreuion. has ti lo 1 , 1 -1 I ' - he 1 ver, 111,- of morphine, cocaine or other nar- j I'wls. nil of rottaiv limve. nnvon. -otic dru-s; f0r the cetention, care! L. Konv. ItejfUter. treatment of such persous, and '.or their parole." The only home for drunkards' wives ever estab lished in the Umted States, and possibly iu the world is at Des Moines, I a. This was made a re ality by the will of the late James Callahan, who left $20,000 for the purpose cf building it. rOREIGN-BORN OR LATEST IKINKKItS. In those comrnunitie where the percentage of foreign-born popula- xotice roi: rum.i ation, 1 : Hepartment of the Interior. Ldml Office at Kosebur;;. Oregon. Heeeniher lth, !'. "I, Notice i-: herehv riven that WILLIAM VAN" (JOUDKN, of Cottage Grove, Oregon has lileil notice of his; intention to make linal five-.vear proof in support of his claim, viz: II,mieteai Kntrv No. fii", ore-oti. on !T12 maile I-Vbruarv 1. I'.mu for the 1 day of April, I'.hC. f Section No. 14 , in Townshli N11. '.'11 Huiitli, Uiinxi' No. i'i we-t. . M.. ainl will offer proof to sh.ov that the l soiicht is mol e valuable f-T it -tiinU-r or stone than for ay;rieuluiral purposes, aid to establish his claim to sab! latnl tM'foie W. V. falUni-. I'. S. ollimls-lolier. at his olliee In 1 1 11- hafunlav the lots 4. it anil Section 32. Township He names (ls- witnessi-n: !1 S. LaiiL'e " w. and that sanl rroo! .lohu o r.rien. .ia'oi. i.i.i.k. hi 1."- wlll be nia'le before Ke'ister ami i:e- rane. Oregon; (Mark I". Hcver. nux. IF YOU WANT CASH i For Your Real Estate or Business 3 j cjsj" QET IT No Matter What Your Property ,s Worth" or in Whal Town City stale or lerntory 11 is Locaxea If I did not have the ability and facilities to sell your property I certainly could not afford to pay for this nd vertneincrit. This ' ad" Mike all other "ad-".i Is praetlc iilly sure to place on my list a numlx-r of new properties, and I am Ju-t as sure to sL.l these properties and make enough money in commissions to pay for the cost ol these 'ads." and make a yood profit besides. "That i.s why I have so lare a real estate busi ness today. Why not put your property amotie the number thatuii! U; sold as a result of these "a'ls.' I will not only be able to sell it- some timo but will be able to sell it quickly. I am a spe cialist in quick sales. I have the most complete and up-to-date equipment. I have branch oiliees throughout the country and a field f, rce of 1111 -u to find buyers. I do not handle all lines usually carried by the ordinary real estate acnt. I MI ST SI'.LL real estate and lots of it or out of bu-iness. enn assure you I am not t-'olne; out ot business. On the contrary, I expect to find, at the dose of the year, that I have sold twice as many properties us I did th" pa-t year, but It will first be ncces.-ary for me to "list" more propi-ith s. I want to li-.t VolTfSainl SLLL it. It doesn't matter whether you have a (arm, a home without any land, or a business; It. doesn't matter what It Is worth, or wt,re it is located. If you will till out the blank letter of in.pjiry below and mall it to me today, I will tell you how and why I can quickly convert the property into ca h, ami will ;ive. you my complete plan FREE OF CHARGE find terms foi handling It. The Information I will Ive you will be of great value to vou, even if you should decide not to -ell. You had better write today before you forget it. If you want to buy any kind of a farm. House or Business, In uny part of the country, tell me your requirements. I will guarantee to till them promptly and satisfactorily. David P. Taff, The Land Man, 415 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kas. I'.'.'i, oil a ilei'lee tend court on 1 1 e :' I : !i . i . : N pMUl in :l stilt H il'' !',' , 1 : ! . ne was pla-utiit and II smil h .110 1 I i'.. :i a.ii i. :.-iid.oit s u ii ,. , w i i ii fa v or oi sa i I , 1 1 . . i , i ' , , I i ! I and a '.'a ai -t a ! dants that ti, .!'. Iroia - i.-feii-1 i : 1 1 s Mum I red and I .!'. Ills i U' 1 I U I'll 1 ! . I ' '. ' I I ie s i'i vs no I I he i'.i : : ii i ., ell teen a n I so J mi ,i i i ; , .- . ; . de, I as Oil-' died .11. d l"C t he ( lerk -- . iil;, e . i , . , . , .,, r ! f. Hint V I ill t he .' H Ii ,1.1 i . . 1 'in. on I 'ao,. .'!,, ,.f .i,,,,i till s.u I I '. airt a n I -aid . , . t o-, d'T ' .1 -ale lo n.e I -d inn ni" ia tie- naii.e . -f I im l i.',', 'll : il oi l. i I o -. t , - . cr. e and iud.-l.t. da, 1 i' dre.l and Fifteen and .' i ' and Tu en t y -Ii do.ia : . fi's an I Si- ,'i.t I'. ;i i :, j s , ; . eo-i - and aei i n I n ,-. , , . follow ln' dos,--;'-..,i l.i..,! I . . 1 .. 'v; : ii a i nu two I. ', ; i ; t weitty nine ie, t i,. o l h east c .nier of t !,. hi!. I. .. s. lilt i .la It r of tie M q : I 1 1 . r i f s,.,-i he, p, , a 1 , , .-. , South "f l;.anr"e .'1 We t. -no. in We-t l-' l'"i r "I-. ti.en. e N .! I'i ids. t heme List I l", I . tlli lice South l.'.i;.". .,.s 1. ! ! , l-e;iin,nLr Ci'Illa ill!,:,; I I; - .1,1. more or l--s in Lane ( '.,-in!. . .NoW I Ill-re!'. .! ' ill I he I,. I 1 ! State of Ul'-X"ll .11-1 i '. i ion Willi mild eeiu 1 1 - .ri and 1 w ill on M'.nd iv I he (l !i da ruaiy I:hi7 at ih itii i t he ( loll lit y I 'i ai rt. 1 1 . i ,. Lane i'i ni ii ly , I M-.-j.-i .a . ! . t ., . hours "f It a. in. and I I I o'cl. 'ck p. in. ; . ie r f i - .e ! subject to ledelnj t i !: . lll "I t h liained i lefeti- la n t - 1 1 lit title t.-rest ill and to the .0. , ,, real pi', iperty In i i- I r ' i a t - deeiee cost - all1 1 ;o'C I 1 1 , 1 1 .' ' . . Hated :it Dll-el e. I ). .' - i I :'l-r. I'"'.; I !. i . f Lane ( o ,n' . ( i;, 1 1 1 : i : 1 1 i s SAi.i: on ia i Notice is hel'eliy :m'-ii Vi I I III' i 1 1 an eei in : ' i I , the I lr. lilt I '.ill! t of t he -v o for the t'oiiul V of .a ii ll.lV of Heecinl-er I " ' i III a STABLES! FASHION Livery Feed & Sale A. S. Powell, Prop. I 4 w Oregon 'i'iic Hotlc Ji);s jivca pcrlcfl scparilt Ion ol'inc Ical Ores J O H N A. TRAYLOR. MININJi MACIIINF.KV H S lilaUeSi. Df.NVIlK COLD i.'i I. ... u r - i : I : ol i l, i -, c! lis t i I ) 1. !, V'' I I ,',t ll .' ipp;" I'lOilllcer-. ni butt .inv l e siie if Thin ' S( itrsinail I I W. il c. i a 1 . . w i ..I o-. Hid I: Ml lii" t . S 1 1 1 1 iial'.o I li !'l on I: the ( ' No the bill ol a w.i-. 1 . l n, 1 iitnl I tli l o M o. i i ii' oi t ii . 1 e ! i V, I'rC.sldellt J K'o: i U'oi ue. Sc I I'ls it I '. .Ill l id :i: I 1 1 I no . ' I'll!". 'I'-'l ' I ( , ,' . I .,: . i !..-:-, -Ill S 1 1 1 p ' h If You Want to Sell Fill in, Cut Out and Mail Today. I'lease send, without cost to nie, a plan fur finding a cash buyer for my property which consists of Town County State Following hi a brief de-eription Lowest euidi price Name Address.... jf iy w; psynK.Tff If You Want to Buy Fill in. Cut Out and Mail Today I desirs to buy property cone.-ponding approxima tely with the following specific itioim: Town or city County Stain , I'lice between and $ I will pay i if down and balance ii Kemiirks j Name AddrcH.s In on the oth day of Nm . ml r mm; in Ha id Court .1 a ines L. I i On I a r 1 J 1 i i ' -lir recovered j'lilnent a.:a .a ' .1 Sherwood defend. in' for tie- -ami. I Seventi en (I undi id .iii.l 1 i : t l,.!iir (.17.Vi.imi and for tic- f a 1 1 her son ,.: (Jne 'llionsaud Hollar- I piuo oo, w hu h Judgment v as enrolled and dm 1. 1 n d II 1 he oil ice ui I he lel k of s ill 1 i I on t he p.'th i lav of Nov end,, i I'a ,''. and .-aid execution to me doe, ltd . ,.,, inanllng lue in t he naioe o! toe SI a : of Oregon that out of tie- p. rsm i! propei ly of said deiindant or if s-1 1 1 I liclenl collld not be folilld tle ll out o the real pl'opei I be oieili;.' to aid (, t oil or after the s lid I'M ft day of November pun; I -,-iti-iy ihe above su m of Seven te. a II i nd c d a I, , I Fifty Hollars :4l7,'Hiuj with -t a t S p( I' cent siiee Vlav L'li'l I't"., al torney fees for One Hundred ai d Fifty Hollars i $ ,-,u imi i and I le - furl her Hilm of One Thousand Holla i I ' Hum. an III I'. S gold (inn now due on said judgment with interest at I he rale ol is jicr cent per annum in like gold com from the Until day of .Inly I'lOa and the further mm of ( ne Hundred Hollar-i (100.00) uttoriicys fees an I Ten 10-100 Hollars Slo. Iuj c,:-ts ami al .o the eo, ts of and upon this vsritaiidj being unable to lind pi:r-ipmil properly with which lo satisfy said judgment j costs, and accruing costs I did on the L'stll day of l)eeeinhe- PriMl e y nil the f. .1 1, , .. ii.... i . .,.i i ,. I'.il'M.l.l,: .T. ll.M'l I '.(ll 'l "I" , I ) i situated ill Lane CounlV, Oiegoii,. and Lclonudii'' to said 1 1, f. n la n I .1 . ! t 1 A i a t N.-v . N H : in, I N ,1. ( I, ,;-'., I I- 1 1' I'.lo 1 ' I ll I ! e ' I -I i , I I'I 111" - ' I I -' . 1.1 .Hid U led lo all ! .ii Ni; : . -rs. I -1 . 1 1 I I ( ) V Laud ' Ilia e "el. .' 'III. I H. I '. ,-n I h it i n cmi - ision- , ,f he .-i.-t '.. I s."s. . nt ill. d al ol tliuli, i l.-mds I ( a 1 , 1 o I 1 1 i . I , I lie.o .n , lime . ii, J',., i'i . i r y , ih I le- I'llUe' I Old s!,, !(..., .1. . M' I lev . .11'. .lohtlHoli Jctlfi ,V Johnson, I tot ii, v s a I la vv ojh r suit, .; ; ,, ;,,. Spe. lal att. a !,,,,, -K,n to Mining mid i oriioiat l,,n La w . J. E. YOUNG .'It tornctj -n I - l.ti ic - ' '' ' ' ' Nl . i iii,-,-! .v t -1 . t a- CdTTAoi. ',l-;,ii;, (JkM. H. C. Ik- I, w at. r.. cor r.t. i MADSICN, V. ATl' 1 1 M K KK. ! 1 '. ; . I .i ,-l I'llco -i;" i:. oi:i'', ' bv . ! o! ';.oi-.t I, K-i'-'. I'LLLS I ' I ILL f . .-. i . - n.ov , . em l y o .a tie, l a I , i o ;'J"iiii"iy, oi i invnn, has this d i y j ll lei li II I I 1 1 ' olliie hi- sWillll -tateinent . No. , 1 ' i f .r ii.- nr.-li.-i-e ol t he N L 1 , i N I 1 , " l M-etioi, No. U. ,n T..vMi-lni. No. 'o s i'i! h. La nee o .:, Wet, '. M . and .v il ! ..ur pr. . I to show I ha t I lie I. ill' I 'll.' hi I II, ol e V .1 1 1. I do fol 1 it . I iiiiher or i :,.,e I i,;iii f t- ;i.i'ieul j t iir.d ,'.l I'ose- and to est ihlidi ,U rl.i iu to .aid baud In line V. . '. ill. ins, I'.S. ( 'oinini.-aoie r, at hi.-i olhce in 1 . 1 1 ono, Oregon, on Moielav the Ph day ot I iliiii.u y, PI117. lie nauie-, us vvitiie-si's: James I Sea i s i if - e i a a vv , Oreoi m . ill h v I '. Mill"i. ol s-aguia w. Oregon; i n-orge e.ll - of WalleT, I H'l lll. John IL La le I.T ol I llui.i a , ( reg( m. i Any and all poison-, ela lining a d- Veisely t he ,a Imv c-de.-c jbeil lands ai'ei rei in-led lo lile their claims In this olliee (ill or l.ef.ll'e said (tli duvof! l'el.i'u iry, P'u7. ' 1 ins i v vi in i,. i.nnv, n,o,di'i T.;i: (iuovi; ' All III" 1,1 " si iri'atnii iiH. Electrical l'MI mil MK!)!C VlKi) BATHS Ordinary Cases $12 per Week. I'm liirlluT i.aitl.Milan wMiv,, ir. ii. ;. sciii.i:i:i v ' V f vv riMlir.i: i.AM), act ji n'i; .;. is7s- N'OTP L l oll I I LLK.'A I ION I liite.l States Land Ollice, lb i i burg, Ore., Nov. ... llillli. Noliee is hen bv elv. ii tlllltill coia pllaiioc with the provisions of the act of '. -neiei-s ol June .'!, I -S7H. laitllled . K . r f con. ZJk TAIN P INCi H0HEYTAH J J NO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUQ LAW. The Orldlnl Ltlv CouiiK Syrup containing Honey and Tr. An Improvement over All Cough, Lunl nd UronchUl Keinedloi. fleftnant to the taste and good alike for young and old. All cough cyrup containing opiates constipate the bowela. Dee'a Laxative Honey and Tar movea the bowels nd contains no opiates. Prepared Ly FINK-1 IX MtUICINE tOMPANV, CHICAGO, V. 6. A. For sale by New Era Drug Store ."!. Sherwood on the 1'Hh d.iv ol' No. I "A" '"d "r "f timber lands In eiuber P.HM1 or teibseipieii t ly lovvit : lads 7 and s I'dock r, Mcl'a Hands addition In Cnlluni' (iiove, iireroii except t herefrom Ihe lollo vVin;.': He- 'l I) ll I lie; at the H. L. corner of Lot v liloek G .Mel al lands addition lo Col ta;'! Hrove, Ore;ron, llieuc i ruiiiiiiii! north US feet, (hence went ,",') feel, ttU'iice south .'is feet, Iheiice east .VI feet to place of lieinnin;;. Now t herefore in the name of t he State of Oreomi mid ill compliance with said execution and in order lo witiufy said Julian lent costs, a ud acci'u IntfcostsI will on Monday the 1 1 1 h day of February PiuTnt tin- sonth .ve i door of the County Court House in FiiKcui'. Lane County, Oregon he- tvveen irie liouis or ll u clock a. in. and 4 o'clock p. in. towil, ar 1 o'i lad. p. in. on f-aid di.y oiler for ialn for cash subjoi't to I'cdi lujit ion, all of I he above named J. M. Shcrwouds dc fendant i i).dit , til le and interest In and to said abuve ilescribed real prop erty. Huted this 'JMtli day of Heceiuher PJOIi. ITaai Fish, Slierill' of Luue County, Oregon. tli Slates of I abloi'iiia, Oregon, Ni vada.and Washington Ten ilory," as esiended lo all Ihe I'ublic I"in, SI. ites by net of Aieil. I, IhllL', l.'OY i. HI NILN. a' )eter, Co. of Lane, Slate (or lernioiv ) of Oiegoii, has this day lile In thl i i, Hie.) his sworn statemen t No. i I'M. lor the p'ii' ol the S ol SV ..I Seeijoii .'in, ,, toAII hhipNu. Pi , Lanee I W.W. will oiler piMo; lo hh,e.v that the land soiielii Is mole valuable fur its limber or sione than fur ai Icull uial pur pn e . i u i lo ent.ahli h his claim lo .-aid land b.nae W. W. Calkins, j. ,s. i ii ui i in i .1,. ii n i , , o. 1 1 1 . i iii u e ii i j aiji in ( r' o oii , on u on, lay , i ue it n da Maich, P.HJ7. He 1 1, a lues ns wit ne.-ses : I J.Ieu Tenipli'iu iu, of ion, Oregon, W'illiaiii Al. S illi. iins, o )e.ler, Ore.', l!,v ron Hiinien, oi Hi lcr. oi..., .;cj! VV ill Wn :;ii'T, o He Vli'l , I lie. Any and nil persons claiming nL vci -cly I he above-described lands mo I'Cipieste.l lo hleHli ir claliilH in this ollice all or belulV Halil 1 1 Ii day of Ma rch, PHI7. Time Table. In ed'ect Sinn lay, Nov. 2't 12 a in NolMII JIOUNO 1 ' C It !k III No IS Cottage (JIOvc Local t.'lo a m I l.2) ft til :I.'i p m Hoi Til IliM'NIi No 1.5 No i i New Fast 'Pin in No Hi No 12 No 14 New Last Train 1 . 2i a in I.V it m r.r, .. ... INo 17 (-ottac drove Jioeal 'J.sopm No 1 1 1 iy ol 0. it I li. IL II CO. ,,, . , . J1,llu 'I'alilo Nd. 4 lo lake effect November 1 llloii. KHSt ...l,, ;,,, , Tuoi "ll'l .silt Hilly n;,. 1 . 1 "'iy I'.- , Nl" '-'I'I Hia.,,,y. NoJ-Nol .'" 1 " " 1 I Mil l I, inn I k.ll.v 1 . M I " ' in 111:11 Ol-HVO "lll.lllll . . I I'rrn Oi, r. 1, 1 Mil V! ;40 7 -.'Si ii.-r.i-7 -Mr . ; WICU H ,, ,. ,or,.H ; -1 : 1 1 .1 r. ilrh i.l'i !:ll.'. I.V li ...t,.( tr ;,' ' IIHo'J: l.i HI. 11 t "' . I s,s tldl . . HllllJDUl 1.1 I'limiHi, Wlllli.lll aii niiiwHni .1:filli,l: .',-ji 11 1.71 7111 NI7 hll 1117 UK, He'll IIMil I'K'II ,M I'.'anii II :l!.i t:ts 11 I'll 4:,Vi 1 1 am lii:4ii ni:;::i )(l:VS ma 4:44 4:117 ran 4 :'ii 4:17 10: 00 1 4:i)U n.illco. JW..njami. L. Fluiy, Keginter. ..nuirviivl;1'! ,""r "' linoniu vt in, m i,1 1 , ,a ''ion.) r.,rura- A. B. WOOD, Manager,