Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 30, 1907, Image 7

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Suys l-ru-iii Is u Good Mcd-
i inc.
lion. ('. ('. I'.KKikM, mayor of Sun
liiry, )ili, uIho iiIIiii mi'v fur I'linnem'
bunk tniil Niuilmty HnildliiK ami lmii
('"., w rilce: I
"I llSYH (lll III lllll' I IMIlllill'lllll In the
viilim of lYriitm. II m it yreat ! 1 1 - I
eilie. I Iiiivo iiHi-il . ninl I have known '
liilinv of tnv ft lend wlm Ihivk ulilii iin-d
Im'iii IIi'iiiI ri'HiiliM from itx I iin- '
not pritift lYrimn loo highly."
'I Iiitc nri' 11 lio-t n( (wily nilniivit
w liii li uii' tin- iliici'l riKilit n tin- w nlli
Tliis li iiniii' Inn1 of lliii rxi i-.siii lnnt
of Hiitninir ninl tin" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - i'hIiI f
1 nt . r. Iml it ii putly trim of nil unit-nil-
nf I lir yi nr.
W In tln r it In- 11 I'nlil or 11 cnii'li, 111
tiii rli 1. f t In' In 11I or lii.WI'l 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,
w In tin r lln lui-r Im iifli i-ti'.l or tin
klillni, t lie I'uimi' ii Viiy liulili' to !
till' Mi mi'.
Tin- xM'iitlii'r flilitly ilinuifi'i tin
lliilioii" liii liil fiitirN of tin- nivalis ninl
tlli- ri'illt I- conn' f 11 111 t : 11 in I ilifi-u-i.
f'criitiii hu linonir a tiindly in Itious
irntN of homrt lor minor uilmrnt of (hit
Ak your (VukkM for tree IVrunu AU
ntiinac for l)07.
A Moil Dreadful Catn of KUney
Trouble and How It Wit Cured.
TIioiiiih X. .Mi-('iiIIiiiI, Soiitli
Wi-biT St., CoKirii'lo .-,rinir, Culn.,
wnvn: "I'or Ui-lvc
or tifti'i'ii yinrn I
huh MiffcriiiK' fr
iiii'lit iiIIiu'Um of
Juiin in tin- 1'iii'k
mid kiilimyi Unit
Liit 'd for thriT
win l at a timi'
... .
Would In- unalilo Ini
turn in ImmI. Tin- j
A tt-rri I'l n. lit ion, ut I
ir,:',:" .... 1
,s f"7i..--,;-;,i.t--
''i i 'tf'-i '-4'..y -U'.'- jj i
(: , v; ,;,..v;jT '5
iirino wiih In
... I 1 1 1 L rl'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 llllll I VI II II I TIIHI 1 .III IIs! IIH'lll
tll.M-H'o miMirrniK'. I AM h! ,-,. ,.. ru:m.l ami K- noi - -ln'an
illi iibii'h Kidin-y I'iIIm, mid I ,,,im .Iumci uml nri- ui. ly I 'miil in
hhiii folt lii lti-r. Ki i-Jiinr on, 1 fnund i i vi ry purl ol tliM !vili.i d wiirld.
iiiniiiliti- Iri'i'.luiii from kiilimv troiililo
Tl..- Im- i-.riimn..i.t : I own
inv i;oi. lirnltli to Iloan'H kidllry I'iIIh."
r-old liy nil iliiilt'tH, ; i-nt.i a
I'u-lor-.M i Ilium '-o., Iluffulo, N. Y
lit' II lnN Aiivi-r . Oii-nii"!. I
i.. u.i ni.-,
, I'oiurmi'k hMtiiui'rl lirlr-:, l
Klllrr, I. M.I, l ; I mill, miIvit, 7 "; . : .llll-ur
i'I'I-t. l. I itiiliUi ti-iin. M.ullii( i-nviinM-4 nnil
full inr-lint ihmiI till M'illiHtlnli. 1 unlri.l Hint I m
I'lri uurlt Hiilli liiul. l.vluruucui 1'julkiumIu ar-'
lluutU Jltuik.
? jr?K wfa.JiHj;6a''Tro ' -iiij.
aaaataAaaatl i . i iaawaaaaaanaaM
AVlicn thcMootl is jniro, iresh niul healthy, the skin will lie soft, nmoothl
nnd free front tletnisln.:!, but when some acid humor takes root in the circu
lation its presence is manifested hy a skin eruption or disease. These
humors y,ct into the blood, generally because of ast inactive or sluggish
condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect nnd carry
olT the waste nnd refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left
to Hour nnd ferment nnd soon the circulation becomes charged with the ncid
poison. The blood begins to throw oil the humors nnd ncid3 through the
pores nnd glands of the skin, producing lvcr.etna, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Salt liheutu nnd skin eruptions of various kinds. Kczema appears, usually
with a slight redness of the skin followed by pustules from which there
flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms 0, crust, and the itching is intense.
It IS generally on the back, breast, face,
of the body may be nfTcctcd. In Tetter
the ncid in the blood dries up the natural
to keep it Soft and pliant, causing a dry,
hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes
T . ... , . . . form of
oVrcuudTofhL'i'to Tsoiiasis
cure ma until I tried B. S. B. I
suffered iutenaelv with tha itch-
lntr ami burning: pustules would,
form from which there flowed, a
atlokv flulit ftrtiata urnnlit inma nn
the akin aud when aoratohed otf Sometimes causing baldness.
the ekiuwae left raw ee e piece nnd Ivy
fLT!1 anTiofedf bu? disease.
when I uaed H. 8. B. I found a tier
fact euro. There lias never been
uy return of the trouble.
Btookman, Neb.
because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation
and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
l.'i!... .1 , At . . ..1
juniiiiu, jiure condition, tnereoy permanently curing every iorm oi SKin
affection. Hook on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent free
to ull who write. S. S. S. is for sale at nil first class drug stores.
Wo Chnnr lor ArKnnirnl.
"(U'nixf," hiiIiI Mm. MiNiiillli t)
lir 1 1 K lil i, who u iiii 1 1 mi n 1 1 1 liU
ulilim ln-rnrn tin' lilt', "I miiimihi you
JTi't lln rlfilil for mM-i'ilii( llm hiidvv off
our fimit m iilli."
"I ri'ilmii I ilo, Cyntliy," ri-Npujiilivl
"And you know ymi don't lo n llk
of II Vmi know I ilo It tu h-I f .
"Von ilo, rynlhy. '1 Iktii I'lin't do nny
dmilit iilxml Unit."
"Wi'll, jni nrt J n mini il
tlilnk oii nri'V"
"I'll! II MllllH'll Ulllllll HIItIIII'I1 i' n
111111. t'ynllihi," mild liiMiini-, niiu hi--riMH-ly
tuiixlliiK lilt idilim. "I hiivi- 1.0
ilniilit I inn 11 1 'ji 1 11 r 11111I iimri1 (inlrii.i
tllili' llimi ymi II1I11U. linl, 1'iM' yuii,
'y lit h.v, jnii i iin'l art Into nny mI'kii
liii'iit with mi' ui Unit ii-oin,v 1, ,n lu
tin- lii.lfMl, iiiinl for iml liluufNt oiiirli"(t
mini In tho nrlxhiMii Ikum). If It wiiMti't
tluil I'vi Kol li 11 fc'ood wlfi, I'd
nml Mow my wurtlili'i-n I.i;iIiih out. Niiji
iit ri-udy jft, di'iii'?"-J'hllinlHoliln
rttrs imrt in b 10 t4 davs.
11I.S I Ml. NT U k ii ' it t ' I in run1 nny
n- uf Ii IiIiik. I1D111I, I1I11 'Iiiik nr I'lnl 1 ml, iik
I'lU'ii In li tu II ilu) or inniii'v ri'fiiii'lu'l .'ini'.
Unit Million.
"I'm nun- I doii'i know wlwt )! hmw
III ll-r. Hit f:n' U il.'i -Idi-dly ,;ilii."
"Vci, liiil tin- lliirt hlii lias iimkcH
tip for nil tint."
"I ' 1 icn r ? KIh-'m ixmltlvi-ly hitimviij-;
1 hIm liimn't nny lljiiri1."
"Vou'ro ttfung (Ihtiv KI10 lifiM nix
(lijnn-M iiiid t'i" (lriit o:ic'n a tlviv"
l'lill!iili'lililn I'riHS.
riTft M'. ''tnn tn'-ft mill
I o I rni oi' o 1 1 y rurnil I
tftrt'-fi mill nil Nitvihih JUlfa!
li r I r. K I, iih'h 1 fi hi
U I I I'J 1 1I11I .til - nml
, Jir. H ll.hlln..lil.,ni AicliM.,
I.lttl Itiiy- An- not nil tlm wordu
ii-u'.l to ! found In tin dli'tlonury,
iiiui ?
"No. my child ; new words lire colimd
i-iTy dny."
"And wlmt In the :iit word. iiiji:iV"
"I don't know. di-:ir. Atk your
inot'iiT. Mtii- nlHiiyn tin1 hint word."
Tiaiishiti'.! for 'J'r:inn:ill;tutlir Tuli.'n
from I.o Itlro.
Miittiem will nml Mr. WltuioWn TonlhlnK
rup ih t nt H' in I'd r luuw tut ltiir cLUJruj
Jurlug itio Uot)iiii jirHni.
Nntlilrn llrforia.
UKimlly kIv ymir Imntui ml n
rlijiiM for (.'lirlHtiuii h, don't
box of
"Y'M. Hut I'll luive to think of
Bonn-tliliii; id no HiIh ji'ur."
"Mow U llm tV"
"Why. I told him T trm polnjf to do
my ( 'lii'Nt iiiiih nliojiilns tomorrow nnd
ho Kpoki' right up nnd hm ll ho hud iim
rludiil to clre uji tunoklnj;." C.'li've
liiml I l:i in Poll I it.
Throughly Reliable.
If I'vrr hrri' wii- n ill nl'li- liii'l ufr rome-
ilv 't ih III 't old nnd l i u purniii t 1 .1 -1 -r
A 1 1 1 rk'-. It lius liiili in ii v fur MJty
)' r. Hint ik iii i i liar tu-ilav ni evt-r. ir i
r iluul't if thi re I- n lihi il r'Uiini nil v
on t In- l.iri' ill i III- cIuIm- w i rr thl- w ullili l -
till I'Ultl Tl 1 14 V IT I'M 1 1 II I Im- fulllnl. Ill till' -I'-
I. I- I. .1 ..... t - .. I ... 1 1. ... .
i i il li hi mi imki'iiii nf ii'iiiii.iiiiiiii:i-
,, tin t u r- the iin'Hti -t nri- i- taki n tu ki i i
arh t!n-1" up to t In- hifhi--t M.mdi- dot
' "' "' '' " '" ."'"'l"'' it"- im-
i.-nnnny nnrrr-,1 out Am.-rmmi po-
(IiTinnny Iiiim li.irrr-d out Aim-rionn
tntoi' nnd all kinds uf American prraurv-
lk.e I.AXA1IVK IIKOMO yl'IXIXK 'Int.lim
I rti Ix t ri liiml liiiiin v II it Inlln In rum. K. W
iliuS J.'S mmmifr In on L-nrli Inn. Ut'.
lite l.lahla on lllalorr.
Capt. Kidd was hiuying liis treasure.
"It'a Im-Iut than putting it in iilmrlinn
lots," he chuckled. "i he money will
alwiiya he there. "
fully aw ii re, too, that the author it ii-a
roiildii't roll him of it hy taxes and epe--in
I n-M'NKineiiiK, he siitistied liiunclf that
no iiii'.lilli-Miine reporter wna nosing
Hiiiiiud in the m-i-liluirhoiiil and hetook
liiiiiself iiK'iiia to the loin;, low, rakish
criift that lay waiting; for Dim two cab lea'
length from chore.
arms nnd legs, though other parts
the skin dries, cracks nnd bleeds; I
oils of the skin, which are intended
feverish condition nnd giving it a
its appearance on the face in the I
pimples nnd black heads, while '
comes in scaly patches on differ-,
cnt parts ot the body One of the worst
forms of skin trouble is Salt Rheum :
ltd livnrllft ruling . . f offr.1r ia 4 1. a cnnln
... .
Poison Oak
are also disagreeable iyvv of skin
The humor producing the trouble
lies dormant, in lue blood through the
Winter to break out and torment the
sufferer with the return of Spring. The best
treatment for nil skin diseases is S. S. S.
It neutralizes the acids and removes the
so that the skin instead of being
and diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy blood. External
applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
they sootho the itching caused by
Skin affections, can never cure the trouble,
Inlrnileit Vloflin l;i'ni- anil One nf
I'lollera Killed I. r Mlntabe.
A Mlory of troiK-hi-ry follow. -d hy
km-Ii. ri ti'Miiitlon Im told In a illr;i ti-li
fi urn I.ui'liiiow to a Ioiidon iii'WHpii-
I.iito Iii the i-vi-iiIiik n t rn vt-l'-r, t li
utory koo, lonlizliiK Unit ho .-oiild not
n iii li I. ii' know l'fon- dmk mid four-
Ini; tho dmiKiTH of tin- road, Mloppi-d
at tin- lioimo of tin- jiolli'i- liiMpi'i'lor, a
natlvo ollli'lnl, mid iiiiI;im for nIii-H-t
for tin- nielli.
"I ntn rarrylni; n ootiMldiTnldi- hiiui
f monoy," Hit iii ho, "and In vlow of
tho dmiL'iTK of tin- coiMitrv I di'Mlio lo
Iiiivo your protfit ion until I '-in: ro
hiiiiio my Jonrm-y hy d.iyllh."
Tho liiHM.i'lor inndo til iti wi'loo'iiio,
Wi hlirl water mid food, dually Ink
liii lilm to a h 1 1 -j 1 1 1 tc room, h'-re he
loft Mm nloiio.
Ah tin- nlht won- on tin- Irnvel'T
wiim Mii'koii with mIoi'iIomiii-s. I'ron
iil ly In- honrd voIoom ih-u r IiIm window
nnd NlrmiKO nomids of IiiImt. Mo ot
Up mid loolud out. M'h oyi'H, llm-d to
tin- ri'iiti-r dni'kiH'HH of tin- room, di--i'i
rin d two moil iIIccIhk In n lii-M nt
tin- hni'k of tho hoiiHi-. Ilo Mr:ii'i"d hii
I'.irs to cnti h thuy wen- K-iylim
nnd P'.'illzi'd In a fow momonis
tlioy wore dlfulii a rnvo fur him.
Thi'.v in'iv In a plot with tho m-ipoi'tor
of o 1 1 1 in iniirdi-t him for Mm mori -y
nml hldt- his Uly nwiiy lief ir- dny
I.Kht. In i ;i 1 1 1 1 In- Mtolo through tin- hnmo
mid ei 'it out liy n liio k diMir. Ih- iIiimIi
ed thtoiih tin- vlllnco lis lio!HeensIy
ns In- I'oiild .'iml a mill- or ho down tin-
road i liiiilii'd a Ini-, w lien- h- hji t In
n;:fety III tin- nh:idow of tho follno
tintl diiylire.ik eamo. Thou iih a j:i -Iml
onmo nloiii; ho nllpiK-d down to
rouml nnd told IiIh Htory to tho oom
iiiiiinllii ollli'i-r.
All hiiioN returned to tin- vIM i-o and
thin- the llr't m-'.vH that jrrooti-d them
wan tin- mysterious disapH-irami- of
tin- ilii-o lnvei-tor. The traveler lo
oiiliil fur them the trravo that had his-n
Intemlid to reeelvo him. Tin noldler
opend the trench and there was found
the Imdy of the polioo InHjM-i-tor, horrl
hly hin ked.
The arrent of two mors who had Is-en
Kis-n with til nt lato tho previous ovon
liiK followeil mid then tho whole rnso
iM-anio Hlinplo. After iirrauliij,' with
his neoomplIeoH tho plot to ro!) mid
murder the traveler the o!lrv ItiHpoet
or Ktarted to K''t drunk whilo they
were l.lisy dlKKitiif the jrravo. In this
ooiidttlou the Idea struck him that Im
would k In nml do tin killing lilm-lf
and ho Hlilm tho rroam off tho UKity In
Htond of di vlilinif ovonly. St-mpliiK
over tho ImiI to (jrlp his vli-tlm hy the
throat, ho muHt havo fallen forward
ami passed uulekly Into a drunken
When tho two necouipHcoH outside
Koi mo Kravo llnlsheil they Is-nn lo
wonder at tho Inspector's failure to
turn up. Knterliin the house, thv arin
isl themselves with the InsiH'etor's kii-ls-r
and eris-pliij; into tho room attaek
iil the man In the lied, literally hack
I iik lit iii to death.
Then they Mrtmk n llht to look for
the plunder and dismverlix; their mis
take .had nothliiK left to do hut hury
the murdered muii in the Krai'o tlo-y
had dun.
A Kreahman.
A freshman who had entered one of
tho largo universities, nml was not
much iiectislomeil to the ways eltli'-r
of Institutions of learning or of cities.
was returning iuie one evening r,ini n
lecture. When near his lodgings li
was halted hy two masked men. who
"bold til in uii" lu true metropolitan
fct vie.
One of the men leveled the oonven
thmrtj revolver at the young umn.
while the other relieved him of Ills
wnti-li, pocketlMHik nnd other valuahles.
He made no mention of the matter
to iinylHxly at the time, hut a few daya
later hi reported It to tlu president of
the unlveridty.
"It wasn't a grent deal." hw aald.
"hut It was more than I like to lose,
and I think It's an outrage to treat a
hoy that way,"
"Why didn't you tell ine of this soon
er?" linked the president.
"I HiipiKined they would bring tho
things hack to me next morning," he
nnswertnl. "It wns n couple of Bopho-
inoreH hazing me, wasn't It?"
llerurmed Old Favorite.
Trt, Idl trz, I no not wut tha inene,
Tri from tho depth uv sum diviu donpar
It 1a in the hart and gather to the i'a,
In luking on the hapi ortm feeldz
Aud thinking uv tV dux that r uo mor.
Tu b or not tu b; that Is the kweatyun;
Whether tls nohlr iu the mind to aufr
The nlingu and arcs of outrajua forchun,
Or to take ran agenat a c uv trubli,
An1 1,1 opoang nd tharu.
Suiu v IIbb,Ju' that wltb
The 1 1 tl tlrant uv his feeldi withstud,
Sum uiut, Inglorlua Miltn heer ma rest,
Bum Crotuwl glltlea uv his countrl'i
Tl me not in mornfl numbra,
"Life U but n mtl dretue!"
For the sole la ded that ilumbra.
And things b not wut tha sen..
-lirandr Mathui.
The MornlnaT and Kvenlnax Girl.
Oh, say, cau you see by the dawn's early
What so proudly you praised at the
twilight s last gleaming?
Well, not much you can't, for a girl is a
In the morning that knocks your plne
(Ireninlng. -The Holieiiilan.
The art of living consists lu not be
ing a dead ouo.
Bad Blood
In tho cuiiM! of nil Imriiorn, eruption,
LoilH, iimpleH, HiTofiiloiiH noren, eczema
tT milt rlieiiui, an well im id rln-tiriia-tiHin,
caturrli uml other troublca. Tim
oreatoHt L-loo'l remody for all Vheso
trouhli-H, jiroviil Ly itn urn-qnaled
record of cures, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In timial ll'i'ild form or In fhoroluti-d
tahiitt known aa Saraatab. I''iofim tl.
At the rrowdi-d duwiitown ei.irn-r the
f rinliti'ii!"! pi'di si nmiH wen- ncurrj line out
of the iy of Mlri-i-t chth, ii'o iioliin-s, ii
livery wuoiih, and jKiliieiinn on horse
hii. k.
"iosh !" exi iuied the window w fisher,
li.nkiiiif down on tln-m from hi pen Ii on
tin narrow h-il'i-of a fifn-i-rrh stoiy win
dow. "I'm clad I ain't iu that i.rod!"
t'liicnjto 'i rihune.
Deafncci Cannot lie Cured
tiv iin 1 '.lli atioiifi in t lie y cannot ro' h tho
fll-wam''! .nri inn il ti.i- cur. 'J i.i!ri) in on i one
Kny in i nn-ili a in nn, ami lhl in ly r ii.Mliu
ti'.iml rt-iiii-'t leu J 'i-nfin-nii In i-miii -I l,y kii in
IUiu d chimIii i"n of t hir ii, ii'-oui lining i.t tl.ij
K tiimi 'I nli- W i.i-n tl.m film l l:it:nn.i-'t
v ii rmi ii n ruin liiili if i'iuii'1 or lm ins rfci t I. cat
l:.?. mnl vi tu n 1 1 1 cir.i -i-i v closi-i, l'i-fiii!SK In
1 1. rm ult, and tir,i'.n ttie ritt animation can i
tu en out ninl tt.ix in In- ic I" -'! to Iik iiormnl
i-oii'liMon, lii-HrliiK ill lit- iK-Mroyi'd foriiver;
Inn - i ii-i'n out of tc-n ari- chioh 'I l.y alarrh,
wMi' )i In li'.lt.ltu- tiut tu Inllaiiit'i i oD l.Uuii o(
Itn- minoiin miriaiiK.
Wu will Iflve 'in- lliindri- l ln.lUri for any
ranj of ln-a'ti. nn (i-n'1-.i-il l,y catarrh i that i-an-I,,
i ' curi d liy ilall a alarm Lure. neui lor
Ctcularn, free.
Y J. rllFN KY A CO., Toledo, O.
N-Id tiy Iiriii?krli". T.'m'.
iiad'n i ainiiy i'l. la are the belt.
;ol Ilia llali-i .Mlird.
"What has kept you out no late?"
Nternly uski-d Mrn. tliiyinan.
"Hi-i-n a aitling up with a dying fr'end,
in' iJ.-ur," unsweri-d her affwtionate con
aort. "'Mint won't do thin time,'' ntie rejoin
ed "The old year has Locti di'id aeveral
days, to my certain knowledge."
The Proved Remedy
For Over 50 Years.
Price 25c and 90c
Is the Greatest Discovery since
Being rapidly adopted by all progressive Apple
Plant now and be in on the First Market.
No seeds, no core, no waste; rich red color;
commercial size; good shipper; excellent flavor;
splendid keeper; a market leader; no bloom,
frost proof.
For booklet and particulars. Splendid induce
ments to agents. .
The Spencer Seedless Apple Co.
414 American National Bank Bldg., Everett, Wash.
nine nioorleil al valtonlata.
The S.ilviitkni Army hid fair to be
come ini iirlstocrntlo hody. Major Mnry
Murray, who aiix-rvlsea tho military
and naval leniie of the Hnlvnt lonlnta,
I n daiiifhter of tho late r John Mur
ray, K. ('. I'.., mid I.leut. f'ol. Mlnnio
Held, who recently married ('omiids-nlom-r
P.ooth Tucker, l a dauirhtor of
a former noting governor of P.omhfiy.
Tho or fimlssioner hims-lf r'f Igri'sl n
Judgeship In India, with nil the wealth
mid spei'lnl position attached to If, to
devote, himself to Salvation Army
I.ady Sarah Sladen la a Salvationist,
nnd the countess downc-r of Teafleld
Is a iiiomhcr of the nuxlllary of tho
army. Two datiKlHera of Mr. Onslow,
late memher of parliament for (Julld
ford, have together R'e.'idily rls-n In
the ranks. Intimately connected with
tho work In Australasia Is tho Hon.
Mrs. l'.ird, wife of the former prime
minister of Tasmania. She Is faid to
ho ns ardent as any Salvation Army
lass In disposing of tho "War fry."
The daughter of tho late Lady fJalt.
wife of the lieutenant governor of
Ontario, Is working In Canada. Ans
w era.
Italy has more eiti-ndi-d tiousp tndus
tries than nny other country.
will give you com
piete protection
vnd long service
You can't afford
xo Duy any outer
Every garment
The best dealers sell it
6wf C-S tOl'l
Kindly ri-nicniUT that wp tiny and i"-ll all
kiniK uf Mining MnckH and flnnd that are on'
tin- marki-t. Mioui-1 you want to buy or sell
rite or ire i
12$ Abington Building Portland, Oregon
LfF Mem tier of I'ortland Stock Exchange I
In 'pe t'r Snake Valley, Idaho, wher
'J5,iri M lviih-ii ppl ailey tuimeneftci-rs are alr-aly
io- alitL A.IU.WJV1 aera umle elop. d. irrlifati e land
Mill await ill-- aettter. nicb-at a(id tietit nateretl
vally la the world. Finest c imate. cho cent fruit ;
Inmien-i rroys of grain, alfalfa auvar ueelri. 4,ij0,
("i invetteil :n HUKiir acioriea. w K. IL exteie
aion to Ye, liiw.tme parK uii. ni country of vast re-aonm-v.
Adlittin atartiit Jaa. 1, l'ji)6, a ri-oord
lin akr. W r.te lur eart culali.
hU Anttionjr ami Aahtun, Idaho.
Best in America
We make them
We do not take orders and peddle onr Rubber
t-iamps, beai, Eic. ve manufacture our
own goods. Our equipment is the newet
and beit ini.ney can buy. Writs today lor our
"KubUr biauip Catalugue."
Portland, Oregon
P. N.U
No. 5-07
WHEN writing to ad Tert tiers pleaae this paper.
by Leading Horticulturists
For Lung
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral cer
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
Therccan be no mistake about
this. You knov it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
My lllll" Ikit l'.l trntii rnnth. I trIM
eYi-rythliiir I roui-l ln-;ir of hut in ruin until
I trfi-'t Ajn-r'n ('hurry Hrrlnral. Tho flrnt
ntKlit li w:n hetti-r. ni i Iii- .if-mllly tmprovftd
until ha wai rtt:..j wall." Maa. 6, J.
ft IK ELK, Alum, 111.
bf J. C. A Tr Co., Iowllv
Atio tciriursotur6r or
any iii-iu li aa nuuuna:
Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's
Pills and thu3 hasten recovery.
Catalogue Free. Tangent, Oregon
prove their worth at harvest
time. After over fifty years of
6rxcess, they are pronounced
the best and surest by careful
planters everywhere. Your
dealer sells them. 1007 Seed
Annual free on request.
P. Ja. l ERJtr A CO., Dctrail, Mica.
FREE BOOK - K gives 1 000 uses of 20-MUIE-TE
AM BORAX in the Home, farm and Dairy.
Free on request.
31-Mule-Team Borax for sale at all dealer.
Sample ami Souvenir Fieture in colors, 5 cents
ami dealer's name. Pacific Coast Borax Co.r
Oakland, Cal.
the Seedless
ii f 1 1 tan
li Seeds