Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 30, 1907, Image 4

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Vuccle Vtei! Farriers SiIJ te
F lot tit d lrtt Oreqc-n Literature
El" Mort'i Le.vp.
m;: oj th- !'; , , I , ,
1' '-
Cottrtfjc Grove Flour Mills
! , i .i i i ( 1 i' ' 'il. I 1 !
Columbia Ricr SVpn's.
sit ct.f it t it to 5 v till tl v .
rof it iVHU.ce urw
C. (it, . cvt.i i .. ml'.tr.
M !-CHll'Tlo KATES.
1 i r
lv montiw
1' pV.d ia a it tvr.v.
f ;
ClsbMof Patva. j
He rohoiuhi N ticket one yer I
i th any one .t the following puN
i; itlor.s one tear f -r amount -t J
I .. !uc Monthly
V'.vfc !y Oi na t Portland
V'tvkly Jour:; il I Prtho 1'
1 i Jv K?v rl ivr.ver
Tr-.vk'.v :'.;.;n l'-vor 1
1 ao Ho::
J" .'rtinw!-; 1 '..'try Journal
:v.:- on t THS aXSK:-
C . .i".!: Vs t'a'.- r : .:--
t fit h--.. o -t IV-.-t". Co. i' re c:.r
r :o ... bf cv u rf s I
1 fr.-ni r...i.:r c :ir. of
a t.
- - - --- '
.--... K -:.. o. i - itr e3-
r i t!.! il'f". ..:. !. :r:niif f r
WErNHfaw, Jan.
Terhaps the Review Yan Did Not
:,"-J" a-
Tm Roeburg Review editor Las
J' st: ?av:
:ss f :r t he I real eii-
to wa?te
1 ? pine in tryirg to hoora 3 tews
eit:zeriS a., starj arcucd ti-sir h.-cn-is
s :a their pec
. . i .T . . . . . i :
t? turr: up. If the capita!;: or
t -ckcliers put tLeir sho-i-
'irs to the het! and do a little
i'T-oftiag it i' cseliss for the editor
t :trv aai boom things lie caa
wr: -e "boc-m" art c'.es till he e'.s
l-M headed, but if the citizens
ttcmselve-- do
tc: take hold aad
, j . . lc ui. n .. , " i- - - w4i '
,U ,t-
Of trLa: use :s it for the i
h:a' paptr :o sugjet traproveraeat
aad aev enterprises if the sugges
1 zs are do: acted upon. One caa
e ttinot boom a town. It requires
l ie coacerUd ict-.oas of the ci:i
7?::i. When ote man shoulders a
tj-n and a:terapts to carry it there
re a.Tvay a ic
; adr to
ip oa top- of tae load
Vaitv of action is La: coaats."
Orchard and Wine.
As a f-rtner iaducraent ta
people to cme to Hood P.iver and
g;t rich the hustlers cf that en:er
?"isi&c valley claim :o bare d:-coT-
;i ?;!d :n the sands cf their
! tS-'-"" ' e ''Ve.. e r..r
.. i . - l . l :
Tilley has herentcre Le.: tt:-;
caiqao advantcge cf ce::ing gold
from its orch'Tds and from the
s.nds at i:- streams 3nd frcra rrks
of i:s hills. Commenting oa 'Ik,,,
fat! the Pendle'ca Tribune givr- a"5"
the facetious article on the pos?:bil- j
::- of Pgae r.ivj Vdey crcbari- j
isu carta g for their fruit trees d-r- ;
lag the saa:nsr ard mining in th-
f iater, raeationtng Hoa. A. H ;
Carina as sa eiam:!e of these f&-
t-ird raea who fire ettins: rich ::
r. doul!e-rick ventre:
Justs? the fsct i-iemel to he
-retty well etblirhed that there
art other sctioas of Oregon that
cm rHv- vjst as -i" apples a
Hcoi Liver an 1 that hustlibc Tal-.
ley was likely to have a lively coa-j quests fr cocsignraent of
petition. i? its taart to keep ia the j Kansas $': e time ago war.'ed :s-
l-.e!iht, bote comes a report to j phea-an'- '.:: they -ou' : n:t i
t .effe':t tb-it gold has actual!) i gr :ten he:-. I hive -igr.ed p--r
r ' ia foua 1 oa the bar at the mouth ! n,it- i'..r;je!.t3 of Mr 1- t:
Hn'od river an i th : a dredre '
Len secured for te purpose of J
separating the precious metal from
:he wcrthless sand .
But tnis need lo; srj.rie any
one. With the sti:t that Hood
River has cn the roa 1 to fame, :t js
i. ft p.-sstb!e to coEcc-ive of aaythit-i'
that will succtstfuhv stop it. If
there is anything tht prevts e--
j ecia'.ly valuable, cr necessary to;
o the hunaaa Umilv. it can be de-
pf-nded urcnthat some Hod Ilivtriwell worth teeia?. He has studied this Association act L',t re--?' iing
mac will discover it and near bis the bab.'ts of thetird and ; Tery .' to or ackaowle-jging receipt thre
home, too. successful. .of thall be d-tmel unwortbv of
Xhis circumstance of the n.-cov.
ery cf zi at the rnuth of Hood
River reminis us that A. H.Carson
of Grant Pass, prominent Wticul-
turist, Las 3 very foe vinevar i on
..hillside farm in Josephine county,
which h's provfn very profitable,
This vineyard is located directly
c.i one cf those Josephine cour.ty
r.i'Js where gold abounds, Carson
bus a tunnel running into its base
a Jew hundred feet and after hi
crares are take; care of and Lis
'.. ine stored away in the cellar, be
spends lh wint;r taking gold from
h s mine above grcurrd.
,'As a double-shot prcpofcition this
rolibly e puals anything known.
NctLin-.' of the kind has yet been
reported trorn Hood River but it
i-young vet always has its ear to
ue rro.Lu. Courier-
The .u:pmet.t d the iVluu.Vu!
Kiver Mi'.N tor t!:e t.-r pu-t deed
w ill approximate i ; .vv,v t ,
an increa.-e ot o'er i.o Jr cert
over tl. b'rtutnl vf the p'tvehngi
ttr This r-:r.rkal !e howing ct
I v . . ; . !...-. ' . .' v. ,,
! car shortage which tud up many
Jv o! the inter: or m-;.v .. rc
! ports a.e in it "ill he found tt .it
i not much le-s feet
of lumber crossed the Oo'umbu
r,-r I Hi vcr during KC'-.
ttlC "v
to h? 1 the
!:t'.DOt;o:i ct
e;c the
: Vhi'.e the cut cf i .'1
' ttlv 'AVa'W.C'.,0 :ctt t-s cor
re i a record I re.iVer, ir:
This i tit
j mi.
o d.ite
and scet!.:r:c; tht :i r.u.
A. Tortrr re; Tec-r.tis ;
aso.'ii w,.-rk wss m ;!
:e t r.-.t-citv
:-..: of
I week L'fcin
ilter the :
t:s Loiur.
:e -v .tit s
v .t ee "i
in the eirly jart
Sin Frccico.
Wa'.ter Zimmerra::. tii kc r:
traTt-Iiaj raa wi- ;rj toa eter:-.:-
tag ew tear
jgi to
iri-cJs. tie states en
up aci ilcwn tte tr t r vi '.e- sr-
; ery quiet 35 ttt
It i reported that :!.e
r e c
eral rcf to bi
car Ccttige Groe with!
.e litxt
tew raoaths. L. C. .a:i:r; iu':
tag ctar Cortia: K 1 Ashby tu.l
ice wet of the town -nd Getr l):
ketslare plaEait- t d I
. ; ' '
near L"
The Dojth Keiiy Lurh.-r Co. re-r'-ntly
delivered a iriv. cf t.'
tLeir Srrice?e!d raili with about fee: ia :t. Thi -s
delivered to a rai'.l ia the state.
T. K. Carapbell. the
Coraraercial CJubcf thi r '.aoe we-.t
to Sa.era ua Mcada raorc:a2 to- L
t evea.a;
road eoraa:it:e3 cf the lei
wbea argmrzen:; pro aalooa ecu
ceraiag the Recip rccal Demurrage
bills will be presented.
Mr. Arras'-rong, repreeatirj j
Marshal! Wells Hardware Co. was
ia town durir.e the pa--: week.
In ccaersa:ioa wit serera; c;
the mill raea surroasdia? C;-tt3c;t
Grove the iatpreseioa gains gr and
that the 6Bd cf the car shortage ;
still a long war? cf. The :breat
ened ftrik cf 'the O. P.. T. con
bined with the contiane-i fuel shcrt
! see leave the i:ur.ev?!o3 that it
, . , . , ;
, 3.. , V Ce 'C't
sas Send! Order For One Thci-
and Birds But Finds it iTicossit'e
to Secure Feathered Beauties-
Opening for PrDfitable Ir
.l-ji. y
J. W. Biker, th; s '.:
'fcre - trr warden, -.vh in the
Tue-lay an! r-trrel to la;- h r.n
: m C::?ge Grove it. the evtLing
j "There bs.s beta an ur.u-ual de
jraand for China phei-ant; the pa?:
year." fai 1 he, "a:; mar y -:i '
raid lie j'a'. are ?
N orth Car .1
stCuba Mverv
ee tn'-r- :
lind for
In tact
I am
o; tne
opinion that -juite an indu-:ry
aigltLe developed ir- hss state- i:
parties n'-j'd o in t ra -e th1.;..
I bey se.l ;,;,r -. p-r a:r a -id
lar:'e lots they r ''.-::! emu.-;
'Eugene S.iapson. cf Corval!:-..
is taakiag a business of raising
China phtapants an 1 his coons are
j "lame phc-ar.ts v.i.i warce.y 1
j tver hatch th-;r own f.'z anl for
j Latching purposes But! Battaa j
j bens nre used an 1 they have prove 1
't-eetive brooder. " .
j Tnere is aNo a demand f;r tame
'deer for zoological gardens an 1
j parks, and several cf Oregon's
ane't specimens Lave been shipped
: io various j arts cf the country.
' Fiv deer were shlpred to Denver!
, -ad bve been tie fn-le of the Ug
jarain- re
It is T"bable th'st on his ne xt
visit to the capital citv Mr. Baker
vti.. make a select on of a ceputy :
trarne warden to the vacancy j
made by the appointment cf Larrv !
Murphy on the police force. There .
are numerous candidates, but as !
yet DC choice taa beeD made.
statesman '
During January and Fctru.
ar and vsc Mustdo Our
Iivi;y ct.-fn of Cottage Cr.te
.h 'uUl gi t I uy .i:ul rue to fric' 7s
jof l l-i
;t f" tx:ue out u
s cojntrv.
(SpeciAi Corre-"j0!J le:u'o
ro.r.acJ. OrfRon Jsr:. b. f.o;.
This state w.i- -itr ell t re-
pireJ t." tle a.'.vsrte of the cvl
! oa:t or. war rat- to Oregon at
the rrece"t time. c.iu i:;::t
thcu-ur.its ' :c; '.c .i:e ak:ri," rr
hoj; f.irrvji:: o; f ; rtun.tu- ia
trcjtcij. r.r .i .ire : cei'.::e l'.tcri.;:re
t'rva ratty vf the;: Mti.-r
hol.ii re c:crjberh.ip v.: the 0: oa
lev icrrur.t Ia
sa 'i;e. repr 'tr.t.i-
t.t .' ct r:. -tc:;c::s ct tLe v. it
C.atat'-r.cirts: Mar.h Ut at
t:r.u;r d.i :v" au'i: Arrii
c . i :
? th
ticet w.'A !v f-.: .a'.f :. r ar.t ( :t.t
ir. Orte.u. for ' fro:-i Ki:M
Citv i"d ah ' tier N!:-'-."c.t ; river
t-ci:it: '.v. a! ::icir. fro:-. St.
i'.u'. and Miartj t a'.I th
terr;t rv w. -. ir.olu hrsc; tt.i- :a -t
j rtant ao-rjcu'.tural -vvti.-: of
the Ua.ted Statrs ant f:c:; u-t
t.cre t t. w a;-.t o-r
Thvv tivkets arc
hcru- luild-rv
-,od l y tt t . f
I'ortli" i ail
. ay r. -.iL i to - -1: -
..rd. r :j ;':' i:;tt rcie iittt- r
.iso tu At r:.: aa 1 all p :n'
a. of I :iit l.a the r ite 50
Holder-,: thtSc t:rket u:; : a
.-top-ever Ct tv. dits :: ..:; j ;:.:
;a Orecoa the t Ih . N li e
-i p'i'e-i .civet: t- all h X 1
er i.f ticiet.- between I'ortlacd a-jd
A-hlaa i. r-c the Souther:: Facia:.
xcept that stp-' ter- are to t e ce-
1 1
v .iep-it:: t: -kt- ;:! ti e
I a: ra t a
1::- fr
r j.T.r-o :..
Itu - i
:u 1 rec''.r.
of Uu:at:lN In fict the-, rv re
available t thirty vf
p?i I-.-, erabracia th-.- Mi?:s;j p.
in: M;-'-oin viU an 1 all the
territorv ci-utin-oa- t:.t:-t".
Vines Near Medfjrd Wort 4 a Spur
Metforl, Or. Jan Jo. The .oil
a: ne thrte na:!e e.,it o: this city
arc- sb::ng up so ;1. and the
qaittilv and ; Jilr.y of the c-al are
prjving so c.cit and high tbt the
erinc the
iCe o:
crei.t 1- given, thirty
ate. (,r tl.e f r-t -lav o;
the month, unle-s ot.'.f-r ter. are
arrange 1 at the t ;.?. of suc'u U
'21 -N- collector Wiii 't 4-nt o.
after r-yjk rccoui-t. neither !
everd'-t . an 1 s Jch i-
vill be evi fence of l: :t paency.
3 i Accownts nr't tail an ro-r
agreement will be clcied and r.o
further credit givea by any mem
ber of ti e Association.
4th All account mu-t draw iri-tere-t
at the rate cf eight jv-r ce-' t
pvr annum fr.-a 'he djt- due -intu
paid. Such ao''i'.:LS to K- secured
1 y note.
5tL--Any 'arty re- vi n if an A--
vocation letter from acieruixr oi
cr(.d;t. ,yjce shail'(e givtu the
secretary and be .shall inform all
taembers of the A-ociation.
jt js not tvt. or jnte-utson of
tba Association to mAe credit dun-
cuit. but to make cred:t af- and
diinse nh the incouvenic-oce at.d
tip nse of montblv co!lerti"Oi.
' " 1
"It is r.o-v -eivn year- vince I fi.i !
wfU,.s c (, r, vJ u ..a.i;: ,iUiui
r.-in t,f Kerda, S C. "1 bad run
dutvn in wett.t t. V'j in;unJ-' and
b!ng tva- o;rt:...t . Ij.tb bv -iay
iUj( j,r . KSl;, NfeW is.,.)iVey and tiA U-r a bo -at ids i:Ltti.
wb.-n i.-.y iojr-;, ar.-i 1-inir tr.u.l.
Z7"rml r
i:,-t . c.u!l Th.,unN f KrM,i
arebeah-1 every tear. iii.rar;t--d
at licu.-om l'tiurn.ov. ,V.- u:,J $1.
irial bottle free.
aoutaerti ; actr.c :s cr:oU9v coasit- t-.... - i
-r-ro-iti cf budding a
pr fr.rr. here to the mines. TL.s -
would prove advantageous both to y -.-.- X X A 4. A d. . .V .L-i.- 4.' JU-Ai'X J. X-X-X X X 4"f' Jk--. ffi.X
the compsny ani th :- community. "
;cr:?:;;D charg'-- There ii no T'''Jh
loacer it; .7 the 5 r;a :je;:cc. i -7.r- - f.
:f :hc-e is:::--. Tne onr- r' J -., 1-y w-- . t -v-. --y r h . . m-r-wm r , p .j......,,. ,..n. n.
oteraie then; -xfns.relv th.-teir r. V 4 Jfe - .r r. . -v
rikiJhff-- ,ri J fj?. s
Berchant! Ptec!i Associalioi. t,ft5Vp' - tij . t' J3 ' j
. M-,-C, . :B.-l1S,, .7:f -A Vr j 0 .
0-e.::-l'r..:e.:v.-:. Xv K - H :
1,:1.T. tie r,.'c!-.::t- 1. ,a,v A i ' f ' '
ere :-. a-k f r cr- :it. V'o.' '';'
t-avar !c at the place of bu-h e--
mer.t e rer. !.re l u'.tii a;- - '1 T7 fl
: .. . ; ; ; . ;
.'i.'.i.t . ... ij i .,
t.r ,k!l c ! :;i l I -
v. ! r, ;!. ! t .
IN- t'uu- e !'...- ;. I .
! tit tW "i , !,
i :' .
!r. ! :rf.::. : ! - ,
Classified .dcrti-. ui .; tv.
vntk: ;
Arg. t.i Ite -j .
thrv m:i !t i i,
w.; ?.f
l.OST-S..;--- . .....
tit. ,-.nt.i.:-..--c f
: t.c ir 'A . 1 o, o
b'tn.Ier It..- - ri t t ..
fh e aii.'. r. i ; o. .
3oar For Sale c- t.
lle:-'ered j'cl t:. " v' . . .
1 s tit! . I i. ti l.;
f :'k - n- C
Ger.tlcaM". : h. iy '
ten rt r. ce. tt t 1 1 r t
a : : . ' r i .::::
capita!. Sa'.arv : "7.- . ; . :
an 1 cp n .- . - il ir ; '.
.iTid tp-e :: .'i-i .::. '. :
w .th : v.u j . ) - A .'. . i-
t ' tl ic. 1 1 r ' tt , i : i 7
A ' TH-t j :n v. : .:. i
' . I l : .K k ' v :i r
S ih:ij at N t 7. . ;
f r t:vC.
K ftvirafil
Tv: A ,t 1 -.y h ::.
Cottage Gr. vc ait i . :. tt : Ke l.c;1 --n : M '1 .
:r.. i t'. A't'- i l .-o Iv
. f Hvtf r !. C-
t-; aa elet.-r,
' taares c r will t:o ' : i .tt
.aire cf. or 1 '.r
1-K as J i .:-.: .
, ; ( ) :
I'hcue lichen..! I
th i. !:i ; . n . ..
Mr. A v :-l r;. ; . .
.,ver---r th.- .t ; .-t : ! .
! . -.y. !: K - N ..
ur- rtk--.;.y
:::' re a' .; . 1 r:,
ii: 'ik !, f--. i : t ti r t.. -.: , . r
laxattv.-." la .r 4.-.:.. ! t ?
...... ..w . .-, -rf
4 f
- e
including the hiiiest magazines at the littlest
f prices. We can save 3011 40 per cent in standard
magazine subscriptions if you accept this oiler
Tne time ;.:r n;'-cr.
ing is appreciate 1, is not .
thing f jr th--- young jc-opl.-.
pletely as a year s u; ; ,v
with the Nugget, favir.g I"
Six tiiillion of the be -t
P andtnpiratio:i. We
T N.a-1- I' for any reas a
f frien le. No n -:!it :s r.,i t- a
JtiCMiMnr.f: -th.-- thr
b Xu'-'ct Costs 1. 7 ... V.'.-
f orbr toly; d it no. v.
. . i
f .. , ; , f ! ,:; .it.
,..!, I
. v A,.':
Fetch Hay!
liiid winter
;. j
hi i,i
viir Stock oi'
marked down
A l;ull Line of ("old Weather
( : 1 o 1 1 i i i i 14 on Hand
ook in our Window!
of the Year
$3 -
. . . 1.
1 -
...' t
ii i- pi-t. Mvory
of pfiioi.eals
-t. .:-' t'"..- or'.r.ian. 1 he-e
Xi. -' rr.r-.- . .,:t wdl want them amhow, so why not Kct tbem
p. - r c .: -s- .i ,- th- tmibU- of c urcsponding with four publishers?
, ,. ..
f.-ot-i-i m A'uonci hive l an.l thif
; r vis . .o ai.b t- o T,,r them it,
o.i . ' ..! i-M'.c ma iisus
v-. . .
- . - c c.ic
- ao c
. i.f C r , -
--- ...... .. , ..'...,.,.1 11, I i' T ,.,,..,, ...,.. .. .1 .1
"fttr ad fo :r t . tol Jo;- i Umito 1 lime
7 .i v. .xiin iu tour
o,U .' '"' ' !" 1
. :. Il i I
: - i
- .i : ! v n i t" - tin!
I, i d .1 f r -'A-,
t5v Hansen.
Clearance Sale
Ovir Price
retincd liome. whvm ..... i.
- siuuething for the tmn. some,
three mni';in,. t;n u. . i :n ...
r mil ino im com
Hir... ,.r.. i.
one greut combination with the
lor yourself, .end them to your
I .1 . ?. , A,. ' o. i : '