Proposed Oregon Tax Law (i'linl limril tmiii liiHt un k ) (Tin collector to make weekly stale Hii'iil To kiM-ji (iiikIm pc nriiti.) Heel ion h I in 1 1 1 lln duly of t lie In x rolli-i'tur lo i 111 U ii flnti'ini'tit l till' llO'l I'll-illl'MM (lllV Of I'lU'll VM l lt lf till' I'XIII'I It lit II 1 1 1 1 M of tilt' I'M-ll llll'l enmity ohIi ih liy Ii i 111 nil IitIi iI fur tn H M iiml 'linll li'M iiiii Inti-rcM , iiihI what ft i i in 1 1 1 m I lii'irof ii r to he credited to 1ln several f 1 1 1 1 1 m fur mIiIi-Ii they urn re- fM'f iVflv ClllllCll-ll, olio of which r-lllte- lni'litM i-1 tit 1 1 lili'l with tln nullity clerk ami niic fuml-lied l.i tin- m-IhhiI iMtlct, tuwii, city, "rt, or otlitT mii lii'jpal tilling it.'i'ticy fur which tin Ii of H 1 1" 1 1 liniiiillitr II r Ho )l I'l ill, llll'l oik of w lilcli cliiti iiii'iiN In i-lmll retain on tile ill bin nlliiv; ii ii, r-1 lit 1 1 exhibit t" tl iinty clerk f'T ikii 1 1 1 1 nit I lull iiml ' i it n r i mi it i IiIh cullici inn ri iinlir mid hi -t lib hunk fnlita ililug fi'jiies of tin' rccciit ,y him givt II fur tin' t It Xi H mi Cul licli-il . Till- lax collt'lnr t-1 1 it 1 1 keep tilt" InulleVK reeeiei I , y 1 i III ill sc ill rate fund-, llll'l tlilill pity till" fitliit" over to t lie "event I m-Ii'm i i i-l r HtM, tuwii", cit ie", m ir t , or ut lu r n mn i'-i .n I lining "li triclH or ngi-m-ii" entitled 1 1 1 r t-t i, upon I I Hi f I ' i 1 1 ill" l - I'V them, Juiylng 1 1 1 1 1 1 t lie lilii'iiiiil t li'-nuf ti which lliev lire looped iely enl it led, taking tln-ir re. "eitrt till -refill ; I'fuV iei, fjMfiul PHI' I fund- 14 i ill 1 1 lie ri tallied ill tin' llilll'lx f tl utility t reii-iirer, ami cieiui-d l.y linn upon the warrant of tli unty t lel k nt by law piu iileil. I - ., r.lf II .. I I ., .-. i ii.ii : inn in. Itl-lr 'I III j.M. in. I . I V I "I lll.lllll I M r. III ll ,..r.,.. I ' i ., I 1 1 1 k' I tl..- .. inily ll.'ll J t.i , In..,. lit,.,, ,i I i t.. Mil, f flu .llr I 1 1 , -1 tin h .ur ..I tlii-. . Ihr , I , . ...II 1 l.tVrn l..r C.l In. Ill II S ' I" I t i'lri , i i I lull :i 1 "I , i.f, In i. I llr i.- I,. i illll ..tt1 , i III IIILll'-UV Hi-1 l.i ill!" ..llirr I AM "I I'mi, (i.lKr '"I, M.llnll I Applying niuiiey i! !-ft- f . r .,1, ji-ct to miotln r Peiiitlty.) Section 2'. Win n liny money kIiiiII IlllVt" lieell Ciillecteil or fefeiM'il I'V II II V ollicer fur any di-llncl and siccilicd oli ject, no k irt lull uf t liein i-linll lie uii. ir niplii-'l tu tiny utlier ol.ji-ct ur pur- Willi. ml line nut liority, l.nt plutll In" kept n fi-pitnilc fnii'l fur Mich Hjieci-lit-t I object ; nml liny ollicer failing to comply with the ppivi-lmit i,f 1 1 ; i m-i'-tiuii flmll he liable ( it lint' nut exceed- ni! f.MNi, or to iiiipri-'.imii nt in the fiinnly jnil not exceeding i-ix moiitht. Ill ( I i.llii , r. Unit 111. Ml, mi llulltfl- I Tux collect-ir l"i receive nml receipt fur inuiii-yt iiml county order collected Penalty.) Section 21. The tin collector shall receive ninl receipt fur all money anil futility onlert collected by him for tuxes in the milliner pre-rriUtl in the follow ing section In reof , nix) miytnx colli-ctor failing to comply with liny of the pru vitiuiiM of t hi" ful low i ng M-i't ion i-hit 1 1 I -1 1 1 I guilty of it 1 1 1 i -' l 1 1 n it ni r , ninl upon coiiv id ion thereof hIiiiII he lineil in it film not lex I linn f liio nor more I hall 1 1 ,01111, ami tin ill t ln-forc w horn raid tax collector it triitl shall declare lii.t ollice at Irea-iirt-r nml tux collector vitcunt fur the remainder of 1 1 1m term. ii;. & C t.iini., i. .ii. hi ;iin.', no iIuiiik"") Tax co I led or ' h rcc op I of tn x col led on s.) Section L'l. The tax collector fhnll receive iiml receipt for all inoneyH anl cminty opli-r-" cullertf'l hy him for taxes, nml hliitll note on the tax roll iiain-t the proM-rty paiil on, in cohimnH pro. iicl theretor, t he ilntc of ciich iyineiit mill niiinher -..f receipt. lit" i-liiill keep filch i-tuh r -ipt liookn, in whii'lt fhall ln kept hy him a copy of each imtl every receipt hy liim it.ttieil, ninl hiicIj receipt" nml HtuliH hIiiiII If urriiiiK'eil mul mini hercil coiiHccut ivcly for encli year, ami i-hitll hIiow exactly the ttmonnt juiiil in fun!) ami the amount pahl in county onterH, anil thall hlmw the plact" ami luti of collection, the jmrpuHo for which and the property on which tin taxt-H were itl; hut the iniittert nhown upon the tax roll may 1k omittetl from (he Htul) if it contaiiiH a refctence to the volume, piiK'i" ami line of the tax roll wherein hucIi liuitttTH are Kct forth. Such ntuliH or ciipit-H of the rccciptH in nucd hy the tax collector hIihII iiIho in every ciihc contain the jxtHtolIice or rt'Hi tlence atlilrcHH of the tnxiiuycr, which may he iiMi'eitiiineil ut the time of the payment of the tax ami then elitt-rel on t he Htul) or copy of the receipt re laineil hy the tax collector. No tux follector hIiiiII receive a larjrcr amount in county orilcrx from any percon for taxt'M than the amount of hucIi imthoii'h futility t-axcH for the year or yearn for which the myment in tniulo. It hIiiiII he the tint y of the tax Collector to note upon each receipt anil copy thereof the nuniher ami amount of each county or tier lie hIiuII receive, the amount of the taxi'H for which hucIi receipt chilli he given, ami iiIho to write the date of the receipt upon the huck of each county order paid in for taxctt, anil at the name time write or Htmnp acroHH the face thereof "Keceivcd for TaxiH," and no county order nhull draw any iuterent lifter Buch date. Jlenhall keep, iih u part of the recordn of liin tillice, a collcc lioti reenter, in which lie nhall mako jiroper fiitrieH, Hhowing the various jiniountH collecttHl hy him, the ftnioiintt thereof collecttitl for each and every Hcp urato fund, the year in which the tax no collected hecame due, and the iiuin liers and da tea of the rcHpective receijita given hy liim therefor, (II. & (. ('nni., M-i-tlon 8103, (nirntled liy Ijiwi of lllllfi, ilmplrr 63.) Krankneas ud lloaeatf "Of courso your coiiHtltueuts want a man who la jcrfcc-tly frank and hon est." "Yes," nnnwcroil Senator Sorglmtn. "At the Biiine tlmo moht of them luive no obJectloiiH to my working throuuli river nml linrhor appropriations for places that nevor sw two feet of wa ter except when It ruins." Washing ton Star. The streets of Toklo will scon have trolley car. ( I !oiihli iiHtfHHUifnlN nml other t-irort tax collector may coiled.) Sec) lun L'.!. Whenever the tux col lector dihCoveiN lliut any propetty luit heen nHfeHHed more than once for the Hiime year, hi" hIiiiII collect only the tax jilntly 1 1 1 1 - theieon, mid shall make re turn to t he county coiiit of the liiiliiliee at iluiilile iim-i Mtinent , mill Millll Of proper ly eri-d ited I I'l-refor ; and when ever, at any Htne in the collection of tllXCH, the ollicer Inivilig chltrpt of the roll shall tliHcover errorn or omit-ni'iim of any kind therein lm imty properly correct t he Hitmi" tu con ful lit to t he fndM ill whatever manlier may he neccHHitry to make Hiieh iiHHi-nonelit , tax, or other proceeding whatsoever regular mid valid, Mich correct ion to he mii'h' in red ink, or otherwise diHtiiiuuiHlied, and to he nilied with the initial! of the ollicer making the Hlimt" Itml the dale of Hin h orreel ion , I 11 A ( '. 1 uln, , n linn lU'l'i ) ( ( I m ii ted propel ty Ah -"cHHinent .) Section 1M. Whenever, lifter the return of the iihhi -H-lneiit roll to the county clerk hy the hoard of eiiiali.a tioii, the ollicer having the JioH-e-fi'ili of the roll t 1 1 til diHCuver or receive cridihle information, or if he Iuim rca huii to helicve that any real or H"rHoiial property Iiiih, from any caute, lieen omitted, in whole or ill p:irt, in the iiMHefmciil of any year or inimher of ycaiK not exceeding; two yeait prior to the la-t roll Ho e' and re tiirncil, or from the nHM-tHment roll or the tax roll. In-hlnill tiriK'ced to correct ! the atHCHHinciil or tax roll in In- hainN, and add Hiieh projierty thereto, with the piopcr vahiatloii, and charge hucIi property and the owner t hereof w it h the proper aiiioimt of taxet thereon at the rate which the Haid prupeity would have heen taxed had it Im-cii iironcrlv , iimiii the tax roll for t he ear or yeart at to which it wan omitted; to eiiahle i which ollicer Hi i to do he ii herehy ill i vchIciI with all of the powers of the ii"i-HMor, hoanl "f eijualiat ion, and county clerk under the laws in force during' such years and thereafter. Hut l I't foie making such correction or nddi- tion, if the pi-r-on claiming to own said '. property, or oci upy inn it or in posses sioli thereof, resides in t he county and it not present , such ollicer hI ut 11 gi vc Much pertun not ire in writing of Inn inten tmh to add such property to the iimhcss inent tir tax roll, descrihint; it in gen eral terms, anil requiring such person to appear It-fore him at his ollice at a siccilicd time, within live days after giving such notice, and to show cause, if any, why such projierty should not he additl to the assessment and tax roll; ami if the party so not i lied docs not np- jt-ar, or if he ajijM'iirs and fails to show I any gxl and sullicient cause why such j assessment shall not lie made, the j same shall he made, ami the officer I making the correction or addition shall I tile in his ollice a statement of the ! facts or evidence on which he made I such correct ion . The notice in this I sect ion provided may '' given ami served in the saint" manner and hy tin , same iM-rsoii.t coinpeteul to serve suo- p't-nas. Appeal may hi" taken from the action of the ollicer in making the correction or addition hy the j'crson ag grieved within ten days after the action of such ollicer is taken, hy giving notice to such otlicer and otherwise iroceeding in the manner jirovidetl for appeals from the lioard of eipiali.ut ion . (New; rr note to trcticii i.V) (Putyof of lice r having jiossession of roll PrtH'ccdings; on failure to act.) Section "5. Whenever any ollicer ilcscrihetl in the jireceding section shall discover crcdihlo information, or have reason to lielicve that real or jfrsonul property Iiiih from any cause lieen omit ted, in whole or in part, from assess ment for taxation for the years t perilled in the jireceding Hoction, or mich credi ble information shall he furnished to such ollicer, it shall lx the duty of the ollicer having jxissession of Haid assess ment or tax roll to tuke the stejM jiro vidctl for In the jireceding Hcction to jdace such omittetl jirojierty on the assnt-smcnt or tax roll. If such otlicer shall fail or refuse on the discovery by himself, or on crcdihlo information 1 ic ing furnished him by another jierson, that projierty has lieen omit tetl from taxation, the state, on the relation of any state ollicer or of any taxpayer of the county in which such failure or re fusal occurs, shall havo the right to jiroeood against hucIi ollicer in any court of romjietcnt jurisdiction by man damus, to compel such ollicer to Comply with the jirovisioiiB of the jireceeding section. In the trial of such a suit the question of what eoiirititutcH credible information as heroin mentioned shall be a question of fact to I to determined by the court trying the case in the name manner other issues of fact are determined. If judgment shall he ren dered to tho effort that credible, infor mation has. been discovered by or fur nished to such ollicer, or that he has reason to believe that property has been omitted from taxation, it shall then be the duty of such officer to forthwith jilaoo such omitted projierty on tho as sessment and tax roll in accordance with the jirovisionM of this ami the pre ceding section, and such otlicer shall ho liable for all costs of such mandamus suit, and for a reasonable attorney's fee I'ula Flutter. "Some explorers nro In favor of hunting for the north polo In automo biles," remarked the man who reads the magazines. "Do you think the plan would bo successful?" "I wouldn't be surprised," replied the motorist, who bad Just been In a wreck. "Automobiles seem capable of finding every judo from a hlUhlng pole to a telegraph ole." IOtiropt'uii Kussia hag a less percentage of forent tbau tbe United State. for relator's attorney, which shall lif taxed as a pint of the costs of such suit in nil cities where judgment, is rendered against . such oflni r: Provided, how ever, that, in ciihi" jiroci-fdiiigs are insti tuted heieunder on t he relltt ion of any jiiivali" cili.eii, such relator shall give liotid to Hit" Hut isfitel ion of the court to (my nil costs which may be recovered agnimt him. ill A, ( I i.inji , w. t ion 3111, rovjir for (lie ;ish MMint, 1 1 V til'- ln-flff, ol iiiifrly v. IiiiIi li.el Ih ' ll otinlli it f,.,in tlir riironl toll ill till- i,r(, illiy yi ;n' full. 'I tir t-AO to linn l.i-.l i..vlU- ..f tlir fcl'lltl'.ri of otlilMr'l .,.'.lly Id,- ,li,rr-nt alul to i,r,..ll,i V'.. in, liV Itt.v olllf I f li.'ivioir .ut. no. ill ..1 th,- lul', iimjii loitiir lo th- I .- 1 1 1 y r-r if :i r. nolfiit .oi-l it nol Jur.inl ri.ivi-.ii i in In ,'!r lur lip I" :il it from ii'rMtini'i oTtfi!i-i l.y Ihr li.i. l'l of I rl- III,- ;,, t lift, to Ihr l.'i.iol of f-iii.ili.ilioii rr. oiiiinr r . . I - J l.y llnn f nlt I 'Ihr i,i, for ;',l Hi ! f j 1 1 r -. tlir , oiiHtilul ion,,! i.IpI'i tt.iii v hit h it,--, y I oil" it lltf.illivt It. Ar I . ini , i in., i 1 1 1 . Mol tllor- IlivlliUI l;i".l lift II fi-M.I'fll liolnr ;,rr , . UK r r ,ir .1 Sr- I r ' t l'l , Hi lii mill Is.'t I' S. .'ion I hr tno H'ltiom me i I' I. 'I nfti r I rifloiim ) (Time fur fimoiit fif taxes I'enulty Interest ICelillte.) Section IMS. Tiixch legally levied find chargcil in any year may be paid on tir Is-fure the lirst Monday of April follow ing, and if not so Jiaid they shall lc coine It-1 i ti tii-ii t : I'rovid'-d, however, that if one half of the taxes sgitii st any part ii-ii In r j'lircel of ri al 'rnicrty, or the taxes on iersoiutl jirojierty chnrgeil against any individual, he j'liid 'in fir Is-forethe said fir-t Monday of A pril, then the time for t In" jiayiiieiit of t he j reio.'i i inter of sui-ii tax mav Irf. extf-nil-! id toai.d including the first Monday of (.t. .her next following, hut if there- main ing o,. half of such tax be not .aid .,1, or before the lirst . Monday of (, toli.-r then such remaining half shall be .Icliti'iuent, and, besides t he js-tl- ally, intciest thereon shall he charged 11 1 1 I collictcl lit the rat' ol twelve per .11 centum js-r annum from the first Moii ilnyif April jiret fling; nml ujioti all dclili'iiient taxes there shall he collcct- ed fruu tin" taxjiayer of such tn xes, ! for t he bent-lit i'f t he county, ten per centum it" a oenaltv. and fur the henc- lit of the county or other corporation 1 uhi.-h mI.,,11 hi.v.. ,.n iter,.-t ,. v i.r. tion of such taxes interest ut the rate of twelve centum js-r annum on such taxes from the tlav on which they be- come ilelinmielit until t hei r on v ment : Provided further, that there shall be an allowance of three tier centum rebate upon any tax pun! on any sejuinite cel of real iroerty, or ujioii the js-r-sonal jirojierty charged to any individ ual as aforesaid, on or Is-fore the fif teenth day of March next jirior to the date when such tax would become de linquent if not j'aid. (II. S (.'. ( omp., icction 311ft, no change.) (Personal jiP.jrty tax, levy and le" ,,,.;. ) those'eounties. I ersonalty tax to realty.) (;ovrr;i(,r n.amlterlain sent a mes Sei tiori 27. On or immediately after sage to Isith bouses today asking more the tirst Monday of May in each year money for the Jamestown exposition. the tax collector shall jirocced to collect j total of 10 bills have been intro- all taxes Ievie.1 in l,iu coimtv nt.i. i...t lev id 111 ins toiiiitv tijsin jiei- soiia nroiM-riv. 01 unicn one imii u:m loiif vi.l 1 I - - not I mi,! its hereinbefore nrovi.leil on or 1 1 - 111 , 1 t, 1 . . is'iore tne nrsi .-Monday 01 April, lo- gether w lib the (tenuity antl interest, lie shall levy ujioii sutlie'ent poisls antl chattels belonging to the js-rssonor cor jHiratiou t hargeil with suchtaxe", if tin" same tan is- found in the county, hy taking them into his jiossession, to juiy'rect such del inuuent taxes. toL'et her w ith in.1....-.. ,. ..,,(;....., 1... ... ,1... f.-nK mvriimt inti.rmt. n.-n.i 1 1 i.- nn.l . - r- other lawful charges; and shall immc tliatcly advertise such gisids and chat - tels for sale by jx st ing written or jrint - e.l nott.-es of the time and jilace of sale in three public places in his county not less than ten days prior to such sale, and if such taxes, interest, and penal- ties shall not be paid before the time aj'jiointeii lor sucii sale tlie tax collect- or shall j)rtcetHl to sell such projierty at public vendue, or so much theitHif as shall le sufficient to pay such taxes, in- terest, and jienalties and shall deliver to the purchasers thereof at such sale the jirojH'rty so sold to them respective- ly, and sucii sale snail tie absolute; elected Jonathan Ikmrne, Jr., United ' ami the tax collector shall jirocced in States senator for the long term and ,- e. . ..... - ... . .. . ...v. ........... ...... ...... ...r, Monday in NovemlsT, to collect the rcsi.lue of taxes charged against ja r- sonal jirojierty remaining delinquent on his roll. In like manner ho shall levy ujmn and sell the goods and chattels oj any person or persons removing from the county without paying all taxes charged against them. Whenever after delinquency, in the opinion of the tax collector, it be.omes necessary to ..I.. ...... t . ituu null nnr nr,,i i ni,. I lut rir-wr cuargo win uix on personal projierty against, real jirtijierty in orner inai sucu jiersonal jirojierty tax may be colle -ted, ' such tax collector shall select for the jmrpose some particular tract or lots of real property owned by the person ow-'. ing such jHTsonal projierty tax, and shall note upon the tax roll opposite such tract or lots the said tax on per- sonal projierty, antl said tax shall be a lien on such real jirojierty from and after the time the said tax on personal projierty is charged against the said real property, ana snail no eniorccu in tlie same nianner as other real estate tax 1 (II. & C. Comp., sretion 3107. adilinn nro- "...'h tun. Cunnuiitlaic li. & C. Coiiip., wrciiun (To lie continued next week) I'nrle A burr's Idea. City Nephew Uncle Abner, some of the city jieoplo accuse country fitfks of eating with their bands. You dtui't eat with your hands, do you? t ..,.!.. 1 Imni. Will I utinnlil bdv nnt i m id , my noy. aiwny maae me uneu uicu eat out In the kitchen. Mlanndrratood. "So, you're a Journalist, be ye?" laid Uncle Joshua, who had come to town to see his nejihew. "You bet I am," answered the cub ' r ul S f.. aiag .lflcent mid exjie .slve attire with the homely gnrb of the fanner. "You bet I'm a journallst-and with a big J, too!" He always wondered why the old - . .. . . . w . man nat mad. (Mevelantl l.iHrir PROCEEDINGS OF OREGON LEGISLATURE Thursday, January 24. Salem, .fun. 5J-I. I'.oth li'iuset this iiflerinsiii ndjourned until Monday. This is largely due to the state jirintiT Is-ing unable to secure cnoiiirh coinjiosi lors to turnout the work tin t iinc and will a I low him 1 1 me to cult h up. Th" two houses this morning met in joint assembly and listened to an ad dress by Mr l!ryitn. A hill was int pidnccd in t he senate M-rmitl ing capital punir-hment for ifih- hers who are cajit tired armed w ith dan- gi-rous weiijsuis. I'.ills were aiso intpsluced in the senate creat ing the county 'if North 'ir.tnt mi'l create a railroad commission to be HJiJSiintcd by the governor. In the house new measures included the iijijKiintmont of a commission to in vestigate the fire insurance business mid titie providing that each county shall be a judicial district and jirovid ing for a prosecuting attorney f'tr each county. The hill providing for jiubl init ion of notice of all estrays was jia"-sed by the house. The senate bill fixing the Lirm Iinc boundary was also jiassed by the house. Four hills were passed bv the senate. 1 '"W P'ovide: l or holding meetings "f state textbook commission in May 't-'l "f July ; raising fees ,f jurors , fr "" 2 : ly l salaries 1,1 '"gl" county; Pi turn unexjer..led H'I"H1 fl""lM '""'k """'y H'',,""l f"'"1 "lt'1'!"1 of the general fund. Wednetday, Jantary 23 Salem, Or., Jan. 2.'1. Tliere are js'iiding in Uith houses an unusually large tiurnliT of lien bills and in a nui- junty of cases the advanta,--'es that will 'follow their enactment are conferred i. I. . .. l. r "I'"1 ntoornig mun who js riorms d w ho, under the picseiit stat "''" 111 '""' ""'", experiences no "'' "f '""1'i' m getting what is his , ,""- w '!" ot lose out alt- gcllier . , . i , , . t It has lieen discovered that all line ,,. , v , i , olhcers of the O. VO. have been cliosen in stitutioji. ..:..i...:.... .,.. violation ii, uir ruuir von- ,, . ,. . , . P.ejirescntative .Iackst,n lias iirt iared a bill to remedy the defect. 't 1 tie lull j'roviiling tliat jurors may be kejit together in civil actions has the honor of U'ing the first to pass the house. The senate passed the bill agreed tirioll I .V Tun.. or,. I f inn flvirwv t-Vio '1 it.- 1 1 1 t ,uctsl re ating to roads and hit-'hwavs. t. .1. ........ '.. 1 t 1. . ..". . ...... . i: uoiiuniiii 15 iiii-inuiu iiivij.iiiiu 1111 I'rillt : 1 . 1 ....... : . .i. , J III 1 11 U CHI VII L l' vuuuo uuu Oltlic ia lite 1 1 J ' ,,,,.ut M.rwiptiint most lmrstrtant. Twenty-four new measures were real for the first time in the house today. 1 This makes a total of l'.'!7. j Among the l! bills in the senate were two by llailey amending the di-' riritiinrv lnu- Onp Tiroviilea for oiiii, v , ,11 r.-o i ioi,n irvi.iiu uic ojlllltll li.....: i .i. i. ... j x. 1 pletlge to Jiarty wtnditlates 1 only. " " j l fu Ptvtion of Mulkeyand Ilourne as United States senators was confirmed i tHllv j jjnt .jo,, 0f the two houses ' 1 Jlrt tj',e jaw re,,uires. Tlie journal of yesterday's elect ion in the- two houses Vas read and President Haines there- u,K,n dcclaretl them elected. Mnlkev .rves until March 4, lt07, and llourne 8ix ywir9 rom tluit date. Tuesday, January 22. Salem, Jan. 22. IVit h houses of the legislature in separate session today h.,1.1 i.r Mu r.-. ... t i ii.i . -nuinr mi ura Diuiinniii. The vote on Mulkey was unanimous in the house and all memliers of the senate present voted for him. Three representatives, Reynolds, Rodgers and Sett lemier, of Marion, refused to sup- jort Itourne. These men explained that they did not pledge themselves and also that their constituents gave a plurality against him. Four senatois, Hooth of Ijme, Ijivcock of (irant, Mil- . . r ..... .1 ler or J.inn-.Marion and v tiealiton of asco, votetl agllinsl Jiourne. J tie senaUira gave much the same reason as tho representatives for not favoring Itourne. The vote stood: Mulkey House, 60; senate, 27. Tourne Uouse, 57; senate, 2.'t. No progress has so far been made in either house on the railroads bills that provide for a commission, reciprocal demurrage, maximum nites. taxation of gross rtyeeijits, etc. These subjects have hardly been heard of vet in the. senate, and only one bill has appeared 1 nere reiaung 10 mem. iins is tne bill of Senator Johnson, of ten ton. I prohibit ing rebates ami discrimination. but omitting the commission. In the house, however, a number of bills have lieen lniriHiucett. ! A joint memorial was introduced in the senate this morning by Senator Mul it asking congress to compel the owners of the Oregon A California Ivailroad company to sull Its grant lands at. me price stipulator in the grant. ' n.t , .. , , Jne resolution was reterrea to tne com ,n,tte on resolutions By unanimous vote the senate adopt- Will Plan Reapportionment. Salem As a solution to the problem of rearranging the legislative represent- at ion of the counties of the state, Rep- resentative Jewell today Introduced In appointment of a committee of seven to ro,)ort to the house a rcnj.jx.rtioninent i.tti u.,...,un.,n., w'lt.i ... V" "Z"l"yrZ .... ' .i t- Y annortlonment on the ' laafc h urn tuveniig huh sunjcci, wising uie .' ' , " t . . a t , . . BUS. ed n memorial nsk ir.g congress to re-1 Iun, y to ralroad employes to have move all tariffs on raw jute, or jute ears "spotted" on their tracks was ln Ugs. This move will piite likely t nd troduced before Interstate Commerrn to defeat atiy effort to establish a jut! Commissioner franklin K. Iane, at mill at the state jienittnt iary . the hearing yesterday afternoon Into ' P.y combining two resfilntions the the car shortage question. I senate sought, to eliminate one iurikrt- im trin. KeHohitiomi had been i r,t ro. - - diiccd fur the njijHiintfncnt rif a coin i mitlee t, confer w ith a committee from Washington on the subject of fisheries and another committee to confer on jiilotage. The senate committee on i resolutions jirovidwd that tine c,irimit- tee should be. provided, for the two run - JSIS Monday, January 21. Salem, Jan. 21 . Standing commit tees, of the Oregon legislature were an nounced this afternoon by President Haines of the senate and Sjs-aker Iavey of the house. In each case the Is-st places, were secured by the supjsirt ers of Haines and Ihivey for leadership. The hunters' license law, it is safe to say, will Ik" clianged this session. , Two bills relating to the subject have already ajijs-arcd in the house. The normal sch'Kil question is already a live one in this session. Itnt week a hill to cut off Irrain and Ashland was, intpsluced. Ttslny a bill was intro duced U clone the lirain and Monmouth sclusils. I The house unanimously passed over the veto of the governor the bill to regulate the manufacture arid sale of commercial fertilizers. This was one of the seven house bills of the 1!05 session vetoed by the governor. Altogether 7" bills were read for the first time in the house today. In the senate 18 new measures a jipeared. i Reorganization of the judicial system of Oregon is jirojsiseil in a senate bill. Among the house bills were: To col- led inheritance tax on estates of $-5,000 and uji, instead of $10,000 as at pres ent; Isiunties ranging from $5 to $20 I for seal rs of wild animus, two-thirds I'.l'WOrtl'A 11IU V.Ulll an., OllC-llOI'i , ,, 1 , , ' .. , ... , . bv the state; creating the olhce of m- , , . , , rjit-i oii ni mnir-n, uo'i w'ti-nii uiiveriti , . , .1 the several sections of t tie report of the ,t i i .. ,, , ,. , t, t vmut inu t lit. uilotit ir,n of tho ri.rr.rT I In t lie senate the new measures in- cludtsl: Kor recijirtjcjil tlemurrage and : prohibiting rebates and discrimination; I for tnmsportation of convicts by prison employes; to purchase land adjoining . the cajiitol grounds on the east side, and to provide for working county pris oners on public highways. Rash for Timber Land. torvanis a new rusn ior iimrjer . ... . . land is on nere. Jt is not so great as m the one a few years ago but be- . . Cjx , 1 1 t , 1 tu-Min iSt I nn.l Ml e uima hiu-u rumn 1,-,. ' vitici Hiiuiii int iiasi icw weens. iiie timln-r lies 40 to 00 miles southwest of C'orvallis ip what is known as the Five Rivers countiy. .Locators come to Cor vallis by rail and take nvate convey ances for the rest of the journey. A carriage to the foot of Alsea mountain , , ,, i . . . , t-aine norse irom men on is the i,.,,min.nfi,..-im w , , . . , .. !. ti i ....., .'.o,,, lI1.wu.1.iorl,u.,u;suffererg and dealers attempted having made the trip to the woods at0 extort unreasonable prices. This tew days ago. The timber is not old fir. It is sec- ond growth that has sjirung the great fire that swept range west and southwest of up since the coast Corvallis 05 or 60 years ago. PORTLAND MARKETS. Fruits Apples, common to choice, 5075c per box; choice to fancy, $1 2.50: pears, $11.50. Vegetables Turnips, 90c(a $1 per enck carrots 90c3$l per sack- beets $1 .25(J,1 .60 per sack : horseradish " ' ' IOC per ptlUHU J SWtH't poUllOeS, CtC JXT pound; cabbage, 2lc per pound; cauli- tlower, $2.50 per dozen ; celery, $3.50 per crate; pumjikins, 2c per pound; squash, 2c per pound; sprouts, 8c p r .pound. j Onions Oregon; $11.15 per hun- dred. j Potatoes Oregon Bin-banks, fancy, fl(iU.30; common, 7505c. j Wheat Club. (57c: bluestem. 60c- i n- valley 67c: red. C5c. Oats Xo. 1 white, $27; gray, $26. JSarley reed, f'zi .oo(l'-- per ton; the American people for help. Money, brewing, $22.50; rolled, $23.5024.50. Ilumber and building material most ur- Rve $1.40,1.45 per cwt. Igently needed." Acting upon the sng- Corn Whole, $26; cracked, $27 per!Kestion of Mayor Tait, Mayor McClel on j lan last night announced that he -would llav ValW timothy. Xo. 1. tUGH be receive contributions, -which ISjHrton; Kastern Oregon timothy, $l(!f.l8; clover, $9; cheat, $9; gram bay, $(.10; alfalfa, $14. ltutter Fancy creamery, 3035c per pound Itutror FatFirst, enide. cream. 3.1 -..'n ' per pound ; second grade cream, 2c less ptr jiounti. V.r.rj tlroiTnn nm.-li "l9L."l'in r, I Poultry Avemizo old hens. 13rt?,14e if mmnh mix..,t chicWena 1 9iTi a.." spring, 1414; old rootsers,10lle; dressed chickens, 1617c; turkeys, live. 17 O 17V..C: turkevs. dresstnl. choice, 2022c; geese, live, 1012c; ducks, 1718c. Vtal Dressed, 5,Sj9) per pound. Beef Pressed bulls, 23c per pound ; cows. 4fT15c: country steers. 6r5 Vic. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 8(5)90 per pound; ordinary, 67c. Pork Dressed, 69c per pound. Savlngs Bank for Albany. Allmny Albany is to have another bank. According to articles of incor poration tiled with the county clerk here, the Linn County Savlnus bank 'tion can be secure!. The incorporators of the new bank are 11. S. Myers, F. X. ,..... i , o c... "' - ..... ..... .......... lion wiin a capital BtocK oi fo.uuu. iL lJLL I d h 1 w ill be ltd first savings bank, PAY FOR CARS. Wahinfr,ton Lumbermen Give Money to Have Them Spotted. Seattle, Jan. 23 Kvldenrp Indicating t Ji ft f tiimtiortrinn Knja tkcwn rv u v 1 nr Charles K. 'atton, preslnent of thfl ' R,lianre ''liml,,,f Company Reliance Lumber Company and vlce pr ttident and secretary of the At la Kumlxr and Shingle Company, made tho ut 't t li rr. on t rtxrfncr mraa nt hit' rirnlnMnn Tn iiv tWr thoVvt- , tlerue of Mr. Pat ton was a sensation j would he putting If. mildly. Mr. Pat . ton had b' en giving gome facts and figures showing that there was an ap parent discrimination In the distribu tion of tars at T acorn a among the mills. A multitude of witnesses testified bo fore Commissioner Lane yfeterday about the car shortage and the crip pling effect It has had upon the Indus tries of the state. Not nn!v werp lum bermen put on the stand, bnt Senator Paulhamus told of itie sufferings of the Puyallup berry growers, and the troubles of the wheat farmers of East ern Washington were gone into. The lumber men contended that while the ear (shortage was particular ly acute at the present, there had nerer heen a time for years when they got all the cars that they wanted. The rate at which cars moved was gone Into and it was shown that this has stead ily decreased from an average move ment per car of 94 miles in 1903 to 3G miles In 1906. No attempt was made to dispute the car shortage by the railroad attorneys. They sought to show, however, that the present paralysis of traffic was the result of the floods In November. MUST APOLOGISE. OR RETIRE Fate of Swettenham Unless He Can Give Good Excuse. London, Jan. 23. The Incident aris ing from the exchange of letters at Kingston between Governor Swetten ham and Rear Admiral Davis now ap pears to be entering the waiting stage, as the government, after doing all possible In the absence of advices from the Governor of Jamiaca, Is obliged to defer further action until he r( ports. In the meantime the trend of official sentiment is toward having Governor Swettenham apologize or rftire, but this is based on the press accounts of the incident and on letters, and it may be modified by Governor Swetten ham's version, giving extenuating cir cumstances. In the absence of a report from the Governor to his government, his dis patch to Secretary Root, which has been reproduced here, tends further to mystify the mind of the public, which finds it difficult to reconcile the Gov ernor's present recognition of the as sistance rendered by the American squadron wit hthe terms of the pre vious letter. SEIZE FOOD SUPPLIES Mayor of Cincinnati Orders Police to Stop Extortion. Cincinnati, Jan. 23. Mayor Demp- !sey yesterday afternoon issued orders lu l"e ponce 10 connscaie iooa ana fuel where needed for relief of flood action was taken because of numerous reports of extortion in charges for transportation and for relief supplies. Those attempting extortion will be ar- . rested. The high water in the Ohio river in slowly but steadily receding tonight. The railroads have begun preparations to resume regular traffic, although it will be several dayB before tbe tracks j&re safe. Relief work continues actively. Six scnoot Dunamgs nave been turned oer I'8 mpurary nonies ior uie mine rent, The city council tonight appropriated I ft Rum frr n T,ItaT funil iulilih 4a V sum for a relief fund which la be ing augmented by private subscrip tions. Appeals for aid have been received from many Kentucky towns. Mayor of Kingston Appeals. New York, Jan. 23. Mayor Tait, f Kingston, Jamaica, in his official ca pacity, has appealed to the generosity of the American people on behalf tf the earthquake sufferers, saying: "On behalf of the stricken neonle. I an- peal through you to the generosity of Kingston authorities. Disgustad With Swettenham. London, Jan. 23. In a dispatch irom Kingston the correspondent of the ,." tion of all I classes at Governoi S tenhara's conduct and says eo much rilsp-iiet lo foil- that nmnl -nHll -4 n m -i his recall. "In every direction the government has blundered." the cor- respondent eays and is still blunder. JnS bady, while it is palpably unable to cope with the situation." The Tri bune and other papers publish tele grams couched in similar terms. Epidemic Grows Worse, Chicago, Jan. 23. Local health de partment records for the number of contagious disease cases reported in a single day were broken today, -when 214 caseg were recorded at the city hall. Of these 145 were of scarlet fever and 40 of diphtheria. The pre valence of these diseases, railroad of ficials report, has caused a marked In crease in passenger traffic to winter resorts. Fever Among the Refugees. Aurora, 111., Jan. 23. Thongh th river has fallen four Inches since Mon day, the conditions are desierate. Cit izens are huddled In camps on the higher grounds tir crowded Into 8chool nou8e8, ojiera nouses ana cuy nail Scarlet fever has broken out amous ". J" ...ty . v uif,ivo itvut mo lunvi 1WI 1, the city.