11 TTV 6 5 ncrt,.' 1 0 of 0 Devoted to tin- Mining, Lumbering and I . I lllll, Intf k sts of this Community. VOL. VIII COTTAGK GROVi;, LANK COUNTY OKLOON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1907. NO. 52 A. M V? H U A II 1 il V'f M II ftl'HTI'Ot iASUtt.V 1 V 4. L. A4. 1 FROM BOHEMIA General Mining News and Information I'.l'ta 1 oH( 1 in. in hernia IIiih niDiniii' stint...! f r I', A I Chun hill ci me 111 henna Saturday evening. (ti.o.l ( i(jMh come lioti) the wol k I'eill Otitic ilt the OlTH'MI Colorado. Sheiiti 111 ('I'llk Ii.ih die I with tilt; counlv clei k a notice ! location of u mill m'c o live ii.-p-H in tin- l!o lif in 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 n tllhtra t Mr. (;oi;e 11 1 1 1 1 1 tr . t ! 1 i r nil i;lll Willi lilH colitlai t oil the Los Ion group tif mineM for I lie Hohemiii G ill M mm;' mi pan v Th" present r.im ili take nwuv llllli h of the snow ;tlid J.l.tV h ad to Wellll 11 t lint wdl ci.al'le Ihe -!lll coinplcll ili of it fc v , oiilsidc work that niuttt )t doiir lie'tiie the cin itis null e 111 Mart. THE EYE AND ITS CARE l'.y D l iaue Lin lle Hard. K oni Chiisiiiiin i iinl'liii'', laiiene. I ( H.jci t locked n. 2. Kays ol li" lit. I. CryMaline lens and point of refctsal I I'lctinc t ol jet t on retina rhcecliall i.s a pcifeit i-pliere about nil lm li 111 itiameter. In front theconic i h eiij,'iafltd oil'." the mam hall. Thu perfect or Eme'tropic telall is very hard to lirul, only onti per son in many having ptrfeet tyt-H. 'J'hoHe that do, bea t he iitara as sharp point of light instead of a blur of liht ii hceu hy most of um. When we look 11 1 an ohject, ray from it enter our eye, focus uj on thu lietina aiul lrum there thu nic Hne is carrittd to the hrain I y the Optic ru n p. l'ut to v:et to the Itutiiia trie jays of hht must ti rut pass through the air then thimiKh tin- Coiriea, Atjueou.s Humor, The l'upil, t Le (,'iystalimi Leu, tho VitrioiM lluimir, and finally to the Ketina. Then the little libers tailed thu Kudu and Cones must he Het in aetion to carry the mem-ao to tho brain through thu Optic Nerve. When all thin compli cated plot osh lias heen ".one through we know what ohjfcl h that we are looking at. Altliough this Hi-eniH like such a long process it in all done no ipiitkly that wc- are not aware of it at all Up'iii passing through the Cryw taline lens t ho rays ol light which i-riter the eein a slanting direc tion are crossed so that that the pictuio loinxtl on the Ketin.i in re veised, the hrain, however inter Xiri'ts this corrct'ilv so we Hie the ohjuoi as it is. In thu articles for the next few weeks some of tho mont couimcu ye trouhlcH will lai talked about. Miller and Corbit are closing out ut con. J. D. Cochran hun gone to Oak laud, California on lumber business. Kvorythiug needed for house keeping at Miller und Corbits. Kverything needed for house keeping at Miller und Corbit's. Tom Jenkins of tho Furniture Co. of Voatch Si Lawson is in Loraue decorating tho interior of W. W. Jackson's residence. Cooking utoves uinl heating sIovcb at cost ut Miller and Corbit's. NO LTV To Mr. und Mih. Geo. Nolty iin sy, pound daughter Sat urday tho 2('tll. Cooking stoves and heating stoves nt cost nt Miller and Corbit's. Mrs. C. G. Hubburd of Sun Diego, California was in Coltago drove over Sunday visiting her brother Fd Uuderwood. Furniture nt cost at Miller and Corbit's. Kvangeliat Rev. T. H. Ilnudsaker who is conducting a revival meet ing nt tho Christian church wua in Jvugeno Monday. M. E. Church Notes Great MirvK os ill III - M. I . Church Sunday morniii", ten nwic rot ci veil into the church, six wen l):i)ti.lll. Til'" M'l "111 III Ml J I ' .1 r: li t-il from tin.- text found in ll'xn.-ivs Mill chapter mi I '.hli vhmc, 'N nv if nnv man have 1 1 t the j m t of ( Mirist h is none f li in. " The sermon whs lar...!-, .. npt unil aiul by many i "tionn cl J i -1 j -ful. Strnn;;crH ,ne numd to all of the services. New Brick Block The contract bus n new brick I, lock on th Main and Filth h(i t h, i I, Nnmvirig the buildiii;:- c( f .r ,i ': m r (f v.utk o! w.:i f" '.-,1 oIVh-c eoinmeiK etl mii.ii The I ' ind o her t H'ciit,ins of ili liigs will have ( i ,, new . A s si on is I lie new hi; ready V. A lli-ini iiw iy . . across tin iivci willi hi 'lo k of ( )i ner.il Men Irm b . 1. 111I, I ; ut'-r-. Id III;; W li lll-'l'l' -I lll'l- London Springs Mr an t Mrs. J. M l'i ,!, ..sic have lieen stoppniL; at London Sprin;;H for seveinl iinniti,-. p it f t their home in Cedm villi , V, .1 -l ite,. -toil st id. I) . 'J'liey came m In. pes ihit the of tho water would he l-in :'ni.d "o am. I lat and .;o awa h e in isfmd with the lust. it i Furniture I Cm hit's. id com .,1 M . Mr. ami Mr". K'-njamm Lmeh. "I Cottage drove, have issued u;vi tations for the marnac f tlnir ilauhter. Lillian, in ll.inv Kreu geroflJutte, Mont, Sunday even ing February .'J, at the hum- ! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heter. 1''-' Twelfth st., Portia ml. I 15 at the Christian Church. '1 he laht two r-orviens Wo Jnesday aiul 'ihnrHihiy. Wednesday ti e I'.v arc-eliht npoke m'i "A l'lizliu. n '- mi jii." Th'.irs'lay : iL-- ' sermon will he mi "Wheio will you Spend i:t rmt ).(; fuity have resp 'ii'lod to tho l ' ''.pi I invitation. 'I hen- closing sermons promiso to he lull of good thing for cu ll o:i--w ho comes to hear. Vmi am cordially invited to dune Silk Creek. Mi. .Hid Mrs. ;. A. Wheeler u-luriH-d Thursday from a vinitiii 1. mi to tlxir friends at Drain ami Divide, ..-iun there at the home of Mi .nut Mi. Calvin Hunch. Mr-, Henry IHitf called on Mr John Asl.by l-'mliy afternoon. Mi-i Winnie Dresser is u.'a in in1 ii m i-lilicuhoiid at this' wrilir.f-'. Cr.11 kci'v at enht at Miller and '..rhits. C C"olcy 0 1 til') furniture it'ih- hshmefit of (,'iH'h'an t (Vxiley spent ,' Ji'ind iv "ilh Iiih family nt ( res ..veil. I Mr. C n!fv will move his family to j C'.'t i,".- C.rove about April i ht . ' a ill for the next 30 days, for nd, ! 1 1 .) per eent on on nny Mid ." tier cent off on an v over- e.,.l III soil C" 'Uie. Heeler-1 lionip H 52 lie I ..iv ,a t i e Toue li Syrup con 'iii::i:i; Honey and 'l'ar is e- pcciull.v .1 ppi upi i.it. for cliil lren. 110 opiates ut pui-011 i f any elinraeter, corif. u ins 1 1 t he ci iii lit lores c( tho National l'ure I'.'-'d .'Hid iM'lli;' Law. .Ftllii: '!!. I ' ii-( 1 oiii'. Whooping Coiinh, -te. It e pel-( 'uio ;iud Cild.s by gently i:iu i 1 1 r t he In iwile (iiiiirantceil. for r-.il" by New Pra Inu; Store. are going ClosMtq Revival Meeting 1 a o Tl Yi TT n &j ii.( 1 u l j uj i"iHTT" ijf a mur Til T im r Ttn TBTH We per cent off on any Suit per on any Overcoat in the house during the month of February with cash I) the leading Clothier and Shoe House Successor to Welch & Woods. r, 1 tn- 1 1 si lent e (if W. (.). j 1 south of Cottajjo r''7, Alta ('. Kriter I '' dayf, daiiihter it ('; 1" m null , J..i, 1 7 month ! v .in d Mr ,. s; r K i,Li..r ni j . -.-'it-' ii w o'i I Sp; i !,,i , Colorado. V j 1 J - t .'I lltlli- l-.i-telilid. j nl. I'll U o'i; 1 ! 1 . 1 rt 1 1 1 Hem . . ! : ! j' w-l ! ''i .11 !' o.mi diatlcm 1 1 r I in:; In 1 1 r ; i m i. i I ! I1.1t -: 1 r .in I I'.vifin face 1 11 i';i ::;;.i (! , t - piii e upon ; t , Il I li li .t. 1,1. (.'race. A 1 A I !e ly l.i I I . ;i li .iieiy moilier ', i;!it 1 A year-", j. et tlieir dailiri 1 ice f r. iin learn . r t he f 11 1 lire :h I edi-r eare I'll. .. VMI-I t, I 'll.'V 1,'ij e ' . 1 I t II" 1. 1 IM til il . li e: pi. 11 le ! I I.e. , 1 hev I; .' I:.. Ilild :".-d 'A 1; I I- !,. I II" 'A til - ' I ' I II",.' , - t .1 iv ; 1 V ul'ellt jitid f;tir. 1 1 1 I' I li lt follows !'s of iiic. our diirliriK "-1 an I 'lie nt rife I I. . 1 MS 1 iin iu-j and kind to 1 ilory i den t ii ijeh;,,,). ; i! A' I li M il m:-- .iir ! it t le Alta I- t ,1, i.er 1,1,'lee I; 1 ; t l.e l;e;: t Uehe Ay t length and mr I 1 ! 'i-t 1 1,.- oy ,-i :id ira'i nnce I !, l o'i n n pun nar p;i t -tii iiM li, i,- ,1) 1 future lll let" iil Hell I'll ;lt lilSt. Ml-. V. ;. Hale, I le li Mi, V :.. vl l 1 Miller and C orbit for bar- gn:n-. to Mi 1 and Corbit for bar- gams. M : U -r an 1 C' .r hit are at eoM. clo-ung out H. ',. L.iuiiiteiry, now district freL'ht a:.'i -.t . f the Southern Faci-fu- lii.e- in Oitguii, will become geiuril ao-it 1 1 the freight depart ment at Tort' ind for the consolida ted H un:. i in li:ic; in Oregon. to get llusier eimt I 0ff Millions Spent on Intoxicants. Uy Fre'loric J. HaskiDs. Wanhington, Jan. 20 (Special Correspondence.) Tbire is hrdly any other sentence that ia repeated ..... r. .1 . . . . so onen in me unitea Mates as Have a drink with me." unless it lis the remark of the other fellow to the bartender, "Fill 'em up again.' The fact that New York spends $1, 000,000 a day for drinks shows how expensive is the nge in which i wo are living. In the time of Charles II the keepers of ale shopi m p.ngland used to advertise to "make a man drunk for a penny (and find him straw on which to lie until he recovers his faculties." When I called on the man who I sits up nights figuring on the totals of the liquor trade, he told me that tho annual consumption of drinks j in the United States amounts to $1,400,000,000. I asked him if he 1 could not dilute this statement so 1 as to make it more understandable, and the next day I got a note from him saying: "If all the beer drunk in the United States since 1K7; was brought together, it would fill a canal stretching from New York to Denver a canal 20 feet wide, 10 feet deep and 138 miles long. It I could get some one else to figure out how many ''schooners" might be floated on this canal, the comparison would bo complete. IMMRNSE fIZK OF DRINK hll.h, The nation's drink bill tigureB out one-third more than the public debt, twice as much as the capital ! stock in the bank; a little less than the capitalization of all our trusts and industrial combination; one. half the value of our domestic ani mals; more than one-half the value of all our farm products; one-third more than our total imported mer chandise and one-twelfth more than our total exports. If each individual in this country regardless of age or sex. had drunk his pro rata of liquor in iS7G, he would have consumed about eight gallons; but now the proportion is a little more than 20 gallons. The great increase ii attributed to tho influx of foreign immigrants, who drink much beer. It is estimated that three-fourths of our popula tion are total abstainers, which would make every fourth person whe does drink consume on an average $70 worth of liquor each year. If that portiou of our popu lation which has the drink habit Bbould abstain for a year and pro vide a fund from the savings, it would start every illiterate child on the way to a college education, and if the drinkers of the world were to deny their thirst for 18 months, their savings would buy every ounce of gold in existence. Half of the 20,000,000 people who drink in this country consti tute the dangerous element of or population and are confined largely to the slums of the largrr cities. Those who study the Bource of crime and poverty say that 75 per cent of all such cases is caused by drinking. The use of wines and spirits is on the decrease in the United States, while beer is becom ing more popul r We have iewer retail liquor dealers now than there were a year ago, while the number of places where beer is sold is in creasing rapidly. RAILROAD MEN BECOME SOBER. As many railroad accidents were in timeB past accounted for by em ployes being drunk, 800,000 of the 1.200,000 railroad men now on duty in the United States are un der orders to neither drink nor en ter a place where liquor is sold. The penalty is dismissal from ser vice. In Canada if a locomotive engineer or a train conductor is found drunk while on duty, be is liable to 10 years' imprisonment. A significant comment on the ab stinence of railroad men is that when the locomotive engineers held their annual convention in Mem phis last year, the papers stated that in all the gatherings held in that convention citv there had never been a more orderly body of men. ATTRACTIONS OK BALOON'S. Just to see in what way the Ba- oons were BUDerior to the other at tractions life might offer a working man, or a homeless one, a promi nent minister turned hobo for a while in order to study the question at first hand. Afterward he told of the universal kindliness of the sa loonkeeper and of the various plans he had for enconracins natrons. Ie told of the drinking fountain at tho front door for the use of team sters' horses; of the setting fotth ot a free lunch equal to a table d'hote dinner. The minister told his church people of the things they must combat if they would win men from the saloous, and added: "For $500 men join exclusive po litical and social clubs on the ave nue of the metropolis. For $5 some men join Young Mens' Christian Association Clubs, but for 5 cents the multitude of men whom only God and the saloonkeeper and the ward boss know, nightly join the oue democratic club in American lif, the American saloon." SOUTHERN STATES. Southern States nre more aggrss sive at this time than those ol any other part of the country in at tempting to curb drunkenness by law. Keutueky, whose very name brings up the thought of mint ju leps and apple toddy, nasllOcoun ties, and of these !G are without saloous. In all Kentucky there are but five counties whore liquor may be sold all over the,couuty. Ia the mntter of local option elections, Illinois leads all other states with a record of 700 communities which have voted the 6aloon out. Missis sippi and Texas are more than three-fourths dry by virtue of local option lawH. Texas prohibits screens in drinking place i, nnd Iu diana requires saloons io keep lights burning all night with wiu dow shades open. Tennessee, auother great whisy producing state, has had a remark able anti-saloon movement, with the result that there are but nine towns in the entire commonwealth where saloons are permitted. Every iaauitmB?Mgwtj;a (Continued to hut patfe.)