Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 23, 1907, Image 1

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C TT.,.. "
Devoted to t lie Mining, Lumbering nnd Fanning Interests of this Community.
NO. 51
Lane County Democrats to
Feast on the Sight of
This Great Expon
ent of Democratic
Hon. Robt. Veatch and
Hon. J. S. Medley on
Reception Com
mittee. William JciiningH Poyan n to le
propeily escorted mi his ' Mrc"
to tht) count v h a'. Hon IJoIhM
Venteh uiid 1 1 1 ii J. S. Mollry o!
Cottage Grove will join their ''roth
rs of the fuith at lingerie and i;n
to Salem to greet their great leader
11 11 d :ii'cniitny linn lo Kn;'cin- tin-
''.111 vvlii ili Mi lit 1 Mi i ill iti-hvi r
ft lecture 111 the evinine under the .
1 . 1 1 1 . I
auspices of the I.yi'eiiin I.ectiirni!.' '
IJurcau. 1 Ins- will !k anoppoiin 1
nity for C"tta::e Grove citizens to !
hear the great lecturer. Mr 15raii.
will speak b fore the 1 -gialaturc I
toda? and this evenine w ill sound !
tho battle cry, in a speech on party
lines. Salem, our capital city i
tho proper phne lor the honored
diminution of tho only j ditieal ad
dress hy Mr Hrjaii in the htnte.
Bohemia t lephone
pauy ih now in tiio vutroi 01 inc
l'acific Siates Telephoce und Tcie
grajih Co. Mr. h. A. Newton,
agent for the l'acific States Co. han
been negotiating lor htoek in the
Bohemia Co. for huiimi time, spend
ing hiH energy on a few of the
larjjer stockholders, but nt gain
ing HatiMfuctory headway, changed
hiH "modus operandi" and before the
lioavy owner of the Kiiburbiin line
wcro aware, Mr. Newton had in his
posstHsion enough ntock that he
liad secured from the lcHHcr stock
holders to give him eoutrol of the
company. At first thought the re
maining Htockholders weie com,id
crably uniuned but upon iniihing
that the l'acific StutcHt'o. hud 110
thought of reducing the vnlip of
their slock, but were simply deck
ing to obtain contiol; that the coin
panics might work 111 morn har
inony; alo that nothing but legiti
mate straight forward met ho Is had
been pursuod by the l'acific States
Co. in obtaining what they were
lifter, peace articles wen soon
agreed upon mid a meeting of
Htockholders will bo held in a few
days when Mr. N ewton for his com
pany will assume, the management
of tho Bohemia line. Mr. Newton
promises impiovcd services to Bo
hemia. Bohemia Mail.
The Bohemia Mail will bo carried
from the Rod Bridge to Bohemia
tho remainder of tho winter by ot
tard Oinoami an Austrian, who
has contracted with Daniewood
Bros, for the job.
Work on tho erosHctit from the
Wild Hog tunnel at the Vesuvius
is being Btnt nhead by day and
night shifts.
Bohemia Mail.
By order of the Postal depart
ment after today tho Bohemia and
Mineral mail will bo delivered to
the carrier at tho Red Bridge. This
will save more than an hour in
time and quite a distance of travel
for the carrier.
Files Lien Against Lucky Boy.
J, W. Shumate has tiled a lien
or a labor claim of :11H ugainst
tho Lucky Boy mine of Blno River.
John Grabor and U. II. 'White
liavo roturnod to Cottage Cvo
from the Knapp mine in Bohemia
whero they hud a contract.
Mra. C. A. Wells, a sales lady of
Okluhomu iw stopping nt the Hotel
. . 1 r a t
S. Senators
Jollfltll'lll I.OUtllC
wis elected P.
,S. hoti'ifor for th long term yi-st-r-day
mid p'. M. M11 1 key wns uniim
.notisly elected fi servo tle-vime
oflicit for tint slioit terfn. 'J')ii:-i van
tli o choice of the t- 1 r ;ml it m
no Hurj-riMe that our ncnntors and
members of tho I.ei 1 'twte did the
bidding of their constituents :ih
everybody "xpected tnev wuii'.d do
Cottage Grove.
Cottage Opivc siwmilh will l
greatly crippled bv tin a Ivuneed
Ircieht I ' t ' on liimhti to bay points
ill California. In f.l'-t the small
nulls in Willamette valley whieh
liiul their (hief market in r.i'il'u ni i,
will ho the chief stiffen r h.ui.-e the
hito mill-; can confine lln ir output
toc.iMclu market nnd Dot bcul
f ted y th't raise. At any rate
the chief inannl.K tilting industry
o Laee c jniity will he mor or less
handicapped by the ill' reis l .
freight rate south. --KegNtet .
That Cotta.;" Grove is ii of the
most inipoi taut cointnerc'ai citiis
in th Willamette vullcy i i mIiowii
liy 11 rcit'ly it ference to o'ii 1 1 y in
connection any h .1 n 10 in eon
diti'MiH f ff "t in valley Iumis ly
those eoiiverHant with the fa( ts
J he Cottage (h ue C"intncrci-il
Club is (loin;: inn ;h t kei p the
ot people.
' 1
n He
Case Dismissed
J., I'un'h, pluiutill in
tliK ca ! o
I. Iuich vh 1 . M.
her att'uneys M
llirdine throueh -
dley ,V Johnson'.
asked the court to dismiss the case, '
Bourne and Mulkcy U.
bused upon 11 stipulation between; The City Treasury was enriched
the p'irticM. jiy 55 yesterday morning by the
'action of Recorder Young who
Dr. Kime has re I in ned from, pl.ieed that figure against a com
ifornia. I nmn drunk.
j Name of McQueen Sent to the Senate
to be Postmaster at Cottage trove
Washington, Jan. 21
(lout to lay sent to the
-Th't presi
sonatc the
following nomiii , t i :
Postmasters "i 1 " :ii i, John W
Short,, 11 ; -n -George,
MeOn n, Cottage. irove. Journal
High School Notes.
I'rofenor Traver, who wos form
erly Siipcrintendtrnt of the I'ciidW'
ton sc hoo! ami a!s) of the Salem
school visited th" Ult'h School
day moiniru' an I delivered :
instinctive and idei-in:' mid rev t
t he stu !cntn. He created enthn--i
asm ainoee; (ho pupils" and eiich on1;
felt greatly henefited his visit. Mr
Tiuvfrtook ehar;,'', of the Fresh
man I'.nli-h class Friday afternoon
and made it ho intcres-tiii that the
Sophomores-, who were in the same
room, could not detract their atten
tion from tin- Knlish r citation
and apply it to the ntu ty of their
Me licval history; therefore went to
claws nnpi ep ired .
Th S iph'-llloK H were last, but
not least, to choose their clans
oiorn 1 ie decision made 1 nurn- 1 ;
day ulteriit-ou in the class meeting
win for dark led ami cream.
I'lopeity i'-ners will sido
walks, clean up all rubbish and cut
down brushes and vines bordering
sidewalks and fences within 10
'i iys, or the city will do same at
p'"' - riy owi.ets expense. 1
I!. B. Job, Mayor.
We Want To
l i a ri si ii l i f a
We will find time
y! iiip If n if
We are the house to trade
with when in need of Cloth
ing, Shoes and Furnishings.
Successor to Welch & Woods.
First National Bank Bldg.
Masonic Meeting
I'nMnyo (irovf Id,"e No. Hi A.
F. .' A. M. hell a ipnrjul meeting
Satnrd iy evernn;' for the purpose
A conferring the Master Mason'H
de;;M on Mr. J'. V, (,'00 per, mana
ger i,j th.- lilrn khntp- mine.
I)r. Wall J lv'i(.'ene, o'ic of tho
moHt popular 1'ast MasterH of the
Cot: i;;e (irove fode cme up for
the o'l-iMon, unrl (prhvered the ad- 1
dre , . in hi-, iimial pluaHing manner, j
W. M.,(J. Veateh was at his prime in j
the work. W. T. Kayser and Ma- j
riou 'eatch presided "t the han-
o;net that followed. i
Silk Creek.
Mr. un i Mrs. A. I). OA-en and
chil lr.n vj-iie I ;,t the home of M.
1" Jiilx-ock Tuesday niglil ami
Wednesday 01 1 tst week.
Mm. T. Ri'-harilsori visited with
i, 1,11,,.,'- ,,. i, s: ,
1.11 1 . I r I till I I t Itl ,1 11 1 lillf IJIJU .
Mi-- Winnie Iresser after visit
ing -vi!h her friends here w-ent to
Cott-i''e ' rove S iti'.r
av ariernoon,
I for u:i (.xlr. Jt-, 1
viu wui irieniis
in tint dace.
i I'Vo-ty ni
are Htill with us at
! this writing. I think the people of!
(nir m igiiooruoo.i woui i ue k1'" 10 I
see mild Oregon weather once more-1
W. N. Wheeler called on Mr. W.
F. dray Thursday.
I I Jenks is in the drove from
in in .
Joe and Frank Uamewood were
visiting in the drove jesterday.
H. II. Clark of Chicago is in the
drove visiting Wheeler-Thompson
Co. who ar - his largest buyers in
the clothing line.
we are
Furniture Store Changes Hands.
J I). Cochran has sold a half in
terest in Lin furniture and under
taking husiuSH to Currin Coolej.
Mr. (Joolcy was formerly in Luhi
riens at Creswell. He will now
take charge of the Cottage Grove
store, it will he styled Cochran .t
Cooley. Mr. Cochran will spend
much of his lime on tho outside
acnontf lumber ioterests he has ac
Consumers League.
The committse of the Consumers'
League will meet Saturday evening
or thin week at H p. m. aa agreed
The Chairman.
p . c .
tteal t8tale bale
j Through the office of I B.
Phillips Andrew Brund has just
purcuasea me j. u. Brown resi-
1 uU nu i an. iui
J 1 200 cash.
Virir money refunded if after ualntf
I ':ifi nm i ari t i u fit I Iutnpn t
., TVV 'Jl.lH4l)i, It'. IUI 14
1 --,.U(1 your money w ill be cheerfully re-
I turned, lakr
advautaifo of thin of-
; fer.
S(j11 by New Era Drug Store
Miss Merle Kirk was in the Grove
yesterday from Dorena.
The relief of Cough und Colds
throuh laxative Influence, originated
with I'.ee's I. native Cough Syrup
containing Honey and Tar, a cough
syrup lontalu'n no opiates or pois
ons, which Is extensively sold. Secure
a bottle at once, obtuin a guarantee
coupon, and If not fully satisfied with
results, your money wiii bo refunded.
Sold by New Era Drugstore.
City Council Meeting.
The City Council met in rej
session Monday evening.
In addition to the regular busi.
ness ordinance No. i7o authorizing
the construction of a lateral sewer
in sewer district No. 1 was passed.
The property to be benefitted by
the construction of this sewer is
bounded on tho north by Main St.
on the east by Sth St, on tho south
by Tennessee Ave. and on the west
by tho Coast Fork mer.
Also ordinance No. 174 levying
an assessment for the improvement
of West all St. according to the
amount of frontage on said street
was adopted and the following
Bums were asseesed against the
owners of said properties:
Joe Miller, lots 1 and 2, blk 1, J
ii Mcrarland b add 509.14.
Tom Jenkins, lot 3, blk 1,
McFarland8 add $19.57.
Mrs. Hart, lot 4, blk 1, J H
Farlands add $19.57.
Jim Hart, lot 1, blk 2, J II
Farlands add $22.57.
James Oliver, lot 2, blk 2,
McFarlands add $23.07.
Mr. Welch, lots 3 and 4, blk 2 J
II McFarlands add $45.54.
W. B. Osmond, lot 1, blk 3, J II
McFarlands add $18.57.
Geo. Comer, lots 2, 3 and 4, blk
3, J II McFarlands add $35.7 1.
Owner unknown, lot 1, blk 4, J
II McFarlands add. $25.57.
Owner unknown, lot 2, blk 4, J
II McFarlands add $22.07.
Owner unknown, lot 3, blk 4, J
II McFarlands add $21.00.
Owner unkown, lot 4, blk 4, J II
McFarlands add $20.50.
Harry Metcalf, lots 1 and 2, blk
5, J H McFarlands add $40.00.
I. N. Comer 302 feet on Wall St
F. B. Phillips. 3 S.2 feet on Wall
St $114.20
ii. O. McGilvery 256 feet on
Wall St $94.05.
W. C. Conner 130 feet on Wall
St $47.55
Owner unknown I73 feet on
Wall St $G4.20.
Troubfe at The Christian Church Sun
day Night.
The ushers had great difficulty in
finding seats for the laree audience
winch gathered to hear Evangelist
Ilaudsaker preach on of the
greatest sermens ever delivered in
Cottage Grove. The attendance
on Sunday was the largest ever
known in the history of Cottage
Sunday morning the Evangelist
preached an excellent sermon on
"God Our Refuge". At 3 p.m.
he ac'dressed the largest audience
of women ever assembled in this
city. His address was on "Mothers"
and was a masterpiece. In the
evening he spoke on '-Excuses"
and it is generally conceded that it
was tne best ever listened to here.
Monday night he spoke on "The
Opening of a Will", showing that
the New Testament went into force
on the croas where Christ sealed
the new Will with his death, but
this Will was not openel until 50
days later, on Pentecost, when
Peter having the keys to the King
dom opened that Will and dis
tributed the blessings of that King
dom to those who on that day be
came citizens. We therefere today
do not receive the inheritance ac
cording to the Old Testament but
the New. This was a very in
structive and helpful sermon. The
largest audience ever seen here at
tended church on Monday night had
the privilege of hearing this truth
concerning the two covenants.
From the giet number ot ijues
tiou3 which are being asked from
uight to night it is evident that the
city has neer bjen so stirred as at
this time. Three obeyed their Sa
viour in Christian baptism at the
close of this service.
The meeting bo far has been a
great success iu attendance, inter
est and conversions, 21 having al
ready stepped out for Christ and
the church.
Wednesday he speaks on tha
subject; "What to Do".
Thursday "The Unpardonable
Friday will be an all day meeting.
Services at 11 u. in., dinner at
church I2 in. Services at ) p. m.,
and at 7:30 p. m. the Kvangelist
Bpeakr on "The Uupirdouable
The people of Cottag (Iroe
have tho privilege of hearing this
great Kvaugelist ouly u few more
nights. Do not miss tho oppor
tunity. Come early for a good