Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 09, 1907, Image 8

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    J I
f !
Largest FIgoiI Seen Here
for Many Years
l.r thirtvsiv h.-uts the rams
VouuA in torrents Ullim: the rivers
,'vkM and -.uttars 1.' oveiilowimr.
t n Thur-ihw forenoon it Uvame no
ti.-tuHv warm. 'i and the -now Penan
to molt in tli.' mountains whl.-h nmr
mcnted the r..iu supply in the ilyrs
and streams until they buist their
banks and Mowed over the adjoining
fields ami mc.'i.Uiw s.
Fate iti tin- nttiruoeti tin- liver
which Hows tluvudi Cottage lirove
oversowed it- banks at the uper
part o( town an-l bcinn to tloo I the
streets. The wamr rose rjipiMly un
til lucre bit f'vv l.mMiiitfs In
town that wi nat in daimer ol ivett
im; n wotting. At ton o'clock in the
o von i njj Main snoot presented i
woarv appearance. Ferhnps twenty
.,r tlilrtv iii.'ii around with dmvels
ami earn in- lanterns tramped up down the street epentn a
trench here ami fastemm; a1 own !l
dde or crosswalk there. Hut steadily
tho water rose until nearly every
walk in town was a ;loat and many
-ores and houses -bowed from one
null to three feet of water ami mini
i n
tho llools. 1 ew e l lo Mopi ior
!r w;is rutin
ro.i t mil a iamc i m
.os a few mi
ot hold if tin
above town could
at. r continued to ui-
ease in volume ami How.
. atast rophe hail happened
ami stores would have h-en
..ivjiv am! thousands of
If this
s wept
worth o! piopctty
fortunate! v tliis .!;i
ilestroveil. 1 it t
not happen ami
orv little real danm-e was sus
tained. At 11 p. in- the v indcliaiKed
ami it fiirw notlc-able colder wlileh
cheeked the rainfall and tho melting
-now. ami tlm worst ha 1 boon rea
lize;!. At about ;"i a. in. Friday the
waters Pol: hi ti recede and by no n
tin? river hal noaily resumed iischan
nel. About '. o'clock the sun came out
bright ami wann as thoimh t r v i 1 1 v; to
iirijihtou the situation with its cheer
injr rays.
Sidewalks, crosswalks, wool ami
rulesh is j ;!.. I everywhere and as
there is but em- idle man ami ho came
in on tha wrecked train tourist in
the work of clear Par up. it wid be sev
eral days before the work will bo com
plete.!." Sunday Services at the Christian
Church Revival.
Tue evangelistic services at the
Christian Church began as an
nounced nil Sunday morning with
both the evangehfd pret-eut an.!
the church tilled with people. The
services were tieuu wituthe soul
etirriDcr sous' "All Hail the Power
of Jesus' Name". The singing
evangelist has a beautiful voice and
;s a splendid loader of song. He
has led the singing for some of the
most successful evangelists in the
clTuroh. liev. IlauJsaker took for
Dr. T. S. Handsaker, Evangelist.
hi text words found in the ifith
chapter ot 1st Corinthians and the
last verse. I lis nubject was "Some
of the Conditions Necessary for a
Successful Meeting."
He began by siying that this
verse is one of the gems taken from
the instruction of the A postal
Paul's writings. The divisions of
the tertnon was us follows: Stead
fastness of purpose in the Christian
'ife. The proof b-xt wits ,lB thou
faithful unto dt-ath mxl thou shult
., j ws ':
(7"" iifsj'.'.
Prof. A. H. Easton
win the crown of life
Second division
According to thy
Faith in God.
lui'.h be it unto
Third: Willingness to work. Go
e ther fore.
v . i i
The .scriuoii was wou uelivereu
and'dtei lv H ititual. Mr. Hand-
suktr bus held imuiv very success
ful meetings in this flute.
The Pacilio, States Telephone of
fice in this city bus ubout recovered
Irom the effecta of the Hood. Most
of the lines lmvo been out of com
mission. Manuger Griggs etates
that all will be in shape again today,
The Platform
The third term movement fot
President lioo-eelt ha Wen
liuinohod ino.uiie-t l'tm Nugget
has received by mail a oopy of the
llitfotm. Tito Chicago lnbunoot
Deo. tth sivh:
The Hoosovolt Thud Tetm Nat
ional lo.'iicuo lias boon org umed imd
yesterday nn ion for a
oh.nter was made at SpringtieUI.
lMward A Horner, formerly of
IiOadvillc, Colo, who nay ' i- a
"ted hot" democrat driven to tho
verge of bankruptcy by tho macbi
nations of the "system." is the or
gduior and president of the league.
According b th tentative plan
outlined by Mr. Hornet in its head
quarters. St I Tribune building,
last night ho proposes to make Chi
cago tlu' national headquarters and
to organize clubs in evoiv county
and city in the United States. The
first meeting was laid Tuesday
night a which the fifteen men to
whom invitations had ben sent
elected tho fo'loui'.'g olTicers and
directots ;
President Kdward A. llointr.
Vice presidents -Milton V. llos
mer, B 'ston; George Noxon. Clii
cajo. Seoretarj and treasurer - C.
Assistant secretary -George P
Directors H. M. Sh ine ami Will
iam Frank Robinson, b lh of Clii
cago. ''It is not our purpose to appeal
to politicians.' In fact, we don't
want any of them. It is to be a
matter which is to come'.v
from the people and for mselfl
don't care whethe r president lloose
ve!t likes it or not. To my mind
he has nothing to s iv about it. He
id the only mau in whom the jvople
have absolute and implicit confidence-
We know he is honest, his
actions have demonstrated it be
yond cavil"
We, the members of the Roo-e
velt Third Term National League,
having at heart the great social and
political problems now confronting
the people and in order that the
rights of the masses be protected
and that national harmony be pre
served, deem it imperative that
Theodore Roosevelt bo re-elected
to the Presidency in 1'JoS.
We have come upon days in our
.social and political life, fermenting
with distrust and requiting firm
We view with alarm the evils ai
re idy grown from the abuse eif cor
porate p'wer and see in these evils
a fertile field for the demagogue,
from Al.ieh mi ,,'ht readily spring a
political and social revolution and
believe that nothing shoitoftem
pr rate and prayerful solicitude, on
the par' of the people, will hold
our political and social structure in
tact. To the people irrespective of
party lines is due the credit that
their President, to-day is Theodore
Roosevelt. A new era of real free
dom and vitality in our institutions
of government and politics was de
manded aod they wisely saw m
Lira a means to attain it-
So valiantly and whole-heartedly
has this man reflected the wishe of
the people, that his personality has
entered into and become a part of
every department of our national
He Las won the cemlidence of the
people; und this fact alone, makes
him the most potent factor in the
solution of the present disturbing
Connii"iiH. lo eliminate tins per
sonality which is t" eliminate that
coniidenee at a time wneu me
people, as a whole are restive and
trembling svith appiehensiou, is to
invite national disorder.
So closely woven is tbi bond be
tween the president and the people,
that he has become to them a pub
lic necessity, un CHKential pint oi
thingH in the uncial and political
fabric. Therefore, Theodore Roose
velt is not only the one logical can
didate for nomination, but mani
festly is the only logical president
tor the people.
Already has it been elemonstraied
that the frightened and vengeful
wealth controlling forces of the
country, will nsort to any means to
defeat his nomination for a Presi-
leutial Third Term. We, there
fore, must be on the alert and quick
to action if we would save that
which has already been accomplish
ed by our illustrious president.
Wo are not unmindful ot the fact
that Theodore Roosevelt himself de
clared in 1O04, that "under no cir
cumstances would he be a candidate
for, or would he accept another
nomination "
Wo challenge, however, his light
to refuse: to accept the piesidency
of the Uniled Stales for a third
term, in the face of the people's de
mand, especially at a time when so
many undertakings of the highest
importance have been brought
about and set in motion by him and
so subjict them lo tho danger of an
untiieil and unptovru successor, to'
whom public coutideneo would bf ;
' reluctantly extended, if at all.
i Manifestly, the selection t its 1
jptcsiiknt ipsh with the people. I
; The public, alone, is iudoe. N !
'man may sav lie will not accept. It
is not the piovince ol Theo ioro
! Roosevelt to say ho will or Mill Hot
i ho tho tuesiden; Ho wh.iaofs as
j president, acts solely as a servant ol , I'.-n-.i--jt'ip
people, and when called by ! lhet'..ti
them, must come.
We further hold, that in point of
fact his re election iu toaS would
not constitute a third term. Ho
has boon elected to tho piesidency
but once. Inasmuch, however, as
tho issue ha-' boon so generally
spoken of as a third teun, the
league has adopted the title.
We, therefore, in tho interest ot
public welfare, demand tint Theo
dore ltoosevelt ln nominated for
tho presidency and bo re-elected in
P'S, and to that cud heieby pledge
our suppot t .
1'vaui A. Hokm-u, Piesid.nt.
K. C H vyik, Seoiotary
Business Notes.
i Continued from lirsl aig
,,. ,, .. ,
! Pierce bros. are displaying a nice,
! line of shots and slippers m unc
I wiu.b'w and a nicelv arranged as-
soi tmeiit f groceries in another.
.1. H. Lewis, who lias a m loot
i stock of general m rchandisc h i. -
experienced a per cent in n .i-i-in
business over l!M).- which is a
very satisfactory state of atTiiis.
The blankets iu Thompson kSc
Wheeler Co's window look good
this cold weather. This store is
really a credit to the town and
compares favorably with stores ol
the same kind in some cities.
Curriu v. Veatch tells us that
they not only experienced an in-
cronse i:i business durimr the Nst
k.. i i... ......l ; . i ... ; .... u.
t.ll IJUl Ul'.l I".' I null I 'U-..llt
3 . , , .
was much less as people sem to
have the realv cash with whici to
buy ijoiido.
Clriili u cc Veateh Hardware Coni-
puny's window display tells the
storv of our lofcriiiir iiiid luuiliL-r ill-
duitry. Ioggiug and carpenter'
tools are attractively displayed. In ;
another window iu seen a nice line
of plumbers supplies, pipeing etc.
This firm reports a handsome in
crease in business for tho past year.
...Jtw v."u.
drove show a very healthy state of
afTairs. The l' National bank
boots show the dennsits in
l. ink iumuiiu.1 UV'lll. .l"U"i' .1
t..t J,,. , .......I,. .
during the veur pastas complied
with i'.'oo. 1 he bank of Cottag"
Jroe has not been in existence
long enough to make a
r(ii'ii is.ui
Kol iusou t Anlauf's machine
shop is doing a nice- business in
their line. They recently finished -I-ii
job on the carrying trucks for the
Jirown j, umber 10. i no worn
done on tho lumber compatiy'n don
key engine is a elemonstration of
the ability of thin company iu th'ir
lino We are informed that they
are getting good business from emt
side points, having recently tunic I
out a Jarge job lor the I'age Iaini
ber company of Drain.
Geo. Cemior, our harness ami sad
dler, has recently enlarged his ntore '
ouilding. 1 he new part is litu-.l up
for a work room and has a n.y
light, and large end window which
makes a very light work room. His
business has increased lo per cent
ovar the former year.
Under the captain "Shortorder
Iioumj for the baby" th New ICri
Drug store has a largo display of
nursing bottles. I wonder if they
had a hunch.
Clarmau it Hemcn way have a
very nice window display this week.
In one window is a nice lino of
ladies skirlH. We forgot to notice
if they were "half off." Iu another
iu a pretty Hue of dtes;s goods and
the third contains gent'H iurnish
ingH. AH our merchants report a good
and successful years business with
from to per cent to 40 per cent in
crease over 'he year before.
Lumber Notes.
Mr. If. I). Oitos, inanifger ef the
7;. 1 1.,.. ..., ... 11...
,.nn .11111.11.1
Grove on business connectftd with j
his comnaiiv :
Mr. Iale, a large pole and piling
contractor of Northern California is
in this field with u view of making
it his headquarters.
Nearly all tho mills iu the vicin
ity of Cotbjgo drove closed down
for the holidays' but it is tho expec
tation that tlmy will all be running
again by the loth.
It is hoped that as many f tho
mill men as can will atteud the
meeting at Albany on tho loth.
This will I e the last meeting before
the legislature con vouch and mat
tern of vital importance will bo
brought up. The probabilities ure
tho reciprocal demurrage bill to bo
iutroduced iu the legislature will bo
read and us all are interested let
every one go who can.
We ... .
1 N '
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I .einni m; eon t a i nhi : . i
: inure i.r le-s in Lane C.
Niivv th. r. ii.i i' in I I,
- .i. . i i .,, , ()., ;,,,. :
ull, Nli(j . Neem i,.u ,,r..:
I will on M .ml i.v ii,. i:
maty I 'na at li e :
I. i
I lie V
nut v ( .art i I a:-
,,',., 'a;' ,' j',
11 t
I o'clock p. in.; imr
rtlllijeet to le.eln. ;,.
liani'-d 1 lef.-M la 11 ' - 1
(.-(si 111 and li"
re.-1 1 pr. pei t iii . .i .l
ilr.-h i' rnt al I 1 " a
I :ile. .0 I '.ii...'i 1 .
Hll . .( I
!,' II!.
1 '.
,. 1 :
NIhthi' . I I ,ati". 1
su i;i:l 1 is s.u: n i;i.t t ri-
Natlee Is 1 1 I' ! . V . -u I ' .1 Li
V i l I lie of nil e e. iii li "II i --II I III
the 'If, -nil ' .lil t, nl I lie M i 'f . .. ' in-
eji f. ir I he (' ill 1 1 1 , ' I I ... II I Ii' ' il
day of I leei'iu I .er I ' e n , in a - , , . I i e
iu on I he ."it ll day ol N . e, n, ' er I '.,, ,:,
sa id Com t .lames ' .. I 1 un I r I I i ' 1 a
ill-reeov eied j u luieit I a .'a a. a .1. M
Sherwood ilelelid.nii for ill" uni .!'
Seventeen Hundred and 1 ill. K'.ll. I
( ?f I 7."iU.i). ' I and for 1 1 .. on I h'T -.Ha ";'
One Thaiisand I 1 ' ' ' ' ." " vv h . :
jlldglm-llt W lis elir. "lie, 1 a le I i . ..-la-! i
ill t he olliee of I In- lerK t sai I l". hi: i
on t he Path day of N ov em !n-i I'.m '. ,. m i
said excel. lion to lie' iileee, e, ,n
ma li. ling Hi" hi I he name i .1 e .Male
iiil)lcg..n ihat ."it ol iii.- p. is .ma I
pr.ipet t.V of -aid ilelelid.nii or .1 - ll
liel.-lll l.-ollld lint I e fwillld thejii.ul ..i
lite re;d pl'opt-i I V lie.iii;'iii.' lo al l
defend nil on or n t'lef i In- -aid I'M Ii
day of Novcmlier I . a'iV lie
aliijvi' sum of Sev i-nle. a 1 1 a u Ir.-. I ai d
Fifty IMIniM ( 1 7 .D.d't I vv il It iniori
ill Sjiel'eent sin."- May '.'nd Pan', al
torney fees for One llau ll d ai d
r'il'ty'l"llarH I -fl '.' nth .and I In - i mi her
sum oi One 'J housaiid I tollai j l j PMi n a
la F. S ol.l coot now due . at said
judgment with interest at the rata ..)
K per cent per milium in like pold emu
from the 1't.lh day of July I'.iUa and tin
further sum of One Hundred Dullars
($ 100.1)11) utlormys lees and Ten
10-100 Dollars (? dm lo, o.-Ih and al o
theco.sts of ami upon I his w lit a ml
beiliK unable to lind personal p.-.p.-riy
with which to satisfy Haid judi'ini-ni.
costs, mid accruing cost s I did mi I he
L'sdh day of puiti h-v y on I la
following described real pn.peii.v
u.i led in iiiine Count y, Oo.'.von,
ud lielole,iij; lo said deii ie bin I .1 .
M Sherwood on I Ik' luih "lay ol .. .
v ember I'.HHiol sab -ei uen I ly low al ;
LolsTand H '.lock .M.'l
;, i,iit ion lo Cot in;.-.. Jiov.-. i.:.
eveent Iheniium the I oil. V I u : I
ii ii in li"' at I he S. b. iiU'l.i-i oiled
Mock 0 .Mcl'allands addition P C a
tnne (irove, Oregon, thencu lunuin,
llOI-tll :SS feet, thetieo Wed ,'.U feet,
thence .south .".S fe. t, tin nee '-m 1 ''
feet to ilace ol be-iniiin;.
Sow I herefore ill Hi"! naane ol tin
State and in complianee
with said execution and in onhi'lo
Kittiufy Hiild jinhMiienl costs, a ml a.-.-ru
liiK costs 1 will on Monday tlm IHh
day of February l')07 n I. the isoiiilivvei
,1... ... .f I l,e Cniinl v Court ib'.e-i- in
Fuj-ime, Fane Coiinly, Ore;oii be
tween llm Jioiiih oi !l o'clock n. in.
and -1 o'clock p. m. lowit, at I o'elm-k
i. in, on Bald di.y offer for sain for
ciihIi subject to redemption, all nl I he
abovo named J. M. Shervvoods e.
fendant lieht, title and inlercKl in mid
to said abuve derieribed real prop
erty. . i
Hated this '2lt day "I JVeember
Fni.n FisK,
Sheriff of Lane (Jounly, Oregon.
Cars t-
1 ho privacy of your home Thocomforts of a club
Tho luxury of a first class hotel.
Oriented Limited
AKnnl e)U
O.i. : iiclvo'en St PaulMmnooplts. Pi.-ijct Soiiuil ami Inlcrmi!
dia'e Points via tlic
I ..i ! I i :'. I inf..! Ill I'h.ll, .lie., ele . el !
. . . . i- . . ' - . r
S s P.'iiuiesiita sails f.'i- i .c o
.! A
Livery Feed & Sale
Powell, Prop.
lot L
Tito ilotlc JU Ivca pcrlcit separation
l' MlaU. St.
'I . ! I ! n iri is in t iwn
;! la ;e foi a d ' y or
; i'- s 1 1. 'it while ;. had
w t'. 1 1.'. 0 una '" was
W. H C.
-. Y. U f No. 1 '2
iu hi lie- .'inl and Ith
!i mo.'.! h.
.1 i 1
t ..I
, I'lt-'-idelit
'- Ie See.
:.i i; i.v -i
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I . I I H I I 'III. '
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ei, I ill ei "!- i
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'.. l-.'s, -1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 . I
I 1 be -.1 ! ..I t illll.l r la IMpI
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i . i i . 1 1 ! i Ii i un I m I . I I , 1 1 "l y , a .
, .tei.d. I I -. i i t 1 1 I 'il bl.e I Old si i tes
!.. "I v::.- i-t I, I , i:,',
i-i.i:i;y c s i i-;i.i,,
;.: . , . 1 1 i m . ( ... i u I f I .a ne, .-dale I 'I
! I . i t-i i . .i v .1 ' ii e.-1 .a . has I his day
! a ie, i : , 'li,- i.l:.. bl- II I a I .'II I" -ll I
.. r t i -i Mi. i a i -1 i i -e i.i the n p 1 , j
! M ', .--. t : .a , . . I . in 1 o n-lii.
1 , .. ..'". s ail I, U.iie.e N. , .;, U'e-t , V.
1 . , : ;, I .-. .ii la-- .r . 'I to tlniiv I hn t
lie- I uid a;' lit i - un ue al ilablii f.r
! i l a I i i ,i 1 n-r ' a . I"ii'- il,. hi for arleul
j t ii airpi ..-e. a t,d t .. est Id t
. I.i, m t- .-aid land beiote V. .
I ( 'alkie-, I s. i umiiii.-i a mi r, at Ids
i. lie. iu lai;.' i,e, Op-gun, on Monday
: t In- I'll day ol l'el'l nary, P.MI7.
j lb- name. ; s i I in- ,-es ; .1 allies
jS.-aisot . .-minau , Oreoon;Olhy ('.
i .lbha . ui .'n-;i!i.iv , Oregon; (ieoi-oe
j . eat "!' W', Ireeam. .lohll li.
I .and' I - of lal. 111,1. ( !e"on.
Any and ad pei .on . elaiiuin ad-
'Vei-iiy I he ,' 1 1 in V e- le-i' ibi-d laiidsare1
I le. i iie.-lei I I o lile their li.ilms inlhis!
oiii.e on i.i before Haid llli dayofi
1-1 I.l nary , pan, .
P.. I t MIS I,. Kl"l"V, Ke;;irl,i-
II M I '. 1 1 1 : FAN I), ACTJFNi;:!, Is7s
I lid. d Slates Faiid Olliee,
IPi-eburp, Ore., Nov. .r, P.iOti.
N i .I i ee i ,-i i ii - re I iv ;d v .ii that ill COIII
.i iti'-e vvilh I he I't ovi - ions of the act
in C. ,m-i.-.-s ol June ;(, S7, eiitltle'l
" .ll.iii lor I he rale ui limber lands Iu
I I o- I 1 1 . s ol C.dilollila . ()le"ou. Ne-
vad.i.ainl V'.'.l'loll 'Pi'i ei I ol v," as
. ,', nded to nil I he Public ' Fan, I
i. t. bv ael of Aiiii I. I, I S'. IL, I
PtiY ti. IiFNTFN.
,,( Oi . r, Co. of Fane, Slale (or
lerriioiv) of (benou, lias this day
lee Iii l I.i i oii.-e his .-iworn sin lenient
No. i I ' i. a' I he pan-hii-.e oi till) S JiJ
ot S "1 See'loii :;n, in town
i- hip.No. li . Paiij.'" .No. I V. V. M, and
ui 1 oiler iroo:' lo ,!i'v I ha I I he html
homdlt is luoie Valunbln ior its filuher
or i lone I han ior nl ieiill uial pur
m e a ll I to eslabli dl Ills elallll tli
r.ald land beime W. V. Calkins, J. H.
( 'on, mi "Sinner, at Insulin-eat Funeiie,
lli-i -'Von, mi Monday, I he lib day l(f
Mn tell, I'.MIi'.
lie n.'i tne.s as w i I of -.-. s :
I'.l dell Tempi in in, ol .ion, Oregon,
1 1 1 1 . i iii M. W illi.iniM, of ieicr, Ore,
liyroit lluulen, ol I e V I e r, Ore. , F.
w in Warner, oi Hesti-i-, ( In..
Any und all pia-snins i-laiinin ad
m im I.V I he above-tle.-rrilied lands are
n 1 1 uesl ed I o hie their elalins Iu Huh
olliee oil or beiofe .said llli day (if
Ma n h, loin'.
I'.i. vu m i n F. I j.iiv, UcgiHer.
k m r - mi " t -- j
.1 . S. e, III . .1 '. .l.lhllH.ill
.!clli , J oh n sun ,
1 1 1 u n. -y a I law
, .Suif, .i It nih IU ;.
I S..-. at 1. i.l 1. .a 11 1,1 Mining
' and . u p. u al I. 1 1 I ,a vv .
Jll tortri ( I Lti iv '
Coii i.i; Diaivi , Oki;.
H. C. MADSliN,
Wati-ii m ak i:k.
i lie ne. i . ii iii i riiw..i! ii ele i-ri.i i
I AH unik Kun-Hu'i lal . .n-.
'.V it -li.., ' ;,, . , t i . ,v .. v ,, i .At it l'ti
con i,i i,i;m ui:f.
ott ji: citovi:
lUllUld Mlllllltl
All tie- I.l!. .1 tr.-.llMH-lll 1.
Ordinary Cases $12 per Week.
I'm it 1 1 1 1 1 1 -r ..iilli iil.irt .I'l'IrriH
ii. ii. c. s iifi;i:i
New Time Tabic.
In ellci't Sunday, Nov. 12 a ni
j" ',; ( l:.s.'l a tu
No 1H ('ottiije io.e Local 5. loam
'S''J I - 1 1 .20 it in
No 1.) New bast Train p m
htlllil llOP.Nll
f0 Is 1.2IJ a in
No 13 New I'.ist Train I. -to a m
'N " 2.rr, p m
No 1 7 Cuttaoc drove Local H.50 p 111
0. A S. li. II. li. CO.
Tlniu 'I hI.Iij Nu. i
t o lake elfect November 1 UltM!.
Knsl 11,11,1. 1 IhuII lutHiUy W. lion 11 a
lllHl i'llt lltllV
No .1 No 1
I' M I a m I M 1
I iiml '1 I ni 1 1 y V.x-
i.'.l Siuiiliiy. Ni, 2 - No 4
KIll'lliiNH I hlt.y I a.m. I I'.M
" .. niaii-i' ilium
:i"'d.. VAiililmi ...
I'.i . I'crio tionlii.
H ii- , Pot'l'lll.
i nviiii:i hiiiil iiiil'iiiiim
lu'.'inui tiini jiiii i mi una
li.l l'J:IO
ViU II :V! ' 4 : ( H
mi II Hi 'PMI
hll IlaiH 4:41
!H7 lo:Sii 4 :iV
tilii ln:.'.;i 4:'. n
ll.JO Keys 4.V.1
Hull lll:l j 4:17
I ISO Iti.iHI 4:.i(j
:t:lMi M:M
:i:lsM: in
il '.!.; s:Mi
I.l I.
. . . . sno
W lek s ...
l:-t iiii'lij.i
. WllilvMillll
. . I'l-slon
H ::is
Hi I,
i.:.m n
All oiitWHnl In Ulil lorwunk'il only ut ItlO
Joint nuk ol eliliiinT iiml in. iiHlmifu.
Hihku iukvi'n V1Mh, m.r u,t) urrivHl ol
liulii on MoniinjH, Wuilni'hiliiyt, niui Kri(lyM
loi lloiiilii Hint Ol-,.,.,,. t,.'K ,, , Ui.n.
niiy, I IlillMliiyK 11111I eiiliinhivi.
I'l.'lcl.l will mn . in I't'.ol ni tilt O. .t H. K.
it. it. Unpoi alii r p. in. 'lo 111M11.5 . lorwiiril.
liiK nil m il train m lKlil nana I'.nlel'voica 111
ii'il linn) lo inmlol It l.t luK i'HIuil .
A. B. WOOD, Manager,
v v"
pw ami