Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 09, 1907, Image 4

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Vnsdon, score ..,: llcrv k ! THE EYE AND ITS CARE
K YV Kowe.ind I. O. Looth. I he
latter was unao.c
Seattle o account
to pt scut .u
ol ptivatc husi-
Kiit.-n'it hi the p,.t.-m,a it Cotmue .rovc
O oi'ii m-ooiul ris tunil nuttor.
si nsciui' riuN u n
i'i months $1.00
I year
In months
If putd in fiilviineo.
Clubbing Paten.
Tlit' lioheniU NuiWt oik- v
vltli any one of the following l1
Illations' one jear (or iunount
Paeltie Monthly ?
Weekly Oretfoni.'iu I Portland ) I1
Weekly Journal ( Portland I
Pailv Mining lltvord ilVnver)
Weekly Mining Peeord
Pncilie Homestead
Northwest Poultry Journal
'thousands of people asking
Middle West Farmers Should be1
Flooded With Oregon Literature
During January and February
and' We Must do Our Part
(Special Cot respond. 'ikc. )
Portland, Oregon, Jan. 7th lui7.
Never at imv time since oregon
became a stale lias theio been Mich
widespread interest in her develop
ment, as is evidenced lv the letters -flashes
received from nil parts of the United were 1 set il'ed.
States by the v.-reon Development .,,i its contents
L 4 "
Mow in ci ki: .iii.i i
" I n en j v (lee.lori 1 1 i . I 1
v l tiw J (i a K i n 1 1 . I . : '
Me.. "I applx I'.ii. I. '. n ..... .i
Have al--o used u I ' r i h i In 1 1 .
cxcelleu I i i-.i il I s . ; a i , , n ; .
mi e le ri soi e ., I n. i. .ii i 1 1 uSi-.-i
hill lis. ,
CotUxc Grove Flour Mills
,M inulaetiiK i of Mo"' (nd I "" 1 -
Opt if nerve
This put-or i iopt in file t v TllK AMKKI
CAN MINIS' e'ONilHKSs, CtiHintiiT i'f Com-
:ieroc HniMitw. Honver. .! . ni' '.'-tr
e.ii'r will In' wi-lo-nt' t. tfce nsof the li-aU-:iit
vRi-rra !r..m th-.- :ui:s m:ir.:ii so.ti.n e
! Ii" " est.
a. bit
, a M i-titi!n' e.lT'iry iil minvr-o
THIS I'Al'KR iskoi.I ' meat E- C I'tiiVes
i.lvortisii!(! .W.'iii'y. t-1 mi l Meri-tiRntu i t
hrtiiee. Mill Kmui'Wo. I Hl.fomiit. ln-re eon
icu for Kilvorf.sini ran Le lor il.
H l'r Kruno liucilo Hard. Kootns
11 Chiisinan Huildin;, l-'none.
1 Cornea 0 -Nitttimis luuuor
'2 Aiiieiuis lntnior
.'I Pmnl S Retina
I- Iris '.) Cliorio.l
Cr staline lens 10 Sclerotie
Last week t lit evchtows. evelids.
nd muscles l the eve
Now the evelull
uc to lie consid-
"It I now e!r . ;
a li. 1 1 r.'W e-.i-.-ij I'
w lllei ('. D I I.
man of K or-1 1 i . ,
dow n in c!-:! I t.
I'.MIclll Was i-. . Il l . i T
an.! l nlnht I 'mi i i 1
mi;- i l hi:; s i . 1 1
eolil iliiii'd llil- I. ' r .i I .. i ;
ln'tl in l i . II'-. il .Old
i ri- en 1 1 1 i'i i: .i" . '
-( o rei I I o ins ' n n 1 1
I T'l 1 . 'II lids, " Ml p . - I t -are
lieal. 1 1 nrii . .
lit l'.i'!ls( m- I'll u li: .'I V
Trial In it t lo l'r.-.'.
;i mi $ .'o i"l t' n, a et.if.H'K
-'i..i : . .'.I i '"i Ion , ';i1 '! M '' K
II i cld p'l snek
enp i:c .i.M
n... lln-'i
l u li-v w il'i I'i.
spiVl il
I ,n : i ill
lull' on ton lot -i.
H i-.'H-
1 1
fetch Hay!
League. rU-d
President T. K Wilcox of the (;1 inspection ol the tyethenrst
state League, has just authoti.'ed ; thum' noticed is a curved, trmspn.
an increase in the advertising in rent surface called the Cornea- The
thoroughly leliahlt
public.itio:is of large
These advertisements
e.xcliisivelv t the
Wkdnksday, Jan. 1907
The I". S. land o'Jice at Roseburg
was moved this week into larger
ipuarters. The public sincerely
hopes that the government will em
ploy a sufiicient number ot clerk
:n this office to catch up with the
work, which is still marly a yenr
behind, owinj to the land office be
ne; closed during the year I9O5.
caused bv the prosecution of land
CH I'ulation
are devoted
lands of the otate. tur it is an in
creased farm population that Ore
! gou needs more than all else com
bined. Put farmers on
the vacant lands, cut up the laige
ranches and the ciii.-s. towns and
villages of Oregon wdl c,r w und
prosper. With tha' end in view
Oreg' ti is 1 1 ing adt rtised as never
before aud the inquiry is three
tiuus as great as it 1 daring the
Lewis and Clark KxpOMtion
Golden Wi.trita'.t
I have- a lew pure in.
s'lle at 'J oil pel 1.1:1. 1
Select t'.;s per s- itia ; :
ueu.tural Corsica is about one thirty-second ! Crove Vhoue No
1 1' it 1 it i on ... 1. ... 1 1 '
llanv communities of th
are sending out iiliratmc
quirers lists of whom are
furnished to each and cvry
the sixty-three organi. itious
of an inch thick 111 the center ati.l
slightly more than that at the edges
It ts composed of tibious
Livers of tissues and is ch'sc
matted by a network of invisible
turves, whieh accounts lor the in
tense pain sulTered upon getting
any f. reign substance into the eye.
Just back of the Cornea is a tinv
space known as the Anterior Cham
ber and filled with a water v tluid
called the Aqueous Humor. This
contains n little albumen and some
salts, but is.inostly water.
Next in succession comes tie
state Iris (or rainbow of Hie eye). This
Boar For Sale or tc
Kegistrred PoUnd Ci ;i.
1 S months old, hi ight ...
If l'l IN Cl
(i "nth man ..1 1 i.i v v. ;
1 elet ence, till ;iv. 1 i 1 .1 i
-i tig, f. r a Iii 1:1 1 ; ;
capital. S.ilary i
and expenses; sal ir pi: I
and 1 xpeiiM'S ad 1 ai'. d .
with sfauip, Jos. ,b
I 'otl a'e, ( i i n e, Hi. .
a up
.1 I I 1 1 lean 'viii'lion
I een t . fol '
Vcteli li iv , pleiid'd eo-,v
id hand feed i.i'kv
!o sl.ei t!'i!l
1 1
rtutti & Hansen,
e il M I
Wc vish you
to 111- js the dark
part uf the eye which
color as we all know
First State to Choose Location for
Building at the Alaska. Yukon
Pacific Exposition.
the ictersec
and another
right angles
will face the
Special Correspondence;
Seattle The first site for a state
building at the Alaska Yukon-Pacific
exposition was selected Decem
29 by the Oregon provisional com
mission appointed by Governor
Chamberlain for that purpose.
The ground chosen is one of the
most beautiful and advantageous
plots on the ennositiou grounds. It
is two acres in extent and com
mands an obstructed view of Lake
Washington on which the grounds
border, Standing at
tion of Yukon avenue
boulevard running at
with it, the building
Forestry building and a circle that
will surround one of the principal
bandstands. A pennant bearing the
word "Oregon" which was planted
by President Wehrung of the com
mission, now waves proudly over
the site, which will practically be
long to Oregon until afttr the
world's fair closea.
It wa-i decide 1 by the coiurnission
to recommend to the forth-coming
session of the legislature an appro-:
priation of at least $i."0,ooo for
Oregou's participation. Fifty thou
sand dollars of the appropriation ;
will be used for the erection of a ;
band-iouie building. The commis-1
sion will recommend that a collec
tive and competitive eihibit be j
made. Thin means tLat all of Ore- i
gon'H exhibit at the exposition will !
be display-it io her building and J
that she will take advantage of the '
exhibit rule that will permit such
collective displays to be t-ntertd f.jr
awards. This plan, which was
iirst cariied out at the Lewis
Clark Expofiitiou makes it possible
lor tho visitor to view all of the x
hibitw from his Louie state without
visiting eiLt or ten large buildings.
It was suggested by the commis
sion that the W.sbington state
buildiog, which ii now assigned a
site Lear the wuiu entrance, be
placed on a sightly plot to the
right of the Oregon building. As
California is located ou the left of
the Oregon building, this would
make the structures of Washington, j
Oregon aud California neur each i
other and in the order in which the !
states are on the map. This matter
will be taken up with the Washing
ton commission when it is appointed
as it will have the question to de
cide. It is thought by the Oregon
commission that having the three
I'ttildiugs of the Pacific, coast states
close together will excite more
friendly rivalry and thus make the
respective exhibits much better.
The members of the commission
htate that Oregon will make a larger
and better exhibit at the Alaska-Vukou-Pacific
Exposition than it
has ever done at any previous
world's fair. President Wehrung
anserts that Oiegou. gives the other
states of the Pacific northwest their
warning that it intends to come to
Seattle in jyoy to carry off every
award possible.
Following are the uames of the of tlifc OreL'on commission
posing the Oregon lV-ve'iop nent
League. Letters of inquiry are
coming in many languages
lish. German, Swedish an d Po'jsh
le?d; letters are coming from eveiv
state in the Union, but Minnesoia.
Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin, the la
kotas, aral Nebraska, are about
equal in number and it i-i from just
these portions of the- United States
that we want our immigration. An
accurate conception of the enor
mous correspondence cau best be
being we see
of varies in individual, brown
CO O- l)!l!i- brill! the Hl.isl
Stock tor S.'.ll
Stock of the I ii ; .1
and; Springs Association '.v I;
The 'i'"1 "Wiis and n 1 rat--- :
Iris is a delicate little curtain sepa-! Mineral Spruits
rating the anterior from the pos- i "lent of Levi ('. 1 i, is
terior chamber. In the center is,
what appears t us, as black spot,
that in reality is a circular hole
through which the rays of liht
pass on their way to the lletina (ol
tbis more will be given later). Tins
hole, the pupil, regulate the
amount of light which reaches the
Letiua. by expanding when iu a
dim illumination, and contracting I Cottage Grove and is
UDOn goinir into 11 briellt llsht ' insnr-mre nidi, 1.., 11,
had from the i-ict that it cost -to.- 'phis i.s caused by two sets of fibers; 'ire R.dief .Us,, , ,,f
00 to pay the outgoing postage for j tlle iris Uue, of ridiatiug GI-ih i and the Anna I'm- I
4 J. A
?ssf ul New Year
oltiee tor J.i ei lt! I 1 I
A b: east 1 111 v .o- !
road track. wn :
sailing at Nugget oi;i.
fur notice.
K titxii lit J
V bre v h is
the past twenty-five days from the
Portland office alone.
Remember that it is in January
that jcu get more readers than any
other month, because the farmers in
the cold sections of the countrv are-
resting, but February is also impor
ii- in 1:
i.'.llll v.-!
' i. il;
M Mi:::,
which act in enlarging the puril
and the other of circular fibers
which act in closing the pupil like
a draw string. Thus allowing only
as much lighf as is necessary to en
ter the eye.
Next week the Crystalline I;ns
tant. One piece of literature and a mi Ciliarv Musrl,- or th for-usm.
letter sent today are worth more apparatus ot the eve will be talked
than ten during the farmer's busy about.
" ' him on both his ability and good
A Live Town. luck. The Nonpariel of the Ith
If Drain does not continue-her shows the handy work of a bust-
ranir". growth we wouid like to ler and the enterprise of the bu-a
know why. nesa mr-u of the town. If you want
Glance at the Nonpariel. If others to think your vicinity a good
there is any one indication of a live, section to live and prosper in, show
permanent town, it is the bucking them that you are alive,
and patronage that town gives its
local newspaper. G. M. I 'asset, who has been agent
Bro. Shutt has certainly hit it of the S P Ry. at Drain for thirtf en
right- We have not the pleasure, years has resigned his position with
of his acquaintance, but will take , the company and gone into the
this opportunity of congratulating ' banking business.
of Hartford, Com
For Sulo
Span eleven bun Ire!
mares, or will trad.- tor ratt!
quire of, or a-l '.p ms
I'KAN'K J. Doili Vo
Wdld.v,,,, 1
Phone Holii'inia Line.
Plans in Merchandising will be
wore remarkable than ever before.
I i :
1 1
1 5 n
JJumJi, .LL?.'i
Absolutely Fare
A wholesome cream of tartar
baking powder. Makes the finest,
lightest, best flavored biscuit, hofc
.breads, cake and pastry
Alum and alum-phosphate
powders arc injurious. Do not
use them. Examine the labeL
1 ilN.'T
n. A J.:
,-v" --.V- hl
""Vf... . $
' m I
S.f i.iv 't-'iA 4 .if -
x 1 ik n 1 f ... ' 1 " , . . ra
in H '.i I I W t-'.i I B I K B V
of the
Commercial Stables
All kinds of First Class
Rigs, at reasonable prices
Large Feed Barn in connection
corrAun grove, okloon
including the biggest magazines at the littlest
prices. We can save you 40 per cent in standard
magazine subscriptions if you accept this oiler
Our Price
- I.5Q
The time for nub --i i bi:;;.; lonue p i i 1 i -1 1 it past. Jwery refined home, where good lend
ing is appreciate I, it not wi'lioiil ii-i f iinily gi.iip of periolicals uomething for the man, some
thing for Iho loiiug piiople, s jiiK lbii)'.', lor the woinnau. Thesu three magazines full Iho bill com
pletely as n year's su j jj 1 v for tin 'I' r.u v table. Voir will want them anyhow, ho why not get thorn
with the Nugget, saving 1() p i out us well as Hid trouble of corresponding with four publishers?
Six million of the b id p 'ople in America have ioiind these threo great magn.ines. j0y Ull(j
help and insjiirution. We are pn u I to be uU lo oiler them in one groal combination with tho
Nugget. If lor any reason you da not wn -n mi i m- nut ,'aines lor yoiirsell, Houd them to
friende. No present in more aecep'abl".
KlvMlvMJiif-K II" thie.
Nugget costa 5L.r)0 loo. Wc o
order today; do it now.
great in. i:;a.iims above cost 5.00 if bouglit separately nij ,10
Ii i nil lour to you lor a limited tinio only for jfVj.yo. Send in your
W, II. Wruug, president; M. U- i