if .4 Proposed Oregon Tax Law i tin 1 1 it iinl from lin-l wi-t-lt ) ( A j -1 I fti'iii ml inn nf I mill' Sri-t inn Anv licrfini i ) .r Hi pnra- I inn In 1 1 1 in 1 1 i' pit II n.i nil for I ln if lllrliiill lit' I'lillip- ii( II I , ii ill H .11 IIM III , of II lull I ii il lur lis i S liii'M , nr wh i -HI' IIH- Wl I'l ill h! HHIIli III has lirl'll Hi ul i- In mill ill Inn 1 1 1 1 1 -ii mi il hy I In- lllllllllHxililll'IH, I iin; f r put I I'm il lr Ii V, W ll'i I III' lli'l'l lew il I iV till' tl t I'll) ill Mil f I hi I , in:iv n''i'iil I lii n fruiii In tin' I limit iiillll. I 11 1 1 ir l in-r 1 f I II' 1 1 l I Ull Is ll'SI'll III III till" Ctlllr till- Hppllll l-llllll In' tn Uiii In tln 1 mint rmiit uf tin' "iinly where tin- 1 1 1 ' 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H'Milif ; i f In Lin I y 1111 i iiil 1 11 1 'in I liu ix 11 in in -ri'Miili ul nf tin' Mute il shall In' 111K1 ii In t In' 11 mi il emit nf tin' county in I. ii Ii I In' rn j 11 1 11 1 1 if tin' el : 1 1 is nil unt lil; if liikrn I V it nil (HPinl lull il thill ll' I11I.1II In lln- nn ilil - 1 lil till' in 1 1 1 v in whiih tin- 1 il j mi 1 Hi I I'lii'i' uf liu-iiii-i s, 1 f 11 ii uiii' I ir ri il 1 1' 11:1 1 l"li , ul Ii'h,i iic u the managing agent i't lit- lurin-y 111 furl 1 f it f'liriv'ii i'"i 1 ' 1 11 1 iuii, lllllV Ir. 'I In- II I '. rill hlillll lil' tllkl II iiinl .i if'ili 'l 111 tin' following 1 1 111 1 1 1 ii r II ml 1 1 -1 -.1 Ihtw in-: 1 Tlir paily r-irnn.' In pppnil Innn till' III t lull uf - I li 1 1 l.i. 11. 1 limy Ciltlse a liul 11 i', tu In- :iii i liy himself, ilh'-lf, il lit tnl IH'V, In l.r lilril with till' sn II -t:iiv uf ni i l.i;ti'l Within live ilnv, -1 1 1 1 r 1 j uii'l.iy, liuiu tlir linn' tlir li - r u thr l iil'l l-- H-lm llt full IS I'ulll- !l lr, ", W it II ill tl II d:l 1 uf I III' giltlg uf Mill II iH'llrr tlir s;i, party, In In- klH'WII lis I lir ii 1 1 11 I hint , shall 1 1 ! 1 ' Willi till' l ink n thr 1 in int mint fnr tin- proper lolllilv II t inn-i'l ipl ul lln- prtlti'ill fur nii Ilill n II -i-i-Iiii tit , nr mii llllli II nf llir irr.iiil u tlir cm. I linnr.l iim miiy be Ill'i rilll V tu Hit r I I igrht ly ptrsrlit I III' in 1 1 1. .11- tu l.r ..in-i liy tin- circuit ulllt, I' l'itln t Willi II copy nf till' oltlrl i'l llill'.ll takrll l till' sa'.d I "1 1 I , tlir II. .tl. r ( ..) Ill, Ull'1 II. r -rr.,;. nf till' ti 1 uii.' t In-11 . .f ; tl.riiullrr tin- i-ai'l nt- lilt colli I i-1 in 1 1 II l r ju r Irt I ,rt . ill of I l.r Inn Iter, Lilt in 'I 1 I In r i.-r. 'I'l . n 1 .j 1. 11 1 m 1:1 1 1 l.r lii iinl inn I ilr- I rl In 1 111 .1 I ,y t ,r rl 1 1 'III I lull I t ill a Mil III 111:11 y in.iiiiiri, ami 'h.ill l.r .1. t. iiiun. .1 ll- Illl ri ( 1 1 1 1 .1 1 Ir CIII1S.C. I.iilli-r till' ap- I .rl Iiinl ur an 'county In s 1 1 1 Ii 11 1 1 v J r - I lull u( tin- a--rMMIIIi lit rul,il.llli-i uf is i.r ma y In' 11 1 port a a in I iim 11 1 -1 !- mIiii 1 1 l.r tit It 1 1'. I tu 1 In- run 1 j 111 1 . a y nt tcin la tire -'f W itllr"-l', tin. I In till- irn.lr Inn nf IhhiLh iiinl j hi 1 .it-. If, iiHiti tin- Inur ing. I In- mint limls tlir 11 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 at which thr pl'opi-lty W II ti 1 1.1 I 1 V ll'Si-Srd l.y thr m i hi I m.ir. I im its art mil full r.ih Miliir, an. I thr 111 s-uniit was made airly nli'l in good faith, it shall ap .m r Min h ii-hri.Miiirlil ; hut if It finds that thr aMrMMnriit was made at a grrnh r ur less mim than thr artiial full va-ll Villllr uf thr plupclty, i.r il thr Hinir ii. Iinl fairly ur in good laith liunlr, il i-hall Hi t aside such assessment ii ml .Ii In in nir miii h value, and a rrrti- linl ' 1 1 uf t In- ii.rr ur jllil(.'lnrnl uf t i ir i 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 limit i-hall hi- Miillirinit war innt f r I hr n .i"i I i' .n mriit , h iii, ami I'ullrrt in uf t.ii m at'ailiMt Miirh iruirt ly an. I n " -n mih Ii ; i 1 i i ; i 1 i 1 1 su ilrtrim iiinl. Nu .r. H rriliiiM f,,r thr a.ur I inn n n i it , Irvy iii, ur i'uI li-rt inn nf la.M-M avrainxt unv ii...rily mIhiII hr Mtaynl hv Ira.Muii uf thr taklli;.' ur irlii!rln v uf anv li I I m-u ffuiii thr Mai'l huaril; hut in 'rlit t hi' iimmi .sMinrlit is ilrrri'iiMi'il hv lln - ii 1 1 1 mi a'ral, lln1 tax I'ullrrlurn if t he Mrvrral ruiilit li s .nhal I rrfuinl tn t lu mtmi ill i ir rnriui at inn j i; i y i 1 1 vr K.ii'l ;ixrn iiii Miirh iruirrty any i-snvMsivr iiinuiint nf taxi'M I'lillrrtnl, ami nurli lax -iilli'rui hhall ho rriiiihu.Mi il thrrcfiir l.y tin- Mfvi'ial iiiiiiiiiMialit icH to wljlrli In- may havi- d inl m rst-i 1 any miii'Ii I'Xci h wivr ciillri't iuiiH, anil in rvciit tho iimmcms-in-lit in iniTt'iiHi'il hy tin' court mi up prill the pruprrty mIiiiII he liahlr fur Iho ili-liiii'iii'y im I he ti 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 uf Hue It in Ti'aMi'i valuatiuii. In 'Vi-nt any ri-ap-Jiul 1 iullliu'lit an hctwrrn CuiinlicH in inaili' hy tin- cniirt on appral, nrri H ii n n I i n K inljust inriitH hhall hr mailr hy llu tax ulli'cturH uf tin' I'liuiitits affrct 'il. Tin1 prnvifiuim nf law uNcriiin oumIs ami iliMhursi-iiii'iitn mi appral nhall Jm applirahlr hrri'tu. I'.i iiirnt uf taxi s whilr appral iM prmliiin, nhall nut uprr lilo an a waivrr nf tin- appeal nr llir l iK'lil tn a n fiiinliiin uf taxi'H fnuiiil tu ln I'Xi'rSMivi'ly iimmmmi'iI. AHsi'-MiiH'iit liiinl wlii'ii rr ii-wt'il (Yr lilii'il In ruiinty clerks A ppmi inn iiient ami cu led inn .) Seiiiuii L'.'l. After Ihc Haiti mil liaH liceli reviewed hv I he said Htate hoard of tux ciiiiiiiiissiuiiers the assessments (herein nhall he dceiu.il complete. Jfaid In ni ri I shall thereupon certify tn he coiinly clerks of (he Hcvctal cnuii ieH in, into, t hroiih, across, nr over which the lines of said cninpauieH run (Im niiiiilicr of miles of main and hrniich lines of the said companicH, and the respective values thereof appor tioned to each of Hiich count ies ; and i he Hcveral county clerks shall t here upon apportion the amount ccrtilicd In heir rcHpcctivu counties union the vitics, towns, Hi'hool dihtiicls, road ulisl ricts, ports and other municipal 4axin aencies and dihiricls in pl'iipul' linii to tho lentli nf Hiich main and liranch lines in each of Hiich iiiunici pnlitics, multiply in the value per mill) as iihnvo ascertained of such main nnd hraiich lines hy the lcuth thereof in each of such municipalil ies, and ap purt inning thi) result to such municipal- l.uler I'ttrlleulni'ii. Di'Ulnli liiul cut off SiiiiiHon'i long Imlr. "IfH a tiiflo coaise," hIiu wild, "hut I nn lino it for a Hwllcli." When it nn Ion Into, however, she ro fli'i'tril that she could luivo ulilizeil Sam won to iiiiieli lietter nilvmitiiKo hy exliiliit Ug hi in in n nlnii window an aa adver (iNeiiieiit of a hair tonic The Iti'!j;lnna nro (trout p'geon hreeil fTa, and one of tin) choicest Innig of thU kind In tho true Antwerp carrlor, wblcb U couiparatlvcly rare. iliri, ami hhall I'litrr the Minn' in tin-iimmi-mniiii'i,!, pill wlinh him hern ininli' hy I he Cuiitil y iiMMri-Mur ami eiUli I i.nl hy llir ciniiil v linnr.l uf e.iialial inn mi l I'll iiflii"! tu I lie clerk . 'InmM hhall he le ie ami ciillecteil upuli IIii-iimmi-mm-ineiiln mi i inii'lr in thi-MaiNi' milliner iilhrr I, HIM lire levil"! Il ml rul Irrle.l, ami ill I he hii inr I i me nml Jiy the Maine iillii'i rs. (I.inrlh uf line in minnr Huh'liviMiuiiM In he repnltril tu ci unity eletk.) Srrll'.n VI. Tn axMist the cniiiity i lelli in nppuil iniiini; the Miii'l iim-cmm- II n il I hi t w I ell t he Ml-V I I II I II 1 1 1 1 1 il i ill I i I H M ul t :l in nnilil i m Ul illMltlllM ill hlM euiiiilv, In- ih ii u 1 1 ioi i til tu reipiire, ami it N liriehy llllnlr I hr ihlly uf I hr never- III pel mi.IiH ul rul put nl iuliM liahle tu ItM MMiliielil lllnletlhe pi i iv i -iuim nf thin ail, In 1 1 p. ,t l t u t hr r. .ti nt y i In k , uiiilrr n.illi, the length uf main ami drain h Iiiii-m in i ni'li city, tnwii, hi huul ih-lriil, mail il i-1 1 lit , putt ur nllirr mini hi pal tax lii(. aeiicv ur (lihlrict in mih Ii euiiiitv. ml I i. -piuriim- - Tcmpnrary ullicerM.) l A reenrd nf tin- pr'M-ced- ii h liniird hhall he kept at the pell In t he ilihpci t iull nf the I nuijuiity "I the hull id hhall Si i llM I'll I'itul 1. 1 piii.lic; a C ' 1 1 M l It l hut a Icm juiirn ft. Mi lli e nf e 1 a iiluruui tu dn huMini it nniiiher may meet and mi ni I i me tu t line. I n t he ah illnr the chairman nr the hci rctiuy, the huard hhall aliliuint a tcliipuiiiry chairman ur mi-cii tary. ( A p ( I. lintim-nt and duticM uf Hi-rretarv I iriil liM-i-taner. ) i S'l tiun L'li. Said huard hhall, at il I'iihI iiirrtin, hy a liiaj-.i ity vuti- nl al 1 the InrmhcrM, elect line uf t he a pp' .i li t -ie 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 . - r mi Ihcicuf iim ncrctiiiy , w hn hhall Mi-rve iim miii-Ii fur lu viiiim, and until his Hucie-Mur in appuinled and ijii.'iliticd. HlM MilcCiM-ur hhall he elrctl ll hy II like Mile. 'I lie Hecietarv hhllll keep a Icmid nf the pmci ci I i n uf the huard, which hhall he ccrlllinl hy the chaiimaii ainl n-cretary, and kept ill t he ullice nf the haul hnaidat 'the hlate capilul, and hhall petfuiin Miirh nthi-r duliiM ai may he rrcuirrd l.y law ur hy Maid huaid. Thr nlhrr a . it tin I i vr nu-in I. ir hhall pcrfurm hiich ihitii Mii.M may hr .-pn ially rc'iiind hy the hunli. M-iirh huard Inay llppnilit iiiiil rciuuve at .lra-ure Mirh nther clerkn a- may he lu ci-Mary , nut cxcei d , in tun in nnmher, at a Miliary imt In eveced f7r) per nmntli each. i ( ( 'umpctixat inn nf appointive ineliiherM and clerkM 'rtavelin eXieliMeH.) Scctinll L'7, The liu-liiherM nf Hilid i huard, except the nvcriinr, hecretary uf htate and htate t rriiMiirrr, hhal! receive us cuiiipriiMatiull fur their ncrviccH the : fnlluwin iiinumitM, tu wit, the hum uf i dullarH per annuiii, payuhlc 1 ipiartcr-annually, iim the Malarii h uf u'.h , er Hlate ullicel m an- paid . lach uf the i iiiriiil'i'iM uf Maid huard hhall he entitled tu receive his liccei-aiy tiavcliii cx ' pi-n-eM w h i Ir t racl in away Imin thr capital nil the 1 1 1 1 - i 1 1 1 - - H nf thr hnanl, which expcli'-iH mIiiiII he iteinicil hy the perMun inciirrin tin- Manic, and when the h.ilue i- apU"Mil hv the 1 chairman hhall he paid tip-m warrant drawn hy the Mccn-taiy uf hlate upuli the htate ttca'-urcr mil uf any funds nut ii'herwi.-e Mpceilically appmpriated hy iw . (Ses iuiis Where held To he furnish ed with utlicc, print in and supplies.) Sect imi "K. Thr said huard shall Imld its reular sessions at the state capital, and hhall he furnished hy the Hecretary nf slate w ilh an ullice at the state capitul, and necessary supjilies and print in, in the same manner as ut her state nllicers. Said hoard may hold sessions at any place In this state when deemed neci ssary to facilitate the dischare of its tiusincss. ( Fxuiuiiint ion of witnesses Hunks and papers Penalty.) Section -II. The said hoard, or any incmher thereof, in conformity to the resolution r rules of the hoard, nhall have the power to Hiihpuena and ex amine w itiie-ses, to administer oaths, and shall have access to and the power to order the product imi of any hooks or papers in the hands of any person, coinpanv, or corporation whenever necessary in the prosecution of any in ipiiries deemed necessary or proper in t heir ollicial capicity. Any person who shall disohey any suhpocnii or suhpocliu luces tecum of the said hoard, or anv liieiuhcf (hereof, or refuse to testify when rcipiired so to do hy said hoard, or any incmher thereof, shall he deemed uilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof nhall he punished as provided hy law t hercfor. (False Htatcnicnls or testimony Per jury.) Sect inn . '10. Any person who shall wilfully present or furnish to the said hoard, or any inciuhcr thereof, any statement rciuired under this act, or which may he rcipiired hy said hoard, or any tneuihcr thereof, under the powers itr this act contained, which statement nhall hn false or fraudulent, or shall ivo testimony In-fore said hoard, or any ineiuher thereof, which shall he falsi) or fraudulent, shall he deemed uilty of perjury, and upon convict on thereof shall he punished us hy law otherwise provided for such crime. (Filling vacancy Majority of appoint- A Daimrruua Kuuuf allon. "I don't believe you love nie any more," pouted the favorlto wife of tho unconverted cannibal king. "On tho contrary, my dear," he re torted, smacking his Hps, ominously, "I think you r sweet enough to out." llultlmore American. Deposits in German savings banks last year amounted to no less than n'no thou sand million marks, or about $2,000,- In if fi -1 m Miillirii-nt. ) Kei I inn .'II, In rune a vacancy MiaH incur l.y leii-inn dentil, I cm ilial I lull , nr ninuval nf cither nf the appuilit ive Ii n- In I i-1 M if Ma if I hunt'l, the luvcriinr, mi i ii t.ny nf htnlr, and wlnle t n iiHiirer, in tin juiiitly, nhall nppuiiit a HUcccMHnr In fill nut the mux pi I id Ii Nil nf the liicmhrr win. He nllii r in IhiiH made VII cmit, and In mnkin mim li npp ii lit merit theyhhnll lint iijipmiit u priMuii frufn the Miiine pnliliral party iim the remain lli ii -1 i 1 1 1 1 Ive meiiiher. Whenever ill imik in ii ppni nt men) 4 pruvi'h d in IIiIm in I, the uveinut, hecretnry nf ntatc ami Hlate licahurei an- te'uiici tu act. jnint ly, the m l inn nr vntr nf a liinjurity (if lln in hhall lie muIIii ii-nt if they ai lint iiiiaiiimuiiM. ( A 1 In Will n e i if w it IK MM fi cM a lid I ll i lcile . ) Sect inn WitlilHMCM llMlifyill he- fuir t he Maid humd, nr any Im lilln-r thclcnf, hhall healluwcd theHaliie feeH tur per dii in and mileage hh alluwed in nil caiiMi-H in the circuit cnuit, and lln- .-.Mini' Mhnll he paid hy Warrant nf the Mrcntniy nf Mtnle upuli t he Ht ate t reiiH uicr iipun tin- certificate nf any ni'lnher nf Maid huard. Nu tender nf WltncMM fei m nr mi i h-ae in adviince hhall he In ci 'M.iar V. (Micrifl.i In nerve priMCMM, etc.) Seel j,,,, It hhall he the lulv if the mIii Mi rvr n I ' 1 1 1 1 r ' riffs nf t he Hcveral cnimt icH tu I i.mceMM, .aii tHand huhnnenaH d hy Maid hnanl i.r any inein teuf, and tu make return nf the i the Maid humd. her lln fame t 1 1:. tllar IneelinH nf the huard ( la im-' and ili-d . I Sect inn .'M. The hanl huard nhall meet nil the McCul.d al.d fulirtll Wl'dlie-'- d.iVM nf inch muiilh tu pa-s upun all In.iltiT-i prnperly r"inili.' I.efure the huard fur ri iihid. rat inn. All ncri-H-'ary r.. I - aii. I i-xpriiMrx uf Maid huard nhall ailtlitid, II 1 1' i n I. miii r vniirhrrs, and, ii I iii ui.i-r nl tin- li 'anl. In- i.anl nut .I'li-r nf the I hlate trea-urv ant, In- nf the draw n upun warrants; nf htate. hy the nei ri tary (('"Unty iif-ei-h ca--h value a. tn lili fluent nalli as t full hy him.; lUrpoMl' of Srct ion .';. . For I he Mi-tin thr said hoiud :n niipcrvis in llir in-set-hlnelits Ill.ldr ill till' H-VlTal miiiitii'M, and that all a.-Mcs.-mciitH of pmpeity ill this state he liiade nccurd in to law, every county iissehsur in this htate, at the t in f the return hy hi m uf Ii is as mi f fluent mil, hhall take and hiil fcrihr to an oath in Hihstun tially thr fnlluwin lanu:ie and forin, which nath nhall N- f.n thwith filed hy him with the mid ntatc huard ni tax ri .nmi-hi' 'iiers, naiiicl v : tr I iuv tnilily ol 1 . 'UK fn.mif of av'tr), ;ii'.oin(ri. niiiilitu-.l atiit art- tin- ilill iiu ...nir ..I liu- ali.tvr n:inir.l cninly, tin li:li!y mi-h th.-il I li.ir illlu'rr.tly ami In t hr- l.i I rl my aln'ilv .ltrs.l all iM-Trty in -.ii.lv. wl.it h l.y la 1 am .t-nr.illi-d to .1 tli- l ill c.r-h value thrrrt.f; that I .. wilfully ami kimw ic.ily omitti-il In ;.i y iK-is.-n nr t'lt jifiiy, or arnsrt l nii.icr tlir full c.r-h value tln-rct.f i -p. 1 1 y or il.it of ii.icity wh.ilt-vrr. I Sinn.it'.nr of a----rM"rl. rt itint aii'l nwi rn lii tirforc mc lhi l.,y of I'l... -.11 I t. il "r is, hur 1 Sul. i Sik-natiiir an.) title t oltiicr). l:Ti. ial sml ) ( Penalty for utnissi m to file oath or i assess property.) Sect imi H'i. Any assessor w ho .shall fail, iielect, or refuse to make and suhscrihe to an oath as aforesaid, or shall fail, Iielect, or refuse to tile the same with the said state hoard of tax commissioners, or nhall w ilfully and i kiiowinly omit to assess any person or property hy him iissessahle, or shall assess under or over the full cash value : thereof any property or class of prop erty whatever, nhall he deemed uilty juf a misdemeanor. The juduicnt of I conviction of anv such assessor for a j violation of the provisions of this sec lion shall of itself work a forfeiture of his ullice. (Members of lioard not to accept pass or gratuity. ) Section 37. It shall be unlawful for any member of said board, directly or indirectly, to accept any free pass, frank, or gratuity whatever, from any person or corpurat ion liable to assess ment under the provisions of this aft. Any member of said hoard violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and the judgment of conviction thereof shall of itself work a forfeiture of the olhce held by such member. (Companies liable to assessment to maintain olhce in htate.) Section .'IS, I'.very railroad company, union stat ion and depot company, and electric railway comimny doing business as such within this state, and every heat, light, power, water, pis, and electric company doing business as such, ns otic system, partly within this state and partly without, or so doing business in more than one county of the state, shall establish and maintain at some fixed point within the state a principal ullice, and shall maintain thereat n secretary or managing agent. (Terms person, i'oinpny, corporation, how construed.) Section 3'.). Tho terms person, com pany, corporation, or association, whenever used in this net, Him 1 1 apply to and he construed to refer respective ly to any person, firm, joint stock com piiy, association, syndicate, copart nership, or corporation engaged in car rying on any liusiness, the propel ty of which is subject to taxation under this act. (To lie continued next week) linnii'lnaltou. "There goes another of those automo biles, (lee! How it smells! lint why doesn't it iniike the regular chug chug sound?" "ltoenusp it runs by electricity." "Why er so it does." Chicago Trib une. A riituro. Mrs. Kawlcr How do you like your new girl Y Mrs. Homer She's a Jewel. Hut she isn't a new girl. We've had her nearly a week. OFFER HIGHER PAY Secretary Hitchcock Proposes a Plan to Keep Employes. GOVERNMENT SALARIES TOO LOW Scores of Potlal Clerks Resign and tfficiency of Service Will be Jeopardized. Wahiiitnii, I -, .'!!. laliuri thin time to increase materially at the ''iliiH'li"lit inn nf pOMtuUire einpluycM, t liu" kecpiri jifice w ith the iidvatii'in wiii-h in other lines of employment , w i 1 1 ncrioilMly jeopard ie the efliciency nf I he service. This Htaterncnt was taken from tin-annual n-jiort of First. ,Mi-tant Post master tieneral Ilitch cisk, miide puhlic t'slay. The rn-ed of inn lemlut iull to make the post 11 I ser vice under the cirniiiintiincrs more at tractive in order to retain present em pl'.vcn and as an incentive for ood men to i liter the service is treated exteii hisely hy Mr. Hitchc'H k, w ho present ft ilnn fur the consideration of conress. UeMinations from tin- service have itn reused nt im alariiiin rate and the ntaiidard of men oin into the service ha- rent ly deti-riorale'l in the last fis cal year. Mr. Hitchcock's rejsirt hhows that in Hie first and second class otlices th. ire were approximately II'), Out) clerks in the rades ranin from $'i)0 to 1 ,')()() and of these clerks II,: WW) or nhout 111..'! per cent risiiieil durin tin-year. Of 00D letter carries at tached to these otlices, (101 or lilsillt ll'i percent voluntarily left the service. Mr. 1 1 itchciirk recommends estahlish in for lioth cleks nml curries six nidrs of compensation, the annual salary to Im- feud for the initial zr.idc, hoo for the second rade and for the four su'' ccedinz rades f'.'OO, 1 ,01)0, 1,1')') and 1,L'0() reMjiecti vely, and providing f r the ndvancemrnt of cli-rks ari'l car-rit-r-i in first class oflicrs from f'iOO ini tial rade to $Ht)i after one year's ser viee, to $'.il)() after two years' service, to 1 1,000 after three years' service and for the advancement of clerks and car riers in second class ollires to $Sn0 af ter one year's service and to f'.KH) after two vears' service. FOG CAUSPS WRECK. Thirty-five Killed and Many Injured in Suburb of Washington. Washinton, Dim-. 31. An appalling disaster resulting in the death of alsnit .'. persons and injuries, as far as can In learned, to alnnit 50 persons, occur red aliout t):.'50 o'clock last night on the Halt itnore it Ohio railroad at Terra Cot ta, a suhiirh of Washinton. The Frederick City, Md., local No. (!t, on the point of pullin out from the sta tion, was run into hy a train made up entirely of eiht empty coaches hound from the West for Washinton. The enincer could not nee the hlock on account of the heavy fo and plung ed ahead on his mission of death. A dense fo and drizzling rain prevailed during the day and the night and to the inahility of the engineer of the rear train to see the signal showing that another was in the block is attributed the accident. The grade at t lie place v here the accident occurred is down ward and the tracks were slippery. ilie wrecked train was composed of , " fURine, smoking ear and two day coaches. I he two rear coaches were reduced to kindling wood, and t ho rear of the smoker v. as telescoped. So great was the imjmct that the local train was scattered along the truck for a consid erable distance. Fortunately the wreck age did not take fire. Trallic was delayed by the accident, and it was after midnight before the liodies of the dead could lie brought to the city. There was an entire absence of any attempts at theft. As soon as possible the bodies were covered and laid aside to await the coming of the tiain sent irom t lie city. From the appearance of the bodies it is believed that nearly all of the vic tims were killed outright or died with in a few minutes after the accident. Russia Delays Fixing Date. Iyondon, Pec. 31. For some time tireat l'ritain has been trying to induce lviissia to ti x a date for the next Hague peace conference, but thus far without success. It has been urged that May would lie the most convenient month, but although this suggest ion w as made early in the fall, no reply has been re ceived. The l'ritish delegates probably will include a cabinet minister in ad dition to James Bryce, the newly ap pointed American ambassador. How ever, the delegates w ill not be announc ed until something is heard from Russia. Want Japan to Show Spite. Victoria, 15. C, Dec. 31. Advices were received today by steamer Teucer, from Yoknhonia, that considerable op position is Indng developed as a result of the anti-American feeling in Jaimn against the proposed visit of a Japanese licet to tho Jamestown exhibition and Cnited States ports. An influential member of the house of peers is quoted as saying the proposed outlay of H00, 000 to send the fleet must not be ap proved. Give Pope Money to Fight France. Koine, Hec. 31 Tho pope has receiv ed many important donations to help him ln tho dilliculties with France. They include $400,000 from Kniperor Francis Joseph of Austria and $400,000 from Cardinal Vashary, archbishop of Qrau, Hungary. A PROSPEROUS 8TATE. X r vr Month Wnlra, Analrnlln, 1hnw flomnrhfiM llvrlopin' nt. Tho a zrl ni I turn I nml Industrial Activ ity nf New South Wales, Australia. N liiijirovliiK constantly. Iiist year the State produced In dairying and nllied mtercHts Kiss-in valued at ?i ci' .'". :hN Hum Including, In addition to hiitter Iinl chisse, the profit on Hwlrie, Jioul try farming and the mhhlt Industry. The hutfer fxis'tcd from the State weighed nearly il'i,'),') jKiunds, and drought to the owner SI,')?.'), which iis an addition to the puhlic wealth of Ilie State, 'f'h'1 output of hiicon and hams has Increased nearly 1.V) jut cent iillr,. IS!).",. t'tilizlng ii fs-st, the ral.hlt indus try Is rapidly assuming the linSrt:mre if n staple, f luring Inst year, .''..I.Vi.'soo inirs of rahhlts and hares were ex port -d, In addition to 4. .!).'!'' I tkiijikN of nihliit and hare skins, the value of the whole cmoiintlrig to H.."75I,i.,,, J doti hl that of the firevious year. Then? wru also an Increased export of poul try, aliuosif the whole of which went to South Africa and Asiatic port.. The IlllUiher of sheep In New South Wales In l!i.. wa estimated at 40.MKI, an Increase of 20 per cent o.ver the lecnrd of HCi-l. There were also 1f)fM.) cattle nnd IH'i.'XMi horsem in the State. The horses exported to, countries outside the com monwealth nurnls-red t.'', nnd were valued at f.'iil.K.'O. The wool exports aregatod ?i;7.2.'!l ,:vx, an Increaso of mure than 1." per cent; and the live 'liw'i exjsirt were valuer at $7..'f4. !)."). The meat exports were $.''..')7!. XiT, or n I most li.V) per cent more than those of In mineral production, to. New South Wales In constantly adding to her past records. In 1!4 this produc tion was valwed nt S.'Jl.l'iO ,000; last year It reached ?.':.i,'s:).7. Its ikihsI hilitles are desorllxsl as enormous. Coal cf.nstituted ahout one-flfth of the out put, and copper and lead each one-seventh. Sliver Increased to $1.441.oon, more than 40 jier cent heyond the re--ord for JIHht; tin to $2,.?.',0,'io. while sjKdter. which showtsl a production of ..'::.-.. V.K) ln V.xt-l, figured at ?'i,7."4.715 jin the market values of last year. There i are many known deposits of keroM-ne .shale of a payahle ijuality in New So.uth Wales, hut keroM-ne Is imported from the Cnited States and elsewhere. The tonnage of shipping entering Sydney harlmr amounted to 4,'.)7,51t, or nearly half that of Liverpool, and more than that of Hull. Cae Town, Itrenien. Havre, Copenhagen, iSostti or Shanghai. Prosperous conditions are evident on nil sides. The savings hanks show a handsome Increase In deposits. The value of deposits last year wns J';7,4!)1.2''iO. Sixteen thousand more de positors held accounts than during the previous year, and their deposits aver age $is.t'5 for the year. Less than one-seventieth of the 310, (HX) square miles of the State has been turned over hy the plough, hut the pro duction last year averaged $o5, a stpiare mile of the entire area. The population on Decernlier 31 was 1,478, i"0, and the total wealth produced dur ing the year wns $150 a head for every man, woman and child. Very few. If any. States in the world can rival this prosjierous record. TOAD HAS MANY VIRTUES. Frera Kitchen and Kardena of Cock, roarhea and Other IIiik. Few well-meaning creatures have been more thoroughly misunderstood than the homely, meditative, aud retir ing toad. Formerly the toad was considered a venomous reptile, but in our day Its habits have been more carefully ob served, and Its great value to the jx mologlst and gardener has been fully established on account of Its propen sity for destroying Insects. We should, therefore, cultivate the friendship and assistance of the in sectivorous reptiles. Including the strip ed snake, as well as that of birds. Kvery tidy housewdfe detests the cockroach, mice, and other vermin. Two or three domesticated toads would keep the coast clear of these, and would lie found more desirable than a cat, as they are wholly free from tres passing on the rights of man as does the cat The toad is inissessed of a ' timid and retiring nature, loving dark1 corners and shady places, but under 1 kind treatment becoming quite tame. Many Instances might be cited of pet toads remaining several years In i a family, aud doing most valuable serv ice with no other comiensatIon than that of Immunity from persecution. All that Is necessary to secure their co-operation. In door or out, is to pro vide them with cool and safe retreats by day, convenient access to water, and they will go forth to the performance of their nocturnal duties "without money and without price." In Kurope. toads are carried to the cities to market, and are purchased by the horticulturists, who by their aid are enabled to keep In check the mul tiplication of the Insect tribes which prey upon their fruit, tlowers, etc. No one can study the anatomy of this reptile without being convinced of Its Krfect adaptation to its sphere. Its tongue, which Is capable of great elongation. Is attached to the anterior jMirtlon of the lower Jaw; Its free end, when the toad is ln repoe, reaching down to the borders of the stomach. W hy She Took Illm, Mother Why did you accept Charlie from among all the young men who have paid you attention? Daughter Heenuse he was the only one that had the good taste to propose. Two heads are better than a dozeu lu a love utrulr. "What makes you think he married her for her money?" "She does." . Cleveland Press. Kvery innn has his faults, hut no man has ns runny ns his wife thinks he has. Chicago Itecord-Hernld. "Weren't you fired by the collega nlrlt when nt Yale?" "No. Hy the president" Cleveland Press. "Will they hang the prisoner?" "Not yet. His lawyers managed to hang the Jury." llaltlmore American. "I would share your every sorrow." "Hut I have no sorrows." "Walt till we're inn rr led." Cleveland leader. "You kiss like an expert," said the pretty maid. "How do you know I do?" queried the mere man. Chicago News. "How much did he make out of that latest graft scheme?" "A clean mil lion." "You mean a million." Cleve land Plain Iiealer. Mrs. Hoyle I hear that your son had to leave college. Mrs. Doyle Yes; he studifd too hard, learning the football signals. Puck. . "What do you think of this theory of living out of doors?" "It all de-I-nds on whether you leave the house voluntarily, or are put out" Detroit Free Press. "liobby, did you have a good time at the picnic?" "Yes, mother." "Why didn't you stay until it was over?" "What was the use, mother? We were through eating." Milwaukee Sentinel. "Alas:" sighed the poet. "We can no longer keep the wolf from the door." "Oh, I don't know," rejoined bis wife. "You might sit on the front step and read one of your jioeras aloud." Chi cago Dally News. The ancients thought the world was flat" "Well, I don't blame 'em. The.v had no chorus girls, no cigar ettes, no bridge, no society Journals. It must have been In those days." -Philadelphia Bulletin. Mr. Nervous I love the smell of mo tor cars: Hostess Really? What an extraordinary taste! Why do you like It? Mr. Nervous Because when you smell It you know the danger's past Topeka Journal. "Here's something about the Dutch stealing one of the Philippine Islands. I wonder what Uncle Sam will do about it?" "Well, it would serve thein right if he refused to take it back." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "I suppose you motto Is, 'Be sure you're right and then go ahead.' " "Not in the financial game," answered Mr. Dustin Stix. "My motto is, 'Be sure you're ahead; then you're all right.'." Washington Star. "Well, Tommy," said the visitor, "I suppose you like going to school?" "Oh, yes," answerer Tommy, "I like goin' all right, and I like comln' home, but it's stayln there between times that makes uie tired." Chicago News. No Nerve Chuggerton How's your new chauffeur? Carr Had to fire him; he used to be a inotormau. Chugger ton Too reckless, eh? Carr Reck less, nothing! Why, I couldn't breafc him of the habit of slowing up at crossings !" Puck. Aseuin Is your boss going to give you the raise you asked for?' Clark Well er I'm afraid to say. I told him I thought my pay should be com mensurate with the amount of work I do and he promptly agreed with me. Philadelphia Press. Footpad (with revolver) Hold up yer hands! Victim You can go through me if you want to, but I'll be dad-dinged if I'm going to hold up my hand any more! I'm tired of doing It. You're the third since I left tho lodge. Chicago Tribune. "They say you allow your husband to carry a latch key now." "So I do. But the key doesu't fit the door. I Just let him carry It to humor him. He likes to show It to his friends, you know, and make them think he's Inde pendent." Los Angeles Times. "If ye please, mum," said the ancient hero, ln an appealing voice, as he stood at the back door of the cottage on washday, "I've lost my leg " "Well, I ain't got it," snapped the woman fiercely. And the door closed with a bang. Ladles' Home Journal. An nppllcaut for the post of mis tress in a country school was asked: "What is your jnisltlon lu regard to the whipping of children?" She replied: "My usual position is on a chair with the child held firmly across my kuees, face downward!" Rural World. "Y'ou'll find I'm hard to discourage," said the persistent suitor melodramat ically. "Some day I'll make you ad mit you love me, and then and not till then I will die happy." "I'll say It now," replied the heartless girl. "I don't mind telling a lie for a good end." Phiadephlu Ledger. Hotel Clerk (suspiciously) Your bundle lias come apart May I ask what that queer thing Is? Guest This is a new patent fire escape. I always car ry it, so in case of fire I can let my self down from the hotel window? Seel Clerk (thoughtfully I see. Our terms for guests with fire escaies, sir, ar invariably cash lu advance. New York Weekly, il i V