General Debility lny In ntnl ilny out then' Im Unit fei'lln of wrnkiii'nn llinl miiki'H n Imnli'ii of Itmlf. I'ihmI ttiM'rl Mot tlri'lll'llli'll. Hlerp ilm' lint rrfretih. It li Imnl to fin, bunt to Ixnr, wtmt tlmuM tin i'itiy, vltiillty In mi tlie lili, mnl til" wli'iln Kynli-ni miffi'M. 1 or tliln riiiiillllnii tiikn Hood's Sarsaparilla It ttin IiImh nml (.'Ivi'ii vli;nr ami turn' to nil Hi" nri'iiiiit nml fiiint inim. In iiniiiiI lliilit fiirm nr In i liiH'iiliili il tnlilrt kimwii nn Sa rant aba. VtOtUwn 11. ul n liimil I'lnn, i.VT - It lKll't lihvu.VH II Komi lllllll (nr ii mini to H to niiil.i- ii mime fur iiiuiM-ir. M.ver Why imt? liter Wi ll, I knew n inn 1 1 niii'i wln trlril It, inul In- wax iiiTi-Mnl fur for wry. to ( i nr A ( Ol I) IN ONr DAY 1 k I A 1 1 I I' Ki i M' i 11 IMM. 'Inl.l.l. I'n'.i- refund iii.ine, II Ii (nil- in run', I V lilill I. S l,!j'l"lliile I. nil I in Ii !.. .V. Ilrntiilll . f ii r tt ii! i-i ii i'ii I Ill I III!' r wit ii'il fi r- Villi. I I III. till t il V I I;iihiTi. tnk'l Ii inul iiin I I'l It H' i I I v fiiii'iiH," In- i i i In lined, "nrili I t v mi ii i ti n i I ni lii i'ii iii i 1 1 ;:n lull I ! i.niiliil ilr mi tin1 nlli'l' h lied llli'illl III'' h'l n TH.'ll I'll !l t i"l -l I !rll I nl'l'i ll l .l in ! lili -t ! n i n I in- mi l I inn khiIik I" lilt iil!i Ii mi n iili'iiil ii h " mi I llll'l "' Im. i ' - ' I '. Ii W ll ll -Inn I li.i II', II I III- I. In 'lir.M'il 11 III ill ll, llll'l II lillll tin i.' f.t. .'. " lit linl V" i. li,'il:,, , lln' "'I'ml-e ii'n ii, ti Ii ' rili'-H Iii tint Slni" ji"i'i' nt In V I'iliin' nt Irritf ltn niini'i'it! nrit'ir. A II t IliTi' 1 1 u k'l". MnUirrri will (linl Mr. Wlnflntv'n 'limlliliiii t) ru n ilti' l at n Iv In uu lui tlmir t lul'lro i lining i bo tt titliliig I Hid. Wtirllt I it ! Inn 1 1 ik, Km !-1 C 1 1 A illlli- Iii I iiiiin Ih ii d;iii Ui'i'iiiis tiling, tliry miy. ' MIhm t 'iniht lipir W i ll, w hy iloii't you (ft a liltii nml Hint mil fir mirMi-lfV A Great Oulslde Remedy. Min-I .iiin urn nf Im ul ..ri)"n n "iriik" In ll..- Im. k. ,i iii, ,', ..I rln mi, iiIimii it -".if ll l nil Iltll llll lli;' In. II, It ll. 1. 1 nil- III tiir.'.l I,y ..nt-i ii,.li,, n. I Im iiii, k- fst -nli -1 , ii i n I 1 1 1 1 1 -1 i i i Im ii mi I h. 1. 1 m All in. W 11.. r. k.,..HIi Un- tt.ilM HUT If It liiim r" '! i. i.ii ilv Inr I inn. I In t In u r l.ul, tliiyuit.r j'lv tin y nr.. I'-an nl t ln-it.. mi i n i. , . 1 1 (.-1 , t nli. ml hi Ii your 'rk t till' I in It M llii' 1. 1 ' iff -s L'l.t" nil, i tt v y fit in' lift' h.f i tt Ii 1 1 ii in a jmi lit 1 1 in I. it n ll titttilirr Iptt liil. "ThlTl Is Ml ll'llsl 1. 1 tlllllk' to In " Haiti mm lit Iii favor nf hnarilni Ihhim's," Wfil.l.rly. Wlmfs thntV iiinr!.'.! Slnli't. ii. "Till lllllll Who in;is llllllllly K.'tH what In ls fnr." r jhtllii'i WnliliT ly. "hut In his own h unt In' kl. Us In vain." TOHTURkD WITH GRAVEL. Since Lifting Doin'l Kidney Pillt Not a Singlo Stone Hat Formed. 'n,t. S. I.. Cruti'. Ailjt. Sni. Watts nuiii, I'. ('. V., ll'iittmki', 'u., hays: 1 ' .u 1 1 k t "I hill) rt'il a lniiL', h iii t i ti in w it Ii my liiii'k, ami f.-lt ilriu'- ' yy aii'l liM li-ss nml t ii'i'il all tin- t imt'. I lusl frniii my ii-ii-tll Writ'lit, 'J'J't, In 1 7u . I ' rinaiy pas ha;.'i s nr.' t' ii i f ri'- I ( 1 1 -1 1 1 alnl I liavr liinl tu yt l up nfl.'ii nt nilil. I Ini'l lii'.i.liii lii'.s inul .Ii- V fl'I'll.S III-. I, Iml my wur-t .suffering was fmiu n iial t nlii'. Afli r I lii fiin ii-in I iiuiu 'h K i.-j imy Tills I pnsscl a iriavfl -tniif ns lii'i lis a li.iin . Niin-.' (In 'ii I liuvi hi'Vi r liiii 1 im it t ii-k of (.'iiim I, nml Im vi p'n'k i'i I up to my f'-rim r Innllli innl wi-iuht. J inn n utll limn ntnl yii' I'uiin'H Iv iii- iiry Tills t ri'ilil fur it." j Solil liy all ili'alrrs. Ml rt'lits U Imix. l'lisltT-.M ilhui'ii Co., Iliifl'uli), N. Y. ;AO B THE SOURCE OFML DISEASE ry part of the body Is dependent on the Mood for nourishment and Ptretie;th. When thi.4 life .stream is ll.nviii;; through the .system in a ptate of purity and richness we nre assured of perfect and tmiiitcrnipted health; 1ceauso pure blood is nature's fafe-";uard against disease. When, however, tlie body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the Fystem is deprived of its .strength, disease perms collect, and the trouble is manifested in various ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes ntid the dilTerent .skin n flections I'liow that the Mood IS in 11 feverish nnd diseased couuuion as a result of too much acid or the presence of pome irritating humor. .Sores nnd Ulcers nre I the result of inorliid, unhealthy matter in the Mood, nnd Rheumatism. Ca-.1' tarth, -Scrofula, Contagious l.lood Poison, etc., nre nil deep-seated Mood tlisorders that will continue to prow worse ns lout ns the poison remains. These impurities and poisons find their way into the Mood in various ways. Often n tdupKish, inactive condition of the pystem, nml torpid ptate of the nvenues ot ixuliiy waste, leaves the form tine nml other ncids, which nre taken up by the Mood nnd distributed throughout the circulation. Cominir in contact witli contagious diseases is mother cause for the poisonintr of tlie Mood ; we also Mcathe the perms nnd microbes of Malaria into our luns, nnd when these pet into the Mood in Hullicient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some nre po unfortunate ns to inherit bad Mood, perhaps tlie dre;rs of pouie old constitutional disease ancestors is handed down to them nnd they nre constantly nnnoyed nnd troubled with it. Ha 1 Mood is the .source of nil dis ease, nnd until this vital fluid is cleansed nnd purified the body is pure to puffer in pome way. Tor Mood troubles of any character VS. S. S. is the best remedy ever discovered. It poes down into the circulation n::d removes nnv find nil t u ii v'.nti a cunt ii it 4 4h, 1le:i1 1 1i fn 1 nnd PURELY VEGETABLE slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of Mood is renewed nnd cleansed nfter n course of S. S. S. It is nlso nature's greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs nnd barks, nnd is nbsolutcly harmless to any part of the pystem. S. S. S. is for pale nt nil first class (ii' UJ stores. Uook on the blood nnd nny medical advice free to all who write. THE SWifT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA niorr ft n rUrtnllnn. "Kin wiiMii't inn' lill like I he cIHm w ho 'inlule In mlille IIIiIiiIIhiim ; mIh Iviih hii lull nml colli ii 1 11 Ml.ili'l.v," lieenn tin- rill roinlni Inr tin iilmilveM tlilm-!. ; "Wlii'li Mie yn In nt ::.MIi Klfi'i't I wiw In r rilli'll liU eye IniliH'ili.'lli'l.V. "Ili Nii'ini'l liiilliTii'i'iii nml Iiiiih I lilt liiinl nwiiy. Sin- Hiiii'ii'i Into tin' i'ii I next In lilin nml In- Im'iiiiiii' nli Kill In il III ImiklllK mil nf till' ulml'iU', "HIii went In nil moiIh nf tioiilili' to MlllMi't lili lit dill Inn, Unit fill. I M.IU lier in.VMi lf, l linill.v hlii' Janeleil her .liiili'lnliii' Ininlly nml lnnlii nl him ii I ! in I nly from lu in nl Ii Iht Iiiiij; IjihIii-i ! I'M. j "Tlieli In- tilllii"! nml (ii.ii nl Inr ipii'il lonltik'l.v. Kin' Hinlli'il, n Inlflil, iiiimIhiiIii'iI Miille, wllli tin liule i ,ir 1 Innhliit; nt IliT. "Soiiit'lliliiK In Mint hiii I ! uiniml lilin, Mini ' lu ll' tin- ininlui Inr f : i I I mpn-HMl ! nml lili'il lo 1 1 1 It- 1 1 1 lulu iltll' III llN I'JI' "111' I'l'Ml'llfll nllt tl j pllili, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . llllli' hiimU to kiji"i lii'l' iliinlliii; i li:i li'Li I in'. 1 "Will, nil', him l.l'-Niil tint' nf thiiHc i linlili.v lllllf lit 1 1 I n ii 1 1 I iltii hi ii lil lllllf iiiilf ri'il i lii'i-li" nml then iix;t'.l lilt' Unman M lln In M him II ' 1 1 1 1 ' I Inli l.ili'. II w.'In lilu iinillii f nml hill' M-I.l'l! Iiiiv ni In' ;i." ' v iiik Sun. Hum 's "I hla 'f Wn nfTiT (inn llui.'l"'i I "1 !nr I li rni" "! 1 it'iirrli UimI rttiiliuL lili ewnrd fnl t'lin'! dy Huh i Klni i Ii i nr.'. I J. i II I M V A 1 1 , I'fi. 1 .. 'I'.l W'l', lill II H'l'' I i'l .'li"l , I.HVI' V ll"'A 11 I'. .1 t I ii y fir lln' III I l ' ltli'1 nli'l Ih .ii'M) Mir. l.i'l Im 1 1 y In .n in I'! Ill H.I i 1 1 li limic ut nil)' mi- I in ii nil I Ii 1 1 ii n i lui ', itiili- I" ' i I lll.lf I" llll! I"llll III U'lf I'', ll V. i. i .V I in n, W Ii a l hi N-.. K I ' l ft iV Kill. I ..Ii i", ' ' II 1,1111. -ii 1 T nif ; l iU, 'I i 1 A ll t 1 ' . III iii'Ml fin. lln'! I it It t I 1 1 i ii ri- 11 till I'll I till-rim 1 1 t- hur- In H .III fi 1 1 v iii'li Hi" l. I nli'l liiii'i.'ii luir. nl On' rli'iii. 1'il'f i"'. l-t-r I I't it'i iTiik't:!"'". 'I I'm imi'iilitlii Ifc-v. 1111 J-ainil) I lii art! U.u licnt. Rol l':iftinllfiu tit tr It n ii 4f tiflen f 'l ln mil Imi II it-n i f lln- I iiiM r-ity of I'.i'llill h.lV"lli'lils lillMNIli'il iilno;n In tin i tTi i t Unit tin' Hiring -tit rt'Klllllt ioliN I'llln I'l 'lllllf till' llilllll-'llnll of hliliti'iitN nil' ii'ilk'lii'i to i'rllii i.iiuiy Aiiii'i li'Miit iilln.'t tin r iifn iintnii'. Any 'rri'lu;ili' nf nil A iiirrl'M n inli'i who I'Ii'hi iiIi a ,;m ;inrl nml tin' liiplo- Hill of Inn hi lnr nf nl'tK nr IIII.V nllnT itju! v.i it i.t tiims ui:i inimitti'il witlmiit it i iv ijui'ht ions. It Is Inn- tint 1 1 , ,1. t nf hnii,.' nf tin- Mr ill. t ... , , ! lli'-tltlltlolis I'l-I fliiil tin- mini' nf inl- j livi'M ii rr nmlt ti'il f mm I hi' list nf t hnsi' . pM-tn,!,!.,.,!. Tin lii'W ri k-ulntlniis nr. I ,, , ,. , , - H -t 1 IlK'lllixt Itnssliiiis imt lniMli , Htlllli'li'lif iiii'MIik nf Mliijinrt (if w ho art ,i li'liili-nllv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . t ' 1 1 i 1 1 . ittlillp Aiilinnla itn'l Mnrll. "Tun whit. ii 1 1 1 1 ii 1 m. Hah! u p't 1 Hto.'k ih'.lliT, "hnvr no H4'iis of Hlni'll. lli'liii' thny ii n rni.tinii.illy atin j things tlisaii'i w ith tln'in, ami In , fllit fuses nut of ti'il iols.iii tlii'iii : Ht lti'S nml illn. Tiiiv whiti 'lk's hhoiilil lii-vi'T hi' nllmvt'il to run l.iosi In tin lli hls nml Wnnils. 1'nr, without tin 'fn- ti ' tlnll nf a Ht -I I - nf hill. II, hlli ll pl-l. I w hi'ii thny yi nut, rat all Knl'ts of pol- hiiiniiis riMits nml h. rrl.'S nml tl it nlT iraiil'lly. In Afrl.'.i tin whiti' rlilim , iflos inls ins Itsrlf hy rut IliU tin ri phnihia, ami pun whl'i nhrri nr. tlllll iu ! t to rrnr lii'i'.-ill.!' thry art rmithm nlly iiniiii'lilni; shnihs nml (.tiish,..s that tlon't MKn-r w Ith th.'in." lliilltr' I'littf. I'eh. IM. is.;.;, ihn.ral T.ei'.l.imlii V. Hlltler pl'eselltl'd to i-nn-.Tess the lii'st ri liuilir Aliii rl. aii .y, 111:1 lr nf AtlltTl can m. it. 'rials hy Aiiieriean lahnr, " t stni' t.d In th's iti.uitry. Timr tn that time all Ainilliau rnvrni'in-nt Ihu'H had hrrn mi le nf Mnlisli hunt Iiu'. Sinn then all inn nlliilal Macs have l'i"'li the plM.lilit ii'lislvrly t,f Amrrlian tuatrrial ami l.ihnr. Thife wire twentylx 1-tars in the .y, nt that time. An 1 1 Itlt-iit't tif nlu. "I Hiipp t-t you can rt uicmlier w hen tl lot nf this laud ciiuhl have hts'tt ImiiikIiI for 11 hoiikV" "Yes," iiiiswcrrd I'arnicr Corntosscl. "Ilut after M'eln' how much iny tlau'li trr's hliiK'Iu' lessons cost that dnrsu't Hi't'iu no cheap." WasliliiKtnn Star. ILO OB refuse nnd waste matters to pour nnd .r.,M.rll.,j it- .......1., ! permanently cures Mood diseases of every kind. The nction of S. S. S. is so thorouph that hereditary taints nre removed nnd weak, diseased blood made Ptroti;?; and healthy po that disease cannot remain. It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores nnd Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Jilood Poison, etc., nnd does not leave tlie MININQ IN NOME 13 COSTLY. 'Inn llnlliirt Miiiil fnr lurr Oim 'lllltl'lt Iltll nf flit l.nttlllil. Mori' thnn iloiilili lln' iimoiiut lit moiiry liiki'ii nut In 'oli In tin Noint illslili'l was i'x I'liiili'il ilinlnn tin' liiht Mt'iisiiu In llni pun -tin hi nf hii'iln's nml lli'Mlnpllll'lll Willi. Ill Otlli'l' WOlilh, ilollai M wi i r r ii li'li'i fnr rvrry 1"! 1 .i r Hint wiih Inl. ill out of lln- I " 1 1 1 1 ' 1 In tin' foriu of iiiliii wraith, 'l ln' .NoIim iliHllhl iioiiiri nlioiil ,vi l.l ii i ii ilii i In K'lhl nlnl .f I '',1 Mil 1,1 III! I nl' rvrli lii'il'i' WIIH rxirlnli'i In thr illslllit. This Is in-mi'il I iij In a run-en lit 1 vi; rMlliuiili' in it 1 1 - ,y John Itlt'l'.v. i hii f riik'imrr of tin .Nnlin I mjiinvinirlit ''illipnii.v, who 1 1 II M rrtiiruril to Tolt- liiml fnr tin. w Inter. "I. list Hriismi wiih 11 oor nlir," Mr. ItUrhy'l, "hi'i'ii usr of tin dry wrath rr, thr i'iillHiili'llt low Wlltrr llltilfrr- liik' v- i 1 1 1 mm h of thr jilai rr mining. With I'lrlily nf wntrr I hr nillplll woul'l hiitr Innl miii h Ini'K'rr. "Minh of thr luniiry c. pilnlnl III N'nmr this yrnr wiih III ilrtrlnjiliiriit wnrli, linni whl'h tin' luvrslnis will Imt iniilr, If at nil, until IlltiT. The linn who toolt oul thr lummy me not thr mi. s who hjn nt the moht money. I In ie who nre nl'li r the yni ale (h lllll'H Who -ielli thr ll'i-t. Til'' Ili-t'iTy of iiriulv nil minim; rami's Is that inorr iiioin'i Is hjM'ii. than Is t ; 1 1 . -: i nut In Kohl. ".Noliir s Mil the ;i Ii T i of thr nn:i!l llillnr. Tin' hii; i-ui.jiii nli-h hale not I'lhliril u, .'Mi;. I hint' as rl Mini will Imt iinlil the r.'-li pay Mrral.K ai'r is-lllill-tril. When the rh'll mii'IS haVl nil hrrn fniiinl nml only tin, low Krinli on nml hamls irjna In to he tnltn-tl the hii enlnpniiles will have to ilo it, lis that l.llnl nf iiprin 1 1 uy fr.llirs 11 h!( lllltilll IllM-htllii III. Tlirn ll rr tl II II ilriils of Imlh hlual iiilnrlH iirar Nnmo who lire wnrkliu; hmnil iilarrr clalliiH. "Thrrr nrr hiiinlrnls of claims I iirnuinl Nninr whl. h nre tie.l up In liti gation nml hecause nf the llillliy l.'IW hiillM the prmlil' tlnii nf g ih! Is Imt ns lart;. as It wouhl U- If nil the rlaluis wi le free. The frilenil isiiirt Is ernwil- I with wnrk ami Ih a jrar hrhlml. "Iurlnj linni nnil th.-n was n rrrat rush Into Noliir. Troplr wrre wIM In thrlr pur-ults nf wraith mnl thry hail Iss'ii lt-il to hrllrvr that nil of thr hillil lirnr .Noliir for tn!lrS nmilllil was K'hiiI. So thry Htakril nut thou h.iimIh nf rlaiins. la-vrntually thry iliiftnl hiuk to thr Stiitt-H nn.l for Hip iiioHt part left thrlr rlaluiH In tin 11111111." of othrfs, to whom thry jjtivo tin jmw 1 r nf ntturnry. "Itllt little ilevrlnpmriit work Willi ilniir on tin iIiiIiiih nml In Inter yrnre llil.liy nf thnn lui vi tss-n rrlorateil. K It'll ilrMslts were ovrrlookisl hy tin1 tlrst liienters. Leariihu; tliat thr ,,) rl.'llms wcrrnf valllr. iniiliy nf thr orig inal lin-atrrs nr thus. who rr.rese:it thnn nrr now- try'uii; to renew Mis-es h.uii of them. This Is the rnuse nf tht rnustm.t litiKatlun." - Ti.rtlniiil (trtw lllllll. Iron Mr Ahiuil for Turkr), Sultan of Turkey Is said to he Aiitii lpatliii; the near approach The ilylin;. if the ml, hr has named his third s,,n as his sui-cessnr In violation nf law mi l tinsvdriit, which risiiir. that the old r-t mnnhrr of the family shall occupy the thmne. If this law were oheyed the Sultan's suecessnr Wniild he his hri'ther, .Mohiiininrd, who Is now prac tically 11 prisoner In one f the Im perial palaces nn the Itosjinrus, hut he Is siisj t".l of llhcral tcnilci)clis ntid A I " 1 11 1 llamld will imt permit him to iisceiid the throne. Nor will he ertiilt his eldest son to succeed, ll I 111. Illtllotlirli tliel'e Is 110 pcl'snlial reascli why lie .linuld not do ho. lie has HcVcted Ills third Hon, who has Just reached hU majority, presuinahly hecnuse tin lad Is a K'fcat favorite and protege of Kui pemr William of (Jertnany. The Sul tan's iietlnn will lead to trnuhle, as then Is coiisidfrahle opposition to It. Tht (.r fit I I ittMlnht'il. President Arthur Iladley of Yale lias 11 couple of Hons who inherit n jrood deal of tin pMiius and Indc'iendent thought of their father. One iiiornlni; Mrs. Iladley (,'ot up and went Into the hatlirooiu and found her youngest, airetl uhout Ti, husy Kailinjj tin swans and fish ill tlie hiithtuh, is'iildiiiK' them with a nmKiiet. She (fathered up tilt tnyn niul told tlie youiiK'Hter that ho must defer his amusement, as Ills papa wanted to take his Imth. The child suhniltted with had jrraco, hut went out in the street. Presently he met a lady. "I u you want to know somethlnj;?" remarked. "The President of Yule I'olleue won't have any hath this morn- l' J'"1' want to know why? 'Cause I ln vt Km tlie ptui; to tlie hath tub In my pocket, nnd It's pdiiK to utay there, net'?" Lift' Aromatic I't'llt l.nreeti'. "I hope you notice how sweet I am," smiled the j,lrl when they were out on tlie street nuiiiii. "While the man was wrapping up tbe toothhrusli I was try ing nil the perfume on the counter. He looked at me awfully hard." "I should think he would have bad you arrested." remarked her companion severely. "What if everybody tried "" x ' f' 7. V . " i "l"1' ' Wtnild be bave left to sell'" -New York l'resH. tinitvl! mnl Slirlelv't. "Did yon know tlmt noises bad been IssuliiR from Kussell Sane's trravi'V" "(iond lii'ai'litiis, Aro jtti tsureY" "l'l'iietleiilly : Mfn. Saj;e lias K'veu $1,(HH to ebarlty." llnusttiii l'0st. When a woman dlslies up tbe din ner, 8bt never tllsbes tii any aji. dories tvlth It unless there haiions to bceotu lany present. My Hair is Extra L ong Feed your hair; nourish it; give It ftomctliinu lo live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Aycr's Hair Vicor is the only hair-food you can buy. For HO years it has been doing just w hat w c claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " Mj Mir nt-A to lt rjr ilior. I'nt ftr iiaIi.K Ain't llir Vi,'.., a .liurl lirni ll I" i.ei tu f'"'l Ii'iW It l f'llirtf-!! Ilifli'! Ion fcf 'I l,i. .i-i ,,, rt ii,1-!.-!!'! n lull li. 1111 ulir ln-n. in, ..1 nl, "nf mr Iihii "- Mux. J. II. KirKit, IimiIi'In htlHK1. l-olo. A Mtxlvbr M1 by J- 0. Ayr flit., lyowill. Mm o maiiuiAciuror or 5AHSAPAIULU. iers .IS. UU VUV PECTORAL. yiiaififccagirifctjMtmii company the front TYroni Tlmt of Yrni. Passt nj,vr I suppose jam knoiv. :i m, that your bosses nn ruttinj: a nii'lon. li)i'sn't it make your mouth water' Pullman Porter No. suh. I done lot' inj interest in nieions fur ilis yeah. Hit would ho ilifTunt. o' cu'se, if Joy wuz cahvin' a 'possum, suti. Ht. Vitus' Panre nml nil Nervous Jls"afs 3 P'Tminieiitiv 1'iiri'ii nv it. Anue h i.r.ui Ti ll.fiinrtT. S.'ii.t for HIKK (fitriHl biittln nml iri ullsi'. lr. it. lI.Kliu, , 11., 1) jl Arctir-u.l''M. A Snrft-llfil uif. "Hetneniher," said the melodraniatlc man, "there are things in this life tint money cannot buy." "Yes," answered the Impecunious person, wearily, "but I bad entuii;h c.f them lonn nun. What I want now la a chance." Washington Star. FRUIT TREES, VINES, PLANTS BERKSHIRE SWINE, (Registered) SHORTHORN CATTLE, 'Registered) BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACIfIC NURSERY CO. Catalogue Frrc. Tanfirnt, OrrEon CROPS NEVER FAIL hi ilif I .if r Snukt llt' Itlaliu. whn I'lShdj Mi-.issirpi ViiiUy lit rn "r,ki rM ur tilr-mlv lot tt!'il. MKi.tHKt aiT' h ii i'itii tl, li i 'Uat v ImikI Mill awnlt lln- Hi'tilrr. ituh hi a i it Itcsi uarnd vallttv hi llu' world, l-'lnrs c Inialr; t'lio evsi ' till : Immt'iiHi tuipK ol nrili n, alt at la mi -ar In t. (4,ih0l ikk) i ti vt'it'it hi hiiK-tr tito oi ii-N. Nfrt H. It. it- hiou lo X lov-it..iH' park op- tis rininiry of at 1 c Muitvcs, AmIiIuii Niariro! Jail 1, UK Hi, a nanii liii-akt'r. nil- Inr pai l tMilar-. tl. r. M(mi;i: ki:ai. i s i ati: om ia SI A lit lioiiy auil Aithtoii, ltluli. f'jii.. n HOLD UP! arid consider J,HL POMMEL BRASDLICKEH 1IKE ALL WATERPROOF CLOTHING. bmadf of the best imlfrialsjnWdckortllow luJI Aidrantroi.orul soldi fflnElf dealers ft'eirwhen: STICK TO THE town j )vrrV N 5ICN OFTHE FISH .4 i,'rt:'KTj. (kh ei.N'ii'iti r 1 irtn';p -r.fif.K.4. Jft " n " - . VJ 'r'"''' - - 1 t . f 1 linger mi TheVnning Stroke p r . 1 v 8 (it v wn 110 i.irn.trj.. ""n't 1 (rtiMiiiilaii-JitVVl r,.unM,vym 1 1 -tiy A t., .. t-., ...i - .' j LovjisvUIcTkv. r I eli nnl for 1 ml Una. "Ton wouhl hr furprlsn!," ftiihl fl, tnii'hi r, "inuhl you hut know h-nv 1 Inrirr n part tin umlle pliiyn In r'-il' lifr. In thrsr ilayn It l.t the woman w ho HinllrH ! J "Omr up., 11 n tliiit It win tin worn ; un who froivnnl; ntnl then wrr ' pi io,-i, In thr Jam liyr days, w hen I to wrnr an Imiwrlous rxjirrssinn was thr real thin;;. Tuf that was loin' no. Ill thrsr (hlJH It Is till Jjirl Willi II lauirh. "I'.ven ipireiiH laiiali. In tin lafi'St I'l'tilie of fliern AlIU'll.l xt I'ortur'.'il that roynl lady wears II Hinl! hv deep that it Will imt rniin tifT. while fjli.-fli Alrxamlrii has hrrn rausht hy tin; ramrra umilini.'. "TIuti" Is a ilf!int art In ml!iii'.'. Thr r'.rs must "mill ntnl tin whole f.i'r must y)t up." f'rti! llirimf. Tin Hard Sin li 11 htupM, nhfit fiilndi"! Janitor. I y iw hi;n nm of my I.i'iiis to mail mnl of ilrippirr,' it In the mail hox on the enrner hi.' droppr.l It In thr wn-tr iis r hox. .Ii-s T.ihasi'o Put why do you call him htupi'lV If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the frame to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Fifis, manufactured by the California Fi Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpk-asint afier iffects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without tiripino;, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in i.r.y way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or inj'urious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. It is because of the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of or.e size only, by all reputable druggists and that full name of the i California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly of every package. Regular price, 50c Iauffqrnia Fig Syrup Sain Ff-mtcisco , C&l. ' " r URGE ENGLISH BERKSHIRES All tin- best breed ing and ind.vidu ility. Young slock on hand nl Hii tiini?!. t oriv j'oinlciu't' MiliriU'il. Htifarti"n KUiraii Iti'il. A.t.lres D. t. KEVT Perrydale, Oregon BIG MONEY NEVADA c0iBd MINES A Few Hiiii.lrv.l C. A. STOCKTON. Broker M.'Hti Kiclu's. 228 lumbe" Exchange Write lulHy. PORTLAND, OREGON RUBBER STAMPS Best in America We make them Wo tin not take order) ami peiMle onr Rubber t-t amps, heals, iCte. We manulactuie our own goods, our ciuii'inent la tlie net im. I Ih'm iiu ncy ran buy. Write today ior our "ltubbir biamp i'Hialoguo." THE IRWIN-HODSON CO, Portland, Oregon fjO PLATES ILY DENTAL CO. 1-4 Out' -third off retrular l.rii't' fnr THE PAINLESS DENTiSIS Out' -third tiff retrular uriet' fnr Kluiri lime lir. 11. A. Sliii'devaiit, fin aiifilv of The liulles, un. I 1 r. K. A. Under, fm iiierly of A iliu -in'. . art with iin. They will bo Kind to meet their eld I'l ieuds. lhird and Couch Slree'.i. Portland. Oreson. fUSMliiP t.. '. .'Mn;y.!.t.. I. ' vtJ mm -m. " jr 11 8 LUillSAGO SCIATICA Penetrates to the Spot Kiaht on the dot. Price 23c and 50c printed on per bottle. MOWAltD r.. rrr.TON. Ati.trcr k'. Chemtn. 8 l.t-ailvliii', t'olitriiut. tIKt nucn pru t's: t.ol.l. silvr, 1. ad,l ; ei,l. silver, T'-: tioia. i.,-: Zliicor I ipr r, tfl. Cyuniilc t'".:. Ji.illil! .-live.oprt and lull .r:.'c list win u.i up'illratii.ri. Control ami Um pire work solicited, l.c-iervuce: i'uxtuuuia 'Hvr tiuiaul luak. GASOLENE ENGINES to hor, I ott er lully Marinated, lJj. AH niai nu t tj k'8 Ht lowest j. rives. Write for catalog. RC1ERSO.N MACHINERY COMPANY Portland. Oregon. SEP hve itootl the test for over so years. ami are still in the lead. Their absolute cet tp.iaty of crowth. their uncommonly lur,;e yieltls of delicious vegetable and beautilul Bowers, make them the most reliable anil the most popular every. wnere. boia Dy all Healers. 1907 seed Annual tree on request. u. m. rtitrii a. uu.. t' l Detroit. Mich, dn- A MAKE MORE MONEY ON FRUIT CROPS Kveryonew-horriw- fruit, whftheron a ItuKri-niHll s'H)t, or ttlio hut n Un itti h w h ntinl ii, should ! iti'ivwci-d in brt tttiitf the im.i piuilt from hi. cioi. S T. JOSEPH, MISSOURI Is tho only inai?H7fno In Aitterira M-h in (IfvrtteiJ rt-m. fXfliiMVfly t Uio init-rt-Htpi uf ilint'Mlii Jr ' TV Ki''' fruit. HiintUttiut Iv illiirtt rtitctl . 'M- to y.j l11'' " I'Mi'h lit 'ill It. Ti Us it! I ttl ut fruit I T-v ' ' (ill kllliir (itul lltitlltliri' hilt lillll ht'rt ?SfeA j (" mm k t, litv t i .irk. .Miltivutt. ! tv. tV pruiH. htm tu i A KK U HtK MiiSK fi-ni hidI t'ju'h .ul'i,nhtr irt'tw fln rtt if tuiitti our Hio, Junathtui I nul ltu; ktr il.f U-ntin t xifUuct. Three Months Free Wt'RienoconlliU'nt The Fruit OrnwtT will irlt ane, w. will M-iiil it thu o nit hi I ha Hl.Ht.hitt.'ly frtt to umvpiu i u t trt t-t) in 1 1 n 1 1, cu tt riim l n t'ttuiKHi ht hw. Wt (ll'l'l' l'llfrl ft if lU'W l-uhM'I'ihtMh ttt'lttt ftirpiu- ( it'll Ihim. WriuvtMir iitiuifHinl mltlt t- in htHnk" lu ftiw. Kruit-CJrower Co., IUix 38, St. Joseph, Mo. 1 mTt'l'tjiHir KKKK 1 hit unmllm' ti ml t'lltl'. At tMHl of chive niiiiiths I Mill eiilitT pity fur a vrttr'tiHiih- x'liptltui tir lint Hy vou to ltp pHptT. 1 li fit her tivm t inert) m lo u jsu ciituge ior mu luixn uiuumt uitU. Name . Route ot P. 0. Dux Number . Town - P. N. U No. 1 -07 IXfUUN writ In nr to advoi-tiuora iileua If iiit'iiilfu thin iirr. Si S 13 o JACOBS I OIL 4