Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 26, 1906, Image 1

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I H voted to the Mining, I.uisbcring and farming Interests of this Community.
NO. 48
V3 -
General Mining News and
H" Kno.vles mif ilnwa from
I! .henna on Saturday ,, over
Clll iit HUM.
'Inn In- ( tU ihini liiis tiniHlim h i h
liiHt i-..:tl( t lit the Oicnii-Cdlora-
lo nunc mi. I is in tlx. r,nvi for the
I lie In;! tutiiH I ih in it lint) body
'f nn- l .Mr. Ott.-isotl liclicvi s In-.
fuelling u- uill hIi.iw the best
and l.ngest pay shout t uprnnd in
till' tunnel,
In addition t'- the largo amount
ol me thut Jiuh 0j, 1 n,., ,v u,js
tiimi"! the iiiitiinic'l i x iHteiiec of
new :un! Utter ire bodies are fust
making the- (ieiiii-Ci't:n!o one
f tl.f iiiuvt valuable miiM M in ne
west F tin, Business and a Gear.
More Inn ami moie Iiiimiicmh in a
few mi it ut cm than ever before in bin
life is what I'un liiumlmugh nas
be had mi his trip out from It"
henna lust wet k, when near Ad urns
.111 iimlaiii a In ar w;i sheltered in a
h"ll-iw tree leaving jint a little of
Iuh head in Mght. Mr. liium
biiugh's ia)inpauion too.; soveral
Hhots with a hinall revolver, the only
weapon they had, which only Hcrved '
to anger the bear. It cimo quickly
out 1 r nni his shelter and prepared ,
for a fight. The man an t tho ro-
volvcr retreated, leaving Mr. Hrum-(
batigh alone in the battlii which
wm J 1 1 i c k 1 y ended by tin- death o
bruin, caused hy M-vcral i . j ' -t him
lower eutH over Iuh head Mpi l! ,
applied hy Mr. lirunih.-nij-ii -Mlh .
walking utick In- had wheh j .,w,!
a fin thf u 1 friend in tune ) i.e
tun sink wis nard wood mi l i.-u
foiled, the end thut did tin- i idly
work wan worn into due 1 mi I is
kept ill it hlood St'ijii' d eolidilioli
as a souvenir bv
who also has the
Mr. I'i tim! I'Mij' !i
hid, of the hear
Tim FIcclrochemieal and Metal
lurgical Industry Magazine lot No
vembet contained an exhaustive
article on V. l. I nni-,' of lilac k
huttu new i;:rc'iry funiaee, and hi
process of distillation. The I'd
entn an applied I r me a pto't
patent and an apparatus pit' ot,
and are hoth deliiied as pioeensi
entirely new in the distillation of
ores. 'I'hfi new furnaces In in;.; eon
structed on the principal as out
lined will he put in operation with- :
ill n few inonths. Considerable di- i
lay is bein tneountend in ea-tiin;' :
tho large tilo to cover the iloor o j
ine, coiideiiHor, iih tney are or an un- 1
UHiiitlly largo Hi.e. The (li!ii!
power plant will he installed m the '
spring, and hy that time A v,t.
Supt. Cooper expects to have the
new ore houses, crtisheis, loll'-, etc
all ready for operation. W. Ii.
Dennis is in New Ymk attending
to the alhnrH ot the c.unpam at Ih d
.It . M i
On account of the holida
011 the Vesuvius trestle is d
several days.
The high bents are all in place
and but liltla is left to connect
with the tunnel, then it will be a
Hhort job to ii iiihIi and cc t in!.i
Wb Are
Because we carry the best
lines in ladies' and men's
shoes and furnishings, and
the people know it.
Successor to Welch & Woods.
First National Bank Bldg.
1 mining shape; tho stormy weather
h i , in id'; tlio work of raising and
I : n ill;; the
Tin- crew will
tall bents difficult,
return to camp in a
! I w days and iiiik" rl work of
I Hint that is yet h dmie.
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. McClollan
and children, of Knlem, are visiting
Mrs. McCli Ilan'H paroutH, Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Ahranni, thiH week.
Miss Myrtle l'urvanee is now
ti aclnnj; six miles from Springfield,
Imt will probnhly return here with
in a hhort lime to tench tho school
at 1,'itlriin.
North I'en 1 in to haven new saw
mill with a capacity of 500,000 feet
ol tmiii't u day and will also have
a lex fii tory. So much for Nortli
Mr. und Mr. J. I. Jones will
celebrate their Fifteenth Wedding
Anniversary Saturday night of this
week, and have invited a large
iiiini!.r of their friends to Ik pres
ent at that joyous occasion.
Two engines coupled together on
a siddraf k in the Kosoburir H. P.
i ai ils with an open switch ahead
i and no crew on the engines in some
manner became started and ran for
Ine miles before the steam gave
out. Fortunately thoro was little
steam and the engines soon stopped
so that men on foot caught them
before any dauiaye ermued.
I '.u-niiig Teh gram, Portland, Ore.,
December 2oth, lOo-l.
When Patten and Fletcher pre
: s. nted Jerry from Kerry at the Km
l 1 nc UHtcrday it proved to be pleas
1 nig and the large audience took to
it like a duck to water. Thoir
I vaudeville nets are all features and
j their band and orchestra above tbe
a verage.
Organizes Classes.
The gyrnnnsium epuseH ( the
Methodint ch'irch met Christmas
night to n'-.l f-oine idea of the work
tliey will have in the gymnasium
and to ftgrec on a uniform costumo
for 0u hoys arid a costume for the
cirls. The younger boys will wear
units of red jemey Hurts, and white
knee pants, and white rubber hhoeH,
the older boys and nun long light
trousfih with light jersey sbirts.
Tho women and girls will wear blue bloomer
rubber shoos.
TI.e rules under
suns wun wnuo
w men uie gym -
namum will be operated were read
and it was well understood that tho
gymnasium will be a place for work
not fun. Stiict milittry rules will
be kept and no talking will bo al
lowed. It is the intention to get
the best out of the gymnasium for
the strength of every part of the
body, md every person who at
tends will be expected to attend to
business and behive them
selves, or they will not bo permit
ted in tho gymnasium.
Boar For Sale or Exchange
Registered Poland China Boar,
i S months old, weight 300 pounds,
tf Frank Crabtrke.
Cottage drove Pulley Factory.
C. h. Hoxie, Prop. Shop over the
Foundry and machino Hhop. Pulley
work solicited. 2-i
Tbe Eugene liegister is now tax
ing its press to the utmost. It is
printing its own daily and weekly
editions, tho Guards weekly and
dally editions. the Springfield
paper, and is getting ready to start
on the big special edition that will
mean many thousands of extra
First Recital of Choral Union a Suc
cess. Tho Choral Union gave a recital
at the Christian Church oa Tues
day night with a cboruB of 22
people out of the 4o members of
the chorus. The principal piece ot
j the evening
was the cantata the
"Prince of Peace" in which there
were numerous boIob, duets, etc,
Tho tenor and soprano duet by
m. Hams ot iilackbutte and
Mrs. Dr. Macev was one of
, espceiai merit, ana was greatly en
I - 1 A 1 .
joyeu, ooin singers have good
1 voices, ana ir. Harris is excep
tionallj fine. The malo quartette
composeu ol ji. Webber. L t ,
Wooley, Wm. Harris and D. T
Awbrey Bang splendidly, and called
forth much appreciation. W. W,
Thackarar ol Roseburg, an old
time pipe organist of much ex
perience, rendered a voluntary
upon the new organ, bring out as
never before brought out, the ca
pauiiHies 01 ine organ, liis as
sistance was a delight to all, and as
a result of his playin? an effort
will be made to have the regular
organist become acquainted with
the pedal keyboard, and to have
further instruction upon such work
The entire song service was greatly
enjoyed and the choral has much
occasion for being proud of what it
lias accomplished. With the num
bers that might attend the chorns
much better work could bo done,
but so many are lax in their atten
dance upon practice that it makes
it hard for the instructors and the
chorus. It is a good opportunity
for all singers in the town and
should be made the most of.
1 ho Choral Union will assist in
the Union Watch Night services at
ine rresbytenan uburch next
Monday night.
New Years Eve Ball
The band boys hve reorganized
and are going to give a series of
concerts. New Years eve they will
give a ball, the proceeds of which
will be usee for new music. Help
out the cause by attending the ball
Boys Were There All Right.
Cottage Grove's Basktt ball team
composed of younger boys got in
some good work at Eugene last
rriday night as is attested by the
following note from tho Rwgister.
Lugene has a boy's club that
bears the high-sounding title of Cy
clops club. The boys of Cottage
Grove have no other name than that
of their town, but they can play
basketball. They put up first-class
article at the armory pavillion last
night. The first half the Cyclops
got their wind and favor of Cottage
Grove. In the last half the Cyclops
got their mind and gave their
smaller opponents the worst of it.
The final score was Cyclops, 28;
Cottage Grove I7. Both clubs put
up a good game of ball but the boys
of the Grove altho smaller, seemed
to be able to hit the basket more
The Oregon Journal Btates that
Portland's reputation is saved as it
rained there oh Christmas dav. Of
the Christmas days of the past 3G
years, 27 of the days have been
wet and nine dry.
An old shack of a hotel in Port
land burned Christmas morning and
one poor drunken porter died from
inhaling smoke, while the roomers
escaped, though the most of them
were deep in drunk.
North Beud is excited over a dis
co very of gold made within six miles
of that town. Rock has been
struck which it is claimed will run
$400 per ton. Gold has been
found iu the sands there for years
and it is not unlikely that ledges
may be found near by.
In reply to a uery from Game
and Forestry Warden Baker, an op
inion has been rendered by Attor
ney-General Crawford, in which he
holds that the game warden has no
authority to pay any portion of the
money collected iu lines from viola
tors of the game laws to persons
furnishing the necessary informa
tion to convict, but that all of the
money must go into the general
fund iu the state trrasury. Game
Warden Baker thought there Would
be less liability of violation of the
game laws if half of the fines col
lected be paid to informants, but
the attorney-general says no part of
it can be used as blood money.
Christmas Time Cele
brated in Great
Christmas day was celebrated in
royal manner in Cottage Grove.
The stores were open until ten
o'clock and big crowds were on the
streets in spite of the heavy raio.
Every train was met by a huge del
egation to welcome friends and to
see the sights. The merchants all
state that their sales were unusu
ally large and that they all have
reason to be thankful for their bus
iness of the year.
The churches all had Christmas
trees for their Sunday School
scholars Monday uieht. and fine
programs were prepared.
At the Methodist Church a
Christmas cantata entitled "Christ
mas Fairies" was given by a large
number of the young folks and lit
tle tots of the Sunday School, and
was well rendered, and too much
praise cannot be given to the in
structors for their work in prepar
ing it. The church was finely dec
orated with two large trees on
either side of the pulpit, hung full
with things for everybody. Santa
Claus in this instance had a fine
tenor voice, a thin? he is not usu
ally credited with possessing, and
enlivened the occasion with an ex
cellent solo.
Eugene Wins.
The basket ball team ol Co. C of
Eugene and the older team of Cot
tage Grove boys met in battle
Christmas night in the Opera
House. The Eugene team had
something of a walkover winning
Dya score or 2x to o, which is
largely accounted for by the fact
that the Cottage Grove team had
little or no practice, while the other
Uam is in regular trim, despite the
difference in the teams, the came
was interesting for the onlookers.
who well filled the house.
W. R. C.
Appomattox W. R. C. No. i2
meets at 1 p m on the 2nd and 4th
Saturday of each month.
Mary Dickey, President
E. Jessie Woods, Sec.
E. S. Holderman is in town
from tbe Crystal for over Christmas.
Sidney Sloan, the eighteen vear
old murderer of Jude Thompson of
Spokane was acquitted on Monday
through a verdict of "Not guilty by
reason of insanity."
Ira Harding is again quite sick
having overdone in working on the
Methodist Church gymnasium, and
having caught cold in his side.
Christmas morning he went to
Walker for a visit of several days
and hopes to recover his usual
health without suffering a relapse.
F. L. Finney came down from
Wildwood on Thursday and went
to Yoncalla to snend Christ man
with hts folks. He is now working
for J.I. Jones logging camp and
says everything is getting into fine
shape and that Bhortly after the
first of the year things will beirin
to hum at the new logging camp
and at tho Disston mill.
Royal Malo Quartette. Nothing
pleases so well as male quartettes.
The members of this company are
fine eoloista and thdr voices blend
so beautifully that they invariably
please the people. They give vocal
quartettes, trombone quartettes,
solos and readings. In quality
they rank high, in variety they cer
tainly excel. If you love good
music hear the Royals on Jan. 23d.
James Bryce, the emineut Eng
lish author of "Bryce's American
Commonwealth" has been up
pointed as Ambassador to the
United States, and will come to
Washington as a plaiu citizen of
England, although a peerage has
been offered to him. Mr. Bryr
has been Chief Secretary 0 0
British Ministry to Ireland. To
many people a thought has arisen
that Mr. Bryoe may find occasion
to change some of his statements
regarding America after a resi Jnnr
in Washington, and an observation,
of the America of today,