Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 19, 1906, Image 7

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    J )"( " tv v 't '.c L"-
ite JVM
Stoves j)
Fall to Bo
4 In itliiH.'.t r-vrr v li'inre tlirrr- laV'
im " 1 " Ml- ""' ''" '"'"I till?
M VV idler Htiivin ir flltlllll r fulll tn
j ti It'll" ll. It lll.iy lie It I'M. Ill 1)11
L 11 til" "Wf nllli I " hid'-, l.r l. lie lilt VI tin lln lie it
rnliiirc Inni. II mny l.r n colli Imllwuv. N" unit
tn in .ii r t of tin liouni wlirliirr room o
liullwav It inn noon ir niinlr Mine; ntui .ory Willi
Oil Heater
(rqiilppt'd wllli Smeiki'lrhft Device)
t'nliVf nt. limit y oil limlrri tin- I'vrlcrtloii L'ivr antiafnetlnn
nlw.iva. Ilisl nil. I fmt-liiii'.t it lit uliHoliitrly wilt vmi cutinot
tiun tlir v.ik tun liicli r t.Hi low. C.ivin intense In at without
MlloUr-oi nftl'il l.i i lllsi- t-.tii,j..-.l with Mil' ik elect I lev Ice.
t'.tit In r.ilv c.itinil liuiii i mtn to looni. Ail imht . .
to liH'l.llr I. i lull!.. Ol lintllrli: ill UK will HH UHlflll. I ll
M ill" in two Ii 1 1 1 1 1 it nil Li 1 iilnl j ipitn. I'.i is oil 1 1 hi lit
l.i- nit 1 1 nil v i- in I. I. o.i ,j 1 1 ii. 1 1 1 1 of oil ii m. I hums f
I Hill l 1. I'll. I- '. t s.ll Isl.l. 1 l.lll ill ;l l' I In t loll ill I I o. iter.
I'.vn v In-. iti I w ii I nit i-.. II ip. tut vour ii-iii I ' Willi- our
I li'. II IV. t Ii yr III V o lies, i t it I VI I III U i.ll .
.cay l
J ftr IhiHIi- I fil(.
-if -I mi 1 I "I I imi;i
' l ' in n 1 ifil ' '; 1
I e i v i n u i lr ii i kiw l y
Vii 1- of rn 1..rntli..til mi l nl kr .ir..
I m i v . mi ji 1 1 r 'i nt i I fs , 1 1 ).li If liiii.uv, 1 1 1 n i n if in tin,
'(tl .ol HI l.f .U....I ll Itol Hi y.m t .. lie f Wllli-t'iliruirnllHrllty.
Tl. -
y ---xer
. . m i
Vv ..(
( iinlliiiiuiii 1 1 1 If.
Ve must Ii;im- m li'.uli-r," mill, n
llll'lllt.l'l' of till- II. oil.
"What for'.'"
"Si ! (Mil lllte II HVohltlI.M
An. I linn'.'"
"We'll put lilui !u until. Hity."
" Ah't tui !l-' '
"ii..t!n-r li-i.l. r, of iinir-f. ntul itn
. -t ! i ( . ..!ii l..n " 'ii.i.i!i.'toii St:ir.
Dew arc ol Ointment lur Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
a-i nifitrii y 1 mitolv .Ii. -1 r. . y the a-iii" of
iki.' 1 1 fttitl .Ill I e 1 ) 1." Ml ii" t lu Hi. ft
Ir.i. w l.i 11 ei.t.-r ntf tt tio-...;li t!.i I . ol'-. 1 1 M
ft 1 1 f ft . n. - i. 'i an.' rim uui.i ix ii r t u .1
. i t 1 1 j..-.. ' l.i Ii.. ii ii- j u i a l.i. j.i .
' . 1 It I . . , ll i I 1 11 : ft f- til., M i -1 I ft 1 . 1 1 I 1 . 1
I i I I. I it: I I'li'i ...:..) . I ' ' I I I I' Ill 1 . IMii.
I I H I ft . ..tin I ll I..:.. t . . it ! . 1 1 ' 1. I i . 1 ' . 1 I y I . J.
' licit.- )' A . II , I ;. ill, I I .. .. In i Ii I. I . I I fi II ' ,
I. i t I - t ii ii 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 'I ! . , ii.' ! 1 1 K 1 1 o i : i j i .. u
I I. tl. -1 nil.) in... i.a 'ir'n. i'i .-I tin- nil. ti.,
J II .t) ll..,' 1 1 n 1 i ' ui .ir t It ' .11.- t-.' I; r I' . :i ' I
I In' K - Ii u . :i" It 1 I ti . n t : 'r r I. ill 1 , mil I', n !o
In I . I. I .. I .III,., t ) I . I. I l.unrjr .V I... Jl'ft'.t
lltt'lilitia (f..-.
h .'.I l.v !: iii't't-'-i, J "!' r Iftittlo.
liuil'a i auo i It.... m. e tin luit.
I riu lilt A lirtnl .
"I xi'i' tllllt . 1 1 1 1 : 1 :i II -ll ;".'S f 1 1 -1 ln
I'lililii'.l In VU'liu.i mi. I l'l'i ii' ii Hiirtlilii'.-t
III I r.iti.-iv"
"vh, l.iit tlii-ri-V k ! iijr t'l In- troiiMn
w lifti tli'-y Ins!--! tli;it 'liifl. l-li rlL'iir
tli's nniM In' in nil- In 'l iiiKry ." C'li-w-hiu.l
rinlu In-nliT.
Spent Over $100 in a Vain Senrch
tor Health,
Mien Kntiiri-n lianlncr, tif !ti! Jn: knon j
lioulfvaril, I'liii'HK". IHh., writ-H:
"t ie-iit inrm-n : I lii'itrtily emlorHc i
I ' . ' it 1 1 ' 8 K i il n y
I'llld, Hit I I.IIVI' j
'oiiiul hy iicrfmiiil j
(",' Xy e x ' r i lien tint I
V . er till illl'Hl '
I I i i' I.. I
Kiiiin-y ii'iinviy. i ,
vitfTiril with cum- j
I'lirutiunn of kit .
iii-y c(ini'litiiit f ii
nearly 11 vh yi'Hrn,
epunt over $ 10(1 (Hi
iit't'lt'i rt-ini'ilii'o,
win In live Ikjxi'm (if 1 iinti'n K iilney 1'illn
ruri-il inn in Jew uliort vi('Iim. I hiii
now eiijnyiiiK the Ihh1 ol lie.tllh, l-awi h
line Kjipftite, IIih lii'Mt of ilixi-nt idn, am I
rcBi'ul dlt't-p, all duo to your iiiliiilil
Holil hy nil (lilerB. 0 inntfl a bot.
FoMt-sr-Milhuru Co., HufTalo, N. Y.
II . i .
Ilia (Inn M n ii ii fur I ii re-.
Sir Ulllliiin l!.ill.-.v "plny.-'l II. Ih i-fT."
it m In- ir-ssci ll, nl m iIIiiiiit lit wlili'll
tlii lull- ( ii i illnii I Viiu.:!i:iii H.i I ni'iir tn
him. ln ri' ili'l yon ir.'t tint h!J "f
history from'.'" 1 1 n- i-.i nl 1 in I iisUi'il. "I
ilnln't K-i-t It from mi) w In re," Sir Will
I. mi n Hsu i t "I ni;iki' history iin I
pi oil." M ;t In Iios t -r a 1 1 : 1 1 ' I i : 1 ! 1 .
Worth Knowing.
'I Int A I'.. ... -k s I'l i-l. is mi' tin- hii'lii'-t
ti -'.It "I III. 1 : .ll 'i'.i Ii. ..Oil -kill M 1 1 ' I ill lit
y y . i n 1. 1 :i i 1 in- I lii " I I in i 1 1'- V'-i- I ' i li i'l
nl' il. I lint iln y no- tin' "I i k: 1 1 1 1 mi. I (.-. nuii..
J...I..I1H , t 1,1 UJ...I1 itli.i-r r. J. ' "11 lil.l
t.llo - I'll I.'
I 1 1. -I I III. in-v t t.i i ! I. . " i ! .nil t In ir r. in-
' oi k -ri" kh nii.l II. . tuiillt.
I h.ii i-.r U . il. I: i. I.. l:ln urn. iii-m, r....
I.uii I : . 'ii l I-, I .'i. ns mil .ill I... I inn
lli. .in- i ii ,i. i .i : -I- .
I luii ui.. ii ..u l.iiv Alli'.l.'s l'l.i.-t.-r-)
. .1 ol. mi. t in I.. I . l.i-1. i - lli... .
1 ml llne n-r-n I In-in.
Tlr-t 1'hit I'iM-ll' i- 'LI.'- tis),.i
(ml- thil'i- an itlvMi)" k.'',i;: mi lliu
Si'' .ui'l Iiilt" Tln ti why tluii't tln-y
1'li-ht l"l:it JiwilliT 'rh'-y'ri' tin- klml
tlint w hum riitlii-r kli U than cat. I l--trult
1 lei- l'lcs-i.
For Iniuut.1 and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Eituaturo of LAy-iCUC
! I IL.- lu.IrT
It has olt.'ii I. nil salil that Kjilih-r
ntc foinl of iiiiisl.-, luit a I'li-ti' h lnti-s-tlK'al'T,
.M. I.c -:i 1 1 .ti. Mow asserts that
this Is not tnii'. II.- s.iys tint their
inusl.'iil sitisi' iiiust In- a 1 1 ri hill .-il tnciv
ly tn tri-cl or In Initii;.-!'. Wln-n a Hy
Is cati;;!il III . si!,,.-'s ttch It hu.cs.
ami tin1'f iinini-iliati'ly inaUcs for
tin- pla.-i' from whi'li thi' hii.Ini;
ciiiiu-s'. M. I.i'.alllnii, hy t'n'rliiicntin
with u violin, himii' 0 it-, a I'lann, vln
loii.i'llo ntul n toriii'l, lotiiiil Unit only
thnsi' imisii-al houiiiIs whiih rcsi'itihli'
tlu Im..lin; f Hit lllt-s attracti'il tin?
HphliTN. Tlic inriH't. for liiMtamv, In
tiirlali!.' frirthtciicil It, Jiinl kt (lid the
til a no.
' ' i
a mil urn lint, h.'l "
II.'ll.l.IlM, IIN'll'I'lM
whili' lalln ku Ihal I hi- ii 1 1 ! limy ilr
tlllllisll llllll- IIIoIIhT III I'llMI' of '"-
mil. Thi' iiiitiirnl cilni- of I In- nihil t
Is t-o llln- tin' MiiiroiiiiillNft- irouml ihlt
this woiiM In- liniioMsiliic nt lii-f w I hc.
Mini' S7S to thi' lU'isi-iit Hun- lii'iirV
i'ti-ry ycitr Iiiim mi-i'm a in.-il inin-'l inal
Mi aily ili i'lim In the iimotint of rain
fall In I vumlor. No i-xart HtiitlH. IH
iin- oliinlmilil'-, hut llii-ri' Im mild to l
liltli' li'llMoll to iloliht Unit till- (Ic'llle
wltiiln ihi- jii-rlml cllcil In ujivviinl (
.'I'l per ceil!.
A'-ionlliiif In lr. I'. Manlutl, moiiv
IlisiM Ik m re 111 foml of fun fr f'Hiil nit
hiiiiiiiu licliiH it ri-. II'- 1 1 ; i H ol.m-rvi-'i
Ihal a h lin-nopli'lout Inset, 'Jet runt I
chili XMiithoiin-himiii'i', lunki'M a prac
I;.'.' of Hii'-kliii' th- -''i "f Hi'" ilin-I'l-i'th-.
It Hi st ni l foral'-s them w ith a
Minall hole, Mini llii-n KWalloWH I hi' c"li
tint m. Afli-rwnrd tin- ti-tiast Ii-Ihim util
izes: tin- 1'inpt ii'il rvi shell l,y ilejMisltln,;
!tt ihmi i-kl's within. It inU'ht U- Miip
p thai the prlmiiry ol.J.'. t of the
operation was lliat linplie.l ,y tin- last
Mat. -.'iii-lit, I, til ir. .a 1' hill Is e-'.i. !li lu t
t!jt !l,e i-allllii of the l (.' Is It Iin I'-Ki
Imi'iitaiit iiiollte.
A (iermaii iniiiei-r ehi'ms t have
(llseoM-l l-, III) I lliil. -Ill llietlioil of pre-
eiit!n the tloli-nt motion of a nlilp
lit wa. 'I he III t etit Ion eolislsts of a
klml of 1 mill in- III el vertically to t hi?
Milp'M ki-el. When set In motion thf
turlilin eolllilera.-t s the hhip's tenile:i'-y
to roll from slih- to hl'l.-. An nld tor
hi.i I. oat wiim tltteil with the appar
atus for a trial trip In rowli weather
i .IT the inotith nf tin- Klhc. The m!p
Tolleil to Hie INteut of llltie llerees,
hut after th- tuiiiliii' was set In motion
she only rolleil one Ie,'rcc. The result
vim nttaliie.l without any reilii'-tloti nf
hi n ort l.lnesH ami the shii'.s huov nncy
was ninTd'teil.
The Kusel electric lamp, Invented by
I T. Hans Kusi'l of , n, ami mauu-
f.ii'liir.-.I In Austria. Is reni.irkaMc not
;otlly for Its CX'S'llell.-e 111 practical use.
I ut also for tin- novel manner In which
the Ulamcnts an- minlc Alloys of
' chfoinluiii, manganese, mo!) Inleliilui,
! lira :iiu:n, thorium, zirconium, platinum,
o-ailum ami Iridium are llrsl illss.,.1
ja'e.l l:i water hy tin- electric fij.ark,
' and he!:i j.reclpltated In Inllu'.tesimal
j jiart l.'lcs, tln-y form a colloMal mass,
which, Im'ciuhi' of Its plasticity, can be
' in. .1. led like wet day. After drying
the llla.lielits thus limbic! become sillli-
clently hard ami -.-s!st.-nt tn bear all
the manipulations in-e.Ied for their In
troduction Into electric lamps. As soon
as they have been heated to redness
by the passage of a current they return
t'i the metallic stale, and thus fnrni
lllamen's of pure metal, perfectly
hoinop-t us throughout, ntul of uni
form caliber.
Interesting f-tlldh'S have lately been
made by Miss Ulna Monti on the i-ai1-llcst
forms of life appearing In Alpine
lakes. line of these, the 1.,'lke of the
Svracs, has been create I within human
memory, nnd It seems tn Justify the
htateliieiit that the llrst living: fni-uis
lnhalii: ln' lakes are of a vegetable na
ture, (inly Ihe Ih Inr species are f.und
In the Lake of the Scfacs, all of them
j.l.-t nts, ami f.uir of the of
diatoms. In I be older lakes of (n and
of Tinaira anlnial forms heu'ln to a;
pejir, feeding upon the diatoms. Tim
llrst two steps In the populating of a
lake, nccordinj; tn Miss Mnnti's eonclu
xions, are, llrst, the appearance of
dl.'itonis nbsorbin carbonh' acid ills
milved In the water, and second, the
npis'iirance of simple anlnial organ
isms, such as rhlz-iids, whose noiirish
jneiit tlcpends upon the pre-existing
vee;e'iihle forms, lieololsts have.sup-joM-d
that the llrst llvlnj; forms In the
oct-aiiH wen' vcp-table.
100 Doses $1
True only id Jlood'n .'rHaparilla, Iho
'iiiit rcal hlood purifier and -"ineral
lotiic. 'I hi-t r mat kahle liiedi' ine li.'tl
i ffi r led many radical and p'-noam lit
cures Ihal. are (he wonder of Ihe world,
ll eradicates all liiimon from i to jd'-.t
to H-rofula.
100 Doses $1
In numl ll'i'ibl form tit In ' d'n olat'-'I
la Mi 1 1 k nown hi 8a ro a tabs. V 'lom.-n '1.
ftiieh Hi-fir rli-niln.
(Jrace (during torm ) - I'm awfully
lifraid of J I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 if .
l,ola I doii'l n e why yitl should h".
(irace-- Why imlV
Lola I'.ecause there has to ! some
th'niK atlrai lite even for II-rlifiiliiK.
I'l f le-e-n Ii f'e-nlorir llwnne-ra.
Wlicti tlicMio.l i juire, Jn sli nu I licallliy, the skin wiJl lo si'lt, ??m-ot!!i
nrnl frie front l.k-nii:.hc:i, lait when Mnii acid limiiof takes jont in tho i-in. il
l.itioti it M jm-st iice ii in.iiiif'-stcd y u pkilt . ru it i u or tliseaso. These
lunuiirs j:-1 "' ''""l. K--U,rrilly l'ec.uis-.' of a.; inactive or hliiisli
iitulilioil of t!io iiK-mlK-rH .f t!ie lmdy ivliost; duty it is t Colkct ami y.ury
oil the waste ami refuse; mattcrof the .system. This uiiliealtliy matter in left
to notir and L-i tiietit and mu fiu circulation lieeonu s c..'arj.v.-d with the acid
jioisoii. The Mood 1ie",in;i tn throw oil' thu lmtnois and acids through tho
jioivs and j'.l.itii.H c f the nkin, i'roducinr lleetn.i, Aene, Tetter, lsoriasi.s,
,S.iU i;hetim and pkin inii'tioii;t of various kinds, lav.einrt ni'i'ears, usually
wit!i a 'li.",!:t redness of the f.kin fullowed by I'tistuleH frctu wLicH there
Hows n .'.tieky fluid that dries and forms -i cnu-t, and the itching is intense.
Jt is generally on the hack, breast, face, arms and let's, though other jxirti
of the body i:i.iv l'e a!ucled. I:i Tetter the skin dries, cracks jind Meeds;
tlieiicid i:i't!ie ldood ('.l ies tip the lfatiiral oils of the .-'.kin. which are intended
to l.eep it soft and pliant, causiu;: :i dry, feverish condition and ivin it a
liarl, 1 .-at'i'-ry ;ipje;iraiu'e. Aene makes its appearance on the face in the
form of pimples and Mack heads, while
Inufrevc.l vIt;. If7- f?' fyY psm iasis ouneS in scaly p;;telieS on dill'er-
I'llin lUi'l t uii' '"'. r - i . Pit i
int j'.iris I Hie potiv t ue oi me woisi
f.irins of skin troiihle is Salt Kluuiii;
its favorite point of attack is the scalp,
Somet illlcS eiiusill; li.lldlR'SS. TuisoU
and Ivy are also disagreeable tyju-s c f skin
disease. The liuiilof Modui inc; the trouble
Jotlir VOHlH 1 V'ilS lllilicieo, ion. . - ' . , ,
win.ii I uaoil M. H. U. I loun.l a ier- lus dormant in the blood throiieh the
Winter t) break out and torment the
sulTcicrwitli the return of Spring. The best
tteiitineut for nil skin diseases is S. S. S.
II- ...... I ....1 t. 11. i...1j r.ti.l -,.iil. .'t'C fin.
flNl tN (CI liumots so that the skin instead of being
Ns1 irritated nnd diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy Hood. J'.xtemai
njipl icat ions of .salves, Wiishes, lotions, etc.,
while they soothe the itching caused by
Kkin affections, can never cure the trouble
U-c.iuse they dn not reach the blood. S. S. S. p.oeS down into the circulation
and forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of skin
affection Hook on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired Sent lied
to ull who write, il. S. K. is for sale ut all fust class drug stores.
r,. ,,i ,i r t i h. h. I
Millerc.l i.iteiei"ly with tho itcli
Jiiftrnn l l ui iiiui',; iiiiatiilc i wotiUl
I'm in l-oiii villi Ii tliero llovveil u
ullckv lluiil;crtfi(H would coinn oil
11m il.ln r.inl when nci-.itcbu.l on
the skin vail left, nt raw us ti i.lcc.i
of liuo!'. I feullei'uil lu'onyr j.i tho
Jotnr voittn I was u id ictod, lint
lent ciui-n. Thero luiM liiivox- liooil
I ntocliiiiim, I.'cb.
nl n II i-k rel.
"P. ut, I'.ert'e," said bis mother, "you
lisl.ed for two and I vhk th'-ui
to you. Ann't you sat ; sfled V"
"No, I aiu'l," crow b-d liertle. "Von
was so easy I'm kb'k'll' Inesejf 'cause
I d.dn't ask f..r four." I'hilad.-lj'h.a
The aiiliipiary took down a smnll,
fit volume, vellum bound, with li brass
"TbN Is n 'I'.ool; of Manners,'" lie
nabl. "It was printed In 1 I7'i. Here
lire a few e tracts."
A lid he l ead ;
"I In not irnavv II bone, like n bc
Iior sii' k (be niarrow out of a bone.
"Ill peeling a pear, b'trin at t'.'1
utalk; but with an npple, bej-in nt the
"lo not wipe the liandl on tlie
clothes, nor m'k tlein, but use t lit.
clot li.
"When yon drink, lift tho cup
both bands; you mnst not drink w
one band hke a wagoner when he
KrcasiiiK bis cart, wheels. !
"Wipe your nose and mouth when
you have drunk, and do not couh into j
the cup. j
"In not -at an apple all alone, hut i
cut it In two and j;ivi; a neighbor a
"Im riot use your own knife to cut
your meat if the host rns set a knife '
of bis own at your place.
I not spr'-ad butter on bread with
your thumb."
For that
Mi ,
Is .
I There is one thinqj that will
cure it Aycr's Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It cuicklv destroys the germs
flwhich cause this disease.
IThe unhealthy scalp becomes
hr-nlthv. The dandruff disan-
........ j . r
pears, had to disappear. A
healthyscalpmeansa creatdeal
to you healthy hair, no dan
druff, no eruptions.
Tn heat 1 lnt cf ft tfatlmonlal
"Sell far ever aixty yoara."
Made I t . C. A rr Oo , r.owili, Alaat.
Xito znanuraaturoea or
The Ablic'a I rlllrlam.
An American lady residlnc In lotne
presciilcd to a Ir'.cud, who Is an abbe,
an lulelhs-tunl man and familiar with
Kiitfllsh, although im traveler, a copy
nf one of Mary Wllklns' New KiiKhunl
" The nuthor of this, my dear friend,"
she saht "Ih the best port ray er of New
IhiKhind chariit-ter we have. No other
writer has caught mi well the charui of
the place and the people. 1 hope you
will like It."
The abbe took the hook and thanked
her. In n few days he came aaln and
returned It jliiKt-rly, fciiylu,,' a word or
two of thanks.
"Wtre you not pleased with the
(plaint portrayal of the life?" asked tin
"Von t-ny this Is a faithful jKirtrayuI
of life hi New Knj-laiid."
"Very faithful. Indeed."
The abbe sighed and said, w ith dtvn
svmniithv. "How sad !" Header M:i;;l-
AiiHnuKy ' l'1' Woril "Sntuv."
UamescK 11. tiled ,oot years aijo,
but some of the lads eunecrnlns,' Ids
life are Just heconilny: known. One of
these Is the utory of Ills niariiae,
which has just been revealed hy Prof.
James II. Hreasted of the university
of Chicago In ids llrst preliminary re-1
port of his expeditions iiiiioiik' the tela-1
jiles iiloiift- the Nile. He found the ac
count of this event In the sun temple
of Abu Slmhel, which Is one of tho
principal buildings erected by Klutf
l.aiucscs. To tell the utory It required
an Inscription of forty-one Hues, each
nlKUit S feet Ion;,. Prof. Hreasted re
ports that the word for "snow" Is
found here In miow less Ktfypt for tuti
lli'bt time In kuinuu history. '
A' - H !"
1 J - V ' .. . . '1
mm wmm
as. . . CI It J v' .7- J. Al
:; 7-- Wif
V'jA v 'A manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
tsffP J-'tt ? '-.i -- t0 buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
xm-r tM l".l ML.'"...! HWLL t lHUUM
H-i;,.em,r.. MllH I X.J.. - .. U SV
he Laxative or
There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist
ance; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remediesof known quality and excellence is the ever
ple.isant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
in which the wholesome Californian blue figi are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi
ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with their approval, as w ell as with
the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience
that it is a most excellent laxative remedy We do not claim that
it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for w hat it really
represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
Thprp nrp tuirt -lr5P nf roir-h'icir.r- thnsp who, nrp infnrmpH
if- ' ---- - ' t- S" s..c.c. . ... ... w
i. a -..j lMt- quaiuy or wnai mey Duyana tne reasonsior tne excellence
? of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the drussists of the United States be it said
that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer
imitations of the
one has only to note, when rurchasin?. the ful name of
the Company California Fig: Syrup Co. plainly orintedon the tl
front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only, a'
a ! ! . 1 - .1.4 il? Vi'S.
Color more goods brightrr and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is
guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c a package. Write fur free booklet how to dye.
bleach and mi colors. MONROE DRUG CO.. Unionville. Missouri.
All tin' best breed
ing and individuality.
Young stock on hand
hi iili linn-.. I'orres-j..'11'leui-t'
Shi islie-t inn nuuruli-tt-c-.l.'.s
D. L. htVT
Perry dale, Oregon
Best in America
He make them
Wo il. net lake order! anil ppil.lte onr Rubtwr
Humps, s.ch1s, i;ic. We manufacture our
own. (roods, cuir tiuii'iiii in u tlm new. si
inni l.i'st 111, m-yraii buy. Writo totiiiy lor our
"Kubbcr biaui-i Catalogue."
Portland, Oregon
.i.m wa.JF...r,igiili.i..,y g-
Wi are jut re tt s i tier OL'ents for lame
tiinlxT t, livers (runt all purls nf tlie
('..initry. These men are imestini; in
Oregon ami Washington timber Un ls.
ll ili pity yen in nine us iiiniieiliately,
eivnii; legal descriptions in! net prices
tin iinilicr litii.U in these siities.
Address Ti lit l'epitrtiiieiit,
Northwestern Guarantee &. Trust Co.
Lumber Exchange Bldg, Second Floor
S. E. Cor. 2nd and Stark Sis., PORTLAND, OREGON
lower lully warranted, HJo. All uei aul
H5 les at lowest prieea. Wrlia for catalog.
Portland. Oregon.
Of the t-liilili-en altetnliiii Geruiau
seliools 1! per tvnt stutter.
riTft Ht. Vitus' I'nni-c iiml nil Nervous Dls.'nses
I I I W liTinitiienlly eured by 1 'r. KIiih-'m tir, ai
Kerve lli-Hiorer. s.i'11,1 for KltKK f'JIrliil hnitlf and
in-utlse. J'r. It. il. kiltie, lxl.,tui Arch M., i'lillu.,l'u.
In lrehtiul thero nre U.diHl widows, as
com.mri'd wiih only SMMX) wiilnwors.
Mothers will find Mrs. Window's SoothlnK
Pyruii the best remedy to use for their child roj
durlut; itio tcethiii(- period.
It is oHifiiill.v ri'porled dint tin' growing
of cotton in West Afrit-a lias been very
i . . .. b
Tlu rule of 111" ("Var extends over twice
ns liiuch conlisuous territory as any otlier
power in the world.
will oive you com
, plete protection
and long service
You ceuYt fford
to buy any other
Every garment
The best dealers sell it
A Kew Hundred
KiclUly Invested
Means Iti. 'lies.
V riio Today.
C. A. STOCKTON, Broker
22S Lumber Exchange
La. - , ' . -i'l .--,'--." .'
tm FIAT-0 Rt-s
k! tL-
PRICE 23t! AND 50c
We reinovo vour Im I t.-eth and bro' en
e f old rools al'holuli ly wiihoul pain, t.ien
atlon and Lsliin.iles tree. oi l- Hie liesl. 1 i n . s
l he Lou vol. boitd (told t Vow n,t 1; llridtto w m ,i,
1 1..") per t""lh; tlold tmd 1 niunel i'llllii,.', (
and up; Host liub's-r l'litic-s, fT.5u per m l; tool
set, 1 1. l'uiiilo.-s l.Mrai lion, oOe.
Third and Couch Streets. Portland, Oregon.
P. N. II.
No. 51-03
II1IX vi lilne; tu uilvertijora iltaa I
liiellll.'ll this ntir. 1