Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 19, 1906, Image 6

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camp of
pi iml
homo, and
t 11110
UFA" Pierre Nal.-an broiuht
his blooming ! r ii to tile Kior
Pachot. ho was young and
strong, fresh from tho lumber
Lake Si. John, lb- had been
wharf foreman in his new-
had grown old and gray a
on. until a small f:irm nn.I
dwelling, bought with 1 1i . fruits of his
toil, provided a shelter for liis declining
jo ars.
Two sins 11:1.1 boon !orn to th. Na
deins, who. as they crow to tnanh, od,
wont naturally to t!io lumber camps. Af
lor : time, however, at ; r.u-to.l by pi-onuses
of higher wages .mil cash payment, in li.-u
of store trade, th.-y s night t'.io growing
West When the lof: tli ir h:no they!
were clad i-i provincial fashion : when
llioy re:ur;:o,l. on a visit only, they woro
chiil in store clothes .in. I r.i.!i;inr n.Hk
wear, and they ued string.- Knglish. such
ns made the Pore N.i.l...ui i. k at heart.
I'maily. after utihii .IV I depreciation of
the surroundings in which tlioy wore lxrn
ntiil lroil. tlioy departed In s.-hoon.-r anil
molting finally into tlio Orion; woro s.s-ti
no moro.
Put thoir daughter Angeline remained
to tlii'in. brown of hair ami eyes, tho trnn-
riess of hor supple form manifest dospit
tho fashion of dross consiiloroil at that
carlv porioil bo.-nming to tho diugh:ers of
old France. Tho lone. loose blouso. anil
short, homespun flannel kirtlo. rolios of a
Norman poas.intry. which on other women
mailo them to appear s.piat. failtd to hide
her well romnlej proiiortions ainl maiden-
Ij grace.
She had a sharp tongue, ha.l this daugh
ter of the Nadoaus. an 1 when she was
merry her laughter rang out like sleigh
bells in winters frost. Sun. lay aiter
riooii. when vespers wore over, was the
time when she would exercise her sharp
wit : when, with tho other maids of the
i.auilct she sought the lumber wharf to
pwap words of badinage with the lighter
men, d.-al handlers and trimmers gathered
There wet- no frivMiti-s on week days,
however, when Anguine milked the cows,
and made tasty butter f r the Nad. .an
table. This d ine she would seat herself
at th-' Io:n. which would ring out its
rapid click-clack to the push of her vig
orous foot, as it turned out its webs of
linen, flannel or cat-doiine, for village con
Fumpiion. She was as quick with her
little hands and feet as with that biting,
scornful tongue of hers.
Kvery year, as the big ship Margaret
I'olloik anchored oSf the shore for cargo.
Captain Locke would pay her a visit the
moment he set foot on land. Clean
shaven, but for a fringe of fierce red whis
kers, his face was vast and lurid as the
setting sun. lie wore broadcloth on such
occasions, with a beaver hit as high as an
ordinary chimney: his shirt-front rivaling
in Pipanse his main t'gillant sail.
He always brought her a present, some
trifle picked up in a foreign port, which
lie would donate in an offhand manner.
Sometimes the girl would kiss his gn irl.-d
cheek, and h- would Hap h- r on the shoul
der softly with a hand which, clenched,
could fell an ox.
One day the schooner Notr- Paine des
Anges came in. to load Tinners' stuff, hav
ing been chartered f r this purpose by a
Mack-browed man of thirty-five about,
who pave his name as Poisvert. lie
swaggered to a certain extent, nnd was
clad in garments supposed to be of fash
ionable cut and texture. The women
bought him handsome, but his eyes were
pet rather Hose together for beauty, and
liis nose, benr, and with a scar in the
concave section, cave to his face a sinister
expression. IurinR the intervals of load
in:? he sat much in the house of le pere
Is'adeau. depreciating their surroundings.
His constant disparagements at length
took root in the girl's mind, and her en
vironment grew narrow and bald the more
lie talked. He assailed the feminine fash
ions of the port, too ; so that when a
modiste drifted to the village from St.
Michel, with steel engraved fashion plates
not three years of age, Angeline became
li'T first customer. One Sunday she went
o church in a new sown, of bright color,
with a hat decked with red paper flowers,
and a ribbon at her neck of poppy hue.
M. P.oisvert was filled with admiration.
"How the boys would cast soft eyes at
you in St. Uoeli," lie asured her with a
melting look.
"(Jo away, M. Poisvert." was her re
tort, but it was accompanied with an af
fected toss of her pretty bead, which the
old Nadeau and his wife disliked, though
they could not just say why. So did
Oapha Ouellet. He had Ix-eii a log job
ber, and having been successful in his
contracts, he had invested his capital in
a Kiiug farm in St. Angele, where his old
mother kept his house clean until such
time as Angeline would consent to be
come tlie mistress. .Mas ior ins nopes ;
the girl had of late become contoinp.uous
of the prospect.
"It's bad enough here by the sea, but
St. Angele, with nothing but the big
woods to see bah !"
"It's all that Jloisvert," said Claphas
angrily. "Octave Lavoie, the navigator,
nays he has a wife and five children in
"It's false." snapped Angeline with
Cashing eyes.
The Notre Dame sailed at length for
Quebec; but the supreme coutent of f'la
jihas and the old Nadoaus was hut short
lived. Put a few weeks had passed when
nhe returned to her old moorings, laden
with wind-blown apple for sale or ex
change, with Poisvert, debonaire and cyn
ical as before, at his former post. Cup
tain Locke was In port at the time, ami
took an instant anil unconcealed dislike
to him. '
One dark fall night, while the hum of
a coming easterly wind was heard in the
tee wV'i o-eruuiij,' river, the Notre
Pa mo des Anges swung round to the cur
rent, and slipped out seaward, with Ange
line seated, scared, and already repentant,
on a cabin locker.
There was consternation in tho Nadeau
dwelling when the morning light revealed
an empty nest iu the old familiar attic,
from which she had never N-eti absent for
a night since her cradle had been imii
signed to the barn loft. She hid discard
ed hor despised house dres, of Mouse and
llannel kirtlo. woven by her own hands, of
striped purple and yellow. The sibot
sh.iped shoes had been tossed into a ivr
nor : all her newer belongings she had
taken with her: and the mot her ad--au
ollectcd the despised truck and folding
thi-ni up. laid them carefully away. In
the sombre, inarticulate manner of the
in: .
of I he I
graph w
they aivepted llieir sorrow.
were tho early, limb
is, when the riiln
-re unknown east of
veloped d.IVS
id and
fury, nnd he stormed so terribly on the
wharf that the hands, In their tenor, hid
to-hind the deal piles, pooping round the
coiners i:1i scared laces. I rem Oota
the na igator. ho extracted the news of
her present circumstances, and became
somewhat more calm, though slill awful in
his frown.
1'or 111.- second lime sin.v the Might of
Angeline, Christmas ee came found.
"Wo will so to church this ear, inv
"Yes, wo w ill go."
II. iing prepared a store of kindling
wood against their return, they cxtin
guished their lamps, and locking tint door,
deposited tho key in a secret niche of (ho
porch, known to no outsider. As they
turned into die Kempt road, which liko
a three mile tunnel, by reason of (ho
sprtnv boughs which met and interlaced
oiorhoad. led to tin- church, a faint, long
dnwn wail from the opposite bank of the
river enme to their oars.
"It is tin- horn of tho mail driver." said
Pere Nadeau.
Tho church was aglow with the light of
many caudles, set iu temporary s.-ou.vs.
on either si lo, and troin the nllar and the
vp box s:oos woro like great rubies.
so hearty wore the lues el seis.uied wood
which crackled within. In tin- choir loft,
ti. Idles woro being tuned, an. I as tho sor
vice proceeded there rolled forth to their
accompaniment t rum tho vigorous throats
of the young farmer choristers, the well
known carols of die season. Then the
priest from the rail of the altar spoke iu
fatherly tones, and the duly of forgive
ness, even as we expect to be forgiven,
was his theme. Pore NadeiU touched
gently his wife's hand, as die words of the
preacher touched them ho; li on a hidden,
iiieriug chord, mid their old lips moved
in unison as th.-y prayed.
happy Ingti, half smothered by her
shaw I. wondered.
"Priv on fast, my husband J one per
son oiil knows the place Iu which wo
hide till key,"
The viidow s w ere all alight when I hey
reached the poivh, and from the pipe
which lined as chimney, clouds of long,
fealhi r cinders from tin- lire of dry deal
ends 1 1. A hissing into tho whirling drill.
Then 1" saw sleigh tr.nks, which came
to Mii.l'Uineil from the door, and under
stood. "Tin mail drlier must have brought
w horn "
lie oush.-d the sno? from a win. low
pane, inl lo.'king In. saw Angeline dross
od in ior once discarded Mouse and girlie
of purv!'- mid lellow cm-ii the moccasins,
had ccue, bringing such happiness us he
had nier dreamed could bo his again.
II d the old mire to her stall, and
as ho ubbed down hor shaggy isit he re
called the old. old grandest of
all ill P.ook. The poetry of tin- si..-, he
could not grasp, of course, nn more than
he iMil.l realize the glory of the antithe
sis, ith which it ended; but die words
cam to him, even iu the voice of the
wiiil. as It moaned in the eaes or round
the .'ruers and gables of the bam, and
he Uttered them ill a oic- which broke
w iti the ery weight of his joy,
'I'or this my child w is dead and is
idle again, was lost and is touud. real Star.
Wnniltiii nttliiH thm lebr1
Tiey shoul.l llf Such n Will !c
IUM lit" oult.ful ll.-nrl.
What shall be said of that blundering
It ndtiess of home folks that considers gu -iig
the boy only presents of such things
is he actually needs? It is an outrag.
it. loo. when jo slop
loar past no' gone,
II -3 f I
iw 4trv."ji,7 MiM--yj A'v rsz -i i
but a bi-weekly mail, by hors and ca
leche or sled, carried tidings of the out
side world. Once navigation Hosed, the
door was shut upon the dwellers in the
eastern hamlets bordering on the gulf. So
the snow fell in deep drifts, and the light
ers were pack-screwed high above the ice,
which rose and fell with the tides, their
masts looking ghostlike in the dark winter
nights. The once joyous fetes paused un
noticed by Pere Nadeau and his wife
Christmas, New Year's Pay and they
sat alone and silent, or went about their
daily tasks as best they might. Sometimes
the neighbors called, but while they spoke
of what was passing; of the cut of logs,
of the prospect of a good year's shipping
to come, of Angeline they spoke no word.
When the summer tides flowed blue and
sparkling once more, Claphns Ouellet, em
barking his winter's cut of cordwood on
the schooner of the navigator, Octave La
voie, sailed for Quebec, returning after
nil absence of a couple of weeks. lie
stepped into the Nadeau dwelling casually
on his return.
"Well, Claphas," said the old man iu
greeting, "your health Is good?"
"Yes, thanks."
"The cordwood sell well 7"
"Not bad. Twenty-five shillings."
"Sih anything of my girl 7"
"Is hhe well?"
"Yes. Works in a hotel,"
"Hotel? Not with him, then?"
"No. She left him quick. He had his
own wife and family, name as Octave
"The accursed. Pidn't apeak of coming
"No. Well, I must go; the old mother
will lie anxious by now for me. If she
comes, you will send me word, eh?"
"Yes, we will send you word, Claphas."
When the Margaret Pollock anchored
for cargo that fall, and the news of An
geline's abduction was conveyed to Cap
tain Locke, hiit face grew purple wilb
The wind had arisen to a gale, n they
returned to their home, a fine, cutting
drift obscuring the sight ; but as they
drew near, in a momentarv lull in the
storm, a spark of light twinkled forth for
an instant upon the snow. The Pere Na-
deau reined up, and crossed himself with
a trembling hand.
"What is wrong, my husnand?" BHked
his wife.
"A light In our window," he aald, In a
iic-ared whisper. Then he heard a aoft.
upon the spirit of Christmas to presetit
him with new shoes, ties, handkerchiefs
something that he knows he will get any
way when his sleeping and waking
dreams for weeks before have been filled
with visions of tops, balls, guns and
magic lanterns. The most beautiful knit
ted rniilller woman's fingers ever coustnu't
ed run not compare with a jackknife with
four blades ami a cork-screw attachment,
when exhibited over the back fence to a
neighbor boy on 'hristmasiorning. Very
soon after the daya of kilts a boy reaches
the age when he yearns with his whole
wiiil after any toy or contrivance that
will test his muscular skill or endurance.
At this age an appropriate present would
be a rawhide or rope lariat, such as is
used by the Buffalo Pill riders. A pair
of hand or arm stilts will be received with
equal favor, and in the same category
comes a new fishing rod, snow shoes, ten
nis racket, golf clubs, a good bell, lamp
or cyclometer for his wheel, or even a live
pet, a new dog, a pair of rabbits or guinea
pigs something that lie can pot and train
for all his own. Woman'H llomu Com
panion. The Heat lirlstmu I'reKciit.
The best of all gifts at the present, time
Is yourself. Make yourself iu some way
more pleasant and helpful to others. You
may have Is-en neglectful of them; be
mindful henceforth. You may be quick
in temper and have spoken hastily; put
on restraint and apeak kindly now. Ho
st rain all evil habits and make yourself a
Joy and a help to others. They will bless
you. Un i t ed I 'resby lerian.
Hhe Knew,
Sunday School Teacher (Illustrating
the workings of conscience) What is It,
children, that makes you feel uncomfort
able when you have oaten all your Vhrlst
mas candy and not given any it to your
little friends who had toi, of their own?
Little Kthel Hethere Tumach-at-he,
ma'am. Juc'gt.
Mr. Killings soil led himself comforta
bly In his faioiite chair beside the stove
ill the gioeeiy store, and relumed the
neighborly uns'tlngs of tin- other regular
"Yes," ho nl. I, meditatively, "this It.
the last night of die old jenr. Soinei bin'
kind o' si. I. urn 'Pout
to think of It. A
an" a new one incbbe die last some of
ils'll ever see Jusl beg i n u i n'. I make
n man fool serious. people laugh 'bout
Now Year's resolutions, 1ml I maintain
it's a good thing f"r a m iu to pull tip
now nn" then an' start fresh; mi' the llrst
of the j car seems the most natural nil'
llttiu' time to do It."
"Mtkin' any res'lutlons yourself, 'LI
sliaV" asked Nathan llobbs, ijood n.itur
.dl.i. "Yes, ir, I ami" replied Klishn, defi
antly. "I'm in ii k in' one, iin.vwsy, nn' I
don't rare who knows it. I'm rosolvln' to
keep It belter holt oil 111) temper this
ear. 'Ho that rub-th his spirit Is better
than he that takeih n oil.' the I took says.
Pit- had my faihn's that way, as some of
e know; but now we're hegliniln' a new-
year an' a new century, too, I'm coin' to
turn oer n new b-af."
"What was that you sal. I 'bout a lu-wr
century?" asked old IIImui Cook, from hi
seat In the corner.
"I said now that wo was Is-gjinilti' a
new century I was goln' "
"What you lalkin' about, 'I.lslm? Thi
twentieth ivutury began n year ago. To
morrow'll be nineteen hundred nil' one,
won't It?"
"Course 'twill; but ain't 'one' the first
number tln-rtt is? An' don't (hat uinkn to
morrow the llrst day of the howr century?"
"Not by a lonn shot, 'less I've forgotten
how to count. It don't take a hundred
nu' one y.-nrs to make a century, dors It?"
"No, but 11 takes more'ti ninety nine,
S'pos.. I was to begin with one, mi'
count "
"ll.d.l on a minute." Interposed Judson,
the storekeeper. "l't's sny that Mill,
here, owed me a hundred dollars nn' s'.irt
e.l to pay no- In dollar bills, cnlliti' out
'one.' 'two,' 'three' "
"Well, s'pos.. . did."
"No. J lid." suggest e. Seth tilbson.
"Here's tie- way I heard that feller up to
the noadi'iny put it: How M is a man
on Ins one htnnlreiph birthday .'
"li.oi land nn.I seas!" shou'e.l Mr. Pil
ings, as he rose excitedly to his feet. "If
he didn't know nnv moro'n this c'leeti.ui
f hainl pi.-ke.l lunkheads he wouldn't
as f..r uiotv'u six or ev nt most. It's
wiste ii breath talk in' to je. My nP
orr.-l mare's g,,i more sense thin the
whole pnssol of '." nil. I be started for
the door. I
What was It ''m was savin 'bout '
New Year's res'lutimisV" M.-Pherson nsk. I
I (111 storek-'per, lis the door nil lit Willi'
bang. Put Judson w is too Int. nt mi
I V I i Is d lily
will of biiliilhg
to llx -.
Tbi- fisil sacri
fices Ills Ul'.il.llll
to bis w It
Wandering int.
cr finds ii ny . r.
Iiilnlls but woe.
Pulsing I Ii it
w I ml often i . nkS
Ibc s bli Iw I,,, .
The lurch nf
truth must be fed by (bo lieurt.
Only In ministry Is tin- kc. id nf man
hood. Winds of flattery waft no one in tho
All tilings must depend m the tilings;
wit bin.
If )clir goodness Is K'siily goody, It -
tio good.
Tbn 1 1 1 1 1 t 'if 5 our life will il.-j H-ii.l
Oil lis lipid!.
You cannot mile "iils unless j..u
iw yourself.
Many a little nbisllence baa led to a
largo blessing.
If you really loe jmir lord nu will
never bo lonely.
You do not rise In the world by giv
ing )niirclf airs.
Tho Uphill road alwil)s hyl, s steeper
until oil are mi It.
It Is jour motho that ghes inoial
v u i Hi to your ii y.
Praying for calm Is not the best way
to prepare for storm.
It takes more than n melting iiiinh
to soften n hard In-art.
No great work was out done with
Hill the shedding of blood.
It's easy to shut your eye and tallt
of II World where there Is no tiod.
Jesus I mcs Christ nnd Lord only
as lie Inssiuu-a central Iu all our llxtng.
The brightness n your crown dm-i
lint depend on tlu dnrkinvs nf jour
Ilvcrydav g'sidni-ss In living la
Ixh.1 isiiiiiuentiiry on the law mid
How Ttvo lloylsh Slnniva W'rrii fur
h.s argument widi (iibson
outh's 'omp inioii.
Tlii- Wrrk
tht Wrrk In-fore
through dm . I .n
wornui goes
w i-sry fa. ;
And tirl.l In her linn. I
nf nniiifs thst rouM nlmpl
he missed
So hot.ilng. nnd "hopping,
Itiry go
1 1 II III .e.l, shove, 1. pushed, am
iun l un.) lii row.
Itr f ur.
I'hrlsiiiins, ami nil
hopping, Kith worn.
Is a long, fears. iiiio
by no nirnna
ami shopping
tangled In
'This die M-ewlf I
Is sad
Though uiotlii-r
I'oor father rrllrrts
Ami nn pxpeimria
lienlin -
Itut mi, ii In the yrnr mine the gla.J rhrlut
mns I my ;
l lip rest of the year for pisir fnllier
s-fiire Chrlstnias. and fnthpf
and sisters are all of the in
on the atatn of hla
that tell on hi.
Clirlstinns -and now
adjusts her
"lis the wppk before
the rny girl
I'llta on her glad garments,
rtite rurl
And si-mls for the lovpr with whom she has
To tell him she knows lie'a th una al,p
should Irusl,
And lie he forgives tier. Tim gas Is turned
And this Is Ilia week Is'furo Christinas,
you know.
Tl die we.-k Is-forn Christiana, and all
through the home
'I'll children urn watched as they atmleaa-
Iv rou in.
And when they npproHi'li any wardrobe
or chest
They are told they must atop and ols-
the lH-hesl ;
And O, the aweet children I Bo fulthf
arc they
At Hundny sr hool Hanta will come Christ
runs I my.
"Tla the week before Chrlstmaa,
through the Inml
i:nrh poet la tolling with pen In hla hnnd
At work on the parody Imsed on the
That somehody Jingled out nee on a time
inn wiiern is inn prophet who wishes to
The row that the week after Chrlstmaa
will bring?
W. I). Neshlt, In Chlrngo Tribune
and all
Wlioil, lifter the ail'-ccssh i mhi'lit of
four dniigbtcrs, twin s.,ns were Ixiru
to Prnfesjsnr Slinwenf t'aiiby Academy,
ho was n proud fntl-r Indi'isl. 'Pin- tw,i
sturdy bablcH recclveil the lullm-s nf
li.irlus and Klcliard, wbl. li tlx- pr.ifcs
pir ciplnlm-d In bis friends were good
names,, historic iiiiiui-s mid family
names nil at mnv, nnd bad bcsblcs tint
lidvatitago nf Mlggi-MtliiX g'"l libk
names nr mom u thing always wnrtli
Ciinsblerliig In the naiiiliig of boys.
If lUctmrd should lieisiiue 1 ok, why,
.k was ii s snl Isfactory us Itl'liird;
and I'arliis pr-iluibly wmibl retain Its
classic fiitlii-ty, but If It did imt, what
ciiilld It Ussiine but It. ire? I b k and
li:ir isiuld t lii-re U- nmro ii in ! I v. at-
, tractive, pb-t in csi(tti- nicknames for u
I ,,.ilr ,.t III... I-.. m'i
i"- - s ... v - .
Alas for the gisnl prnfessnr's Icin-h!
It Is lis Impossible to calculate what
nickname bis males will U'sdov mi u
small boy us where lightning will
Klcbard did not Ihmsuiio I tick imr I Pa
rtus I i.i re. A big Uiy nt hcIiisiI prompt
ly iliscnM red tbut Klcbard Sbawe sug
goslisl 'Kickshaw, w bb li nt last hi-cuum
Jlnrb-ksliaw , which In turn was cut
down to Jinny nml remained there.
P'lUiilly lilii-Xs'Cted was the fate nf
Ilarlus. 'I'lnic was Iu the Isiys' clasH
u girl much larger and older than he,
litiiui-d Maria, wlemc htupbllty kept ln-r
with the little nhes. 1 i.i fins nnd M.ul.i
are mimes easily ciuifuwit when iiil,k
ly poken, and the two were iniistantly
lilisw cflng the teiicher III each nlhcr'n
hti-inl. So perhaps It wna inen-ly nut
tirul that I bey hIiimiIiI prisseuily ho
known us Pig M ii rlit and I. Idle Maria.
"LlttV Maria" and "Jinny" tin- pn
fesHor'a Isiya n-iiiiiliu-d tliruugh pri
mary, grammar and high m-hisil, ami
Well Into their college days. They m-c-ited
their feminine cognomens clu-cr-fully
enough; ,ut It wna lung U-fnm
tladr fntlicr ta-cnum n-iiuiclbst to tho
Inquiry from tensing frleinU:
"Wull, profewmr, and luiw ar your
twin glrla to-day?" Youtli'a Coniiai-lon.
I'Iuiii I'lidrlluir.
One pound of grated bread, one and
a iiuarter po Is of grated auet, one
pound of raisins, one pound of brown
sugar, twelve egga, well beaten; two
wliieglassfulH of brandy, one-,iinrter
pound of i ll ron, cut fine. Mix all these
the nii;lit before. In the i..,.n.,i.... i ...
fore putting It iu tho cloth atlr two t- "v,ll,t hnH ''ecoiui. of tho iDinela? Noinu
IdeKpooiifuls of wheat flour, beat the t1'"1' "v ''' r ngo thero wcro wImi
r ioth and sprinkle with flour. Tie tight- lM'1M "' t'-xhlhlt, or, nt any rato, they
ij uim iiours. i iii a piate turn- His'ini .1 minion:) to my youlhful
,,u""r l" ' I'ot iiudor Art tlioy out of faahloii?
-.... ii uii.i nuimeu iixpis-ted to put ill
it, iinviii
Mental I.lmltat lona,
"Your honor," aald tho nrn-Htcd
chauffeur. "I tried to warn tint man,
but tho horn would not work."
"Then, why did you not slacken spis-d
rather than rim liliu down?"
A light Htfiuod to dawn upon tln
"(Jeo!" In Hllld, "thllt'H one on mo. I
never tlauiht of that." Plilludolplilii
W Vuu( to Know, Too,
An Inquirer asks tho Now York Sun'
Mknl lh Olil Uar Heat.
"Pa, Pve wrote Na.ity Claua a 'nothor
"What about, Oeorgle?"
"I tola him he muatn't ronio In a auto
mobile; I want him to coino In a aleigh."
Detroit I-'ree Press.
A ro moro
apl'oarani'o nt
boiiio iiiiiiru iiinof i alioiibl like t
Khovv a kimxI KiK-clinon to my clilKlruii.n
Tlrut COnllx Neuaoii.
"What makes your father look so hlu
"H a sh I Roinehody thouirhtlessl.
1 iieipeetvil Nell lenient.
"Did tho old man Hot t to nnytlilng on
his daughter mid lit r husband wlion
thoy liiurrlod?"
"Yoa, indeed, ho did; ho Hottlod him
Bolf." Paltlinoro Ainorh'nn.
How iHjllcoiiion uro abtiHodl And
did you ovor know u lKilli-oinaii wh
mentioned the fact thut Cliriatuiaa I com- wH,'t Itly kimmI follow nnd mix
ing." Chicago Poau jluus to do hU duty? Wo novcr did.