BOHEMIA NUGGET J. McKEAN I ISHIR. Manager. ISOMIiMIA NtUidLF PI M.ISI1IMI COMPANY. .Mako nil i h. k lyl li" ! Ninfstfl l't.l i. Krt.'rrd m thp jsit.Ch-o t IV'tWre Un-ve Otki.ii m'iiiii riii.x iuil mutter srnsciM i'tkin iiait.s. t! months 51."0 I fl" 1 months ?-.,.l' If p.ald in ndvnnco. Clubbing Pates. Tin Bohemia Nupm't one year vlt li liny one of the following pub lications one year for amount net opposite: Pa. 'Ulf Monthly Wtvklv I Portland I Weekly Journal ( Pailv Mlnini; lass nl tlcnverl Weekly Minima ltecord Paclll.1 Homestead Northwest Poultry .Journal WONDERFUL LITTLE VALLEYS Irrigated Tracts in the Croat North west Where Yields are Fabulous. '1 ho orchards and i:u arvl- ! the Ciie.vt Southwest have. I ecu per trayed as the place where lmuN r.aeh their highlit cultural devel opment and mot nstoundi-ig value As agair-t the C;lMetn f.ut'.l. woith one hundred and fifty or two hun dred dollars an acre, choice orange land in Soutlitrn California is valued at one thousand doll. us and even fifteen hundred dollars an IKMATK KN I I Kl li I SI , I 1 co-nmentmg upon i lit- ti.'t t!i-. CJovet lont nf is ', not atit ifoui itij; legitimate piivate 1 in ig oi,.n development, but tlnit. i11 the other ll.llld, the I lo 1.1 lil.l i tion Set vice is I iwi.iMe lo it and even willing to assist, lingiitcir Arthur P. l.iis. who in Chief I'n ginccr Ncwcll's absence was tound in charge ot the bureau ut Wash ington, mentioned the case nf the p;r. meets .it 1 1 S iturd f "f W. It ( IN? w .1. W cnatclu e valley c i tioiial. sin. ill us sonic what e Manv ?:..;.o Thi rver is k.-yt n .MIMV. t ON' .ins CAN uierce ItuiMiiitf -l-li'ler. til 1-0 If in it iBi-orn mm ihf r. he w !!, a i :n i : ni.' tr thk amkki I'lintul.'-r ( om I'o.n , w birr :r mimne m. lieu el litilH'V rtll.l tU! iiv r f ' I'X- rHIf I'AI'KK Iski'VI i'N t::f l K I'. I'ruke' lvertiinc Air.-ney. i-4it:il.-' Mer.-hnnls K v nB!iK..-Hii I rHiii'H'o. (Miiforir.. ticro cm rcu lr tlvoil..MU mn I uia.k' for ii. WE DX ICS DAY, I)KC. I I906 aeri. And thm docs not m em so j habitable t uni lnliiv unreasonable when it i le menibfred thit I'tar'o", tl;,. al monds, Malaga grapes, HMin; ates find i thir tiopical pro bids cann "t b ron anywhere. Vet there are orchards iu the great Northwest which teem as highly and yield as golden a sticiin from peaches, apprieols, bernes .v".d other eointnoti fruits as cv t been claimed for the ornnge. T.-tke the Vi.kinia Valley or t! e Wena', ehee N idi 'v or a doen other nioii'i- e re. 1. , . , j 1 . uiel u companies, he ; . . viid, "l.avo uovouiplishovl much i , i,kni; od 111 transforming the iireat mi; Vnieticaii dsett iut protituble and 1 1 1; i The (..on .11 : A.lalimii'l v inten-Mil .11 :' 1 in-ill. u eure l .i li.Min- t 11 . Il.i .Old w (I pi. 'ii : at. 'in I 1 . 1 1 1 v ' I all l.i 1 h II V I C oUuiSe Grove Flour Mills M i ri 11 far 1 11 HI "I l-'li 'Hi' nnd l' ' i .1 in it- 1 1..11, ii.' : agin;; '" ei ut 111 MIU k J. I pel I.I. A vctv .ili,ible object lesson tif an in-tnce where'' inlbii nee has stcpvd in mi 1 leclaitned 'ami which vns fot merly w istc in iy be found in the Wen.itchce 'alley. This is not u community coiisitiug ot hundrtds of tlu'iisands of actes; it is a com paratively snnll area, but every bit ot it is ext.nsivt ly cultnated, wte-ting from Mother l th every partie'e of j i nit hie which the land cm be made to give up. The "e-uatclie- valley laud, before the ir en 1 e. I. 1 1 1 1 -1 1 i C ' 1 ' 1 iiian'.'1'. Pliarr.'H i- t: I 1 ;. if- ; 1 1 . in. !! . r . i- I. , nil 1 ate "H t-lot-', ilh th imip i te 1 v 1 ' 1 1 t U - and M"t ' the dill i 1 1 II. t :. r. u 1 ': f th. Spi i'gs Assooi iii "-. ti.'ii nvi.s and opi 1 Mm nil Springs hp lni-rt of I ,' Vl ( i. i 1 . . nllie' I. r 'J."i l en! - ; or : Vetch Hay! tain vailey-i in Washington or s.mie I ligation company stcpjed in, htl. of the finely developed fruit reeions j rilk.;,t .,v. U) v iluc. U was hut the h 'nie of a few wild aninrds, with little or no semblance of plant lite, l ikler the wise uduiinistra- ! J P. l;,.ral ;.m -1 :w ii 1:1: 101; Waterman. , : live itelii-r ter, alHi. ! ! i II' 11 cent 1 1 .'I ele lOllrll" f,: et. h h iy, .pl. iiil d f..r i'ut .1 loin 1 d h k--. ! It spri t I nf V, Hai tun C Hansen. 1 1 1 The Car Situation. Reports from Washington s a'e ihat Interstate Commissioner Lane is enroute to investigate the car .shortage Pi the Pacific northwest. vVhile the commissioner has no poer to HtTord any relief, his in vestigation will bring reliable data and will assist iu the struggle for an aiequate car service. Data gathered so far indicates that while eastern roads are sometimes bother with a slight car nhortage yet no for lo-:g. Some of the bigger east rn roids hare Is and -0 curs per mile of t'ieir entire trackage while lii'SPCo. has but :b The east era roada have their territory of course, closely built up, but even then have immense mileage to care for. The traffic aloug the thou sands of milts of S P track extend ing for along the southern border of Texas, clear around up the Paci fic coast to Portland has been lean ttj TOTwnrn-Tn irnmense oounos, which the railroad claims it has not been able to keep pace with. Thousands of new ears are needed each year to replace worn and de fective ones, besides the increase in business. Many of the cars are held by shippers at congested points because demurrage ia cheaper than storage. In Portland on one day 250 cars were counted, that were being used by the produce mer chants for storage. Their ow n war--- aouses were lull to overnj-.ving, they had no room to store the goods coming iu so insttad of seeking ad ditional room at a big rental, let the incoming goods stay in the cars un til they can handle it and pay the demurrage of SI. or Ho cents per day, The railroad officials could not r-ompell theso merchants to unload the material as long as they paid demurrage, but finally they had t- refuse to receive outgoing stuff from such merchants until they emptied the cars they were using. . iuch u tion brought some reli.' there. 200 cars would make some relief. .Such a condition exists in J-an Francisco to a vastly greater extent, thousands of cars are tied up there, but tha railroads have no way of forcin ? the merchants to mi iood cars, for they are not shipping, and have no place to store, their Mores often doing a $loo,ooo busi icssina $io shop, stacked to the oof. The cars tied up in this way would mean a big lift to the lum I er shippers. The S. P. is going after cars and will in lime have enough, but the question is. what affect will the present shortage have on the country until the shortage is relieved ot Mont 'i tin or I'o'ora do. Th' f you can find men growing w. althy 011 returns from ten ami even five acre orchard- leihnps the va'd.-v of the Wenatchte in Central W .-!i- iugtou ulTords one ut the b- t ex auiples of the trtiit pos.-ibibtu s ...f the northwest situated in th" midst of that region which IUr.n i Webster described as fit t 11 1 for the abode of w il l be-its and wiid'-r men." The wonderful ! e me- t of tins valley has be :i broaght about entirely by private irrigation developmint. yet the (iovenuuvnt irrigation tigineers consider it an almost ideal irrigation community. MCI' 11 V TIIK VorxiwiN snows In thr first place there is a splen did water supj !y. To the west a:e the gleaming snow-fields of the' Cascade mountains who.-e ghi.-ial I streams fee 1 the sw ift-nmning Weu-' atchee river which as it emerges, from the valley becomes a ui!u- tary of the great Columbia. The j valley is sheltered from the bleak j winds by surrounding hills, so that; fruit trees have uev. r been kuown I lo be damaged by cold. There are! no great farms on the Wenatche tion i t th" company, the tract enot inoa-ly iucic'ised in value. The climate is ideal; no icy winds c )tne into the valley to injure crops before maturity, and the soil whi. h has b"en reeking in fertility for cen turies, only needed the kind tou.-h o' water to make it and !ring forth fruit We have con sidered the settlement of the S'c natchte valley so i leal that it has been taken as an example after which to pattern the Okanogan project, in Washington, now under coiis-i lt r itioii by the Reclamation Service. ' ' I ;i i p-v. u a- i-'ip- I Ntw I. lie I'll!. M.. ar .i.k for t 0 it In b I V flea M--.T a I! I I l I - . mi art Ii , a ' I I a i-l 1 1.1 N ; 1 i.N :i-i I'.U tvx.llU teal W tell-. I'elill.. fuuui.t i i,ii s i to ollville lie w I i!,-: ' t" if t'-s.t 1 1 1 t . i ' - MY 1 I becau 1 J J 1 i' Mill' I I I ll" - lie M 'I e le -s - '1 , ..-.'ir, in. i' 1 . ill el-te-H-e ' .. mac v h w el ! Clnssif icil Advert is. incuts. 1 Mm B.HI Wood Wanted. KiWKXSOTM Will accept wood ! ubsenptions at this o r 1 1.. -w 11 Y. ,V. C. to Good The fiitire vallev is nnf some of U.e vast bonanza farms of'.and won the boys attention and A. Men Speak Crowds. Saturday State Secretary I. L5. Rhodes ()f the V. M. (.'. A. with'a corps ..f rive young men, represen tatives from the V. M. ('. A's (,d Oregon Agricultural College and the I uiversity of Oregon, came to the (irove to speak to the boys and young linn. Saturday evening Sec. Rhodes atl lressod hovs from 11 to Jo years oi l on " p,ig Fight" FOR sai.i: S-...r. ington typewriter I d pot K cl J " t'd. Tom A w brev 1; Cottage drove .m l i-. insurance polii ic Fire Relief Asmi , and the Atna Fir of Hartford, Com. ! II of Ins iii i . i !l -, I ! ( If, Don't Fail to catch Santa Clans' Train! M.-Mi tassxstiOBzn s pan eleven huie the west, but every acre is made to produce its utmost and land values reach, Sr,'2oo and 5t.."oo per acre, not based on the houses and improvements but upon the produc tive capacity of the soil. Apples, peacnes, apricots, berries, car: in terest. uiog f.iriii..l that will tight the "Big l ight". Sunday morning the young men spoke to interested audience at the I ! tbre;- churches in the morning, in j j the afternoon a crowded house was I filled at the mens' meeting, and in 'n- j mares, or will trad.- f.r cattle. l ..i- MIL. -1 .l.lrMWJ 1-KANK J. I m : i I ; Wild .v. Phone P.tjhemia I. in -. Toys arc now on display lor all the HOYS and GIRLS. I, ( )r. loupes, prunes, pears and all the ! the t,veninS the Lulon i"f t--tmg ad- large and small fruits vield a profit 'dressed ty .Sec. Khodes at the r1 - i- T 4.4.4; 4- 4. 4-4--44' 4-4-4- 4444f p of from $20U to JoOij an acre. Why then should not land, five acres of which will rut one thousmd to twenty-fiv hundred d..l-trs b-, worth five thousand or ev.n t.'.ou- sand five hundred dollars. The in-1 terestis liberal, is it not'.' j There seems to be something very ' superior in the fruit raised in the norttiwest. It tin is a ready matlif-t in such tar points as Ronton, an t brings a price which mr re than warrants the heavy express charges. Washington apples haw brought i $4.00 a box, of less th.m a bushel, 1 at the Hub. X01 an the citiz'-ns i ot, or many r-tljer jiros ptrous frnit t-ections of the north west tied down to a wilderness life! in order to secure themselves large incomes. Wenachee, for instance, i is the initial point of navigation on I the Columbia. WHLkK UAH. AND W.Vl'KI! MKI'IS. Here the (Jreat Northern railroad meets the steamboats wh'-re rail Methodist Church brought out 'many new ideas and endeavors fir jth" benefit, of th" young m'-n of the j nation. Th work of the V. M C. : A is l-r i.l in its field, and is tin- . i deicrnin ttional in character. It i r'-aches men of all ages ami nation- j I alities, of all creeds. The work of ! :the V. M. C. A. men will last for j Sim" li'cta'.J stimulate more of 1 -uch V.OI'L. -TLOrijiV. .-y?-i,k.-J W',)til-:!te: ft. it 111 ASiJ'ih. mttmm It has me to know of lari'.y upon the and to hear, as Thos. McClary. ce:i a gr at pleasure to your g' o'ving popu ' ! ctu'e pla' b" ni j I ha e heard in 1 T'- f A . : v V 1C- j - I Fublic School Report for Month End fng Dec. 7th. Bovs (I iris 200 217 8 3 1X6 3f' 0 Tctal burollineut .V'ew " .f Days attendance Days absence Times tardy 44 Times truant I Days taught 18 Holidays 2 C. L. Stkan'.j.;, Supt. The Christmas holidays will be gin Dec. 22 and will continue un til Jan. 2 011 which day school will hi re-opjned. Miss Mabel Maekie who was out of school for a couple of weeks on a. count of the death of her aunt, who hue been sick with consump tion for a long time, and whoso body was brought back from Southern California to Walker for burial, and river meet. It is but a few hours to Tacoma an1 Seattle, while the local advantages are in them-st-lvfcH very great. The orchards and farms ure so small that the en tiie valley resembles a great su burb. It is but tailing distance from one house toa ioth.-i. ICuch has a telephone, ruuiiiui; water, the rural free delivery and .-! in lights are being insthla-d. Tie roads are like streets and schools and churches are at close intervals. No more highly developed com munities can be found in the world than the irrigated fruit commu nities of this country. Social con ditions reach a higher plane than in any other das., of settlement. The owner of five or ten acres of orchard enjoys practically all th advan tages and improvements of the lar ger centers, coupled with a breath: ing and u growing space for the family, and an occupation such uh it was intend' d that man should engage in. The w -ter for irrigat ing the valley is drawn from the Wenutehee River, through some thirty miles of ditch of the We- natcheo Canal Company. This company is now projecting an ex tension to cross the Columbia river a great $100,000 combined bridge and viaduct to carry water for irri gating tight thousand additional acres. K'Vl.AMATION SKUNK IC IKIKNW.y TO every place, tlx- most glowing counts of your successful .ork Matt S. Hughes, Kansas City. I h'-a'tily commend the lecture to those who desire to be both en tertained and instructed. V, J. Bryan, Miic-ohi, Neb., to Thos. McClary. ) jlsw j.'-f 11 1-i-tfini- "-it tfi 11 i 1 t in ur-"Tiiirj"ii uriiinnii iti'i Xmas and New Year Holiday rates. One arid one third fare, round trip to all points. On sale for Christmas Dec. 22, 23, 2. and 2."i; for New Vear Dec. 2o, .'Jo, Hi and Jan. 1st. No stop-over privileges on these tickets. '' Co , J. M. M;am, Agent A MATTER &F HEALTH 1 . . i 1 V Absolutely Puro A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phos phatlo acid IIAS HO SUBSTITUTE Mi ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft f ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft BOHEMIA MUGGET'S Gr eai 21 magazine of the Year Barg am including t lie hhcsi magazines at the littlest prices. We can save yon 10 per cent in standard magazine subscriptions il'you accept this oiler NOW. 10 VKK CKNTSAVBI). Ovir Price REVIEW OI REVIEWS . WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION. SUCCESS MAGAZINE NUGGET . REGULAR PRICi: -.300 . I.OO I.OO S6.50 Only $3.90 The time ior Hiib-.ei ibiug toon; pi i iodi:al is put. l'A'ery refilled home, whore good read ing is apineciated, is not without it family group of periodicals something for the man, some thing for the young peoph., s unelhing fur Urn wormian. These three magazines bill I ho bill com pletely as a year's supply for th" binary t.iMe. 'mi will want them anyhow, no why not get theiu with the Nugget, saving 10 per n' as wed us the Inuibh- of conespondiiij; with four publishers? .Six million of the b .-t people in America have lound theue three great magazines a joy mid help and inspiration. We arc proud to be abl-j to offer them iu one groat combination with the Nugget. If for any reason you d not want all tin- magazines for yourself, send thorn to your frieude. No present is more acceptable. KliMKMl'KIl 1 the tlnec great magazines above cost .oo if bought separately and tho Nugget costs iJU.M) too. We offer nil four to you lor a limited liiuo only for 3.00. Send in your order today; do it now. (If r f rlr Mr ftr fir (If (if (Ir (If (If fir (If (Ir (if (if (if (i (if