Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 19, 1906, Image 2

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    i Bohemia Nugget
lliiti rml NiifiTrt Tub. Co.
!n a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Resume of the Lest Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Strike on Portland Street Car Lines
Ties Up Traffic.
Port Intnl. IVi 17. Port land's street
cur system was alniivt ivmplctely lied
up Satur.lav night t S o'clock bv a
strike, oilled by l.val union 1S1. uul- Friday. Dec. 14.
cimatcd AtM'iat ion of Street and I tec- Washington, !. It. I'.ut for tin
trie Kailwav cltiploviM of .Miicn'kl. A cow ar.inv ol imii nielli Oct ot Congress,
(Vw minutes h fore that hour car were , the liou-c todav would have :i i t- t tin
There if nn upward tendency in
hop market.
Russian terrorist. tried to kill
iniral (V.ubpasofT.
Hill lias abandoned liis Oreat Northern-Purl
ingt on merger.
John lVartvtt, I'nited States minister
to Colombia, is it Portland.
Negro convicts in Mississippi revolted
ami sevenil were severely hurt.
Chicago has arratigtsl terms for own
ership of the street railway systems.
Cardinal OibKuis ilcfcnds King I.eo
JKihl's government of the Congo state.
The pope says French political free
dom d.vs not compare w it h tliat exist
ing in America.
The Interstate Commerce commission
will sta't at Minneapolis in January
and work West investigating the car
The Mexican minister to the Fnitol
States says his government assumel
control of the railroads to prevent
American ownership.
1 resident Smith, of the IMiisville
2xashvi!le railroad, says political lead
ers threaten to confiscate their property
and denounces Roosevelt and the judges
who tmel the railways.
There is little lmpe of King Oscar's
The Mexican government has assum
ed control of its principal railroads.
The president will endorse ship sub
sidy in a sjx'cial messatge to congress
after the holidays.
Two lake steamers colli. lel off I nlut h
and it is feared one of the vessels is lost
together with ol men.
The Northern Pacific announces an
increase in its capital stock from f 1-5-V
000,1'I.U to J 2-30, 000,000.
All copper properties in the United
States and Mexico are now controlled!
by Standard Oil intere-ts.
An amendment to the rate law ha
lx"en introduced allowing newspajier
publishers and railroad companies to
exchange tickets and advertising.
The kaiser is in conflict with tin
Clericals ami Socialist, and a more
bitter church war is promised in Oer
Itiany than that now on in France.
stopH-d on Washington street at the
corner of Third by the strikers, and
niotormcn and conductors were mt
sua.led to leave their pivsts. Mobs
ixdhvtod and a riot followed which
eotitininsl until early Sunday morning.
The snoivs of the strikers was due al
most wholly to t he st rong sy mpat h y
w ith them of all union men in the city,
represented by the Federate! Tnides
council, and to the supimrt of the mob
which gathered along Washington
stnvt. Nutnlvrs gave iMuragc tothoc
who leil the demons! rat ions against the
company and the mob urged the leader
on to Constantly greater aetsof lawless
ness. The company usiil every cfloit for a
I imc lo con! inuc t he opi ion of cats,
but gave it up at a I ont 0 o'clock, and
cotnvnt rate! its efforts on gelling the
stalled cars Kick t the lvirns.
After maintaining a partial service
Ivtwivn 7 a. m. and ." p. m. Suudav,
the cars were sent to the ham and no
attempt was made to operate alter
nightfall, as it was the scenes of
iolcnceof Saturday night would be re-
peatel. All probably w i 1 1 resume t hei r
runs this morning at day light . Wheth
er they will be operated tonight will
depend upon whether or not the jmlicc
prove themselves able to Control the
crowds. The striker have had the
better of it during the past 24 hours.
1 lie olijects souglit l y tlie sinkers
are practically the same as those the
union w as demanding at the time of
the last trouble, namely, roivgnition of
the union, the abolition of the photo-
graph system for identification of em
ployes and more pay.
As a n sult HH "men are idle and
about 200 cars are out of commission.
Thousands of people who remained
dow n tow n Saturday Jnight to see the
excitement had to walk home, some of
them hav mg to go miles to the out
mg districts.
amcn.lnicnt to thi let:ilat te appropria
tion bill inctoaing the salaries of sena
tor and representatives from $",000 to
$7,."n0 per annum . ('tactically evetv
'man w ho voted t he increase di. I
so from fear that hi vote would react
ami result in hi defeat two year
hence, and nearly every man who voted
negatively saw a grab in the legislation
proposed. The legislation was entirely
The t hroe congressmen from Wash
ingtoli voti-d for the increase. Hinger
Hermann voted against it, but he would
not K a Ivtieticiary . French, of Idaho,
wa Hot present .
lo'presentat iv o .lone, of Washing
ton, today introduced a bill pr..oitig
to increase by L0 per cent the salt
of all civ i I scrv ice emplove. of t he
ernment on July 1 next .
The first salary amendment to
legi-lat iv e, cxectil ive and judicial
propriat ion bill today wa tunned
l.ittauer, of New York, and wa as
l t ies
p ' -
Dewey Says Present Policy of Con
gress is Retrograde Move.
Washington. Dee. 17. Admiral
Hew ey bclievi s that the aurhorvat ioii
by congress of at hast three largo bat
tleships a year is essential f..r keeping
the American navy in a state of etli-
ctency an. I tliat t lie pol icy of one Pat-
, tleshipa year now being urged by a
certain element, would be atH.sitive
retrograde movement.
He was asked if tin- policy su'estcd
by some person of only providing one
hattkslmi itunn an entire eoii'n
would result in
tlie navv or in a
titrlit inr strength.
"such a policy would be retrograde
in its charaater," said the admiral.
"It would not take up tlie waste or sup
ply the places of the ship that are
Iniund to deteriorate ami which should
We 1
"On and after March -t. l!'o7, the
Comvniit ion of the s-aker of the
house .f represetitat ive and v ice presi
dent of t he Tinted State shall be at
the rate of $11'. 000 each."
by a Vote of IM I to 7 l the amend
ment wa adopted. I. it latter al-o in
t reduced an amendment increasing the
alarie of the ineinK r of the presi
dent's cabinet to 1-.',000 each, effective
on and after March -1, l!io7.
On division, the amendment wa
adopted L'(U to tit). l.ittauer also ott'er
ed an amendment! increasinu' the salar
ies of senators, represetitat i es in i..ii
u'ress and deleattes from territories t.i
$7,'00 per annum. On a rising vote
after cn-iderable debate, the amend
ment, w as defeated lva..teof I... i to
After disposing of the salary ipte
tion the hoii-e passed the legislative,
executive and judicial appropriation
an actual increase
virtual decrease
North Dakota and Minnesota are
without fuel and a severe blizzard is
raiii'. There is much suffering and ! i,hu-ed out of
death is exjxt-tol a a result of the Cold, three batt lelii
Tl,0 fl, r.f Ti, o.l.,. .,. HI their itav, Put thev wen
cates death for px-rson on reaching HO,
hat just celebrated her lomh birthday
and does not appear to be in the way
even at that advanced ae.
Thursday, December 13.
Washington, ),e. I.",. The senate
to-lay list. 'lied t-i the mO.h.I sK.,.,-h
which ha been made thi,,!!
against the com muainv ol Keed Sun
a senator t'r..m 1'tah. It wa deliv
ered by hnlxii. ot Idaho, who. ntt- r
reviewing in detail the workini: of the
Mormon hierarehv and Stuoot prom-
-rit cotmei-tioti thir-'with.
ehar.'c that (Vesi-lent II.
tlii' wei.-ht of his ndmini-tra--i.-t
the Republican Mormon
todav i . 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 l I he iiom i ua I i-.lis nf
William II V ly. of M.imi hucl t.
to be Mil fvoi e just ice of I ho Sit
ptetiie coin! of the Culled State";
Chat lis .1 . b'Uapnt te. of Maryland, to
be attorney p ueral; Victor II. Melcalf,
of California, (o lie sectelat v of t he
nav y , and Oscar S. St tans, of Now
Yolk, to he"cctetatv of commerce and
The feature today wa a s eh bv
Senator hfr ner upholding the state'
liht doc'line us involved ill I he
present Japanese iiiestion on the l'a
ci tic ci -us t .
lu'soluli .ii were a i: n ed to culling
upon t he president for informal ion ie
caidini; die seiure by Mcmch i f the
lishitic (choolter Slhl Steams, a id di
recting tkc secretary of war In furnish
informal on iei;aiditi allege. I expert
luetit with cholera villi" at Manila le
sti 1 1 mi: i l 10 or mot e deal h.
The "ili.'ite in evecuttve sc-iott rati-
lied tin geni tal act l-y t he deleyat cs of
the power represented at t he confer
ence w I'icli met at Ak'ccit.i". Spain, in
Apm ..i-i, to. itatt a tieaty eoncemiii
Mor oi an affairs. Opp-.sit i,.u ,v the
I'einocat con i pi ,-l the adopt ion of a
res.. In! toll -lisclai m mi; I e-l .ti-il u il v f. .1
t he I art iciml ion of the I nit.d State
in th prokrinin ariatiL'ed bv the confer
ence - to the future of Mor.neo.
Tuesdny, Dec. II.
W jsldti'ton, lec. II. The ,llesti..n
of senator Keed Suioot's rik!.t to a -eat
a Failed state senator li..m I tjih
wa di-euss,., ,y Senator burrow in
the eliate t.lay for more than three
hour. The seuatot had i a refill I r pte
I tn ' 1 Id speech, W h ich tecei v e-1 t he
closest auriu ion ttiruuiiotit Pv a lar-e
attendance o senators utid crowded ual-
leiic. StniM.t iN'cupie-1 his place in the
chamber. No interruption weie made
luritiL' t he enl ite -p. ech, which wa an
nrruiimmcnt of Mnrmoni-m and the
resiH.nsihility which attached to Sm,ot
f.-r Motjnon principle a a member of 1
Party Leailnrs In Mouse Aree to Dis
cuss the (,'uottion.
Washinloti, I'ec. I I 'I'he hoif.e i
NoeiiiiiiLdv inclined ! race the salarie
of Ihe tuelnbel' It" well a tho-e of the
vice president, speaker, Miialor- and
cabinet otlnvr. I'-efore Ci - it I ii 1 1 ti' con
-i.lcral ion of lite leei-lat ive, judicial
and executive appropriation bill ye-ler
day , l.ittauer, of New N oi k, eiideav
ofed to have a resolut iott adopled pf"
v iditik; for taking up the iuclnn m 'he
committee of the whole, but Fii-ler
vvoo.1, of Alalmtua, objeeled lo it con
sideralmn in committee. lie said,
however, he would iniike no object ion
toil discussion in I he hoii-e after t he
hi II wa reported by the coiuuiil lee of
the whole.
lie added that he wa opposed to the
increase, but Mild he would not block
the way of serioit ton . Ill
silu't-'i'sl ion formed the iii"l" of an in.'1'ee
inelil that, when the bill i-hall be re
ported, I he iUo ion of a ceiicnil ad
salaries will Pe tal.eti up
upon a
will be taken
a n a men. I n nn I I .
-ill I linallv iii'I.
v since in
I and vote
. the l.vilal iv
i upon .
I I he resolut ton i ner. a-. " the
of -etialor and r. -pre-enlal iv e-
.'im an. I make oth. r mcrea-e
da 1 -a la ru -. 'I he r. -olut ion a I
the -a iarie- of the v ice t .re-id
-pealor at f I .'i.oiio and
c.r at 1 1 2. in in.
a la no
i oil'
i live'
lit an.
.I cal u net i .III
Congress Will I inloavor lo Help
Situation This Session.
Was Pastnd lor llnnrfit of Inilividual,
Who Is Unnbla to Woi k Land
Allrr Taklr It.
Wa-hin.'loii, I'ec F'i SI reniioiei
ellofl w ill be inilde at thepre-elil -t --ioll
of eolicfe" to secure the repeal or
ino-li licat mil of t he ci ui I land law alonk
ihe lilies recommended by l'r.-.i nl
boo-evell III III llle-'ll.e I lull some
lllllli.' Will be aeeolnpll-lnd xeemn .lite
probable, but what form of law will ..
iib-1 it ute. I for that under which ci.
flllll ie fraud have been perpetrated ha
hot V.I been made II I . -Jl I'i lit The III
ll'ieuee of I he ad m i II i t I'm I ml i will be
behind a I. ill pr-.po in- p. cut oil Hi
t In r -ale- of e. . . rn ie. nt cal Ian. I,
Admiral C.tpps Snys Oovrrmnnt H.i
Hi ovrd A Inlily.
Washington, I'ec. II. the ability
of the foverumeiit navy vat. I to turn
out war-hip e-pial in all r. sp, e to
those built under contract, in the opm
urn of K.-ar dmiral I'app-, of the I n
r- a u i .f ens t ri n't ion . .t lie a v v . in 1 1 1 -
Mtnniul rei-.rt. ha I on In
lellli .11
I he a n so ie l ly m I he elm re
i .
W'a-hin-ton, Pee. 11. Tin wa a
field. by for oratory in the hoti-e. 1 he
evcutivo, leiri-lat ive an-1 judii ia I a p-pr-.pi
iat ion lull affoid.-d an op u t un i -t
y for feiier-i I debate eoverim: a wide
ratii.'!- of s;bj.-et, Ir-'tll ! di-settilt ! II
I I oil .IPe.t .Nop.!, tlie loiimier oT t he No-
pel prie, lo tin- tai-in ot salaries ot
member of '"Mi.'ii and including a
st rated. lie nr.'.
y a I'd oil I he I'm 'I lie
the tlaiitic cast,
hoit M I e ; en a
t h it
oast ;
at !.
nd on
n .raet l. 'a hie,
liable p-oM,r
w ith tht
Velt llsii
tii ui to a
Vote m the last elect ion.
A bill was ia.-ed providing reirula-
iijT li-Kiotf VU..WU u prevent
collisions at sea. Adjournment was
taken at 4 p. m. until Monday. .
di-eii--io:i of -implili.
I'-olltell. of I llinoi-, in
the b. -toual of the Nobel
l'roi.ellt I I. M i-i V e It , pill I--l.-nt
' deei-ioll t-' ll-e I hi
laid ih in j a fund for I. run
- p. a k i Ii ir
pne up
I the pi.
II loliev III I
in' about
on oi new construction w-.rk in order
nit -u.'h var !- 1 1 ! ; i aluav be a mi i hi I .Ie
.1 any work the c-m foment mm di
re to undertake t herein .
V Im i ta I t 'a pp a. Im 1 1 - that it o.-t---
t-i build a war-hip bv contract bv
a --.i i of I he shorter oi lube .
lid Ii. di. lav-, v a.'nl ion ", etc , ranted
. IlllVV V ard emplov . but he believe.
-V .Tt llele-s t hill t he oV eminent -hollld
t hou. h p. rm 1 1 1 1. ,
bv individual- or
t v plan.
' The pr.
t ica I vv i- I- rn
i -1 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 I
I Ii. m P
VV..I I .
a r-.v a I
I I. e . V i r V ol hi r pl'.l.'
, kn.ov I hat t he . .
la iv i - not mt i -1 1. 1 v
frame-1 I bat law 'wa- ..u t be
theorv I bul the individual c.uld tal.o
up an. I .1. v . !. . . a .jua it. r . .1 i..n of e, Ui I
land, ji. I n the home P ad law civ.-
the individual a like a r. u of a ,t-u'i i It u r
a I Ian. I I'-u I no i nd i v idua I can .1. v . I. . i
a .i in rl e t si el mil ..r a whole - t i,,n . ,f
coal land lb- .'..nil not I P. m-
-till I the ii -'iiry 1 1 1 : i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r v , or if ho
could, hi fold- on a .iiar!iT -i.-li..ii
would not r-eouip. me him f. .r the on'
lav. Moreover, no ra 1 1 r. 4i. I w ... 1 1. t ! i m t.
of huildm.' a -pur onto an i In t -. I
. pin 1 1 . r -. - I mo of land and the . ,; i . r
f 1 1..- land 'I I I I'-.t at'-. id P n-ini
that expense S.ilbe individual with
a -i ia rl r s, .- ., ,n of .-. ,a l.o. l in hi
.-'. - - mil would b.i v e a vv 1 1 I .-, or rath
tive Collar-!, of
resolut ion direct in
hin-ton, IVo.
on the reiille
I .!. The lii iii-e
t of Kepreselita-
Nebniska. adopted a
: t he judiciary com
mittee t.
invest iat.
King O.-i-ar, of Sweden, is seriously
Andrew Carnegie favors an inherit
ance tax.
Church affairs in France are assum
ing u serious aspect.
A blizzard lias tied up railroad traffic
in North Ihikota.
Roosevelt has yielded to congress and
will drop tlie spelling reform.
The Pittsburg chamber of commerce
propose, suppression of divorce news.
Poacher are slaughtering elk in the
Yellowstone park preserves to secure
their teeth.
Roosevelt will send a sensational
message to congress in a few day on
the Japanese jue.tion.
In the trial of the new battleship
Kansas every test wa successful. Her
speed exceed. 1 8 knots.
Ilarriman claims the ear shortage is
due to the ear builders, lie say over
a year ago he ordered Iti.pno freight
ears, and they are ju-t lx-ing delivered.
The Interstate Coiimmerce commis
sion says there is not a single large
railway system but what (-an go into
its big terminal yards any day and
gather .500 empty freight car.
Senator Jlrowti i. at the jiiiit of
IVmocrats in tlie home opoe
Moody's confirmation as supreme judge.
Mexico had a net surplus of $:.'(), (iliu,
000 for the year ending June ."(), l'.MKi.
Three women lire implicated in the
Nebraska land frauds now on trial at
Representative Kahn, of California,
in very bitter against Jajtnese immigration. has expelled the pope's agents
and is otherwise pushing the war on
tlie church.
Rockefeller ban offered f 100,000 to
ward missionary work in Kgypt and
the Soudan.
tlie legal olles-
mmissioli. We have tion involve.! it. ih.. 1. I
which were tine -hips ! pavmellt of a sum of 1 1 .one v 1 o Mr
laid down po'llard for the tH-ri.,1 between' March
in 1 Sill, about Hi years ago. They are ., up.-,, Und July 1 K, 1'in.i, at which
tlie Indiana, the Oregon and the Ma-a-! t ime Mir I1,,!!,,',.,! ,.l..,.i...i
friendly under-tan. ling between .apila
1st and la I urer a "noble, humani
tarian arid characteii-tic."
, .. : t ' i' i
iiauie-, oi leniiessi c urge-i incera-e
of salaries for member of emigre- le
gllllltng Willi the 'ixty -lli-t eongirs.
Mtirdock, of Kaii-a, on rai I a v
mail pay.
The hoil-e at .1:11.-1 ad j. at rm--1 u n t i I
tn h ui ti iinorrow , im act mn
the close of general debate
bav ing been taken .
on t
he bill
clm-ett. Thev have the defect of n
possessing balance turrets, which cau-e
a list when their guns are all trained P
one -ide, T lilt- exposing the hull below
the water line and laying the ship
open to danger fr-.m the tire of an
ehcmv on that side."
ed lion. Ii. .1.
to t In- s, , ate.
d calling
j-i'.'th congress, to miii
I'-urkett, who wa.- elect e.
A resolution w,, adopt
upon the secretary of the Interior f. r a ' jn-tice
a c-implete description of all i, ul. lie . Cnited
lands w hieh have been withdrawn or j favorable r.Kirt was ord
re-erved from entry sine,. July, paoii, j nn the nomination of Charles
together with the the ri-a-on for -ueb ; pa rte, the pie-ent secretnrv
Shonts Will Bar Foreigners From All
Canal Contracts.
Wsahintgori, Iec. 7. Foreign con
tractors are to be barrel from competi
tion for the ennt racts for the Panama
canal. Chairman Shunts of the canal
commission today made the announce
ment. Many changes have been agreed
to in the form of contract, but the most
important is the limiting of proposal.
American firms. The right will lie re
served py the commission to reject all
bids, the commission will then either
throw the competition open to foreign
bidders or proceed with the work with
out contract. January 12 is. the date
set for opening proposals.
Monday, Dec. 10.
Washington, lec. Id. The senate
committee on judiciary today author
ized a favorable reul on the nom
ination of William II. M ly, the pie--
ent att-.iney geneial, to be an a date
f t he S-lijaeliie c. .lilt oft he
red al-o
I. I'.olijl-
of the
rt i
e-ired that con- -Vive,
ford W
act ion. The re
gress may pa.- moii the president 's
j r iinmefidations for the withdrawal of
coal Iaiiil.
Representative Ijicey, of Iowa, intro
duce.! a bill making the minimum
monthly (tension tp be paid veteran of
the wur ot 1111 .
Straight From Yard to Sea.
New Yol k, I tee. 17. Fllipped for
service, the new battleship Connecticut
left the New York navy yard to-lay,
bound for Hampton Roads, Va., to join
the Atlantic fleet. The Connect icut
underwent all the te-t of her contract
at the yard. Her depart ure is the fir.-t
instance in which a battleship h is gone
direct from the building yatd to sea.
The naval examiner who has had charge
of the completion of the Connecticut
said: "Ib re goes out a ship which
demolishes all the reenid of the World
ill naval construction."
Wednesday, Dec. 12.
Washington, J)ee. 1'2. The house of
representatives today went on record ill
opposition to the new spelling as re
commended by the president. liy a
vote of 4L' to L'5 tin- following was
adopted a a substitute for the item re
ported by the appropriations commit
tee in the executive, legislative and ju
dicial appropriat ion bill:
"No money appropriated in
shall be used in connection with print
ing document. authorized by law or
ordered by congress or any branch
thereof, unless the same shall conform
to the orthorgaphy recognized and used
by dictionaries of the lingli.-h lan
guage." Washington, )ec. 12. The senate
he attorney general, and Al
Coolev to be a-i-tant allornev
general. Many other nomination
were rcorted favorably.
The nomination of J.effeu R. Wil
flev to lie judge of the Cnited States
Circuit court for China wa referred to
a committee of Senator Sjiooncr and
Ilil'-on, who are members of the foreign
relations, committee.
The nomination of ( ieorge II. Cortel
you to be secretary of the Treasury and
James R. Oarlield to be secretary of
the Interior, will he taken up tomor
row at a special meeting of the senate
committee on finance.
The senate committee on commerce
has been polled and will report favor
ably the nomination of Oscar Straus to
be secretary of Commerce and Jjihor.
More Evidence for Negro Troops.
Washington, liec. 12. (iilchiisl S.
Stewart, representing the Constitution.
ill league, ha filed with the president a
l mas of additional evidence regarding
j the llrowtisville affair which resulted
in the discharge without honor of a bat
talion of colored infantrv.
alwav pi. -pared P. turn ..ul it- ov
p- 111 t I I lie of filter.'! I i V . The lie
-uilahlc d.-k:n.' taol.t n- at N..rf.i
I Mare -lati I i- foiniiii el. d iil-ili .
i r a b'a. l, , elephant on Ii i h:
mm. fa 1 wen d Ii might I
abundance, but he could imt
and e.iui. I im! get it to marl..
I I o VI to I'll 1 1 I 1 1 I . . V I ! i - I
f. .r ci vr.-- t- - I- - 'I - Ie, a '! I .
I mn I- bk. !v to be fort 1,.'
vv i u!i i . .Hi.- fa v . .r a ol n o
la w H..-I-. ii-iii,' the a ii ii of
I hat m iv be p.neha-. d by
I b
I hel-f
'! t It
1 1.
o I I - V . 'i . I Ii I n I I , I
-ie t ha I I h. v
put the ..ll oil tl.
Would lll.Turr t h
being i--'.'iallv i-uibnrr.i-ing p. tl,.
bureau, a no hat t I. h .- of anv cla--ilin
be diH'ked at either of t ho-c vurd-.
Plans for American Drr fro
vido for FiRhtif' Wo'idur,
Prday r-eeive.
the Navy tin- p
m.-nl ha- had d
tl.-hlp ptosele
I our pla ii. 1 w i n
I '.-.'. I . (
I from lb.-an-
ra n up f. .r
I tor in the the g.c,
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1 1 - .ra t i.
mm 1 . I
pi li e of e.
m t be -J
111 I I.
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nd -lafj
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.iigre- y -
-e.TetafV of
t lie ill part
the lug hat-la-l
., mn.
plan r
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1 1 .n a nd - i 1
individual-. I he
prov a a-a -nip in munv
crior t-i anv other built
ua- prepared by the con
Investigate Hill Lines in January. Sell Indian Minors' Land.
Washington, Dec. 12. Chairman I Wa-hington, lec. 12. Ip iiie-eiita-
I Kliapp, of the Interstate Commerce live Jones today in! rod need a hi 1 1 a il-
' commission, said today that it had not t hot t he sa Ie of t he la ml of Indian
...I-... . . I. ...
neon ucciiien wneie or WTicn tno lives- Inliior on petition of Parents or euar-
tigation of the Hill lines will take dians one of the Indian agent in charge, Convention on Insurance
t.ln.i. II i L. ..ii., 1., .,. ,. ,.- I . . i ;.. ! I . ;....! I . f 1 1... New Yolk. I lee II. IVe-ideiil Pi.u
Rl . r . t o...... .- ,,,,,,,, iii... i(.-i.-itoi,iioriiii-(ioo.'v.i-.l.lier.i.eili.v '
amonnMactovfi.Anii 4.. .... . J I' . ...
. w, wi a . ,. ,o ... I , . I LI I... .. I I ' . .1 . ... .. . . ..1. .. I , I.. ' V 1 1 1 .'1 i il I ol I if I- HI I !l . i. I I ,i V .1 1 1
Seattle, V:i-li., I ice. 7 . I n-peel or . (hicngo, and it is probable 1 hat Com- of laud under government irrigation ! society, ha called a meeting of (he
W hltney and 'I urner, in the I i x-Jean- ,,, iH'oiier. Front v and Ijine will eon. : nt oieel - t, m I it. rieh .. t let, 1 1 ,, o, I ,1 i . I pre-ii lent of more I linn .'ill of I he Pl'in-
llisioli, report the license of Cap- ihietthem. II is not bid ii-v e.l t Imt I he ' 1 1 iet n t e 1 1.., I u i , I.,.,..,,,'".,. ...inot .. . ,. ! ci pa I I i Ie i ll-ill'it companies iii the
unable to ut 1 1 ie I he land and unable to 1 count rv lo pe pei.i in ,ew l oru city on
the 1,1
r.-au i .f cti-tirm-
coiiiiii. nd. d
r. -peet Ml
building. It
si i iici ion iiur.-a u .
According to the -pi ci lieat ion- t In
broadside lire will be greater than that
ot any oilier Pall le-hlp, the elevation
of the gun will lie greater, with coii-e
illlTlt ilicretl-e of range ; the defellsivi
iiialitie improved ov er pre-eiit stalnl-
ard and the total weight of the hull
and armor will exceed bv over .'i.iiiill
Ions any other similar vessel. Tin
ship is to be .rtll feet long, M,1 feet 2'1,)
inches iieam, 27 feet draft, 2n,tioil tons
displacement, 2,.'inutoiis coal capacity
and 21 knot speed. The design null-
milted b.V i. W. I'iekie. late i f the
Ciiion Iron Works, San l'ranci-co,
provided for a ship -Cm feet long.
Jews to be Brought West.
Chicago, I lee. II. Rea li.!ng t he con
gested coud it ions of t he J 'ii i-h ua 1 1 er
of Chicago, New York mid ot her large
cities, leading New York Jewsarc plan
ning to divert Jewish immgrilion to
the West. Jacob Schiff, the New York
banker, discussed the subject ye-terdav
with Judge Julian W. Mack. The plan
contemplates the organizing of an asso
ciation financed by Mr. Schiff itinl oilier
leading American Jews, which will un
dertake lo send Jew ish immigration to
tin-Soul h and to the extreme western
part of Ih iiintry.
M-i A(im OniUrrl Attirrica Is lo
CUts with Muttia.
t 'lUeilina! i, ft.-.-. 1 .' '.. f,.re the let
-ion of tl I i b I labor e,,i,v. nt loll
b.-re la-t night. It. I .-Pi i:,-r, eha r
m. m of tl,,. ,,at miia! . h.ld labor corn
n lit. . and prof. .,r of ,.t ,,-al and -..
'ia I it h in oluinbia uu i v .r- :l v
ward t
I he Alt in.!.
( hil l a- an b
Prof. or A. II.
in.-ide.,i:iey .,n,!,.-:,
and nived I he n. e. --,ly
'.a w to f urn i - Ii a I .a. I. . r.
-lap- and l -a I act i v it v
of s,,ei, I v To.
i I - of I iv 1 1 1 a
r -i. I f lb.-
i.ey ..f -!,,t,
for a l.atioial
-und f. .r . Meet iv e
and ii.-il.i' the
hu-ia -m of the peopl,. contagion- in
lied on .K-al b... h,-, thu- indu.uu.-ai.-r
ellort- for the child and a more
glorioii future f..r the republic.
A. Idr.--,- ,v Mi- Jan.- Adam, of
Hull hoti-e, ( hn-ago, and l'iul. ,1 MateH
Senator Feveridge followed. A n-olu-t
ion wa-adopted einpha-iing the be
lief thai it i the duty of the several
slates t met evil of child labor ill
I' mh I maiiife-lat ion, but imlor-iiig
"cordially tin- principle ,,f the I'.ever-idge-l'arsoii
bill for a national child
labor In vv.' '
Mi-s Adam urged the de-irabililv of
uniform legislation ugaiii-t the evil of
child labor, and declared that the cen
sus reMirl show America behind every
Fiiropean country except Ihi-sia in si
far a child laltorand it effect are con-
certieil. Immediate Action.'
Washington, I 15. Senator Flint,
f ( 'a I i fori i ia, talked with t he pre j, lent
today about the break in the Colorado
river, which ha resulted in such a dis
astrous Hood in Imperial valley, Cali
fornia. When he asked tliat proper
representations be made to Mexico, with
a view to secui'iiiir iinancia rc ivsm f...
Iho-e per-ons whose properly had been
injured, the presiilelil told him that I In
State department had a I read v addressed
a note on I he subject to the .Mexican
government, Put tliat thus far no
d been received.
The Spanish government is consider
ing the ijuestion of placing an import
duty on wheat .
I co blocks the "Soo" canal and there
i a great fleet of vessels at each end
waiting to get through.
tain l'arkei barmotid, ma-ter of the
steamboat Iix at the time of the colli
sion with the ,-teain-hip Jeltlinie, is re
voked for negligent ly failing to cause
an ellicient lookout to be kept on board
the I i x and for negligently rcliiiijiiish
ing his direction and control of the nav
igation of his vessel to atn ollicer who
was not duly iiialilie by the law.
work will start much before January
1"), aft4-r t he Ilarriman investigations,
in which the iiicjiiiries will be made,
probably Iecembcr 211 fir 27. j
dispose of it. The bill is intended par
ticularly to dispose of the land of Indian
children on the Yakima rcrcrvat ion .
Labor Asks Postal Sivings Banks.
Salt bake, I ,--. 17. The Ctah Fed
eration of Labor ha tesolved to circu
late a pet ii ion to Congo g asking the
creation of a po-ta! savings bank. The
move is to be under the auspices of the
American Federation of Labor, with
(Which the L'tali federation is affiliated.
Say Elkins Law is Dead.
Chicago, Dee. 12. The light of
Standard Oil company against tlie
indictments against the Standard
company of Indiana which we'
turned August 2il, was commenced
lay in the Cnited Slates District, court
before Judge Ijmdis. The atlorneytl
for (he Standard Oil coiiitany contend
that section 10 of the rate law pascd
by congress June 211 repeals Hie Flkins
law, under which the government is
bringing the action.
Stevens Talks About Canal.
iNcvv York, Dee. 12. John F. Stev
ens, chief engineer, and -I. i. Sullivan,
assistant chief engineer, of the Panama
( 'a mi I commission, arrived todav on
the steamer Panama from Colon. They
expect to ret urn early in January . In
speaking of I he eon. lit ions on the isth
mus Mr. Stevens said: "There are at
work on the canal 1 7, (Mill men . The
best workmen are the Italians and the
Spaniards. There has not been a death
ui nee July, and very little sickness."
December 21 to lonn an as-ociat ion .
Among tea on given by Mr. Morton for
the organization arc: To prevent ex
I ia va '.'a nee and reduce expenses and to
consider w het her to advocate or oppose
legislat ion .
Fed Through Long pipe.
bill cr-lield, Cal., Dec. .", progress
in I'oM'uing I,. Ii. Micks, the man im
prisoned in Ihe moiiiilain at lln- Cdi-on
company's plant, is being made at the
rale of 20 feet a day. At liooll the drill
digger had still (ill feet fart her to go
before the miner call be released. Milk
i still being fed through Ihe long pipe
at three-hour intervals, under (lie di
rect ion of a physician, lie is gaining
in strength and if is believed will hold
out until reached.
Dangerous Counterfeit Issued.
Ni w Yoi'i., Ice. . One of I he best
counterfeit -i 1 1 at has recently come lo
the notice of the government aulhorities
found it way lolhe sub-treasury yes
terday. It i a !( silver certificate
bearing t he I'.nfl'alo imprint . The hack
of Ihe hill is even a closer counterfeit
than the face, but both are good enough the object of ascertaining w bet her pres
to deceive any but experts. , cut high priccH are the result of a trust.
Why l Lumber Cosily?
Washing-Ion, Dec. 15. The house
today after sonar discussion, adopted
a resolut ion of Mr. Miller, of Kansas,
authorizing tin- secretary of Comiiiercn
and I ji bor to investigate Ihe cause of
Ihe high price of lumber in Ihe various
stages of manufacture und mle, with