BOflEpifl $h NUGGET. i D-v,P-d i ' i tin- Mmiiiir,' I nn bering mid J im .in- !; !s ' f tl.i:, Community. VOL. VIII COTTAGE GKOVK, LANK COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 190G 10.47 m OVER HALF Cottage Grove Takes Over 50 PcrCent of Poul try Show Prizes. NEXT SHOW HERE The i )l til i;c ( '. I ne fx IllbltorH lit Mass Mcctiiifj Well Attended. " Mas 1 1 1 r : : 1 1 1 1 at ill'-' "per a ; laud wtoatn k1ioviIm to handle it, und nun wie rompuny win k1' p ui'-i pinny in operation for t tt 1 "i l";i yenrs tidy. Thi will uhum 1 1 1 1 1 n considerable money j - 1 1 1 m Drain. I.flHt Hilling the- S I' lie;-o'li!ed i for i piece of land juwt ii'itn ui tli bridge acrosn tlm Count 1 n It i i v-i below Cottage (Jurvc u nnlc, m I wh icli is- u rugged lull i in I of 'rock that is said to in i k thi nnest buiiast in tlm whole ..unity, but tho price the owium asked lor the bind wan ho high 1 1 t t - com panr would not puri'lnine it. ll the tin I, an" County poultry Show InHt I hind had been Hold to the S. '- C" Week had u .U);( I u I 'icsi-ti t a lit ion i " side t r'lt'k would have le n pill evliibtots of dil-! '"i ''id a permanent on. in v m id' the So. l'.H'ilii' Co that nil the other evliibtots of dil- lt k rit kinds of liirdH, and i at ricd supplying oil .'!., I le'i out t ,f die Co ofTt ted. So lunch ciithiiMiisiii wnswotked np. that Colpii'c ( will have a ........ witli luilhiMt. Such a plant would have mount a good pay roll n i l'. I ' to Cottage drove's Iiuhjiiikh hut. tin ; "I hei nvii within ii short opportunity wuh lost, unfort'niaP I Try our c:iiilix, Holm leu Mr. an.! hi IW time. It is will known that there ale ilozeus of ( hi. ken i ainers hei e tliut 1 ii i , i ii i.ii i,. 1 1. . i .... ' ' 'ill i' a . I 1 II I I m . . i .i . .down from Djtenu -ii'iM"- i hi i in- oo i ii'itii iiiim sfi'iion. i '1 he i;t Jihiv t (n iv,(.v, p, In) n ; hiiiuuni, mi every hi Inn man in i lldvi'T'l tu li jo'IIiii;; fl'llily for till' ue t I'how The awards won by Collage ' ( ove l aiKi rH w el e : V. IIM II ll i.lloKNS. Mrs. Fred Knssi I c rue on Tiles. la v i .'I I'UsineMH. Don't thiow uway your ni T'oii calendar, (lit 'i new l'.'OT .-a', n dur pud at Tho ltii.iuir and utt i i' to your old ( "ileildur. 'I' if I mile? at I lie era. um.. t is m a ; 1 1 . . ' 1,1 a leak hiHt Sat u rd ii y nci that the H e;.- on Monday ni:;li', was ut I' n I' d y 11 it " "i w ho Ii !,.-d willl niie 'i i. U '!(m to lid 'In i l,y K v ':. oflll Slltll- i hi I, lion. It. M. V- t' h, Kcv. I' ( V ( iia'c and othi ri) Mi.' ohject of tho meeting was tr' i' -iv Hi- e'eclifjii of Tiiendny and tin- el'd-et ol local option on the t' aii The sp' ak' ts were u unit in I'allii ;' lor voting for prohihitioti. Mr. Veatcli voi' ed the sciitimout , ill ! i .piesMOn ol Hie mef tll 111 st ilH'.' that since local option Wilt in i" :!' t the town h.n hi t n ( lOner an I la lie ten j , : i 1 1 i that husinc M ' 1 ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 , tha' ni' n a i ' i a) in;; thi ir Ii 't , tha' never p ii 1 t hem ho.'oi'e. T ' il I ai oj.linii he. dorie joiO'' 1'' Him d welfare of the t'm n and In H li'iaticjal v.ilfaie as well, iu '' el ol injuriii;; either He cited lip l e t that Hull" ol the people who h. l ite th" J'lne e!e tion ntat"d they W'lil I 'e!l mi' cheap if th" t)n w- nt drv w in! I si ll no v at any l i; i -e. p" -'kin:: "f th" financial t-i 1 of !i- pi! -lion In.- slated that, if th-j t .n v-!it ' wet" on Tuesday the .nil n. i!:in n i onld do nothi-w hut h ' I i mate iN . . I that, ll i- ., no i I ion yeai a' I' r h llinn the Purse Found. iiji poi: !!--.! A f.urse wh found in It :,' u,;ht iir the point (iarman-IIenienway's on More ion I iw sayn that (wuer can liavo name by appl;. h Id within tw'o :at this office and pnyin for :e - ' u,ty has voted I I".' ". 'i . - n:n;j Huh l.'ii Mi': y f x II ! i I 11.113 A jUIILiillf, hall th" Jurch'H disnliy of China, wp.ji ion wai- pjctures of Cottage Groe, ivc. an I opportunity to do a Lit of 0;e;-on ' ndvertikintf in your Christmas i!i-. Latrj Ar,ci,nif:n! Work Many of tho merchmtde avoirs A e.i. ..t many -!a:::i owner-, in have recently put on now r.leik-, the j, )h-inia l;-!r;' t .ire husily and on questioning the owner3 tle:v at w - .tk hnishMi thvir a-, cessment state, no it is not just for Chri .1-w-oil. for 'he v i . It is an un-. mas our trade is growing so that lort iiri!" linn tint uv-n who own 1 w-" find it necessary to have in ,ie. e!a'.! th. a; General Hiriing News and Information R0AD3 U BAD SHAPE ',i - P ire t !!.! .r. i .. 1.'. IV oek I'. Wallet, Vi C'lekeiel - Ml! i nres- were put out. l lie poi! r w a R. C. Alii", 1st; Mis C. i.Lii it.iwn i.n.l oi, KIi.m.I.v a . , ,.. I! t lid n es to any saloonkoetx-r ! Tt inim' d hats as nt .i ; !- I for u license and pro-1 Ideal Millinery, M, I tip- proper paper and bunds, red. i ii ii a .:eiu" -was ir ranted and " M in P. Hen K ' l'u'l. t- Mt Pen- K C ( )i j di 'I Unison, ji ; Walker. :;d. A til", .Ml I. i C. Widker, 1st. An,", 1st; Mrs. C. 1- Walk.-t, :t,i. .s. r. ii Mia ka ,'. Cnek Mis. J. 11. Warner, 1st. Coekeiel J. C. JohnMoii, ;nd; I). II. Cham!" i lain, dd. Pulli ! Mis. .1. II. Winner, I'd. Pen It 1! Chainheilaui, VH. I paired at the now foundrv and put i in Use again Tues hiy afiei n -ion. j ; 1 tirili the shut down a great .pi m i 1 1 it v t cream wan colk t d, !m !i ' will kep the ereatnriy bu . mi!. ; iny up for a day or so. The Haitoln meat maiket addi tion in being piiHhed as fust as pas Mine unuer llio pit-Kent weather. .('oifi; II. Hartfds in now in Portland look-i 1 1 y in; ing upth ice pin nt proposition. iion'li - ih i in I Keeper ope tie 1 up, then j 1 1 1 iio:i-e be ai tested under the j Wa:,hiu;;.o:i i. in a ii-.iii t i-1 1 1 1 I I"nve ( ,ie'P ail the time. --s n.'-n! '-voik nut.! the hiHt j Ilunilrods of pounds of :l"n tl:-. work home-made canny that is w'.atiif I i d-ii '.-t ev- we have in Btoek -and by the w iy I: i very poorly it is going we'll have to make hun ht.e I t'nroughout. , dreds more. You will never havr- a 1 ist th" least j better chance to get the best tUn o you have this year. Call at thelw now store by the bridge. Ilolrndcu. Portland ih Laving the pleasure of a strike of the electric car nr n. i '-' Hot h sides claim a 'victory. The':-: street ear officials claim that aim ,st '-' all of their men know nothing of''' auy intention to call a strike until the papers brought it out and tint they do not want to strike. Alb any rate the cars have been run ir- I 1 regularly during the day and not at - all at night. : a.'no'int . i ml e ;i the la", it's a ,)' r i Sui Ii in-'-t ho. i -i m ist : aillli'iii-,. I '.viik that can 'ulti'i the tuean : it her than clo a ! of wnik. f rieces-itv Bi;j C ! 1 1 islrnas Sale. it t i iiO o! 1 help as $1 . I a I'ranef s at cost. liar- Representatives at i 'i il i v voted to in- iptioii law, then a round of i erease the salaries of the members i. t i . K i e tin '"-i com llielice.l whieh . w.' i' i iv; ntirdty end up in a great .cxp i',-e t the city. Mr. Veateh ei j pic'-.-d his (ii-.;t jiprovul of the action taken in calling for this election, j an 1 stat d that he did not Mint e (', row t i go on record as to make laws that would t v. ith st a,, laws and setting d the in . , : .. (, the cabinet, the viee-pu-siiiei.i and speaker of the llmis - to 5'-." 'J p'T year, but re-la-ied l ' ni' 1 1 :i- : thv; -i il iries of sen a'.or.s, i e j ' r sentatives, and ded.' gites from vO'Mi to 7"',iti). Their net step should Le to give the pres ldent Sio i on ) a year $.i0,H.)O. "r i do a a troiii his il; r... i J-iistrict for ai' Lis ji'in hascd .i'i; i i iiiii in Iio-H'.-nry fioleiison. - . in fr Jia the propm ty on .Sat--peud Chii-tmas ;: - i; .i :ry ! a -.- ir:j : ;ia Dis now and have been a:;d (Jettys Mr. Doyle, the timekeeper of tie. S T Co. who lost both legs by l,e ing run over near Divide a few weeks ago is stated to be gttti;:.; along very well and will soon be out of the hospital. Father O'i'ur rel was in Portland and saw Doyle, who Baid, "It might have been worse, I have two hinds yet."' liis pluck will pull him through a;: I instead of i will find him a different way to earn a living than by beggiug. hue 1 tl.ei is :' 'Vi i i:1 t i C'i "i LVnd. 11"! I I'. Ni, l;d .sui iiiKht, ml und 'ol lit N WAM)olTl. Cock W C. Conner, 1st. Ill I I' eot'll I N- l'ullels 1'. II. KoHeuburg, 1st and 'Jd. U IHTK I.AS'.SII A.N'.S. Pullet -W. C. Conner, Ibt. v. II 1 1 I. ANl-oVl'MS. Hen - Kobeit (liilVm, istiiiul 2d. Cock Kjbeit (iiillin, L'nd. :l. K M.NCl;Cs Cock .MiH, Orjdia IhuiHon, iht Ilcii Mrs. Orpha Ik-nson, ist. H ; IKIKKINo. Hen Mih. J. II. Warner; ist and lid. Cockerel --ladwin Ihight, 1st. 1'iillet Ildwin liright, 1st. 2d and ;d. I Wl ltol I. lis Coidi.nel Hairy K. Metcall', 1st. i'ull'-t llariy K. Metcalf, 1st and "Jtid. asaacsasEsaaa ! be Running Out of Wood. The S. I'. C" is lunning out of wood and in Mailing to burn coal, at the 'dipi't hete only miough wood i-s on hand to bum until the lirst of the year, audat that time roal sloyes will be installed and eoul will be shipped here for heat ing the depot . At find thought it seems very .strange that tho wocd HUpply nhould la- ho hhm t with a thousmid hills on all sides covered with great foroMH, but during tho paft yoar 'very man and boy has found two jobs waiting for him, and almond ready for hi in to name his price, so there was no money in cutting wood, w hen such jobs weru to be had, coiiHcijuenlly no wood wuh cut. Next summer many nay there will bo lots oi wood cutters, but many of the nu n who uro making eare f nl preparations s.iy that noxt yoar will be more lively than this, und that not an extra man will be found and that wages will still bo higher, und help is searce, with a prospect ol fewer wood cutters than ever thin year. An Opportunity Missed. The H 1' Co. has juwt purehused ioo acruH of Drain Mountain, cIohc to Drain and will at once put a crew to blasting out rock and crabbing it for ballast along the now road. Tho Drain Nonpareil Mates that several cniHherB will bo j ut to woik blaKiny cut the rock i rig nin ai f m , f1 H ti ffl M W h B m U H HHirtlHfi riHBV r rj rcir n ua n cf ei vai m u voa uxn v?sr k ji r- . .DEG 20th Wo have arranged with a large Manu facturer of Furs to make a full display of every immaginable shapes, including all the up-to-date special designs that could be shown in New York at prices direct from the Factory to the wearer, including the new throw scarf and mulls to match, childrens sets, etc. While we have a fine line on hand and a credit to any store, we ask you to come in on Dec. 20th whether you desire to pur chase or not. Yours very truly, r irr ISLlLSLS n TUflMFiOflM i" numrdu n CO ii-isn First National Bank Bldg. H:rr.i.i:' ft!l..tb.r tr,. l ' ii I ea i ;. Ii ; 5 i Cat;;.; in.-,. : 1 have ; . ia ; i;' p 14 St, 4 , Efiecv'vc A.:rbsii,q . A w .;!' i:y M .: t j has been visiti!i..' ; I reeentlv pai ! a vi-i I oriee to h'ek at i. mens i ; 1 ,!n v ,; i ; displ.ivi il i;i on! I I fc'-'t-i"'S ! H eti- !I'o:a li e ''le: I Kivii-; !e 1 Hi. I ' ! i ty Ve u's et ! j t yen iv s i . :l has in.; bee- :n. l.t j c.iin . In M.):.',-i ii. .. ;,.r M o ei 'v 1 . v i . llie I ii 59 I'l.i.'v, . on '.'... i:...! H!dor..i:r. 1 be 'n s: . a;; 1 J tl'.e 1:-)! d-'.'i j ortli . ;' ;.. 1 j sliuw'n : : - i lb-- I- ...-.;. !' been p; ,. j llevaii . -..i St i inui'.i. ; .,, pe 'pi t lunk 9 j not n' , ; i , '..-.n willdu tin. , ' - i 1m ; ti ii..; 'Iii: ll l) ll : .e' e: l..'. ' I s inluei.e.. vV i ! 1 '. ' I Tho filp.'.ie ' i. i I of fact, !.'. :. II vl;i..' ;.) ; r.ipef ph:e j ih j Cih i '!'.;, ,S Sale'. I lb.- a' lie I i Christ!:: I- 's u I ',; e , plicCS. lish Holly i n- t, lie at The Millinery storc, n it i in. ii ii ' a I 111 lill in ll i. oi the last e.'i greatly enjoyed. : at this iy : 't':. :i a 1 vantage i Ii days mean !: :;: . At the Ve . : i :'i-j: crew are 1 Si m.i J'-r Hard ex work com-.r-. 1 ' -- run over ii . avy -".ows ol the 1: -' ma'io it very '..- v. o;k a- was ex-.I'.-vs have done ' i:i a tl;e trestle i ai can b-i laid f.iea it will be put the c irpeuters go 1. -i :.g over th '"-. ' V.: s !u::.v ns steadily and large 1) .ye been eotten ;e c:e gotten out, the re is fr.:-:! and Mlunager ;r:i:ig lor f long ana run ol the miil eoramenc oi n. Luck in Mining. .: :e ijt e... !Ue ct the t..o notary ol ::: ! by those of these things; ' .'netiraliy re- I kingdom. I -:'.e:n by which II h.ivo luck lo- you man, i can prove I f I -eft prove it '.i t '.ic.ilars for 2- unieson, room Denver, Colo. a' Bohemia. :r. i 'woman who i Cut'.aoe Grove . lo the Xuggot !.' ! t!ie speci- 'ii.-. that were window-. After vi specimens of oi' 'ra.j.j. the Ve--'.!vi'i, she f i ! ihe'ii ia tor . it'.,' known ii a. i ii. nine, aua v ie, t he carup . a a great we have tho r-t liu District ; v;uu?s went us of vet in i v a dollars ' - e.nples .'.'.. . .such a - i.inge that his never i ge e ipi talis ts. is .-.o easy of t Tab r oi l com- theie is a short e by a t-. in big ti-r ore tii'i;i ite'in her e fell, and its e of the -itarter-i. mi - a matte" l ' take a good until Eng. Ideal Geo. Dung v:h in town I d.iy mi busin s . Tues