BOHEMIA NUGGET J. UkEN IISHLR. Manatcr. IVOMLMIA M'iiLf I'llUISMIS'l COMPANY. minor in Montana tor instance. who iomutly ri cciveJ f ' ." p r lay r..-.w 1 f i. IFgh'r wag -ilt;.: tuV m An via and rt'a r j r i,inc:-.l minim: state Tf-i ouipied with t:i"rc i x;tt:','i scp ; Ik-- lis made ;t i.tcts-.,:y to t .!- the chat :. f -r j-t od .;:;.; copper It ho i! .: l tvx n'-.-ti-1 that tie i.t: ut it: or-. w v.;d the orc ,t(i:s which n iv I'H'-u wvrke 1 : r ci: gr i be. '" 'H'- M li.s UI I' M1 f. 1 TV I'l.T.tK- 1 I i.'.ir l i' morih- -" If I k! ! ;n ;i 5vul.ce. Clubbing Pates. 1!..- p...?.. t N t;ir-t J .-r st i .n .;... . f tt o r.-ii' j i,i !: . ar f. .r -.iii--tint - t f.-i. !.. M. ;. '"' V.t-k! orwnbiti ' l'1 r 1 1. ill ! ' ?-'."' '.Vcvk.Y J,, i I'.-rtUnd J." "1 I'.i lv !Mi;.::i- l:-v.-rd . 1 :;. er V W.- k'v !..:. K.- rd Ii. c ::. v !l V 1. t V.1 it ! c r .b a-e I which, cf cc !:t:,::..l ''.;- u the I'.vti r t . , t a n;it part d.v: If lui -i ATI 1 1. s j :.. m .i:-,-! a ! copper nut; ..t. ;e as the Cdu whbh alrea lv H.I llll' ) . r.vk in :t- 1 1 4" l rt.v U c o tin je th i!-ar f prcit f, r ho:te tiir.c '. 1 "-?. In :t cje.!i- cnt to i;.ct.u.c it- lin 1 !-.vl 1::: ! ctw urcha-e-. It ; f.i.'t :: t t' l i:t- i t the I:t"e -f cVi.-u a Itruitc-l At a tm-.t it;- r ..- T!!K A Mr K! a.n m , . s . . n !;'. i ...:. .-r ; - e- i :. . t - . - r f :-.;' :r la ;h- : .;: :."- ' ' fH ! f A I' K 4 ; '. " - ' t !-( .-. t .:::. A i- : . . Vc :.'.'. M i;k tL' f-retr:;t an i- c r it n- art' at tp :.-iM.r to rrjaj' t' h;h r.iirk.;t ri.'c Big Yarder Arrives COMING SOON! J I. I -ut-' y.u.l..r .1 nl' At OlUTA IItll.'.f i t-.-in- -.!:. vi-.l ci t!;c S I S I tv Sttvr li'i: ' :i v t'rom 1 V'l 1 1 l :i i " ..t it m i vent up :i th. t Free 1 it: i- I - S 1. M'i!i.Ja morning an 1 Mr. m .is ! Mr. Jjd.h a- 'p,lj,c Q! C.-.v !': V. r, jh.v".v ; on . rrw of i i .01 .H'.il t ' JCt vHlt l'.lHl ft 't l!' . :ki l.iy without f:!, uUhoii, '.i l. lift !vc rr.n!iim fnli un f I iic P.-si n mr.I i i r.ivt:c.i..s at i finivirvl v!j a:ul t' tots to begir. nvii: lntnlor for .bipmcnt i:: iN.'it four .lt. s fur the f.i;'.l liw j 'nt n it at out 7 ivw fet-t f. r re ir. the cx-t:i:ct',n d the tuii!, Mr Jne- i'Xpect t. ::uke ; :e.-orl to: ttu lo.-' t Hi s a inter, .in 1 n nt t in ier)t!nn re.uiy. lt.t- l-iw entire was nr lere l tic month- Jl'ec. n't. viith or lers to s:i! for i lthi:i -lavs to cxi'ff I ' . t ut ;i;-t a 1 j ." months in ,r H,,., nvrnij. CottiMic Grove Flour Mills M .i run:.' " C S;.' s;.l. li'H'.' . " i.t ' i ' , .. i, k v i i . .. . , ,i !. I I I l I Irs .1 Hi Vetch Hay! i - . T.;;.e t:- ii.Ihi'v i ? ; 1 i . hi I. arvc-t that i ticn in : .-J' ... -!;-".v i:r.v i:; 'im.h' v r I .. h U t: tie wcrli'f j :o.l"Oti.n a ... -lit ii cvt.t iiriter than Th ?t.iti?ti.:an of th- M W. r! 1 ca'.cu'ate that the It" vutt ut w.U i! VkL'.nk;ay. Dec. h- ij HiN ScSool ots. Tv ) cc j uj iU, J. V. an. I Kv S'itUt r!a:i-l. wert a-.l 1 l-1 t th-? frthium class th:- wek. Th . hivetcc-n atten-!::.- th? i.ti".il at i)r:i;:i Wc- are ! t) v th- th.- Co- ' i . : - n t: c i ,vh r v I Fr- f r th ; ; t ;, :. !. i ! .1 f'.r -.,w- t vv. Hartunfi 6i Hansen, Son J n cr in i-' i : son" Co. Hi-h ! : i r hooi inert, 'v.. :M::i!-.-r th 'N'i II ; I.. . I. r.. l NeU T- laT ttje txen? of n- .ther liquor tlct;on will lie ixrn v the city in order to ive the Miiur tn Q -i " im.e lavo'-ve the t! txrt):icc .tv : it the courts msy recier another vision uj'h. 1 licg the local option tiv in it provision-. The Iswt :-,v c .vs have sto st feral Jecision bv i-j.i that city aay pai ttit cm: 3 lie t n)i tee locai op t.on yet the r:tt frit ad ot Cottage Grout's 'are, the ii'juur net, insist that she shall vote upjn the 'jut'tioc itid let them, the Ii- ;jor lutn, Liu a to run t aloon d-iri"- tht? hjii I ays. a-;-l thf-n provf that the! :p t.'.. !a-.v i-r mvahi. Whit iojal fr.c-nJs they are to -o ir.tere-jt thesi .els in 3-car'.a :jnifjr the -.tys keep, with no rare expense '.t;an a few ele tions and Iarsaits, ;he courts Jocisi.. n L-o the tia-e comes, will prove. Copper Prospects. Present high prices, the result of a greatly increase 1 consumption and a slowly rising production which. ! the way is !t"s than had ben estimated earlier in the year, indi cate that copper mining diidends v ill he lar.r than heretcrore. Many mines rhat vvre opLtd while the copper Loom was on a t'jw years aio are rapidiy reac-hing t r.e dividet-d-piyirig fage and the older properties by iuore economi cal working are ahle to squeeze out au extra dividend occasionally. It requires greater managerial talent t j meet the exigencies of a low grade copper mine, LotwitLstand i ; i i.' the current high prices, to guar ' ttntce an equitable return on the c jital invented. To say that near ly one-half of the market price of c.pper today h profit ii nonsense, and as a rule it hound hke the t . addle of an inexperienced per .n, , e for insUcice, wl.o-e iivcoh'jd i peuds upon the tlotation of ri;:n i: i stocks on glitter ::;,' generalities. .S me of the tetter paving of the larger working rninei caniiot hon estly boastiiig of O'lucmg copper al less than 11 or 12 cents per j-'-ucd ai'd not a few must pay j3 c nts and more. In remote case, however, it may be possible to tin l ai.d exceptionally vvtll cnuaged iniue that -u produce eoiper at lO ce its or a fraction less per pound. b..t bpcakitig generally tht co-ti, nearer 12 cents. A factor that partly explains the higher cot of producing copper today is labor; hic,b recori. Co-T'.impti-'n. how ever, shows a longer triie. lt year it 2 '","" t c r 2 .. " rx-r Lent n;3:i- l'-'-jl and oi 1."'- ill l roba: iy t-tal al-jut --'v o-.'o tons, the record. An i:;.-e i in proj-jrti f the -lom-tu- c n sumptioD is t'tin.' ')ppI.e..i by !ia-port-s from jic;c v; 1 Canal a K jo:t this year show a marked fall ing o:f. hut when the ;raO:d;n iry demand trom China in I...O5 is wiped o3 the ledger, the total ship meets in 1 '& more fivoratle. In fact, some the mors iui;jrt at ICur'-'pe-'. countries U jvv an in creased corisumpti'n this year. Copper prices averace aiout 5 u-:.ts per pi'in 1 better than i'1');. and in the 11th month of t'.'o'l :'. ac tuated letween and 22 ' cents per round for Lakf copper, f. u. b. New York. 21'.. and 22. o cents for electrolytic. 2lj and 21 -t cnts for casting; whil standard copper -old at London at f'J to ,'101 1 s 9I per ton t.2 1 .05 to 22.11 cents per psund.j Mining World. Kcv Mr. OI-mju fivr.-d the !.ird; -- .:: L . j.... 1 v;th a verv intere-ti'ii; talk a-- or. ' Su.-cfs" Iat Tu- lay t:v...rn 1:1 in the regular asseml-ly Ml-.- Mill li' Hooper I'.js 'i-.-e:i ab s-nt f:. m the frf-bm in cl .s thi week on account of .n kr,- ' hop-.- to have h r back. 1: nv v. r. ut the b-gi::nig f next wk We are getting rather ani. u fr oar high school p-.ns t h it have teen ordered f ir r-everal weeks, but havo not yet rca.he 1 us. Mi-s I-idna Grace was .its. ut fiorn the 'hi'inore cl t-- hi-t rhur-diy Mis Vtcla Couot h been a! ent frum sdix.'. this week The fienmen held a cli-- meet inj one dav thi week ai.d choe black an "range colors. The teachers have been eivine u tk Rush to Dollville i -w 1 . ii - t!.-- - : i.- - .1 i .1 r . . r r i ;i 1 . I. v Classified Ad crli. iik at Wood W.VPM -uh-,'ripti .:t th n n '-A it 'n tj - .1 k 1 msm W. 'A Ll M n n I 1 )R SAI.ii g.on tyj -.w-r Don't Fail to catch Announcement. We desire to inform the general public, that we have purchase! the etook and business cf the well ktrown firm of Welch cNc Woad of this city. We shall p'Jt forth every effort to give a "square deal" to all who enter our doers and to main tain th-i high reputation oi oar pr decesors L-r handling the highe-t c'as of ladies and mens furnishings, shoe? etc, ever passed o'-er a ooun ter for the money. We Lot only solicit a continua tion of the liberal pat.-onage en joys 1 by the old firm, but eiteu 1 to all a hearty iuv'ii ttioii to vi-j.t our store and impr -ve ih? opportu nity oSere 1 for driving a go ;1 bar gain. Respectfully Wheeler-Thomps on Cj. Soccers rs to Welch ci U'ojIs. l m A a 1 ' -y ':: i. their c!a-s ''ottage C-r oc at.-: '- .. Fire lb -let As-n M viii.kT.nic ufii.Tr,..ctfcl t.ri...n !.-. aii't the . iCti.'i ons this wiek We deem it a wic- of Haitf "t I, plan : 1 '..'- a.wavs on tae l .oKout In assembly on Friday morning Mr. Strange gave a talk 0:1 Presi dent Uoosevelt's message to Con-trr-ss. He seitctel from thia mes sage right or ten -f the mo-t irn- n j Clans' Train! Kor SaIo Sj au el- un I n -h mares, or will tr 1 : -r quire ut". r a 1 !" Fk w- J. Toys arc now on display for all the HOYS and GIRLS. p rt tnt questions and thoso with p;,, p; ,i , f whirh we aie mo-t familiar an 1 " plained and .!: i:--.-l the::1, in very mterc sting manner. M-;V ( Till; FOi: KPII'KI'SV. J. I'.. Vitt.-r;:.nn, d Wiitc-rt . I'.ir;ii :r.' -livery, writ'-: ".My 'brighter, a:"".h f-d ' ir v.-ar- witi. crib-; --.". wa-i-ur.-l ly lr. K:r.x' .N'M' !.!'. I'i.l.-. si,.- I,a- nut t.a I ,-ic ; attack f'r u-r tv '" l'.--t' In ijy c!-aii -r an 1 !'.? '"ii!-, hi-u;i arth, i'.",- at i 'r - ii 1- I'h ir- IJ.ii'V. ! r4.---4.v4i-4.- -JU-X A A A A A A A A A A A AAX -A'A A--XrXA- 4i-A'4-'- '4vf'"4'''4' ?f Lines Ail Down. Uirig to the hei'y stirnis throughout the co'jn'rv th-; tele graph lines to the north, east and south are all down. Such was the report of the telegraph companies Monday. A great storm ae ha paaed over th entire country, and Cottage fir r.e g ,t a little spurt of it lion lay afterrron in a sudden tierce wind 1 rain storm th it lasted fur um- t me. Spcl&l School 1etin. N iti'.e is herelV gi'-f-n to the le gal v. ters : S -ho-i district No. 4." cf I.ane County, State of Ore iron, that a spo-'-ial scho )! meeting .f sai District will Ur hc-U at tb' ICast Si io school lion-r on the l'jth day of I'-cem!er, 1 '.'!;, -tt ; o'clock in the rifrerno;n, fr the following o'j-ct to vu'e an eight mil! tT- for school purj-.-es. Dated this 1st day of December, i'o6. J. K. UAkkKTT, District Clerk, C- H. Vasm h(. ko, Chairm n Duarl of Directors iv:, .! mm ,. ' I; V'. J """'m''-' 'Vc :wis -4 4, r H.':TrTy-'MKT-Mml.'t 4 BOHEMIA NUGGET'S Mrs. S. I;, Mors'-i visited in Cies weli last week. G. h. Hawkins went to Cre.swell Thursday on biiricv,. Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders.The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels Look out for the alum compound A MII'.AI L'l.OI S ' I It lb Tii.- fulluw 1iil .-tiitement liVll. M Adt'ii.s and vv.f", Henrietta. I'a.. wl.l j 1 ii t-r-nt l-arent-. ;u:d uth'-M. ' A iiii 1 r, raculuUrt has taken plai e in our ' -T lioin -. ('ir hlld ha'l ec inu " year-i ' aii'J was pronuunc-'l lncriraM.-, wn.-n wc- read about Jil'-ctric Itltteirf ad'i uri;lii'i'.-d tu try it. 15'fure the second buttle ',a.s all tak.-n w nutlced a ehiititfc for the better, and after tak inii 7 bottle's he was cumplet.-lv eilred " lt'rt thir up-to-iljte bluu 1 j ji iin.-'llciii',' and ij"dy hiiildiiiK ton!:, y- iiiararitei-.J. au J -!. ut l;en-un h I'h-irmaev. Greatest Magazine of the Year argam Hr rf rlf Big Christmas Sale. i Jivery hat tu ij.- i-uld at Trimmed hats as cheap as $1. Meal Millinery, Ida Frances Ii ir-relt. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. j Retlty Trantftra. i Thomas N and Hannah iielle j Doyle to lirowa Lumber Cc, 12o 1 acres in sections .'31 and '52, town InlJp 21 south, range 1 webt;uoo. : (jfj) W Mcuc-'ii to David Finn J one-half intercut in Drumlunimon 'and Oiegon mining claims, I5o , hernia district, $1000. , H'nry Johnson to Geo WMo j fiic- u Gold Dollar and Gulden ) it-ce mining claims Dohemia dis i triet $1. i W C and I.av.-tte K Johnson tu Hannah J I'almer, lot 1, block 3, D (i McFarlands feeeond addition to L'ott ige Irove Jioou. fieij O Col well to lvltner Middle coir, lot 2, block 1, D T McFar lands third addition to Cottage Grove $1. I including the biggest magazines at the littlest prices. We can save you '10 per cent in standard f magazine subscriptions if you accept this oiler j NOW. 1U 1'LK l.LiM SAVhl). REVIEW OF REVIEWS WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION SUCCESS MAGAZINE NUGGET .$3-oo I.OO I.OO 150 $3.90 (If Ovir Price Only 4 fr 'If lf (If lf (If 1 Six million of tin? b;-.t p.-uobi in Ann-iici ha..- i n u- these thren great magaims u joy and 'f" he'p and inspiration. Wo arc r "ii 1 u le .i'-i-j tu u b r th ::n iu oue giout combination with tho 'T Nugget. If f;r any reasci yui i not 's oil id t k- m i" iines fur yourself, send thorn to your REGULAR PRICK S6.30 . . 1 lie tune lur Mii'-.cMijiug iiii'- p 11 ''ii i i 1'ift. r. very reiiuci Hume, wlicie food iiud 3-r ing is appreciate 1, is nut wi'liout its f imily giuiip uf p.-riu licals aomething for tho man, sonn. thing for tho young people, .s-i.i'.-ctu'lig i r tli- w.inn.i:i. 1 lieso three inagiiine.s lull llio bill cuin pletely as u year's supply for the ;i: i n v ' ibb-. Vmi wi'I want them anyhow, so why iut get tlium with the Nugget, saving H p-.-r ceu as wc.-.l as th.; 1 1 -'lib!..- of c jiTespuiabng with four nllislici n( I f fric-nde. No present i 1'ioie a ptnh. llIiMI'.Ml'Fd; tli" ll:l'- ' ! .'ili.A'j oiM ji.M tl i,',!) .;'!!! .p irately and tilt) Hi Nugget costs l.oii I in i. We 'i' i id! f.-ir toy '.'i b.r a bnut.-d tiiuo uhly .,r . . Send in your H) order today; do it now. 4i (if (if tif (if (if if