BOJiEMIfl -..i.i ) Devoted to tlio Mining, Numbering nnd Panning Jnt rets of this Community. VOL. VIII COTTAGE GKOVK, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1906. NO. 46 BOHEMIA General Mining News and Information. DEEP SNOW IN HILLS A number of 1I10 miners nre coining down front llohciiiiu to upend Chi iNimiii in town. The ViHuvitis tiiuiiHhr frosted hi feel intn severely lust vi( k while dmiug up wiili 11 l.i lul l o H n J J . 1 1 vv lol the -11 1 1 1 1 . I". V Hopkins who spent the .summer on l lie Combination prop erty at tlm loot of lliiliemi.i, is now in I'.llixton, Montana, uiiniiij.;. A l'ig snow stoim ne.l through tin' ll'dieiniii camp on Nund i v and i'ovi red Hung tip pretty He tier dlv, ho the ti l"j,hoiie lines were otit of couunisniuu on Monday. At the Oiei .11 Color.t I the miner ure steadily pounding away developing the mine, mid nil the dcvoloptntiiit oik will count greatly when 1 1 1 niitii begins handling i t h .no A Khphone talk with 1". J. Hard at the Vesuvius tilings wml that tlm men are pushing the woi k right along on the lug tirstle, and that it will soon lie eomplelod if such line weather us was had Mon day, after tlm Morin will only hint for n week . Sherman Clark went up to tho CoJnliintition property on Wednes day, and will file on water rights, ond a mill site for his property. He utates that they are now working out a uuiuLvr of cliati.t lor th property. Tho lug placers in Southern Ore gon havo begun operations lor the year, They ni at work ahnoMt a month earlier thun UHual an Uip water supply is more plentiful than usual. A couple of now companion aro taking hold and putting in big plants of machinery. Prank Dame wood cuine down from his home on the Hardserab ble Hoad on TueHduy. He stutcH thut the road is teriibly blocked by falling trees fioin tho storm of Monday. Considerable; nnow has fallen higher up, and the middle be tween Fairview ami lJohemia mountains is covered with four feet of snow. The Granhy Coua. Mining Smelting Co of Uritibh Columbia is the first mining company to divide its profit between employes. At a meeting of directors recently tho board voted to divide $2.r,ooo among lo employees who have worked for the company -r years or more, and wns based on faithful, diligent Hcrvico, not on a niilary percentage. Sueh an action ou-jht to insure to the company the very bent labor and the best of employee Mining interest in .Japan are multiplying at a nto which sug gests inneaHcd proHperity in the not diHtant future. It is Olicially reported that about 2 per cent of tho total sueuficial area of the Jap aneso empire, excepting Formosa find Saghuloin, is being prospected. Tho copper output ia growing rap idly, giving Japan fourth place among tho producing countriew. In coal production Japan has jumped to tho eighth rank, imd in petrole um it now occupios fifth place. As a producer of sulphur this couutry ranka next to Sicily and the United Statea. Last year Japan's minoral production wna valued at about fil$ 000,000, while expoitswtro nearly f 16,000,000. In short there is roason to believe tho mining in dustry of the Mikado kingdom will show HubHtantial development, us many of its technical man lire put ting into practice the knowledge they have gainod whilo visiting the United States and Europe. Min ing World. Blackbutte. Asst. Manager Cooper of Black butte statea that tho tramway ia now entirely completed, and was tried in uctiou Tuesday morning. Tho principal timbers of the big ore hoiiHr nre in position, ami tie- woil. is all progressing. The (ije, which have caused them consider able delay in liiiiHhiiig the I ig on densor, uro now on tin- way, and will soon arrive ami be unbilled. Tho woik hewiiiL' out tlm big tim bers is netting along and the 01 e bins will lie completed in a f. w weeks, the installation of the ma chinery will then take place, am! everything be finished up ready to run. The company engineer, Mr. Mnitin is now in New Voir eutifer ring with Mr. J'ennisonn number of matters, but will soon return. Mr. Cooper is building a new honn i lor his own use, ns his mother w 1 1 i move from Portland to Plu kbut ie to keep h'une for him. Tickets on naif at New l.ia fw "Tilly Olson". '.. T. i'owmaii k lui hi d (inn a bnvineHH trip north on Tuesd iy The basket ball teams are having a Kreat time this year and a lum ber of teams are forming. MisH Mamie Kimo has returned to her honiM hereafter a isitut Knrika, California. Hei many blends welonnie hT luck. F'red KiiHsell came in from l'.,it land on Monday and Tin s lay even ing Mth. IbiHHell caifie tip fioni San Franiisco, both going up to J)n lena Wednesday morning. Mr. Russell nays the big donkey in stalled this summer is not m y a .'Meat lielp, but its steady wni V at all times is a great rebel after tin many delays before from break downs. The mill is running juite Hteadily, and whilo n trreat di-i.d of lumber is being piled up, mi the! shipping time will come after a whilo. ! HTEDnDEKEESBaSC SIM J. I. Jone: i"1VC3 Initial Move For Cottage Grove. 1250 TREES ON ROAD Cottage fJrove has just as gooj opportunities for fume as a fruit el ,,n m any p nut, Hood J'uver not excepted, but as vet no orclmrd bus been st.T ted on a lari'o t-a ale 'ioJ. I -fon.-H owning a large tr;u t ifland partially within the city limits, ban decided to make a t st m a big M'.de. Mr. Jones has now ri Npit.enberg and Newton pip. pin apple trees" enroute and has the h ides all dug for these trees and probably 5,,,, more, which will rover -'fo acres. Mr. Jones would put in more tr'es now were it not 'lor the diflienlty ol digging the hoh.-H and the scarcity of labor, but lie expects inside of a year to have 100 acres all set out lo apples. With I .Mr -Jones making such a start it will not be a difficult thing to get many cthir men to have good or chard laud to do likewise. As Mr. Stewart, who was tho pioneer fruit grower of Medford, said. Cottage drove has just as good, if not b( tier opportunities than Med fori had and all it needs is .s jtnc piogreisivo man to start tho men to work. Mr. Jones' action is making this initial move deserves tho appreci ation of every laud owner in this ncction, and we all hope his or-' mm rim rani r imrs H H- 7a N H r-iT V SoiM it U HI ' If- We have arranged with a large Manu facturer of Furs to make a full display of every immaginable shapes, including all the up-to-date special designs that could be shown in New York at prices direct from the Factory to the wearer, including the new throw scarf and mulls to match, childrens sets, etc. While we have a fine line on hand and a credit to any store, we ask you to come in on Dec. 20th whether you desire to pur chase or not. Youiss very truly, Successor to Welch & Woods. First National Bank Bldg. one '.f many suc in th'i next few Obituary. I'M wmd l. Cat dealt . ..( .a r. ,t s;. .!,.,,, was born Washing- on Co.. f i.diain. At an early age lie moved to 1'retieh fck. Orango Co., wiiei.i he live I until v- hon ''in!!.- !' ()Ti'ii via 1'anama and in rived ai I', fjregon on ;!n- -j'.t'l day of Dei-ember of that j year and settle 1 in fjouglas county 1 where he liv 1 urilij 1 8 7 1 when he j movr d to Cottig-r (irove, Oregon j and remained in that vicinity until ' t:ie l-d! ol 1 I l'"itlnnd w vh'n he ci'no to he has resided ' , J I i r e II ll I).:';. JKt d I - d.-ah which occured '), ag.-d so years and 1 o days. I iM's to .Mis o'i, ) i-ro a i in u rie i cept. 14 l:i;od i Seybold of Pa- ' o . m v. Indiana, who with the follo wing children survive him. Mm. Annie C. Starr of Ilam, Ore; W . an I C. F. Cath- art. of Raymond,; Maggie E. Mambri(di of Cottage Orove, (rc.; Myra (', Count"! of St'dtimao, Ore. ; Ida II. S l.rumpf, of Portland, Ore, at. whose residence he died, and C. C. Cathcart of p(jrtland, Ota. Ife j w'n buried at the lirannard ceme tery at MoutaviM.i on Dec. ord. C.dtago (irove can raise fine ! chickens nil right. Marion Ycatch went to Portland this" morning on bii.-dr.ess. .Mrs. Heibeit I;.akin left for a visit to friends in I'lugeue on Tues day. Frank Snodgrass is night watch iiinii now, while Oreen Pitcher is visiting up at the end cf the road. jit ' s X "3 ' 1 hard 'A 111 he bi; ' llll Mi J r t r I H ' a 1 s- FINE DI P Exhibitors Surprise Even Themselves With Fine Chickens POULTRY SHOW TODAY Cottage Grove will bo well rer re pented in the first show of tho Lane County Poultry nhow which H now holding in Hugne. Tuesday morn- ing tho Wells Fargo trucks at th ! depot were crowded with tho coops 01 many exnioitors, wuo were amazed to find that so many ex ceedingly fine birds were raised in Cottage Grove. There are a num ber of fine breeds that were not represented which shoul 1 have been. IC. E. Uright, 1 coop of Houdans. and 1 of Silver Grey Dorkings. J. C. Johnson, 1 coop of Silver Spangled Ilarnburgw. 1. Ii. Chamberlain 1 coon Silver Spangled Hamburgs. Chas. Walker 2 coop White Leg- horns, one of his roosters being en- tered against ir comers. Mrs. J, S. JJenson, 1 coop of 2 pens Black Miuorcas and White Leghorns. Jdufus Arne horns. coop White Leg- Mrs. J. II. Warner, 2 coops Silver Grer Dorkings, 1 Silver Spangled Ham burgs. Eobt. Griffin, 1 coop White Wy andottes. W. C. Conner, 1 coop of 2 pens White Langsham and Golden Laced nsaa U : n : Wyandotte. Jliny Metcalf, 1 coop Pav-croUcs. I - 1 1 . Kwnb rg, 1 coop Iiuff C'"-iii;j If s"i:i" of the. cliickvn? exhibited rum Oottajrn Orove do not cany fffH'.m.- of the bst prizes there will be Pome f.urprine. Such an ex'iibit givs the breeders eucour agemer.t for futuro work. li'igh Mass Sunday. Father O'Fatrell of Jutgene will ho:d fligh .Mar, at the Catholic Church next Sunday morning at 9 o'c Vj(-U . Officials Investigate Snpt. O'liricn, with other head officials of thff S P Co were in Cot tage firovo on Tuesday on their special train an 1 stopped hero to invctig'-ite the car shortage prob lem. They found every car promptly used here when put in and gathered data as to the business originating here. The railroad pcole acknow ledge being short on their supply of cars and say they will remedy the situation as fist as they can, UU it all take.; time. """ " TUC FYFANillTfJARF 1 n c C 1 C miU 1 1 "nc Py Franc Lii'ile Hard. 1-1 Chri.-man Building. Rooms 1 Ccru?a 6 Wrtrious humor 2 Aju2 -us humor 7 Optic nerve j Pupil S Retina k Iri.s U Choriod 3 Cryfdaliuo lens 10 Sclerotic i In our last article the contents of the eyeball were described; this i time we wiil talk ubout the coats of i tt:e eye. ui tuese mere nre taree, e: the Sclerotic, or outer coat, the J V iiui uiu, t'i iuiuuic turn, uuu tuc or inner coat. The Sclerotic coat is a thick, tough, white fibrous structure, the front part of which is commonly called the white of tho eye. Thia is covered with a very thin, trans- 1 parent membrane, caled the Con 'junetiva, widen gives a brilliant ! luster to tho white of the eye. The I Sch rotic joins the cornea in frout ; and the optic nerve in back where it i thickest. The next or middle coat, the Choroid, is composed of a dense j network of minute capillaries and j veins. .Uctweeri these nro cells 'containing dirk colored pigment. I The Choroid extends as far for- ward a3 the ciliary muscle, and j there ends in a little plaited frill around the Crystaline leus called the ciliary processes. The third, or inner coat of the eye, cdled the Retina, is a direct continuation of the Optic nerve which comes from the bruin. The i Ki'tim lines thy whole interior of the oveball as Jar forward ai the Ciliary rocesess where it ends in a jagged margin. Has is the nervous meui- braue of the eye and may bo com- pared to tho sensitive plate of the camera because the picture of the ; object looked at is imprinted upon jit. At the entrance of the Optic nerve, or Porn Opticus,! here is no vision. This i cilbd the blind spot. Ina direct line from the ! pupil of the eve is n Repression in I the Ri.t:.;-i an.l it luj point vi5ion is nv.Nt keen. 'I ir. is why, when we are 1 'king at an object, it ; stands out most clearly a id all other "bj.-ets to the side, above and ! below it, are not as distinct. The ' H-tir. i is cxtrem"ly thin, semi, j trans;, i rent and composed of many I layers. i Next week tho Kinmotropto or perfect eye, wiil bo discussod. Try our cau lio-i, llolmdon. "Tilly Olson" Saturday Dec loth Don't thtow away your idea l'JOG calendar. Get a new 1007 calen dar pad at Tho liruaaraud attach it to your old c'dcndar. Cottago dove was well repre souted with 40 delegates from the Commercial Club and town at tho big meetiug at Kugone on Wednesday. (