Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 05, 1906, Image 8

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    Lodffc Directory.
A. F. & A. M.
Cottage Urovo I.odtfe No. 51.
Meetings 1st ami itrd Weilncwlaya
of cadi month.
h. V. Woolcy, W. M.
J. 11. Lurch, Secy.
G. A. R.
Appotuatnx Post No. 34.
Meets at 1 p. ru. on the and ami
4th Saturday of each month.
Dr. 1". L. Woods, Post Com.
G. W. McRpjnolds. Adjutant
w. o. w.
Bohemia Camp No. 200.
Meets each Friday evening.
L. W. Baker, Consul Com.
Chss. Vanl'enburj;, Clerk.
O. E. S.
Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4.
Meetings held on 2nd and 4th Fri
day of each mouth.
Mrs. C. H. Burkholder. V. M.
V. S. Bennett, W. F.
Miss Celia Lurch. Secy.
K. of P.
Juventus Lodge No. 4S.
Meets every Wednesday night.
S. R. Piper Chancellar Com.
Chas. VanPenburg, K. of R. fc S.
I. O. O. F.
Cottage Grove No.t.
Meetings every Saturday night.
S. S. Shortridge, N. G.
Gus D. Gross, Secy.
Royal Neighbors.
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
mch month.
Ethel Bisby, Oracle.
Mrs. C. W. Wallace, Recorder.
M. W. of A.
Meetings ist and 2rd Tuesday.
LeRoy Woods, Consul.
C. W. Wallace, Secy.
Cottage Grove No. 24.
Meetings iet, 3rd and 5th Friday ot
each month.
Etta Baker, N. O.
Katie B. Veatch, Secy.
Modern Brotherhood of America
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday at I. O.
O. F. Hall.
T. W. Jenkins, Sec.
w. o. w.
St. Valentine Circle 121.
Meets iBt and 3rd Tuesday in W.
O. W. Hall.
Flora J. Miller, Clerk.
L. O. T. M.
Lady Lamson Hive No. 42.
Meets 2nd anrt 4th Friday of each
Mrs. Mary Schmutz, L. C.
Miss LetaSmford, K. K.
K. O. T. M.
Cascade No. fiC.
Meets every Thursday night.
O. If. Veatch, Com.
R. K. BenniH, Cooter.
We are anxious to have every Re
publican in close touch, and work
ing in harmony with the Republican
National Congressional Committee in
favor of the election of a Republican
The Congressional campaign must
be based on the administrative and
legislative record of the party, and,
that being so. Theodore Roosevelt's
personality must be a central figure
and his achievements a central
thought in the campaign.
We desire to maintain the woik of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tions of One Dollar each from Repub
licans. To each subscriber we will
send the Republican National Cam
paign Text Hook and all documents
issued by the Committee.
Help us achieve a great victory.
Jamks S. S111K.MW, Chairman
P. O. Box 206 3, New York.
Cottage (J rove
ut the liuzaar.
souvenir tablets
' -: ' ?)
' ' v : . . "!' ' ' ;
Prospective Senator
Monday at Noon the Last Ses
sioo of the 59th Congress
was Opened
The great governing body of the
I'nited States in ouce more in ses
sion and Oregon is well represented
With Senators Fulton and Qearin
is Mr. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., 1 re
spective senator from Oregon. Mr.
bourne va introduced to the Pres
ident and i.sbeinc; taught the ropes,
so that when his time comes he
will be ready for the harness. He
will spend the winter in Washing
ton and will use his bet endeavors
for Oregon and the Northwest,
which with the t-trong influence ot
Senators Fultou and Gearin, should
bring much good to this great
Governor Chamberlain, and a
party of Oregon bueituHS men has
gone to Washington to represent
the interest of Oregon waterways
Each man will have his particular
end to work, while the governor
will help on all. Tho sections that
will be represented will imko a
hard struggle for recognition.
Coos Bay is going to have repre
sentation by sending Peter I.oggi
aDd another gentleman from Co
quille City to Washington. F.
Hofer of Salem will rf present the
Willamette valley and the Oregon
City locks, Dr. Rav of Medford
will represent the southern part of
the state. J. D. Peters of The
Dalles goes to Washington as a
representative c-f the Open River
Association and will look after the
interests of the Ceilo canal project.
J. N. Teal and Peter Buehner of
Portland will pervo the Portland
chamber of commerce in an effort
to secure a big appropriation for
mouth of the Columbia.
EltfMh of Gold
The Bureau of the U.S. Mint
and the Geological Suivey have
issued a rerort giving the amounts
of gold and hilver produced during
the Kar I'.UtH. In this table they
nle the gold producing htutes,
Colorado tr-1 with 2,701,100,
California fetcond with li, 177, loo,
Al iska third, with l4,923,(Joo, So.
Dakota, fourth with 5,lio,!)0o;
Montana seventh with 4,88SJ,3oo,
Oregon eighth with 1,241,900,
Idaho ninth, with 1,075,000.
The total production of gold wan
4 265,742 ounces, the nilvrr pro
duced had a commercial va'ue of
$3-1,221 ,U76.
The year 1906 will see great
changes in this list Nevada hopes
to be able to almof-t equal Colo
rado's production, Abisku will be
The only country having u great
production of gold than the United
States is Africa. The United
States producing .f88, i80,7oo, pnd
Africa $1 i3,32!i, 100. Tho total
production bting $370,280, 200 and
$157,3.'3!),;3o2 in silver.
Wlll&melte Valley Irrigation-
The Oregonian of Monday pub
lishes a long article by A. R. liluck
on Will'imette valley irrigation.
He Btates that the official renords
show that crops in tho valley do
not get one-fourth the right amount
of water to mnke them do well.
Irrigation has been tried in the
valley and been louiid to be sue
ceasful. Many eastern people
would come to the valley that will j
not now until there is irrigation.
Johnathan Bourne, Jr.
Willamette valley orchardists,
with proper care, cultivation und
irrigation can produce like results
on uu exteusive scale that will
double discount Rogue and Mood
, rivers combined.
, Diversified ami intensive furm
j ing demands irrigation, and it
; must and w ill come to that.
In closing he says:
With irrigation iu the valley and
a deep river channel fr"m Portland
; to the ocean, no person can cor
rectly foretell tho great future of
valley or the great commercial
magnitude of Portland.
President Back From Panama.
President Roosevelt has returned
to Wftfrhington after hU trip to Pan
ama and 11 getting ready a message
for Congress. It is stated that his
report will be one of actual condi-
liiinci mi.t will rfirnmniftrwl i number
of improvements along tho line of
tie canal .
Cottage Grove Churches
.(. j. IJeatty. 1'UHtur. l'reach
intr .n vices ut 11 a. 111. anil
j. 111. Sunday School. 10 a. in..
J2pv..rtti lA-aiu, :.:o p. m. I'rnyer
meeting ThursiJay evening at 7::i0.
All ar' eordi.-illy invitcilto be present
Fir:t Presbyterian Church, Pastor
K. C. Grace. Morning service, 11,
evening Y. P. S. C. IC. 7 p,
m. All htrangers and Kojourners
Morning tmbject : 'Distinctive
words in the Christian religion."
Evening subject "Hours of Dark
nesH. Epif-copal Church. ScrviceH held
the second Wednesday evening ot
each mouth at 7:.'50in Masonic hall.
There will be KerviceH every fifth
Sunday of a month.
Catholic Church, Father Currol.
.Services the i-ecou 1 Sunday in each
Christian Science j-erviccs held
over Allison's liarber shop every
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock mid
Wednesday evening at H o'clock.
Christian Church, lo.v. D. E.
Olfion Pastor. Services at 11 in
thn morning and 7 .30 in the even
ing. V. I. S. C. Iv meeting at
C:3o p. m. Suii'lay Hchool at lo
o'clock, Intermediate Endeavor
Society at 2:30 and Choir practice
every Saturday evening at 7:30.
A crew of mea went out Monday
morning and more thi; morning to
the Vesuvius. Manager Hard is
determined to have men enough to
complete tne necessary improve
ments requiring out door work,
while tho good weather lasts. The
Vesuvius team is again on the road
with a new driver. Nerve and push
is meeting its reward at that cnnp.
Tho Physical Culture class will
begin the loth of December nt the
Christian Church.
The street cleaning gang made a
big improvement in Main street
John Russel and Chas. Noel,
both of Eugene have gone up to
thd Vesuvius to help iu the work
A. J. Anderson, of Ft. Kausom,
N. D., has gone up to the Sunrise
mining property in Jiohemia for the
Kggen IJros, have purchased tho
interest of C. A. Lovelace in the
G. it. Warner is in town ngain
after spending some time up at
Wild wood at Mrs. Ueo. Kerr's.
Mr. Warner expects to spend his
winter in this noction this lime, in
atead of going away.
By kk.
n.ANv' I I ' ll K II
M'"l M ,
Aiin o'i- 1 1 omoi .
I ii.
CrvMHline !, ns.
Vitiiou lluni'ir.
Optic Nerve.
Choi ioid.
In tin' artii lo f I -t v- e! the
Coriicn: Ainh'Ou Humor mid Ins
! wi'it tiilked about. Tins time-the
lionising apparatus l t1"1 t is to
; be taken up.
j Just back of the Itm is the Ci vs
jtahne I.ens. Thin is not petfertli
round but h hmgtr thin it is widf.
I And i'i couvik on h'llh m I'tu is,
i tho convexity being greater on the
posterior suiface. It is three- iyhN
. jof nn inch long and three sixteenths
j thick. I he lens ih highly irniisp u
lent, rather noft, and very elasljr.
j It is enclosed in a capsule that i-;
iextiemely thin and tiaiispaiet t.
j The Crystaline b in is made up t
j one layer upon another of tissue
that ih so fine that to distinguish
'the sepniate layers a very high
! power microscope is re'piiied. The
layers being pLu o: (; over an
other to form the lens makes it n
weinblo an onion. Tin so hiyc;s at
the center form a hardened nucelus
but grow sottcr towirds the edge
ol tho lens. As people giow ohler
the outer layers grow hinder and
U-hs elastic.
On either Mile of tl e b-ns, as
shown in the above dialing. i- a
tiny iuuhcIo which i-i attached to
tho lens. This is called the
When looking at an object some
distance away, twinty feet or inoiv
the eves are said to be at rest. That
j j. the Urysluline leim is as a-
it can be. ami tne litb cni.iry
muscle is at its- normal length.
Then when reading it is nects
sary for the lens to become more
convex, or magnifying. Conse
quently tho ciliary muscle whi -h
holds the lens Hat when the eye is
at rent, mu.-t relax, thus allowing
the lens to I ecomo more convex.
At the age of futy-thrce or forty
five the Crystaline lens becomes h
much harder than In youtht hat
vvheu the ciliary muscle relaxes, in
the act of reading, it d-en not !
spend by becomoimj ui"ie emuex.
Then the letters of tho rending or
the stitches in the sewing seem to
run together and becomes bird to
see. And we find that it is neces
sary to hold tho work further from
the eyes than is convenient.
This is tho timo of all ollu is
when the aid of tho Optician or lb)
fractidiist should bo sought and the
proper glasses prescribed and worn.
This must not be put off for neg
lect brings eyestrain mil head
aches. In the above illustration posterior
to the Crystaline lens is a large
spice. This is called the Vitrious
Chamber aud is filled with a j'dly
liko substance called the Vitrious
Humor. This forms four-fifths of
the eye. The Various Humor has
110 especial part to perform in the
act of seeing, but is tho support of
the eye. Iu front it forms a hol
low in which the Crystaline lens
ress and in back it is convex filling
the curve of Retina and holding it
in placa.
Next week, tho coats or tuiiics of
the eye will be described.
Speclo.1 Reduced lo Denver art d
"Annual Convention American
livestock Association Western Live
stock show."
Denver, Colo., Jan. 21-26, vjti'i.
Round trip tickets for this occas
ion will be on nale at this ofiice
Jan. 14-15, iy7. Round trip (both
ways through Portland) $"(;. (r.
Uou.i 1 tun (one way thiough Port
land aud one way through Calif.,
$65.1 5.
J, M. ham, Agent.
New Time Table.
In effect Sunday, Nov. 2 12 a 111
No i(i 1 :.53 a m
No 18 Cottage drove Local 5.I0 a in
No 12
No 14 New Fast Train
1 1 . 20 a in
(5:13 p m
No 15
No 13 New Fast Train
No 11
1.2'i a in
I.30 a m
2.00 p m
No I7 Cottage Grove Local D.50 p 111
Chicken fanciers get a Poultry
Journal, and keen posted. The
Northwest Poultry Journal and the
Nugget for l.yH.
of the
Tho privacy of your home Thccomforts of a club
The luxury of a first class hotel.
Oriental Limited
Afford you
Daily bctvvion St PnulMinneoplis, Pii'jct Sounii anil Inlcrmc
dialc Points via the
l or I--1 -iil.-il in '..iiu illtiii, iiilc-, etc., iiddr.MH
S. 1 i f , . I i. I'. v'',il lie
, ... ... . 1 1 - 11 . . 1 t . t r
ti 5 o iviinnesuM sans
Livery Feed & Sale
Potts & Powell, Prop.
The Hodjic Jitfs jjivcu pei lect Ncparatitm
Spoclnl ItPtlvicnd Knit o Krvi Clly
! Klirn.
"Mi-siNsippi Commercial Congrcn'.
Kansas City, Mo. Nov. .20-23
1 ; 11 11 1 tiip ti keN for this occas
ion w !) on Mic ut this utlico
Nov. it and i" Round Hip (both
way through Portland) S'il.K'.
j Round Hip ('" way through Port-
lan I and one way through Calif.,
I f, M, ImiAM, Aeut.
Vii'tor, V, -
talking luaelliie.
and Columl ia
I records nt the
ri.ii;i;i: land m i .11 ni: '.. i7v
Ml I 1 i: I'UK I I I'.I.U A I ION.
I nit.-.l .Slati-i l.ninl "Ml re
lo-.i l.wiv. n u'oii. li t. -J ith. '.
Nntiir h In ri liy yivi-n that Ineoiii-
ilia I he N it h t ifoviMii ill- 1 'f I he nil
i f Connie-- of June '!. I7", elllitli il
'An mt (ol th" sal'' ot I iiiihiT laml
ill 1 1 1 - h t . it -m ol I uliioi iiia , )n'ini,
Nevaila mid Vahinictii Tri ritm y, aw
exti'luIrM to all Uu- l'ulilii' I ili'l HtatiM
liV Aet of Aiifii-it I, K'.U,
i-i:i:uv t'.s i kki,,
ol SiiK'iiiaw, county of l.nnc, Slati-ior
'r:iiltoiy; ot (iiet'oii, huHliilH day
lileil III thisoHirr hi .- s A ni II t Uleineii t
No. 7'!-I foflhe urri,iM- of (he Sl'.'t
N K!; of Section No. j. in Tow ihln
No. jo Hoiuh, No. ::, Went, V.
M , aiel w III ofier pioii lohhowthut
the laii'l noiiL'ht Ih more valualilo for
its I luiber or t-tmie than for agricul
tural iiiiiohc-i ami to i'H;il.ll-h his
claim to 1-j 1 il laiel before V. .
( 'alk ins, I '. S. ( 'ohiiniM-loiii r, nt IiIh
ollici-In laieiH', Oregon, on Monday
the Ith Jay o Petu-uary, I!I07.
Mi liaiues us svitiieHeri: James
Si'lirH of Saiiiaw , Oi'i gon ; Othy (!.
Miller, of Saginaw, llie'oii; (Jeorgi!
.Seals of U'iller, Oregon. John li.
liUmliM's. of Cluiint, ( Mi-Ken.
Any and nil pcr-ons claiinln nd
veiHely the it ho ve-ilt"-crilei lumis are
rciiicHted to lile (heir elainiH inlhlnl
ollici' oil or before Haul Ith day of
February, l'M)7.
I it: n.I Mi N' I.. KniiV, Iteihler.
I ' 1 1 i I i 1 SlateH I,nnd Olllcc,
KoM-bul'g, Ore., Sept. 7, l'.IOH.
Notice in herehy elvcii I hat III coin
pll'ince with the provisions ol the net
ol (. otiK'ienH of June 't, 1H7H, entilled
"An act lor tin! Kile of timber hinds In
tho Stales of ('alllornhi, Oregon, Ne-
vhho , uih! n a s 1 1 1 1 1 ' i f a jerriiurv, lis
extended to nil the Public Laud
SI alert by aet of August I, I .Sir.',
of 'ol lane i rove, (,'o. of lame, St ate (or
Terrltoiyi of Uncoil, has this day
lile I in this otiicit her HwornHlatenieiit
No. 70SI1, for I he of tho SV
Vt N 10 tVSi:i; N W ol See 10, In Iohii
hhipNo.'JI S. RaHKi-NcIf W.W. Al, und
will oiler proof to hhow that thelaml
Houht Ih nioie valiuiMo for its limber
or Htone I han for nrlcultiiral pur
poaeH, ami to cuiablith her claim to
said land before W. W. Calkliw, U.S.
('oiiiinlHHioiier, nl his oll'iee at J'lugene.
Oregon, on Tuesdny, I ho Ith day of
Deeeliiher, lillHi.
She names hm itni'MHcs :
Jiiiiich N. Wallace, John It. (Jooley,
.John C. Wallace, Jiiiiiea lilmebauy'h,
of ('oltngo (irove, Oregon.
Any and all pernoiiH elaimin ml
veiHely I he above-deMi l ibed laudrt me
reiiueHted to lili; I heir chilliw in tliiH
olilco on or before said llh day of )i.
coin her, llWti.
JJt.NjAMi.N L. linuv, lU'giwLor.
mr uicum.hi fc
J. S. Medley. J. ". .lohiinoll
Jtcilley Johnson,
Attorneys nt-luw
O'jiri' Sititr U It llik Illil'J.
Special attention k'lvtii to MlnfliK
and 'orpnrat Ion I. aw.
Ottlrc on MhIii lr?l, Wcl Hlil
Kci'KlrliiK nt rrniuiiiiil.lK cditrici.
All work K'irLli'"l llrl i'lH,
Wtilif, I'l.ii'Ua nn I Jiilry l bowoit I'rlca
CoTlAiil-: (iKOVK. OHIO.
I "A W.- 'fl. n. A fV niA4'
Jlt IIIANi: l.t VH.K 1 1 A It 1 J
IUmiiii I I New i In I liuiil;k. 1'iiKc-ni', Or.
I cTTA(ii: jitovi: I
All 111" liUl'Httri'UtllK'llt.1.
Ordinary Cases $12 per Week.
I" or furtlicr particulars mtdroHit
ir. ii. c. hciim:i:f. k
Nil. li. I:.'ilp. III. pill
No. iu '4:ii.! a.m. No. is "i.'U am
0. t S. I B. 11.
Tlin Tablo No. 4J
To tukeelfect November 1 liMU.
KitHt IIiiiukI
No Nul .
I'.M A M I M I
8 n 1 4 Tiieily
hihI Hut only
I ninl 2 imlly Ex
W. liouud
ua Hiiiuiuy
('iit'HKO liiovu. . .
. . WhIiIoii
I'erro Oonlo. , , .
,. Iiorcnu
, .Ituil llrliluu
.. WllilwooJ
. . . I Mhh Ion
No S-Nil 4
Hospital anu Sanitarium
KluV I A.M. I f,M
ti71 12 (13 6.1ft
710 11:. 4:H
MI7 11:10 4:MI
nil 1 1 :om 4:44
UI7 lil:4U 4:H7
Kill il::i.l 4:VII
IU2U id'JH 4:v:i
I04U IU : lo 4:17
HXA) II): (XI 4:ilj
i :l7 :;)
2 MO 7
2:-l'J 7-(U
H:imi H:l I
I! JhH:-i
H;;u, Uiik'i
8:;is :lli,
I.I f.
in. i;
U;.'.o 'J; l.'il-O 0
Hulijoiit to clmngu without uollue.
All outwnra fro Ik lit forwanluil only at the
Joint rink of Hliiiiimr nnd (ioiihIkiico,
HIukuiuuvuii Vtllilwooil HfUir the arrival ol
truia on MoiiiIiivh, Wudniixiliiyi and i'riilay
for ilonllu ninl in-ccMi. KcliuiiliiK uu '1'uva
ilii'M, 'I huiMlii)H ninl Hulni'ilavH.
KmiIkIiI will not ho rocolvi'il Ht the O. A H. K.
It. H. Iiepot uliur ft p. in. 'i o liiHiiro i forward
liiK oil nuxt Hal a fivlKht miiHt hodolvurod liv
auiplv Itino to puriiillidlt LuIiik hilled.
A. B. WOOD, Manager,