Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 05, 1906, Image 3

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    Proposed Oregon Tax Law j
(I lllll llllH'll (HUM Ul Hl'l'k)
111. Ii I'll'll I'MtlllC (if lIcfCIIMCll 'I TH"IIM
Section in Tlmt Hcclinii :titfi f tin-
Olllf llll'l StllttltcM llf llMVlHI, com
piled ati'l iiiiiiiiliili il by I Ion. Charles It.
Hcllinger ninl Williiiin W, Cotton, be
iiml tin1 sii hereby in ainrinlril to
rcinl iih follows:
'I'Iiii undivided 4'Htiitc of miy deceased
person limy I"' iihhi'hmi'iI tn the heirs nr
4lciscfii of such JirrHiin, without desig
nating tin-in by inline, until ly have
yivcii notice I" tin1 iiMHcmur f lli"' divi
sion nf tin' i-stiitc, ninl tin- ihuih'h nf the
Hi-vt-rnl heirs nr dcviscea ; mid each heir
uud devisee shall lx liable fur tin
whole nf such tux, ninl hIiiiII have it
right tn recover nf tin ntln-r ht-im and
ili-vifrt-H t i r r-H(i--t ivt portions tin-re-
4if when puid ly him.
(niiili. priivlnliiit IhiiihI In m-i-lliin mill (nr
orKiiH iil lo in rupmii nl mi mnllx I 1 1 clnte nl
ili-rrni-'l .i-rnn Ihe ruv IiIiiii (nr -im-hi
llli-tll lo lirln nr ilt-vlm-rn tll'll, Wlllllilll ill'"
iKIiallliK I hi III lijf limne. Ill lilnlt'l i-iiumkIi lili'l
hitler i nil nlnii ii In drlnn Ilif Im In t In-1 r tin
llri' lliftli All ANni-ftHiiii'iil In mi-re iirril'Hlil )
I'lTHniiul property Whcic iimim-hmi-iI. )
Hi I'ln HI 1 1. Tlillt section 'HUH iif
tin- Codes iiml Statutes uf Oregon, I'niii-ili-'l
iiml miiii'tuN-'l by lluii. Charles II.
I'.i-I I iiii-r mi'l Williiiin V. Cotton, Im-,
iiii'l t In- mini' In-il l')- is, miii-ii'li-il tn
rrml a follows:
F.u-rv person, cvi j t as ot lu-rwini-
j.rnv iilnl hy law, shall Im iihmi-hmcI in
the county in wliifli lii ri-niii'H when
tin- uefcsMlnclit in' fur l 1 1 taxable
propcity owned I'V dim, including all
-1 l l ll I ei-t.ltc ill 1 1 i M piiKHcHMoll, nr
under his emit nil us t runt , guardian,
-'i-fiior, nr Im i ii int r utor ; iin-l where
I lure iiri- t wii ur inure iiithihih jointly
In poHHi-chioii, nr having in t n ' I nf any
fnii-li iroK-ily in truxt, tin- mime may
Ik iipi-cci-cd to cither nr all nf mich per
tmna, I. ul it kIiuII ! assessed in tin1
-4-miiity where tlic mime phall lit' if cith
er nf mich persona r-Hiin in mich eouu-
(Siitnllliltra "ElM'l.l litln-rwl" l.rnvl'ti-it
lijf lv " f r 'i-iiii.i i.riol'li'l In lln' mic--ci-ntlng
ni-rtlmi," In nrlrr tn lmriniitili tin'
.--! lull Willi till' nllii'r I'limiKi-a llKKi-li"l )
I'urt tiers I low assessed. )
Sift inn 1'J. Tlmt Htftioii .'HHH nf tin
i'mli'H ami Stntnli-n nf liriyiiii, t-omjiil-tl
ami iiiiiiotiitnl I'V Hon. Clutrli-M II.
lli-lliiiKiT ainl Williiiin W. Cotton, U
uml tin' Minn' lit-ri-liy ih aiiit-iiili-il to
rrml ii a (oIIumh:
I'urtni'rN in int-rrmit ilc nr ntlirr IniMi
iifMH miiy In- jointly titxril in tlii'ir uirt
i tt -r h 1 1 1 1 mtiiii', or Hi-vrrully tim-il for
tlifir iiiiliviiliial Hlniri-M, for nil iritum
lily iroirrty t'iiiiloyi-i in hiii Ii lnini
iii'hn; ninl in runt tliry iiri jointly tux-4-l,
I'itln-r or any of hiu-Ii purlm-m nliall
Ik' lialili' for tin wliolo tax.
("I lir nl1 ftrrtlnli nm-it tln Hnrit "mirli" Hlii-rr
'rrh" I'ltrltirr w ri-itl)r llitrli'li-'l.
1 lir iiii ii'liiii-nl nmki-a rlthi'r nr any nl tin'
J riiirr jnlnily li"l (nr tin- iiirnii .ni.i-r
y -iitfni'l Imlili fnr llii wlmli im, ulilrh
a llir I'vlili-nt lull-Hi nf tilt !! m-i-l inn.)
( I'itmoiiuI iron-rty nf coriiorut ioim
Wlirrr iikh-kmi-iI )
Sift ion :i. Tlmt Hiftimi .'104!) nf tin-hi-h
ami Statiitt-N nf Ort'ii'n, i'oiniili-il
jiikI aiiniitiitrtl liy Hull. Cluirli-M II. Ili-l-linp'r
anil Williiiin W. Cotton, U' mid
tin1 Hiiini' luri-liv in n 1 1 1 in 1 1 - I to rt-iiil iih
Tlir iKTSoiial ironTty nf cvitv pri
vati' ror I'orat ion ia linUi' tn taxutioii in
till' Hit lilt' llllllllHT IIH till' UTS' nut I prop-
ri-ty of ii mttnriil HrHuii, miii xlinll U'
jih.xiihfiiil in tin' miiiic nf miii Ii rnrpora
tion in tlio rminty ln ri' tin principal
place of Im.mnrKS of kiicIi (-nrpnriit ion ia
iiM'iitiil, nnli'KH ntliiTM ia Hpifiully pro
viilcil liy law; luit if hiu-Ii i-ornirat ion
la ciiai'il in tin Ijiim i i h-.h.m nf naviga
tion, tlit'ii tin HtrmiilKiata nr oilier
water craft nf hiu-Ii corporation hIiiiM Ik
iHHt-HMi'il in tlic county in tliiH Htittc
w lii-ri- tin lioiiii' jxirt nr lu rtli nf hiu-Ii
Mtcmnlmut or ntlicr walcr craft may la.
The piTKiuial prnprrty nf a privatu i-nr-niratinii
may la Hi'izttl anil Hold for any
tax levied upon tlie property of hiicIi
-urporation us in t ho ciimu nf a natural
(Thf MTitnii ampinli'it rniutlin rrrtnln pro.
vUtittm wliirlt wrri rt'i'ftli''l liy ttnjiUrnttiiii hy
4 .riieral l.miii, Hirrlitl Sri" Inn, 1HH.V v.t M, Kinl
tllPM' ptllV IhIiUIM llAt'l iH't'll Itlllltll'll In tin'
iiii'iiitini'iil rpriiiiiiniiiili"l. AiliU " ii it Ii'mh ntti--r
li-i' i..pi-llly .rm liy l " In lln rulo
llikt I'lTMiiml iriipprty nl r!m riiriiiiralliiim
1 In Iif mi-m'i in tin' entinly wltrrf I lie iirin--lpal
I I n( I 1 1 I ii nl Hit' 1'iirpiiral Inn U In
ti'', thin r i n e in I n le 1 1 1 in iii'i-UKnitry tn Iiariiiiiu.
l.c uhli oilier im ulnin o( Ilia ad n-riiin-liii'tnli'il
Ijiih1h WhtTO taxed.)
Sect ion H. All Imitlrt Hhall Ixi taxed
in the county in which tlio nanio hIiuII
(Vpw, tint rnmiro II. A C. fninp., mrtlnn
IKk'J. A lUt llll'l lull In IllMill' III I 111' iim n( Ilia
nrilH "nei" ami "Ki'wil" an tin- act nl tax
Mllnn may lie n'rfiirini'il In I lie i-ntnily . All linuult
lite rMiii'iil m I K 1 1 1 iirnperly tie niailu aa liy
mural Imanl in anullier cminty; (nr In
tain t', al t lie enpllal )
M'rchiiiidiH(, capital und macliinery
Where taxable.)
Section IS.- All Hoods, wareH and
incrchmidiHti kept for Hale in tliiH ntate,
4tll Htock einplnycd in any nf the ine
4'haiiiciil artH, mid all capital and ma-4-liinery
employed in any hranch nf
iiiunufacturcH or other lniHiiicHH within
tliiH Htate, owned liy n corporation in or
u 1 1. of tliiH Htutc, or' hy any pcrnon,
whether rcHicliiiK in or out of tliiH Htate,
44 1 1 ii 1 1 ho taxahle in the county or city
4ir other municipal corporation where
the Hume, may he, either to the owiicih
thereof ir to the perHiin or corporation
vim Hhull have charge of or he in poH
M'HHion of the Ha mo.
When company iu taxed owner of Htock
Not in (i re than il.TitK) perHuim in l'arli
linve capital of aa much fl'OO.IMK),
and nearly ono-tlilrd of thoao are foreign
era. atlafaclorr
riekliiK up n book from the counter,
the lady turned to thu last jingo oud
read :
"And o tliey were divorced and llvod
linpplly ever after."
'"J'lilH hook," i-ho br Id to the clerk,
"la evkleiitly all right. Wrap It up,
lint tn lie taxed. )
Sect Imi I'l. 'Mm owner or holder nf
Htock in any lino? pointed company
w h icli in tn mil on ilH en pi till Htock hIiiiII
tint In- taxed iih mi individual for hui Ii
(I'leiled perHonal property taxed to
pliMMCHHnr. )
Seel ion 17. When perHonal property
in morti.'ii"cd nr pledged it hIiuII, for
the pnrpoHi nf taxation, he defined the
properly of the pcrnon who Ihim the
J il iHHI'HH in.
(Hi-i iliiiia I'., Ill ainl 17 an- n-.i-i-l lylv
I Imi .in iv, ;).'; ami, II. A ('. I nini , w II limit
eliaiiKi' J
(I If I lie I lilt iex of A fCMHi iTH .)
( A nHC-i-M I iii-m t , I low Made).
Section H. 'Mint nectioli '.U)f7 nf the
Cmlen iiii'l Statiitea of ()re"oii, compiled
ninl iiitiiotateil hy llmi. ('harlea II. Ili'l
lineer i. id William W. Cotton, a the
Hiiine wan rci'iiiictcd hy nection 1 of an
act approved I eceinln'r 'J4, ItMI.'l, and
f. it i in I on iy, 4 et Hi'ipiitnr nf the I leu
em I I.iihh of ()reiiil, SH'i iul Si-union,
ItMI.'l, he ami the Mime here hy in aiiieinl
ed to read aa followa:
The itHHi'HNor after iplal i fy i nir ahlill,
mi the lirxt Momlav ill March in eiteh
year, priH-ure from the county clerk a
hlauk iifHCHMiii-nt roll, mid forthwith
proceed ami iihhi-mh all titxnhle jiroja-rty
within hoi county, except hiu-Ii iim liy
law into he ot lierw ine iiHHfHHeil, and
phiill return to hiu-Ii county clerk, on or
In-fore the lirnt .Moiulay in Dctola-r next
follow intf, Hticli itHfcHhineiit roll with n
full ainl complete hhpi-hpihc nt of hiicIi
taxahli' proH'rty entered thereon, in
cltulinn a full iind pri-cine ilencript ion of
the In in I ri ami lota nw mil hy each pcrnon
therein mil I, mi March 1 nf rail
year, at the hour nf 1 o'clncjt a. m.,
which ilepcripl imi hIiiiII cnrreHHiiul with
the plan nr plat nf any town laid mil
nr recorded; and miid IiiiuIm nr tow u
lnta ph.ill lie valuiil lit their true ciipIi
value, taking into i-nnpiderat inn the im on the land mid in the nur
roiiiulinK cniiutry, tlui ipuility of the
poll, 1 1 H coiiveiiieiiee to traiiPMirtatioti
line", piihlie madp, and other local ad-vaiitaiv'i-ii
of a hiinilur nr different kind.
True ciinIi value nf all proicity pliall he
held and taken tn mean the amount
puch property would cell fnr at a volun
tary Hale made in the ordinary cnurpe
of InipincHH, taking into cniiHidernt imi
itn earuiii jniwer. No deduction nf in
dehteduepH from appepHinciita nr taxa
tion pliall Im allowed in any citne. All
land pliall Im taxeil in tin unty in
w hich the Hiime pliall lie ; and, except
as iithcrwipe provided hy law, every
ierHoii pliall he hhhcphciI in the county
where he repidea lit the hour nf 1
o'clock a. in. on March 1 nf the year
when the aHPCPNtnciit pliall lx made for
all real and erHona) prniMTty ow ned
hy him within hiich county, hut if the
ow ner of any land 1 unkimw n, mich
laud may In' iippcmpciI to "uukimwu
owner," nr "tinkiiiiw n owner," with
out iiipcrtinn the iinme nf any owner;
hut no axpf ppinciit pliall le invalidated
hy a miptake in the name nf the owner
nf the real pmerty appeppiHl, or hy the
nmippioii of the name nf the owner, nr
the entry nf a name other than that nf
the true owner, if the pmpvrty lie cor
rectly ili'Hcrihed ; mid provided further,
that where the name nf the true owner,
nr the owner nf record, of any parcel nf
real pmpcrty hIiuII lie 'ven, mich a
Hcppinciit pliall lint In held iuvaild on
account nf miy error or irregularity in
the dcHcriptinti, provideil nurli tlepcrii
tion would te Hiitlicietit in a deed of
cniiveyaiice from the owner; or on ac
count of any dcHcriptinli u will which,
in a contract to convey, a court nf
eipiity would dec reo a conveyance to be
(The aniPiiilinenl ri'rnniini'iiili'il makra It the
anriir'a ilnly In imim iirnprrty fnr tahli-h
anini' nllii-r innili' nl BKM-xMiii'iit la mil liy law
prnvliti-il; makea llii' limit nl the rettini nf the
aaai'tMiii'iil mil the IIthI MnmlHy In ii.-Ii.Ih t in
uli'ail nl I hi 11 rat Mnnilay In Seitem l-r. The
nit! law iriivlilia (nr the KiWiK nf imllee that
the Imanl nl i'iiiallatliin will lni-i- the Inst
Miimlay In AiikiiI. There ia nn oilier irn 1
almi Inr tin tlmt' nf ttn nii'i'tliiK nf the hiiarit.
H. .1 i". t iiiiip., at't linii ;ui, rei'iineteil api-rlal
i'l..n I'att Ht'i'iimt :!.';, bIhivp atnemli-il,
perinilteil an pxIi'IikIiiii nf 1 1 1 in- fnr tiling- the
roll If ni'i-CKi'nry mull I lie flrM Mnmlay in lletn
Imt. I ii i met lee lilt mil la peliliiin nr never
reaily fnr i'itialUalliiii liy the t)rt Mnmlny In
HeplPiiiher, ami lite nine la iimimIIv extenileil,
ami lite Imanl ineela Inn I lie mil la lllril. Hut
thetilit law priivl'leil fnr the tmaril tnt'i'liiiK ln'
tnre the aM'anr w aa rentilreil tn lile the mil.
anil al nn nl her liniu. The Jiirifilletiiiii nf the
bnanl In thua thriiH n linn tjiiei-lliiii.
'I Im .rnv lainn lor K 1 v 1 1 ic millet' nf the ini'i-l-liiK
Ihi' laat Mnmlay 111 AtiKnat la a relie nf the
r) ral emit' In thla Male, ami waa nrlKinally In
tenili'il tn pmvlitn that the afaeaanr ami ainlllnr
aliiinlil meet at I lie rmirt limine In enrreet pit re
ly t'lerleal errnra, etc , tine week befnre the
eminty etnirl einallteil Ihe roll, I he liiianl nf
ritiallialiiin lint then Im'Iiir- kntiHii. Hlneu
then the aeheinu haa la-en complete ly eltaiiKt'il,
ami Ihe pmvlaliina are iiiiw, iimiiik In rnri'leaa
eillllnu ill k in e ml me n ti , emitrailiettiry ami Im
maallile. The ainemlinent reetiniineiitleit nmlta Ihe pro
vtniini for the ex leiialnii nf the I lint- nf lllinit the
aaaeaamenl roll, tint give the aaae.sanr Ihe aanio
limit aa limler the prenvnt law he enttlil he (liv
en liy ihe coiiiuy court, tlinlla ilelitilllnit of
real properly ami lanit. which have lieeit tte
llneil III aeetlon i of I 111 a act; oinlla pmvialon
thai all lanil iiiiinI Iio aaneaaeil ilii.tiiis'iiii,hlii
aaaeaaeil from taxeil ; aeo Heel ton U of thin ai-lj
In the I'linnly w here located : nmlta iiroviainna
aa to aaaeaMiienl of iinoeetipleil lamf aa a mil,
tieriniilliiK the asaeaainenl of Unci aa to nn
iiiih n ou ner, w hen the owner la unknown, re
lianlleaa nf neeiipaiiey. l'ro idea for ennaiiler
alloii of earning power 111 ileierinliiiiiK value.)
(PerHonal jirojierty How valnetl.)
Sect ion 111. That ncctinn :iO,r)H of the
Codea unit Statutt'H of Oregon, comiiiled
mitl annotated hy lion. CharlcH H. I'el
liiitfcr ami Williiiin W. Cotton, he uml
the Hume herohy in amended to rend an
fol low h:
All jierHtuial prnperty not exempt
from taxation hIiuII he valued at itn
true value in canh, an defined in pct-timi
Too Klnlral.
"rrlBoner," aalii the judge, who wat
about to pronounce nentenco upon the
culprit, "if, hiMiead of being a chronic
ofTenuVr, you hnil chosen the career of a
law-abiding rltlren "
"I am a law-abiding citizen," your hon
or," Interrupted the ' hardened crook.
"Whenever I break a law I am ready to
abide the consequence!."
Thereupon hit honor added ill months
to the term of ImprUonment he had in
tended to Impose, aa a punishment for
picking flaws in the court's English.
1 hereof, mid It pliall lx' f he duly of
each iiHPi'PHor tn value all improvementu
on i Iniini-d I 'lilted StateH landi within!
hin coinily iih pi-rnoiiitl imierly .
f'linlla r.. I-I..H for a api-i-lal ralln nl ai'
Ini'til n Ii' I lltiHllnti for ai-n K'lllilf vc-mcIm, wlili-ll
litliii'a tin-1 11111.1 ii ill IiiiihI priivlaliitiH a tn mil
fni in II y mi'l e.iialll y )
( I I it I pi or HiirveyM mid tow nn I'ri pent
nwm rnliip hnok or lint. TaxjiiiyiTH'
iuilex .)
Sect ion L'O. Thi'l pection .'iOil nf the
CihIi-h and Statiili-H nf Ori','oii compiled
mid mirnitiiti'd hy lion. Oniric Ii. Ilel
liii'er und Williiiin W. Cotton, he and
the pnme hiTi-hy i mneinled to read iih
The iifMPcpor nf each coimty phall
make a plat of the government purvey,
uml nf nil town plain within hin coun
ty, mid phall note therein, nr in a prcn
ent nw m-rpliiji IpHik nr lint, the ow ner
nf each tract nf hind, and of each town
lot; and in count ii-H where the axuepunr
phall iIohitiIh' the land in the mil in
the order of i t pi location upon the
lroiind he phall keeji a tnxpaycrH' in
dex for each year, which phall le a
public record piibject tn general iiiPJH'C
tion; and in pin h index pliall be en
tered the inline of every taxpayer
aptiiipt whom any tax phall be charged
in the county, in nlpliabet ical order
with reference to the lirnt three letter"
of t he purmtiim of ptu-h taxpayer a
have purnmiicp, mid of the firpt liame
of any other, mid phall refer to the
paie and line nf the roll w here the
iiHBeppincnt of hiicIi taxpayer may lj
found. '
( I'mvl'lea fnr preaetit ownership Ixmk nr Hat,
nr i'le a-ai-muir'a not ititf in in-r-lop mi plnta aa
at preaenl.
lainniera' Imli-x ki-. when Ihn
mil la Ki'ovraplil) ally arriiK'-'l ahall n-u-r to
paite ami line nl roll, the nl'l law ai-emliiK lo
.m I'le nn n ly fnr a llat of taxpayera, whieli la
Imt hall an lielex )
(Stock, or other jicrpomilty of tmnrcHi-
Section LM . That pcctioti .1002 of the
Code and Statute of Orcjon, compiled
mid aiiluitati'd by lion. Charle I'. J'rf'l
linger and William W. Cotton, 1' and
the Piimo hereby in amended to read ua
follow h:
Whenever nny live ptock or other
jHTHiuial prnTty of noii-repident in
i bin ptate pliall lie jx.inti'.l out to the
iippi'ppor by any resident lunipeholder of
hi county it phull ! the duty of the
anpcppor to iippcp the paine at it canh
value; and puch Ht-k or other jTonal
pro'rty phall lie held liable for the
piivmi'iit of the taxe thereon in the
pnme mminer a the pvrpoiial property
of repident citizen in held liable.
( Nn ehaiiKP exrppt tn nae wont "live atoek"
llialea.l nl "alnek" to clear tip the preaent III).
liiK'iliy aa tn what klmt of Hoi k ia int-aut live
ur enrpnrale.)
( AeHnieiit roll and appraisement of
Section '22. That ection .IOI'iO tif the
Cmle and Statute of Oregon, cornpileii
mid annotated by I Ion . Charle It. lJel
lini;er and William W . Cotton, le and
the Hume hereby in amended to read an
At the time prencrbied by law the
iippcppor in each county phall uncertain
hy diligent inquiry the name of all
Imtpiiiih liable to taxation in hi county
who by law are BnHCHHuble to him, ami
alno all the taxable xTnonal prorxTty,
and all taxable real entate therein
which by law i annepnitble by him, and
make out an a.npcHHiiicut roll of all such
property, and appraino the name ac
cording to the provisions of the Htatute
rclatiiiK' thereto.
(tlnly ehanne la to iirnvlilo tliat the aneasnr
aa. .. a prnnrty which liy law la a.-M'aalilf liy
him. thua perinittiliK the li'ni-latuii' to place
the ilnly tn aitaeas certain t-Iaaaes uf prnn.Tty
elsew here.
( )w ner or timniipini; nuent to furniph
lint of jirojierty Penalty for and
proceed in,.', after refusal.)
Stftioii H.t. That pert ion .1070 of the
Code and Statute of Or.'iion, eonipiled
and annotated by Hon. CharleH It. licl-linp-r
and William W. Cotton, Iks und
the hereby is unleaded to read nu
livery iiHencir hIuiII require any per
wn liable to lie taxeil in hi county and
to he unpenned by him, und the inanity
inj; iiK'ent or ollit'er of any corporation
or iisMH'int ion liable to be taxed in hin
county und to 1h Hpnenned by liim, to
furnihli Hitch a.nennor a lint of all the
real estate of uih iH-mtin, corporation,
or association situate in hin county lia
ble to taxat ion, and a lint of all the
IH-rnonal proH-rty of uch person, eor
jmrat inn, or ansiH'iat ion liuhle to taxa
tion in tliiH ptate, und phall require
nucli person, nmnii(,'inK' ap'tit, or ollicer
to make oath that, to the best of hin
know ledge and belief, mich 1 iwt contains
a full and true account of all its or hi
property liable to he tuxed in mich
county; and if any person phall refuse
to furnish uch list, or to Hweur to the
Hume when required ho to do by the an
HtHor, Hiich iersim phall forfeit and puy
to the usHessor, for the une of the coun
ty, the Hum of $50, which Hum may be
recovered hy motion in any court hav
ing jurisdiction of muttc-M of debt or
contract to the amount of $50. Should
any nuch person, liuuminn agent, or
ollicer, when po required, reftiso to furn
ish and to Hwear to nuch list the assess
or phall uncertain the taxable property
of mich person, cororiit ion, or associa
tion, und phall appraise the same from
the bent information to be derived from
other sources.
(lli'Mfilea aiiifiirtliur, aectlon SOTO, tneorporateil
also llie esse minis of H. S: V. t'onip., n-i-luin
S i.'.'.l. Kxlemts lint prnviaioiia nf m'i-uoii HUTU lo
im linln innnHciiiK HKi'iila or o Ulcers of enrpur
utioii or aianc union lsahle tn asseaNinent hy ihe
a-M'asor; ineieaaea the peiuiliy froiu f.M tiij.i),
It heuiK eoiiiinoii ex)ierieuie that iiinny i e -1.011a
prelt'r In mil thel r ehaiieea of hut n.;-. in
I hv a i.M penally railiur lliun make the
(To be continued next cek)
l.oeMl t'olor.
Mrs. Goodsole What odd coutiasts oue
find in Hociety I
Mr. Itedpop O, yea; In the hluebook
you find the names of ever so many peo
ple that are hopelessly grecu.
Jnat a Hint.
An Irish provincial paper recently
printed the following notice: "Whereas,
Patrick O'Connor lately left his lodg
ings, this la to give notice that If lie
does not return at once and pay for
tho same he will be advertised."
Government Grip Tightens on
Plunderer's ol Domain.
Machinery of Law At Work Against
Men Who Ruled Land Office
To Rob Nation.
Suit litke, Nov. L'!i. The orip of the
lnvcriiiiieiit and of justice in tightening
nlow ly ulmut the organized giingM which,
il in alleged, have for yearn, with the
eoiiniwineii nf tlm Wind ilcrmrt inent ,
rnhlH-d the piihlie domain of coal, min
eral and t iinU-r land valued at many
millimiH of dollar. In the end, it ih
Hinted, every liieluher of thene gaiigH,
whether Tie Im-H Jilaiil citizen of the
I'niti'd Stiit-H or oi'ciijiieti high oflicial
Kiit inn, will Im-made to aiiHwer in the
criminal courta for hm complicity in
the most gigaiit ic fraud) naid evi-r to
have Ix-eii jterju-t rated on the l'nitel
Stiiten gnvernmeiit .
Kery agency of the government,- in
cluding the Interstate ( 'omiiierce iiiin
minMoii, the werel service, the Federal
gnmd jury und tin; court of equity,
Iuih Is-i-n net in motion to ii-i-iiinilisli
t he end dfHiriil. While the Interstate
Commerce coinmisHion is taking ti-nt i
inony here tending to hIiow that the
Kio I irainle ruilrnad and i 1 m al lied com
iiiieH, the Ctah Fuel co-mjmny und the
rii'iisant Valley Coal vimiiliy, Iiave
Ih-i-ii weiiring hy fniudulent iniiitiH all
of the eoaj land in the ntate of I'tah
and ciitiHcquclit ly liuilding up their
inonrijioly in thi line, the Federal
gratnl jury here is) awaiting the out
come nf the hearing with a view to
gathering all of the guilty ones into
its net .
The a-culat iniih of which the govern
ment complains have la-en iicrpctrati-d
ii Wyoming, I'tah, Colorado, Mon
tana, New Mexico, Calfiorniu, Oregon
and poHsihly in other ntates. The roh
iM ries of the jiuhlic domain have la-en
almost as extensive, it is chargel, in
timlx-r land as in iriincnil land.
That such enormous frauds, extend
ing through a, long HTiod of years,
could not have ln-en perpetnitenl with
out the complicity of the Iitrnl dejwrt
iiient is said to Im- a juttent fact.
Puring the hearing here yesterday a
glimse of the real power la-hind the
throne was given when it was stated hy
government land agents that they had
la-en compelled to see Senator Francis
I-',. Warren repirding oflicial business
of the Ijtnd depttrt merit . Senator War
ren is charged with having ruled the
land ollice for u numla-r of years. It
was his influence und that of Senator
Clark which secured the appointment,
during rresident McKinley's adminis
tration, of Willis Vandevanter to be
assistant attorney general for the Inter
ior dc'iartmcnt . Vandevanter was the
legal conscience of the Ijtnd depart
ment, and Vundevanter had la-en at
torney for the comiHinii-s charged with
stealing the land. It was Warren who
made Congressman Frank W. Modell
assistant land commissioner, who later
put Itinger Hermann in the jaisition of
commissioner, and who succeeded him
by present Commissioner Richards. It
is Warren, it is claimed, who still con
trols the land otlices from Nebraska and
the Ihikotas to California and Alaska.
Texas Wants to Know All About Its
Dealings With Bailey.
Austin, Tex., Nov. 2i. Attorney
General R. G. Invidson ainl counsel
asstH'iatcd with him in the prosecut ion
of the suit of the state to oust the
Waters-Pierce Oil comjviny from Texas
yesterday served on former Attorney
General George Clark, one of the at
torneys for the oil comiiuny and filed
w ith the clerk of the court a demand
for the production of thelaniks, records,
vouchers, etc., of the oil comjuiny,
show ing agreements w ith other com
panies, corrcsiondeaee between the at
torneys of the oil comjuiny and J. W.
tu i ley, und jmrporting to show pay
ments of money by II. C Pierce and
said oil comjxinies on divers dates.
Copies of all letters jiassing la-tween
J. 1. Johnson and George Clark, coun
sel for the oil company, or written by
them to J. W. Railey and to jmrties in
New York during 15100 relating to the
settlement of the cases pending in
Wn co, Tex., against said oil com jinnies,
letters written by or to said parties are
called for. The other matters called
for are cojiies of the original trust
agreements, agreements with the l'.agle
Refining company anil the Texas Oil
and Gasoline comjxiy, agreement ns to
the division of territory and agreement,
with Attorney General lladley of Mis
souri as to ownership of Waters-Pierce
stock by the Stajulard Oil company.
Pay $90,000,000 Dividends.
New York, Nov. 21). Preliminary
comjnlations of dividend and interest
jKtyments to be made in lH-eenila?r indi
cate that about $(10,000,000 will bo ex
pended. The largest single disburse
ment w ill lie a payment of $0,750,000
by the Standard Oil company. The
American Tolmeco company is next
with $4,024,245, and the United States
Steel corjorat ion third, with $2,542,
470. The Atchison, with a payment of
$2,500,275, is the first railroad.
Plans for N.w Sugar Trust.
New Orleans, Nov. 29. riana to
form a $28,000,000 merger of Louisiana
Bimgr plantations and sugar houses are
announced by a committee in charge of
the project.
Mob of Law-Abidint; Citizens Taka
Measures to Relieve Famine.
Ontario, Or., Nov. 1!H. The coal
famine was temporarily relieved here
by a mob 'if iilmut U.r0 men, among
tlit-m some of the la-st. citizens and bus
iness men of the tor n, who held up a
west iHdiiid freight train on tin- Oregon
Short bine, containing .'!5 u'ts 'if Ito-k
Spr rigs coal consigned to Ihe O. It. A
N ., and demanding that four 'urs lie
Hidetra'-ked. The t rai n was a through
train and was flagged by mcmla-rs 'if
the hold-up jmrty. The oflieials of the
comjuiny were notified by wire that the
train could not leave until the request
was eomplied with. They in turn
telegraphed the train crew and station
agent to consign four of the '-ars to J .
H. Farley, u I'HitI coal dealer. The
four cars were Hidctraeckd at Farlye'H
c'il bunkers and the train proceeded to
I'ayett-, Idaho, the next atat ion, wht're
it is rejirt4;d a similar hold-up occurred.
There waa not u ton of coal in town at
the time the hold-up occurred here.
The train was Htopja-d at Nyssa, Ore.,
2 miles 'list fit here, the previous
evening arid two earn were taken from
the train. There: had not la-en a car of
coal shipia-d to Nyssn nine; last May.
The mols at inch tow n were orderly
und well la-haved, but determined.
Rebates Received From New York
Central Prove Expensive.
New York, Nov. 2H. The American
Sugar Refining comjiiiny waa fined $18,
000 today for accepting relmtes from
the New York Central. The railroad
was fined the same amount last week
for giving relmb-s to the company.
The claims for a relxite of 5- cents a
hundred pounda on all sugar shipments
to I let roit were made out in the office
of Iwell M. Pulmer, tra flic manager of
the trust. T hey were sent to the Buffalo
office of the Fast Freight lines operat
ing over the Vunderbilt r'uls. They
were not paid openly by check. The
cashier of the Ruffalo office would go to
the Hank of Ruffalo and buy a draft on
the Chemical National liank of New
York. This draft, which on its face
bore no mark of the railway corporation
fir any of its oflieials, was mailed to
Palmer, who iletxisited it to the credit
of one of the supir trust accounts.
Will Touch Every Phase of Jhe Pan
ama Canal Question.
Washington, Nov. 28. President
Roosevelt, bronzed and invigorated in
heat 1th from His long sea trip to Pan
ama and Porto Rico, a.i in his office
early today. Secretury Ixx-b took to
him a large amount of correspondence,
I which had accumulated sinec the presi
dent s departure, and was with h'.m
j until the time of the cabinet meeting,
at 11 o'clock.
The president s special message on
the Panama, canal, it is now said, will
, lx- sent to congress prolwbly about a
week after it convenes on Monday. R
w ill deal with every phase of the ques
tion and give a graphic and detailed de
scription of conditions on the isthmus
as tlie president found them. There
w ill lie recommendations for the better
ment of conditions, which suggested
themselves during his visit.
Disgraceful Scenes at Rush Hours
Call for Relief.
New York, Nov. 28. The daily
crush of the Brooklyn bridge is receiv
ing the earnest attention of Mayor Mc
Clellan and other city officials. At a
conference yesterday important plans
for temporary and permanent relief
were discussed. Longer trains and in
creased headway, it is expected, will
bring temporary relief.
Plans for pernmnent relief include
an almost entire rebuilding of the
bridge. Ptfmble decking will probably
1h, resorted to in order to make room
for additional lines of railroad tracks.
The engineers have informed the may
or that the stress on the anchor bars
is only a third of their capacity and
that the double decking of the structure
is entirely feasible. This form of re
lief, however, will la? a matter of years.
Irrigate Their Stock.
Intlianajxilis, Nov. 28. The "water
ing" of railroad stocks or over capitali
zation by the large transportation lines
is commented upon by the State Rail
road commission in its first report which
will be made to the governor of Indi
ana in the next few days. The report
is the first the commission will have
filed since its creation by the last gen
eral assembly two years ago. The re
jiort shows that 43 roads reporting to
the commission state tho value of the
road and equipment, and give the value
of each per mile.
Beat the Thieves To It
Helena, Mont., Nov. 28. The gov
ernment has just created four new for
est reserves in Montana and made large
additions to the Little Pelt and the
Kootenai reservations, according to
proclamations received today at the
Helena land ollice. The Missoula and
Lolo reserves are situated in the north
western part of the state the Snowy
mountain reserve is in F'ergus coimty
and the Pryor reserve in the southeast
ern purt of the state.
Keeping Up Its Wernrrl
Wilburton, I. T., Nov. 28. With a
record of 10 horrible deaths during the
past year, the legnan &. McConnoll
mine No. 19 nt Wilburton blew up
with frightful force last evening. Six
men in the shaft miraculously escaped.
It cannot yet bo determined whether
any lives were lost.
Syndicate Olfers to Come to Aid
ot Uncle Sam.
Rent Buildings From Government and
Share the Profits Could Save
8100,000,000 Annually.
Washington, Nov. 27. I'nele Sam
w ill lai aksed tomorrow to turn over to
a pyndicata of capitalist the conduct of
the jKistal business. The joint commit
tee of congress investigating fxistal
abuses and intrusted with recommend
ing reforms, which has la-en in session
in New York, resumed its meetings to
day, and tomorrow W. I). Royce, of
Chicago, will go la-fore the committee
with a bonafide offer made by substan
tial jitalists to take over from the
government the rosta.1 business and re
lieve it of all the great exja-nse attached.
The offer has several objects. It is
true that nipitailsts have been found
who believe that money can lm made
by a monojxily of the jxistal business.
Whereas the government has failed to
make t he Postoflice dej,artment a Jy
ing institution, the cajiitalists believe
that by the introduction of business
methods they can put the dejiartment
iijain a dividend jaying basis. Wells
Furgo Kxjiress comjiany enough
money in the monojxdy to offer the
government a bonus of $1,000,000 a
year if ja--rmitted to run the jjostofTice.
The prorosit ion is presented in good
faith and will serve the double purpose
of emjthasizing with the public the fact
that there are tpable business men in
the country who believe that they can
give the people penny postage and an
excellent service, as good as that per
formed by the government. The offer
will have the effect of showing to the
people that these business men, who
will give satisfactory bond, will guaran
tee to give the patrons of the postoflice
reduced postage rates, which the de
jiartment officials unite in reporting the
government cannot afford to do.
The proposition, broadly stated, ia
that the government shall withdraw
from the field of controlling a public
utility and shall place the business of
transporting and delivering the mail in
private hands, as the express business
is today conducted. The capitalista
who are willing to assume the burden
w ill jTy the government rental for the
postotliee buildings all over the country
and will charge the government regular
rates of postage upon it mail, which ia
now carried free under frank and penal
ty stamps.
Mr. Royce said in part:
"A careful comparison of rates of
jiostage now charged on first and second
clas matter, w ith the rates herein pro
posed to be put in force will readily
demonstrate that it means an average
saving for the next 20 years to the gov
ernment and general public of $100,
000,000 annually.
"We projxise to perform all the ser
vices now rendered the public by the
roftotfice department and carry out all
treaty stipulations and contracts and to
take the entire receipts arising from the
postal service as full compensation foe
the rendition of all paid strvices now
performed by the Postotfice department
and pay all salaries and expenses neces
sary to qarry out the terms of such a
detailed contract as will accomplish the
objects sought, namely:
"First The reduction to the public
by one-half of all postage to be paid on
first and second class matter, or 1 cent
per ounce or fraction thereof of first
class, and j cent per pound on second
class matter, except for weeklies, aa
"Second The wiping out of the
deficit annually in the operating of the
postal service as a government depart
ment. "Thin! We will pay into the United
States treasury all net profits accruing;
over 7 per cent interest on capital in
vested." Print City's Name on Stamps.
Washington, Nov. 27. Postage
stamps of the issue of 1007, at 6,000
presidential jKvtotlices w ill bear on their
face the name of the state and city in
which the postotfice is situated. The
chief reason for this innovation is said,
at the Postoflice department, to be the
belief that it will help do away w ith
postoflice robberies and make it much
easier to trace criminals. The piostoffice
robbery at Chicago a few years ago is a
good example of the ease with which
stolen jKistage stamps can lie disjiosed
of, for no trace of the perpetrators waa
ever found.
Has Not Refused to Resign.
New York, Nov. 27. United States
Senator Thomas C. Piatt said today
concerning an alleged interview in
which he was quoted us suying that he
would not resign his office as senator:
"I have not said I would not resign,
nor have I said I would not send in my
resignation to Governor Higgins. I
never said o any newsjiajier nmn that
I would stay in Washington all winter.
In fact, the whole interview about my
refusal to resign is untrue."
Creat Bridge Over Yslu.
Iindon, Nov. 27. The Tokio corre
spondent of the Times telegraphs that
the Jajianese have decided to bridge
the Yalu river ut Yongampo. . The
sjutn will be 3,2.19 feet long and the
bridge will cost $1,000,000. It will be
completed at the same time as the
Wiju-Mukden & Fusan railroad.