Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 05, 1906, Image 2

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    , Bohemia Nugget j
Bohemia NujnTtt Pmh. C.
In a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
Main Task B foro It Will Be the Ap
propriation Bill.
Washington, IVv. .'I. The passage of
the appropriation lulls and us 1 it i lo
other general legislat ion as possible
such in brief is the forecast for the
short si-sion of tho.V.tihc.ngri-ss, which Ninety Per Cent Decrease During the Superintendent Looney Hintwi Me
will Ivgin nt high noon today.
There ha not vet Iven time for as
Last Two Years.
Salem Sales of state land during Uio
commendation to Legislature.
Salem Tluit t In' name of the State
general an exchange of views among jenrs l!05 and lOOtl amounted to only Kcforni school should lv changed to
memlvrs ns is ordinarily desired hy
lenders Ivfore expressing their views,
hut nil sivm to regard the present situ
ation us so simple ns to tied compara
tively litt le intoivourso to arrive nt tin
understanding. It is evident, for vari
ous renews, that it will not lv possible
A univorsul suffrage hill has Iven to do mu.vh on the nppropriat ion hill
Ivtotv the holidays. nni me cireum
A Resume of the Lest Important but
Not Let Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
jvissed in Austria
Senator Fulton has a remedy for the
Jajvinese problem.
The Vnitcl States leads all countries
in the production of prveiosu metals.
The druir combine has Nvn declared
an illegal trust hy a Philadelphia court .
Alleged revolutionists continue their
reign of bloodshed across tlie Mexican
-1 7.o;i7 acres, or nUmt II jmt cent as
much as in t he preceding two years,
when the- sales nggrcpitcl over 2X1, 000
acres. This divrease of nearly J0 per
cent is due chiefly to the act of the leg
islature in raising the priiv from $1.25
to $2.50 per aero, but is also due in
'stance will have the effect of condensing
the consideration of the 14 regular sup
ply measures into two months.
Considering that the aggregate of the
appropriations to lv considered will
approximate $l .IM'.tHHMHH', some sen
State Industrial sohivl is th reeoni
niendiition nm.le by SiiH'rintendciit N.
II. I.ooncy of (hat institution in his bi
ennial reMirt. This rccommciidiit ion
has Iveii made ln-fore and two ntlcmpts
have Ihvii miiile in the legislat urc to se
cure a change in the name, but in each
instance the effort failed. Mr. l.ootiev
iwrt to the course of the State Ijmd "lM recommends i he cMaiuisimieiit or a mM r,.(vivcd rebates from th.
i 11 . , Male sciiooi lor wavwiiri tins niio me
Umrd in lvginuing prosivut ion of hivc- , . , , .. ,
' construction of a c.ttugo for email Ihivs
ulalors who were purchasing state laud
in violation of law.
No Influence Can Protect Plunderers
of Coal Land.
Suit I -like, Nov. .'in. Powerful influ
ence is Iving brought to bear at Wash
ington to prevent threatened prosecu
tions of cor mm t Ions and indi i.lusls in
eoiuieclioii Willi the land frauds which
hae been disclosed by the Interstate
( 'omiiicrce commission. These ctb. its,
however, have been unavailing and the
course which (he gov crnmetit has
mapped out will lv pursued unfalter
ingly .
When the Inlerstiite t'ommerce com
mission resumes its hearing here today,
evidence will In- prmln I by.l.T.
Miirclmnd and I). K. Thomas to prove
that tlu I'tah Fuel coiniany, oxer since
! its organ mil ion six or seen years ago,
I Vnvcr i
Union PiicINc Railroad, Coal Com
pany and li III c I a Is.
Govornnient Charges That MruWmo
Mired To File On Land tor
Kallroad Company.
Salt lake City, I'tali, lee. 1 , i4
understood that the Federal grand jury
How hearing tesl iluoliy concerning (hn
km Grande mid Kin Grande cstern
It is .isled to nrovo this gigwnl ic grab of iiml an.l tiinls-r Inn. I
so they may be kept by tliemsehcs nnd jv William O. Williams, auditor f.-r by niilrmids and cm I commniiM, hns
not lie thrown into association w it h i , i' i ,!, .....i ,i ,n . votel to ret urn indict meiils at'iiuist tln
The devrettse in nsipts is not so larger loys. lie asks for an appropria- 1
itors an.l numiln-rs expn-ss the opinion nr-eat, however, for those who Uui'ht
that onirrcss csinnot do U'ttcr than
jrive all of its time to these measuivs.
The reKrt on the ship subsidy bill
prolvibly will lv an exept ion to the
rule for no cencral hvislation. The
friends of that measure have never Iveii
insistent than now. Ihev are
Kinn Mcnelik. of Abvss'mia, is near
death and a war for his stuw ssor w ill i
! extremely hov!ul. and yet very appre-
.i moooi ma-'KHi iiieu j i ui i i ... . hcnsive
burneil a lant oi the toluxx trust in
The St. Paul railr-vid has increased ,
its -sipital for the purpose of Pacific,
coast extensions.
Texas bandits tlmnv the express tncs
senjier from the train and looted the
ir at their leisure.
Thirty states w ill lv represented at
the conference at IVs Moines fo rlirei't
senatorial elections.
It is estimateil that elections for
inemlvrs of the English pjirliament
oot '.'8 cents jxr vote.
tne pivernor of a I'uKm province
lias resigned nit her than reinstate vari
ous otlicers in his province, who he de
elarcl were assassins.
The Illinois Central will spend $2,
000,000 elevating its tracks in I'hieairo.
One day recently 4.050 steerage jsis
peiijers arrived in New York from Eu
rope. There is a oml shortaire in San Fr.m-
t ion of HI.SOO for the elisiuui; two
year-'. The appropriat ion for t he past
two years was $.",'!, HOD. Tin' milnU-r
of Imis in the schiwd is lot!.
Chaplain K. W. SI. Pierre recom
mends that t he max imum nc .a .li.'h
Imixs may In committed to the reform
school he raised from It! to IS ears, so
apvireiit in the next two or three reform school aint their reformation
years, when deferred inta I Intent in ma.!e more probable, but he would litt
previous sales w ill have been paid and provide buildings in which the older
t here w ill lv litt le money due on sales Iwsmaylv kept separate from the
made during 1.'0." and W(, Nearly vomicr. Svakin of the prMT sck
all sales of state land are made on the of t he ittst it ul ion, he sa s t hat "there-
said, that by means of I nion Pie'itle coMimiiy,
land prior to the advaiav in juice have
lnvn makini! imymcitts from time to
time. The total receipts for l.e two
years endiiis! Septemlvr :tt, 1 were
47."t.S'.is.!H, as eompircl with $ii7ii,
"Hit. AS for the prs-edin two vears.
The rreat dvreae in recipts result inc t S . : 1 1 some Ik s now ln in sent to
from t he diminut ion of sales will lv state penitent iary may lv sent to
The hill has passe 1 the senate and is
in coniniitttv in the house. The com
mittee has heretofore lxi n .pute evenly
divi icl, but the udvoeates of the bill
Ivlieve that they will lv able to cct it
;., .1.... .......n !,.. I,.it..i f.f it
.Mil OI I- ir. Ml 41 I I. I ill, , ll'-l l. ! l.- ., , ... lllll I ,
o,.:i ii,,,i.,.i r tut t , tl... I i"lallmcnt plan, the purchaser taking form school should never be mad.
ll.ll.-l.IOIUI.ill n.ll.l.lH l,r.,. ...V . (. f ,...UHJ I.. .. ... L I.ij Ihllll.'lli,.! I.. IIII.L.Il' I V, IK-
m.ii.. ,, iiiimr iiir. l ............... ... ..... , . i immihi.ii
nient. ; iivl irtit parents should not lv aeeoin-
The fulliii)! off in business in the inodatcd by lviii rclicvel of their chil-
Japanese Government Asks Too Much
for Her Subjects.
Washington, Ive. 15. The relations
K'twtvn the rnitod Stat-s and .lajmn
as a result of the attitude of the Japan
ese rvcrnment toward the California
authorities in school matters have Iv
come amite. An erroneous impression
as to the president's position has Iveii
w idely cin-ulatl.
The president absolutely concurs
with the opinion of Secretary Metoilf
that the JajKincsc have no cause f.r
LTievanee an. t that no treaty rit'lit ha.-
ilrens' siipsrt and care
inadejo jiiiyfor it ."
cisM and the price has been boosted $3 Uvn illfrillL,(Nj. At t)l(. tmSi.t ,i. ,,n.s
per ton
ident tik the stand that treat ies su-
At its next session eon-Tess will lx ix-rseled all state and other laws. Now-
asked to jiay for entertainments by our
foreign amlwssadors and ministers.
It is alleired that an attempt has I von
umde to poison one of the Tw itnesses
in the land fraud trials now on at Salt
while separatim: them man oilier
schools, all has lnvn done that is ne-
( cessjiry.
Outside of racial differences, there is
another reason for seyrepit in, and
Tenement house residents of New : that is that many of the Japanese stu
York's P'ast Side have Ix'jiun a war on ' dents are adults. The president w ill
butcher shops for raising the price of stand strictly upon treaty agreements,
meat. but he thinks too much is lvin' a.-kcl
Realty in Victoria, B.C., has in- J the Jainese government It is
ereHsM 'IS rvr nt in v1.,p on th n. KJ,,,H" l,ml u"" J'"-"'"1 "
1. . : : l .1.... .1.., 1
nc l.- "'imiLHi liuo, ... poiik i.m- -; I I,,,,,,;,,,, ,.,- .!,.. .!.,.. (I...
anese students equal e.lueat ional rights t , . ,, ,, , , ',' ,' .
... - ... , , ; legislature or 1 I'D.; ant iciimted a lai-e
in the law protecting elk bv elia.'tiiii: a
state land ollWv in the last two years is
evident not only from the decrease in
acreage sold, but in the numlvr of cer
tificates of sale and decls issued. Iur
itu! l!Hi.'!-04 t here were issue.1 l,74'cer-
titicjites of sale and 1 ,'.1 '2 deeds. Iur
ini! l!Ui."-lMi there were issued only Jl'ii
cert ifu-jitos of sale and '.'S7 deeds. The
amount now due on outstanding ivrtili
esites of sale of school land is fltill.-
!. ".I ..I.. ..I ... I .! .1
........ or a. H,m Uii uie amoum die Washington A Cohmihia ICit-r rail-
due two years ao. j fniIM .,,mi.v , , November 1 ..f
j this year. I'p to vtolvr 1 "''(I rur
Elk Protected by Law. were shipivd ocr the ireiron Kailroad
Salem ( Iverlookitu; an act of the x Navigation cintiiany's road, making
siH-ial sessinn of the OrcL'oti legislature a total of I'.sr,, This mill turns out
in l!H.'!, tiit a numluT of jNple have alut ll'iii luirrcN of llour eery '.'I
jpiined the impression that after Jami- liours when riiiiiiitii,' full cajmcity.
larv 1, 1!"07, it will lv lawful to kill
Granite Has Monry in Bank.
(.runic i.ranilc t .r .1 :i t l - iMiirs a
.1 ist inet ion that no other town in ll.e
state lllll Ixia-t of. Theeitv h;i-seer
al hundred
ail it- debts 1 ui
without Ih'IIiI
shown, it
thesi' relmtes the fuel coiMiali, and
also the Pleasant Valley Coal cominy,
were U tter able to ma mta in the, which the arechnived with hav
ing, of the cm I business in thill. It
is alleged that Uilll of these Con! Colli
illiies enjoyed !l bliinki t fate of 'B cent
a mile pi r Ion on all of the commodi
ties which the railroad oomiiany men
tioned t rails v, iricd for them. '
referent ml rates were elijoNed iik.1i
I loth slate and interstate t rathe.
Stolyp'n Starts Vigorous Inquiry Into
Famine Fund Scandal.
St. Petersburg, Nov. .'in. Prompt
i h ps have liccti taken by Premier
Sloly pin to .1. I with t he fain i lie relief
contract scandal in which l.i.lwilahd
M . ( iurko, assistant minister of I hr In
terior, are involved. The premier has
ca lied a s vein I meeting of the council
of ministers for tomorrow to discuss
the affair.
M. liurko has resigned. When he
pr.siiiict n is resieiiat i. .n, the premier
in. I oil.. e, hat
t'lk, and it is known that several hunt
ers jire plannini! to fo to the mountains
nouncemtnt of improvementd by the
Canadian Faeihe.
law which extends the proN-ction until
Sept.-mlHT 1.", r.ii7, andaftertliat time
elk may 1m- killed only from Septemlvr
15 to Oetolvr 15, and only one in a sea
son by any person. .
Good Showing of Athena Mill
Athena An idea of the mairnit u.le of
the business done at the llouriiu: mills
of the Pre-ton-Partoti M illini; ooti.iatiy
at this place may 1m had from the r.c
oris of the comuiiiv's ..Mice, which
how that .'!!' cars were ships'd over I.. Id him he should ti..t
that, f. .r his own sake at least, he must
face t lie o mrl . ;
The pri inier is expected toapHiinl
an int.r in in ister a I commission com
rsed of assistant m in islers In in v est i j
u'ate the oise. lie will then brma it '
Isfor.' the irt b tn rl ment of the sen
ate in public session. Orders have
Ih'cIi fiveli to coll. e cv ideine and cross
examine all r. .lis eon ii.-et.-d with the
affair, and I iv.lericl.s, cover
tmr of N ihni N..i:'.'r.l, has Imm ii sum-
I lii'Xie.l to M , I elersh.iiv to answer lo
liars i I he t nasurv, with i,h" ""-" slaii-l-n sH,t,s..r f.r l.el-
,,n, there has al. . eerlaiti ..lsk nil, an ass slant
u v. r Uen a cent of tax levied for the."' b"al in l.uvin craui in the pro-
maintenance of ll it v government j inees, also has liecii siiiiiiuoiied by the,
sine the incorporation of the town. I m ' n ister of the Int. r. or, but has failed I
The ii.t...!.itioi. ..f el.Mr-ie li, i- ...... I to answer ati.l is tlio.iulit to ! in hi.l-
OrcL'oti Short Line, tlu I liioti
Cull comuiny, and t wo ollicials of Ih.s..
Ci.llluillles will I' ill. III. led when III.,
ill. I nt meiils lire returned. ll is said
the would have lien re.rle.l ... it
before now, but I he cov eminent ill i
.Mill arc wait nit' to hear addil l .11:1 1
cv i.l. liee at Pueblo and I'eiiver next.
We. k .
I he'l unlit s vvill cleil'e the .1.
fciidatits w it h fraud III obtaining .'..v
crniiieiit land by I. .11 of h rjnrv
in liii'iin.' m rsoiis to swear that lli.-v
were ma k iiu cut ry iik .u the land f.-r
th. ir own h rsoiial use, and then turn
1 1 1 jT llleln over to the ci in 41 n I.H .
A brother of a t ' 1 1 i I I Stales N. iiiiti.r,
who, it Is said, was impli'iited In tin s..
leu I ni(.s, was tin w it I iti.dy rmltted !
testify, thereby seiMirln an immunity
Jajwnese, with an enormous jiersonal
conceit and tremendous jH-rsonal ego
tism, are trviiiL' to impose uixm the
Anew all-Canadian mail service re- people of San Francisco and the Pacific
crist .
cord has Iven establishe.1 by the trip
from London to Vancouver, 15. C, be
ing made in 11 days.
Investigation has sliown that larpe
amounts of money intended to relieve
Kussian famine sufferers has Iven pKvk
eteil by those intrusted w ith the funds.
r P.ritish Columbian Indians are in the
habit of sellinj! their t:irl.s as sof.n as
(hey are ol denouli to tind a buyer.
An effort is to be made to stop the practice.
With the thermometer standing near
the zero mark a lar;e numlvr of prom
inent citizens of Payette, Inaho, held
up a coal train and took two curs for
their own use. Thye were prevented
from taking moreb y a prom is eof relief
by the railroad company.
The use of tobacco in any form is be
ing driven from the university at Lin
coln, Neb.
The Canadian governoment has agreed
to place a lifeboat service on the south
ern portion of Vancouver island const,
the marine graveyard.
The Alabama Great Southern rail
road has given an increase of 5 per cent
in wages to all its employes receiving
less than $200 per month.
In thel nterstate Commere hearing at
Rait lake a witness declared the Urion
Pacifier ailroad prevented opposition
from acquiring coal lands by the use of
Dr. I). P. Harrows, director of educa
tion in the Philippines, says the is
lands nre in good condition generally
Bpoaking. There is no market fur sugar
and tobacco.
The Japanese government is said to
understand the recent school situation
in San Francisco. While she may
punish the Pay City n bit, nothing
more w ill come of the affair.
Government May Enlarge Facilities at
Bremerton to Meet Needs.
Washington, Iiv. 3. The Navy de
partment has received a rciort of the
special Isiard dctaild to look into the
situation at the Paget Sound navy yard
with a view to determining the line of
its proper development, year by yeijr,
in order that there may Is' eventually,
at that establishment, such a complete
plant for rejaiir, and jtossibly for con
struction, as will be needed on the Pa
cific coast.
It is pointed out in the report that
it would lv of advantage to naval inter
ests and of value to naval efficiency to
depvelop the Paget Sound plant into a
liattleship yard, with facilities for doing
the largest kind of work, and all with a
view to the chance that it may lie neces
sary to have, convenient on the Pacific
cmst, a means of retiring ships (A the
Pacific and Asiatic stations.
Spraying Decision Satisfactory.
McMinnville Nothing nvently has
given the conscientious fruit raisers of
this county more real joy than the de
cision of the courts giving to fruit in
sjHvtors the right to eonivl spraying.
Yamhill has many tine orchards that
of t he improvements licing considered
by the city fat hers mid one that will
prolmbly lv put into effect noon.
Oregon Goat Show at Dallas.
I in I Ies The eighth annual Oregon
angora gout show will he held in Italia
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Jan-
are kef it in extvllcnt shape, but the old uary Id and 11, l!a7. These dates
time moss covered orchard is also here were divided Jini by the gout breeders
in great numlvrs and the wormy pro- at a meeting held in I'.rown's hall la-t
duet of the latter sjioils the good name week. A large numlvr of farmer were
of the former. The big red apple will in attendance and an cut huia-t ic meet-
.'rovv to (vrfivtion in the rich soil of ing was held. It was d.s-i..s to hold a
Yamhill if only given a chance.
three days show this season, instead of
a two dins' exhibition as heretofore.
Test Barley in Valiey'
Salem In order to raise brewing
barley of a higher standard and to en-
eoiirai'e farmers to nii.i. It rnor.. evten.l Hills .ppics, common to choict
sivclv, the ollicials of the bureau of r1" "' T Is .x ; choice to fancy, $le
r.larit industry of the dcoartment of -r'"; vrl', ''"' 1 .'.'5 vr crat.
Agriculture have outlined a series of P,,irj. 1 oratilvrrics, I()f
exivriments with at least 10 different ' 1-,r'" !MT larnd; jiersiminoiis, $
Debt Reduced $7,000,000.
Washington, l)ec. .'. The monthly
varieties of high grade wed, to lie cur
riod on in different sections the coming
season. the Willamette valley has
Iven seelcted as one of the most likely
sjKits where the grain can lv grown to
To Probe Edward's Charges.
sons to have exclusive dealings w ith the
An international committee has been
ap)ointol in China to secure relief for
the hungry. An appeal will be made
to Kurojie and America. Ten thousand
people are on the jsjiiit of starvation.
Helena lias voted to ow n her own
water plant.
Pooker T. Washington, Jeader of the
colored race, says Andrew Carnegie
wears shoes made in a ngreo industrial
The president, vice president and
counsel of the Mutual Keserve Life In
surance, company are on trial in New
York on a charge of grand larceny.
The United States governmnet lias
statement of the public debt shows that j Commercial National lxmk, depository
for Indian rands hero. I he inspcvtor
is exjvotod the latter jtart of this
at the close of business Novomlvr '.UK
the total debt, less cash in the treas
ury, amounted to t'.l44,.'51".i,4L'!, which
is a decrease for the month of $7,K41,
it.'5. The cash in the treasury is given
as follows: Gold reserve, l.ri(l,(MKi(
KKt; hi treasury funds, 1 ,1 1 :.',).!, Ki!i ;
general fund, $1 !'', 71 7,1 1 1 ; in nat ional
bank dejKisitarios, f 1 45,.r5!,4.'i8 ; in
Philippine treasury, f 5,Xi.'l,:i77. To
tal, ifl ,(i(M;, :i(i!),7j; against w hich
there are liabilities of tl.L'lM.S'.lOjOO.
Linn Men Rell Timber Too.
A litany A timber deal whereby 5,
001) acres of splendid timlvr land in
Linn county is to lv transferred to
John A. Merritt,of Niagara, N. Y.,
and Eastern associates, is said to be
practically consummated. Merrill,
who was third assistant fsi.-t master gen
eral under President McKinlcy, is now
in this county inspect ing the land and
its out lets.
Uncle Sam Makes Money.
Washington, )ec. :(. The monthly
tatement of the government receipts
and expendil uri s shows that for No
vember the total receipts were $55,
i;IL4!i8 and the expenditures lf4H,:pJL',.
5i7, thus showing a surplus for the
month of $7,L'Ktl,(HMi and for the seven
months of the fiscal year of 114,770,-
IHKi, For the last month tin- receipts , trie light plant within four months and
from customs amounted to $L'5,!iL'l ,',127 : 1 1 he completed within one year. It is
Light and Power for Vale.
Val The city council has granted a
.'0-year franchise to M. (i. Hope, I. W.
IIojv and K. E. Fulton, to put in an
ehvlric light and water system for Vale.
I he work is to commence on the elei
from internal revenues $L'4, Kiill,; '- and I understood that the company is ready
from miscellaneous sources, t.OL'D.Kl'H.
Coal Famine Closes School.
Minneajxilis, ilec. The coal situ
ation in the country district has be
come worse since the cold snap. One
dealer said that Garrctson, K. )., Is Uie shutdown is the inability fo secure
alsmt to close its schools because of . cars in which to nhir, 1 1, t,r,ul..t
. , . i . , . . . : . ' i
1....1. ,. i t . . i . ... . . ... i
m.-. oi coai. in some oi uie iowi H the ruling i l' i r.rices for Tl...
been asked to furnish protection to the near Garret son residents have threat- mill will probably resume operations
leader of the street car strike now on at ened to move away if coal Is not fur- shortly after the first of the coming
llamiltton. Ont. . nislied soon. vear. J
. -
egelatiles I aliliage, 1 '4fi 1 per
pound; cuulitlow .t, 1.5 jvr dozen
celery, 71)1" Otic ivr dozen; lettuce
head, iWc per dozen ; onions, 1(I6i !'.",(!
per dozen; Is-ll ivppers, 5c; pumpkins
l 'ejs-r toiind; spinach, AOi 5c p-r
ixtund; tomatoes, .iOf'i 5()o ist Ikix
remtleton -It is announced here that Forney, io ioc; sqtiasii, ki4c js-r
an insrevtor will Is- sent bv the Indian F""""1 : turnips, 0cfnI ikt sack; car
department to Pendleton to investigate rots, l()cf. $ I ht sack; Ivots, ;U(
charges nvently made agyinst Major i . per suck ; norsera-iisii, tw.iiiie jvr
Kdwards, agent of the 1'matilla reser- jsaind ; sweet jKitatis-s, 'lOi'Z.: jst
vat ion. Kdwards is charged w ith using lmn.l.
his otlicial position in influencing per- Onions Oregon, 7J f 1 kt bun
I'otatfs-s Oregon Hurbanks, fancy,
75c('ifl; common, l.Df.i 7(lc.
Putter Fancy creamery, L'.V '1
jcr Miund.
r.ggs Oregon ration, ;j.r; .iijjC mt
Poultry Average old bens, 1 ( 1 1 .U:
rier jstiind; mixed chickens, 11
Sfiring, 11c; old roosters, 7e0e; dress
ed chickens, i:if14o; turkeys, live, 17
(""IHc; turkeys, dressed, choice, L'df')
2L'c; geese, live, 10c; ducks. iOi Hie.
i Wheal Club, !(; bluesteiii, (ific;
valley, 0i;c(i7i-; red, 1C' C.L'c.
Oats No. 1 white, fl'l .5(le 25.50;
gray, $L':i.5nr. 24.
Parley Feed, $21 .50 per ton; brew
' ing, 122.51); rolled, $2.'l.
fy( i .,jor i .45 vr cwt.
Com Whole, $25. 50; cracked,
$20.50 per Ion.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $llrV
12 per ton; Kastern Oregon timothy,
$14r.l(l; clover, $7rtH; cheat, $7.51.,
H.50; grain hay, $7.5or.. K.50; alfalfa,
$11.50; vetch hay, $7W.5).
Veal Dressed, Hic per saind
j.eer iiresseu nulls, if2e per
fKiurid; cows, 4 () 5c; 'ounlry suiers,
r0i,r .
Mutton Iiressed, fancy, 8 6) hi per
pound; ordinary, lc,7e.
Pork Iiressed, Wn,H' perftotind.
Hops llfi,14o jior pound, according
to quality.
Wool Kastern Oregon avcrago best,
I'.iOiylHr, per jkiiiiiiI, a('ording to shrink
age; valley, 20('o21e, acivirding to flno
nesHj mohair, clioice, 2(l(a;28(;. I
Fragments of Gospel and Many Other
Ancient Writings.
Chi.iigo, Nov. .'.tl. A cable disiatch
to the Tribune from l.n...n says: It
now is .ossiblc to give further details
of the remarkable tin.) of Ki.vri as a
result of the efforts of rs. lirelifell
and 1 1 ant , of t he ireiii-Potiian branch
ofthcKgypt lixplorat ion Fund at Oxv-
rliMiehils. The find Consists of no feu -
. h 1 1.,.,, I "n I.. .. . . I . , :.. '.
' io.i, iiinn.K iii i retieh Inn
date from the second century, I!. C, to 'i, lM,,lj
Issue Raised In Oklahoma Conven
tion State Rights Hciviynd.
linlhrie, Okla., I !. 1. The actual
format l..ii of a ctisl it ut ion f..r Okla
homa was Inaugurated this a fterin .tl
when pr..H.sil ions were in! r.luce. in
the const it ut ii inn I of two
planks prov iding r. ss cl ively f,.r nul
vmiv regulation and s. uirate cm. h. s for
w h id s and ticgrocs.
'I he railway regulation bill, Intro
duced .v I '.legale t'lint Graham, Is
summarized a follows; liailr.jid, c
presN, slee.illg nir and oil pipe line
con. mn ies shall I"' declared common
carrier-.; to provide f..r st. k inse.
I ion; topr.-vei.t coiisolidnl ion and pro
hibiting free Jiass. s ,
The "Jim ( row", n . .hit 1. .it was
offered by Judge ldUtl. r, of Ard
innre, I. T, I'm. th pr.H.sit ions were re
ferred to the couuiiitlee on railroad.
A feature of this morning's si ssi n
Wjis the address of I Vicente ldlstti-r,
who op.e. I th.- adopt i. ti of a resolu
tion rec.gniing the Federal coiislitu
li'.ii as ui ni 1 1 m ii t to t hat of t he state
of Ok lain. ma . Mr. 1-c.lhcttcr reiterat
ed bis jew that state sovereignity
should Is- strictly observed.
the sixth century, A. I. They com
prise all classes of literature, many
fragments of the lost or even unknown!
Frenchmen Purchase Securities of the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
New York, Ivo. 1. Fifty million
dollars in Ik.ii.Is was tin loaded at the
French line pier veslerdny and at ..nee
put alumni the i Prnveiice, of the
f..r shipment to Pairs,
filled 1 PI mud s. lashed
Imxcs and furnished loads for 12
'the si 1 I I ill leltl ii iliw !.! ... I ..f Pi.iiiiMV I .
classi.i,l works, and some most ii.,,rt- Vllllia railn-.d l-.tids covering a l-im'to
am iragmeiitH iiiikiiown to i.r,siian t. niilr-md taken bv
The most important find is a vellum
leaf conta ining 45 lines of gosd which
has a variation from the authorized
version. The subject is the visit of
Jesus and his disciples to the temple of
Jerusalem and their meet ing there w ith
the Pharisee, who rebukes them for
their failure to ierforin the necessary
ceremonial of purification. In the dia
logue which follows, which resembles
tins investors.
A svcial express train hearing the
bonds left thai city at '.I o'clock and
arrived in Jersey City at 10:5(1.
Thirteen sccial service men acted as
guard. In all there were 4nii,noi) Imiii.Im
of 5,011(1 francs den. .luminal ion and
L'.'IO.IHIO of 2,500 franc denomination.
The issue required f..r execution 1,200,
000 signatures and the atlixing of 1,
200,000 seals, 10 Hvcially ap"iinte.f
secretaries having continually signed
: . t f , . I - - ..r . . '
some reaves .v.a.itiew xxi..:g.t, w j t l..-ir names each dav for two months
nans,... .leseri.vs will, consnleralile , If ,,. ,,, ,,.,. f (,jM
fullness and detail the formalities he H,. 1., i,,,i, : , , ,
I 1 I t I I- .l n Ill .ill,
nan onset ven, wnereiiiMin .icsits oei I vers
an eloquent, crushing rciily, contrast-
1 s line they would reach 200 u
miles. 'Jhe bonds weighed 14'j tms.
Crusoe's Island Lives.
Mexico City, Ilec. 1. Kugetie Met.
Chilean consul to Mexico City, received
to exjvnd $100,000 on the enterprise.
Shut Down Frcm Lack of Cart
Astoria The Central IioorA Lumber
company, of this city, lias closed down
Hs plant temjiorarily. The cause of
ing outward with inward purity.
Send Colony to Africa., Nov. .'ID. A report was cur
rent in this city today that the South an otlicial 110I ice from his el.vcriniici.l
wan comjiany lias ollercl the Salva-Nasi night to the effect that the rcort
ion Army 1,000,000 acres of land in ' circulated last August . at the tin... of
Uhodosia for colonization puriioses. ! the disastrous earth. make, snviinr M...I
with the stipulation, however, that in Juan Fernandez island had sunk into
the event of the colonizing scheme I he ocean, was nut rue. The divtor said
proving a failure, the land should re- that the rcM.rt of the disappearance or
vert to the company. General P.ooth t he island was at first credited even-.
said tonight that the plan had been . w here. A short time ago, however,
prematurely disclosed. He declined to warships were sent out bv the Chilean
ommit himself to any statement of government . and the island mi. I its in.
letails, because he said the plan might habitants were found nnii. lured
still fall through.
" 7 Seeks Plan to Tax Rich Heavily.
Orchard Case Postponed. I .lon n... 1 ti 1 .
. ., ,, , "' ' " 1 I '"' select conilllllr
l.oise, Ida., Nov. ..t). Harry Or-' tee appointed to consider (he pradioii
hard, who killed former Governor bility of gradual in.' II...
Meinieiiherg and who turned slate's and of differentiating between earned
evidence, was taken to Caldwell today and unearned incomes has issued a re
in aiipear in court . P.y consent of both purlin t he effect II... I 1 1 111 , 1 , 1.1 1 i . .. . :..
sides the trial was jsitsponed until (he prac) ical in incomes nol (.xceeding $5.
next lerin of courl . 'Ihn prisoner was 000 and different i.( ...... 1 .t.
taken down by Warden Whitney and incomes not eve... 1. Iii... tiK .111.1 .1. 1
,. , , 1 . . . ii. K T"",""". lllll
K.iiir.,.,, ,,,.,.,..., y ,wo oeiec- (.otninitli.e suggests also the iintsising;
lives, all,ofa super-lax 0.1 incomes exceeding
caul ion against violence to Ihe prisoner $25,000
or themselves. I . .
Will Not Pay American Claims.
Tangier, lice. 1. ti.,, Ameri
em- minister. Mr :.. , . .
j,, , . , " ic, is Hit 1.1
Czar Fixes Twelve-Hour Day.
St. Petersburg, Nov. .'10. The
1 11 11 1 linu 11 'itii'jii'i.jl ilio HOLI..1..1 :,.o :.. 1 , . . ' . .
jn.n ss 'i ' w s nic n nwmiiuii III- JIJI V 11 rl. l-itv M..v 1 . . 1
.r.,..ed by .he council of ministers .tUVl ,, h u h! n ' hi
Itxing 12 hours as a working dav, in- rcL-ard lo 11
cludirg two hours for meals, in all in- made by cil it.H yZ TT Y
duslrial an.l other circles. This law for allege, o, , '
wiMLcconie operative six weekH after gardlng td.e sSl A
its ion. . ... J l"""llu initll.
tcoKiuiit in Morocco.