Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 28, 1906, Image 1

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    r' ,V ,'' ' J
. t'.l
Devoted to t lie Mining, I.uiKbeiing and J':uin;ng Int-u sts of this Community.
VOL. Vill
NO. 44
Ami (icncral Mining New
(in the ml from lixclianjjcs.
Orogoil tovillllo
There is moiiic s nlalioii us lo
what lh outcome of tlm jifo s tit
diU'mullies of tlin Oregon Securities
Company will amount t" 1 1 is
predicted Hint, jio wriij is ic-ull will
come, 11 liw 101 iiiiti'l nl' 1. j"i ;
can not do up u good m i i i il nm!' r ' .
cupahio conscicnti.juH m iuu m ( nt. M'rcat Interest Awakened 111
! Car Shortage Legislation.
to I'i'i li ir.d. In additio'i to food
tii'i iivi - 11 :i unall contribution
01 ni',11' y. A 1. Hi: me amount, is
not ; :, -,-t 'm! is am
will hi 1 i'i !!, " T; r 1 1 bind.
1 1 1,
t U'liisM'e Friday
Vnl' 1 lnk.lvlni Knrvli nt ' '
I Union Thanksgiving hmvh I
'I'll-' Hulii niin Oin'i-n jiiopt-rty In j tjH, M c-tli t ist Church 'J luirsilny j Th- meeting at Jvugrno next tl
I fin;' wuikf'I 1 11 1 oil 1' lion l ill" ! niri.iiii' nii.l in IIik 1 venin- ! 11 n '( ;iv of eomim -renal ori'uin
I.' 1 '. ' 1 , i-i a
i III ; .
Mt-rin to v.-11 ! Especial Reasons for )';
i serving the ( Day.
w mtf r
1 '. i ; 1 1 Ik'Imm an- lniHy packing
oii frniii llic t'liijiiiin Id llic mill
where it w il' I tm it" '1.
111 ic-n
I 1 nl 'Hi' I
wuil; n tlis M.u propeiti
I ntlf v 1 hus'l tig in
IppllIM fl'l I ' Wlllt'TS
bined with the evuiim 1 i' m niei - : "' ions ami of lumbermen ami buM-
at the Presbyterian i linidi Rev . : n-ss m n l Oregon to formulate j M'
Hcatty will prciudi in tin- morning l'l;"IH ' I' fo-hition to control the ml
anil us yet no oik- has 1 ci n an-; ';" sl;oi pp-hl'-m. promisi s U ( li " 1
nontii'fil for the evening. h - n I "t ri' 'tin;; I -t
t m t i!' "ii i f t In- i. iost n I i - sp'-atn r-. I ,r, . .
1 -I 1! :r i :.:rl wif- et-h bfatt'I j
i V 11 ;:! i;i 1 .,1 "-ne-
j Cottnpo (jrov) luerc!. nr. i ;.
I unit st'itf tli.'it th'; ; isf - 'ar
! heen th'? h st in t'l - h'.-t ' t
I i v M.nklfV cam'- iIo.mi from
th" 'csiiMiis Snlni(i ant will
wm k at mi ml 1'iwii fi ii a t iniK.
,- I''i'i H''i ii of Hi" Vf-uivim
nri'le a !lm,; trip nvi-i S'oi lav to
isit his ol I frn ii'l Joe P.ipu at
J 1 Joiion Takmi IKg InllliMlvn.
J. 1. Joiich is taking lli'-iniliil
Tii- i out ai I ut t lie
Col' ii a I i it pi ii, ;i -m-.i n
1 Iiowijh; r a 1 1 1 1 1 ; i;i."tly to 'h'-
lli;;i' snpjilv of '-'le il'li-i'lV I'I Mht
on tint pioprrty.
lil l.i- tirsi' iit, an ; ; ,,
'i -.1 will tak( n tlint will stmt I,.
Ml'- Oil I I ol illl j-. ' '11' lit Vile lll'll ill I
step in makin- -otlu w..Ve " 1 , ir;". sai'l when iisk.'l if there! -:;
fruitgrowing renter. Il is j,l n,t- W,(1J, ). nv I;,ilro'i. mm on thoi'-'
iii' out out ?.v S,it'-i.liri:.; an. I , j ,,,.,,, tll , "X,,, tl is no de-;V.' ''
Newtown I'lpi'in Apple tn-es whi. h ; ,,.a,.; 1)(,!,l,.,n is past the de- "
will take -V) a. n s. Mr. Jonon is . ., ,., ,t M til,le (,jT ftctjn an, i ,
Koiiitf to -ive this ""hard 1 n,l t,n, n tlt ',,,.
isire, an I lnp'-s to w-c this m w in : ,;,.,..t(. " .
dustry .nuke a ureat we dl h h rs , ' ) , t miss tl,e mectin-, ". .', .',
C. 1'. Stewiiit, who is o:isidi. if I a ,
national authority onfniit cultnic Ti; !
1 . .1 111 , Will ScllOOl ri(jt OH- ,I . ,
is lireetiii(,' th? wink of planting (or ' I-''
lu'V"1- Mr. Jones iiml williv tl,.- Th-ie Iris heen a new lunk -ease u
i I . li -i Til ins lit I in I ii .ii i-n. 1. 1 .... I ' 1 1 1 ii ti I in 'i nlisunr X ran fi! s li Hell ill :ivi
' ' .' I '. r I in I 1 , l VI- -i HIV
i :,l,v "f Tiiank-i'iTiuii ljllsiness- Kvery H:j- of
,t,. , their window, i ?fts nowu a niarke.I impro
Their r.ifh Hal';s l.-.-te - .
"'- '' r'" 1 hjb-v tLan ever Lc-ior'-. UM .'
- on ti,.tl )javo ,too,i f,,r a
' ! ! vn:t last of have been largely fall up
the year.
! '; -it'll is co'n
'' '-i ! the thous-
'.: : ; a.-o f.;nteftil for
I - o! piiro water fur.
" i'y-'- l,y th- city,
'd ; .:.t t!nt is fast
' '' . thankful that
t r,v:i to raiso his
' v ,'r- f; from sa
;"".'! j v.'.lie school
:.; ; r.l ttaehers,
: 'i :' '.hi.r';hf. s.
. - i ot enough to
- proud of
': ('
.'iilnd laid a new
'. -i'i d Third streets
' .v moro such
;! I I." a reat l-elji.
iiv.'-n display attracts
iI'-'h i-e. when nhe
r t i'd" dcs-orations and
.or Thanksgiving.
' '-- foi' 'J h'uikngivirjg ire
'. t; i- year, but the price is
v. -,!. A threat quantity
ei--i ! ijo'.-d t ) the l'ortlaml
. i . . - . i'i . i i . I . 1 1 i
Hi-e liiui ryt-ryilim': 'H l"iie m tin- m wnn-ii i lie n'-w Horary hooks win us hi; -
ptopi-r nianner. Ii -i I im- I Tin hi' books will be a j
Mr. St'-wart stat'-i that a !. 1
ford rdlippcr has jtist iC - im I i- .on
I'. J Hud wi'l ('.' t ) I'm tlaiid j turns from appl h" s!i i j i; - I t i
.i ' .... I .1 I ! f I 1.' -I i 1-1 ...
tins M'l-u lo au'-n i in'' auiui.ii i i.oil'ion, lai'iiin i wnii-n ii -',i,-.i n;.i
i " per iio
u- it b' la-fit t- t'l'' stu b llts.
wish it were umi I' lisive
is' , niet in,; ol several 1 Irom -'-.j t-i 5'J
mining iiiiij.uurs that li" is inter-;
( ut' d in.
W" I a I a fire drill last 1 ,i day
i . 1 llic I uihlii:;; was' el'-ared. in hss
t'.-an ;i : : s i . : i lo find a half a:i 1 the
I'-, t ' f oul'-r was maintained.
AH Johnson t.'oi-s f the goM
ti-lds of (,'uhfoi uin today where he
expei'ts to i 'ini' in to possession of
the botiaii.' is i d tlm Coldell State.
Mr. .b'liu 'ii is a wi ll pohlfd min
ing mm a i 1 p-ii'-mlly M'ts what
lie joc alt. i .
Keul' Thorn and Clarence have
returned from their visit homo ut
Lebanon and will go ut oneo to the
mines where they extxvt to remain
throughout the winter, first to the
Royal Flush property, then to the
Dan Itsrni- is in tlm tirove with a
hore foot eaitsi'd by walking Iroin
camp with a new pair of shoes, he
had better Muck it out with tlm old
oil' s. As soon as he recuperates
he will with his partners, go to the
( mine mid perform the uhuuI
annual assessment work.
Tim l'ottl.ind Minim; Stock ICx
chango has not up to ihi'o proved
an i in p ' t u s t o in i u i n g
ope rati uiH in ()r j;oii. but pcthups
the truth, without malice once
out, will count mid later mining in
Oregon may be uuderMood ni
cuitim! on as in other counties-
J.J. Ciaig. .Oiohas been work
ing on the imptovi iiients at the Ve
suvius mine is in town- 0wtig to
tlm Imavy sn-ovfall thu fill bents
of the high trestle could not be
riiim-d to advantago ho lm eiime to
town I n' a lew days. The other
work on the Hiu.iller tiestle, the ore
bins, tto. is going Mcidily on.
August Sinehe returned to 15o
heinia this week and will upend
thowintir on the property near
l'airview Creek that he bought of
Prof. Kendall. Mr. Siuche has
some very rich copper ore. from
surface workings and he believus
by spring ho will add one. to the
long list ol" copper mi'iea that lk
hoiniu can boast of.
Col. Pddir is showing some ele
gant copper ore. from his Pig Maud
claim in Poheniia, it resctnbluH tho
Oregon-Colorado and Riverside ore,
and if indications are of any count
lie ctrtainly has a great mine op
ened, uud all remaining is a con
centrator to put the Col in shape to
reap large prohtu on sale of the ore
to the smelters that are auxious to
purchabe concentrates carryiug the
product the liig Maud will supply.
Midland Ouintette Fii-lav night. A contributed a large
Metealf .t 1! uml shipped oat amount of food to the Iioys, and
considerably over half a ton of tur- oil Aid Society for th' ir
keys to tho Portland market for 1 Thanksgiving. The box will be
Thanksgiving. i made up Tuesday evening and sent
S (".in-m;1.-.! an 1 J jo Dime-wi-
I, i th tun! rj per visors on the
road tl;i? t.-ii'i'.s, went to IJugenc
iR-t w-.-r t ) sf.) thij county cointais-
si')!, -r -.
V.'- ;k o:i the brick ad htion to
the j; itW- meat market was com
mence I on Tn'i-day morning. It
is e.p et i to et the walls all up
within a short timo and to get it
all c overed in ln.-fore hard rains set
in ii:: on.
They report better 'das-; of ! , ' !
purchased in nil lines, and a m
larger patronago than before, h ,..
ing a larger population. ' ,
The business houses hnvt- 'h r,
their prosperity, many of tiie::: by ; '
iinjirovernents in their si,,r' j;, 1
new quarters, new fittings, etc. ! '
The citizens have been at v. Ml; ! .
improving their homes bui!-::i.t-!
additions, throughout the town, -erywhere
are to be seen the
dences of prosperity.
The citizens as a rule are t:;-; :'; ,
fill the town is "dry" lor h ' "
has not suffered, as pre ':. ' :
instead is more llouri-hing t'-ar: : .
ever, there are less d;slTrv: :" il
Kcc-nes on the btrtets, fewer h j
Iums lounging around, and a ;
crally better tone prev.idc-s ti.?
town. Tho taxpayer while ia-
may worry a little over the 1
what higher tax lm mar have to '
pay on account of tli? ab'-cr. ;ct,
tho saloon license fee, rejoices than
property valuations ire on thv
'-i S. i.rliv Convontlon.
: i':.-T:.-f Will hold a
; ! i '! i.'-' -i'i' I 'J'U'-silay,
;; ! 't It't l'n'sl,yter!an
J'. " ' ii-oi. A. i'hipis will
' , r -
: i ' ' ' '. i -;Voo -i:ijrjs
:-!. - Key.
i i- - ,
i ' ' I ' ''-)';f- r'-a (', led
C. A.Phlpps.
- ' ;-f ef t.!i" Pantor to
i'.a-tor (Jlsi.n.
- .'" ": i . u ! .attend the S. S.
Mr. ( I. ire;ien Morss.
Mr 0.
'!' a ; Vv"' rk In .S.
'' r-. ' Jrph.T r.i nou
-' i
ii . S. by
f. : I. O.
in .-.' Mr.
: s Tr ilr.Srn;" Mrs.
::-: i 'j.'tiortunity.
Jim Cruig came in from tho Ve
suvius Friday, tho coutiuued Btorm
made his work, that of raising the
high bents on tho tressel, diflicult
nud dangerous, he will return as
soon us the weather turns clour,
other work men are going ahead
with their work uud as soon ua
Mr. Craig can finish his part the
mill begin to griud,
Here Goes For:
il ;
..!' 'N -l.M'IO.N.
-i'r .: -ervl.-e Mr.
-!'. - i-ort-. ete.
" r: - ..:: i ;i.s oo.u"
K. I . ..
''I lU,y i'rohlem"
' r,' ii-.";;. -:ir.-::v.
.-i'r;::i;;ryit:id .Junior Work."
i'.s;i I.
.M.VO SLsalON.
II A H HV U. U U tl :' I f.i li
m r t w f
V- 1 f i J H t' j N-
(';.:! t . S.Tvk
i-- Vi'l'a'v"..
J. I.
..Kev. C.
Turkey or no Turkey,
:i M.t
N- y i -1 : ;i r:r..
- Mir. M. H. Mitchell, Eu-
i mt-Mis 1. M. LogaD,
m- i-..i:.-ttii:NTs.
-.. -J unction; H. K.
I', t.'ha.-e, Spririi-V-'!
! " Ci'fswell; Mrs.
t'o;;;i;. drove; liev.C. A.
$13.00 furs for $8 00; $8.00 furs for $6.00; $6.00 for $4.50; $5.00
lurs for $3.75; 62.00 furs for 1.50; $4.00 furs 3.75.
We have about 25 small overcoats which will go for cash at
half price also some special prices on several lots of shoes.
V. !'
A -
. l .ac'ip.
m: i 'I '-.'is-iivr Mrs. M.
-.!. M. L'.iy, Junction.
'oil : i. .i O. e.'on i'cdora-tlon Work
Mi- F. lb Vh-:i!er made a re
! -tt to t;:j Wci'.'iti'i Club of Cot-C'.-.-.
(ito-,v -., l'lil-.y afternoon, at
ii ' i c:.;l K,-.-ii i e.-.l f.r the pur-po--
of h-. a:i'! ; her to;v:rt on the
ib. ' v. iV! :,! ... of Womans
- ' n :.; I'ol thltld tho
' h : I : i ? t ill. which she and
t;-i Jiceit I'.ikin a'tcnde-l as
T';;. w.nk i-f tho Federation
cica y'ir. The main
-,; -' w;!:;: are IMuentinn
fj bi'i' lltcusion,
: j Ho::.;.hoi-l F,sm ourcs, I.r.d Marks,
I iici'i, :';'e:! , Ch.iut.r.;.;.!.j. Legisla
te ' v. !.: I .-.. ... irrigation,
!i .'arship,
i ;;;
' i ! '.
ti 1 . ... ,,(
v. o; '..
I "...
public school
Ai ii beautify
We measure you and make a suit to fit you 500 samples to l!
choose from. Order now. ;!
. I
int ;
: i'i !
i'l's : ;
t V!
. . . XAcy are now rais
i ut'.d to 'oil to worthy girld
i .:. th.-m t- get through
' It l-i t'.o rbi'i t j loan to
-; ' d it T 7 5 without
'l :.' v air . s-. o Ji'o scholar-
'::eh tl ,:-y give out.
-! n;: i 1;j ot Lh-j! clubs have
'i " libt.i: lv ; in their homo
W dls
V.k- M J .at
Ci'.y, I
Ou "i
mat k of ( !
il:'.. h m -
. scii c: - i
at'.cu. t1.-
!o.i has ' putchascd
u 1, m;r at Oregon
j ol tii-3 father of
"o n.-patring and
: ' ' i .'p it us a land
' i v is '-ct: apart at
'! r I lie Fedtr
i a- t!:'it dav
1 l :r ' !'.: ;.!. I', 1 lr, tho I'iaba.
The h.-. bunion and tach indivi
dual clu'i i' int- k ,t-1! in !e"i.-l -
(.Continue I to la-t pay.'.J "