Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 21, 1906, Image 1

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    'J of 0
Devoted to the Milling, Eumhering ami l';uiain:; It.' i -is of this Community.
NO. 43
And (icncnil Mining New
(i;il!icrcd from lixchangcs.
I'. J. II.itiI rude up to tho Veiu
viii . en Sund.iv ultcriioiiit, home
lurk. ; 11 will m o tlin curist.riK lion
M)tU ":i l'n- ti"-.tle pti-hed daily.
I'll.' M 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 : nl. I c Nv. 1(
h 1 - v 1 .d 11 1 i' ! h nt itohemia
t).t .ill' i llllll ll llltcH'Ht. I to
lir 111 I 1 I 'i ;i ri 1111 in ; i i ni nf 111 Js .
Win. K1il.1i . who 11 ; 11 group
i't I "M I'lit in "ii 'I"' Hi I;'" 111 i'U-I)'-iii:.i
li.ii I 'l'iin Irmii camp
and ni',1 i pt-1 1 1 tlii' winter ut his
liun. ! in I jii'iii''. Mr. K"ilii.
idin iii' r i nf ill" iiltini i'c piopcr
ity nf tli-1 wl'"lc camp.
At tin' I ml tui'i'tl'ij; of the lt)
Ii' ini.i Mini- ) ,v m-t h Ai-1 I'iuli'iii an
;iiiiril'lni"iit t i tli'1 bv Iiiwk WiiM r"nl
if' l i' in:: t'i" ii'- 1 . 1 r v niimbor ol
lilcm' ic 1 i 1 11 1 s'"i-. t ' lr;iiisa't bu-i-iifii
1 1 111 t- 11 iii'-iiil" is .is it now is
to live. I 1 -1 1 ;i f 11 1 ii' 1 1 ut-ii t will tu
vd'ii 1 upon at tin- ii- xt regular
inr t f v
C"b i t. ' ; l ! Hi K IS Inking :l Mill
'li'!l iv.o, . in the lilt' lest of mill-
in;; ih 11 Mil'-- tin' Gnggcnhcims J
liuvr iul'-iestid 1 1 rliiM'l u-K lll'liviiy I
in the N i'i'sin;; Co. T'lts salver-
lead ',t:. t was ,di-cuverod uiily i
three yt Mis I ;; 'id W'iS at OHCf ;
fullll'l 1) tin l'l llblh.Sl fabulous '
ricliiii' i .'.nil largo investors Ik--'
o mi'- mil 1 1 litc l at once. '
Rev. Metninger wus in from
Wild wood over Sunday and alien
dod service at. tli'i Milhodint
church. J lo nm-iiih to Ii" I'.iinin;;
in health by his itwid -c i in the
A retired miner, who work' d '!-,
yoaiH in Walos and win now p--sides
in Wyoming Valley, in 1'iiiu
sylvania, nays that while sup tin
tending tho loading of e ns with
hnrd coal hi (liscovcnd tin perfect
print of a hoot or shoe on a bright
chunk of coal mined i.Hoo fer-A. 1")
low the eaith'H surface. Tim pie''e
of eoal in now in tho Royal inu -enm
Oregon-Co lor rv do
The manager ban rails and air
pipe at thn mill" and eontr.irtoi ().
terHon is doing yoo'l woik and ic
ports some hj1 rnlid ore in sight
whieh lenclii h'ln to bele-ve he in
about to cneoiinl' r u larger hudy of
ore thetu liaa heretofore b.-rii no : ii
cd on the property.
Heavy Storm.
The wind storm of Jimf Tu-sdiiy
liijjht felled many trc-n on tin' Ho
Urmia road. The Vesuvius train
an I teamster with Supervisor Dame
wood wMit to woi I. nl iinrc and it
took them hut a ftw diyst'i put
thn road in as good coiidi'iuii a i
In Turn mid regular trid is it
sii nied
Tlii contiiiiieil stormy wia'hi r is
iii.ikin Hie work of Iniil I;,,;; tiestle
at the VcHiiviiiH a idow job hut the
manager Htutcii that viini-thin
wors than luiH yet come will have
to come aloii or he will rarry out
his plans and get the projected im
provements eompletid in aMmtt
Daily (iain for Sixty-five Duys
One Tlurd of Thousand
In thiH.i.ssue w puhlish the reu
I i r rejiort of tho First National
hank which hhowa a ;reat incrcane
in businews hincc Sejit. 7th, a eriod
of Kixty-five day.s.
OuS- pt. 7th th'- total lniHineHh
a'.cre'uted .'.I2 anl on
Nov. rJih it amouiilcd to f J",s..s72.
.1 j;.iiii t,t i j,(,2 .$) in tho (
days or a driily increase of ahout
The total deposits on Nov. 12th
was -I ,X0 p 17.
'J'iiis increase of lerjsiln and
iutijin-hs done certainly speaks well
In -Cottage Orove and tho busincHs
d uie here. The business of the
luiik h.H hhown a bi in
'Tiav! steadily during the year,
which is a xuA index of tho pros-pi-rity
of th'- er.'untry in general,
and iilh'i jMjes to hIjow the confi
dence held in one of the inoi-t flour
ish ."if' nistitutioiiH of tiio (iri've-
i 1 .'1 I i t .Saturday iiftern'jfm it was
mi' M-h I t i liavc this report but
tl't'- i i vi tmi'li business to at
tend to all' 1 tlio if ;;n!ar jiroram,
that Mr ,. V,':i" h r '-onld only make
a f w i'in.iu.1, a Fpccial after
110011 v;m k. t npart
Mrs. II. ( . 'Ihompson of I'ort
l.'ui' I, ;i (' im ' 1 rciideiit of Cottage
'ii';.' :.:.d -i i:i !.:ber of the club,
Aai j.n !.! a ti-'- ineetiu, and
i nfn'.r hs : i' that sh: will hood
a tin 1 ' i I" lii v.
Minij Aism inllon Condomm
ill...' U Clr.I,,, (uldlig.
Ti.c- f-! : i;i;: resolution wa
pi-.--.'- 1. taeetiti? of the
l:i.h'-::i. M-.- (-.v:i-r-i Association
it '-:f.
"T mi s- r'"pectors and
1 i:i th'- U diernia
; l ai'' l.'.l'lin claims
t !) I' :al asH'-Hsmcnt
an ! (.
:i I ' a
to '.old '
lii" 1 I'-.-ti
Spotlal Club Montlri(.
The ladies of the Woman' Club
will hul 1 a special meeting on
Thursday afternoon of this week at
I the home of Mr. F. I. Wheeler to
:b. sir Mrs. Whfceler'H report of the
iWiiiuans' Club feileration nu'etinH
' in Portland rocently lo which she
I and Mrs. 1ikiu were Je!ogates
j from tho club.
At tho tegular meeting of the
1:1:. nl -
.Vii.:-;' D; 1
will. .ui '1 ,
': !; a ii' 1
j Wh'.-pa'.: Sii' li ilk'il attempt
v.i r - '! tririu mat 10
s of the mining dihtrict
to an sl irini!!;; extent, now thrrc-
'f.-re I," it
Re ilvi- I, That this association
use nil i's oratii.ed influence to
eompi 1 i ! inn holders to do a legal
a -.e-sinent, and bo it further
ii. solvd. That thi-i resolution be
spiead upon our minutes and a
copy of the same be furnished to
the paper. of Lane and Douglas
ciuntiei with a request that it be
publisln 1'.
Ycatih v Sv-hmut have jtibt
purilias'l a i.ew piano truck to
use in thur transfer business. It
enubles th' in to iiandlo pianos with
much I. - ; tTertion and with much
h-ss chanc- f r any damage to the
piano:!. I'--, '"le they had had the
truck half a day they had two
pianos to niuvo,
lif P
1 1
it fip
i J a l w d
s- i. iii "i r ii
n, :;w.A,:v,.
1 . . n
i '.----Va'
11 ti 1
$6.00 Suits $5.00
5.00 " 400
4.50 " 3.75
4.00 " 3.50
3.00 " 2.50
2.50 " 2.15
2.25 " 1.95
175 " 1.35
1.50 " 1.25
1.25 " 1.10
-v;S i:. 'S v V V.M-jt
"T -if. v i? 'l".
Just the time now for sweat-
ers. We place on sale until
close out
it T 7 t ft, ? -' I
-1 L4t!ifi
t,A Iff -- iTi
Mens $3.00 sweater at $2.25; Mens $2.50 sweat
ers at 2.00; Mens $1.50 sweaters at $1.20; Mens
75c sweaters at 50c; Boys, little fellows, 35c;
Boys, 8 to 12 years $1,00 and 00c.
All Clubs and Lumbermen to
Meet in liugenc Djc. oti:
The Commercial Club of t
ta" (Jrove has insucl the f -1! . .v
ing call to all commercial or.mi
tions and lumbermen t,l Ore;; :.,
and have set tho date for a -r . '
meeting at Ivugerie on I)cc. "th.
Cottage drove, f r(r;-,.1
Nov. i j, i' 'i.
To tho Comiiicrcinl Ori' mi
and tho lumbermen of hi ;.;'ti.
Gentlemen: It is n'ed,( .
say to you that tho l'a"i:i: Co-e I :
again HufTering fro
which is paralyzing the r.;c.-:):i j.
business and dealing a death
to the lumber interests of the whrp
of Western Oregon.
This condition seerns to be simj ly
a repetition of the disasb r of thr -yoarH
ago. Repeated rerp;'-,t., i ,
the officials ot the Harriman S.' -r--tem
for information as to when bit
ter car Hcrvice can be expe tc ', re
ceive the answer that they io riot
know. They will promise no bet
ter service for this territory.
Under these conditions we be
lieve that tho time ha- an iv . l
when wo must do i-ome'.inn.r to
help oursftlues. The situition s
big and the trouble so far rca i.i:: j;
that it is beyoud the influence of
the individual or the tingle com
munity and the necessary pre -sure-can
only be broug ht to bear by the
united effort of eviry one ii'Tecte i.
We have therefore prepared this
call for help which we arc sendin;: '
to you with the rcptest that you'
give tho matter the earnest con.siJ-;
eration which it dcfeerve.i un l r.p
poiut a representation to meet w:Ui
uh at Kugerje at an early daio '
which will be set later. Our ob
ject is to discuss the situation mi l
take such stsps aH m.iy fseeiu best, '
in the opinion of t!.- meeting, for )
the relief of a condition that has
become ruo?t turdcn-"me arid'
threatens to kill one of the create-,
industries of tho state.
The Eugene Commercial Club is i
with us in thin matter .ni l will'
provide a meetiug place ami t pro
gram that will make the m auii'' a
hummr from start to tini-e.
Be sure and have at l - t one
representative present tin J many
more as can get to Eugene, iiclp
us to make this meeting a u::na
one, Yours truly,
Cottage Grovk Commkrciai. Ci : ::
C. 1'. Jones, Jr., See.
Col. Iloffer of the Wi!!a::i
Valley Development Leaj:;. -is
he will be on baud without hi l. if
he is in the state, and so i!'. i::
others of prominence froii :i'
the state, inteieste I in this ;
10 Kepreseu'auvis ot u.igj.i mi ;
the State Lefiishiture:
; ! n a i will comprd the
n I'.r if.-: ', lilroad Co., the
' ;.! ' ',v r furred to, to
' pi '-raptl; i'ro luctn of the
. at ',fi"i:re I to tho said
m I'.!' i:'i': Kai'road tJ. for
'.:t.-i'i ,:i.
". .:! I favor and urgo
,r r. .i" .( ntative in the
: f.i (j-'j'i, to present to
i :-!a! jrc a reciprocal de--:::ii!
ir to those in ef
: i, a maximum
', ; a i. - V t it !a-v which
" 1 " timb' r of the state
i"'! . . i'nl ' or corporations
,; '!; i. as ' ssdl at values far
- :': M -i !. j :!;- or what it
! -.!-' ' ,T s-.!c.
' " :e, a yo'l to give
. . ; -:r enrne-t atten
' i ' '.:;.'port in the
: , - "f i Ir; b'i-hiture.
. i f. Ci. ! oi- CurTACE
' C I'. Jones, Secy.
(lorCo nM lo Pendleton
. - .'i of a:i agreement made
: '. . '..Jrd iv, the manage-
' ,.r;'.or, tt.c Knights of
r Oregon, Wash
' ' '''' .', has been trans
i . i S. (I rant ci I'ort-!-
ii. A! i:i:!i, of this city.
", ' ' . ii is n monthly, will
: ;'i Lli'- future from the
':. . J'.i-l Oregoniau, and
i'- u ll-'iori postofSee.
i . . official paper
i i of the three
'- s, and it has been
. i iv U-n years. It is
;. . c ; in which the
; prominent members of
" ' : : t .I'.'kh'jlders:
Ci.e.'ic.iior Marion F.
,:U: V. L. Uradshaw, The
V. M. Cake, Portland; L.
V. ii.- e.i, L;..'e m; Euiile Waldman.
r':... i; J. II. Aitkin, Hunting,
t n Ii. .La;.. iVrliand; J.
U. y,.i::..y, J'cndleton; L. SI.
Ali'uny; Ilcnnau Wise,
Akui v, O ivcr, Li Grande;
i-'ra-i ; S. Grant, Portland; Dr. E.
M. Gri't,-, Sheridan; Walter G.
;ifii;ii. jg-::e, G. 0. Moser,
1'. rii !.
!.!'::: tho i ast year Frank S.
4 r -:.t. e'. u'.g Portland attor
:..; i. as ': ua in charge of the pa.'
p a. i l;s resign Ui' 'u was given in
r h r i ) p. him to devote his
;::.iie time to his law practice.
u-o ught to this city
f li . .v.:.
III:. -;
iaf! leno ofJ. W.
I-i tii
in h r -:
, i .
I . ' . v.' t
.1 .
u.f in.!.-)
!i-i. i, ti:
ic .:
ti: i-i. '
r.'.'tti-'Vvst there are I5,.
' - ot tho order of
; l'ythia-1, and the Sena-g:;!-
Tvthian paper in the
es it is also devoted to
sti of the Pythian Sister
auxiliary to the
a:, i to the side degree,
- s '.
: '- th- l. i ee of nnnagetne-nt
:!; v . itor will be eu
' a -11. 1 !V.rt made to
-..i Hit? u-.?f' so that it may
' ow i raore he.;-, into the or-
" . . L .1 1 '
Whereas, God has giv. i.t
great state boun lies-' r. .a al
wealth and blessed 11s with : -ecurces
from which to "haw the
sustinenco for the world,
And whereas, the General Gov
ernment in Congress asseinblnl s.m
fit when our state wus young ci d
ueeded facilities for deveh pun 1 t,
to graut certain corporate inter sts
lurgo tracts of land covered with
the timbered wealth of the state
a subsidy to build a railroad alo.i;;
tho westeru side of the state, and
Whereas, by such grant and th '
building of such railroad the sai i
corporation has virtually pledged
itself to foster the development o;
the territory tributary to it tails,
Whereas, a great luniberi::;?, ; in
dustry has grown up in this terri
tory and whereas a largo number
of people are now dependent upen
tho lumbering industry for a liveli
hood, and
Whereas, the action of, and the
attitude of, the aforesaid corpora
tion, is such as to discourage urn!
ruin the lumber business, und
Whereas, tho general welfmo ot
tho country is dependent upon the
lumber business;
Therefore we, tho members ot
th Commercial Club of Co t i,,e
Grove, Oregon, iu regular meetm
assombled do hereby resolve that it
has been necessary for the legisla
ture of this Btate to euact such rail-
-; ' cis'ivm, Wifo
'' 'i ' K 'v.i-.l'?r, who with
t'a ' I -'.:- '.. '. :s c xitiaed in
; )v! ; C".-.i.: jail at Seattle,
a-::, as .ri ic a;.la."e in the
t'-t ' of Co". .Mitchell last July
d . c.-ld-'iiiy of heart trouble Eri-
i;i-o';- Mr. Ca liioid and Miss
M-l a. ,1 !,:: !i ivii been adjudged
: -I-"'--'' an I v.- re t-a he deported to
' ' " ' ,r n-'uU:i.r an effort on
1 Pl,t : ' - "!,: Attorney to
lf ! - '" "' ' ": ' d . i , they were
'' ' 1 j '' At fust in was
i ' ' ' ' , a l 1 i. .1'. ' . . ;. a 1 oi.';-, mod her-iv-.i,
;o: ::,i ewinee "fit was
, lea; a '.
iU.s .M:;ch"!i .'lid ie't s"cm much
. di.-l.t: sv 1 by :;. f c :o ari ions death
' '"! !.. v . h .a -;,i hour be-
-V , l.e;o.a;l.
! -N..;.e? : ; I
, s: eei .! o... t;-
I dors ot
' C' f.''.
Iti.ei. i- ,,i
7 vi'i-h 1
ot X u-. I'l.i.-, f
l:n I ; : i - t :. '
k 1 a.'.ors' Mooting.
-'y kiwu that a
of tho the stockhol-
Cotta;;e Grove, of
, '.h , e;on, will he
' 1 '1 said Corpora
' e, ai the hour of
"i tho 'Jsth day
tho t ,11 rhiia r.f
1 ' I - ao "k of said
' Twenty
. I v Order
! bise Too
ot i. .11 1 f 1;. ..
Dated ll'lh d iv of November
100 a.
!. J. l.viVAi;n, Secretary.