Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 07, 1906, Image 8

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    Lodge Directory.
A. F. & A. M.
Cottage (' rove Lodge No 51.
Met tings 1st ami .Ird Wednesdays
of each mouth.
I,. F. Wooley, W. M.
J. B. Lurch, Secy.
G. A. R.
ApponmUx Tost No. 34.
Meets at 1 p. m. on the 2nd ami
ltb Saturday of each month.
Dr. D. I,. Woods, l'ost Com.
G. V. McReytiolds. Adjutant
w. o. w.
Bohemia Camp No. 200.
Meets each Friday evening.
L. W. Huker, Consul Cotu.
Cbfls. Yatil'enburg, Clerk.
O. E. S.
Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4.
Meetings held on 2nd and 4th Fri
day of each mouth.
Mrs. C. II. Ikukhohler. V. M.
W. S. Bennett, V. F.
Miss Celia Luieh, Secy.
K. of P.
Juvenilis Lodce No. 4S.
Meets every Wednesday night.
S. II. Flier Chauceliar Com
Cbas. VanDenburg, K. ofH. A S.
I. O. O. F.
Cottage (Jrove No.nVS.
Meetings every Salurilay night.
S. S. Shortridge, N. G.
Gus 1. (Iross, Secy.
Royal Neighbors.
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
each month.
Fthel Bisby, Orac'e.
Mrs. C. W. Wallace, Itecorder.
M. W. of A.
Meetings ist and 2rd Tuesday.
Lelloy Woods, Consul.
C. W. Wallace, Seey.
Cottage Grove No. 24.
Meetings it, 3rd and 5th Friday ol
each mouth.
Etta liaker, N. (J.
Katie B. Veatch, Seey.
Modern Brotherhood of America
Meeta 2nd aud 4th Tuesdiy at I. O.
U. F. Hall.
T. W. Jenkins, Sec.
w. o. w.
St. Valentine Circle 121.
Meets ist and 3rd Tuesday in '.
O. W. Hall.
Flora J. Miller, Clerk.
L. O. T. M.
Lady Lmsou Hive No. 42.
Meets 2nd and 4th Friday of each
Mrs. Mary Schmutz, L. C.
Miss Leta San ford, K. K.
K. O. T. M.
; ,. Cascade No. (C.
M'etH every Thursday niht.
O. H. Veatch, Com.
K. K. Jiennis, Cooter.
We are anxious to have every Re
publican in close touch, and work
ing in harmony with the Republican
National Congressional Committee in
favor of the election of a Republican
11 The Congressional campaign must
be based on the administrative and
legislative record of the party, and,
that being so, Theodore Ktjostvclt'tt
personality must be a central figure
and his achievements a central
thought, in the campaign.
' We desire to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tions of One Dollar cath from Repub
licans. To cat h subscriber we will
send the Republican National Cam
paign Text Book ami all documents
issued by the Committee.
JIclp us achieve a great victory.
J.vmks S. Siii kma.v, Chairman.
l (). Box 2063, New York.
Cottage- drove souvenir toblefs
at the Bazaar,
I)ori-i ltm
Mm. Fied Rucl
Mr. aud
DorciiM went to Kugone Tlmn-dav
, . . . 1 -.: 1 ......
on business ictiuiiMig ! nd ""' -
lt)g. trouble, and the puitrytnjx Wui li rocs
i t v t.;.L.i. im l. .mi nl. rltilit . Hest cure for constipation.
Mr. J. . Knk Hlio in ij , hnch... and dUane-u.. ".v ut Hen
tending the l.8en' Ihismes col- 80ll.- niriluu.v.
lege at Kugcne lor the past two
months came up U Dorena Mimiay
to visit Ida relatives ami frirn In to
turning Sunday owning. Mr. Kiik
states he likes his woik fine and is
getting along finely and hopes in a
nliort time to eomplete his ehool
and he lendy lor business. He has
many friends who visli him bucccbb
in his work.
Clarence Kirk went to the Grovo
with his father Sunday evening re
turning Monday morning.
Close at 8 P.M.
All the bobms in town have
signed an agreement 10 close tluir
shops beginning Nov. 5U1 at S p.
ro., except on Saturday night.
Cut Down the Bonds
Clerk J K. Youi g stat's that he
thinks th surplus in the city water
fund should be used to rdire a
eouple of the water bonds, even
paying a premium for them, if they
jean he purchased Such a Mh'ane
is eommeudal'le. and would m tunc
see the retirement id 'lie c tit-
homl ibsuo pioouDiy o- 1 re n i on,,
which would s-ive iuttrest allihe!
- t 11 t 1- - : . : ...
time. A provision lor
such ri'itt -
merit could not he in tl J
be mad.- in tl j
lioml sale, atnl can otiiy he luouiii ,
: . . ... . ,
atout bv irt inc a priinium m Hi
option ot the oon l ho 'i.
thought the r-ceiits fiom
Ii i
,...u. lnn.l .'mi t.HU iiL'H mi unci
ai. !
or i'oie
noiios per year, I'esmes
paving expenses
uuuiii' nance
and iiteissary unpiov ments.
.. 1.. "IMUIU If rl j'lll'i.ll.
t r W... ....... ... I.
over the sale of his limber land n -cently
as he made an exceptionally
good deal.
liert Bennett ami li .y (Mruiider
have rented the O K. barber .shoi
from J. ly Ostrauder, who has gone
south for the winter.
Lincoln's butcher sl op will oecu
py the Nat Martin building on
Fifth and Main stieets as. kooii as
the interior can be
.1.1.. ra
iiiui wii.u.i 's-
painted and papered
C. H. Bnrkholder shipped out
1200 pounds of Chitfeaa bar I on
Saturday that has been gathered
near here. A cord many tons oj
this useful bark is gathered here
every year.
J. H. Cartels- & Co. are finding
it very hard to get sufficient beef
to supply the local market, and i
have to go out to the various towns j
n.l b nlW tn C,,
-ti. ,.f r.aru, .iinn,,!,
1 ..i.i ..i ,.r.a i.eru r
supply the demand.
The Bazaar now has one of the
finest displays of talking machines
and records to be seen in the
county. The display consists of
Edison, dolumbia and Victor phon
ographs ranging in price fioni $to
to $100. Three fine Victors and
100 disc records were leceived tlrs
J. S. McAithur and wife of (ilas
glow, Seotland were rgisterd at
tlie Graham hotel on Friday. They
are iutereEttd in the Black Butte
miDes, and have been touting t he
United States, and stopped here to
see what the mined looked like.
They were much pleased with the
work gieg on at the mines ami ex
pect to tee the mines recognized as
one of tlrs greatest quicksilver prop
ositions in the world in the course
of n few years They have greatly
ei.juy d th ir trip over this conn
t y and like America much.
Japan has formally obj'c'ed to
the discrimination against Japanei-e
school chi.'drt n in San Ft am isen,
declaring it a violation of the treaty
of 1H1M, While tlie powers at Wash
ington se m tobel.tve that the Jap
anese position is correct )et thev
don'tsc-em to kmaw how to handle
it, and it will probably devolve
upon Pres. Roosevelt to. step in aud
use some of his perogntives. lie is
not only favoiuble to Japan but
don't believe iu beating around the
bush and so will probably take the
shortest cut to idleviate the trouble.
Russia Keenis to be getting rady
for the elections which it must call
before long.
M. Stolypin, . whose IKe was at
tempted a short time ago is the
leader cf tlie govei nintnt and re
ports that he is turning a politician
and fighting for the election of del
egates to the Doumn who will be
entiielj ltvotable. to him, and imt
as Count Witte did, 1cm e events to
shajie themselves. Kvciy effort is
made to make the election such
that a majority f the Douma will
bo in entire sympalhy with the gov
ernment, which means that the Rus
biun people wiil bo iu just as bad a
boat as before. If the government
paity can control then the others
wight aa well step out. .
I'AMors sriUKii r.KK.Ki:i;s.
I II,- ii.,h famuli Mi ikt? breaker In
, 1I10 1-tti.l are Pi. Kl..'
1 . U I'll Ui'r nn li
; J ' B,V,ko. lt.v ,llU.Uy
KIiik's New I life
bowels on
Illlcklv settle the
Silk Creek School Report.
01 roiuK
No days taught
Total no. days pi emit
Total no. days absent
No. cases tardiness
No. neither absent or tardy
N'V pupils enrolled
Names of pupils perfect in attend-
nnoe: Lena lUireham, Otto Ihir
ehain. Clinton Medley, l'earl
Ashby, Shi't'tit Slag'e, Forrest
Ii.N Ki.ivrnt D." Frit, Teacher.
A YFAK Ol' lil.OOl)
The yenr l."o: w III lough.' renieni
h-red in the home of F. N. Tneket of
Allianco. Ky an it year of, blood;
which llowcil so copiously (aoin Mr.
racket's hums that death secincil
very near, lie wiltas: "Severe hlceil
Jnrf from the Iuii'h and a (ilKhtdil
cotih had hrought me at death's
door, when I lH;an taklny: Dr. King's-
I New li.seovery (or eonsuniption, wall
1 ne aioiiiMiuiii icmiii inai unci iai- 1
iny; (our hottlcx was completely re- 1
wlored and as timo has proven ikt-j
111. hi iit I v
' si -te lun"
cured.' (Jauranteed fur
Courtis and culls at lcti-
son s I li il lilac.v
tud ?1 11O
rja 1 , )t , t, , ,Vt..
i Tte Eye tnd lis Cure,
' ia- dk. I-'K.xnc l.n II. 1: IJ AUI'-
l.t l.l m.
I "ecu me t in "vMi lyni'iH,
t - 1. . i i i : i
1 I eyela.-hcs aud 1r.tnJ1.sul the ee
wete described. Now
th . ,-l,l!l
Lni it. ,rnt,.r, ,c to l. ri d.
uisi'fction ul I lie eve tlie tirst
tliiu uutieed is a eurved. tratisoar-
. snataoe can..a ti,.. i ,.. J h,-
Cornea is ahoi t one tint ty second of J
an itch
thick in the cin'i r atnl
more llian that "t the
It is Luiuposcd o.' m my
laveid of tissues and is
I i;.,i,i w-
tibl OUS
elosely LUatttJ by a uetwoik ol in
viaible nerves, vvhich ueeount for
the intense pain t-utTercd ujhiii yet
ting auy foitign i-ubstance into the
ey e. back of the Cornea is u tiny
space kiiowu as the Anterior Cham
ber and filled with a watery fluid
called the Acpieous llum't.
. . I.. . I II I
I'tiiimuis a lunt uioiiuicii ai.o, some
salts, but is mostlv water.
Next in meci-SMon comes the Iris
(1 r lainbow of Urn eve). Thij is
the dnk patt of the t)e which we
sec. It color us we all know vries
iu iudividuals bicwn and blue
being the moat common. 'I he Iris
is a delicate little curtain separating
the au'erior from the postetior
chamber. Iu the center is, what
apptats to u us u black spot, I ut
in reality is a circular hole tlwouh
VVUICU lliC raJ U. J.guipilSH Ul.
1.11. .1 e 1 : i. 1
! their way to the Retina (of tLis
I more
will be given later.) This
, , . - . . ,
ho!e, the I upd, iegulales thu
amount of light which teacho Re-1
tiua, by expanding when iu a dim
illumicBtiou, and conti acting upon
, w , . . 7.., ?
goiufe-ittoa bright light. Huh is,
causfU by two sets ot fibers in the i
Iris. One, of radiating fibers which
act in enlarging the pupil and the
other of circular fib' rs whi- h act in
cloning the pupil like a dru.v strinj;.
Thus allowing only is much light
uu is libcessarv to cuter ih'i eve.
rxtwoik the CryHtalliiii- I.ens
and Ci'iry Muscle, or the P'CIisiiik
aoi aratus of lht3 ( ve w id be talk d
I h'
(iicat hiippilie-S liiliie into
home uf S. t:. lilair school fliperiu-
terident at St.
AiiiKtis, . a. w lie 11
111.- little daughter whh restoied from
the dreadful complaint he iiainen. He
hayd; "My little daughter had St.
Vitus' Dance, which yielded to no
treatment but grew uleadily worse
until as :i last resort we tried Elcctile
Bitter.-: and I rejoice to say, tluee
bottles effected u -complete cur"."
Quick, sure cure for nei vuus com
P latins, geueial debility, female vveak
neHses, imiioverisheii blood and ma
laria, (iiiaranteed by Hen-tons Phar
macy. Price 50c,
A Groat Minstrel Show Monday.
Beach iV Bowels' minstrels
struck a pepulai chord at the By
ceil in lust evening. The Doupe
wasgrieled by a ciowdcd 1. mse,
and gave the audience just wliat it
it was looking for, a. bright, lean,
minstrel show, with first da .-, mu
sic, and some unusually good
specialties. The program was not
exactly the stereotyped minstrel
fdiow program throughout, but th
features Unit tend lo give minstrel
shows their undoing . populaiity
were preserved and others added.
The orchestra was one of the
strongest musical ' organisations
that has visited the city during the
winter, and the vocal numbers were
i i -
exceptionally good. Jokes were
not ss luimcious as in some snows,
nor were thty as old. The contor
tionist was n wonder, ami the trick
bicjclis discounts the befct circus
perlonners. Jicach ik JJowtis will
probubly vist this city later iu the
seaso.i, aud tht-y can rest assuted of
another good houso. Fergus Falls
Minn. Journal. Opera House Nov.
Midlcxnd Opersx
M Ism III. niche 111. 111, s.ii.iiiii.i
MlSN Mildred II m en lto . I 1 1 1 1 1 h I
Mlv, ll.urici Url. iiiii Ml-. . Piani- 1
Mr. I Ki'ilinuii Sii lei CcIkm, M iiuik'T
Mr Tolbert Mac Kae I'.a- a
(Juat t tti-s, vi'cal .vlo', pianii
mul vio'iu li's, I 'Hi'iUas and i
Ctdlctit readings.
A Star Musical Altf.u'iii 11 til
OpcP. II
1't 1 ! v, Nnvi ic,
a.y ."( lent-'.
T Fines
II l A I T .1 ) I '. t 'A I . I .
"A dangci'oiM 1 1 it imi I
iiiolinn the rciiiiiv mI n;'a in.i!li;.
limit ulcer. 4s l.ii-;;c im u v I. :id, fu in
lay dilluhtei'M 1 1 1 1 . Wis f. x 1 1 i l j
the ii;'l.c:tii ill of ion k li-o ': VinK'.i1
S ilve," says A. ('. Slle.Ui I. .1 Miletus, j
W. ii. "i'ersistciit U-c "I 'I." Slilve!
eoinplelely Clll'cd It " I Cut-, i
ltni u and I Mjurie.. '.' .1 lti-u-i ui'h 1
Pliarmaev, i
MH ii i: mi. n r.i.n'A i iu.
I C;i I I nielli ..I' t !,c I lit i i !. .i .
I. if. I t'lli.-e at 1 1' .-" -Inn-. I iv- n.
. t . l-t. 1
N.iM.v is In lei im s i'ii that Hi" '
Uovinu ' named m 1 1 ler l a I ; I i 1 1 1 1
of li-i hill i 1 1. .11 l I i u.i K l I; an I ' i f I
hi I .j ii i I of Ids hi, a I'd that
in i ! if will he made heiure l.cj;
a i
t i
and lice i. r. I . S. I .i'ii i .Vi.
i:.i-i iiiii i, ( iii im , "ii l iii ! i' i'
I'li'U. i .
iiomi.i: .;. im it iii' .
II. I! No. I''.;i'i, f,,i i',, , i
::i Ip .'1 s. i: i V
I Ii-ii. noes t !n f I w :uv: m ' u
rr,.;v' jus c. u. t nun .... .', , i ),..
. . n n I eu 1 1 1 vat mn ut mi u I I a ii I . i
.1. I-'. I.'.' I.
f Aiil.oif. in,
I III.-tin U. ii
ii. M.
.1 I'c
.1. M.
IC. St. -wart, ut
i lauuav. ..t i
tiisti.i K , ( 1 1 . .ii ,
H. I'l il
nf Aulaui. ircn
i:n i M i n I . I' I I'
i 1 he Mvtl I ( i hi I I i
for t In- I 'utility
( in
1 1..
l.i 1 1
I ..Hie.
flat. a Ii.
a i:. I l ! .
. ii i U .
li. lira-
v. 1
ll.ll'M'V 1
Smith, defendant--'.
I'u llarvcy K. m.h'Ii
l'.ell Smith, i'l' f.-l;.l;i lit-.
I tl t he Ii line ul t he Stoi"
Vuii are I if i ili.v i ! I u I I'd
l.i . i i -
This!"1"' ntiswci the rmni'l nn!
ilL,illl!Sl .I'll III 111' .ill ii II' 111
it hill si U'eeus f ; .lit tin' lit ! j M I .
Ilea t ii Ul of this Mini lie 11- : .ucl . 1' V I
fail rU !tl 11 1 IS VV f. fur W.lllt t ' '! til.'
plaint ill1 will talu- i'l-Uni-nl ai.ldr
cree ii.iiitit .vuii a- pia.ved ha i;. t i I
i uinplaiiit , i fur tlie f.ii'i'i'l." mi' ul
the mortuau" iven by mi to .
till' Julie '.'L'tid l'Hi."., to -c li'i i ", r
I i uiilsory 1 1 1 1 1 in . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In pi i n
tiff fur t hi-si iu ufj-ju.: with in t i '-1
ut s ii -1 ci-nt 'i'! .Milium .iu I that t!.''
laud di hi'i ii d ia said niort
miM tu I ;iv and .-.ili-fv tie' iim aiiit
(I'.le .ill -,'IMl Hole V I 1 1 1 .lit. I
illcl Ui lillUT .it I. ' ' t Ii - fee- ill !
-t . '
!i I.
Illl'llt- I if lUli t .
This -Ulli:ni.!i I "I vd ii, . ,,
cation ther. i f for six -'1,1c- i n
j " .l ,e " ''---"'' " "a ',"
1 . 11 a I I ts, .1 uiif."' ii -.u i e.iiii 1 mane
, 1r. ,, ,,ny .September, I'.m; .
h published the lirst tme-in
paper mi the L't'. h day ul' s. ,'i -n .b.
'''"'' . !. ...
A . I-.. 1 1 1. 1.1.1. 1:.
Attm my f a- ri.dnt m
n .
In lhe ( iicull Coin t of th" S!
Orej;uii lor the county if l.aiu.
Lewis (ileaMi.n. plaint ill, v
1 Crvstal ( 'oiisolida led Minim'
, )J)Vi ,.,.,, ,..,, (,, M. W . 1 1 1
' . . if. Willanl, Noah Koiiman, .Ion:
I II. Ulattner, Daniel Snapp
lianiel Snapp ,-i ie I
Daniel I'.. Suanii. tru-tee, del' 11 .
! 'J'u Noah Kufliii ni. .luhn II. I'.lat
: tnei , Daniel Snap and Daniel K
Sliapp. tl'Uhlec, d fi'lldnlllK !iline
I naineil :
I Villi .1 lid eai II uf J nil II I'e heieby 1 1"
' ,,uiied tu uppi-nr and llie-ove i I he 1
1 .In 1 11 1 li le 1 1 a !a 1 n k. vuii in tin
b .Ve
-1 1 1 1 1 1 IT. 1 Hlllt. on or befoie SIX ecks
from the date of the liist pnbliention
of this summons mnt If you fad -o t i
appear and answer said c.lnplaint j
for want thereof, the H.iuitilf will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded therein, te-wit: .llld-lnenl
against the defendant , the Crystal
( onsolidated Mining ..niupativ, for
the sum of pour lluii'lud Niuei v-M
(!V.) UU) dollilH with illti'te.t there, ui
at the late uf si Mn pel cent per
f i ii n u ill from lhe loth "lay of A pi il,
!M)(, and lor the further sum of live
( f a. 00' dollars fur preparing a in 1 re
cording said lien, an 1 I'm- t lo I'm I her
sum of fifty (4-TiO.iH)' dollars attorney
fees, for the forcclosuie of the lien net
up iu pla'iil ill's complaint upon the
perly therein deseilbed, to-wit:
j l'i Mountain I.ioii""Tlie l.lcala
do, lhe I'.eckv Sharp", "The Frill r
Tuck" lllld 'The 1 1 nie;el boelel "
n.inltig claims, all situ. 1. 1 1 .1 In lhe 1'u
heiiihi Mining Disliiel, in
Count'', Oregon, tuelliel W illi I he
stamp 'mill, Hiiu'inill and ncu'liim rv
of every kind and dcKcrlpt ion situ
ated on said mining claims connected
therewith or appurtenant therein,
and asking that Kiid properly be
sold by Hie Sheriff ol'l.alie ('utility,
(icK'ii, nccoidmii to law and lhe
p-actlco orthis Court, and that the
proceeds of such sale, after deducting
the costs ami expen .i s ol this piu
ceediiiu' and the costs and chaws, ol'
nun riuii- im .. ,
i f Ul,. Mh (,, , hthaiif as ami can!
said sale bo niiplii-dto lhe payment
costs and ilislnirseiueuis ami in
tOlliey fees, lilld that the ilefelulail t a
and cacti of them be. forever barred
and forecloM'd of all rlylit, claim, In
tercut or equity In the aid premises
irid pn peit.vand evci.y part I hercoi,
e;cciil thestalulary rilit to ledecin,
and thntplulntil'l' have such other ami
further lelh f, aito the Couit may
seem JiiHt In the, premises.
This summons Is published once,
each week lor six uccesalvo weeks lu
s its
sjr .ru. -p-l"":
of the
The privacy of your home -Thccomforts of a club
The luxury of a first class hotel.
Oriental Liiruted
Afford you, Let". cen SI PaiilMhncuplis, Pmjct Sound and lnlcrmc
diato Points via the
I'. T dot 1 1 led Infill II ml lull, illli'i. etc.. a i Id re s
s ' ;. Vei-uc a . 1 1 r. . -' n' -
-j S U.ikot.t sails
Livery Feed & Sale
Potts A: Powell, Prop.
Cott.v'.c '
'lvhe llodjc Jljs jjlvc a pcrlccl separation
ofitic Ec:itl Ores
tl.. r.
:,.i.l N i.J
-1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1
iii.. -.
1 1' i- . ' ; ! r.
Ii ii d a I l .a .i.
( '.i ll, I , ( I ej; .',.
I . I i i ri I-., .1 ml
tilil I'utirt, 'A
d. o.', , : I'.'th
' 1'
m. n ili
ili bill.'
I I ' ill . I
I 1 1 1 1 e,
.rdei i f
i the al.'ivc in
ie I ord ' r li '.ir-,
i .f Si .!i llllx-r. 1 M'l'i,
il'lw .itl'ili, -i I'teiiii.i r,
I'll ul
I I'l "I
ii rs
W ...
i -ui k A l'u'1 it. rr .
.I'M m fur I'l.ilnt t!l'
I I l l.l.i: l. Mi i I II Ni; ::. s.s .
MHI' i: I ( i: I t I : I . I ' . I i i
I ii.ted l ale . I .., !. I Hie .'.
1. ' . el. il'.'. I . ,t , , I'l II.
.' .: , e is I e(.-, . , , i i 1 1 , i iii ( . i . , -pii
i iii e it Ii I li.- ;,i . . . i in . ..ft l,e ,'nt
nl ( '"l;;ii u! .Illhf .I. I ' ,'-, ent i t led
"All ae f. 1 1 e : ;de i.l t i 1 1 1 H I I I I it I ill
the - ill I ;di! 1 1 nla, ( Hi" Nl-
. '.. i . i n t oiTi 1 1 1 1 e v . ' ' as
et. lele I In .'ill t he I'iil, he ' Land
SI it i-.-. In .:. ! ,,f . I, ..mi t I. Is'l'J,
1: l: . i;s i; ,M(i;s.s.
Ill ot !'.' I .1 V .', ( ' ,. f ,a;,.. .Sl.llclol'
I . I ! . . ! V I ,. I Ire-oil, h.-H thin d,i.
lil'' I ill I i . (lie., hit' - '.M I II si ,1 I I 'Mil -II I
No. 7'C-ii, lor tin- parch of lhe SW
Nil .'. -.I.'e N W Sec I'l, in hun
ship.Vi.'.'l -. Ihiie.'e . i.:; V. W. .l. and
v. id oiTer pi "'i' to h'l.v that tli".ind
s"i.!.l i'ii :d'ia bl'' fin its timlicr
or i ii. ne 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 t"i j i : i i i -1 1 1 1 1 1 r ; 1 1 pur-
p'i e . ami tu elnbli-h her claim tn in 'I in ! ae W. -V. '.dkiii-', f. S.
'oln ,'n i ..MiiM I', ii I Ins iill'ice III J'aiJeill-,
M'eL' ' ii, i n Ti la , I he It'i ila v of
I Ii ci In1. i i', I Mill'..
She n.'i inert an v. line -e
lame N. i), .loliu It. tJiiuli')',
IvhiiC Wallace, Jiiiiich BlmeluuiU'li,
i if Col la ;..'(! ( i l o e, l i e.on.
,li and all pei'suns elaiiiiinu' ad-
1 1 -sely t h" above-described lands lire
reijliesled to hie til. i( f Idun In this
otlii'd on oi I i l' l e i-,-,i I HIi day of De-
i eeniM-r, I'.i.Hi.
I'.i.n.IA.'H.s I.. JauiY, Uegi.-ler.
I" t w-i-troiMi' in v .tiliin-r;
imil iiiili,..-.!.., i Auciiit l'luwer
t'onsliiiiilioii is t!n ic-.nM ,,f imlif-cstlon
hihiaii.:.! '.., flatiih-i.i'v. ..:. f a. p"litc
n il .o!; , ani nn i, . ma. la'.i.. i ui i
cid, in II! I' l l ill Valid ; i.:,rl'4 .f II..
fy U-iii. cat
t . . 1 i 1 1 : 1 1 in
I in!
nniil.'it ion of 1 1
e la
lll'iltH that .'oh liic i.i j) s
h. Hot I::, all', u,l, ,,, ,,, ,
J' I'm I-1'i'id ia tlie I" .',
a ' if the
laon expies'.i.ii, i.f p -.a,;,. vv ,
fr.iblo inid are n.i-.ei able .v, i ,A i,
a I'oti1
!; i.'i
persist I I
ill l uu y I. a a." I .;,..( i'.; (,,
CJW'hat a i'm.iIinIi plan, . " natiii.-
re .una i.y In,' i .',.' ., (
I'l. AVer, V.llicil i:, lUllll.
.'en's All'.MI'it
u u u-iiii'dy fm
fol.if jput,,.-, j..;, I
Ci'f'.i -ii ,1 1 I ., ,
11 f.'.o.ilai'h ills.
e.ivi 'i new life to Hih
Iu. r and i
d It. '.l.i. s Iciihliv si nut- -
CI1W1M1. I A.I ' .
Ml v.o bia.,, .j.. .iud jri: drujjj-isis
Uuuiou'-' I'limiiiut'y
i . . i ,-.
71 J
'Tisi. j .
la . .nii,c i
w 1
ler !l;o Orient Oct. A)
.1. S. M. dh'V.
.1 . I '. .1 ohtHu'l
.Valley iS lohn.son,
A 1 1 or. i. m a t hi w
njirr ,si,in ;; it nth Ithi ,.
I Special at lei:;,, hi ulwu to Mltilnic
and i orpo ration I, aw.
J. 12. YOUNG
llhti tiey-nl- Line m
-- Olllir .ei M,. i !i,.i,t. U...1 l.l
I'oTTAIili Cil'iiVT, OKI'.
Watch makkk.
l.'I'HIrli.K t M a iiiliiil.Ic i (no Kin.
Ail Murk Kiiiiruuluuil lliat rama.
'.VHichi!, l.ii'kn Hil l l.'wulry l l.n out I'rlru
:)TTAil' jitovi: v
ah tin i.ecHt trcitiiHinti.
Ordinary Cases $12 per Veek.
fur further inrtluil.trs mlilrris
nr. ii. c st;in,i:i:r,
Nninii inn Ni
No. 1 L.'il (,. iii.
Nil. IU JiAU U Ml.
Mill 111 I'.OllNIt
NO. II 2.2; pill
N. I V-M mil
0. it S. II li. II. CO.
11 inn 'l ulilu Nil, r
To take effect April '.M, llll).,.
KiihI II. .an. I .1 unit I T.iOMliiy VV. Kiiuui
nil Sal i.nly
I iiinl Imlly lx-
f'":i Nil I i.'l.l Klllllliiv. Ni.I -N.lA
I' M A M .11 I'lililllMI
i:'M:T :.!'). a i.Ci.t'HKn (in,vu
2:M'i:;o Wiililou ...
2;.ri?. 7:.'i't Ii . . .('tirrln.. . ,
IM 7-liUI 0.11 . Curni lii.nli,.
11:111 Ham V.7 . . . In. ki-i
:i:M H:ll H .'1, I,,,,, ,,,, ....
n:i7 mn; u .m , . ia.i u,m.,
:i SiO rt :i;o mm;,. .. (irnvfl pit.
H M.'.jh :H."i, I ii siiuvmu ...
:i ll'X I'. U h Iti.i -i,y I'oinl.'.
le.'.Hj'.ru, i.. i, . iii i.iKt). .
'J.I.. li, i, ... Wll.lwo.,.1 ..
... ... iv n ... Hum h
I I Kmlaf irr :k.
I t'AuV A.M. I'.M.
Il 17
tl kl
III.'! I
lo:. i
Hi;. I
U: 15
Hiiiijiict i uu uiko wltliiiat iu). no,
All outwnr.l frcluhl fnrwiirilml only nl th
Juliil riok of hlilia.i.r mihI ti.iiihlKiico.
sniKi) loiivi'H t IiIhiiihI nfiur thu rrlvl ot
Iniln on MoinliiyH, WuiliicMlHy unit iTIiUyH
" 11 1" "UU Or-ciMi. ICi-lui ii liikr on 'luc-
l 'H, 'lliuoiliiyiiiiiiil Hiillii'iliiyv.
I ii'lulil u lll nut Im .Im. if Ml till. i .(. u 1
i.. I'l'l'ia alter . in. 'In IliMii'.i i lul wii'd-
It. It. icnit after . in. 'In I ion in j Ii.ihii'iI-
V" "'HII IHIUIll lllllht lllilllll voit'il 111
uilillliimli).eniiitollll,uliiK hllluil.
A, H. Y-Jti, .Mn iiuj t'l1
4 :tal
4: Hi