BOHEMIA NUGGET J. McKCAN I ISMI R. Manager. (SOHUMIA NU(Kll:T PIUU.ISIIINU COMPANY. Miikf nil clicrku lo Nugget l'ul Co. Kntcrcd nl the pontoflloo wt t'otUKe drove, o vxon its socciihI class until mutter. sunsrmi'TioN kati i (1 muntliH $1.00 tM is months J'.'.OO If paid in advance. Clubbing Pates. The Itolieml.i Nugget one year villi any one of the following; pub lications ono year for annutit wt opposite: I 'tu-inc Monthly ? -00 Wecklv Orenontan (Portland) ?-."0 U'ceklV Journal ( Portland) J-'.OO Daily Mining Itctvrd (iK-nver) .".f0 Weekly ilnin Uecord ?3.-5 I'.ullie Homestead -r? Northwest roultrv .lourmil $1.7." This iitr is kepi on Mo hv T11K A-MKKl- 'AN MIMNO tONt.KKSS. ClmuibtT of Com rietee HiiiiilinK. I'onvcr. Colo , where fir .eiKlt-rs will be wfkviio li t lie use of the .end i itt iH)er frcin I hf arioiiH mining seolii n of n Wt-st. H s u-iitilW' litimry ttiid iiiiiit'i"' ox a. bit. THIS l'Al'KK I kept oil hie Kt K. C. Diake'ti t JvortisiliK Aut-nev, til and tft Mert-lmuls Kx : hitiiKO. San KranoWo. California, whorofoii ractt for advertising ean be made for it. Wkdm-sday, Nov. i 906 CAM- THE CONCiRKSSIOXAL PAIGN. . . . With so many herce and exciting local campaign m the east the con- uressional eoutest has been almost 1 j6t sight ot. Ytt it is oue ot the most important from a national stand poiut. At present thb re puMicun party has a mujority of a 1 14 in th house and about two thirds of the membership of the whole tenute; and in fact more than that for general purposes. The senate dof-s uot seem likely to chaDge much either iu personnel or in politics, as almost all of th ti irty memb rs whose terms expire niu strong ca' didates for te election, f hough it is probable that the re publicans wi 1 lose a f w- of their uiajoriiy. The situation iu the house is different, there the republican ma jority is abnormal, and is a result ant of the great tide of Uoosevelt popularity of a couple of years ago Republicans have beeu looking for-j ward to a reduction of the majority! Halloween Party, to sixty or slightly less. The latest j The MjSrt Ueattys entertaiueJ the analysists claim a majority of SH irrpworth Leaguers and their friends figuring that the sure republican J wjtn a Hallowe'en p y Wednes districts are 22, sure democratic ; ,iay evening at the parsonage. 130, doubtful bu probable republi ! jne g,jesta were received by two can 2I, doubtful, but probable , hOHtly attired young ladies in a -lemocrat i3. TLe democrats claim j iai)i which was lighted only by a reduction of the republican ma- jrtC.k 0' Lantern placed in various jority to 4(. j corners auJ on the stairway Tim The cry everywhere is "support ' evening was spent in playing games the President," and figuring that anj tellinir stories suitable for tho there is no reasou why a man who voted right in 1904, should vote wrong iu ID06, there is little reason to expect any radical change. j ''We're tired of niggers and cy- The Yoncalla Courier is a lvocit- j clones, and we're coming to Ore in,? the establishment of a Develop- j gon." incut League at that point, in or- 1 tier that a united effort might be made to push the country forward, and further states that as it is when a buyer com -u to town he meets only one individual, where! L.1...1.l ....t .... .ru j-yn itin ' which would be ready to give any and all informitiou, and would be ready to give a united boost to the town and country. That's the light idea, Cottage Grove's Com mercial Club has worked along that same line aud has done much to help Cottage Grove, and can do much more yet. Mrs. J. 1$ Protzman's father and sister arrived Monday lo visit her There is a good ileal of work going on in Bohemia this winter that should mean a big showing the spring. in Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders. The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. Frewcll Reception. Tlie following cotucs (rein the Medford Mail conccrninc two well ! known formrr ltpfco (itovo ' people: Dr. an i Mis. .. v. orpron. wno i Hie to leave for tlie mission field of ; Kast I n J in timing tin fitly pait of j Nt veni'ii-r, wcto t nletcd n fare ; well iceeption at t lie M li. I'hurch 'lust Friday evening. A l;oo lly number of friends ami Dr. nnd Mis. Corpron received a number of beautiful gift, tokens of the regard of those who have h .iuieilto es teem tlicm during their may in Medford. Rev. Mr. Iloxio Kev. James Ke!st and Kev. W. V. Shit-Ids ouch spoke in the most feeling terms of their departing friend nnd their noble calling and the latter dwelt at some length on the mission work in India nnd the people of that once bediahted land Dr. Corpron responded with a grateful acknowledgment of the ex pressions of loving sympathy re ceived and refeind briefly to the incidents leading to his cull to the mission field. j Rev. YV. C. Renter, on behall of! the church, presented the following ! resolutions' Whereas, Dr feel themselves nnd Mrs Corpron called to labor us missionaries in far-otT India and whereas, in a few days they will tie part lor their new fold of labor, the undersigned official members j of the M. R Church of Me.llord. jOregou. Resolve-I, Tht we fun 11 I Dr. I - ..... land Mrs. Corpron vuliiabp' ottizein I of Uje c0llim,lllitVi chtistians of j . . . ve rv . ,ru.icnt wot k- j ers in tu emiren 01 on c l.orn jsas iCluistand regard th'in valuable j accessories t any eommunity. . . . . Re-olved. That e extend to lr, and Mis. Corpron our best wishes and pb-dge tin 111 ('iu ardent ptayns for a safe ami prosperous journey and the btryest measure of success in their field of activity, an I if ever in the providence of Col they should return to this community, 'assure them a cordial welcome. ! R soloed , That u copy of these ' resolutions ie given tt Dr. an I ! Mrs. Corpron anil a copy be fur uishtd to the Medford papers for , publication. W. C. Reuter, (. R, Liudley, C. A. Meeker, J. P. Roberts, V. H. j Meeker, F. Frideger, D. T. Lawton, ! Ida Reddeu, Alice Roberts. occasion, were served. Light refreshments Will Come to Oregon This is the immigration slogan of John T. Prior, of Prior Station, Gi who is in Portland as th' advance agent of a colony of 10,000 or 2, 000 people who will come to Ore go I to build home'-i if s iMsfa :tory arrangements can be made Mr. Prior has laid his proposition be fore Secretary Laberot the Poitland lioard of Trade, who expresses gr-at confidence in this proposition and declares that tho board wiil do all they can to assist him. Review. Subscribe lor the Xuggei. H. D Pearson and Mr. John son, both oM time miuers of lio hernia arc visiting here at present. Mr. Pearson has some especially (hie specimens of free gold occurr ing in white qu ittzfrom mines 00 tho Merced rivftt near Mariposa, California. Mlt! Scltool Nota. The lirst exatninntioiH ol the HL-h S'liool for this year will bo the last three days ot this week. These examinations occur cvety two months. The program of last Tuesday's assembly whs changed from current event !, which we generally have, to h spelling ltssin. Those spelling lessens will be given occasionally throughout the year from list i of mispelled words taken from test and examination papers. Mr. Norman llaw ley, a f . mer student of the High School visited school last Thursday. Hazel llemrnway, who has been absent fiom her class for Nome time on account of illness, expects to be back with us son. Mis l'tlu l 1'cikin, a former stu dent of tlie High School has re turned from Portland. We are glad to have her back with us, as she i- another member to bo added to the S'iphomote class. Supt. Dillaid brought the books of the district library down to Cot tage Grove Thursday. This is tho library purchased with the money obtained from the librarv tax. The books ate all ' adapted to use in the grades but 1 not very many are high nehool j books. They are being catalogue ! ! and will be varnished. The board ! is going to get a good book case j and then tho looks will be put up 1 for use. These books with the ; books alieady iu the difTereut rooms will make a library in the school of about l"o volumes. Silk Creek. Amos Owens and sons teturned home iroui Indian Creek last week. Reported a good lime while taking their outing. Storm ami rain has been with us lalclv, Sunday was the day fur chinch service. A lew gathered for ser vice it being a stormy day. The Intermediate School started Monday morning wirh Mr. S. (. Paap and Ft auk Pttersou as in structors. Mr.' MeCord came Sunday to j commence school. Mr. and Mrs. K. A.. Wheeler loft Monday for a visit to Mrs Wheeler's brother and sister who live in California. II- W. liabcock returuen Friday from a visit with friends at Crs well. Wm. Jos. Nolta. Wm. Jos, Nolta died at Cottage I Grove Wednesday at the age of K5 I years aud 4 months. He lived Vv IT III" "ill, whom it Joe Nolta, He has been feeble for some time ami died of old age. He was buried from the parlors of Veatch & Lawsou's being taken to the Masonic ceme tery for interment. He was born in (iermauv, but has been iu this country for a good many years, and resided near Oak land for seven or eight years be fore coming here. School Furnishers Currin A: Watch it r" fimishors of school supplies to mont of ihc schools in tins vicinity. On Mm- j day morning they set.t out a ship ment consisting of mi" Lew scats and desks and one r citation seat for tho Wild wood school for which the tax payers in that district re cent'y voted $200. Thin will m ike the school thoroughly up to date. The same date tho firm received a shipment of scats and desks fr the Comstock school. Roosevelt Scorns Consequences, Rabbi Wise, late of Portland in an addrtss to tho Mew York Y. M. C. A. on "Ho or Die vs. Don't Die" said. "Men are warned constantly of the consequence on l peril of be coming cxtremiHts The man who makes not all for truth and right, lest he sacrifice his inllueuco and his prestige, has neither the uao nor the other to lose. "Theodore Roosevelt is the great saving asset of the republican garty b-cause ho is rightly In-id br the uatio'i to be a scorner of conse quences. Roosevelt is greatest when he is himstlf, his daring and achieving self; when shaking off the trammels of party allegiance, he darcM to follow riijht, aye, to lead the people aright. Tho su preme test of his courage is yet to come, if it should become his duty to appeal from his paity in the na tion for the support enactment and execution of those measures which are just uud e juitablo and servo the welfare of the whole American people." , Special S0111J Servlct J. M. Islum states thnt th re will he u. special song service each Sunday evening at the Methodist Cuuich, E J OpcrfA House ij Mon. Nov. 12 p MUCH rihMVIiHS' FAMOUS p mmm run An All reafuiv. ri-fti':'l-roiis Aggregation uf f.'iiisbcl Ir.lri.t ; Siich as the Wnt Id ncwr i!uvn cd of sceini) nt o:ic iir i;- The S'lotv Hi it l'i-. !. It 4f N'i f. ,.., f lore?.:;;:;;:... And giu1 a l.iir,' 1 i.;i-l In. 1 Show I h.t 11 .'in y M 11: ' i . 1 ' t i ,i vi lui ;. BIG BAND AM CP. Hi Ml! A Prices: $1 .o.i. "., 'c, '2'. ' xzr2!iakf.r.jjCKwi"-tr: ; ."a. Classified Ail vert iseineiit. j For Sale. ! l'i nc t o M in ol Shut '.li-1 1 n bub 1 D. G. M. T'ski VM-. I ! Wood Wan toil. Will acctpl wood I'n ui.iw.u. i I j subset iptions ;it this '. I'OK SA1.K s:it C,rn 1 'oil ing :ni I l'n nth II on 1 m C. li 1 1 I -. j li. K. Rright. 1-1 STRVYKI) October '20 t Com mercial I'-.iru one b. i lim -i- ii-.viitr can have name by prtivin ' i opt rty and paying 1 1 ; 11 Tulhr vV P.limbli dgc Kt'lvintrJ. Tom Awbrey li 1 1 U 1 1 1 i 1.- I to (tillage (iiovc and 1 .igain writim; insurance jiolicies in the ()ie;;oii b'irc Relict Ahn., Mt M'-Minnuile, and the Aptmi l ip- I !sm r r-i.-.- t,'o. of Ilai (for I, Ct tm Wood Wanted. Would like to 1 x lunig-.- ;;i 1 bicycle for d. ' V" M ,-:;r Cilice. Fine chickens - A lav hich-bii ii White and fiobbn Wyi.d'-tte n. l White f.ang-han coekeii 1 . I 1 -.-! .-. W. C. Conm-k, Cott ig' M v V:,.-,..- -.5.-44.-?- -' 7 . " II Vitr.l' -'-Vi 1 j(r I Greatest I including the prices. We can magazine subscriptions if you accept this oiler $ NOW. -10 PliR CENT SAVED. -:i REVIEW OF REVIEWS WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION SUCCESS MAGAZINE NUGGET f REGULAR PRICK Tlie lime for t-tilci ibitu; tot.ue i ri.lj',il i jut t. Kvm y tofincd home, wlmre 'ootl rcml iny is ainireciatc-l, is not without its family i,'roiiji of pn io licals somothiny for tho man, sonio thimr for I ho .you fit? pVopln. vi 1 1 c-1 1 1 i 1 1 I r llm '.voiunaii. These tlncc inai'itziiiey (".ill llm bill emu. )!etely as a year's .sttj.jd v I'd' with the Nugget, saving 10 p Nix million of the buht ic'p and inspiration. Wo aie tfj Nuj;cl. If for uny reason you (1m not wiuil nil tin-niu'.'uzincs lor friendc. No piescnt is more acccntahl". )) UlvMKMIM'.K tlie ihicc .; inaii.iues iibovu cost 5.00 Ij Nuynet costs p.JA) too. W offer nil four tovon for a limited tinio j ordt r today ; do it now. ii 5, JLt.JtA IV. JmxtL.J1 ; I! I I II . If w -. 1,1 '''Vv'ils. 'V !! SI l r' Tf;' W 'i'tiF . tir.cvi, ORtxoN. Out n 11 tnnko. Wc want 011 to led at home. in our Store. You arc always welceonie. Come riiht in ami inspect our line. STY K lew Suits New AT v it- 44. 4 4 4-v4'4" 4' 4- j-y (Q) t BOHEMIA NUGGET'S riaaazme of the Year hiest magazines save you per cent in standard f ..$300 . . 1. 00 . .. 1. 00 $6.50 the libiary laid". Vmi will want thorn anyhow, so why not tfet thorn r en. as vvnll as tho trouhh.: of corresponding with four publishers? (if p :d,,m i,i A nei ict have Muild thuSi thioo irrent mai-iii'.te 11 iu mid i prou I to be atb to oiler them iu one atvoni3C illomc IIiiciiotv2 OnlV!. ia t; .j v '. MiCKWKA K, COLLARS, HATS, CARS, OVliKCOATS Suits New Suits 44'44'4'4'4'4'4'444' )si 3 argam rir Or at the littlest Ovir Price f Only gr tr (If $3.90 groat combination with tho (?T yourself, Bend thorn to your (tf ji. if bought henarately and tho (f only for 3.90. Send iu your (if 1 , 9 B