Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 31, 1906, Image 1

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Ilevotcd to the Mining, Lumbering and Fannin;; Inn n sts of tin's Community.
NO. 40
lj W;""-
1 1
And (icneral Mining New
(iatlicrcd from lixchangcs.
F.J. II.,.
on Sunday.
1 drove 111 from camp
T. L IVeehin has
wot I; f 1 r tliiH sciisori
Mil l l III! I, cd lloiiiH.
fi u tHhed bin
in l!olimia
I Entry lias 1m l some un
imhiIIv 1 1 1 - H)f( iimim of free gold
on- from Iiim I'.tdicini i Kin cluim
on ii vein i t 1 1 1 1 v broken into.
M ii i n m -n inn lid tint the
not st ile ti cxpiiririH'e a mining
boom lie old Oicmi. IJuheuiU
will hi u (,'nod pla. e it to Hturt.
A line wimple of
y;old ore f iu'id on t!i
l'i'ti'i'son property in
th rich fre
t (Muckey and
Ho'icmi.'i i on
w I.i Drujr
c x 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 at
(Ik- N.
blank Kellcy of the Wil Iwood
l.uiiiliri- (' en! Ins foot with an
axe Thursday mid wan brought to
town lo livc it diesKt-d. lit- will
lc walking aiouird soon.
I. 1) Mammon of Piugcuo wuh in
town Mon lay on his way to !')-lu-nii'i
whic ho is goin to ilo the
uHSL-sineiii wmkon the Tom John
kiiii mil, in;' i. laim.
(i. (i. Warner left for Wild wood
this morning, where ho will Htay
several days I efor't K'nK " to '''M
claims up Champion lJanin in 15o
liiinia. Fr d R)iia, the man recently in
jured in an incident with tho tram
way between the Oregon SecuritieH
mill an I tho tunnel, iH progrensing
nicely and hopeH hooii to be ablo to
go to work.
F.very now and then new fitidH of
good ore am made in the dintrict,
in all sections, hhowing that the
entire disliict is miueralied. With
uticli conditions it will only take
time until the camp will be n camp.
Chas Mestel came down lrom Bo
hemia where he has boon working
on his Aictuus claim on Jackals
Ridge. Mr. McnU-I has a group of
three claims north of Johnson
Meadows, the claims being Calava
rtiH, (iigan an .1 Vulcau- Mr. I)es
tel has great faith in tho Bohemia
District, and sayH that uh soon as
home large capitalinl get interested
theic then tilings will como with a
rush. Theie is no queHtion but
that the ores .are there and that too
iu great quantities, but unless
great capitalists come in who are
a!! to push with great energy the
woik, the Hinaller owners must taie
their time
Sunrlho Mlnlntf Co.
Tom I'eteison is starling in with
tho winter's wnk at tho Sunrise
Mining properly on Adams Moun
tain. This company has a long tuiintl,
u good wagon road nearly com
pleted and have shown somo very
good ie. Tor some reason they
have not accomplished much the
last two years. Mr. C A. hove
luce is the manager, with headquar
ters in l'argo, Noth Makota. Wre
hope with this new mart tho Sun
l'iso Company will go ahofttl and
not only prove the value of their
property, for with tho amount of
work already done, it is too tad for
properties that seem so near the
production state, should lie idle.
Koyal Flush.
Reub Thorn
and Clarence, who
havo boon working at the mines for
F. J. Hard many months, went to
the property of 'tho Royal Flush
Mining ('. n Monte Rico Ridg
this week, whore they will look af
ter tho work on the Scorpion claim
also do the necesyary assessment
work on tho Royal Flush property.
Their lirst work will be to build a
cabin on tho Scorpion claim, it will
be lined with corrugated iron so
that supplies may be safely stored
when they are away. Mr Thorn is
part owner in these properties. Af
tor getting camp ready for the win
ter's campaign be will visit his
family at Lebanon.
I ho Vufiiivlvm.
Notwithstanding tho obstn Ich in
Uoherniu, iilso some stormy weather,
tho ninnag'T reports tro"d pro'tcim
in tho urcttion of tho trestle over
which the ore will bo transported
from tho Wild IIo lunin l to the
Tho heavy timbers are all out
and the sawmill will hooii be elused
down having comph ted tho entire
bill of lumber repined for the new
The worK ol framing for the new
oro bio iH dono.
The las. bents will I e rained to
lay. The hif,dioht bentH an; about
ninety foot in the air mukin a
lofty position for the ore trammers.
haying of the new twelve pound
rails bus been eomineneed on th"
fust half of the trnriin 1.
j It would Heem with nil d.-imK s
far alone' that Imt a short time will
le required befoio the undertaking
will bo a fact and the entire alien
tion of the management can be
given to tho getting out of ore.
Tho ore in the Wild Mog t nn 1
can be handled at tlie mi' imnm
cost,, an I with h" propositi system
of upiaiHeN ami drift, the ore in the
j upper 'vorkingH can liC ccon.iaiicalh
handled throueh the dei p tunnel
and conveyed over the i i a tre-th'
to tho mill
Tho crosscut being inn ltm thej
main working tunnel will rut srv
eral vtinn which in t urn n ill be j
drifted upon, mid it is predicted:
that tho idea of the manager, tint'
of making a gicut mine, lather than
forcing teinjiorary results, will in I
the future nl,ow a mine in Polienm j
that will bo recognized as a devel- I
.oped producing mine for time t j
l-unJc- pet ts to put in tho evaporating
The Hystem of work contemplated plant beh-ro long and put the pro
at the Vesuvius can not help b it duct of the Soring on the irarket
prove that lime and careful alien I
ing the best assortment of Mens' and Boy's Clothing ever displa3ed
in Cottage Grove. Mens' Suits from 8.00 to $25.00; Overcoats
$6.00 to $25.00.
ue Hand
Florsheim and Packard; Ladies' Dress Shoes, Utz & Dunn; Child
ren, District 76 School Shoes. In Loggers we handle the famous
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin hand-made Shoes, and the Pacific
Logger," and we, as well a5 scores of our Customers are from Mis
souri when you try to tell us there are any others "just as good."
Bank Bldg.
Orctfon-Colors do .
Oio. Rouse ba , "ne to I'ohcmia
to work for C'umi'- Oitcmou who
has contract foi the continuance of
tho big tunnel. They will complete
the work on the hrankie tnnnel and
tion is necessary in mining as
as nnv other business.
then the steady drive will commence joins the workings of the
on the main working. A load of!''" ' 'oi . -h ;av n Creek,
rails midair pipe will be sent to
the property this week. This will
about complete tho getting in of
Mipplies for tho winters work.
liald Mountain.
II. J. Taplin is working ou the
I'tof. May property at JJikl Moun
tain just oaM of Morseheavon and
I lohemia.
Many packloads of iping, tc.,
h ive been taken through I'.ohemia
t ithe placer fields over the Ore
gon Colorado road and Steamboat
trail to tho mouth of City Creek
w here heveial parties expect to do ,
extensive work this fall and winter.
Orcjon Mincrail Springs
I.evi (leer was a visitor in town
on Satmday and stated in nn inter
view that his company was making
investigations- towards securing a
large h' ating pl:m t, which would
not only heat the rooms of the
hotel but would furnish hot water
for the baths' and would also furnish
the heat lor an evaporating plant
to reduce tho mineral waters to a
I'owder, that they could be put on
in the liquid state. Mr. Goer ex-
in tho form of a powder.
uilllllliS Jtiave
We HAe (Good
fjolden Slipper.
.'I'-ii C'Hiy is working on the
Ogleby-Taik inglori property loca
ted on Sharp's Creek between the
Halt i more mid fioldcn Utile Com
panies' claims; when his contract in
fi'iidied !u- will commence another
on tho property of the
fiolden K!imer Company, which
i St;r vjiH Closes Down
W . T. Hankiiii 'if the Star hutn
i l" r Co. made a hur ried trip to the
:Oiovo (,: Tuesday on business and
jina "I'll1!: interview stated that
, while the company had many east
jem order-,, yet Kiev were unable to
; g-t them out lor Hiipment as their
docks were "itiicly closed up vritu
the stuff on hand for shipment to
Iviri I 'ran' i-r o and on that account
that tle-y would have to shut down
for a time at h-nst until Horn of
j t he So ii t h i n hipinc-nts could ba
gotten oft. Cos can be generally
i lisd for eastern shipments but none
f,,r Sou'hern
The Star Lumber ('o. has had a
very prosperous run nince it has
11 1111 '1: operation this year and
has made good money for the
Mier ;
Twin Rocks.
I lartl .-y and wife
are at
the Twin Rocks mine.
Cora I). Compt'm has purchased
of Mora mid J. W. Uentley lots 7
and K block i 1). (1. McFarlaud'n
first addition to the (Jrove for
V. II. Smith left for Black
liutte Tuesday
the timber tor
morning to hew out
the Ijig buildings i
that the comnanv will erect at the
1 1
JUSL receivea anewime 01 uver-
Makes of Shoes in all branches.
Mens' Dress Shoes, Walk Over,
'. !'.'t Ml I'W. ru IH.1 T! .111
tvty K"v"p ?p gap
Cottage Grove, Ore.
tiaw Cornors to Cotlaiio firovo.
S. I. Agent Isliara hriyi that
there is a nteady influx of ;-e;
who are settling here. If ir l!y a
day pasHes that a shij ui-r.L
household goods does not '.v. in
and very few go out. Mr. J.-ihui.i
sajH tho increase in freight recipt-i
is something surprising, and ;h-u
Cottage (Jrove is doing one of the
best amounts of business of any
town on the line irrespective of
Of course much of this trade' i ,
necessity coming from points tribu
tary to Cottage Orove, but it all
counts in the prosperity of t
C. E. Russell and wife of Morena
came to the Grove Tues lay morn- j
irg, returning on afternoon train,;
They have moved into their new ;
house, built after the bunga! o.v
fashion, and hereafter will be a
homo to their many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Rut-sell have li' e i
all summer iu camp fashion c '. :
to the sawmill, which is located !
Home two miles from the main Kv.v
River road, now their home is on j
the road next door to the new store '
of the company of which Mr. Ilus-j
sell is manager and principal owner. !
Tho headquarters at Rus-ell and
liogers Company is San Franci-o; ;
owing to the present condition of ;
living in that city, Mrs. Rus-ell pre
fers bo remain through tho winter
at their How River home. Mr. '
Russel's interests are being pu1
to the fullest capacity and it is 1
far him to leave this end of
growing business.
U. Li. btewart is r;xpe
cpected back ,
from Canada wueie he has
working for the Ca-ndian Goveru-
ment instructing the truit growers
and associations ia the proper
packing of fruit for the tn.rket.
j ;
1 I? f
U e,
jf t
h ,
rel Kivrinrtr T9Iephono Co.
IJrund is entitled to much
. r the work ho has dono in
the new telephone lino
lio'iernia. After complet-
three wires to the Red
1 tr
!. Mr. Jirund
' i'!iv -'m l Clarence
with bis son
Moths mado t
ui' . k job taking the
the other seventeen
!i the heavy timber
H ir lrtcrabble grade,
everal attempts at get
biilt but through the
ra:" s
in 1
: th'
iVf r'j
' line
of Mr. Jirnnd the line is
1 and in every way satis-
With tlij extra number
a'ld iu good ifpair, min
, lumber and sawmill men,
!e ir maidens and sweet
ves are waved much annov-
: w i
.lien I
el-; i,f .
ey desire to talk witli
s associates or neigh
Uusino .s Kushinfi at Dtackfautta
A-si-.tant Manager Cooper of Black
Iln'U' reports that the Work on con
struction at the mines is progress-
m'.u-'.y. a day and nignt
e being kept at work on the
incretc foundations for the
s t r 1 Mr. Cooper says he ia
I v. itb the way the work ia
forwar I. All portions of
:k are ' eing pushed and Mr.
a '
:r Lopes before next summer
avj ever thing in perfect shape.
!;' engineers are working on
;i;s for the electric plant and
:. t '.'ei'-i"!! will begin before
The long flume is entirely
-i.' ; a id the water power plant
1 e instilled at the same time
r"; t:
"trie plant.
lrs Sophio Hazeltorv
.Mi -. S :ph;e Ilazelton, an aunt of
C. H'i.e'toa of this place died
I ." ' ij Crcsvvtll last Satur-
'ay -' iniijg the 27th at 3 a. ra. of
old ae, t f ing Sf) years and 5
rnrinths old. Tli hodv wn hrnncrht
J " o
to C: - (irove for interment by Geo.
L. Ciifrev.
urena Frederickson and
Harris were married at
'he !:
m -oi the bride's mother on
if.:ro.i ii;Lti;t uv iiev. lirace or
tin- I're-bUc rian Church.
Mr. Ifairis is a baker and is now
working for Tom Parker, who
t.-uisht him his trade a number of
cars a''u. .Mr. Jlunis haa nnlv ri-
y completed his enlistment as
a link
S. La
er o:i board of one of the U.
tt!e-hi", and is elad to be on
land o:.ce more. Mrs. Harris has
lived h-rj most of her life and Is
well known. A few friends were
prcser.t at t'ae ,veddinf, Mr. Harris'
U i ther lrom Salem, being one of
the- t-,"-t;.
I"vc-ollv.'nt Conipany Hera Aflaln.
M.ii-;.;'viit.i l-'i-fh"!- and her com-
vim- are lure aeatu and on Mon
W'dav ni'.
t ''Marie.-
ht presented "La Relle
Ihe company ia even bet.
ter tl'.ui yen- and each one
cam . s their part well, Miss Fis
cher's i ctii being very strong,
r.'-twecu acts this year there are a
ii limber A vaudeville skits, that fill
in the
iv-; to he depicted lues-
day a:i ! Wednesday nights promise
Ijiie much bettor than that of
Mv'!, lay niht, and will ho pleasing
o all. Stieh n eompmy coming
-ir aiii y year needs uo advertis
r, .is -t mi. lard is kept up, and
.-e wh'i have heard it once go
i i u .
i ; :i.vlo ot Millinery.
hU reduced from 20, Co,
, U'iiKiin Nov. '3 and
uo wick. The timo to buy
Ij F i;.VN-els IJaurett.
. I! . i k h' d. Ilt was in F.ugene
l'..:i i';.ti'hi:r of Star came to
Vv'oudaiil is very jubilant
sa!.- uf timber land re--!;.
raaiL- an exceptionally
en t
vc in lrom Ilohe
went to visit his
over Monday re
i.; to ui t irove on the local
ay cvinini,', spent Tuesday at
at his
lU-K ar.'.i nurried back to
e..iii tin
Mrs. S,
of (.lukitU
Mrs. C.
hinder mid children
New, nre hors visiting
Jones. Mrs. Lauder
sayithcy have dono well and likq
their h .cation very much.