p b c tl tl h r b t b ti a u I a I f t i i b Between Two Fires By ANTHONY HOPE "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." Francis B.u-on. chapter mil-i continued. "I low was ln wounded'.'" I aked. "Toll me what tin1 Colonel diil 10 Mm, ami be .hot-:." "Yes. sir. The Colonel t"ld u Mr. Carr was to he kept at the rin.h ov,r nigh! : wasn't t,i leave it alive, sir. lie said. YY,!1. up In yesterday i: was nl! right JMid i!.:siint. Mr. fair wasn't xory well, nnd tin- doses i lii Colonel gave Mm didn't s,e:n to in..ki !ii:n any N-;:,.r--quite tin- contrary. But jesterday after noon 'it' j.'"! r.i in p.i goons would any how, ill or well 1 So ho it it ui mi l drss ed. WVd taken nil hi" weapon from him. sir. nnd when lr- came down dress ed, nnd asked for hi horse, wo told him lie couldn't co. Well. he just said. 'Got out of tin' light. 1 toll you.' nnd began walking toward the lull door. I don't mind saying wo wore rather put about, sir. Wo didn't oar.' to shoo: It i : as he stood, and it's my Is'Iiof we'd have lot liim pass; lmt just as ho was going out. in comes tho Colonel. Hullo, what's this. Johnny':' s.tys ho. 'You've go: some rvhenio 0:1.' siid Carr. "I b-'lievo yon'vo I ivn drugging mo. Out of tho w ay, M(--Gro::or. or I'll brain vmi." 'Whore are ou stains':" says tho Col.mel. 'To Whit t inshain. to tho Preside:!.'." said ho. 'Not to-d.iy." say the Colonel. "Come, l-o reasonable, Johnny. You'll bo nil right tomorrow." "Colonel McGregor." says l:e. Tm unarmed, and you've sot a re volver. You can shoot mo if you like, but unless you do, I'm giing out. You've loen playing some dodge on me. and you phall pay for it.' With that he rushed straight at tho Colonel. The Colonel, ho utoppod o: one side and let him pass. Then he went after him to the door, wait ed till ho was about fifteen yards o:T. then up with his revolver, as cool as you like. ud shot him clean as a sixpence in the right log. Iown came Mr. Carr: he lay there n minute or two. aud then he faint ed. Tick him up. dross his wound, and put Mm to bed." says the Colonel. Well. Fir, it was only a flesh wound, so we soon pot him comfortable, and there he lay all Utght." "How did he r"t away to-day?" "We were all out. sir went over to Mr. Carr's place, to borrow his horses. Well, when we'd pit the horses, we rode round outside the town, and came into the road between here and the Colonel's. Ten horses we'd pot. and we went there to give the ten men who were patrolling tlie road the fresh horses. We heard from them that no one had come along. When ve go: home, he'd been gnie two hours!" "How did he manage it?" "A woman, sir," said my warrior, with supreme disgust. "(lave her ten dollars to undo the front door, and then he was off! He daren't go to the stables to get n horse, so he was forced to limp away en his game leg. A plucky one he is. too." he concluded. "Poor old Johnny." said I. "You d.'da't go after him?" "No time. sir. Couldn't tire the horses. Beside, when he'd once got home, he' got a dozen men there, and they'd have kpt. us all night. Well, sir, I must be off. Any answer for the Colonel? He'll .e outside the Golden House by eleven, sir, and Mr. Carr won't get in if he comes after that." "Tell him to rely on me," I answered. But for all that I didn't mean to shoot Johnny on siht. So, much perturbed in spirit, I set off to the barracks, wondering when Johnny would get to Whittingham, and whether lie would fall into the Colonel's hands outside the Golden House. It struck me ns unpleasantly probable that he might come and spoil the harmony of my even ing: if be came there first, the conspiracy would probably lose my aid at an early moment. What would happen to me I didn't know. But, as I took off my coat in the lobby. I bent down as if to tie a shoestring, and had one more look at my revolver. CHAPTER XIV. 1 shall never forget that supper as long a? 1 live. Considered merely as a social gathering it would be memorable enough, for I never before or since sat at meat with ten such queer customers as my liosts of that evening. The officer of the Aureataland army were a very mixed lot two or three Spanish Ain-ri' tins, three or four Brazilians, and the balance Americans of the type of their country men are least proud of. If there was on honest man among them he s-lilously concealed his title to distinction. All this might have passed from my memory, or Llcndcd in a subdued hartnny with my general impression of Aureataland ; but the peculiar position in which I mood gave to my mind an unusual activi y of perception. Among this bin.) of c-i ;.. revelers I sat vigilant, res; less and im patient; feigning to t.ke a leadlt.g pirt J:i their hilarity, I wis soW, oil d. nd alert to my very finger tips. I mix lously watched their bearing nnd evi)r,.s. Kion. I led them on to sjioak of th Pres ident, rejoicing when I elicited op-n mur mur and covert threats nt his luso in gratitudc to the men on whose support his power rested. They had not b.-.-n p;tid for six months, and were ripe for ;uiv mischief. I was more than once tempted to forestall the Colonel and begin the revolution on my own account ; only iuy Inability to produce before their eyes ;my arguments of the sort they would listen to restrained me. Eleven o'clock had come and gone. The Heuior Captain had proposed the Presi dent's health. It was received in sullen silence; I was the only man who hon ored it by rising from his seat. The Major had proposed the army, nnd they had responded to their noble selves. A young man of weak expression and quavering legs had proposed, "The com merce of Aureataland," coupled with tho name of Mr. John Martin, in laudatory lmt Incoherent terms, and I was on my legs replying. Oh, that speech of mine ! For discursiveuess, for repetition, for sheer inanity, I suppose it ha never Leen eaualed. I droned steadily away as I went on the audience paid less and !e stttntlon. It was past twelve. The we'i of my eloquence was running drier and drier, and jet no sound outside! I wondered how Ions they would stand it and hurt l ;ig I could stand it. At 1-:1" I Ivgan my peroration. Hardly had I d'tie so. whon one of the young men start- j ed in n gentle voice a ditty. One by ono they toek it up, till the rising tide of I voices drowned my fervent period. Per- ' force I stepped. They were all on their feet now. I i 1 1 they mean to break up? In despair nt the idea I lifted up my i vohv. loud and distinct, in a verse of the I impoi: io'i, and seizing my neighbor's j hand began to move slowly round tho table. The move ,wa successful. Each man followed suit, nnd tho whole party, kicking back their chairs, revolved with lurching steps. Tho room was thick with smoke. Me chanically I led tho chorus, straining ev ery nerve to hear a sound from outside. I was grow ins dizzy with tho movement, and. overwrought with the strain on my nerves, I know a few minutes more would ho tho limit of endurance, when nt last I heard a loud shout and tumult of voice. "What's that?" exclaimed the Major, in thick tones, pausing as ho spoke. I dropped his hand, and seizing my re- said: "Sotne row in barracks, Major. Let em alone. I must go," he said. "Character reataland army at stake." "Set a thief to catch a thief, eh jor?" said I. "What do you mean, sir?" he stut- tered. "Ix't me go." "If you move. I shiot. Major," said I, bringing out my weapon. I never saw greater astonishment on human eounte natiiv. He cried : "Hi, stop him he's mad he's going to shoot !" A shout of laughter rose from the crow around n. for they felt exquisite appre ciation of my supposed joke. "Right you are, Martin," cried one. "Keep him quiet. We won't go home till morning !" The Major turned to the window. It was a moonlight night, and as I looked with him I saw the courtyard full of sol diers. Who was in command? The an swer to that meant much to me. The sight somewhat sobered the Major. "A mu iny !" he cried. "The soldiers have risen !" "Go to bed," said the junior ensign. "Look out of window !" he cried. They all staggered to the window. As the soldiers saw them, they raised a shout. I could not distinguish whether it was a greeting or a threat. They took it as the latter, and turned to the door. "Stop!" I cried; "I shoot the first man who oiens the door." In wonder they turned on me. I stood facing them, revolver in hand. They waited huddled together for an instant, then made a rush at me ; I fired, but missed. I had a vision of a poised gob let : a second later, the missile caught me in the chest, and hurled me back against the wall. As I fell I dropped my weapon, and they were upon me. I thought it was all over; but as they surged round, in the madness of anger, I. looking through their ranks, saw the door open and a crowd of men rush in. Who was at their head? It was the Calanel, and his voice rose high above the tumult : "Order, gentlemen, order." Then to his men he added : "Each mark your man, and two of you bring Mr. Martin here." I was saved. To explain how, I must explain what had been happening at the Golden House, and how the night attack had fared. CHAPTER XV. It is a sad necessity that compels us to pry into the weaknesses of our fellow creatures, aud see to turn them to our own profit. I am not philosopher enough to say whether this course of conduct derives any justification from its univer sality, but in the region of practice I have never hesitated to place myself on a moral level with those with whom I had to deal. I felt, therefore, very little scruple in making use of the one weak spot discoverable in the defence of our redoubtable opponent, his excellency, the President of Aureatnland. The President had no cause to suspect a trap; therefore, like a sensible man, he chose to spend the evening with the Signorma rather than with his gallant ollicers. It appears that at a few min utes p.ist eleven o'clock, when the Presi dent was peacefully listening to the con versation of his fair guest (whom he had galvanized into an affected liveliness by ah1 ruling remarks on her apparent pre occupation), there li-n upon tus ear the sound of a loud knocking nt the door. Iili.uer had been served, and the Presi ded could not command a view- of the l-no lier without going out on to the ve randa, which ran all round the house, und walking round to the front. When tin; knock was heard, the Signorina start ed up. "lou't disturb yourself, pray," said his excellency politely. "I gave special in structions that I was visible to no one tiiis evening. But I was wondering wheth er it could be Johnny Carr. I wnnt to speak to him for a moment, and I'll just go round outside and see if it is." As lie Fpoko a tap was heard at the door. "Yes?" said the President. "Mr. Carr is at the door and particu larly wants to nee your excellency. An urgent matter, lie says." "Tell him I'll come round and speak to him from the verunda," replied thu Presi dent. 1I turned to the window, and threw It open to step out. Let me tell what fol lowed in thu Signorina's words. "Just then we heard a sound of a num ber of horses galloping up. The Presi dent stopped, and ald : " 'Hullo, what's up?' "Then there was a shout and a volley of shots, and I heard the Colonel's voioe cry : '"Down with your arms; down, I oy, or rou'r dead meal' "The President too out hi rro.!rr, went back to the window, passed through It, nnd without a word disappeared. I could not hear even the sound of his feet on the veranda. "I heard one more shot - thou n rul of men to tho door, and tho Colonel hurst In, with sword and roolvor In hi hands, and followed by ten or a do.en men. . "1 ran to him, terrified, and cried: " 't h, i anyone hurt ?' "Ho iiok no notice, but asked hastily: " 'Whore i ho?' "1 pointed to tho veranda, and gasped: '"llo went out there.' Then I turned to one of the men and said ngain : " '1 nn. one hurt ?' ''Onlv Mr. Carr,' ho roj d. The rest of 'em were a precious sight too care ful of themselves. " Wild is he killed?' "lon't think he's dead, nils,' ho said. 'But he's hurt badly." "A I turned again. I saw the Presi dent stati. ling quite calmly In the win dow. When the Colonel saw him. ho raised his revolver and said: "To j on jield. General Whittingham? Wo ntv twelxo to one." "As ho spoke, every man covered the President with his aim. The latter stood facing the twelve revolver, his own wea pon hanging loosely in hi left hand. Then, smiling, ho slid a little bitterly: "'Heroic are not in my line. McGreg or. 1 suppose this i a popular rising that is t say. yon have br.bed the men nnd murdered my best friend. Well, wo mustn't use hard names,' ho wont on In a gentler tone. I give in,' and. throwing down his weapon, he asked, 'Have you qui:e killed Carr?' "'I don't know," said the Colonel, Im plying plain'y that he dot not oarv. either. "'I suppose it wa you that shot him?" "Tlie Colonel nod led. "The President jnwned and looked at his watch. "'As 1 have no p.irt In to-night's per forma in v," said ho. 'I presume 1 am at liberty to go to bed?" " 'My men must stay here, and you must leave the d'or open.' "'I have no objection,' said the lresi dent. " "Two of you stay In this room. Two of you keep watch in the veranda, ono at thi window, the other at the bedroom window. I shall put three more sentries outside. General Whittingham i not to leave this room. If you hear or see any thing going on in there, go in and put him under restraint. Otherwise treat him with reioot.' "'I thank you for your civility.' said tho Pres. dent, 'also for the compliment implied in those precautions. I it over thi matter of the debt that your patriot ism has drawn you into revolt?' " 'I see no use in discussing public af fair at this moment.' the Colonel re plied. 'And my presence is required else where. I regret that I cannot relieve you of tho p resell of these men, but I do not feel I should be justified in accept ing your parole.' "The President did not seem to be lin gered at this insult. " "I have not offered it,' he said sim ply. 'It is better you should take your own measures. Need I detain you, Colo nel?' "The Colonel did not answer him, but turned to me and said : "'Signorina Nugeut, we wait only for yon, and time is precious.' "Looking up, I saw a smile on the President's face. As I rose reluctantly, he also got up from the chair into which he had flung himself, and stopped me with a gesture. I was terribly afraid that he was going to say something hard to me, but his voice only expressed a sort of amused pity. "'The money, was It, Signorina?' he said. 'Young people and benutiful people should not be mercenary. Poor child, you had better have stood by nie. "I answered him nothing, but went out with the Colonel, leaving him seated afiln in the chair, surveying with some apparent amusement the two threatening sentries who stood at the door. The Colonel hurried me out of tho house, say ing : "We must ride to the barracks. If the news gets there before us, they may cut up rough. You go home. Your work Is done.' "So they mounted and rode away, leav ing me in the road. There were no signs of any struggle, except the door hanging loose on its hinges, and a drop or two of blood on the stpps where they had shot poor Johnny Carr. I went straight home, and what happened in the next few hours at the Golden House I don't know, and, knowing how I left the Presi dent, I cannot explain. I went home, and cried till I thought my heart would break." (To be continued.) Thrift j. "Tim," nsked the passenger on the rear platform of the antiqiiatod flat wheded cable car, "what's In this cov ered stone Jtir I see out here nearly every time I take; a trip on your car?" "That's tny wife's churning," an swered the conductor. "One round trip on this old rattletrap brings the butler every time. Saves her lots of trouble." Chicago Tribune. Tiki l.nte. The millionaire's motherless pom had Just filed his application for ti Job as husband to tin; fair maid. "You'll have to cxcum; me, Percy," she said, "but I can never be anything, more than a mother to you." "A mother!" echoed the HurprUed Percy. "That's what I wild," rejoined tho f. in. "Your father Kpoke first." Ill l-v. Uncle Josh It H-ems tin; minister has hud rheumatism for the last three years, hut he hasn't said uiythin 11 101 1 It. Aunt Hetty Why, I could have told him Just what to do for It. Uncle Josh Mehbo that'u one of tho reasons why ho kept It quiet. Wat son's Magazine. Iturul I. oiclc. Undo Hlruin Brother Ebon's has stained glass winders In his tion new house. Aunt Samantha Yew don't tell I That comes from niarrylu' one uv them good-foi'-nothln city gals. I reckon she's too paky lazy to wash th' stains off. it.-. . c." . V, .Ur jH Ail A. . NiAi 1 llorr from Hi.h Mnl.l. Vs J&.'f?u . tl?'. -TT- 'Sk One of tin' most Interesting Mudlol v lV?fci: l In the Inlcrstiiti- llc stock nn.l horse Vs-s'"1- t"vj wlv;'p?'-'V." For II I ill nil lli'U. A ringing trap for bog Is a ticccslt.v on ninny farms, nnd tin ticcotiipauy lug sketch show a good form. The frame of trap I two Inch by four Inch pieces, l. I. nnd IV. lapped uinl bolted nt corners ns shown, and n tight, smooth tloor. Also side and top board nro solidly nulled to Inner edgo of the frame, u show n. making: a strong crate from which board cannot be crowded nlT. Rear end I tlttcil with slide door to raise up n Indicated by dotted line V. Front end has n door, A A. made of two thick, strong board on Inside cross cleats at top and bottom. A, A. Is Joined nt bottom by two strong hinge to frame 1 , and held up when In use by the Iron dump P. being plac ed down out top of door nnd frame, 1). loor ba ii central opening B. be low which are several bolt holes, for fastening tin Iron lever, C. Tln top door also litis wide dent. E. bolted at one end with blocks behind to hold It out from door, so the other end will form a guide for lever C. which, when pulled forward, partially closes open ing B. and firmly holds hog. with head through the opening. Lever C Is fas tened while In use by a spike nail In serted a shown. In one of several holes bored through side cleat and door nt 7 Opening B I twelve Inches long nnd TRAP FOB KIXHINO IIOOH. nine and one-half Inches w ide at widest place near lower end. nnd lower end of opening Is ten Inches nbovo floor. Crate U four feet two Inches long, two feet four inches high, and one foot six Inches wide. Inside measure. Place trap squarely with rear end close up to lu g house door, with lever C thrown back; raise slide door, drive In n hog and drop slide door belling lilm, and he will thrust his head through the hole B. Pull lever C tight against his neck and insert spike to hold It there, and you can ring with ease a hotf weighing nearly 4U pounds. The ti-li-elloii of Men! Corn. There Is no time which Is put In to Ix-tter udvantago or which fetches a larger return than that devoted to se lecting the seed corn during the latter part of September and the first half of October. The advantage which secur ing the seed ears at this time haH over the ordinary method of selecting at husking time lies In the fai t that a cnolce of tho earliest maturing ears can be made, a distinction that Is Im possible when all of the crop Is rljHj and ready to husk. For ull the north half of the corn belt that typo of corn Is iH'St which Itcars Us ears low on the stalk. This means as a rule that Ruch corn will mature early, ami while the ears produced may not bo quite ho large as those which one has to reach above his head after they are much more likely to produce hard corn, which will keep after It Is put In the crib. Tho Bhajsj and depth of kernel and form and type of ears are of very trivial Im portance as compared vlth tho main question us to whether the corn itself Is of a variety which will mature a crop In the latitude In which It Is planted. ioimI Ylelil of I'lerrr. Ten pounds to the lleoeo Is regarded largo when It Is an average from year ling lambs. A correspondent of In diana Parmer writes that from a (lock of 1,0K) yearling lambs of McCals; & Nelson Hocks, of Putnam County, In diana, lo.iioo pounds of n very fine quality of wool has been sheared this season, and that the wool Is very even In liber and general condition, showing that the sheep were fed regularly, and cared for In a very excellent manner. This even condition of tho wool Is al ways a sure sign of regular feeding and care In management and such wool always brings the best price. ('nil for Mil j-iMieUn. Tor the benefit of those who are un willing to purchase caps for covering the cocks we wish to say that alfalfa, properly cocked, will shed water Just as well as clover In fact, many farm ers claim that It will shed water even hotter and that It Is no more difficult to cure than dover In any season. While this may ho true, we urge tho use of caps for the reason that alfalfa Is so much more valuable than clover, and a little extra expense In this line Is money well Invested. 4t m show held at St. Joseph, Mo. was found lu the exhibit of shire horse from the royal stables of King Edward and Lord l!othohlld of Samlrlugbam, England. St. Joseph was fortunate In securing this stable ns It had Hot been the Intention to cvhlblt the horse this side of the Atlantic except It) the king's dominion, Canada. Louis l' Swift, of Swift Si Co., was Intliicntlal In pre vailing un Manager Beck, repre senting King Edward, to exhibit the horse. In two United States shows, l7... at the Interstate III St. Jo seph and the American Boynl at Kansas CI I. v. "Our object In bring ing the horses to thl side of the Atlantic wa primarily to stlmiil ite In (crest In the big slilics with the Cana dians." stild Mr. Bock. "Until within a few years the shire has been too scarce and high priced for the general run of breeders. They are still high priced, but are coming within the range of general breeding and are a profit able n ultiitil to breed for tl." big draft trade." These horses are tine speci mens of the thoroughbred shire and an attracting much attention and favor wherever they are being shown. They are all great, heavy boned, thick mus cled animals whose very carriage and bearing and spring motion when In nt tlon announce them as soinctlilna nbovo the ordinary In horse flesh. Ilrat l'rrinrntloii fur XVhrnl. If I could have my choice of ground to sow on, snya a Pennsylvania farmer, 1 would choose a Held where a heavy clover sod, or w here cow peas had been plowed down and potatoes raised the present year, using at least I ..Ms. I pounds high grade fertilizer on the pitatoes. The potatoes having been kept clean, and dug lu good time, I would not plow for the wheat, but barrow tit least Tour or five time, and then drill lu the wheat, drilling with It -1" m t pound of good fertilizer, w ith at least It per ecu quickly available nitrogen, s per cent phosphoric acid nnd tl per cent potash. Then 111 the spring. If It did not start to grow promptly, I would sow broadcast, l.Mi pound nitrate of soda per acre. A heavy dressing of stable manure will make a large stand of straw which will make a large stand of straw which will not fill well unless one Is sure thu ground contains plenty of phosphoric add and potash. The I'lK I'm. The pig sty Is nearly always filled with materials for absorbing manure, but they are not cleaned as frequently as should Is the case. In winter. If the yard contains absorbents, they come soaked during rains, and are dis agreeable locations for pig. Tho pig prefers a dry location, as It suffers se verely on damp, cold days. Tho tint -terlals lu the pig sties will he of more service If added to the manure heap and a plentiful supply of cut straw thrown Into tho yard In Its place. Tho covered shed, or sleeping quarters, should he littered a foot deep with cut straw, which may he thrown Into the yard after ts-lng used, but tho yard should always he denned out after a rain and dry material then addeiL llorarmniln I'oat Driver. The construction of this post driver can ho easily taken from tho lllustra- tlon. It can ho made to work by man or horse power. If man power only, use one pulley. This can he made dur ing tho winter mouths aud bo ready for spring fencing. ( h ri-Ki M ll L I li l ; ll rl - li I ii v . Cheese-making has been shown by recent bacterial research to be a sort of gardening an Inverted gardening, In which the plants are grown for the sake of modifying tho soil. Tho pe culiar qualities and flavors of tho dif ferent cheeses have been proved to ho duo to .tho growth of various species of bacteria and molds In them. And It has been found possible to produce tho flavor of the required cheese from tlnr milk of any locality by Introducing thu appropriate plants. In a recent paper, for example, C. Gorlnl shows that the familiar red and green patches which characterize Gorgonzola cheese are tho combined work of a special mold, and a species of bacillus. These organisms are Introduced as the result of artificial punctures, made In tho process of man ufacture. Price and Value. The price of the cow does not Indi cate her valuo as a producer. Gilt edged butter Is something that depends on how It Is made. Tho cow give the milk, hut upon the management of the milk, cream and butter depends the quality. NEW TOST tmivf it. iTHEWEECCLY J l-l-U-M-l J .aft Ui i: n r u :-' i 1 ..ft i-,- -tV .W I."..".'. John Baled , i-.. n. d King of Scot land. I...". Eainous pence of religion estab lished nt Augsburg, I.Mio Masoicre of I'ort Caroline, St. John's river, I'loiida. Will New England colonic declared war nsalnst Ni.mtick Indians, pti'i I I 'oil Oram;,. (Alb my, N. Y.) sur rendered to the English. 17.'tT- Gottlngeii university opened. 1777 Col. Ethan Allen ciiptured by British near Monin.tl. I7'.'J Allied armies "f Pro-si i nod Aus tria detente,! by the I'l.ii.h nt bat tle of aliiiy . . . . l irst En-Itch Ite public proclaimed. 17'.m1 English frigate Ainphion blown Ui nt Plymouth ; '.'i"" live lost. 17!7 - United State frigate Constitu tion ("Old Ironsides") launched nt Boston. 1SD11 Hubert Einuiet put on trial. lMHIutch surrendered Island of Javii to the British. ISM- British, under Gen. I iruinuiond, raised siege of I'ort Erie. 1S.'t; Eeitrgu O'Connor arrested. IStI I.ii. loii nnd Brighton railway Opened lo Irnllic. IS Id -American force under G.-n. Tny- lor commenced i. go uf Monterey, Mollco. 1S.M1- Congress nboliihed slave trade lit 1'inrict of Columbia. 1S,,1 I.oins Kosni!i nnd other Hungi- rian revolutionist si-nten I to death. I S.'. I ..Many lives lo-t in the re. k of the Ipici-n Charlotte Battle nf Alma. 1S.",7- H.llil captured by the British.... Keln f of I .in k now . ISdl- Maryland legislature closed by provost marshal ; secession members sent to I'ort Mcllenry. 1 SGU - -Confederate reerossed Potomna Into Virginia, having I n lu Mary land two weeks. ... Halioas Corpus upended by United Sraten govern ment .... Gen. Bosecrnn le-gan at tack on the Confederiite forces at Iukn, Miss.... The revolving turret jintentod by Tlmby . . . . Gen. MoCoolc recitptun-d Munfordsville, Ky. ISdl -Confederal!' defeated at battle of Eisher's Hill. 1S07-- Eoiilnii attacked a prison van In Manchester. IStJS -Gen. Iliuduinn assassinated nt Helena, Ark. 1ST.! Black Erldny. 1S7CV Siege of Pari hcg.m. 1S71 IMsastroii fire lu Virginia City, Nevada .... Lincoln statue unveiled In Eiiirmount Park. Philadelphia . . . . I (isiist roii fire in Snn 1'ranciHco. lS7t-lIell Gate, llallett's Point Beef, blown up. 1S.S1 Uhestor A. Arthur took oath of office as President. 1S0S Revision of Oreyfu case ordered by French cabinet .... United States troops began tin.' evacuation of Porto Bico. 1001 ('.olgosK, nssnssln of President MoKlnloy, convicted 0f murder In first degree. 190-1 -Collision on Southern Bnilwny near Knoxvllle, Tenn. ; "d killed, Injured. .. .Russia protested ngninst the Ariglo-Thlbetnn treaty. . . .King Peter of Servia crowned at Belgrade. 100,V-4"znr proposed n s ud Peace conference at The Hague. Cambridge, Mass., provide for privi leges of study nnd travel one year in seven for the public school teachers. A teacher draws n part salary ami has regu lar position upon return. There is a revival of interest in Kansas In consolidation of rural schools. Their nmulior has iui-rctiscd from six in I'.Mi.t to twenty In llMiii, A large number of communities are now considering the question, New Jersey has a new teachers' s-n. sion bill. It provides for retirement on one-half the average annua! salary after thirty-live years of service, twenty live of which must ls lu the district where the retirement takes place. Claude E. Palmer, nu employe of a western railroad nt Osawntomie, Kan., who has been working his way through the university of that State, has been ap pointed to a scholarship in the New York School of Applied Sciences through the iulluence of Miss Helen Gould. An Illinois decision is that critic tench crs la the prncth-e deparlnieiil of a normal school may not be paid out of local funds. Tho court held that the work of the critic teacher Is to teach pedagogy, and that pedagogy "has no lawful or proper place ill the curriculum of the common schools." From Mio flrsi year of the Hyiiiini) Normal school there has been u students' loan fund and fully 10 per ivnt of the graduates have inadu use of it. It Is in foresting to note that thesu same gradu ates have been among tho most success ful. Principal Baldwin appeals for funds lo put It on a permanent basis. r V