Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 24, 1906, Image 5

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Perfumery -
'I he Lin. I lm ,.,;( , m (,,
v. mi .ivm.iiv. , iu,i,.M iUHin l,
' I ".V 1 '! li I II' I Of
mi 'H ,,IV . fa,,,,,,,,,
1(tmiim. m in ImiIU. iiml
Hill, ill 1.1,1 I (l-M. F,, flllMM'IPIIlMH
mnl m,v,,.,m ,M.tli powders.
Victor, Edison
i (irapiiapliones.
rinc Now Stock of Warranted
Knives and Razors.
School Tablets and Pcnsils.
'I 'm ,i i I ii -i m, ( ii mi i iiI link
in'.; I ' t w 1 , i-, M;i li Iich, Jrui'crifH.
The Bazaar.
Collage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
SlM .l
lid I 'tidh Ide-I I'liilllH.
Mil! IV
I'' 1 ;i 1 1 1 1) nvi-'l Hi-ciiril V
I , .1 vni l.i I 11 II V
l I' mil
1 InliM -1 t ( m
II kmh ki: 1 Imkis,
119 I TUB flllOU
n.iiHbi i i
and CUHE the LUNGS
Or. King's
New Discovery
ff NStiy.rTc.iN
OUtdiS an
EOc A$1.00
Froe Trial.
Unrrat ii nl Uuiikrt Cure for all
Vetch and Oat Seed
For Sale
Mixed in
the proper
proportion lor
ha v. One
and otie-q
alter cents
pound. Inquire of
I5i:iiu.i:iv Hkos.
Cottage irove, Ore.
V. A. Il nii-iiway has bargaiu
counters full uf bargains.
U 1
1 ntKi.m N
I'anlilrr 1
nu wag.!
Knowles & Gettys
Bohemia, Oregon.
Knowles & Gettys
Orseco, Oregon.
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Our Motto:
Goods at Reasonable Prices.
I General Merchandise
I Miners Tools and Amunitions
rvmnfif swTSziSTS'sinsis zv svvsirs
lift HIP NPW
HUlTllv lllv !T J
Subscribe for the NuKot.
Tho best at Voateh & Lawson.
L. Kohh King went north
A big Mock of iron ti ds just in
Veatch & LuwHoii.
Miss Ahbio Johnson
went to
I ortloim Monday.
Sc our now lino of
Veutch t LawHon.
Ik-rt Kolsey of Cros-well
.Sunday in the drove.
Ceo. II. Dyer went lo Kugeric
on .Saturday on business.
MisH Delia Whito went to ICit
gono Monday to attend the V. of O
At XmiiH SclioM will bo right
there with the goods.
I'rof. BrigKs of tho Drain Nor
mal hpont .Suud a y iu the (irove.
Miss. Katie Hawley cnt to
Drain Monday to attend tho Nor
Do you know Santa Chins is
gelling ready, so is Scholl. Watch
Mm. W. T. Ktiur left lor a trip
lo Junction and Springfield Tues
day. The bent Htloctiori of school tab
lets iu town can bo men lit Met'-ulf
ii l'ruruls.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard IJ'mlo
of Santa Cm, (California, are visit
itig relatives in the (irove.
A. J. Siowuit is putling a new
roof on tho Fashion Stables build
in which
is ownod by hitn.
Miss Zehna Kd wards came up to
the drove on Saturday from hr
home in Mug'iie. Sin: ill tt-iich
school at Latham.
The Chambers I, umber Co. is
puttiujf iu a uew safo in its Doren i
ofliee (nd is getting wt il eipiippcd
for a big businrss.
The Wynne Hardware Com pany
Hhippcd to tho I.eona Mill and
Lumber Co. this week the pipe for
attaching a blower to their planer.
The Junction City Development
League is petting up a pet ition ask
ing the S. I to construct a railroad
on an old wurvey connecting that
town with Corvallis, a distance of
27 miles over an almost porfectly
level country.
A reception wh given Friday
evening at the home of Mrs. G. U.
Hawkius in honor of her sinter
Mrs. Till Kohls who has been visit
ing here for tho past three months.
Mrs. Kohls left Monday morning
for hfr eastern home. She will
visit with friends iu Spokouo a
week and from tfcere will go to
McGregor, Iowa.
In ipite of all the predictions
that the last tomatoes were nil iu
Harry Webber continues bringing
iu the finest of them day after day.
His red and yellow tomatoes bring
the highest price on the market.
He has a lDofl pumpkin and a lor6
pumpkiu that he is going to bring
to this ofliee, both in the pink no
golden of condition. Thie is to
hhow that pumpkins can bo kept
for a year or more in perfect shape,
and incidentally to supply the edi
tor with a good old pumpkin pie.
sub 0 0 s a 0 a a bit i rBirunDoinnrviririQ
"cms wf ,ntcrcsl in and aboul
Collate (irovc and vicinity.
I Sleam Uudry, A!Iison
Kngcne Steam Laundry,
and Hastings agents.
Mrs. A. IJrund loft Monday noon
for a short visit houUi.
lit of no tiHo to you, fiell your old
;;ol I and nilvf-r to Scholl.
lobars laundry soap for $1.00 ut
W. A. Hcmen way's Btore.
1'or complete house furnishings
see us. Voatoh t Lawson.
The hfHt pianoH at reasonable
pricon at Veatch k I.awson.
Jake Lurch look in the football
game at Eugene on .Saturday.
Victor, I'dison and Columbia
talking machines and records at the
Hazaar. tf
J. M. Fisher and
down to Kugeno on
family went
Saturday on
Tho best selection of Hehool tab
lets in town can b'.- sepn at Metcalf
..V I'rnnds.
I". H. Hosenburg and daughter
went to ICtigetio Saturday to attend
th" game.
Marion Veatch and H. K. Lawson
I left for the north on the local Mon
day morning.
A crew o men went out Monday
ni'Tiiing to finish up the Fanners
"nd Miners Telephone lino through
t tie i'ljheinia camp.
i Miss J-;. H. Stenbcrg, a former
; i Hident here has moved from Laid
law to Shauiko and writes to have
her Nugget changed to new ad
dress. Joe I.eRoy, manager of the Nel
son (Jans moving picture show, was
in the city Saturday, making ar
rangements to appear here wilh his
company Ihursday.
A number of timber claims have
been sold recently to the iJooth
Kelley Co. Chas. Uruneau, D. T.
Awbroy and Mr. Compton have all
disosed of theirs at a good price.
H. Venske is changing his ar
rangement of hia store and is put
ting in a new line of shoes which
will be moved to tho front of the
store. Tho store is being improved
hui enlarged in every department.
A large crew of men that have
been at work through the vally re
pairing, rebuilding and enlarging
the 1 ostal Telegraph Co. lines is
hero at this time and are putting in
new poles, cross arms and new wire
and putting the entire system in
better shape.
This year has been a series of
of great disasters. Earthquakes,
threat storms, tidal waves, etc.,
have been doing great damage. It
looks as though some of these
great disasters were following
along one after another, possibly
all resulting from some great in
ternal change in the earth.
W. H. Abrama is etill taking
treatment for his right eye, the
muscles that raise the lid being
j arali.ed. Each day he takes an
electrical treatment that is calcula
ted to stimulate tho nerves and
muscles and to incite them to action.
Mr. Abiams says it is getting some
better so that he can raise the lid
partially and he hopes in time to be
able to get tho full use of his eye.
In view of the decision of the
judgo iu the Coquille case it is not
thought that any further election
will bo held, as the decision ren
dered by the judge was so sweep
ing in charocter, and the general
opinion is that it will bo upheld by
the supreme court, that the pro
visions attempted iu the proposed
amendment will be of no force, and
if brought to an issue would meet
the same fate.
A Half a Years Supply.
ThoH. Conger, tho cigar maker,
got in last week 750 pounds of
leaf tobacco that will last him for
about six mouths and which will be
made up into Uohomia cigars. Mr.
Congress says ho got this shipment
iu just in time as the Cuban crop
is spoiled by the recent storm and
prices are jumping skyward.
Still MtxkintJ Improvements,
The Urown Lumber Co. koops on
making improvements all over the
mill. It is now building a big log
skid, so that if uecoseary when the
poud is full of logs that several car
loads of logs can bo unloadod right
on the skids. This will also fa
cilitate tho handliug of the logs at
any time. One of the big donkey
engines is to be brought down
from camp this week, and put to
work deepening and enlarging the
mill pond, ho that it will hold more
logs aud then thoy can be handled
more easily.
The mill is getting in unusually
large logs at the present time, somo
of which are so large that they
have to bo split by dynamite be-
Disc Plows!
Xow is
t lie time to
your i.-iii
you ea
earrv the best disc
.1 f
that is made
pleased tf
and examine its
ii. r.itwi
ii i. i i ,
ii. i.ri: ii, w.
Mill. Ml. I KI.I.V,
' . 1 : 1 1 - s
I Mi.
I 'I
UttllA til Wild
Paid Capital $15,000.00.
W. H. Abr,im
B. Larch
C. Ro Kinri
A. H. Kelio
Assistant Cashier
We K'!irit il.c accounts of eor
poi ii tioijH, linn- jind individ
uals, iiml will lie pleased to meet
with those who contemplate
new uecmiiits.
We pay I per cent on time de
posits after Auit 1, lJ'i'!. We
will he moved to our pernui
nent home on or about that
fore they can be taken into the
mill. One that was considerably
over 7 feet through was handled at
the mill Monday while the editor
was at the mill.
MllI Sie-rts Srvwlnj Today.
Messrs. Oliver Veatch, Strange,
Harvey, Anderson and Fisher went
for a walk to Latham Sunday and
went over the Coast Fork Timber
Co's mill. Mr. Anderson says that
the mill expects to start sawing
lumber for its own use on Wednes
day. The framework of the mill has
all been constructed, the big 120
h. p. boiler is mounted on a solid
foundation of stone and brick, and
is arranged with a dutch oven for
feeding by a conveyor. The 90 h.
p. engine is set on a concrete foun
dation, and everything is put up
in a substantial manner. The saw
frame and the carriage are ready to
operate, the live rolls are practic
all complete. This week the final
connections will be made and the
lumber will bo gotten out to cover
the building and make 'he docks.
The companv is fortunate in hav
ing a long spur across the end of
of the property, so that the dock
can be extended riiiht along the
track for several hundred leet giv
ing a big loading opportunity. A
big derrick of the old 1 acific Tim
ber Co. is in place at a convenient
point to facilitate the handling of
big timbers.
The logs arc floated down the
river into a big bay above tho dam
where they are held by booms
when tho water is at tho usual
stago, aud ate taken direct from
there into a smaller pond on
which the mill is situated. In
case of high water the logs can be
floated out of tho river and iuto a
large pond running around back of
the mill, where the lloods will not
carry them away.
Mr. Anderson states that he ex
pects that tho mill will be iu condi
tion to do regular work in a short
time. The edger is now on the
way aud the building can bo com
pleted within a short time and
everything finished up.
PKorvo Co. Elects New Officers
The stockholders- of the Farmers
and Miners Telephone Co. met at
Dorena on Saturday and transacted
considerable business, arrauging
rates on the line and settling con
tracts. The president of the com
pany W. II. Shane handed in his
resignation as ho was not able to
give the time to the work that was
F. J. Hard was elected to fill the
vacaucy, as ho is back and forth
along the lino a great deal on his
way to and fro to Dohemia and cun
iu that way give it his porsonal
supervision. The directors of the
company aro C. A. Harlow, Geo.
Atkinson ami V. H. Shane. The
company then attended to other
matters of buuiuoss aud adjourned.
H vi 0 1 wnyiu.j
f ft"'-'
Also a line line
Gents Shoes
s Fine Shoe;
fJelit-t I i
to jf.j.O').
K .
Mgt BoDemla' mm f&
All the Kev5
I AH the Time I
Neat Job Work of
All Kiods Dooe
it, (Uc'll tmt 'i
j Griffin
m it ra-,
oods, Mim i s'
supplies, V.!lm;i
cultural I tuple
oods, (iiins. Ar
les lowder, Ca
Subscribe lor tho Nugget
Cppp Knowing what It was m
1 ,,l-u suffer, I will give KKI.I; Ol
CHAUdK, to any allllcted il positive
cure for Kczemu, Suit Uhemn, Kn'u
elus, l'lles mid Skin Diseases.' i 1' -stunt
relief. Don't suffer t :.
WriteF. W. WILLIAMS, -till) Jlanh.'.t
tuu Avenue, N. V. ilneloso tump.
ltesults from chronic constipation,
which Is quickly cured by lr. Kind's
New Life l'ills. They lvuiovo all
poisonous germs from the system and
infiiMO new life and vigor; cure sour
stomach, muinla, hen laehe, 'dl.zluess
and colic, without trrlpinir or dis
u n teed" by p.en.
comfort. .jc. t J uar
son'is I'luirmucy,
a J...y i r
I" wear lie!
It is wcixr,
worry and
It hexs style
and charac
ter and is
worth more
than it costs.
ol Ladies' and
-ort- of feet
1 1
l o v
and mill
A ri
oniiuttou, Ilercu
, !'u.-e. Tie.
!5V jeh.i
1 lor yuuiiK lailias.
1). Art; Complm
in in luceinentj. vf
Si'.tr buptrlor.
; 1 111., In- yourself
1 r I
ive 3
I liji.'. If Jim liave
iu 11 it il y, buIIuw,
l lnkliMl, uiisltrlitlj
I" hi'.iiiIiv u ix-rfeot
iriiHt'i-.l uipthuild. I
I.'ii 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 I", Iu a (iliiln
I'lltl.'llllllH, If yim
.1. i
: 1
w 'Ay i:
vim w
! ."'urn fotaUlKhetl,
SUirSON. S'T Miicleuy Wg.,
1. 11 .f.. I'lTilnml, OreKon. ( 1
..y Ii .f UiHwililifci MMMiiai
CLit.Li.-u fanciers
get a l'oultry
io.-itid. The
Journal, and kjep
I Noi thwvst l'ouhry Jouriul aud the
Nugget for 1.7i.
1 n
I 1