Jlffl Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Fanning Inte rests of this Community. COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1906. VOL. VIII NO. 39 N-JGG LOCAL OPTION IS VALID Judc llcnnctt Rules City Cannot Amcml Charier to Conflict With Local Option Law. A special Salem dispatch to the Saturday Orcgonian, says: Tlutt rit ids have no power to en art dim t r-t that conflict with the lofiil option law was tho decision rendered today !)' Circuit Judge (Ic-oif II. KuMH'tie in the Co ipiill" saloon easo which h 1 1 j cm in Cops ii:itiity some time iijjo. This is a hwi( inn dcf"at for tho saloons, for if the decision is aflirtned bv tin- Supremo Court it will destroy the Int-t hope of tho lipi(r interest to i ui'iitnvi-nt the lo' al option law. Tim Co'piiMn ca-e was brought lor tho purpose of testing the law, and it has been understood from the beinnin;; that the caso will be nppenbd to the Htipreme Court. In a docti towns in the counties that went "dry" lust Juno the saloon men stand ready to hive now char tets adopted if charter provisions rre held siipciiwr to tli statu law. According to .hi Ikc Humetl's de cision mu ll a move wsll be of no avail. i A IS IN Till' II ST IIAKB Judo Ibirnctt tiied thin case for Jtio'e Hamilton while Judfje Ham ilton sit in Jude Burnett's court in Yamhill county. The facts are that a local option election wa behl in Coos county and West Co ipiille pr.cinct, in which the town of O-pnlifl i situated, voted "dry." At tho mine election tho people adopted a constitutional amend ment which authorized the people of a city to adopt or aiiend their otv n chartorH, "subject to the con stitution and criminal lawn of the Hlato." The town of Ccxiuillo pro ceeded under this section and adopted a charter which author ized it to license tho hqIo of lhjuor. Immediately after tho election a licenso was issued to George K. Baxter, under which he sold liquor in Coipiille. He was arrested, con victed and lined $50. He took a writ of review to the Cireuit Court and the caso was wan taken under advisement nnd today Judge Bur iietto mailed his decision to Coos county to be filed and recorded. No OI'IMON in wiutiso. Judge Burnett wrote no opiniou in tho ease, but from the isnues it is apparent that he must have de cided the lullowin" points: That tho local option law is constitu tional; that the local option law U u criminal law, sinco it defines an oflVnso which is punishable by in dictment and fine; that the people of a city located in a precinct which has none 'dry" cannot therefore adopt a charter which will Huspend tho operation of the local option law. Mr. Koy Wolch Loies Diamond The inyHlerous disappearance of a valuable, diamond ring from a houso at M North Seventeenth street has caused considerable anx iety to the owner of the ring, Mrs. Koy Welch. Tho ring was valued closo to $'2oo and was much more highly prized by Mrs. Welch than these ligucs cau express. The Welt-hew have only recentlj moved to Portland having come from Cottage Grove, where Mr. Welch was formerly in the drapery businoBS in this city. About two weeks ago the houso was engaged at 86 North Seven teouth etreot and the family moved in immediately However, there were uome repairs to ba made ou the house and seven or eight men were working 011 the house pre paring it for occupation 8t the same time the Welch family were moving into it. In working about the house Mrs. Welch, in order not to damage the Tint? in and wav. removed it from Lor linger and placed it ou a shelf in the pantry, uigu enougu ana iar enough out of reach, as ehe thought, to escape the hand of any one who should accidentally he plunging around in that particular place, Hut upon going back for lie ring shortly afterword she found that it had disappeared. The ring is a three cluMied dia mond so peculiarly cut as t,o be readily recognized. It Ijhm an old Stylo of cut that has been recently remounted and the stones arc very valuable. Mrs. Welch feels her loss acutely and although very acutely and, although very anx ious to obtain the ring, has re frained from the more severe methods to secure it. Journal. Svinahln Followa Rtvln While many hearts were made sad by tho announcement of Miss Mamio Kimo's coming departure for other parts, they were again made glad, when her many friends gathered at her home Saturday evening in happy harmony to wish her God's speed. The evening was passed as youth only can ap preciate, First on the program came music, games and many other amusements loo numerous to men tion. Lat but not least a bounti ful supper in all its splendor, that Miiis Mamie had very skillfully pre pared with her lavish hands to which one and all did ampin justice to. Miss Mamio goes to Humboldt and Eureka to spend tho winter amongst relatives and attend school. Ucing of a happy warm hearted disposi tion she made many friends during her few years iti our mi 1st. Many w,re the tokens of love she it eeived. All the guests present joyfully await her return in the happy summer tune BOHEMIA MIN ING NOTES And General Alining New Gathered from Exchanges. O. G. Warner left for Koseburg Monday afternoon to prove up on his mineral patents on tho Lost Province and Benefit ljdes in tho Bohemia district. (Jeo. Lloyd left for Koseburg Monday afternoon, after which he will go to Seattlo to sco his family. Ho expects to return to Nevad. but will be back hero the latter part of December. He was feeling some what recovered from his illuess but was very weak. Geo. W. Llovd returned Friday from his trip to I3ohemia, after looking over the property of the Bohemia Gold Mining and Milling Co. He expected to tro to his home in Seattlo on Sunday, but was takeu sick Satuaday and was unable to go, When in the hills ho got thoroughly wet and chilled and took cold. Sunday he was having chills and fever and was quite sick, but Dr. Oglesby hoped to have httie trouble in breaking it P- Work oa the Vesuvius buildings and trestle are being pushed rapid ly and Mr. Hard is expeoting to get the ore comirg ove4-the new treatlo and to the mill very soon. The ore bodies in tho Wild Hog tunnel are opening larger and bet tor every day. Mr. Hard has a big crew of men at work and they are making things lly. While the editor was talking to Mr. Hard over the phono Tuesday tho saw mill whistle could bo heard blowing six o'clock. The timbers tue neurlj all sawed. Could Not Attend Convention. F. j. Hard, who was appointed by Governor Geo. Chamberlain as one of the delegates to represent Oregon at the American Mining Congress that met in Denver last week intended to attend the meet ing, but found at the last minute that it was impossible for him to leave his work at the mines in Bo hemia. Mr. Hard rogrots that ho could not go and was much diss apointed as he expected in addition, to attending the meeting aud taking part in the work of the Congress for the benefit of Oregon, to enjoy meeting many friends in Denver where his home was before ooming to Oregon. Mayor l M, Wilkius of Eugene also requested Mr, Hard to accept an appointment as a delegate from that city, to the Mining Congress. CARRIED BY THREE VOTES Hrst Amendment Under Initi tlvc and Referendum Passed. The election held Saturday to vote on an ameudmeut to the City ('barter gi"ing the city the right to vote whether the town should be "wet" or "dry" irrespective of county or state, resulted in the amendment being carried by a ma jority of three (.'J; votes, the vole being as follows: W.-inls For At:". Mj. ForMj.Agnst 1st 'jr, .(1; i.'d -iel L'.'i 21 4 :r-l t;j i: 11:. 1 lo y. l'o The total vote being 223 was far short of the average vote. .Miss Ada Collin 8 of Springfield is vititing friends in the Grove. W. G. Halo brought in some very lino and exceedingly large apples of rare flavor this week from Ids-place up the Coast Fork. Mr. Halo has- a good orchard and is making a success of apple raising. His apples are as largo as any we have seen so far this year. Wm. C. Johnson sold his homo on tho West side this week to J. K. Palmer, the west sido merchant, who immediately took . possession. Mr. Johnson moved Monday into the Newt Jones residence at the west end of Wall street Mr. Pulner recently sold, bia Wall street residence to Mr. Comer. GXSBEG welch ing the best assortment of Mens' and Boy's Clothing ever displayed in Cottage Grove. Mens' Suits from $8.00 to $25.00; Overcoats $6.00 to $25.00. IdfP UrinfliP YI1P HPt Makes of Shoes in all branches. uuU ill&lllily Lily yyOL Mens' Dress Shoes, Walk Over, Florsheim and Packard; Ladies' Dress Shoes, Uts & Dunn; Child ren, District 76 School Shoes. In Loggers we handle the famous Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin hand-made Shoes, and the ''Pacific Logger," and we, as well a? scores of our Customers are from Mis souri when you Bank Bldg. A Modol Chlckon Frrn E. V.. J'right, who moved hero from the Ivnt about two years ago purchasing a place: between the O k S K tracks- and the S I' tracks just north of tho depot is gradually building up a model chicken farm. Mr. Bright has a nice place of about two acres with a nice two story home, barn, chicken houso, and buildings all neatly painted. Well finished walks and fences were built and everything raado as neat and comfortable as the typical New England home. Mr. Bright has about 80 chickens ofthrco breeds, Iloudann, Silver Grey Dorkings and Barred Rocks, nil registered stock and is exceed ingly successful in hi: raising of them. His chicken houses are models for the entire country. Each I house is low an 1 has double walls being thoroughly painted inside and out with plenty of windows Jor light and ventilation. Mr. Bright gives each of his pens of chickens a good big yard in which to run, and believes that cartful attention will do more for them than lots of ex pensive food. He is making this work his past time for his later years when he is unable to do heavier work and it promises not only to keep him busv but to bring him in a nice revenue. If you want to get ideas for vour yard, go and see him and he will gladly give yott pointers. U. S. Attorney Bristol will take charge of the Land Fraud cases. A largo crew of Japs came in from Portland on Tuesday and went up to Black Butte where they will be employed on the construction work. Two wagons loaded with haggle of till kinds were needed to take up their belongings, try to tell us there are any others When We Guarantee You We flake Good LEE MI- NARD SKIPS Blind Pi?; Owner Quits the Country. Lee Minard, Fred Ware, and others for whom it is said warrants were out for their arrest for viola tion of the Local Option Law, all left town Tuesday morning with out notice. When the case of Leo Minard was called in the Justice Court Tuesday morning, his attorneys asked for a change of venue, pre senting affidavits that he could not secure a fair trial either by jury or from the justice, owing to biased opinion. Attorney Williams out lined the only cauHe in the present caso for such a change would be in the case of the justice. The Jus tice then stated that he felt Minard could have a fair trial, and refused the application. The defendant not being present, having been allowed to go on his own recognizance, his attorney John Medley stated that he had talked with him the night before, but had not been able to find him that morning, and stated .hat if the case was brought to trial they would withdraw as his attorneys, which was virtually admitted that he had ckipped. A warrant was issued for Minard's arrest and the trial set for one o'clock, but the Constable hae not been able to find him, and Attorney Williams left for Eugene on the noon train. In the meantime Minard and his fellow liquor sellers are spending SBEJS5E2S2 Have just received a nevsr line of Over coats and Oravanetts. and are show Km$t Bet hum Cottage Grove, Ore. having of the trouble was to leave. Minard's caso will probably be brought before tho Grand Jury so that their warrant will stand ready for him whenever he returns. F. D. Phillips made a businesa trip to Eugene on Wednesday. Torn Jenkins and wife returned Tuesday after a long visit in the East. Senator Burton began his jail soutane at Ironton, Mo. Monday morning. S. J. Brun 1 and his crew are busily at work pushing the new phono line right through to camp. D. D. and Emma F. Berraan sold the "Big Bluff" mining claim in Bohemia district to A. W. Black bum for $15o. Frank Dimewood was in town on business. He says that the road to Bohemia is still In fair condition, but might be better. Clyde Xokes ha? returned from Grants Pas where he was acting as Wells Fargo Agent in the ab sence of tho regular man. Geo. Lea and wife went to Port land Friday ami Mr. Lea attended the laying of tne foundation stone of the new Masonic Temple. He greatly enjoyed the event and said every town in the state was repre sented. Rev. W. V. McGee and family, have been visiting Mrs. McGee's parents Bern Veatch and family from Southern California and will locate at .Gervais, whare Mr. Mc Gee enters the work of tho Oregon Presbytery. "just as good. E3 their time somewhere else, ; found the enie.st way out