Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 17, 1906, Image 5

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    Disc Plows!
The Bazaar
Hems of Interest in and about
Cottage drove and vicinity. "
a 7
Doi't Overlook our
School Tablets, Pencils,
Folding Luneli
Perfumes, Soaps and
Toilet Articles
New Stock of
Hear iniriH'w Hli Phonograph,
New stock of Miirliliii'M nml
lleCOI'.l I "Ml hhIm
I ..H i' ii ii I l!ii lilii' pillul e, 'I'icH,
1 1 1 isc, ii'ii I I iiriiiHliinH
Poultry I i I ii i f I I. lie Killer,
i I'nci'i ii-M mill Oiiifccl iciriM.
The Bazaar.
Collate drove, Or.
Paid up Caj)ital:
Surplus 1 1 1 I I 'ndi lili'il I'rollls.
Muncv tn I'Piiii 1 1 : 1 j J v 1 1 hi- 1 1 r 1 1
Kxcli:uip'S m.iM, nv;ii I,i Me nil V
p'mc In tin' I ' 11 il"'l SI iitcH
IlKHUKH r I k 1. , I . w 11n1.u1
l'rrili'iit . Canlilcr
and CURE the LUNGS
Or. King's
New Discovery
f riNSinv.prnJN
FfiR I OL'GMS an
GOc &$1.00
Free Trial.
fciurot una UuiciieKt Uur for all
We an-aiiM'Ui-; to have, every Re
puhlii an in ( 1" tout Ii, ami work
ing in li.uiii"i.v with Republican
National oni'.rcsMoiul Committee in
favor o the cicitioii of a Republican
Tin' ('on:',r '! campaign must
lit? I . .1-. 1 1 on tin- administrative and
Irni-lat v ivionl ol tin: party, ami, I it-Ill so. J lnoi
IiclsolialilV mu t I"'
oil' KooSlVCIlS
1 mitral figure
, 1 I. .
ami his
k lii. vi tin nts a central
thought in l!if i ;ni:uu.n.
We desire to maintain tin' woik of
this campaign vitli popular subscrip
tions of On.; Pollarraih from Repub
licans. To a. Ii subscriber we will
tin- Kt pnlilii ,111 IVitionai cain
n Text I look ami all documents
jssued I'V tlx- 1 oinmiiii i-.
Help us a. Iii. c a I'teat vii torv.
I AM I s. S. Sill l: VAN, (
J K "
an man.
1', U. Fox
Ni w York.
Star Lecturer
"Tin: siMpiiii uvvr
During Convictions
Splendid Flixpieuce
(Ireat Fun
Instructive Message
1 to ulease. Hear
V.J ll.H 1111 iv.- - 1
l,iin mid bo couvtneed
ii. ....,.,! seats nt usual
ii,-i,'i -- -place.
I'kicks-25. 35 50
i- .I.,,r Willi t. It WUH t
V,".? .7.1 1 'ive KUKKOl'
HIHH'l i " ' ri- , . . .
(JIIAIillo, 'O . -J 1,;..VH,
cure for Kca-nui. Nilt M" "in, i.iym
' "l. ' n .u I Skin DIhciihch. h
u ,i ! I't II Minilli
' '".7..r ),.n't, suffer longer
? 1 . V- WILLIAMS. lOOManl.Mt
tan Avenue, N. Y. K-k'1oho H.amp.
Subscribe for the Nugget.
Hanker King left
for tin: Houlli
on Monday.
Mrs. Rooho is very sick
son was expected home
iind her
Tlio bent selection of hcIiooI tab
lets in town can be seen at Mclealf
& Brunds.
The best Helcetion of selio'il tab
lets in town can bo noeti M Mctcalf
iSt Brunds.
Mr. and Mth. F. W. Hawkins
and family ef Dorena visited in the
(irove Sunday.
There in always a good demand
for laboring .ntu. No man who
wantH to work noed go without.
Mrs. W. B. Goodrich is moving
houHchold goods heie and will
make thiH her permanent home.
The American Mining Congress
began itH meeting at Denver yes
terday and will eontiuue nil week.
IV, Petrie has lost one of his fine
dogs, thi time old Boone, who
dropped dead while following bin
tnuHter last week.
W. C- JolitiHon has returned ftom
a trip into 1'Xstern Oregon and is
looking around for a time before de
ciding what ho will do.
There will be a groat reception
to the new Methodist pastor Kev.
ISeiittv ut tho church parlors on
Friday night, to which ail are in
vited. Mrs. J. A. Merry man, a sifter ol
MrH. Jletbi rt Kakin, formerly of
Snokane has moved to Portland,
which will bn her home in the fit
C. C Cuhu is i"ttii:i' iciilv to
open up business in C"tta;;e Giovn.
He snyH he might jiiMt as well utay
e, where ho haH his property as ;
any plaee else.
Tho Star Lumber Co. is steadily
mproviug itH mill. It tin ls it will
o neeesHary to have a lighting
lant in onler tj work full hours
lis winter an the days are so short.
A fire just east of town in t ho
timber threatened for a timo tho
reHcrvoir on Landoss hill that stores
water for city use, the early part of
le week but was- quickly gotten
P. (J. Y. Drown; tho editor and
roprietor of the Yoncalla Courier,
was a vibitor in towu ou .Minuay
and Monday. He states that he in
doing even a better business than
10 had expected.
Bartela iB getting in a lot of line
)ork ihcHe days, but good cattle
are Hcarco. i . M. Ernest wno is
the meat buyer of tho firm expects
to leavo for Klkton in a low duyH to
buy some fine beef cattle there.
A total of enrollment of USO is
pretty good for the schools, being an
increase of 21 over last year, this
comes from the new residents, as
there are fewer students from out-
ide districts this year. Good for
Cottage Grove's growing popula
Miss Roby Bakor returned from
)ouverlast week, an she found tljo
altitude entirely too great for her
to stand. She was seriously
troubled by it and waa too tick to
work so came home, nhe likes the
tow; but saya a lower altitude for
Rev. F. L,. Moore, formor pastor
of the Corvallis Methodist Fptsco-
pol church but for the past two
years a pastor in Chicago, has been
transferred by tue coutorenco to a
charge at Pugot Sound, Wash.,
aud it is understood the family will
visit Corvallis friends en route to
the new field. Corvallis Gazette.
Geo. Lea has beon introducing
around towu his eon Irwin, who is
visiting him lroui llouolulu, where
he is employed aa manager and
chemist of the Honolulu Refmiug
Co. Mr. Lea expected to be hero
soveral months ago for a visit but
was delayed and now has only a
short stay.
S. B. Morss shot with a Win
cheBter rifle Monday a duck hawk
that measured four feet from tip to
tin of itd wings. Mr. Morso had
shot at hira twice while he wus Bit
ting and as ho flew off took another
clauce, not expecting to get him,
hut did. He savs there aro two
more that ore getting the quails on
his place and ho is going to get
both of tucm yet.
Rev. Olson of the Christian
Church is an enthusiast, and is
willing to tackle all kinds of jobs.
His latest is to build a eymnasium
and to supply it with apparatus and
to teach the youug folks here to
properly handle themselves. Ho is
taking subscriptions for this pro
ject. The building will be on the
lot by the Christian Church but
will be iudepv-Uvkut ol the church.
JCugcne Steam Laundry, Allison
and Hastings agents.
Its of no uho to you, sell your old
gold and nil vr to Scholl.
40 bars laundry soap for $1.00 at
V. A. Hemen way's store.
V. A. Hemen way has bargain
coiinterH full of bargains.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roberts of
Kugeno are visiting relatives hero.
I. M. Fngland has sold his tim
ber in Sec 2 Ip 2o. s r 2 w to the
IJrown Lumber Co
Joo Young w eat into Bohemia
last week to look at wine especially
fine ore which has been opened up
011 hiti claim on Elephant Mountain.
Ira Harding, who has been nick
fur several weeks with fever is
much bettor and expects to be able
to sit up almost any day now. He
is well on tho road to recovery.
lii rlha Krupp, the daughter of
the great German gun maker and
the richest girl in the world with a
fortune of $225,000,000 was mar
lied Monday to a young lieutenant.
15. K. Law'son of the firm of
Yeatch it Lawson was a visitor in
town on Saturday. Mr. Lawson is
on the road all tho time, while
Marion Voalch manages the store.
Tho Vesuvius has purchased a
new big team, which started out
Tuesday morning oo its first trip.
The teams have beon kopt busy
hauling in supplies for some time.
I. S. Malcom of Portland lias
been appointed to tho position of
Collector of Customs for the port of
Poitland, for which many of the
politicians of the state have been
W. L. Kimble has sued Verna
and J. J. Walker for $14(J.7.pi for
labor performed for Sarah J.
Duncan deceased, which he states
in his suit. Mrs. Duncan agreed to
pay him. J. Iv. Young is his at
torney. Tho stockholders of the Leitoy
Mining Co. held their annual meet-
. . s m mi
ing at tho iirovo on xuursuay
which resulted in the election of
the old board and officers. Consid
uble work is planned for this winter
y contract.
Sam Jones, tho great evangelist
is tieao:, uavmg liaa a suciaen
troke of heart failure Monday
morning at Perry, 'Arkansas. Ho
was one of the greatest orators and
neachors of the world. His early
ifo was a very different one. He
was a lawyer and was very wild and
drunken, but on the death bed of
his father reformed, andPince'2
has been a minister.
The Thompson hotel is getting
to bo (puito a stopping plaee for
wedding parties, having had half a
dozen or more within a short time.
F. S. McAllister and bride stopped
there last week, also a young
couple on their wedding trip from
Nebraska seeing the coast country,
and Geo. Harrison and bis bride,
they having been married in Itose
burg last Thursday and they are
now at Jim Hawleys.
Mrs. Annie Bohlman has brought
suit for divorce from Geo. Bohlman
in tho Circuit court alledging cruel
and inhuman treatment. They
were married July 23, 19oo and
both reside here.
Mattie V. Kirk also seeks divorce
from her husband James W. Kirk,
makins: the same declaration as
Mrs. Bohlman. They were mar
ried in 1 88-1, and have three child
ren whom the mothor desires to
care for.
Tho new foundry is progressing
rapidly. The building is practically
completed, and the machinery is
being set up as fast as possible
When it is completed, it will be a
creat advantage not only to the
sawmills around here but to all
classes of work where heavy ma
chinery needs to be replaced and
repaired.. It is filling a place loug
reeded fillod, and will be a much
bettor concorn than it was hoped to
have at this time. Business is 1m
proving so rapidly and growing so
in volume as to give a good chanco
for such a plant.
Vetch and Oat Seed
For Sale
Mixed in the proper
proportion for hay. One
and one-quarter cents
per pound. Inquire of
Bl'IDLKR linos.
Cottage (J rove, Ore.
Now is the time to do
your fall plowing.
We carry the best disc
plow that is made and
eased to have
aud examine its
II. AiaiAM-, i:. I.I l: If, W. A.
UAiiii no, rim, isj:'K 1.1; v.
c. miss KINO.
Paid Capital $15,000.00.
W. M. Abramt
B. Lurch
C. Ron Kink
A. H. Helto
- Vice-President
- Cashier
Assistant Cashier
We solicit the accounts of cor
poration ti 1-11 1 h and individ
uals, and will be pleased to meet
with those who contemplate
new accounts.
We pay I per cent on time de
posits nfter Aug-nst 1, We
will lie moved to our perma
nent home on or about that
O. II. Willard has the contract
for constructing the Christian
Church gymnasium. Work will be
gin at once.
D. J. Scholl is making a visit to
lis parents also Portland aud will
peud a few days in the Rone City
before returning.
Kdwin Tullar returned from a
couple of weeks stay at Yoncalla.
10 is not feeling quite strong after
his long illness.
The Brown Lumber Co. bought
two new tracts ol timber last week.
The mill has been shut down since
Tuesday primarily on account of
the car shortage, and also because
the loggers wero somewhat behind.
Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Bussell came
to toivu on Tuesday. 1 he drum
on tho big donkey engine that was
recently recsntly received broke a
short timo after it was started run
ning, and considerable delay was
caused while getting anew drum,
which was shipped down by express.
Mr. Russell is going to make the
mill up there a better mill right
along and is steadily improving it.
Farewell Rocootlon.
Tho Coos Bay Times of Oct. 10th
contains tho following article about
a farewell reception to Rev. Beatty
at Marshfield, just before he left for
Cottage Grove;
A farewell reception was given
to Bev. Beatty and family in the
M. E. Church last night at the
closo of the regular .hpworth
League business meeting.
While tho election of officers was
being waged with tho fierceness of
a Marshfield mayoralty campaign in
the League parlors, members and
friends of the church were gather
ing in the main auditorium for the
At 'J o clock the .League ad
journed and joined the waiting au
dience, which almost filled the
ohurch. After a fow minutes of
visiting and handshaking, a pleas
ing program was rendered. F. C.
Birch made a tew lutrotluctorv re
marks. Mr. C. R. Wade favored
the gathoring with a solo and en
core, Miss Susio Kickworth acting
as his accompamst. Recitations
were given by Misses Mary Lev"r
and lioty Brown, Mrs. I). II. Sav
age, W. Beatty and D. IT. Savage,
all receiving due applause.
Hon. C. A. Sehlbrede, ou bohalf
ol tho Sunday school, told of the
pleasant relations with tho pastor
and how much it regreuou 111s ue
parturer M. D. Sumner gave the
League's farewell address, alter
which Bev. Beatty responded in
appropriate words. The League
then presented the pastor with two
volumes of poems as a token of re
membrance, and the evening s en
teitaiument closed with refresh
Rev. Beatlv and family left for
Cottaire Grove on tho stage this
IT i
11 Dj
For n,
II L'm&I3 Vnltfnn
Also a fine line of Ladies' and
Gents Shoes -
Ladies Fine Shoe to
.';.;0. (lents Fine Shoes
.2.L'." to f .-,.00.
r. . 1
All the Hews
All the Time
rjeat Job Work of
All KiDds Dooe
Griffin S Veatc
Subscribe ior the Nugget.
Cottage Grove souvenir tabid.
at tlin lVinnr
Ul IUO Waal,
Circuit Court.
h Lurch vs J II Havvky for m
session of certain nersoual nropeit.v
- s
or to recover $400, the value there
of. Medley & Johnson, attorneys
for plaintiff.
Results from chronic constipation,
which Is quickly cured by Dr. Kind's
New Life Fills. They removn nil
poisonous germs from the system and
infuse new life and vigor; euro sour
stomach, nausla, headache, dizziness
and colli?, without griping or dis
comfort. 'J-)C (iuartinteed by Hen
bou'h Fharmacy,
iv uiwfirrrnv
iui umjuinun
boy or a irl to wear the
1,1... 1 rn
It is wear,
worry and
It has style
and charac
ter and is
worth more
than it costs. J
All sizes to fit all sorts of feet
School Shoe
Hardware, Stoves, Plumbing
goods, Miners' Loggers' and mill
supplies, Wagons, Buggies, Agri-f
cultural Implements, Sporting
goods, titins, Ammunition, Hercu
les powder, Caps, Fuse, Htc.
j ffiltit'Tlimytfem.
! ;VyyrX
' A.-.-ul.'Diln Course: lutfcinl inducement. Fat
. - rm.itlon ailJre.a Kltar R.,nrl.
!, :' 1 l,;;tv make yourself
' '! i)"M.i!iki. if jou buve
Ui,7" V w"i'kl"d. unslKhtly
ri !j,,.l .11 i.';irn bow to ac.iulre a perfect
:' ''J' !!''!. KUrnteed method. I
will iui.,1 j, mi a fri, imuiplilot, lit a plain KiVuri nil imrtlculara. If you
wrlli. tmluy. I'ivo ycura entablliiliMcL
HAIIAMK', ll'JCiSON, 2i7 Maeleay bldi
UmI Wiislilni'U.n m., I'urtliind. Ilmm. '
Chicken fanciers get a Toultry
Journal, and keep . posted. . The
Nortl -vest Poultry Journal and the
Nugget for ljS,
f 11