Ma you liav to per tbe you ten par tioi est ur twi ter Til the slit mi: tee lor Yo gei thi est V th ti Wi de be its WI he Tl ev m eli m ai li h w t c BOHET4IA NUGGET J. V.kEN MSHLK. MjMfef. BOH L.MIA MWLT COMPANY. PtBUSHIN'J 4 :' it' W( Sft j'vV ,t ' uft Mp, i:ini i:Tf m.ntrn . I ) ':.r J Iitortlh i? Clebbint tale. Jj .r-'-fi'-it. l'-ftl n-3 ' A' .! J. .rr. ii ! r-.rtl-in J J' j : f t f . ir !: ' 1 -r -i r t ".vft.'-w.-T ! .'.!:r; r:. - T.'ffc A m y v . r. ' . .fy . ' .f u f a. . s . r. r fH.'fl HI: i. .-; 4 l'".J "4 Af".'. I I'" '.Vkunksijav, fXT. 17. I'y". H'Soil Di li ElKturnef in The .-,!., r ! t tl- .1: 't-Ti'ii', wh h i r-.j. !;' :-r- 1:-:i- ;ctivO tht th" aii .ef t t.; tt-d on Saturday i- ot-t 1 ..t-r t The iaAjtr :rj their vbo got !". iroi sel amer.rnent either 1i i i' free f f t-h 'hr I of '.he city, or .Ji 1 (fl ft f-t I i h.-a,j'-r of a V !h'S- IL.O-it directly 1 site . the lor.M.en. sn'I you '-hti he. t;iy .J..J &ot d it for Lothi:ii.v Jt !:nt hr a very ' eneToI r.t thin;' on th art of ti e ."I'x,iJcje:i to k Cottaje Gr"- e to h ir the exr : f.btit-z a hit- ii - for tber through the eourts o o" fi le a ria'.t-r t'.at ha-i oii'e. Jyen rett'el. They xct to -ia a: d are jjarablir-g or. i!. so try voter voter that wants the sahnn1' tay out sLo-jI h o'i han l Satur lay to vote aaiot the amendment, Don't be fooled into tbe idea that it ia a general amendment to the .'ni r. tV.t !;.,, J.-.,!. tn'of ihe ordinance don't mean aoythiLg. 'Ihe Iar,ers are toted vcn know, for rettinr, un ioLwi t.i ola on the nfjKutr.trtinc; - w , 1 ---"r '-. Nerala is the home of many t?rat feuronvbH. Ore is Uin? found where never before tuspected from J'.hyolite. tellt of a reat saroLle recerdlv brou-'Lt in hv a prospector from e pint which" he designate as from "some tdiice ...u4l.l .1. I t. ' . . .. I l . II ruuiu WLiieu isu I 'luariii IlierailV hot with old, but native eold. containing some quartz, and esti- Hughe,. mate 1 worth $100,000 per ton. It . is unnecessary to state that there Trrvf.r. wdl be a rusb tnat way. Now Ore- Kathryn (i Hawk to S K Illair; -on is gomg to cet into just auch a ,t 3 Llk 8 Ix Undess. ad t0 someday. It has great field. Cottage Grove $1000. such as Loherum, Llue I'.iver, and Sarhh E and W II Iilair to Ma many others u tt hardly even mie Homers; to .'J, IU H, & scratcbed, with all 'he. money spent lindens' ad to Cottage Grova in their development, that have iooo. ?reat wealth stored in them. The lime is coming and that soon when ' 1 Oregon ill classed as one of tibo. Kerr and wife of Wild wood the great mining Hate, as wei a came down Tueday noon on busi- Nevada. ness. I 1 V t V 1 I ABSOLUTELY PURE Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute nurity, is the active Principle of every pound of Royal Baking Wder. Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder renders the food remarkable both lot its fine flavor and healthfulness. No alum, no phosphate which are the Erincipal elements of the so-called cheap aking powders -and which are derived from bones, rock and sulphuric acid. ROVAL AKIN0 POWOCA zSEJSsaasssEU oar 5 b. r- a ! ft I: 'n oe: (.! :o-. ll. t the Tcr; ! ne f t f arid f'ather we, r n the ut.c a r : do s't r.v.e t t';trr. t!-. f.r. l.t burden an ! wjj f-r th tie ccr, l:y count. i t.v .it are sc'!;r.,; ;r t their dceMs v:r.r lit 1 rr,:j xrct ' t tfxirin'' ; j t ker o- ' f th::;.'s t:;:ns. Li he 3 th xC t j qc:t ftr tUv have i tc; of fjtto sL: : one th-r-i t"j 1-? ':l;r nor vir.!er.t xjrv:o' Silk Creek. Mr J..' tl ' r. - '. 'il T-j1" t! vcr) er 1 :,f:.. tl..;;r I. Mr,. :f:-i Vht! XI: th- the t r i !: ir-i.,. I'lM i- Th !v, t A- r ii1. r II '.V. On! v the r.e a r r'- in ! Tr' n; re ni - 'i.i.L-r a u -rv A v-r 1 llr. i'lrmale t th;-) Ar,t;::'. Ahhv hr'.;er- ha-, 'x' work f."f ttir; gro in 1 re' iv f- r soir g gr.o 1 i! !y. t i heic! to V. i'r:; i'r Mr. Lo'-f ; ; a b-i. : 1: I i: to h: hart ,-i .... , . . at th ch'j'rh ilfe a t.i-e little corut '' li-'etif ij to the -riijo;;. Mi-.t V, ir.i,it juii Vana'j lit--ser ere m '-;ir u i.'hh,rho -1 S a t- Mr an I Mrs ."Stephen Harr tettiir.e-i -eeial cai!-rs la"eiv. t:i- hier .'Slavic has bin ne iiotise ;tirt t'lVif " ' Success:ul Man Oefmed. T regard a succesful man a- one bo Las realized to it-i fullest extent the best ability in him. One may nave greet abuity as a money maker; then he would be successful when he La1 made much menu- Another man may Lave ability 'aa an arti.t; Le i- successful when he bas won fame bv hi- art. If a man leaTea anv one of his t!er.ts lie idle - - he is not a successful mm. Mere money maiu is 3 poor horioj; succa. There is a pleasure jn : 1: . achievement. Inereis an nswra-i tion in work, and work well done : will u.aie a nun contented with i hi" lot. I believe in work. Lard . ork and lon hours of work. I j have never known a man to break ' ? i"n 'roru overwork. It is theL. n . m r t. w . A A '. . r. - I . . .1 ... .... "wi" auu uinoiuau'jiii lUitv uuk I cnen to break 1wij." Charles K. H j M ; CO., NEW YORK. Cmmrtltl Ciuk Cub ' . V.T:n .t ". t h th c!'. 1 r I1 ex - r . h evening. Tie rt:; provi lis;; fr th o.' the die till 5 ; n'h " Iai-1 on tbe tabV re- to Kjger.f err t-J Grovi ererj wck. The franc cr: ? tf.fOJi.'! the Vl- of ti I -st ver ktio-A n. vr. 5e:itt.f SchS I;::r 1 t-; f rack t "f the Ka . v. I." 5 1 1 1. -A '. U'm .re hi lxateJ th tiL.iar 1 " i!:n io thf IV) H.otrKt. The Hi.vtba t'-.u.;-.:: y hoi U t arjr.u: c:et:ng Sitnr!ay the 2 Alt at. J a n'Jn!r ot rL-r.'!e fron oJt-i ie -mI; j rohh!j l j resent. Tl; American tea won the a- :.: champioc-bsp in the tae h;i w r". 1 I t .lefeav.rR the Nation a' f:r :'irr,ts out of hx Ti-e - r are f t-II of the i-o'.ri-cal jtation in Nt.v York. Sorce art- liU'iii. Hcarkt to the hkies. laajority d j likewise t' H j?hes. The fuurj'Jatiots are ail id fvr the .Jhtv Q to Uirte!, M-at Mark't f..-r the i :e I l.aat. b it it 1 a !i ci 1 rr. j- -. i t men far walls. ;et rh-. r fi. 't-r;! lo t!;rr .v-rk. ot, th fila J9 cj I'uttlan 1. a ::eue of Mr-. I) T. ALrey, ha lt-erj ia a I'ortlab-J hospital fr an ojeration : app-n Jic'ti. The ojrtiori af .llccesfai r.n I she returr.t I h-r hoi:- tojav. To n;e ur I-i turc hro-ijjlit 1 i in-i o: '"' that fir o -t! let the l-Jt-aMrig iai- fit .-io:jS made by our thrilliot' delivery. It is lth tntertainiDt: an 1 instructive, well enriched with v, it, but not Itss tep.'tte with good , common Lse, aLd presotted with li.'e and power. Thatking von 1 cordially vours - J J , Xhtchell. Secretary DVilt Lecture i Asvciation DWitt Iow a V; fanjllV y M" J- I rotzraan is in soie trouble. ! M,s- 1f&,zm1an is -in sick luoat ' YV, ' ' . ' wlU' ber rnonth I 'Q ,S,J' &ul vfcr' ""' fer "vt-n 'ear 01,1 rx,.v h'C, aiid the two ; ju.t laid to ret lat AIjlJri.IiV!flir. urototor.I Imc r . J , "'V 't H a wonder with all her bt!llction u" 9iiB "''r aiie -ir-! 1 ,ol2ma.n lfi wor,J out itL tLe tram of the long sickness and lives in dail' fear of a rioua end fvr Bie or tLe ret cf t'je family, yet f's 'tfcer0 others worse off. e 1H " cur L,fcfcl- .juij i.-. luc- spun ini mulcts ue- 1 roes 01 "jen aua women, that i guides thena them through all ills and trial of life. Blow to C.rr.. L.w. Washington, (.-t. rJ. Accord ing to an order just issued by tbe War Lepai uncut, the fish and game Jaws of a state are not operative on a military reservation over which the United States has acquire J ju risdiction. The order states that a warden or other state or local offi cer wLo persists in attempting to enforce those laws wi'.hin tbe limits of such a reservation, after having been ordered to desist therefrom, should be removed from the reser vation. Notice of Meeting of Stockholders. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of thn stockholders of the Hiawatha Miuirj; and Mil I- ing Company, for the purpose of increasing the capital stock of said ig tne capital corporation an d the transaction of suclj oilier Hii't further business as may pif-jH.-ily ome before the meet ing, will be li- l l in ihh office of nai I corp'-riilion m the first National bank Ouildiiig, in Cottage Ciive, Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 20th day of (;:toer A. 1. hH,. 1 J5y ordei of the JJoard ol dirsc tors. 10-1 7 J. C. Joiinmon, Secretary. Special Meeting. There will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the Farmers & Miners Telephone Co. at Jioretia, Oregon, Saturday, October 20th, 1906 at io;.'Jo a. 111. Lverybody is urged to conio as urgent business will be discussed. Jiy Order of tin- l'lcsidcnt, Gi:o. O. Knowmvs. A ViH NtJ MOTH LK AT 70. "My iiioti.t-r hirt suddenly Leen inude younK at. 70. Twenty yearn of inteiini) Hufft'i'iuif from dyH'pHi.i had entirely disublud hr, until six inonl Iih ago, when hIih Im-khii taking Klcctiic; liitters, which have com pletely cured her and restored the (strength and uctl ity she hud In the Lodc Directory. A. F. 5c A . M. n r.eit , - N ! M v G. A. R. A; 'i i Mtt.t at ! j l: Sat :r ! Ir I I. H w. o. w. .mi (.'if h r : a v I. O. E. S. vi: Chaj f:r Mct:::g he'.'J on ;nl an ! cf each m jrth. XIrv C. II. VmV. : !Lr "A". M:s Cu: : w. 1. s,-, K. of P. Jj-. er.Uii I.'ol'i: Nt.'' 4-. Xlctt-, every W.'.r I sy 1 S. ll I'n er ('h at i 1' i r C'l ' 1' I 'f-r.'i'i r i 1 : ! ! A s I. O. O. F. Cott.iiTc 'ifovt N.j ' lleetir eve ry S.atur'I t t.iht. S S M:o rtn lf N. (). Gus I) (jr---, Sccv Royal Neighbors. -ec-is r: : an-i a ..-.iw, .ay o! each tuotith. 1 I'.thel liishy. 0;;l(.:t-. ; Mrs. C. W. Wallace. lUcor 1. r. i M. W. of A. Meetings i-t and ;rd Tu hi . Iell-y WoxI.i, C''iisul. C. W. Wa'lact-. Scry. Rebelv-ahs Cottt"- Grove No "-'I. , MeelillKS lM ;m1 ,t,,j -tU j-rla, o ' ,rt mnnth T u IUJI""- i:tt. Katie IS. I'.ak.r, N (i Vc 10 h. S cv. MBA Modern I'rothcrhoo I of Au.crii'.'i Meets 2nd and 1th Tuesday h I. () O. Y. Hall. T. W. Jenkins. Su-c. w. o. w. St. Valentine Circle 121. Xleets 1st and 3rd Tuesday in W. O. W. Hall. Mora J. Miller, Ckik L. O. T. M. Lady Iamson Hive No. 12. Meets 2nd and 1th Friday of each month. Mrs. Mary Schmutz, 4, C. Xliss Let a San ford, K. K. K. O. T. M. Cascade No. W. Meets every 1 hursday night. O. H. Veatch, Coin. K. K. Uenniw, Coottr. j Classified Advertisements. Good Cook Wants Position. Cini'p cook for thirty or men wrfi,ih good position. I- !: titire charge. IJox K.V ta l Grot e more Will C t Wanted. Lauudry Woman wanted at Hotel ( rtt, a " For Sale. Tine to car old Shorthorn bull. I). G."M Kaki anh. Wood Wanted. Would like to exchange good bicycle for wood. "W" Nugget Cilice. plilii" f life." Wlit'-s .Mrs. W. Ij. (iil patrick, of Daiifmtii, Me. (iicutesu icstoiatlve liiedicliie 011 thu xlulu-. Sets. Ktomach, Liver and Kidneys all light, purifies the blood, and cures Malaria, IIIHouhiichh and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price ;0c. Uuaruuteed by Lciisou'H rhurumcy, fLUUR MILLS: FLOURS- g Tli::S & HANSEN, v ; TTut ttevi, enccm. v 1 Our on irtka Knowles & Gettys 15ohcniia, Oregon. Knowles & Gettys Orscco, Oregon. Miners Supplies at reasonable prices. Good Goods at I f 1 General Merchandise Miners fools 1 U .i (a A) AT 1 mm n ill Ibflt this week Call cavl anb oct 20nv choke j 'I'llC IlodjC JijJS JivCil pcrlcct HCIlliratioil I 2Iiic-I.cacI-Orcs JOHN A. MINING 1634 niakoSl. i).Nii:i; i i;oi 1111; n,A(;ri:. TImtc'h kimvc dangi-r from (he plague of cousin arid colds that art f-o prevalent, iiuIi-wh you take Dr. King;' New Diweovery f ir consump tion, COUIlH mill Cold.S. Ml'H. (Jco. (dl'oic.-t City, .le , willes: "ll'su (iodscml to people li Villg ill ti iluuU'M where euiihs m. I t'otils prevail, 1 liud It 11 i-k ty eiidxtlii-iu. It picvents piieiiuioiila, eilieH La!iippe, given wonderful M-licf in asthma and hay fever an I mu 1 weak lungs strong enough to wurd cif consuuipllyi), Ipatroiuc jl-loinc lln&iistv; Motto: Reasonable Prices. and Amunitions Another Arriva Children's and Ladies' CI oks V sit TRAY I. OR MACHINERY DENVER COLO eoiighs mid colds. ;,0c and 1.00. ;uaiantced by Itci.Hon'H Phmiuacy. 1 rial bottle free. J Mines in tho Uakor diMtrict havo all had a prosperous year nnd re cently a number of large cleauupa have been made. The next seaaoa will see a great amount of new work dono and a record made to the camp. 1 j" A' t t f t t t i i t V i 1 I