Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 17, 1906, Image 2

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    i Bohemia Nugget
la a Ccntacd Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Rlum of the Let Important but
Not Lets lntrt(ting Event
of the Pat Weak.
A Dew Elijah bat appeared in Main
China will aik all power to make
J;ai give up Manchuria.
Mood aya he haa evidence to con
vict the Standard Oil company.
An explosion on a government tani
r on the Ohio river killed three men.
Military supplies for nee by the
American army in Cub are admitted
free of doty.
Magoon haa assumed the government
of Cuba and Taft and Bacon hare re
tarded home.
All mail for United State troop in
Cuba ia ent to Havana and fro a there
ten to ita dti iaat on.
A Lo Angele athreet car ran away
on a tteep grade because the brakes
would not work. Two men were killed
and a score seriously injured.
The railway mail clerks running oat
of Houston, Tex , on the Southern Fa
cific, have gone on a strike as a reealt
of trouble with the railroad company.
Detectives from London are investi
gating the allege importation of Eng
lish girls to work in South Carolina
cotton mills contrary to the contract
labor laws.
Mount Pelee is again in active ernp
Wrangles of anions cause a threat of
a general building lockout in Chicago.
A Toronto university student was the
first to be killed by football this season.
Wife says that, while he has no ill
feeling against the czar, he will never
again eerve him.
An Atlanta grand jury has indicted
20 white men for complicity in the re
cent outrages against negroes.
In his farewell address Taft told the
Cabana that toe United States will not
leave till fair elections are aesared.
Secretary Taft has informed a delega
tion of Isle of Pines citizens that it is
useless to think of separation from
The Chilean congress, city and prop
erty owneia of alparaiso, will com
bice to rebuild the city destroyed by
John Barrett, now minister to Co
lombia, is slated for a better position,
either ambassador to Brazil or vice gov
ernor of the Philippines.
xne deparment ol Justice is gaining
fresh evidence that hundreds of men,
both white and black, are held in vir.
taal alavery in Southern Flordia by the
Cuban Liberals hail Taft and Bacon
as saviours.
A son of Vice President Fairbanks
has eloped with a Pittsourg girl.
The Isle of Pines is not affected by
Vessel With Two Thousand Chines
On Board Catches Tire.
Ifonikoof, Oct. 15. lbe British
steamer Hankow, from Canton, was
borofd at 3:10 o'clock yesterday morn
ing, wbil lying alongside her wharf.
Hunderdsot Chine pareengers were
burned to death and a vtlaabl cargo
was destroyed. All the European pas
tenter and crew were saved.
The steamer Hankow, with 2.000
Chinee rawerter. men. women and
children, and aeven Europeans, and a
cargo including 3,700 bales of matting,
660 bales of raw silk and 400 bale of
waste silk, arrived from Canton at 3
o'clock and was shortly afterward
moored at the wharf.
Her chief officer, reported to Captain
Branch that the ship was afire. The
captain then directed the chief engineer
to tarn on the water through the fire
hoee. Tbia was impossible lor the rea
son that within five minate alter the
alarm was given the Hankow was
ablaze fore and aft.
Captain Branch then awakened the
European passengers, who rushed down
the gangway, the ladies in their night-
clcthe. Tb crew was compelled to
ieave the ship, which by this time was
a veritable lurnac.
Responding to signals, the British
cruiser f lora ami lbe naval aociyaru
distpached contingents of engines and
assistants. The floating brigades of
firemen made heroic efforts to extin
guish the flames, which leaped to a
hei.:ht of over 60 feet.
The Chinese steerage passengers were
thrown into a frightful panic. Horri
fying sbiieks and crie to save their
lives were heard, bat escape was im
possible, owing to the ir, flammable na
ture of the cargo. Handreda were
burned to death and many others
jumped into the harbor and were
American intervention in Cuba.
Russia is expelling all Japanese from
that part of Manchuria controlled by
the czar's troops.
A lone highwayman held up a stag
in the Touopah, Nevada, district, and
secured nearly $5,000.
The Newfoundland cabinet U still
worrying over, the fishing privileges
lost to the United BtateB.
Booker T. Washington in an address
to negroes strongly advised them to re
main calm during the present trouble
in the South.
China wants American engineers to
take charge of her railway construc
tion and will pay $25,000 a year on a
five years contract.
In the suit against the Standard
Oil corrpany in Ohio it has developed
that one of the large Englitb oil com
panies is owned by Rockefeller in
Immediately upon the return of Taft
from Cuba a vice governor of the Phil
ippinea wwl be appointed. This is the
post originally intended for Magoon,
now governor of Cuba.
Another negro haa been killed in
Ohio has succeeded in breaking op
the bridge trust.
Many bold robberies are occurring
daily in Sn Francisco.
The political campaign in New York
is becoming a very warm one.
Newfoundland will make a hard fight
for fisheries awarded to America.
Black Handreda of Kussfa are spread
ing terror, especially in Odessa.
The big British battleship Dread
naught has developed a speed of 22)4
The second tube of the Pennsylvania
railroad tunnel under the Hudson liver
at New York has been completed.
An east hound Union Pacific passen
ger train was wrecked near Evanston,
. Wyoming. No one was seriously hurt.
The Mexican government 1 as arrang
ed to have the United States mint at
San FranciBco cola 2,500,003 Mexican
half dollars.
Determined to Preserve Her Identity
and Will Refuse Jo:nt Statehood.
Phoenix, Ariz., Oct. 15. The terri
tory of Arizona, rich in American citi
zenship, as well as natural resources, is
making a determined fight to retain its
identity. The people as a whole are
bitterly opposed to the plan of joint
statehood with New Mexico. They ad
vance various reasons for their opposi
tion, some of them potent and others ol
little apparent weight. Whatever the
reaeon, they are overwhelmingly again?t
joint state hoot, and will kill the prop
osition at the polls next month. The
leader of the "jointists in Northern
Arizona acknowledges that he does not
count upon more than 15 per cent of
the vote in favor of jointure.
The chief objection to union with
New Mexico appears to be based upon
the disparity in size and quality of
population. The Mexican element in
New Mexico numbers at least fcO per
rent of the total popalation. In Ari
zona the Mexican vote is about 15 per
cent of the total. Much of the Mexi
can popalation in Arizona is floating,
consisting of laborers on raliroads and
irrigation enterprises, etc., while the
Mexicans living in New Mexico are, as
a rale, native ol tne territory.
Chief of Grazing Department An
nounc Limit for Ntt Year.
Pendleton As announced by A. F
Porter, chief of the grating department
of the Foreet Reeerv bureau, in the
eaa'ern division of the Blue mountain
reserve, a general cat of 25 per cent is
to be mai, redarirg the number of
sheep from 23H.0O0 to 1B0.0O0. In
other reeerve the number of sheep al
lowed is as follows:
Western division Blue mountain
230.009: Wenaha, 100.000; Wallowa
150,000. Cheenimos, 60,000.
In the eastern division of the Blue
mountain reserve 1,200 sheep will tw
considered a band and the lamb will
not be considered. Permit lor one
band will be allowed in tht eastern di
vision without redaction. Permit for
less than one band may be increased
provided such doe not exceed 20 per
cent nor go over 1,200.
Grower having from 1,200 to 2,000
sheep in the reserve this year will I
cut 20 per cent, provided such a cut
will nut reduce the number letow
1,200. those having from 2,000 to
4,000 in the reeerve this year will he
cot 30 per cent, with a corresponding
provision as the above.
Growers having 4,000 or more sheep
in the eastern division this year will
be cut 40 per cent, provided sach a cut
will not make the average cut for the
entire division greater than 25 per cent.
In the western division of the Blue
mountain reeerve the reduction will be
made in a similar manner, though the
average cot will be 20 per cent
In the Wenaha reserve 1,100 sheep
will be considered as a ban I, and those
now having less than t at number in
the reeerve will be allowed an increase.
On or about November 1 a meeting
of the stockmen who use the eastern di
vision of the Blue mountain reeene
will be held at Horopter, under the di
recti on of Superintendent I). B. Shel
ter, and at that time the rang-? within
tne reeerve will be eegregatej among
the stockmen according to the rule of
the Forest Reserve bureau.
Say Railroads Discriminate in Freight
Rates to Pacific Coast.
Washington, Oct. 15. A complaint
has been made to the Interstate Com
merce commission by the North Caro
lina Caseworker)' association, whose
membership consists of firms engaged
in the manufacture and sale of furni
ture, against many lines of railroads in
the West, because of alleged unjust and
discriminatory charges for the trans
portation of furniture, especially trom
High I'oim, N. C, and Danville, Va.,
to Pacific coast terminal points. .
The complainant declare that the
railroads charge them f 1.70 per hun
dred pound for carrying furniture
from the North Carolina territory to
Pacific coast points, and insist npon a
minimum carload weight 01 zu.uuu
pounds, whereas they claim to be able
to put into a car only 12,000 pounds
of furniture. They insist, therefore,
that the rates are unreasonable and at-k
the commission to issue an order re
quiring the railroads to limit 36-foot
carload lots of furniture to 12,000
Hard to Reconcile Them.
Cienfuegos, Oct. 15. Consul Gener
al Steinhart' endeavors to settle local
difficulties and reconcile the hostile
factions have not yet borne much fruit.
The Liberals continue to demand the
removal of all the police and would be
glad to have the mayor of the city oust
ei. The amnestying of all persons
connected with the murder of Congress
man Villuends last year is serving to
quiet the had feelings that have pre
vailed. The volunteers, instead of
turning in all their gnns, have conceal
ed some and buried others.
Hood River Land in Demand.
Hood River Pales of ranch and city
property aggregating lou.uuu in one
day are reported by Hood River real
estate men, who said that the demand
here for apple land was never better
than at present. The statement was
made that O. L. Vanderbilt had been
offered 100,0U0 for his apple orchard
known as Buelah Land, which he re
fused because he haa a $15,000 crop of
apples on it, which the intending pur
chaser wanted included in the sale.
Vanderbilt confirms the sa'e. The
ranch of F. Chandler, 60 acres, was
told to the real estate firm of Albee,
Benbain & Co., of Portland, for $15,
000. The ranch is situated near the
city, and it is expected that it will be
cut up into lots.
To Operate Dredge Chinook.
Portland To operate :he bar dredge
Chinook at the mouth of the Columbia
on an annual appropriation furnished
by the state is a matter that came op
for consideration at the regular month
ly meeting of the board of trade. In
his monthly statement Secretary La her
devote considerable space to the tact
that the Chinook bis been lying idle at
the government moorings for two years,
and during that time it has tx-en use
lees so far as the purposes for which
she was constructed are concerned. He
is of the opinion that funds with
which to continue the work on the bar
can be secured.
One Board for Normal School
Salem At their ression the mem
ber of the Department of Superintend
ence of the State Teachers association
decided without a dipsenting vote to
favor the placing of all all state normal
schools nnder the control of a single
board. There were one or two superin
tendenta who said that they had not
fully determined the matter in their
own minds and therefore would not
vote upon the question, but all thoe
who did vote went on record in the
affirmative. The officers elected are:
President, L. R. Alderman, nf Yam
hill; vice president, K. K. Bragg, of
Union; secretary, K. F. Neff, of Wasco.
Superintendent and Principal Sug
gctt Important Chang.
Salem If the legislature of 1907
hal! grant any considerable portion of
the recommendations of the county
reboot superintendent ol Oregon, the
public schools of the state will have
more funds, longer term and better
paid teacher. In annual session here
the superintendent and principal
agreed upon many desired change in
the school laws, some ol them ol ninrh
importance and interest not only to
teachers and offic ers, but to taipayes
and school patrons generally.
That the minimum length ol term a
district shall maintain school shall te
increased from three to fiv months,
ar.d that the county school levy shall
be raised from $6 per capita to $S per
capita, weie the most important change
snggeewd. This is raising the mini
mum term fiti per cent, and increasing
the minimum coonty levy 33 per crt.t
One recommendation of general interest
to teachers is that an application be
granted but one second 1 r third grade
ceitificate in this state. At prevent
only one such cer ti finite may be obtain
ed in a connty. hot by going from one
?oantr to another a teacher may get 33
third grade certitua'e-. The proposed
change in the law will compel teachers
to advance from year to year in their
educational qualifications.
In order to raise the standard for
cninty papers, it is advised that alge
bra and physical geography be added to
the list of enhject upon which an ap
plicant must le examined for a first
grade county certificate, and that merit
I arithmetic be dropped as a separate
subject. Composition, o kkreping
and general history were snggered as
proper subjects to be included in the
examination for first grade county cer
titic'tes, but only the two mentioned
were approved.
Stamped of Ruaaian Rich to
In Free England.
Ioodon, Oct. 11. For om time
past statements have been made wllh
more or less authority to the effect
that oro members of I he Caar' fam
lly were making ecret arrangement to
leave Bosnia, should certain eventual!-
lie occur, and take reluge In r.ngiann.
These statement have been regarded
as part of the inevitable tiimoi to be
expected to arise from the state of
affairs in the Muscovite dominion. In
vestigation by the Publishers' I ress
correspondent, however, reveal circum
stance which point to their truth.
l arge quantilie of Jewel, picture
and furniture have arrive! In tni
couutry from the Imperial palace In
Russia just lately, and hav been
placed in safe storage. A leading
banker told the Puoiishera'g Press cor
respondent that consignments of prop
erty of enormous valne had recently ar
rived there from Russia.
"We have relved pack'. ol Jewels,
costly furniture and no rubor ol pic
ture, the value of each of whirh runs
well into five figures," he said. "The
owners are very highly"
The question put point blank a to
whether they belonged to the Roman-
off, the reply was made that It was
against the rule to give such informa
A confirmation of the assertion that
at least two of the grand dukes and
grand duchee intend to give the ter
rorists a wide liertfi, and to find an
asylum In Kngland, is found in the fact
that inquiries for the best estates and
houses in the market are Iteing made
among Weet r.ntl estate aim noue
agent by Russian gentlemen, who,
while asking for particulars ol the most
valuable estates, refuse to give the
names of the people for hum they
ate required.
Order for
The State Population.
Salem Reports from all but five
counties in the state, and these sup
plied with estimates based upon school
statist:ci by l.alor Commissioner Huff,
gives the total population for Oregon,
according to the H'OS census, as 433
574. as against 413.536. under the I "Oil
Federal census, or an increase of 20,0:iS
in five years. Tnese figures are based
on census returns Irom the counties
sending in report to the olhce of secre
tary of state.
Hunters Cut Wire Fences.
McMinnville A number of farmers
complain that hunter cut their wire
fences in order to get their dogs
through. One man found that his fence
had been cut in three place. .There ia
talk of forming a club to keep poachers
Increase in Receipts.
Albany The receipt of the Albany
postomce lor the past quarter were
$2 616.91. This is an increase of
$138 58 over the receipts of the same
quatter a fear ago.
Thousand Are Given
Cannot Be Filled.
Chicago, Oct. 12. The ingestion of
freight traffic has if created so fast
within the last few days that railway
otl'.cials fear they are soon to be l to
lire with a bl kadi. Conditions en
the Katerii roads which have not only
to handle the business which they orig
inate but have the crops of the West
pouring in upon them for export, are
naturally the worst, hnt theme on the
Western lines alto are rapidly btcom-
ing extremely eerious.
With the approach of winter the
movement ol roil has grown heavier,
aggravating the c ingested r unlit ions
which already exist, and traflic men
say they do not know what they w ill do
for cars when the year s enormous err p
of corn is ready for market, as it will
be now in a short time.
A line belonging to one of the big
Kaetern railway systems had orders for
4,235 cars wh'cri it could not fill. The
Pennsylvania propose to give notiuA
that for 30 hour it will Mreive no
consignments from the Pittsburg dis
trict, the object being to get the tracks
partly clear ol crs which have accu
mulated on it lines.
Vigilance Committee May Re Or
eanlzcd (or Protection.
Carnival of Robbry nd Murdr Ha
Stirred Hontlt Citn to a
High Pilch
Rebuilding Pendleton Levee.
Pendleton The work of rebuilding
the levee along the western part of the
city has fx-en started with a small force
of men and teams. Owing to the late
nes of the season the work will be
rushed as fast as possible. This citv is
now In the midst of a lahor famine
In addition to the usual demands for
help, the street paving company, the
levee builders and the government road
experts are all being greatly handicapped.
Must Shelter No Strangers.
St. 1'ntersburg, Oct. 15. -The minis
ter of the Imperial eiirt has instied an
order forbidding officials and employes
of the co-irt to rent rooms or otherwise
shelter any persons without the special
permission of the minister. The order
is dim to the arrest of Klepnikf ff and
other Tfsrrorisls at Peter hof, September
") ami the discovery that many of the
participants in the conspiracy were liv
ing unsuspected in the iunneJiate vi
cinity of the palace.
More Yellow Fever Case.
Washliigio-, Oct. 15. The Marine
II ispital service has been advised ol
lbe appearance of three new cases of
yellow fever at Havara and of one at
Cienfuegos and one at Guinea.
Linn School Fund Apportioned.
Albany County School Superintend
ent JackBon has made the semi-annual
apportionment of the Linn county school
funds, Albany receiving $2,308 30 of
the amount, Other cities received as
follows: Lebanon, $811. fiO; Browns
ville, $700.60; Scio, $L'U0.20; Harris
burg, $4).H); Halsey, $302.00. These
amounts do not include the amounts
received by each district through it
own tax.
Where Alfalfa Grow Luxuriantly.
Weston Marion O'Harra has just
finished cutting hi third crop of alfal
fa at his ranch a short distance above
Weston. His best yield was from two
acres of sub-irrigated bottom, vtbich
made tons. Mr. O'Harra lis put
up a) together 125 tons of hay, and is
one of the most successful producer in
thia section of the country.
Wheat Club, 65c; blnestem,
valley, 67rt$8c; red. 61c.
Oats No. 1 white, $2323.60; gray,
$2222 50 per ton.
Barley Feed, $20.50 per ton; brew
ing. $21.50; rolled. $23.
Rye $1 2501.35 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $26(327; cracked, $28
per ton.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1. $10ft
11 per ton; Kaetern Oregon timothy,
$1416; clover, $50Ci7; cheat, $7C
7.50; grain hay. $7; alfalfa, $11.50;
vetch 1 ay, $77.60.
Fruits Apples, common to choice,
25 75c per box; choice to fancy, 76c(
$1.25; grapes, 60c $1 50 per box
Concords, Oregon, 27c half basket;
peacher, 80c$l; pears, 76c$1.25;
crabapplea, $1(31.25 per box; prunes,
zotgouc per tiox; crannerries, fa per
barrel; quinces, $ I ($1.25 per box.
Vegetables I'.eans, 67e; cab
bage, yic per pound ; cauliflow
er, Iir4l.zr per dzon; celery, 60g90c
perdoxen; corn, 12c per dozen; cu
cumbers, 15c per dozn ; egg plant, 1 0c
per pound; lettuce, head, 20c per doz
en; onions, 10 12)gC per dozen ; imas,
4(35c; bell peppers, 6c; pumpkins, Dee
per ponnd; spinach, 45c per pound;
tomatoes, 30 50c per box; parsley, 10
15c; spronts, 7c per pound ; squash,
iHc Ver pnud; turnips, 90c$l per
sack; carrots, $101.25 per sack; heels,
$1 .25 1 .50 per sack ; horseradish, 10c
per pound.
Onions Oregon, $11.16 per hun
dred. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, deliver
ed, 8085c; in carlots f. o. b. country,
7580c; sweet potatoes, 22c per
Butter Fancy creamery, 2530c per
Eggs Oiegon ranch, 3132u per
Poultry Average old hens, 12W
12lc per pound; m'xed chickens, V20t
2yac. spring, 1212Jc; old roosters
910c; dressed chickens, 1415!c;
turkeys, live, 162lc; turkey, dress
ed, choice, 2022c; geese, 1 ve, 0
10c; dncks, 1416c.
Hops Choice, 1905, ll12c; prime,
10llc; 1006, MJ$a17o.
Wool Valley, 2222c; Eastern
Oregon, 1421c as to shrinkage; mo
hair, choice, 2830c.
Cattle Best steers, $3.n.i.f!5 :
medium, $33.25; cows, $2 602 65;
second grade cows, $2 2 25; bull,
$1C02; calve, $44.50-
Sheep Best, $44.25; lambs, $4.50
Hogs Beat, $6.60; lightweights, $6
Tear Down Wires, Wreck Orchards
and Kill Two Men.
Buffalo, Oct. 12. The storm of snow
and sleet which swept over this part of
thecmntry last night and today was
the worst in many years.
Telegraph, telephone and trolley lines
were proftrnted in all dirt ctions. The
damage to the rich fruit telle of Chau
tauqua, Niagara and Orleans counties
is iiiCthr -liable. Whole orchards cf
per-ch trees and other small fruits were
crushed to the gronrid by the wet,
clinging snow, which fell steadily for
many hours.
Tonight the weather is clear and
old, and the lines of communication
are being slowly re-established.
Buffalo bore the brunt of the storm.
The damage in this city alone is not lar
from a quarter of a million dollars, ami
two deaths r centred, which were din ct
ly due to the eflt cf of the storm. Al)
night the telephone and el ctric light
systems were paralyzed. The streets
were littered with broken wires.
San Francisco, Cel., Oct. I.J. The
general alarm reused by the numerous
reports ol hold-up and rohberv l as
seriously affected the attendance at all
place of amusement. Hotel inanagrra
and others entrusted with the handling
of larg sums of money have made elah.
orate defensive preparations and there
Is a general arming 011 the part ol nii
sens. Discussing the propriety of the or
ganisation of a committee of safety jtl
this State today to deal with pi'dy
criminals who now infert the city, Ai l
ing Mayor (iallagher sid:
"There shall be no lynching in this
city, and I sincerely hope that at thn
rneiting lo be held in t'nii.n sq'iam
today the lenders will have etonU
sense to do nothing that will injure tl
"They will call it a committee of
safety," the mayor continued, "but
other cities will call it a vigilance com
mittee, ami that will do irrevtxahU
harm lo San Francisco. It would he a
(confession that the people of this rily
are not capable of protecting them
selves, and when I say the people I
mean the authorities with whom tlm
people have vested the power ol gov
ernment The plan I un-American.
'The snrpatiori ol the powers of sup
pressing crime by urmuthorixrd prrma
is a crime in itself. I shall rrgrl it
as such ami will not permit it.
"Should those men desiie to ro-oper-a'e
with the authorities in ridding tt
city of thugs an I criminal, I shall lm
glad to have their ainiance, but they
must not act independent ( I the munic
ipality. I will not allnw millionaires
to take those step any sooner than I
would allow tailoring men. Tlo-ro
must l no violence committed by citi
zens. Lynch Uw does more harm
than gxid."
Indian Out On a Big Hunt.
New Westminster, B. C, Oct. 12.
The Stony Indiana of Alberta have
again broken loose, and are now on a
wild game drive along the west line of
the K' cky mountains. The game au
thorities have taken steps to have them
pursued and driven out of the country.
and a posse has been sent out. These
Indians have always given the Britinh
Columbia game authorities trouble, as
every fall they come into the province
through the various passes and hunt
for several months at the west foothills
of the Krckies.
Wireless Herald the Charleston,
San Francisco, Oct. 12 Heralding
her approach a thousand miles away,
by means of wireless telegraphy, the
trot' led cruiser Charleston raino into
oort this afternoon and went to an an
cho-age near Saiisalito. It was not 11 n
til late tonight that the quarantine offi
cials completed their examination of
the men on boarH. The Charleston
comes here to be the fiagi-hip of the Pa
cific squadron, and will fly the pennant
of Rear Admiral Swinburne,
Discovery Made by Subway Workmen
at Depth of 100 Feet.
Philadelphia, Oct. 13. Subway
workmen digging beneath Water street
for the new tunnel stntion, ur-ven-d
at the depth of 100 feet what is clear
ly an old slave prison. The pen is
composed of narrow cdls in three tiers,
with three-foot cirridors between heivy
walls. Thn cells run six to the tier.
Each is large enough to h id six men
packed in closely. Heavy Iron ham
covered the windows and in each cell
were manacle supports. Directly alov
them is the house of Stephen (iirard,
an eccentric millionaire, who gave (ii
rard college to Philadelphia, and whom
estate is now valued at $100,001), (Mill.
In tearing down the old (iirard home
that the traction company bought, the
prison was discovered. The old house,
is w ithin half a tquare of the Delaware,
and eecret access by water would be
easy. (iirard believed in slavery,
owned slaves and many iiu siaiia sugar
Armour Case Before Wilton.
Philadelphia, Oct. 13. State Food
and Dairy Coinin'ssioiier Warren thin
week caused warrants to he issued for
the arrest of reveral o' Armour A Com
pany' agent in this city 011 the clurge
of exposing for sale hams and other
meats containing horacic acid. Assist
ant Food and Dairy Commission r D.
Schick and N. H. Crlu-l field, eocretury
of agricultnre of this state, today went
lo Washington to meet Secretary of Ag
riculture Wilson and Dr. II. W. Wilev.
chief chemist of the department, and
lay the facts in the case before them.
Two More Transport Sail,
Newport N ws, Va , Oct. 12. The
'ransport A'nj'ral Schley sailed from
his port todny, bearing the Seventeenth
tnd Eighteenth butteries of mountain
iri lery. The City of Washington
vlth the First battalion of the Eleventh
infantry sailed tonight.
Forest Reserve Safe From Fire.
Washington. Oct. 13. (iifford Pin-
chot, chief of the bureau of forestry.
who 1 as just completed a tour of the
government forest reserves, culled upon
the president today. Mr. Pinchot ex
praised gratification with the results of
his inspection tour and and of the ex
cellent condition in which he found the
forest rervis. There litis been only
one big fire on the reserves during thtv
summer, he savs. and the burned an a
did not exceed 2,000 acres.
Cold Persist In East.
Washington, Oct. 13. The cold
wave Is persisting Jn the East. An
other cold wave in the Rockv Moun
tain region, in Idaho and Montana,
and mrderating In the South and con
siderably warmer in the central valleys
i tne weather situation in a nutshell.
as announced tonight by the Weather
bureau. It is warming up in the Wett
generally, reaching over 60 degrees in
the vicinity of Chicago and the Miesis
elpni valley and over 70 degnsa wtnt
of there.
Japanese Design on Java.
Home, Oct. 13. The newspaper
hero today publish a private letter
from Tokio that numerous Japanese
emiHRarles have been sent to the islund
of Java, Dutch East Indies, with the.
mission to create incidents Justifying a
Japanese naval demonstration. It la
reported that the Dutch authoritlea
are much alarmed.