Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 17, 1906, Image 1

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flU G SET.
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of this Community.
NO. 38
Preparing to Slart Stamp Mi
011 Wild Mok Ores.
Manager I . J. Hard is ut llic
Vesuvius MiHiin)r tlio now work
preparatory to starting tho mill on
orcH fnitn t he Wil.l Hoi' tunric
with nil possible Hpcc-d.
Jim tic.stlc work mi. I chu'c from
tlio Wild Hog tunnel to connect
wit li the- ViHiivioH mill is being
nctuii ih iapiiiy us 11 largo crew
of nu n run make it go up.
Olio tlioiiHaud fi'M of 12 j.oan
runs nut on their way into camp to
ho usixl 111 the work. Supplies are
going 111 last l'r the winter ho the
men run kicp up a continuous
grind until next summer
A big folic of miii'-is are at work
in the Wild Hog Inniicl oj ening u
the rich xiiootev ol oh m, ready to
li am to tno null lor a continuous
1 11 11 of many month.
Ill" lagging is all done and tin
sawmill is rapidly ' Utling out th
timbers lor tlm new woik nml lor
tin1 in i ins.
Kvcrythmg h woikmg in sue
splendid nli'ip.' l hut Miuiagi r Han
is more j uhil ml mid confident if an
'arly success than ever before ami
:iys " Bohemia will yet bo one of
the ;;i"at uiini;ig eunps of the
counti v.''
Wl t I 11 n. Mno Worth?
Iuiiiecent well known notation
tho promoters acknowledged that
they were paying for the property,
n bum equal to twice the amount of
ore in night, according to the ac
ccptod undend indir g of tho term,
oro in sight. It was ponied out
that the company had a large tract
of land, all of which waH possibly
oro bearing, mid that tho probabl
ore in the ground fully justified
the purchase price. It was hardly
necessary to iako anv argument
111 tho matter, lor the public was
more than eager Ip subscribe for
the Htock, on tho basis of 10 times
the oro in sight, mid tho stock as
soon ns put on the market was ac
lively iu demand nt 20 times the
value of the ore in sight. This
would seem to indicate that the iu
vesting public are not at all stick
lers u to ore iu sight, and that the
fine points about determining tech
nically oro in sighi, are Houiewhat
academic, as far as the actual busi
ness of floating a mining company
by public subscription to tho stock.
The price and value ol a mining
property are two factors which
J i a v c no fixed relation to each other,
if one may judge the cenimonly
accepted tccords of prices paid for
famous and iuhnnou and infamous
ininoH. The financial necessities of
tlio seller, tlio optimism of th
buyer, mid the general fashion and
trend in mining investments, all
are factors affecting tho price paid
for mining properties. Just nt
present a mining piojerty in Ne
vada will easily sell fr several
times the amount tlmt u property
similarly developed and with
equally us good u showing, located
in some other part of the west
Copper propel ties in established
copper districts aro easily salable
for more than the oro in night, as
tho term is technically used, and
for much moro thpn properties siw
ilarly promising, from the stand
point of the enginoor and geologist,
but not located in districts that are
known to the general public- as
copper producing. Certain locali
tifH are also in undeservod disre
pute. An eastern financial agent
recently wroto to his western engi
neer, fiaying Hint he had ft consid
erable sum to Invest in gold mines,
which must be located anywhere
except on the Mother Lode iu
California. Iu a case like this a
seller would have to presont, be
uides tho regulation report from a
mining cugineer, a duly siguod cer
tificate of good moral character, for
his property, and possibly also a
pedigree showing noble lineage.
The men who negotiate the pur
chase of mines, are very often not
tho men who pay for them, which
accounts iu some measure for the
variation between prico and value
which so often prevails, but the
real factor in tho situation is that
tho negotiators for mining propir-
yond the property towards the
great public purse, which must
fiirm'Hli, generally, funds f r tho
purchaso or tho development of the
property. Tho HtocK luard is af
ter all more or 1oh; tho ultimate
goal of rnoHt mining enlerpi iscs,
and this fact sots the fashion an I
fixes tho pace for those dealing in
Supply and demand also play a
definito part iu determining the
helling prico of a mining property.
With tho abundance of money for
investment, which has been the re
sult of tho continued prosperity of
the country, the prices asked and
paid for mining properties in the
west, have advanced materially. In
Mexico, whfre there is a very ex
tensive country, only a
Hinull part f which is at present
under development, tlio purchaser
of a mining property can, undoubt
edly, secure a nuch better property
lor iiie same money than he can in
the United Stated. In some of the
districts in tho western part of the
I'nitcd States, in which practically
all ol the mineral land has been lo
cated, very different claims come, to
have a certain value, whereas
equally as promising claims cou d
undoubtedly be had for the locat
ing, in newer localities.
Alter ah, the. prico paid for min
ing propei ty is a matter of bargain
ing with all of tho hinging access-
oii.H, incident to our l.inkee i l '.is
of business' astuteness. Th" I i r
thinks he knows what In; wants.
and the seller takes what In cm
get, or what he has to, and all the
fin .spun theories about ore in
si.dd are often ruthlessly iguored.
by these two important factors in
the mining business, the buyer and
the soller. Mining World.
Lane County Students at Corvjllis.
The registrar of the Oregon Ag
ricultural college, J. H. Iloroer sent
the Nugget last week a list of the
jano county students attending the
college. He also stated that the
attendance is already ('150, which is
uoarly 100 larger than ever before
at this time of tlio vear, and that
there will probably be an attend
ance of 800 students before tho year
is out. Ihooe attending lrom Lane
County aro:
Jane Hattie V B.unett, Wild-
wood; Klmer R. Crowo, Lorane;
Oral h Crowe, Lorane; Pency M
M Fiuley, Junction City; Samuel L
oster. Junction City; hthel K
larpole, Junction City; Jeanetto
lawley, Wildwood; Philo 1 Haw-
oy; iJeuIau tl Hewitt, Junction
City; Charles D Hull, Cottage
Grove; John G Kelly, Eugene;
Kate O Kelly, Kugeue; Siegfried
Maurer, Eugene; Clairo W Starr,
unction; Alfred M. White; Cottage
At Xmas Scholl will
there with the goods.
Mrs. Edward Long formerly of
this city but who now resides iu
ortland is feriously ill at the Good
Samaritan Hospital.
Tho new Farmers and Miners
elephone line is being rapidly
pushed to the. mines. S. J. Brund
and his son are working on it and
icy expect to get tho line com
pleted up to the mines within three
weeks. The phones on the hue so
far state that it is the best line in
the eouutry.
O. II. Willard is home from
Clkton to vote at tho special elec
tion, and needless to say ho will
vote against the amendmeut. Mr.
Willard says the grading for the
new Drain-Coos Bay road is get
ting there rapidly and that before
the weather is too bad that the
grading will bo extended as far as
ilkton. Great quantities ol sup
plies aro being taken in groat loads
being taken from Drain clear to
Scottsbnrg and lumber from there
brought back to the tunnol sites.
he work on tho tunnels is being
ushed rapidly, and all along the
road great gangs are at work. Klk
ton Mr. Willard is working on
two largo one story buildings, that
were to be two story buildings, but
had to be cut off at the first lloor
on account of scarcety of lumber.
hero are at least fifteen new
houses to be built there but there
is not a Btick 01 lumber obtainable
for the work. Mr. Willard says
rat entire country has a great
future before it, and thiuks that
the road across will be a great
And General Alining New
(lathered from I-xchangcs.
I Herbert Leigh of Ivigeno, mana
ger o the .North J'airvicw Company
was a visitor in town on Monday.
W. A. Ilogate, drove iu Saturday
from the Vesuvius and left Tuesday
morning lor the mine with a big
load of supplies.
GrifJin & Veatch got in ft big
cat load of dynamite last wok, a
good part of which has already
gone to the mines. Tho firm docs
a big powder business and supplies
the IJlue river district as well as
the Bohemia camp.
The .10 aro about 60 recognized
metals, less than 20 of which are
of commercial value, tho balance
ing moro of sejentific interest,
becauso of the scarcity of ores of
these metals. A-number of them
would doubtless be greatly used in
tli" aits were tho more plentiful.
Most of the rare metals have been
discovered after years of research.
The metals gold, silver, iron, cop
per, mercury, lead ami tin were
known to the ancients and no date
of discovery nor of discoverers of
any is known.
L'has. OiteiHon, who with a num
ber of other miners last year drove
s' veial hundred feet of tunnel on
the Oregon-Colorado property un
der a contract, has taken another
contract on that proporty and is
diiring right along. A great
amount uf development work has
been done on 'he Oregon-Colorado,
and still u.ore is being done under
the management of F. J. Hard, who
believes iu having the development
work well along, so when the time
comes-to begin production, it can
lio dono on a big scale.
io'.o feet of rails for uso at tho
I Vesuvius mine came in on the S. P.
! Friday and will he taken out at
J'. W. Hopkins of the Combina
tion Mining Co. c ame to town Mon
day on his way back to the mine.
after a trip north.
I Richard Whifi sent up a load of
j supplies to tho hi'ls .Monday, ho
that he can goto and work all
j winter on his c ! ims.
Another "Lot mine" has been
found in Mexico, and already ten
miles of workings have been ex
p'ored and the mine will bo worked
again by modern methods. Many
of these old Spanish mines have
been found, and some, of them had
dumps that wto mad of oro too
low for the Spinish with their
crude methods to handle, yet with
modem niTjJiinery arc worth mil
lions and will all be worked over.
Tho averai'o prospector seldom
makes much for his work, but the
thoroughly posted mining man and
engineer rarely fails to get what he
gf'es after
Prof. Strange Reports Increase
of 24 in School Atten
dance Over Last Year.
class of the high school. Thirteen
! S the students of the high school
;corno from outside districts, where
1 1 hoy have completed the grammar
; grades.
IV-or. C. L. Strange.
u .1
Prof. C. L. Strange has just
given in his report for the first
month of school, which is as fol
Total enrollment 1S7
New " iS7
Days attendance 39
" absence lod'
Times tardy 27
truant 0
Days taught 20
" holiday 0
Those in the eighth grade who
: were neither absent nor tardy dur
ing tho first month are: Kittie
I Lnitnbaugh, Jean Dorwood, Elsie
! Drewer, Leah parkins, Allie Phil
I lips, Hazel firay, Planch Branton,
; Marvin Jordan, Clay Mosby,
, Thomas Cmniibell, Guy Whitlock
and John Cooter.
' Plan-di Branton has entered
school for the year's work.
j The class is taking the Sketch
lo.j'.j iJook for supp'ementry reading and
aro now studying the .Legend of
: Sleepy Hollow.
I Tho gong pounded for the first
: fire-drill last week. There will be
the end ; a lir0 'Ul11 at Ierist once each month
hope to make each one
1 03
The total enrollment
of the first month this vear was 330. : aod we
at the same period last vear tho at- '. better than the last.
tendance was 350, this makes the' Melvia Jordan, who was threaten
increase this year 24 which is large- j 0(-l wiu pni-umonia, has returned to
ly brought about by new resideutsof j school.
tho town. 1 New pupils this week are, Verne
Several families in the cutside j Clins, fourth grade; Albert Huff,
districts have sent their children to ; lfth A'i'vic; L I :ii Ribbles, second
town to attend the grammar grades "ri';e; Floyd N'olta and Goldie
of the public schools here, but ow- primary
Do you know Santa Clans is
getting ready, so is Scholl. Watch
Tho exhibit of ores at the Spo
kane Interstate fair the first of the
month was said to havo been the
most complete in the history of the
ing to the crowded condition of
some of these grades no more will
be allowed to enter those particular
A number of new students en
tered school Monday, it being the
first day of the second month.
The board has placed uew dic
tionaries and stands in the 6th and
7th grade rooms, an 1 has bought a
Telurian globe for general use in
the school.
There are 27 in tho freshman
Prof. Harvey.
Cottario Crovo Lady Much Honored
Mrs. Thomas W. Jenkins was
greatly honored by being elected
Supreme Chaplain of the Modern
Brotherhood of America convention
at Omaha, Xebra., Oct. 10th, 1906.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are on a trip
cast, and Mr. Jenkins was a dele
gate from Cottage Grove to the
convention. Letters from him state
that ha is having a great time.
1 to 20 Dollars
Hens' Suit
$6 to $25
As we arc exclusive dealers we take more care of this line than other stores. If
we cant suit you in stock, we will take your measure and make one for you.
loe Sale
Continue for the reason that we carry the most coin
plete assortment in our city and we ask you call in.
9 if
Don't Foiw
On UNDERWEAR and WORKING SHIRTS-The loim armed ones
ti(B are in most cases looking un-
help to the Willamette Valley.