Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 10, 1906, Image 8

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    fj . i 1 STEE.R FtEw'G. !
A f '
1 u-T7i a
7s? . pV.f! :.:' :- ' :
T. ,-r.-! ,' ". ;4 . t ' , ,
1 ,r i,t r15;" " " Aa y'-; v ' ' " ' -
-n. u,j j ;: - v -'to. :;f v . ..
1-r';-:' " ' : ' ' ;r.-i,. .r ?4. : . : 'v
, H ! ' ' '' ' '' '" ' ;r...jr.,-:..r!:,.r,,, r,.;,-... , ' , " B '
,r- . ; t ; : j A- ' n of S,.-. .. .? Cir. :.y i
w . r.,-r.i.;. , i : v. .-? . - - : -.
.-.r- . . I : -' ' '-: f . -.'l.-ri..:.
..,.;!- .. .. -. --,". . r' i---- ' ;' " r ..: .. , -. Mr. Ue W.IU'd a-J . C'-f-t r
f,-:.- i-1 :." ' . " . ' ; i '' - - ! M-rieCr.j!) W-o.
,- f. ..- 1 . : .. l J ..... . .-.,!,, '' ' '' ' ' ;::'
. ... ..... . '.-? U i " - ..--r. . ... ,.. . . .. 1 ! .
, 4 1 . . . ,,' i;v? !.: ' " m t . . j . .' , . r .
',' r-U ir :A ;.v ;-'-r.- .. . ; : i-f . , . '.- Wi'.hr 1 ' ;
" :..!..- j-. .;.! f ' ' " "f ''' .. . , . ;: ;!;. - . ' j
. ' ,r j.'i 7. - ... -- . , i - , . . ,
. . , . , . lie ; . . t r r-J . . : r.i- 1 : :; ;
.?.-. :, -.If-,:. 1.-. j..,
jf i!" ' ..... - ,U !' f--.
i 45- i i -i. a, . r. v.- . " 1 ' - : ' - ; ; i 'I. ! "A
IWfF nr. :
I Ll ,vl j ....... !a ' .
cttrr i'. HI.:- : C-.'. r :? I - tU ton j "( f
'Ttix..i...L ; - Jr.., ... :n' j., ... ;a .. ; f.- K..,;.t!.. for I ' ' i ' I i ' f. i i ..i...
rj;, l.'-r.l tf, 1 rt. .4 work. oM 1 1 ':' ! ; ; - .V ti '.,7'. , ''
ra' ' -f ;' 1 , . . . . . r- . - r
T;- .,',--'..; i :-t. t.p. Uht i4 Tli' !. Tii ' . HOV.l. till i:.....-..r. I "v I 1 : - !: .'
if f.rt r I r.. i'' :ak; t r;t u ,, . . '- f-. I: -fir r- I .. r I
!.-r'3 .' K-rr il..ry . . . . , . 1 1
. v , ... ,1 r,r ir w.,r.;j , , j v. .h .j
-vJ "? I"' t..i4 I- r- !. r.-....M- to ti '
; ,vJ.-.: !..- i;.-.-l ',- Ih-th Uv. k tL.t ;;.- .:r:r.- It. Vo.j:.J
"'r"rl '' J-'-' ,r Jn I.- ;.;:r -Lj-r or. U, fiirr,i-Ji yo
L-al f'ir :,..'. -.-r r- o:.: lj lo ;t ,j.-ir.k.!. ..'.-r'r IV-tt-f !
r r j;- J iu iai.i.i.i! nu o'j.'Lt i-. r. ,.t.t r1. -,.: r 1. .t ...ti. x-r'
to V.a ii ... fn;:'-r In .? a tr tnt,t
it 13 t'.-t X fit a l, for cow
' T'aI-; !-; .'; -v1 of Letter
fr j-ar v,iiy f.ini'-r bfti '
vf U a lv--r of ii;of-7 ! -;rT lairy-
uxhu zwl t ',.i'-r. 'I 'f t-:ir. arl aij-j
.ilZ.n' of ;jt tijf (r-fit fir;jf; are;
Mt :'.i ;).;,: t.'i.-tt 'my ool'.ittrf '
fari-r r!i a ;;r:- .r st- t 2 on tell .
.'3 a f-- ii,;.i.i.rf ju-t wljfit -ow4
ar? ajaf,l. of li nu-j; at U- -iil of er-j
'Tjr rioMh, n:,I .rt-ry that falla 1
lU,w tlx- r;j;irl; . Iiot j
rortlj Ix-r f--l ;; k ,irj fo lj-r
owr ami vliouil I a- tuni-l Ujt Uf.
-4'. f". S-'iou" r..-f ir" K.iu-'K Ijfjjrovil j
ViUxV l'i-".-ri' A"x'itioii. I
Icr ffn Kfr lalr. f aro.
Aii Ij " 1- 1 ' ' '-ir.- .t. ;i ii'l al
Mblf a'ljui.'-t to ;,iiy il;iir- farin.
tuii'j.n' '.;iri i- i,i'm. i-i v-ry i
y .ithT h-j r ;i from or ia foiuii-'-tiou
with tli; 'l.nry liou-ii". caaclt
wLo'jliJ I- l Jiol'l uituwliiiifH
tt -e Ur ihmy anl lioiiF-lioH pur
l.'SM-H ilnrUtz tl? Ksii.ti. .Miir.y dairy-1
;:.ffi w oiij'J o.i- u !i a buiiu-ri 11
i!i-y kii'rw lio-.v to 1I0 if -.Vifli uh littj
outlay it ,---i'tiif. Tit (i.iiry dlvlxiori
fTliM'A to 'i'.'' .'i --I-'.'I : r ' hlli'-tt
tittl ii- 'il') .itio.M for iliiiry ufi'l i'r
ljUH-H tO J-I"O l Ifillk Jili'H-
tlon. ( orn . 1 :..( ! Iv.-.uiii oft tbW
sulJw't !i ..l'l ji'lijn-to tin?
lalry djvi lou. 1 of im.mrtl iadun
try, l-'uit'-l :'i.,'i-i :,. rt.-m-rit of arl
culture, Wii-liinio.i.
An Honor Itoll.
Kiiiila!l'4 laiiy l;u. (dm 1 1 1 a t aj
It-udiii I v, .-j i lx t -i. fa' tory makm ai
,ra''ti( c f -..,.:i;t' o;;f idi iionth a
.''?ttT to Ii of iM alroiX. Thin 11
i'lll of lti-.,4 of -ii'-ta J Ijjti.i4it to'
.iJrynx ;i, lot t.'.i- miii fi-aturt of.
,'tn JHli-r i :!n- I; jrr roll Tlx- lUtroiiH j
if lli. clx-i-M. fai I (' a- in-d to W-nd I
in i-oil4 of il.cir c.v,h havf:
ionc, nnd tlil a ,ii4 in regular ordT,
'Ii'? lx.-l lii id l omiii at tlx? itnj of Hit!
Hut. ' otJu-r fi-atiiri. of tlx- honor roll
In tlx; I -Ml. In a ri-'i nt l.i-r Jt read 4
, iiuMhiiiK III:'- Itiiii: "Oixj jatroi 4 I,
oixj I 1, ti-n 10. hfii i-M :',.!, thirty one
four two ;s.i;, two .'.., on? 3.4."
".'Uh mal.i-4 an a-rai; ti-nt of 3.9,
which Iw a f.ilr lljriiM' for hixtywvmi
farm dairy Ix-mN.
I IiioIiIiik llir ht-finrntor.
riuxhliiK out tlx- hand niinrator la
very ih'cijii i hiMiix-ht. it In u prac
tice ijulli; ii i-valciit In many dairy com
munitlc lo lliorout'lily w'anh tin.- hc
nrotor cvuiy m irnhiK after M'parutlujr,
hut only IIuhIi out with warm water
nt 11 Ik'' I . II I'.'' I"'"' 11 found thut cn-aiii
from lliislxd hi-jiaraloi4 cobtuliiM an
nddlllon;il nuiiilx-r of hacli-rla, a ml a
very ood dairy aullioiily clulma that
It run never bo truiJHformcd Into flrf
jrrnilo Imtler.
Hummer i'tmtort Vur CmXytm.
('alviMt will do belter If kitf In dean,
airy box Nlullx durlux thu Hummer
fhuu If iilloweil to run out and fljcht
flli'M 111 the hot Htin. 'I'hey Hliould ,t
ylven 11 drink of vvuler ut noon and
fiioiild bnve iicccmh to Halt ut will.
J'hey Mhould 11 No h.ivo hoiiib khih or
fcreen nut cut mid given Ihem every
cluy. They hUoiiM not b Klven very
much ut a llii.e, not inoru thuu they
xvllt tut i' cIimii before tLe nat tlm
U foodlii,.
fl-iij, (lur.- vuriT froiii !ti..
j!i:j! Ipj'i-h -a ill ;i.,r It. I'll
warraiit. S'li h ta:.ic liouM Lav- a
hll ovirr t;-r.i all th yt-ar round, a
j.rot--t;0!j fro:;. t!.- J.o? uri m rrfll as
ttj- fr. i';ir:ji Jourii.'il.
llor-.--- iilidi-il witlj r
chrom'' i!;-it aii--4 a lo'il. uu-
liit'irai t.oiv hi lin-athif.if art- :!J to
liav; Thi' k ib'l or to l- ro..r-ri. TliI
-la.4 !'.- 1.0' iii l'i.!f tfior nrfl.' t-)
uitfj 4-v-r'. r" tii it, a4 I;j tlitrs
i uw th'. ii ..i.ii,!.' i4 i,oi-y oiily dur
j ifiK tli- a'-ijt'? att.K-i: of tlj? lipase.
'Jlii' lt wi:id :4 r -aUM-iJ liy ail ofru tlou
t0 r,.,.
of t!i'? .-: i r In Home
Iart of tl.i. i.r; so.--, irai t. TL
Loi-y l.ritliiii of l;or--i aft-r liavin'
U-ii J'lli' arid iiit to idd.i (-xe-rtiou
1.4 not du- to a:r. di-'-a.. arid N
temjorary. Hor-s f-J 0:1 tlx? ntt"U
0j Iciju,;
nous ;iiid oni.- oflx r l.inti
liavi? ji;iraly!4 of t Ij f- la ry :it'-a I Hiiis
!-'. Jiarti- ul irly v i'i-:i fi-d 1 h!rx vi-tcli.
Ot.'ji-r a---4 may omi: froiu I-al
j -oiil!ik'. Kor- !!ir!'i aiid faai.y t i f -
from )i-ri- 1. y lioari.'U', th- w ;u? dy
v Ji o-lj tic 1 J j r'-ix-r : l!y k i.-owi.
Il only a 1 iom arid not t!i- di .:m..
In lad f t-. tl.i- ai.iui! f.i ri.v hu'io
'!tt"4. Tlx cure d j ; - j mn'li 011 tin-
I'lf, aii
i-'x-ny t i !-- -ij'-Jj lxr-H are
treated 'a ' Ij I ft!" 1 i'--4- 4 Vou can
try o;x- ij ; m jiofa -i-', 1:11 Iodide 01x1; u
day for 11 ui-ek and then one half
ounce o." I : h-r'n o!uion once a day
for tlx? v- ' " ci-i; lii tlr? drinking wa
ter mx 1 1 lii . do'-4 not do any Kood
yo i 'mi 'M inkier l'o to a vo'sl veferl
ii r...n. 'I J Vi:l;amv, li. Y. H., In
JJilf i ''( ' er
V iw lu alilt.
I.u.i i . o. i:im 0,1 Hi-'. liackH of cut-
li.? ;:: 1. o-el i,y the Jirv.'.e of the
wariii .- Ii;. . or o. .. .:r'i!e, a black fly
thickly co.e ; v.l'h ycllowUh h-'ilr.
'J'lii-y lay tl : 1 ii.i I he Inick4 of Cllt
tle f 'o;;i .Ici.e to .HejiN-iuVr. 'Jhi;rubM
hatih out and Iwn-e through tin? nkln
lind live there, in- t lo the flesh, nil
winter. In the Hilling the mature K'Ub
cr;. .wl .4 out and fa IN to tlx? (round.
I'nt a thumb on each i-ide of the lum
and Muce.e the fcrub out, or ml lard
a ad Hilfil.ur and rub it Into tlx; lurcpH,
which dehiroyi the ui ub. Ixirliur July
hud Aufi't rub over the hackn of cat
lb? a inbtuie of four ounces (lower of
tuiljihur, one uiii HilrltH of far and one
quart train oil, a-;d It will prevent the
fly from laying It- fun. liub on once
week, 'JI,,. rhlef harm thene rilbH
0 Ik tlx? makhiK of holen lu the hide,
bun le,..enii, value In market. -Ohio
I "fill l'o 1 11 Id, llolh.
A jiouixl of f,it hacoii Klven u cow
thai N off her fi-iij win often effect a
v. '.vilt4 a corn Hiomleiit to Farm
I vvill Jn-I ..end you one little thliuf, U
vi ry nun - and effectual remedy for
wartH on a hornc'rf ixihc or 11 113' where.
W'iihIi the vvnrfp with kIioii hoda Wa
ter. I too'. 11 ierfeet "iiiat of wartx"
ell' 11 ioII'm nine liv wusblii;; them with
tlr;u;: iiila water twice only. A Heed
wirt can be taken off by Hoda. I'lek
th" M .-l t 11 little till the' blood Htul tH,
tin 11 iiiily dry him la u few tl'.nen. Mm.
M. A. il.
1I-- ; " ;;i .. . 1 ! .; , !. . i - ,. r-itio..
'I .1 1 H . e- '1.'. ..X-.l .f.ilu i' i:
h i j ! . i, i y u i.4
f'-.-r; :f 1 . .. . f i,- ,
. in U ... . .. ! . . i.J. 1.. , , .j
' ii,i,.,... - . f ... i
br'-.i'.'.i - ...,:e ..::.( ii;r. and
the ,,,: ., I f. i.. !ii,.,'.,J.. f, tl-v
'i l.e .!- it .i"s V .-, y .;l,i k
I;.; ).!, ,. ..-,., i,f
i'i ..--1 l.x-.i
1 .!. i 1 I .ir;. -i' : .1 .-. . . .1 1 ,. 1: 11
ie it lh.4 !. . ....- )!-. . ,
tr-i;i,:-.i' i.- !,.;,: : 1 !.. I r'-t o!,. t
14 to f-t r: ! .'. :!.e .1. . . . r.i.l'i- I fcM4
ai, .' if I..'- j .'I. t ,j 1- e.j ... .1 ,' li.4
ten. I i, 1 h-. . 1 . ... : ii-, t ;j 1 in i ; 1
dl.'te 1- 11 -.J.ouJd I... (...; t I. : i i.t -t
ui i 1. : !i .1 1 . .1.,. '1 he j in . - h ,i;id
!? ii.adi i.; lix" hi I at tlx? i.:it
illd. Cited iij T 1' ' ,,,, .1 , 1 -jt The
u-u;il die. f ,; ia..iij4 the pr.i.i-r
j.iai e are t , 1, .i-.i 11 a ban I'm breadth
from 'he 1. : r.o. .'.I '. :'! :ne ir- -liijii4
ale I I ..n,- a j.inl e lUnliMaul
from the h ji bine, the lat l.b and the
lateral r .4 of the b.i
ro r ii.-i i iin,i ;.i ior j'
what i- i d: 1 a Ilk r. tlx
ix turnip l.i
ca.'i.'iul.i or
ca-e of -tiielj -tin.l.l 1. left in the
w.'iud fo.' tin.e no that tlx? xas
e!,era t-l n.ay ' .. e a - fiit as form
ed. It i.4 n t oi'ti ii ' the farmer io4-e-e-
.in ji:..:i eat of this kind, or it
l.e d.x-4 if :;. :y ii i l.e lit hand the ln-i-tant
its i. e I re..ii.ri. Ju this ca.-e a
comn. i ii,y l,e ;i.ed, which
should !e j hi i -el lull the rumen and
an oj eijii,:; made'e ii xih ti ad
lliit th" -(.,.. A Hlii.ill iieee of elder
Uo'id - ill do vveli in a xiibMituIe for U
cal:iiu;.i. In lighter ri.-i'l when time
is not i in'. li of an object medicine
may be iscii l reiieve the lililmal.
ii ud inai.y ,ite:it iiejiaiiitlous are lu
um? to eh'cct th! ( ohject. Aroiiiatic
hjiinin oi .iiiUio iia. one half t one
ounce doc. re;,-at' 1 every hour or of
tcjjcr, lii'.ei yiz-id reiultH. 'arbonate of
nn .'noiii.i in four dram dones lu hot
Wiiter, re,e,ited every hour lis lorn? Ht
reijuii ed. I. i t 4 v !).
Jloven !.d.".l's of no delay or expert-
menial treat ..cut by medicine. h
cape of the c.'iiifiiul f-'.is is immediate
ly ficieary. A doc of from one to
two iiounds of ejit'.ofu hmMh or a quart
of raw liniil oil fter punet firing N
benelicla I
ev ( rcu i.i-r l.u In Iowa.
Tlx? c, i '. (. :.' f Iowa has paHsed a
hi vv reiju'i in ; , -earncry Oienitorn to
(liixteurize :-:.;m III Iv.'i decreet be
fore delivery l the l:i t r.jli.l. 'ihc bill
went IhriUt-'b both hon es with iu'
utantial im'JorilieM. It N iliiderst j d
that the moviue; en use of the law wart
the HJU'ead of t llberculohlrt auioiif; liOgH
that are fed on the ordinary creamery
iikitu milk. If every farmer would do
us he i-h iuld do mid tuberculin test LU
cows once each year we would Hoon
have n iiic of this dbeaHi? to dentroy
our cows au i ho;;s. When the jdnch
eomcK, n iijl.i' Home of them will nee It.
- Hoards I niiry man.
VVulir onl-ii4 tif lluttvr.
Ill cXei;nejils at the Wlscoiislll Htli
tion wotklnu the butter immediately
lifter washing sliuhtly Increased the
wiiter content of the butter over that
obtained when j;, miliar butter was al
lowed to drain about half nn hour be
fore washing. .Mlowiiij; the enmular
bu'.ler tu ;da nd III water for Home I line
increased the water content of the but
ter a s cimiarc'l wllli workliiK Immedi
ately i.t'tcr u at.hinj.'. IncrensliiK the
iimoiiut of churiiiiiu in the wash water
did not always Increase the water con
tent of the butter.
-I MM-
o ti,.- i ir.-n't '.i.rt ..' 'he
ire.,ii f. r tie- l hi: i. . ! I . .
At.ix-i I: Hi. i. he v . 'l .
Ilarvev, 1. Mi,, th it. i I .
S'l.itf:. 'iefel, .;,!!, t-
To lliir.. v I. m:. !.
I'.cll Smith. f. t ..:
Ill t II- Ii.lllle ' f I In- '.1 . . .1
nil lire bejel, V i j lired I
t ,1.
1 :
and an-Aci tie- .m .!.,,: .? :'
' ;i'.'i i ii.-' ai i !i t i,- .1 1 '.i utile i .
,' w chili -is vvie;.- 1. 1 t.'x- !.r-: j.
In a t ! mi i ..' t hi - f 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 i i - . i l . . 1
fiiil i t .ver f. ii w.i.t lb. i.
' I'h'iilit Cf will tat e j idm- t,' :i;,
t ris- n'uili-1 v i . ii a ., . v I (. ,: ,
, ' oiii,hiir.t .vi. b.r I t.e f .( e. , .
fix? fill iTt iTile el, I, y . , I , , ;
) liff .liil.c L'Jlid I'"''., lo li e
I lir .nii-nrv of -:i,. ,1 it,. '., i
: v . . ,
f't le
I !
-a.. I
i. i : n
: tiff for the h i i ii of : with i r t ' r- f
, at. ei cent .r an n u in ,ui ! that ' .
land-dewrir-..! in -ail axo t ,..r. !,.
! Hjld to I. iiV and ts:it lf v ! he a i... .an
1 die on -a:d note with inter, -f , .-o -1 -
i Jf iji 1 1 ii :it tor i.ev - f.4-- ii,.: ,;i-r,ir...
IIX-IC- of Nlllt.
Thi--uiinnoii- i- -erv.-d byiii,ii
(jt i on theieof for nix -' I'.i - -: , - vv ei 1.-
ill the I iota Inia N il.''et by order of I.
'I I l.'itri-, .lude of - iel i oiut iiiad-i ii
1 l.e II II Oil ' OI Me,l!,. r, 1. )'!'., .ill !
is lil'lilinhed the ,r.t tllliein ,Ui
Ii.'iM-r on t he .''I'll day
I e, ten, t,.-r.
a . i: v.'ni ki .I....
Attorney f l- l liliitlff
I II t lx- ( enit ( out t of I ll- Stat- .1 V -I -e v t he ;d ii i e-1 1. - -1 bi 'd hinds are
Ol-eeiiH f.,r the coon!., of I. llil ., tile their claims In this
Lewis (lien plainti!!, v- Tiie I oiii-e on .a Imuoi-c -aid lib davnf I ie-
(.'rhtal oli-o!ii!ale. Miliili;.' I ,m ' '' ber, I '.",.
pan.v, a cor.(ir.i t ion . M. I'. Wvatt.: I'-i si.vmis I,, la.nv, Hexi-ter.
) 11. vsillard, .Noah K oil ma n , .lo n n
II. Ulittiier, llannl Sii.-ipj, and
iMtiii-l la. Snai.ti. t ru-tee. -.
l'o .Noah Koflman, John II. I',
J . 1 1 1 ii-J Sii;i.. and ianie I..
Sliiii, Ira-tee, d-feiid.ili I s above
na mcd .
Vou ;ind ench of you are hereby re
ijuiifd lo iiis.;ir and nnswer the coin-
plaint filed iiiiin-l VoN i II t he a le, v e
entitled Huit, on or befoieHix vvieks
from I he date of tlx; lilht publication
of f his mi m iii on s, ami If you fail -o t
appear and annvvir Hiid complaint
for wan' thereof, the plaintiff will
llp' lv to the comi ior tbeielief ie-
nindeil lliii-'in, tevvlt: .1 udiiueii t
lio;ilnrd the ilefendii 1. 1 , the ( ivlal
( ons didii ted Mining .a.mpauv, f .r
I i.e ell in of I 'oiH II u lid I ed .N inc I V Ii v e
( lll.'i IMll lloll.ils with ilileie-t I here. .11
ut tlx; rale of ni.x Hi) per cent per
1 ri n 11 in from the loth day of A pi il,
l!K)U, mid for the furtliet' sum of live
fft.'i.MIl dolbil-.s lor iiicnaiilii anil ie-
i-onliiiH miiij lien, mil for th'? fin I lur
Hum of lifty i ."iUIH'i dolhu-.-i at toi ney
ices, tor me lorecioHuit! 01 ine ix-n m-i
ud in hlain tiff's comnlaint iinoiilhe
properly therein desci ibetl, to vli:
''The Mountain Jon " The lileal i
do," '"I'he liecky Sharp", "The J'linr
Tuck" and "The K nickcrboekei "
in i 1 1 1 f iC clnliiiH, nil hiinutcd in the l!o-
lienihi Mlnili. Ilinlih I in I. line
........ - - r-, - - ...
('mint.'.', Orcjjroii, to);etliei w ith t In
Ht.iimp mill, Haw null and iiiai-him i-.v
of every kind and di-Hi l lpl ion m i 1 11 -alcd
on Kiild inliiinK chiims I'oiim cled
tlietewilll or apiuriciiaui inereio,
111.1I iit-loiif tliiit Mil 1 1 1 iii'Mi.erlv be
Hold by the Sheriff of l.nne County,
Oregon, iii-i-omI'Iiw to law ami the
practice of tins (Joint, and that, the
i. . .4 itlui.f uni'li u'i III 1 1 if 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ti I 1 ii I i 1 1 r
r"" " " " h
tho cohIm Hiid expenscM ol thin U'o-
of V.c
Tre privacy of your home Thecomforts a club
The I'jxury of a first class hotel.
Oriented Liinited
A ford vou
Ov'. Ii' ' :i - St Pi-jIV;: coplis, Pii-jct Sound n1 h'errno.
0;i!e Poiri'.s ii tie
D.iioU sails
l 1 Li
Livery Feed & Sale
Potts A: Powell, Prop.
,Colt; (: Ac - - Orcuon
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- b.v ' V.-.-t I. --'J.
1 1 1 N ' i;s . M(i;ss,
" C .. o' t.,-e ,,r
I ri i' ii v i f i , has this da v
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V.. ",o- .. ..r ; 'n- j. nc!i.i-e . th
M. , A M , A , o! See ll. in ( , , ,s u
-.,..N . .', -. No. .; W. W. Ai , ;md
vv ! I o!!. .r.,of , - h i.v that t he I. mi
- -'lh I i- i,e : v ,! , . i I , .. f.,r l!s 1 1 III be r
' ' i' .-'oi,e ihni i ..r a l-i unit u r .d inir-
.III I. . e-lii I ,' . I, he r ll.. i...
l.i land I..-;. a.- W . v . ( ' ilkin-, I'. .S.
1 1 o i . , 1 1 , , - . , : r . ,i- h.-. .,;! at l.Mene.
' If' ' II . I 111 I .. ' I ; I l ie It II , I .. , .1
-lav . til- Ith , IV
I e. r :'lll,,
She i. a iii'-s as vv i t i,i .
.lame- N alia. e. .,,hn I: y.
bi'ta I . aba-e, .lain-.- f .i m-! i;i :-'h.
of ( '.,t '.i "e ( ; i n v e. Oregon.
v an I all i-n i; i lalmiliir ad
TU n )ov t fidI wrVr.nif niv .litnicr hnnr
luiaiis. i tout iii.hi;. -.Hon wi.a August l lovltt
flC.ii:.1i.;.tion i-; th..- reMilt of indii'. slion
bihoii.a,, s-,; flatulency. f.,vs of appi tit
Kill poisoning, anemia, cmaciatioa, mil
Hint, iuia.i!) i,i in s.-uiom iiaits of tin
hy.U 111, iit,ii 1 ha! in Ham in. ei,,,, of tu. h,
u-stniiii can:. I and nimn-roiis ,.ii,,.r .a
mciiK that l oh lib- of its ..leasurcs if Ihev
do in, I linallv ,!. v., i, ,,i' ii... - I
!' I'm hound in ihc bowi I-,," is a com
moi, ( xpp ., ,i,,ii ,,f p,-op,. wla, lo..!;
er.ihh- and ;,ic miserable vi t v. ho persist
in " Ii ttinj. i . . l ike it.-! 'course."
IflU'h it a foolish j. an, wh-ii nut uru- coulil
he aid. I by tin- ,.0 of I a ecu ' s Alfiisl, which ii iiiliuv'sovM, rciltcdy ioi
cotistipaii.e, ,, v' all stomach ills
tlSieoi t i , , .., i... . ., .
iT . . , " l" '"'!
' if a. :;v stools. 3
n 1
lor l:.e Orient Oct 20
V i'. 'f I I", o i I ,'. e I
'tit' ' i -it. ! H C-; iv 1'
I ; ! !i:i't i! -.i.-v.-v.-t. I .,tii
Ifi.iat I'a-4 v. ( r- v.i'.. rsin t .
oil 'r 1 is Ci t'.JCtf 'A .1 V
!! !.' t ! - aac -r.f. cv n.
Mr. lVrli!i- has i j.i;! t:j!?rs-st
.1 -!:i!:i i;i S .istln. rn i ( m vs !n
!; r. s tli it thev luve t ikrti "
"fv tuns a-, as To -..-
Ml ; I .Hal .'!'H o lta- s III tl'.-cr.
.1. . Medley .1 ( . .I.ilill-,
.Med h'lj V 'Johnson,
Atformx.- at law
Ofirr Suitr.t Il inK l'.hhj.
1 11 at tc-!;,.!, -IvM to Mill!;
Jitel I orjiori t ion I .a .
.ItturililJ-ftt-L(l IV m m m
or:,,-r ,, ,,.., ;:,-ct. vv,-.t -,,1,
Ki'i h: r: r: 4 n( rt'nN.u.H Lit? rfnt ri.'ia.
Ail ..rk Kimru!fi'. !irt i.;.
W! ''"" " 1 ) t f.owrit ITleo
(OTIAiil-: liKoVK, OKK.
roTT.i;i: ;icovk
All tlx- latest tri-alliirnts.
1 rj
j Ordinary Cases $12 per Week. f.
I'er fiirtlier particular mMri-st
ir. 11. c. sciiM:i:r
N'lUTII lloi'Mi mniiii
" h-".,,. ,. Nt). ,, "ou,,, "u
' . a., nu: lii., ::;.::..a:Viin
0. S. I . .
Ill 1 . 111,18 Nl
1') tuko effect April iM, 11)05.
Kant ll,,,,,,.! H 4 1 ,y w. 1)llU(,
HIXl HHl only
Nn .1 n:,. i '' . 1'Hlly K-
'.'in ni
Hospital and Saoilariom
No a -No 4
I I'.lt'V A.M. I'.M.
. I'7I 11,10 6.1A
. 7111 1(1 nu
. :i7 10:41 4 :f,ij
. 7 ill III ::us 4:fa
Kl7 J(l:Hil 4:47
. Ml 10:;tn 4:44
Mil IU ;o;i 4:,'.tf
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. UI7 U:4H 4:ltf
IUII V: l.'i 4:1
. lO'-MI U:H6 4:oa
KU0 U;;t0 4:10
I'M A. Ml M KIHlloh
ii:!lii7::m u
I'et'Hmi (Inivo..
W iil.lm,
orni (iniilu. . ,
. I'aiiiiH '(1
. Itl.'ll KlM'K . ,
. . bill vol I'll. . ,
Hiicliy I'nliit,
..Kt'il ItriilKU. . . .
.. Wll.lwiMi.l
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Kiul ot i rm k . , .
2 :&.', 7:, Si 1 1 (,
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ua.i hi i;
- . . . .....,KU Willi, mi, IKlUtlO,
).'.':v:l;.',s:,;:ir,;S!,,r'' " "
"". iinil-MHV
. I'lfiKiiiwiii not "f:-, , ,
I.I..I..I t 1 , , ' 1 HI till VN,
ll. II. Is'imjI n(i,.r ,, , " ; " n. r..