Between, Two Fires By ANTHONY MOPE "A wise man will r.:ake n?r r-ppr-ctunltiee than ht f. cda." Francis Bacon. riiArrr.R ix oa: .a-j j I lj oi-i::i to sy. 1 f In t ':.! r. rd g-il at tb C :-' At b . .- gjo.t.-. a I.-V1-1 T-y I wbit :rtj-4 on ty ir. T-n I b-t-2 tb '.. cir t 1 krj "I'l; j-nt i'v.-zr'y b!-3 f-r rr: -Mr. JoT5. I a! b.Ti ttr h " fr irij'l for a i j . tr I t f ,r a r.. !a. a '. C--'! :; 3 :c.,k is :,"3 : b r- I hi-i r't r,'t -"r1! ?o r' ; a:o it 4 'irn an.aTi-i tzi t k r ? tr f'.-iT c: ;ii-':.T. i.k '"-7- a;. t rjt wirb in t:r n rh it's tH :; 1 if a zriB. tik ' ? hr --. to nt tb rri.. r. r srr:'iy. A: '.: I i"3 ir!T! "H' a voril'r?: r.jj! II w ii i y'i Cr? it rj. Co!tr:i"'" ' "li.-i J;iz:.j Orr t7 ;." that -oil kn--wa ..:-.-!. -w:ta siii: ht. I j; ; r. i a i on !. "H kr.." .: :1 Slr-or!-.!. "asy- :3 th js-v- w-;H t".rr b:m : l. 3 J, harry triulln't if b -.iii bip It. H unrrit"l your j"-5-r. Oioti."" I? Mj 'JirTora ;ii T. torl- ; ht'A'rt .;) Bat bow d-a it bar: ' Tb Colonel atsd tb S jnorina both "Toa do I: rry Mirln." H tV f j rnj-.-, "bit t: w:.'! ut tin; if I -a ttat both Sijrnorics N :?r:t asi !r. !' ar p-rvv-j of th (i-taii rir.J;r. tb (-be Coifl ps j!. aaJ atrok I "Ah, a'l bow d J voj Erj.i tbat oat?" ! I ak-L "Sht toU rr;," sH tb C'jlon!, inl; catij b; fa:r r.-iSjr. "Ari l may I tut bow yoa fo-jnl it oat. ftiynoriaa ' "Tb I'raiJat told a," uid tbat laiy. "U'eil, as yoa both know all abont it. !:' no fA kitg op prr.v. It'a rry kind of yoj to oo and warn "To'i dear Mr. Mirtin." aald tb F.ynoriaa, "oar ino:iva are not purely tb' of friendship." 'Vb. how do it matter to you?" "Simply thia," asid ah, "the bank and Ira xo!;nt manager own mot of tb d-bt. Tb Colonel and I own the rest. If it in repudiated, the bar.k lo ; yet. but the manager and the Colonel and the S.'norina Nugat are Joe:!" "I didn't know thia," I aail, rather be wildered. "Yen," aald the Colonel. Mwhn the Crat loan waa raiaei I lent hiai fl'AOOO. We were thick tbn. and I did it in return for my rack and my eat la the Chamber. K;nce then I're bought up aom more bare a." "You got them cbap, aid I. I euppoae T "Yea," he replied. "I arerajrd thern at about 73 inti the fiveijllar ahare." "And what do you hold now, nominal?" Three hundrod thouaand dollara," aaid b. abortly. "I understand yoj- lutereat in the mat ter. But yon, SijjnorinaV" The Sijrnorina appeared a little em barraed. But at !at ahe broke out : "I don't care if I do tell you. When I decided to tay here I had $.70,000. He j-ierauaded me to put it all into bin horrid debt. Oh! waan't it mean, Mr. Mar tin T The President had certainly combined bualneaa and pleaaure in thia matter. 'DxjfTaoeful !" I remarked. "And If that ?oe, I am pnni!ea I-nnlleaa. And there'a poor aunt. What wil h do?" "Never mind your aunt," aaid the Colo nel, rather rudely. "Well," he went on. "you ae we're in the tame boat with you, Martin." "Yea ; and we ahall eoon be In the aame 3ep water," aald I. "Not at all," aald the Colonel. "Finan cial probity la the backbone of a country. Are v to atand by and ee Aureataland enter on the ahameful path of repudia tion?" "Never!" cried the 8inorina, leaping op with aparkllng eyea. "Never !" She looked enchanting. But bualneaa la buaineaa; and I aald again: "What arw you going to do?" "Wa ara going, with your help, Mar tin, to prevent thia national disgrace. We are going" be lowered hia voice, uaeleaa ly, for the Slgnorina atruck In, In a hih merry tone, waving ber glovea over her head, with theae remarkable worda : "Hurrah for the Revolution! Hip! hip! hurrah !" The Slgnorina looked like a Goddeaa of Freedom in high apirita and a Paria bon net. She broke forth Into the "Maraell Ihi." "For merey'a Bake, be quiet I" said Mc Gregor, in a boarae whiaper. "If tbey bear you I Stop, I tell you, Christina I" "Kindly unfold your plan, Colonel," I said. "I am aware that out here you think little of revolutiona, but to a new comer they appear to be matters requir ing mo me management. You see we are ouly three." "I have the army with me," said he, grandly. "In the outer office?" aaked I, Indulg ing In a sneer at the dimensions of the Aureataland forces. "Look here, Martin," he said, scowling, "if you're coming in with us, keep your Jokes to yourself." Ion't quarrel, gentlemen," said the Flgnorlna. "It's a waete of time. Tell biui the plan, Colonel." I saw the wisdom of this advice, so I aid: "Your pardon, Colonel. But won t this repudiation be popular with the arm7 th dbt s!.V. b ran pay . Ktt-'t.' tSit a;--t vf Tfc.T ar Ijr.-al.'jr rt.rt. to I : ,r -n 'in a mT :r.y ';.! Si'in t.3""'f l'r. Va:. Hit ; i C art tn -.. Mart. a?" " V' .; I I. "a ii-.'.." - H w la j b k; ri it fir tb in-er-:." "Ah. joa m -a't want it now." I f..r tb "3! Urn. r ,? kt ." I.---'-k br. Martia : r'r ie tbit ta h -tui! f-r tb tr ;. Star J ia w.-a t'.i tb- ij I twi ir lr:t I'i' l.t t -j !a k t -zt $ipnii. Jut ! k z br j a is ! now. I iz't waut to rj i-. bat :a't it a - vf " -:fa7"' I. thvjxbtfa!- !t. ". .. Bit 3'r d toj t -j'r t i.r.t : jr'. !',.',,. to j b.r.t of j jr owe bir';"" II- :.- Ii ib.r c:-:fc-r t-j ra:-. aal. i-a " il S i .: ari. kii j : r.-r ;-t :'-. s-'C'y. II'a :t -X' a b.e ; x-b tb? j.-ar jart, at !-&." " ! 1 "err t.i t:-3 tbit?" "!!- ,i i ! " t hot fr .-rtala : Vat b- r ,!! T ) nik it ai:aa: rvrtaia. !'.-. L eii-I. bar otbtr ta !. fr uv-':.;.j It. G:v is tb ta Voa ni'.l bit yvjur I-aa Na'. ILL j ju .:. you .-a.. o: isa. 1r'-t:i.. r kaow tj i3oajr a :hr.-v, 3 n't . jriaa?"" "If e fi.IV" aaid I. H irw a nat l;rt rTolTr froai h!i -rit. iiI it f,r a aaiat agiictt bi rar. acd rj--k:.l It. "M: ij-:::y Coioael." aail I. W;i: yva rir baif aa boar to k it ot-r':" "V-." b aai-L 'You x ray :a tb uuvr o.5l Mania, but Of rca.-sa I tbia jrt of I trj: you. -a:: r:r bt. I a." aaH I. 'Aci yo-i. "I'll i!t. too," the aald. Tb--y both ri and wat oat, and I h-ard theia ia conversation with Jonea. I at thinking hard. scarcely a rrjoiLi-r.t ha I pi- i. wben I heir J tb d.r Iv-binl me oa. It waa ;b Sig r.orina. Sbe caxe la. rv beiind nj cbair, ar.d. leaning ovr. put ber arma rund ej wi. I looked up, aai aaw ber face lx of xaivbief. ' fhat about the rot. Jack?" abe a.kd. B-i:ird with delight, and believing I had won hr, I aaid : "Your soldier til! dath. Sijrnorina." "Bother death!" aaid b. aaucjly. "No tdj'B going to die. We iball win, and tbn !" "Ajri then," aaid I, eagerly, "you'll marry in, jreet?" She quietly atoopd down and kiaaed my lipa. Then, stroking my hair, abe aaid: "You're a nice boy. Jack." "Christina, you won't marry him?" "IBrn?" ' iWiregor." aaid I. "Jark," aald Bbe. whispering now, "I hate him!" "so do I," I answered promptly. "And If it'a to win you, I'll upet a doien prei denta." "Then you'll do It for m? I like to thick you'll do it for me, and not for the money." "I d'.n't mind the money coming In," I began. "Mercenary wretch !" she cried. "I didn't ki. you. did IV" "No," I replied. "You said you would in "ia minute, when I conaented." "Very neat. Jack." she aald. But she went and opened the door and called to MoCregor, "Mr. Martin aea no objection to the arrangement, and he will come to dinner to-night, aa you suggest, and talk over the details. We're all going to make our forturjes. Mr. Jones," he went on. without waiting for any acceptance of her implied invitation, "and when we've rnado ours, we'll think about you and Mrs. Jones." I heard Jones make some noise Inco herently suggestive of gratification, for he was as bad as any of us about tb Slg norina, and then I was left to my reflec tions. These were less somber than the reader would, perhaps, anticipate. True, I was putting my head Into a noose; and if the President's hands ever found their way to the end of the rope, I fancied he would pull It pretty tight. But, again, I waa Immensely In love, and equally In debt. To a young man, life without love Un't worth much ; to a man of any age, In my opinion, life without money Isn't worth much ; It becomes worth still less when lti is held to account for money he ought to have. So I cheerfully entered upon my biggest gamble, holding the stake of life well risked. My pleasure In the affair was only marred by the enforced partnership of McGregor. There was no help for this, but I knew he wasn't much fonder of me than I of him, and I found myself gently meditating on the friction likely to arise between the new President and bla minister of finance. In case our plans succeeded. Still the Slgnorina hat ed him, and by all signs she loved me. So I lay back in my chair, and recalled my charmer's presence by whistling the hymn of liberty until it waa time to go to lunch. CHAPTER X. The morning meeting bad been devoted to principles and to the awakening of enthusiasm ; in the evening the conspira tors condescended upon details, and we held a prolonged and anxious conference at tike Slgnorlna's. Mrs. Carrlngton waa commanded to have a headache after din ner, and retired with it to bed ; and from ten till one we sat and conspired. The result of our deliberations was a pretty plan, of which the main outlines were as follows i This was Tuesday. On Friday night, the Colonel, with twenty determined ruf flans (or resolute patriots) previously bound to him, body and soul, by a dona tion of no less than fifty dollara a man. I! a !!3. te ,: at-i :' oni ti ;-:s,a 1 I'.-r. i r.J w-:::.-t ca ii ;rf-3.; r s t . :-.g if .1 .vaM i i. :W tot cn tb ob.r 1&J tj ;:;. Mtrv- r want! to fit tit l'r. J-tt . f ti y t o--. t j" : --.t J Tt a j -. b-j! I rsrf'T nr:.J tS.s ;!. and. frtj- sr. j a-.;::; rs k -r in-! !ct r inry. aa 3 I ! Si ( t t- ?-jt cf Tb (.". r- u at a'" '.a tiii tb bo );:i f My ta.k k-; tb'a fty atr--! ".'.'- w 1 a. wba ' I ra" ijaarrara. tri!- ia bt-.L a-I --inI tbir a"-f:aa-. Ihf kr;'w!-!r -f tb r.arartr of tb trv.r-a r V u rtr3 tb r-j't c a r" in ' t. .f t lr. Vnt wr a fr--r tr! tS '..'.ir ifr tV.r iin. Tb CV -m ! r. I t, tr ; wr ta jr" '"1 :b ,"'T n' :: -';n. ani c Tr 'Vm i:f - I -r. n. r !-a:b an! .'-.r-j .. 1 1. r r n w an:!;a.J th'.r -b-,.'.- :-b i.-'; Tb artny wa tVn t- : pars !-I in tb tVatta. tb tn ot raw. or --n :!. an J. Nrb : J. tb Bt w "'3 ; b i '. Tb of :b' V r nt;r!y 4- :n ! I it x::n" rri:n:.r!t a dVaj :r a th on on tbat , r ana " i-r :r!! at 12 ' ! f . in, 1 aVr: anj oo Briiiy r.rbf. If b i:rJ tb ; i 't. w wr ) t. If b t :,k i: :n: i b. bi 1 to attr. 1 tb . . i j . : . 4i J b frratiy ;-. -r-!. At tbi r.i w tjrr.I to tb i.r."r ti. an-1 I : I. br:fy : "Tb i;;m t t- mhr y-a coro fa. S:xa--T:-.a. I'Tn ! r. to in r it to-j to 4:. i:b p-ary I'r.ity ia- !r. at j-re. .y. "Yoj tr.-e b vd '. w!y. "tbat I am to kp blm at horn on FrMty?" "Y. "I d! t;i! I Is ui-yl V - ,er It rrtt d.3.-u'.- ty" she sjil. "but I J -n't like it; It b-k vi tracbrous." Of cour it d. 1. I !i lat like hr dv ing it myteif. but hw '. was the Pres ilnt to t -jr-I? Hatbr la to think of that. Isn't It?" akd M-Grrjr. with a mr. "A rTo''iri a won t run on a ca emotional wh!." Think how h ckyel you about tb rr.ony,'" ssil I, atfjxir.j tb part of lh lrr.?:r. T.j -b wsy." said M-Gr-gor. "it's nn- derato."! tb .:on of t r)r: 'n . c'.rs Into pos- Pr-: lent's country villi. isn't it?" Now ej poor Sijrnorina htd a longing for tbxt choi" little retreat, aai btwa rr.ta-.n fir br 'ct money and a d- ir for tbe prtty boj. b was sor bset. Lf: to herself. I tel;eve she woull bar y.eiiei to br better feelings and spoiled tbe plot. "I'll do It. if you'll swear rot to to hart blrn," she said. "I've promised already." replied tb Colonel, sullenly; "I won't touch him. un lets h brinzs it on himself. If he tries fo kill m. I snppose I needn't bare my breast to th blow?" "No. no." I interposed ; "I have a re gard for his excellency, but we mutt not let our feelings betray us into weakness. He must be taken alive and well, if possible but in the last resort, dead or alive." "Come, that's more like sense, said tbe Colon-!, approvingly. The Sijrnorina sighed, but opposed us no longer. Returning to ways and mans, we ar ranged for communication in case of need daring the next three days without the necessity of meeting. My position as tbe center of financial business In Whifting ham made this easy; th ptsssge of bar.k messengers to and fro would excite little remark, and the msags could easily be so expressed as to reval nothing to an unlnstructed y. It was further agreed tbat on the smallest hint of danger reach ing any one of nt, the word should at once be p;isd to the others, and we should rendezvous at the Colonel'a "rnr.h " hleh lav citna seven ml-es from tit town. Thence. In this lamentable ' case, escape would be more possible, "And now," said the Colonel, "If Mar- tin will hand over tbe dollars, I tninir . that's about all." (To be continued.) Ill WeaU-Knd. Mr. Melville Insalls, the Western railway miiK'uite, 'h Induced by a friend while hpetidliiK Sunday with hliu to attend service at a church, the pastor of which Is rioted for the extreme length of bis sermoim. As the friends) were lenvlnj at the conclusion of tbe service, the Boston lan, with a touch of pride. Inquired: "l)r. Blaiik It a uoNt elojuent minis ter, is he not?" "Very eloquent," van the dry re siinse of the railroad man, "but he hna ixir terminal facllltlea." Harper'a Weekly. Xot Tbat Asilont, "I'd give a million dollara If I could keep from getting bald." "If you will nib a raw onion on your hair every day it will keep It from fall ing out." "Gee! I'm not that anxious to keep my hair!" HouHton Pout. Tbe Hest ha .Needed. "Yes," said Mrs. Popley, "I'm going to take the children away to the coun try for a month or so." "You'll take your servant girls with you, of course," said Mrs. Nexdore. "Most assuredly not! I need a rest myself." Philadelphia Press. Nervous. "JlKfoy B"t an awful scare last night." "What waa it?" "His youngest boy fell out of bed." "What did Jlgsby do?" "He woke up and screamed 'Earth quake!' "Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Others Vs. The Maid Now there's Fred Hug gins. He's a man after my own heart The Man Well, he'a scheduled for a hitter disappointment The Maid Why do you aay that? The Mai Because you are hearties. tb u it in --,, rr avs:.,-y ms-x- I,i YtOJ"-' r ..n 'be m-i b j '-L I I ''S S JL" A J ti.s B. J-.'gM bat ilvVf djty 7 J': TJ7"?V V "NT' r J y irr;.. Tb-s- .it k ( .Y-T- JJZ-J n'a ;rf at 'b ?rr ks tbat - -g. tt no:?, -n- -r in.-! !ct or OfV -s---.- .- e- t rn t an J to r .mm lii in f-J TA , ?f? jtmZJ fc C, i,"'v ST'" I- rrrmairal Trrllla f Wlr. Tb f t- I f' rno t M-'rt to i tbT tiican ft k!!h2 ni t'rt t my I nn l-on. a irlniT !ti Farru an i Klr.-i !. At ot; tlnif I t-uicb: we iui,t icvt arnun-1 t!i il t ft.-uity t'.v j : .i :i l : !. tb r,-wrr t-ti !i i'.:ii.iv Tb Isttf-r h,ictff lin it ni ::)n. Vi.n fra-ltti 'f tlio r-; tbst I -i:i aril .V r-t fr't:i my ";!" r.nn. ai.,1 now I !.i!it t!i lat tor i.-:a:v!y. Tliy n "v tra'.iul t -t. !r? ti I atr!:." trrllla. j !! ili uM N Ml firmly, an 1 n"t j t , far a. srt. I uv "atranlzi-l !rc ; ,., ... i ,. I? f.r a :.ur!il-r . f ysr. It h.ia t dt.m.I iniito a trai:i. at t!- 1 a I .f tbr'.fty rltica 11 t I 3 f arJ. inll"''7 Uy. aii.l I. t!i.rrf..n. ci n-.u-'a :!.'; rt. l.y .';. ftiieutsry T,ikn j -tw -n tb ."tt. a l (Mtirniirtit. Tb wrt ar m.vlc to tvt In a rrt' h at tb- t:;-;T : t tbt j-! or st.tke. T, n;.ie the trrll.t stiil str -ti.T. I i t i i-l TliM 1 "I mi .s SC UM a Btt TRtl US. now put several rows sl,l ly side, and c:;:it--t the r.s:s and slakt htum tli r" t by crt strij't fattcnol hlli fii.-u.-h to allow tb born lu rultlvat- to mI r It. I'or -a-li row 1 striti-b two win-. ouv a!eut kIx liicbf.t alnne tbo groutul urfaiv. tin.- other atut flvt fft from the jrrouti'L t'oi:iti:oii bln.b-r t!tu Is tsou:id aroutnl the two wlrrt. It zu.tke a uxful aiil quite or:i;i:inMit:il u;i rt fr the l!iin. and the vines t.te raJ;ly, pa rtli-ti l:i r!' an.l re.-jnirk-a! !y . t the .tr'.!i, even without :..u Ii atistaiii-e or ivalLi oil tbe part of the jjrowtrf. ttaperlorl t r -I the Mai. Tli? mule It les.t iicrviim than the b'lrt? and therefore lon-a les energy la u.-Ies.t frettit;;. In f.n't. one tf the chief etiara. -tensile of the mule la bis ability to take care ft bhiiM-lf under all olnumstaiKfs, says Fannin,. Much of the uj'pareut s!i;rkltij which I.t charged Ufe' the mule 1 nn Inborn tendency to husband bis strei;tli nnd make every effort count. The re-sult of this Instinctive cure on the part of the mule la that be 1 able to turn out inore work than would Its possible for a horse of tbe aame weU'ht umler the same conditions. The mule lustinctlve lly avoids holvit, sharj' obstacles, barbed wire feiiii-t and various other forms of danger which are not v sucr-etsfully avobled by horses. It Is a matter of common observation that In Instances where muli-s run away they seldom In jure themselves to any serious extent. Kamlaratlon to I'roleet Orebarda. In Germany some intertntlnjj; expt-rl-nienU have recently U-en made In the protection of orchard treeu a'aiiit nUht frot by mean of fumigation. A . part of an orchard In bloom was thus , Buoeessfully tf'iardej against an April frost by tbe dense smoke of naptha- Hut ttie e v iMrl men t u-nrf vert. ..v. . kl,(,ram), of ,ial,thtl.alene belli, consumed by seven flames lu one hour. Later a new preparation of chem icals was tried, producing a compara tively large volume of smoke with the exjetidlture of only two kilograms of the material per hour. These trials are under the direction of an experimental gardening association. Palllnar Old Fenrat Posts. Fasten chain to post close to the ground, pass It over the wheel of an POST-Pl'LUXO DEVICE. ordinary corn planter, hitch team to chain and go ahead. It don't damage the wheel and the broad tire keeps it from sinking Into the ground. Setting; Fence I'osts. Some farmers argue that it Is host to set posts early In the fall, when the ground Is solid. Of course, a post care fully set at any time will remain In its place, but the fall season is really a much worse time than In the spring. Digging the hole makes the soli loose, and if done in the fall It has not time to become compact again. Water fil ters down through the loose soil, which will raise the pout a little every year until It throws it out altogether. If the soil has time to settle It absorbs less moisture, and after the first year, If the heaving out has not already be gun, It will rarely begin. Anlbrai and Karth Worms. From recent experiments it la cer tain that earth worms are responsible for couveylng the spores and anthrax from rarlous burled carcasses to the surface of the earth and thus bringing about a reinfection. This process of re infection was urged by M. Louis Pas teur, but without success. M.I.. a. .."... " llcrr- Is a rm!-!.-r from ona who nldei.tly the il-l thing r-ry farmer my bavr In I'ls gsr H n.!lii ewrjone to make an as paMKU t-t. "'"I w"r' ,rulr U ra.llr and quickly l-"". Am"'"-" needs a rich, mellow, warm r-.ll. Ma nure the ground thoroughly "Kb ''" rotted stable manure. Plow eight to ten Inches deep or deeper. Plant III long row. Pulverlre thoroughly IH" l;.k and harrow. ure s hundred i! year old plant st a ot of from M cents to $1. 0n a row with i-b-w or a ,-ultUator. Het plant two feet npnrt In row with crown three Inches !-ow surface. Press o! firmly niiuit plan', nil up the row- and cultivate sainu as orn or beans, mid i"'t year will hate an al'iiiid.iin of delicious and healthful f "t. mid th same will con tinue for years if you keep free from weeds and add each jenr a frcu Blip ply of farm f. rt!l;x r. ala "t a silo. It I very lui;. rtaut to provide some means by which the dairy cow can be supplied with good fH-d at all s.s.iiis of the year in order that she may yield milk m.-e-t eooiioinlcnlly. Such medium may If found In the silo which fur nlshet a place for the storing of f'l In the f-rui of silage. It I a well known fact that the nearest an Ideal f.-od that can le obtained for the dairy cow It g.t pature; but f-r eevernl mouths Iri the year green pasture It not available. At such timet the !et substitute are corn allage nnd such roojs as inangelt and turnip. Corn yields nn average of twit- as much dry matter -r acre at r.e.t crops; and s'ri'V the latter Involte much more la Is. r. and greater expense, silage Is far more eo-noiulcal. Hot to Grutt Itbnbarb. Hare the ground oil which rhubarb I Krowu tery rich. It njulres well rottel manure. Divide the root, al lowing otie tuU-r to t! h'.ll. This sliould Is? done every other year. Ks-p the d!rt h."l tip loosely nroimd theiii and a sin as the first leaves come and I leg In ' dr.-p over on the ground, cut t!.-m off; this will start the stalks to growing the taller and stralghter. All talks should t' cut when they In Kin to dr-K.p toward the gr md. Never pull them, for If you d, yu take with them the !i-N,ts for the next stalkt nnd nli break the oinll r.'ts that help nourish the plant. Cut them one Inch nl-ive the ground. Always cover with slut thrH Inches of straw In the fall. Follow these rule mid your pieplant will )!eld abundantly t'll frost kills It. Ilnnae-Made Cars Shelter. This Is a cheap way to make a gnd corn sheller. Get a jM.pIar plank six Inches wide, one Inch thick and three Tite iioMtMAi.r ( Hiirnik. feet long. Dress the plank smooth; drive some H -nny nails Into the plank to within one Inch of the heads; put them one-half Inch apart In rows lu a square six Inches each way. Urea and Smoklnsr. Many times lH-e are smoked more than Is necessary; perhaps, because not every one knows that during a nectar flow some honey Is lost every time a hive is opened, says Farming. When In-es are smoked they fill themselves with honey and If so much smoke Is used that most of the U-es In the hive at that time take honey, It will be more than an hour before It Is rcdepos ltcd Into the cell and the regular work resumed. Bees sometimes gather nec tar enough to make a pound of honey an hour, so one can see that It would be quite a loss If every colony In a fulr sized apiary were smoked enough to Interrupt the work for one hour. To II I pen Oram. Cream left to Itself will become sour spontaneously. This la the result of the growth of lactic acid bacteria, which feed ujon tho milk sugar, and as a final process convert It Into a lue tic acid. Other forms of bucterla are always present lu cream; some have little or no effect In tho ripening proc ess, while others, If allowed to de velop, produce undeHlrablo and often obnoxious flavors. To cultivate and de velop these "wild" germs Is called "spontaneous" rljienltig, and Is often ut tended with uncertainty: Good butter making demands the ue of a "starter," either home-made or a pure culture. Tho former should be made of selected skim milk. Keeping Hons Clean. To give the pigs a thorough scrub bing may appear to be lubor thrown away, but If two lots of pigs ure treat mi alike In every reflect, except that one lot receives a thorough scrubbing with soapsuds once lu a while, there will be a marked difference lu favor of the hogs that are washed when the time for slaughter arrives, a clean bed of straw with a dry house, so as to afford them comfort at night, will also promote thrift and growth. The bog la naturally a cloauly animal and enjoys a bath. If considered a filthy animal, that devours filthy food, it Is because of the treatment given. Hogs will select clean and wholesome food If given the opportunity to do so. HISTORIAN A s Hll. John, Duke of Burgundy, mur dered. 1 I1C -4'oluftihus salte.l from Cm, try lat.lfl. It oil V)Sg of d. sinter), ',XZ Pnarro landed in Peru. First church found---! st I'htrl.-t-town and Boston. I 1 '..'! 1 1 trt ard College founded. hiii: British .ef.-!r. the I r : ti at -be haul of Lis--arm!. P',1.7 Nrta- Nefheflalid Colony ii'.u-r-.H thanksgiving for rratorailoa of ; ,i. ta.lli (lie Indi.ths. li'i.M Cromwell's first parliament ss- Semhied at We-nl tllll.s! er. IT'1' --Montreal surrcii lerrd to tb ll:i li.b. 1774 First Continental Conjieaa n-:n. bled in Carpenter's IUH. I'l.-l-iM-plus. ITT'1 Nathan Hal executed ; .' 1777 - British marched upon I'll. 1 .i l-' ;-!i t, nn. I Americans retreated a. r.- Brandy iiie. I Benedict Arnold's treason d a -uv 1 7S 1 - Naval engagement o.T th Vir ginia cn;et tM-t.seri the British nn I French Meets. ... Port lirisvto! ) t,i en by th British unovr Arnold lV.'l -Treaty of prsce, arktin I'-dgmg iudepa-iulf-nc of the Cnite.1 .N!,it.a, witli Great Britain. Jsitl S-,,nn resulti-'l In great loss of !:fe and pr.qn-rty at Savannah. G . 1S1.1 I'mtisI Stale l.rig Bnterprise ,-n;e tured brig B er oT S, 5 nn. I! t ii cotiiman-ler killv-1. ... Perry's 1 1. t.,ry on I-tke line. l"vt --American and British Ian I ani water forcva mgaged in battle ,,f Iike Clismplniri. ISpl, Kia King, ll:ii;eror of Cliina, d- throned !iers surrend.-rs-d to British and Dut h t!.-. t. lvtl Warsaw raptured by the lt is:nns. 1S37 -'ongrr cinvrurd In rvtrs ses sion to levise measures to relieve th financial embarrassments of the coun try. 1SI0- First safety In-acon on G I win Sands, off mouth of Thaue-a river. l'sll Two hundred lives lost In hurri cane at M.-tiiiiiurnt. 1M7-Battle of Kl Mulino I K-l K--r, Mexico. 1S.V House patted bill ndmlttltig Cali fornia to statehiHMl. IST..1- Uellgiotis liberty adopted In Hol land. llCel Great loss of life and prornrty in tornado at Iuisille, Ky. 1S-77 Isa of the ship Central America and -1.71 lives off C,i May. IV51 Gen. tlraut took possession of Paducah, Ky. lsi!l! Confi-dcrate army cronsesl poto mac river and enter-l Maryland. 1 ."ttl3 Jen. Burnside mvupied Knoxville. 1S1 Tin? Confederate Gen. Morgan' forces routed nt Greenville, Trim. 1S7I -The mare Goldsmith Maid trotted mile in 2:17 at Milwaukee. 1S.3 Irish Home Itule hill rrj.sct.Nl by British House of Lords. 1V.W William J. Bryan notified of hi nomination for the presidency.... First National bank of Helena, Mont., closed. lSJIS British troops entered Khartoum . . . . F.mprrss Flizals-th of Austria assassinated. . . .French occupied Fa shoda . . . .Cznr unveiled monument to Alexander II. at Moscow. l'.N'tti New York legislative Investigat ing committee began examination of lifit Insurance companies. ... Japan ese and Russian envoys signed treaty of peace at Portsmouth, N. 11. (osa-'onf Ineut Auto Itrroril, Tho recent automobile trip made by I L. Whitman from San Francisco to New York, over a 4,1100-mile route, was coin pleted In fifteen days, twelve hours and two minutes, at an I'lnensu In lint com- 1 lianv (if SX.OOO. Diirlnir th.. ioiirnev re- " - re at - " V lay of men kept paco with the car by rail, but they were not ueeded ; nlso a complete outfit for repair was sent along by rail from point to point, including a complete running gear and duplicates of every part. But no part of that gear was required, ns it was out of reach when the smash-up occurred at Counciuit, on the Ohio border. The gasoline used aver aged one gallon to fifteen miles. Whit man received $2,rsK) for Ills services. To II reed a Hare or llurTnloea. Major 10. I' Merrisy, supervisor of ths Wichita, Kan., forest reserve, In prepar ing to receive a herd of twenty-seven buf falo, a gift from (ho soulogical associa tion of New York, to be used for propa gating the aperies. ICfTert of Industrial Combination. A new census bulletin shows that the nunibor of manufacturing establishments lu this country Increased only 4 per cent from UHHJ to 11MU, wh"o the capital In creased 41 per cent. An Interesting com parison Is made between the Iron Indus try In this country and Al though England has ru2 furnaces at work and the United States S'A still almoot half as much more product U credited to the American Industry. Another eeonomlo effect Is said to be the steadying of prices. r I sj. "ss4, ft-"