Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 10, 1906, Image 5

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    The Bazaar
DoiVt Overlook our
School Tablets, Pencils,
Folding Lunch
Perfumes, Soaps and
Toilet Articles
New Slock of
lli-iir mil' l n w $100 I'hollogrupll,
Ni-w nIimIi u( Machine nmt
Iti-ri in I t no Hn 1 1 -
I ,ace o i ii I Kin liiny union-, Ties,
I I I IHI-, Jl'll I l I III IUHllillK
I 1 1 1 1 1 I' I n i I ,ri- Kilh-r,
I il l ii i-i H-1 I I i I (!iiifi-ct ioilH.
The Bazaar.
Collage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
SlllilH Oll'l I llilis lill'il I'l'illllH.
Momv to In. in mi :i
Mxi'llllllt'l" Htll'l,
p! 1. c i 1 tin- I'
1 1 r. n v k 11 t h k 1 1 ,
iin)Vi-il m'curity
availuli'i uilV
llitl-ll Sut'H
1 . I-
w iinm.m
Or. King's
New Discovery
60c &S1.00
Free Trial.
Surest ami Uiiickt-Bt Cure for all
wum vnuryui m w mi mi
W arc-anxious t- li.ivc- every Re
publican io clo- touch, and work
ing io harmony witli tin- Republican
National Ci.iin s.-imial Committee in
favor ol tin; election if a Republican
The Connies I' mal campaign must
lio based no tin- administrative and
legisl.itivi- in-ml .l tlic larty, and,
that being si 1. Theodore Roosevelt's
personality nm-t I'e a icntral figure
and his achievements a central
thought in tin; campaign.
We ili -iii- to maintain the work of
this campaign with pntiilar subscrip
tions of One Dollar eaili from Repub
licans. 'I'd c-aeh snbseriber we will
send tin: Republican National Cam
paign Text Honk and all documents
jsMied by the 'oiiuoittee.
Help us at hii-M- a gnat victory.
J.xmi sS. Siii kman, Chairman,
1'. O. l!o ?udj, New York.
Absolutely Puro
A Cream of Tartar Powder,
free from alum or phOf
phatlo acid
Write to jour friend on Cottage
I.Ipih find use ill Bouvotilr
iioviF. news !r.::'!:lr"!.:"""iabou,
to I - - M UMIUC Wl UYK JIIU Vlllllll.
Ca.AAjtAJUULftJuiJU)iAfl juuftsjiPJifltftfOffBTmrinrir
Subscribe for the Nugget.
Ii. 1). Hmith exfectH to Htarl next
Monday for California.
A home brand is the kind for yon
to smoke C. (1. cigars.
John .Small from way up the
Coast Fork wan a visitor in town on
The bcHt selection of school tab
lets in town can be soon nt Metealf
iSc lirunds.
T lie bent Hcloction of sehoul tab
lets in town can bo seen at Metealf
& DrundK.
Judge l'otter and wifo of Ktigene
spent Sunday visiting with fi iond
near here.
Henry Veatch went down to Fti
geno Sunday pud got bis foil quota
of birds near there.
W. A, Hemenwny's htoro west of
bridge in Kukiu V, Urintow's bid.,
Wall and Water Sts.
Rev. Beatty, the new Mclbo list
minister will occupy his pulpit hero
next ''ynday for tho first time.
Levi (Jeer paHed through town
Sunday on li in way back to London
after a trip to the county sent.
Giiffiu & Veutch Co. had in a
new shipment of guns tho last ol
tho week and anions them a .'52
Winchcstfr Autornalie, that inter
CHts the hiioolerH.
The Chumbers Lumber C'. is
l.iyini,' in about five tons of pro
visions foF llioir bi i-tote nt I'o-rt-na.
Tho More will bo thoroughly
Biipplied in a short time.
Tbe Cowlitz County Advocate,
of CaHtle,Kock, WaHhinj;too i i now
nndcr new onersliiji, Geo. Me
('lane, a former employee of Uiiw
olliee now lin the dilor nod
munager. e wihii iumi Hiieeess
Mr. and Mrn. Roy Welch have
rented a houHe in l'ortland ami on
Monday shipped all their furniture
up and will soon be settled there.
As yet Mr. Welch will remain in
the Htoro here, but may later k t
J.-T. HuHton and son s of Ten-
dloton drove from Pendleton over
to the Willamette valloy and looked
around with a view to Bettlin in
this Bcction, but the boys do not
ike lumbenug and Mr. lliiHton fol
lows their wishes.
Mrs. Klmira Sweeney has pur
chased a houHO of Geo. Ritchie,
known as the Lawbaugh Library,
and moved it to a lot east of Henry
Fischer' sresidence, where she is
converting it into a very neat little
four room cottape.
Mrs. J. B. Protzmau has been
very ill for a number of days and
Sunday her life was despaired of,
as was also that of her youngest
son, a lad of about throe, both sick
with fever. Monday morning the
mother waj reportod Bomo better,
but still very dangerously ill
Cottage Grove was well repre
sented at thetneeting at tho Lane
County Medical Association on
Saturday nignt. Drs Hockett,
Best and Kime, with their wives,
being present. They went down
on the delayed overland Saturday
afternoon, and came back the same
night. The doctors report having
had a Bplendid time, the ladies en
joyed the trip, too.
Prank Winzenread has been
greatly changing and beautifying
his home on Hit u street uy unua
. 1 1.
mg a wwe anu long porcu acrows
tho front and north end of his
house and by the addition of an
upper porch in front of one of tho
dormer windows. The chango in
the house has made it look like an
entirely different placo, and makes
it stand out as one ol ue line
houses of the town.
The next attraction is Marshall
Choate Crouch, who has not only
been a Chautauqua favorite, but
who Las so ably ontertalnod a num
ber of select audiences iu the Cen
tral West. His subject is timely
and bis message worth while. Nono
who hear his "Simple Life," will
fail to pralBe htm. He comes Sat
urday, October 27th. A good
houso is fully expected. Uo sure
to hear him. Ho is guarautood to
Tom Gill had a bad accident las
week. He was doing some work
at his wood pile when he lost his
balance aud fell backward aud in
catching himself his left wrist
struck the edge of the axe and cut
a. deoD trash. The wrist commenced
to heal all right, but Sunday his
cow got 011 a tear and while trying
to get her penned up he got his
wtist badiy strained and broke the
wouDd open. Tom don't let his af
fliction bother him any more than
he can help and kept pegging
away and says the day is coining
when he will have a new leg that
I will be tar bettrr than lite crutch.
Childrcns bats Saturday at Mary
Fall oponing at the Bartels Milli
nery Saturday.
Kugcnc Steam Laundry, Allison
and HastingH agents.
Special Hale of hols for children
Saturday Mary 1'artcln.
40 bars laundry soap for $ r.oo ot
V. A. Homenway's store.
W. A. Hcinenway has bargain
couutorH full of bargains.
C. C. CofTman and wile of Ku
gerio arc making a visit here.
The latest styles for childrens
hats Saturday at Mary Bartels.
Judgo G. It. ChriHman was a vis
itor in towr on Monday from the
comity Heat.
Tho two men on trial in Kugene
for violation of the prohibition law,
were acquitted.
A carload of 12 race horses
passed through the Grove bound
Hfuith on Monday.
The S. P. in very short of train
crewH, and is finding difficulty in
Hfcuring good men.
Miss Antoinette Burdick went to
Mngenc Tuesday to rc-Bume her
HtudieH at the U. of O.
Rev. Olson of the Christian
Church attended the district con
vention in Albany last week.
Arehio Thorn ppon is spending a
few (lays with his family, but will
soon go back to his work on the S
P. bridge crew.
4.vV'7"l 1S r,ow the population of
Oregon, according to O. P. HofT,
State Ln?or Commissioner, which
is a matfrial increase over the last
The freight and draymen ore
overworked these days. The busi
ness done in town is larger thtn
ever before known, and prosper
ous times are here.
II. O. Eldridge of Cherry Creek,
Nevada was a visitor at the Nugget
office this week. His home is at
(iorvais, Oregon, but most of his
time is spent in Nevada in the min
ing district.
Five steamships arrived at Seattle
Saturday from Alasks nth $97i,
000 in gold on board, and with
1O3S passengers. Averaging
the gold per passonger, they
not havo very much.
The Kpworth League of the
Methodist Church was entertained
Monday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Isham. A very
cood timo was had by all present.
The very best of refreshments were
A limb of huckleberries in the
Nugget window are attracting con
siderable attention. Most people
say they are shadow berries and
other names but they are grown
from a new plant in the East and
are real huckleberries.
Dr. L. Mattney, a San Francisco
physician paseed through the Grove
011 his way to Portland last week
and will return to the Grove before
long with a view to settling here.
He is well leased with the sight of
tho town and its business and says
he expects to open up a business
house somewhere in the Willam
ette Valley before long.
In Sunday's Register is printed a
transcript of the address of Prof. II.
C. Sampson to the teachers of the
Lane County Institute, a couple of
weeks ago, on "The Making of a
Community." This speech was
thought to have been one of the
abbst delivered at the institute and
was especially enjoyed by several of
the teachers here.
Tho new foundry commenced
tho moving of their machinery
from Latham to the now bnilding
on Monday. The building is pro
gressing rapidly and will soon be
finished. The Wynne Hardware
Co. is covering the big roof with a
patent roofing called 'Jungo."
When the shop is completed and
running it will bo a great help to
all the sawmills and other mills in
this section as it will enable them
to get quick repairs.
Disc Plows!
Now is the time to do
your fall plowing.
We carry the best disc
plow that is made and
would he eased to have
yon call and examine its
000000 000000 0-00000 000000
u ii. , on MS ):. I n:i if, v, a.
11 i; 1 1 m;. run. r.i;i ki.i.v,
. Ko-s k;.
Paid Capital $15,000.00.
W. H. Abrami
B. Lurch
C. Ron Kin
A. H. Kelio
- President
Assistant Cashier
We solicit the account- of cor
porations, firms and individual-!,
and will be pleased to meet
with those who contemplate
rn!W accounts.
We pay I per cent on time de
posits after August 1, l')' (i. We
will be moved to our perma
nent homo on or about that
Vetch and Oat Seed
For Sale
Mixed in the proper
proportion for ha'. One
and one-quarter cents
per pound. Inquire of
Ih-iDLER Bros.
Cottage Grove, Ore.
J. J. Hill expects to see America
a country of 200,000,000 popula
tion in 1900.
New Yorkers say that Roosevelt
will succeed 'Senator Piatt as sena
tor from New York.
The lawyer that defended the
assassin of President Garfield, died
in Chicago Monday.
A Voncalla Nursery a ont thinks
sho will have a good field in about
Cot'.ago Grove as she hears this is
a great fruit section.
Wm. Kirk of Dorcna after an
outing at the Lakes in Lastern
Oregon, is now in Eugene at the
business college and expects to fit
himself for an expert bookkeeper.
Geo. Corner says the last month
ias been the lest month he has
had since he has been in business.
He has sold more harness and done
more work all through than over
Mr. C. Gray, lather of Mrs.
larry Metcalf, arrived here on
Monday and with his family will
occupy the house just east of Mr.
Metcalf's, the family moving here
from Halsey.
Davo Griggs has a neat window
display of Rat-Bis Kit in the form
of a great arch, composed of Rat-Bis-Kit
boxes, back of which Puss
and Towser sitting disconsolate
over the loss of their job.
Mrs. J. Richards and daughters
returned from Independence on
Saturday after an abseuce of a
month or more. Lach year Mrs.
Ricbards and her daughters make
visit at her mothers and then
make a good round sum at the hop
yards near there.
At the meeting of the Commer
cial Club Monday night little busi
ness was transacted other than for
tho lecture course, tho editor of the
Nugget being made a member of
tho entertainment committee in
place of F. J. Hard, whose business
at the mines keeps him too close to
attend to the work of the commit
North Bend 1ms a Commercial
Club which began its existence last
Tuesday evening with dl members.
The officers of tho club are C. S.
Winsor, president; F. II. Bingham,
secretary and Fj. II. Jones, treas
urer. The club has a Riut or 11
rooms on tho third llo r of the
Winsor block that overlooks the
bay. The club starts out very
promisingly, and will strive for the
upbuilding ot tho Coos bay country
111.001) rOISOMNU.
Results from chronic constipation,
which Is quickly enred by Dr. King's.
New l.ifo Pills. Thoy remove till
potrtouous germs from the system and
nifuso new lh'o and vigor; cure sour
stomach, miunla, headache, dlzzlnecs
und eollc', without griping or uls
comfort. L'a-. i uai anteed by lien
hou'h Pharmacy,
J y& " ""taawranrixs-.' " fl
i MB I
For 11 boy or a girl t. w.-ar 'ho -
Wkkk School Slioii.
It is wear,
worry and
It has style
and charac
ter and is
worth more
han it costs.
Also a line line of Ladies' and
Gent." Shoes -
Ladies Fill.; .Shoe- ').', 10
VlZh Gents I ii.o S!:o : Ail -', : to r,r all .-ort-i of feet
t'l.l't to f 5.00.
BoiWiila nugget
All the News
I fill the Time
Neat Job Work of
I All KMs Dope
WW treat you RkjDI
Griffin Veatc
Ilardwaiv, Stoves, Plunibintj
i--(-1 AT iii f nivci'i'i'c' oml tmll
supplies, Wagons, Unifies, Ari- "m
1 .1 1 ' 1 . . . 1 o. i' . Ml
cultural liajiienients, oiioitiii
goods, duns, Ammunition, Hercu
les powder. Caps, Fuse, lite.
. jig
FPPP Knowing what It w;is to
r,,tu suffer, 1 will give l- KKi: Ol'
CIIAIUJE, to any utlllctod u positive
cure for Kezeiaa, Salt Klieuni, 1-: ryip
elas, l'llea und Skin Diseases," In
stant relief. Don't suffer longer,
Write F. W. WIL1JAMS, 1(10 Manhat
tan Avenue, N, V. Knoloso ftamji.
Mrs. Sim Urand and little daugh
ter left for Eugene Monday for a
few days visit.
Souvenir envelopes and writing
paper cost you little more and ad
vertise the Grove. Uo your part
to let people know what a town we
Hoarding anil day lor younK laJie".
1 Lt'nchtltky mi'thoili. Art; ComplM
Arii.ltnli? Ciiiirnit; .ii.t-IiI Inducement., h'ot
Intoi-iuatloa addiesti SUtur Superior.
. '' . . !:',V t l'i :l..' Ui-nclf J
ii .. n i -: ' Ii j oil liuvi' jj
" A ' . jl 61 I ., :illiur, 3
: . . -j . w,ihi,i,.., un..ik-iiti.v 3
I w i 1.1 1.
I i a;.: , :
) -v t.i ii -1 i i r p rtt'i't
: . 1 1 t r .. ill nl mw h..(l. 1
, ;. p.inii'litt t, in a pin tit
I. . i! i ..i'tli iiliilH. if juu
( : . Yi-iit 'bt:iblWti d.
i -1 , i't . ' lu ml, Ot cK"it.
a .wo.!. hdjiMMuaaM04arawa
Chicken fanciers get a Poultry
Journal, and keep pot-ted. The
Northwest poultry Journal and the
Nugget 'or I.70.