Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 10, 1906, Image 3

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raclHcatlon of Cuba Proceeds
Without a Hitch.
Guerrera's Troops Being Sent Homo
by Tralnlondi FlRhtinn Was
Mostly by Gamecocks.
Havana, Oct. 4. Tli alacrity with
wlilrh l lna rebels are laying down their
nrniH to Ihi' commission appoint' d tn
superintend thut Imtiiii taut phase of
the termination of tho revolution Ih
tho greatest. Hurprlso the provisional
Iiiih yet encountered In the smoothly
working program. TIiIh operation Ih
now will miller way In tint vicinity of
Havana, 7(i of (iuenu'H men with'
their hoiKeH Tin v It ik already been en
trained for I'lnar del Ulo, while one
hrlcado inarelied to (iuanajay today
without u kIkii of disorder.
llundredH of pcrsoiiH from Havana
went out to Santiago de lax V gaH and
Itlncoii today to view the dlmirina
liient. They were disappointed at not
neelng (he rehelH actually surrender
their glillM, hut nev l helcHH they wit
neHHed mi Intercut Ing KlKht. Ah a con
cession to the men General Funston
and Maor I. mid permitted them to
take their a ' in h to I'lnar del Ulo, where
lilOHt of the men Joined the InHlirgont
iirmy. The TllleH, however, with fl rut
fouiited by otllcerH of mnrlncH under
I he direction of Major Iadd and tho
men will be required to Hiirrender
th in before leaving the train at I'lnar
.1.1 Klo.
It Ih reported that Home of Del Oas
tlllo'H followerH were reluctant to 1Ih
arm, but all the brigade commandeiH
have Informed Major I. add that all
their men will disarm ami dlHhand
whi'ti ordered to do ho by (i nerul Del
Castillo. WedneKday afternoon Gen
eral Castillo gave Major I, add nn or
er directed to all his subordinate com
inanderH and telling them to comply
with every riicHt made by the Amer
ican otllcerH. Major I.add will work to
nlghl to carry out tho dlHbandlng ar
rangements. According to tho testimony of nn
American named Harvey, a former
Roosevelt Rough rider, who Ihih been
with tho InHiirgcntH, tho amount of
actual fighting during (IiIh revolution
witH really very small. Tlarvoy hiih
that moHt of the fighting lie hud s-on
was between game coekH. About 10
ler cent of Ouorra'B men carried
fighting cockB tied to their saddles.
Full Details Concealed and Health
Officers Working Hard.
Key WcHt. Kla., Oct. 4 An opposi
tion many tlnioH more serious thnn tho
liiHiirnctlon In Cuba Ih awaiting Undo
Sam's arrny of Intervention, according
to a wlreleHH moHHage received hero
lato tonight from Havana. The now
'nomy Ih yellow fever.
According to tho dispatch ton now
bhoh wero reported today and dozens
of huhpIcIouh ciihoh a ro being oloHoly
watched. Tho first reports sent out,
tending to minimize tho extent of tho
epidemic, are now acknowledged to
have been purposely toned down.
It Ih Hald that the American forces
will find Havana In a much different
jmnitary condition from that which ob
tained under General Wood's rule.
There Is Raid to have been a decided
lapHO toward tho old, Inefficient condi
tion under Spanish rule, Major Jof
ferson It. Koono, who left here tonight
for Havana, expressed no nurprlse at
the report of tho serious condition of
affairs, but declared that tho sanitary
department of the army of occupation
Ih ready to moot the situation and will
doubtless he doubly reinforced as soon
ns Washington can bo acquainted with
tho real gravity of tho situation.
Freight Steamers Tied Up-
Port Arthur, Ontario, Oct. 4. A
dozen hip freight steamers are tied np
lit Fort William and entrances to the
freight sheds ami docks of the Canadian
Pacific railway are guarded by police
and members cf the Ninety-sixth regi
ment. Six hundred infuriated strikers,
mostly Greeks and Italians, surround
the district, where 300 imported strike
hrenkers workod all the afternoon un
loading vessels. All the ttikrtare
heavily armed and more than 100 phots
have been flred, but no eerious Injury
Burn Theater Used by Jaws.
Odessa, Oct. 4. The local theater
where the Jewish company played has
been entirely destroyed by fire. A pro
fessor and two students peribhed in the
Police patrils and convoys are now
supplied with rifles in addition to re
vol vers and Babres. Uovernor General
Kanlbars has ordered the guards on
duly at public buildings to have their
rifles always loaded and ready for
prompt use.
Loss by the Gulf Storm.
Mobile, Oct. 4. Prominent insur
ance men estimate the storm lose here
at 11,000 000. The total loss of life
-will not exceed 100.
Fearing Divorce 8ult Gives His Wealth
to His Sons.
New York, Oct, 3. Pouring a null
for divorce and In order to prevent IiIh
wife from obtaining a largo settlement,
Henatfir ThoniaH C. IMatt, In tho last
few nioiitliH, It. Ih declared, haw given
away nearly all IiIh fortune, ho that IiIh
financial resources aro no greater than
IIioho of a man of moderate nieariH.
Prom authoritative quartcrH tho fur
ther Htateinent conii'H that. MrH. l'lntt
Iiiih been ac(ualnted with her Ihih
hiind'n procedure for some time ami Ih
Htrlvlng to ward off the poHHlble Iohh
of a financial adjustment In her favor.
At Tloga Lodge, tho l'latt villa at
Highland MIIIh, tho former Mrs. Jane
way Hiihl hIio wiih the victim of a eon
Hplracy and oik? of the moHt abiiHod
women of the tlnioH. "There ar,o other
Mao Woods In thin caRo," h!i Hald;
"dozens of them." MIhh WooiI Ih tho
young woman who recently threatened
to Hue Mr. IMatt on a chargo of breach
of promlHO to marry. MrH. IMatt alao
mild It. wiih only her Intervention that
prevented tho wife of another Senator
promliwrit In WaHhlngton from bolus
In tho party on tho much talked of
trip to Han PranclHco.
'Senator IMatt wanted a beautiful
wife and ho got one. Now hi' muHt
pay for mo," hIio declared angrily.
Attorney General Moody and Secre
tary Shaw Will Resign.
WaHhlngton, Oct. 3 Two retire
ments from the I'rosldent'8 Cabinet
are slated for tho criming winter. They
aro thoHe of Attorney-General Moody,
wIioho resignation will become effec
tive about December 1, and Secretary
of tho Treasury Shaw, who, according
to present Intentions, will retire In
Pebruary. Por one of the vaeancloH
tho President will nominate (ieorgo
Von L. Meyr, American AmbaHHiidor
to Uussla, but for the other ho la not
yet ready to announce a succeHSor.
Mr. Roosevelt has sought to prevail
on Mr. Moody to remain in the Cab
inet, but. tho latter, because of busl
n'HH arrangements, Jkih found It Im
possible to do ho. lie would also like
to have Secretary Honaparto take Mr.
Moody's place when tho latter retlroH,
but the former prefers tho position at
the head of tho Navy Department.
Somo suggestions have been made
that Secretary Metcalf. of tho Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor, take one
of the positions, but he nlso has ex
pressed a preference to remain where
ho Is.
Elevator Men Say Railroads Drove
Them Out of Business.
Chicago. Oct. 3. William H. Suf-
ferns, of Decatur, III., was the first
witness at today's session of the inter
state Commerce Commission which Is
Investigating the alleged rebate cases.
Sufforns entered the grain exporting
business over nine years ago. Throe
years ago, ho discovered that Harris,
Scoten & Co., graiamen of Chicago,
and RoBonbaum & Co. were receiving
an elevator allowance at Now Orleans
of 2 cents per hundred pounds from
the Illinois Central railroad.
"The rate on grain for export via
New Orleans was 12 cents per hun
dred," said the witness. "Two cents
of that went to the export elevator In
terest, and the remainder to the rail
road. The rebate allowed these firms
prevented mo from competeing with
them In the European market. I dis
covered they were offering grain In
European mnrkeis at what It cost here.
They had an actual advantage of IVi
"I quit the export business last win
ter, because I could not live, let alone
make anything."
R. J. Barr, of New Orleans, told a
similar story.
Win Race Against Tariff.
Yokohama, Oct. 3. The ocean race
against the new and heavily Increased
customs tariff which went into effect
at midnight, September 30, was easily
won by the American, from San Fran
Cisco, September 14, for this port, and
the Denbighshire, from Middleshor
ough, England, July 14, but the Se
quoia broke down at Singapore and Is
belated. The heaviest advances In
duties are chiefly on wines, liquors,
watches and metal manufactures.
Sikh Policemen Subdued.
Shanghai, Oct. 3 The strike of the
Sikh policeman In the British conces
slon has been ended by the arrest and
Imprisonment of the ringleaders. The
remainder of the force was mustered
at the British consulate, where the
chief of police and the Judgo of the
court cautioned the men agalnBt fur
ther Insubordination. The police went
on strike Sunday in order to enforce
a demand for an increase In wages,
Kills Judge Advocate.
Askabad, Russia ,Oct. 3. During the
trial yesterday of the second section
of the treops who mutinied here in
June, an unknown man entered the
courtroom and killed the Judge-Advo
cate, General Rinkevitch, and attempt
ed to Bhoot the president of the court,
General Ushakoffskl.
The assassin was shot down by an
Believe He has Come to Uplift
Fallen Republic.
Refuses to Evict Poor From Barracks
to Make Room for Soldiert
Amnesty for Prisoners.
Havana, Oct. 2. Governor Tart's
acts today have gone far to win him a
warm place in the hoartH of the people
whose dcHtlnloH have, boon placed In
IiIh hands. I'roHldlng this morning at tho
opening exercises of tho University of
Havana, ho declared his mission hero
wiih Holely for tho purpose of uplifting
the falbn Republic and restoring It to
tho path of prosperity, an announce
ment which wan received with demon
strations of delight by nn audience rep
rcHontatlvo of the highest society in
Following thlH It became known that
Mr. Taft and Assistant Secretary of
Slate Bacon had cabled for their wlvs
to Join them hero, a step which can
not but be most agreeable to the Cuban
people and which will strongly cement
the bonds of affection between them
and the American provisional adminis
tration. Still another act of Mr. Taft is
warmly commended as Illustrative of
his thoughtful consideration of the
humbler classes. Learning that many
poor families occupying the tempor
arily disused barracks at Camp Co
lumbia were about to be summarily
evicted by order of the Cuban author
ities In preparation for tho occupation
of tho quarters by the brigade or
marines, Mr. Taft wont to Camp Co-
umbla In an automobile, explained
hat he had not been aware of the con-
litions and recinded the order. He
eft the camp amid cheers and warm
xprcHslons of gratitude from the peo-
ile. Tho news of this act of humanity
spread rapidly and received the high
est praise.
Much of tho Governor's time today
was occupied In receiving officials or
tho various departments and judges of
the courts. With the members of the
Supreme Court he held a long confer
ence concerning the drafting of a
proclamation of general amnesty. This
decree Is of the most Importance, In
view of the fact that at many points
on the Island, notably Clenfuegos,
many persons are In Jail awaiting the
disposition of political charges.
Bible Not the Word of God.
Detroit, Oct. 2 Bishop Charles D
Williams, of the Episcopal diocese of
Michigan, In an address to Y. M. C. A.
members here on "The Bible and the
Word of God," declared that the Bible
was not the word of God and that the
teachings to the contrary are the most
prolific sources of unbelief the church
has to contend with. The Bishop saldr
"Nowhere does the Bible declare
Itself the word of God. Yet we are
told we must take it in Its entirety. It
is a venerable book and visitors are
requested not to touch it, as it Is the
direct word of God, there is no other.
"Take the young man Just out of
college. He reads Genesis and nnus
Impossible geology, astronomy and
ethnology. His teacher, when ques
tioned says: 'Manipulate It until It fits
your sciences." If too honest to handle
the word of God craftily, the young
man gives up the Bible. He refuse
to stultify his reason.
"The Bible needs no defense; all It
needs Is a square deal. There are
those who read It devoutly and dili
gently, but I never say the Bible Is tha
word of God. I say the Bible and the
word of God. To those who accept the
entire book as the literal word of God
I point out that it Is nowhere so
stated. Christ tore asunder the Old
Testament precepts, the law of Moses,
and furnished new ones. Where the
Old Testament directed men to hate
their enemies the teachings of Christ
were to love your enemies.
Taft's Advice to Cubans.
Havana, Oct. 2. The flower of Ha
vana Boclety was present at the open
ing of Havana University. After the
annual address Governor Taft present
ed the diplomas to the successful stu
dents and then made a notable ad
dress, the spirit of which was that the
Intervention of the United States was
undertaken solely to assist Cuba and
Cubans and that her future was de
pendent upon her young men. Mr.
Taft spoke in English, pausing at
every sentence for Its interpretation.
Afraid of Thermometer.
Constantinople, Oct. 2. A report
that the Sultan is so ill that he has
only six months to live Is untrue. Ills
ailment does not threaten any Immed
iate serious results. The only danger
consists in Abdul Hamld's objection
to ordinary medical precautions. Under
no consideration will he have his tem
perature taken, as he is afraid of hav
ing a thermometer put in his mouth
or under his arm lest the instrument
Kansas to Oust Standard.
Topeka, Kan., Oct. 2. Suits were in
stituted in the Supreme Court today
by Attorney-General Coleman under
the state anti trust act to oust the
Standard Oil Company and the Inter
national Harvester Company
Keeper of Lighthouse on Gulf Declines
to Take Refuge on Tug.
Mobile, Ala., Oct. 2. The number of
casualties In tho great storm of last
Wednesday Is slowly Increasing, as
messagoH arrive from places which
have heretofore been Inaccessible. Tho
total laHt night of tho known dead was
75. This number wag brought up to
a certainty of 79, and a possibility of
102, by tho reports which reached Mo
bile during tho night and early today.
Pour bodies not. before counted have
been found at Codon, and It Is esti
mated that 23 IIvoh have been lost
from tho oyster fleet around Cedar
Point. TMh last estimate Is not known
to lie accurate, and Is probably some
what exaggerated, for the reason that
It Includes among the dead every man
aboard a fishing boat who has not been
heard of since the storm.
It is known that some of the boats
on which these men were have been
driven ashore, and It is entirely pos
sible tkat somo of the crews managed
to reach the shore. It does not seem
likely at present that the death roll
will amount In this vicinity to more
than 125.
Mobile Itself Is rapidly emerging
from the confusion caused by the
storm. Iarge gangs were kept work
ing all of Sunday in clearing the
streets of debris, three of the street
car linos have commenced to run, for
the first time since Wednesday, tho
confusion at the docks Is rapidly be
ing repaired and business will be at
normal action as Boon as the Tallroads
are able to run trains.
The keeper of the Horn Island light
house. Just outside of Scranton, lost
his life. The captain of a tug which
came near the bouse at the commence
ment of the storm urged him to leave,
but he refused to abandon his post,
and In a Bhort time was drowned. The
entire end of the Island on which the
lighthouse was situated is said to have
been carried away by the waves.
Five out of eight vessels at Ship
Island at the time of the storm were
beached and two will be total wrecks.
Several vessels, the names of which
are unknown, are ashore off Horn Is
land and the Bmall Islands marking
the passage between Dauphin Island
and the mainland have been destroyed.
The beacon lights on this part of the
coast are not greatly damaged.
The schooner Alice Graham, of Mo
bile, Is known to have been lost, with
her crew of six men. This boat has
been pursued by an evil fate, and, be
sides having various mishaps from
time to time, was wrecked In the great
storm of 1893, when several people
were lost from her.
Four bodies have been picked up In
the water near Dauphin Island and
have been burled there. Two were
evidently sailors and two were boys.
The people on Dauphin Island suffered
great hardships during the storm, and
for 24 hours were In great danger. The
soldiers of Fort Gaines made a dan
gerous trip- of two miles to the resi
dences on the Island, offering to give
everybody shelter within the fort, but
the offer was In all cases refused, the
people preferring to remain In their
own houses.
Vancouver Troops for Cuba.
Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Oct. 1.
To assist in protecting life and prop
erty and in preserving peace in Cuba
the "Pearl of the Antilles" is the
peaceful, rather than war like, mis
sion which will start the Seventeenth
and Eighteenth mountain batteries
now stationed here across the conti
nent to Newport News at an early
hour today and which later will lead
them to the scene of the present West
Indian imbroglio. It will be the first
time that these troops, equipped bet
ter than the foot or mounted soldiery
of any other post In America to wage
warfare among the mountain passes
and Inaccessible highlands of Cuba,
have been away from the Columbia
River garrison since their return from
the Philippines nearly two years ago,
save for their short trip to San- Fran
cisco to do patrol duty following the
Great Trad Was Flooded.
New Orleans, Oct. 2. Reports that
probably a dozen lives were lost and
that hundreds of square miles of land
were under 18 Inches to four feet of
water during the hurricane on the
Mississippi river delta were brought
here today. The inundated tract is
mostly inhabited by fishermen and oys
termen. Messages which left these
villages last night said that up to that
time several persons were still miss
ing. The loss to the United States
Marine Hospital quarantine station on
Ship Island is about $60,000.
Six Added to Death List.
New Orleans, Oct. 2. Six more
deaths were added to the list of
drowned In the Mississippi Sound re
gion today. Captain Culver, his wife
and four boatsmen, who were on an
Island in Grand Bay on the Mississippi-Alabama
state line when the hur
ricane began, have been given up for
lost. Everything on the islands was
washed into the bay, leaving the place
almost barren.
Another Storm Is Coming.
Washington, Oct. 2. The Weather
Bureau tonight announced that an
other "tropical disturbance" is report
ed as approaching the Yucatan Chan
nel from the east, but that there was
no information available as to the in
tensity of the storm.
tx r
"He'd skin a mnn out of his eye tooth.
If he thought there was a gold filling
in 'em," said tho customer to tho hard
ware dealer, win wrh weighing out
tdghtiHUiiy nails. "He skun me a plen
ty now, I tell you. IVrw much do you
nipjKwe I've paid you In the last week
for what I've bought here?"
"I couldn't tell you. Five dollars,
maybe. Why?"
"Why? Why, he told me the house
wrnt In g'Kxl repair. I've done nothing
but ropalr ever since I've boon there."
"Oruldn't you take time to Bee wnhwth
ur It wan In repair or not 7"
"I did. lie made me think It wiw.
Hypnotized me, I gues. I went all
jver from the basement to the attic and
I didn't see anything particular that
wwt wrong with It. I'll bet you I've
aid you $'20, my friend. Say, didn't
I buy wire screening and window faat
cnlngs and a sink faucet and Bcrews
three or four times and a whole set of
carpenter' toob and i don't know
what all. I've made that house all
over, anyway."
"Well," said the hardware dealer,
"we can't tell much about what a house
U till we go to living In It that's a
fact Maybe he didn't realize It him
self." "You bet he did. He knew all about
It I'm not going by what he did to
me. That was plenty, but he's done
worse to others. Say, If I wanted
money as bad as be does I'd buy me a
gun and go out and get It I tried to
get a little rebate from him, but think
I could get him to give up a cent? No,
sir. He got my money and he proposed
to bang on to it I couldn't pry him
loose from a dollar with Jackacrews.
They tell me lie lives on 15 cents a day
the year around never goes over It a
cent Thanksgiving he puts on his old
est clothes and goes where they're
handing out free turkey to the poor."
"He don't do that"
"Well, If he doesn't he goes without
turkey. But what he did to me Isn't a
marker to what I've done to him. I
guess I'm even with him right now and
there's more coming. If he hasnt suf
fered the last week nobody ever did.
laid awake nights to study out a way
"Your mother tells me that you've
been fighting, Johnny," said the nice
old gentleman to the little boy. "Is it
The little boy tried to withdraw his
hand from the nice old gentleman's
clasp and squirmed about uneasily, but
be made no reply.
"I'm mistaken about that though,"
said the nice old gentleman. "You
weren't fighting. You weren't doing a
khlng when that rough, savage Beuule
Pendleton Jumped right on you and
threw you down In the mud and pum
nieled you In the face and scratched
you, all for nothing. That was it
wasn't it?"
"Yes, sir," said the little boy.
"It's disgraceful," said the nice old
gentleman. "I hope when your mothr
tells Mrs. Pendleton about it Bhe will
spank the little ruffian well. He cer
tainly ought to be spanked."
The little boy's face brightened with
"I hope some day he will pick on a
little boy who knows how to fight him
self," continued the nice old gentleman.
'I hope that little boy will call him
some names and make him feel bad
first 1 know some boys not any big
ger than you that wouldn't be a bit
afraid to tell Bennle just how mean
he was, whether he began on them or
"I ain't afraid to," sa'd the little
boy. "I did call him one name."
NnTlaratlon Alouir the Paclflo Coaat
Menaced by u Wrecked Haft.
Cupt Ernest Bent, commander of tho
Japanese liner Hongkong Maru, which
arrived recently from the Orient, is
glad that he was able to make his ap
proach to port In daylight. If he had
come In at night he believes his vessel
would have been seriously crippled, as
In the darkness It would have been al
most Impossible to have avoided collis
ion with some of the Immense logs,
which were fast encountered about thir
ty miles the other side of the Faral
lones and through which the Hongkong
threaded her way until she passed In
beyond the nlnefathom buoy, says the
San Francisco Call.
These logs formed part of the raft
w'hlch left Astoria In tow of the steam
er Francis II. Leggett. The Leggett lost
the raft, which subsequently went to
pieces to the great peril of coastwise
shipping. They are logs of great sfze.
Launched bead-on by the heavy octau
swell against the hull of a ship, any
one of these floating menaces could tear
a hole through the stoutest of steel
to get even with him ever since I mado
tho trHde, and I couldn't think of n,
thing, but I rneit him one morning and!
It came to me as quick Just like that!!
"'Hello!' I says. 'Say, I want to ask
you about something. Have you inlssedl
.my money or ony thing lately?'
" 'Missed any?' ho says. You can't
never get any straight answer out of?
him. 'What do you monn?'
" Oh, nothing,' I says, 'I guess youj
haven't or you'd know what I meauk
quick enough. A man doesn't have a
bunch of money lying around without
remembering It Anyway, I guess any
thing I found would be mine.'
"You ouglit to have seen him look at
me. I lien he klna or Iaugnett. '1 gues
you ain't that sort of a man,' he says.
'You're teo honest to take advantage.
I'm kind ef careless about mislaying
money and now I come to think of It-
how much was It you found?'
" 'Just twice as much as the half of
It,' I says. 'How much was It yoa
" 'I'll try and find out' he says. I
think I can tell you, but whether I can
or not, If you've got any money of mine
you ought to return It to me, and I can
make you do It If It comes to that No
body but me has been' In that house
since my tenants left It'
" 'You give me the name and address
of your tenants,' I says. 'Maybe I can
do business with 'em. If you think you
can make me give up anything to you
supiposlng that I've found anything
you're welcome to try. I didn't say I'd
found any money or anything else.'
"Well, he sort of looked down his
nose and went away and I'll bet he's)
been to see those folks that had the
house to try to pump 'em. He doesn't
know whether I was giving him
straight goods or whether I was string
ing him and he's losing sleep and flesh
kicking himself because he ain't sure
that It Isn't a chance he's missed. It
may worry him Into his grave yet I
wouldn't be surprised. Say, If you see
him tell him you heard I'd found a
$10 gold piece out In the back yard."
"That would be too darned mean a
trick to play on him," said the hard
ware man. Chicago Dally News.
"That's good," said the nice old gen
tleman, with hearty approbation. "What
name did you call him?"
The little boy squirmed again, but
did not answer.
"Well, never mind, you weren't afraid
to call him something, and If he was a
better fighter than you and let him get
In the first whack, of course you weren't
to blame."
"I did hit him on the shoulder," said
the little boy, "but Just then somehow
my foot slipped "
"And he got you down and held yoa
so you couldn't do anything, while ha
pounded you and scratched your face,
eh? Well, that's too bad. I must teach
you how to take care of yourself a lit
tle, Johnny. I think I can show you
how to catch hold of a boy and make
him fall down, too, so that you can
hurt him as much as he does you. I'll
bet that other little playmate could
show you how what's his name
Frank?" "Huh!" said the little boy, "I can
wrastle Frank. And I'll bet you Ben
nle didn't hurt me any worse than I did
"Is that so?" said the nice old gen
tleman. "Well, well, now this Is en
couraging. But I think I'll have to
talk to your mother before she goea
over to see Mrs. Pendleton. I think
your other story needs a slight revision.
Tell dear mother I want to see her,
Johnny." Chicago Daily News.
plates. If the propeller of a steamship
struck one of these derelicts the pro
peller would do no more propelling, if
the engines were not crippled by tha
These logs are scattered across tha
entrance to this harbor like a fleet
of submarine boats and are every bit
as deadly. Far beyond the Farallonea
they float lurking dangers to approach
ing nd departing craft, and vessels
from the south report encounters with
these silent monsters from the northern
forests long before the bar Is reached.
Capt Bent has made a report concern
ing the logs to the United States light
house board and masters of departing
vessels are warned to keep a sharp look
out There was 8,000,(X0 feet of lum
ber, all made up of huge logs, in tha
The Lm Iteaort.
In a country neighborhood when a
mau falls at everything else he taksj
the agency for a washing machine.
Topeka Capital.
An egotist likes to call himself v