Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 10, 1906, Image 2

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Bohemia Nugget
t V . "a. I
v- : Vf''""L I.- TV.h I, n.i
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54" sv' t ysrs - t
and Vlcluity.
p,ct wt'll hot a:s:e
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la a xrJej&i Fcra to Cir
A 9.4 A r- Lata x-fj
T?- Pa w-
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cf t;;;
Toul Dtrf 'a ti.OOO 0OO
Crc'.a a Hw "---) of
BjiJ-ga Dttfj.
-. it. t f
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i it f-
t ;a"T ' . i
f ttr'.-.i C !'-. 'f
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f. c'
Jtavit : u 'rv t.! w t b i. r,nrri.
ft iri r r :
its:.; way .2. ELi7 rv.iirs ' '-- -
j.j.Hi:: I r,iii s
tft.n t v o uvx: r .- .
M-' rsii ia t &vird a
ItKff of tOTt .A ti 2WJitA-i.
ivttfvrf Xtf A rc la C"st
i;r ti ,. 'A 'A
t.: t- rM?'l! U'.. '
ar a.l d.arxri.
Is it tA.d Mrt. t'.-.-mtri 1 -
go to s-xs'-i liv.'-- uui a ret-
l-ier m t:- "... tv t--r a d.vor-..
, .
A - ' z'-
ts.j.i.'4 of hit rl f '-f
If V- Xvrx'Ai to
h: fa .
f.tkA trzp'irt'.'Xl
Phiilih; kill
tifil a-trr- axi i-i ias-az.
Tb r2rjy ?or-.t r -ftir:r.i 'J
-tr: 5t for trar-tp-vrtatioa toj,
Howarf G'jv'A ua-i i; wif r f,aar
riii&i Vst ti. Lar.a-j-a4sit of C .
ii'n'A, tA tcay t.y-tx'.z.
Im't r'.t'u.n ntf:ir.t on ti. i'titt'sn
tA Cl-:-id dpartzct t'.ort fell
ffto ft wiji'fjw nef dhi
Th J-i yr a-t-n cf CL''.Jgo
ilii'mif hai t-D rrtr4 for rot
bisj tUt Oi' hifi a&'i t'r-T.iinz. the
iftt. oq '.bortji arir j,
Tt fit. Pil roja-1 Lu roted ti ian
tlVJ,fJ,0W of t.T f.;a- witti wbic'i
bo 514 lin-j the tvwt froro
FortUod to Kn';o.
A rrtat ttVphom jit4m, b':ki by
tb Wurs Union Tftl-rfb ';oar-oy,
in b)nr orrriz--J to fjfbt tL Amrl
can T)pho'i Q'l Teirph kotlhJ.
"Th 'AkTti'jr rA riictibirak prorit':,
Kaaaia, oofid-i by a borxtb.
The '2r Km rtofDi to bit jril-i-i
priKn froai hit 7a" ht, kepiti-j a eirp
lo'jkoat for bomb.
rVxtserttlt taya tbj e-i la r-fr, en t of ths
ptjr of tb natior.! yovferfjoifrit ii
III Oniy THUifJJ V'T V'iBl HTH. j
An tKiij-itut ftami plyirg b-tw--n
Ifoibow od fforijkorii t'jiiAtrvl. Tl.
;ptin bl 10 pwrrJ5r8 taftfts loet.
Tb ;ororir'a jory bt-li that
Carey M. Koyder, wboe bjdy wat
foabd in the wood a n-r litllchoro, ttat
in ordered.
A iron d!re (or ann-xatlon by
tha Cohan cltizenu of all nationalitiea
i t,prilr exprfi-cfl and talk it indo'g-jd
in of talking a toU on the neetion.
An Or-fn riiniuler ban laid birjf-lf
liable to a fine for r.arryirjit a f:-jap!e
on the Van:oavr f-rry while it waa
moored on the WaibinVjo aide. The
marriage U':enB wa pr-.core'l in Van
c 'jrer.
A window Klanatroitii Veing formed.
General Fanaton ba been pla:ed in
eornriand of the American forcea in
Keattle aUcril5d more than 1500,
000 in one day tor the Alatika-Yokon-f
txiRc fair.
An Alabama mob hot two of ita own
tatsiiArttin by mietake while Marching
foi a negro.
Ki-Oovernor Magoon, of the Panama
canal zone, ii to be proviaional gover
nor of Cuba.
Forty-foor light bounn were wrec ked
by the recent Galf ttorin ami lour iignt
keepera drowned.
President Palma waa in teara when
be departed from Havana with bin fam
ily for their country home.
Preeident Hoonevelt nay it will b
hi aim not to annex t.uha, but to
reatore the fallen republic.
Three of the Urgent parking boiiHea
In Chicago were cinvicted of Helling
hort-weight lard and fined $25 each.
Thievea hnve tUAnn many valuable
trenaarea from the vati:an at Kome.
Home of the plunder ha been aold in
Four peraoin had bonea broken and
one girl wa killed by Htreet car in
Han FrancUco In one day, all in aepa
rate accident!.
JMaarmament of Cubana la progrea
lug rapidly.
"Ii ti i-.' to rr-.'y -. a
rr t r. J-.ix. J-i r::r
UMP v. tr a. t a wt ta
:-i fjms-t-'A .'xti j-.n-?-vs."
.. ii a If.r IV.mi
f ;tt r. r-Kr.". .'tir ti
if uk ii.r f Sr tf r-.s -. i'.f
luf n r.-.. '.f 2 .. 7
w it -s J !.- ijs
- t- :.-. f.? x-
r-.-L,f'iis'ri, '-f I'.x'j:. f.
f r isai4 r--
r-i. i.r'i ti .i-ff
Ov-'.i'V. H r -v- .x zl
rr.. tir-.s ir.ct 1 f. ti
,fTt - M Ti H M
r.Ai t-a 110 5 'jrx. H
M4 Ra'e La.
j "I t i r. k tit j'z.i ..t ti
. i . ' . . . r-ai
ff'.T TfCf'.it
ntr-t. T'Ltri a'tr c,i t prKt
j-.yjjf ti priTi, cf tr.' ft--,tyi
r4frf ia T;,y-At)0 tf ti ir.'
zA iT's r.l tie tt- to th-e
trifietit of th rT-r. it izs.z&t
vt to ni:...t aatia'ily.
"hrota t:. har;r.2, ti c-rr-rtc-
of tiia it t'r-ir:.'.lr V;arli by tie
p-jMiai'-ra tLasei-r. Thy M-m to
t aib-actiawy tr4 tiat a rftiTrta-ti-t.n
of the law if irr.pratiT.
what view the eo-z.iiiit-e will take or
what action it wiil propoe, if aoy, no
oce a thii tiE&ecan tay."
Crimirialf AHowrd To Co tjrpuniahed
In San Franc'aco.
Ran Frar,ier-o. Oct. J. It ! ebar?d
by nwpaper bre that po!itk in tr.e
Police departintr-t it teriontiy ha&di
eapplr.g the efJorVf of the forire to ap
prehend tb two in-jrderooe tiij-t wro
looted the Japan; Golden Gate har.k.
t!ew th v c preeident and ponnded
the ehier over ire r.e-ai wiin an iron
An(-jtt.n ntjtil be wm altooet dad.
The dparta.ent eeemed de-noral z
over the frng.t now prv re)tg at to
who ehail bead the dete-'.-tivet, and
within 12 Koort not an arrt h bea
made, nor i there the thaiow of a clew
to tororri! 6re"
Fd Wron. lj;m Chief Ditan want
lo make intp:tor of polite, appear to
re unable V handle the t:toation, aftd
o-aUert in the tipper crr.oe ar ai a
ttandttill, with A-rting Mayor Ga! a
r..r Arr.rAiD Ca&tain Iike to take
command and infote a mild eolation of
hrir.( into the work, while D.nan It
eo,nally deteimined not to actept the
Morln Bro.' B d orbitant.
Waahinf'on, O-t. 8. The Iepart
ment of Cirtitner and Labor tvlay re-iwt-.d
the bid of M'j-an Erot. for th-
conttru.-tion of a a'! eleam fifjle pro
peller iiifht v-el to be etationei at
tr, rnon'h of the t,rjmbia rivr.
Tbeira wat the only bid received anl
the price akk-d wat conatiere-i exorbi
tant. The department if willing to
award thit contract to Pacific coat
ibipyarda, providing a aaliafaciory bid
it rcived. Plant will be Immediately
re advertiaexl in the hope that other
coaat baildera will compete.
Haa Found Cancer Cur.
Parit, Oct H. Piornite of a core for
cancer in extreme catet wat b Id nt to
phyt-iciarii and eargMn attending the
anrgical congreta here by Kr. Joyen,
the ex.ert on that diaeaae, in an ad
drett. l)r. iJoyen tpoke at Borne length
on bit ternrn treatment of the dixeace
Me announced Hat of the 1 '.i caaea he
bat treated during the fi ret year of the
tett, death remlted in only three catet
and thene were of the rnott desperate
Rumor Piatt Will Retign.
Washington. O-t. H.H it reported
in WaHiingtori that KenaUr Piatt in
tend to re-iirn hit eat in the teriati-,
ptrtly becaute of failing health, but
rf,or particularly on account of the
ur.i.leaearit notoriety he recently re
ceived on account of domettic troubles.
Channel to Stranded Veaaela.
Penficila. Fla., Oct. 8. The Navy
department will make an effort to Have
the war veHiela stranded at the navy
yard during the recent hurricane by
dredging channela fioui deep water.
' hr ji;-.'m; i :i
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(jrt-r.z. t-. :t '--..i - -.t -tt-t-
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;rr. r.a.'A'-t , .v.fc ,,.
.--; ti of ti 0.-s'-t. ;ro-;.--
' - irr
C t zea G-ta-a-tee R ;'-t cf Wa ari
Wrk Will Sta-t S&arv.
T.::arr.oo At a :--.? of tie h-':t-
'.zt c.s :t wa -!.::-: to jriarar.--a
f:-e rizitf way to El K Lr
i fa-.f." Piiway ic Nar.'-i-ior.
Corr.t-ir.7. wi'h t-r-r.:r.a." ?ro ..;. from
Tiwarr.ook f'.'r 'o tir Nia"a r-'.-r.
and from fi'- Nian to ti co ;a'y
'.lie $3 VaiL;f-roa roj.'-'y. It U to'
to rr,-t tie r.J.vx. rA tt: cotir.t7 core
'Kan t'Aj.Vr), ad is r,r.t:d-:at:oa or
iia Mr. Lt hit is-reed to corr.rr.--Lre
wotVc text yar in THlamo'jk C;f? and
?rade ajid btiild 15 c:a 'A g'.itg
.oorh from tiia ciy. atd Lave the en-
ire lite bt.we--i Ti"arr.ooic Ci'y at.d
H.Iitboro cocpleted by Ir'-n.h-r 31.
It !a -xt,-"t'-d that th f.-e rij-bt-of-x
a t wiii 'os'. tie c:tizf-';s h' --n
XVhWt ar.d Vi. atd the b-;:r.ts a.od frrr.-rg have thut far i.o'-r-a;;y
:jh-!T.b-d 'owa.-da lr. aitioos-h it
ig jtO.xen.iat of a large amour.', of
'.-.or.ey for o itr.ail a corarr. ji.'y to
rom l;t!e -!:-at.itjir.trr.r.t ' fe'.t
here that the ffort fell f hrousrh in get-
ln? r.o.ooe Ctatr.-ial he!p from tie
Portia td b-iJiitesa c.en. as fhe building
of Mr. Ly'ie'a road will be. of great
tr.ef.'. to Portland rortceroiaHy.
Ortgn't Mill fitatiatici.
R-,ni There are 3Ti rr.illa In the
B'a'e ,f Oregon. acordir.g to statif.'I
ra! ii'a roi.a'r-d by I-av--or fjommls-:or.-r
Ifoff, tr, be embodied In h!i report. Itrdudir.g raw
ri!!!f.. 'or.obited aaw and pla'.lng rrjilin.
'ornhlr.ed saw ar.d abitgie rr.iiis. 7
ahlr.rie rrJ!! and 3T rr,!!!-!,
which rover per cent of the Indua
trlet of the t'ate.
The total annual output of thee
rmlla. aa reported, embraces l.OitT 4C0.
300 fe't of lumber and 37,030.000
vhingleH. The re farted value of the
planing millt aggrgae-j I'jXOO;
and that of the 300 mills remaining
C,3C4,200. The total number of men
employed by 313 milla reporting i
11.7&0, and women, 311. The total
amount of wagea paid for labor In 313
of then rnlllH In 1&05 wan 11,648.
0r3.t. and 01 mllld repjrt an Increaae
of 12 per cent In wagea over li04; none
r-portn a decreace.
Help Salmon Over FalU.
Heppner In order to facilitate the
anet,t of the iV.hway at the falls In
thlH f It y by Kalrnon in their effort 8 to
reach the Cpp' r Willamette, the Will
amette Pulp & Paper Company in plac
ing heavy tlmbera on the top of lt
concrete weir. In thin way the volume
of water going over the falls In ho dis
tributed that the operation of the flhh
ladder la not Interfered with.
Rainfall at Aaterla.
Aatorla The rainfall at Antorla In
September wan the heavleat 'during
any correnpondIrig month Hlnee the
recorda have ben kept here. The pre
cipitation waa Inchea. The near
eBt apirroarh to thin waa during Sep
tember, 1&05, when 7.38 Inchea of rain
: .
- '
F't. : a. :a t .;: -
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rat for ti
Cor.t:r. r to k:
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Va:y. ar I k'. I t
e. ; i'.rA a.
.vi-;' c:.t.
r :; Vaiiey. C
Oat No 1. x
fs. .r r;, c; ff.;;.
ti'e. t:3 50 0:4; srav
Pr ton
ta.-iey -Feed, $:o 5-j fr toe; hrew
tr. til 50; roi'.-d. $12.
Pr ct.
Cort Wioie
craV'ed. $:
per ton.
Miiis'uff Bran. city. lM-r. conn
T7. 115 '! I'r ton: rr.ld-ii'r.g'. $:4;
fior't. ci'y. 115; rout'ry. Ji7 t ton.
jjayya:;y tin.ot.hy. No. 1. $10fjMl
per ton: FUa'ern Or' ron tirr.o'by. $12
?rI4; clover. $v50r7; theat. ITfr
7X0;' grain hay, JT; aifa'.fa. $10; vetch
hay. ITf7.50.
pri;rgApp:ef- common to rhoice.
2Z ft 75c VT box; choice to far.ry. 75c
fil.25; (rrapea, Oregon. 5'ift75c per
t-rat.e;'ca!iforn!a. Black Prince, $1.153
125; muscat, $125; ToV.ay, S 1 -5 fjr
1.50; Concords. 274c per basket;
peaches. &0cfi $1.10; peara, 75cfil25;
crahappiet, $1?3125 p r box: prunes.
25ft 50c box; huckleberries. fifrlOc per
pound; eran berries. $Ct per barrel;
rjuinceg. lift 1.25 per box.
Vegetables Beans, 50 7--ic: cab
bage, -m.c. pr pound; cauliflower,
$lfil 25 p"r dozen; clery, 50c5'.0c per
dozen; corn. 12'-jc per dozen, cucum
bers. 15c per dozen; egg plant, 10c per
pound; le'tuce, head, 20c per dozen;
oniona, 1012-0 per dozen; peas, 4
fx5c; be!l peppers, 5c; pumpkins, Vc
isr ixjund; rpinach, 4 5c l-r pound;
tomatoes. 4050c per box; parsley. 10
15c; aprou's. 7Vic r pound;
-i'juahh, 1'tC t pound; hothouse let
luce, flft 1.25; turnips, &0ci$l per
sa-k; carrots, $11.25 per sack; beets,
$1.251.50 per Hack; garlic, i'jiiuc
per pound; horseradish. 10c per pound.
potatoes Oregon Burbanks, deliv
ered, fc0ftS5c; In carlots f. o. b. coun
try, 75ft -i0c; aweet potatoes, 2ft2Vic
lr pound.
Uuftrrr City creameries: Extra
creamery, 20c per pound. State cream
eries: Fancy creamery, 25ft 30c; store
butter. 15ft 17c.
KggH Oregon ranch. 30c per dozen;
beet Eastern. 2Gft27c; ordinary East
ern. 24 ft 25c.
Poultry Average old hens, 13'ift
1414c; mixed chickens, 13ff?14c;
spring, 13 M, ft-14 -4c: old roosters. 9ft
10c; dressed chickens, 1415'ic; tur
keys, live, lCft21c; turkeys, nTc-sseu.
'choice, 21f'22'4c; geese, live, per
'pound, OftlOc; ducks. 1415c; pig
eons, $lftl.S0;H'iuab, $203.
I Veal Oressed, 5s4ft8c.
jj.fUn-Hsed bulls. 3c per pound;
cows. 4,4ft5V4c; country steers, 50Cc.
Mutton Uressed fancy, 7 ft 8c per
pound; ordinary, 5 6c; lambs, fancy
Pork Dressed, 6ft 8c.
Hop I'jWJ. 15ftl7c per pound;
1905, nominal; 1904, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
15ftl9c per pound, according to shrink
age; Valley, 2022c, according to fine
ness. Mohair Choice, 28030c per pound.
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Palrrva' Earty Requeat for lrtrverv
t.On Sarpriitt Theit.
Havana. Or' 5 Tia n Pr ' !--.'
Pair:. a eariy in Sep?. n.t--r a'e. f. r
American lr,". rf. r-r.r In ti !r?'t
' f f.-r-ign J;v. a ar. 1 property I no
rr-r, !.!(-! or;r:!.:r.g h' re. in xi-m- t.f
his ubvierif re :.-t to Mr. S:e;r
h rhrr. and Commander
Join (' Colweii. ' f 'i cru-.-r T'-nv-r
But tia! h'f 5 ca!!l-g Cor;gr-i
'o k fur Ati-r!'-" Intervention
eariy a P; S i niiuM'-rf-'
nr; ri:r.g ar.d 'hat on SjiiftiiU'r 13
i (if.(i:iT ak'd for ln'erventi-ti
ar.d had then Irrevocably decided to
rc'rr. raus amazement.
Tie rr.rr apcr.-S-r.ce b twen th
Sta'e I partment ar.d Consul General
Steitiart In cfr.r.e. t!on with Cuban
ir.terver.ti'.n r-veais the fru'h of th'
nircors current here at th time, whic h
r :- rsis'er.f ly denied at the pa'jee.
I'a'rr.3 ( lining to sp-ak for Interven
tion. On September 12 Mr Iiacon r celved
a dicpatch which told of the Irre
vocable Intention of I-Teldent Palma
to reiirn and to turn over the govern
merit to an appointee of I-nsident
Koofevelt la order to prevent complete
anarchy. It Is added that It may he
necessary to land a force to protect
American property.
This message was ent upon the day
that American marines flrt landed In
Cuba, but were ordered back to the
vessels by Secretary Bonaparte. On
the clay following It was announced
that Secretary Taft, and Bacon would
be s nt to Cuba, and upon that same
clay a message was received saying
that the Cuban Congress could not
meet for lack of a lender, neither the
President nor Vice Presid. nt being
willing to retain their office.
Pronounce Dreadnaught a Success.
London, Oct. .. The battliBliip
Dm a lnanght today started a HO-hour
consecutive Btvain trial. In several
preliminary abort trials the is said to
have provtd a distinct success from the
point of view ol haudineHa in maneu-verin-r.
This in spite of the weather
conditions, which were far from favor
able. At the Dreadnanght la the first
example of the use of 1 111 bine engines
in a taarehip, her rucrera is re- aid-d
with great aatisfHcticn in naval circles,
and is attributed entiiely to her double
Equitable Mutt Answer.
Ballfton, N. Y., Oct. ft. Justice
Van Kirk today dismis-ied the demur
rers of the defendants in the suit
brought by Mrs. Mary H. Youcg as a
policyholder and sic ckludder against
lit- huuilahl Life Axsurai ca s ciety to
c .mpel restitution of the funds of
that at ciety. The c m t b!h() ordered
that, if the defei dunis do ne t within I'D
d vs alter servict of h c ipy of the Judg
ment answer the e imprint and pay
the c 'B a flusl I ',lk.M,.nt nmy be had.
Weird Evidence of Slaughter.
Ne x t c h A Bi'idal f ible
t it. T mm I si Petersburg rsys
that nine c .rcses. with sticks over their
heads and bull t holes In their hreiiHts
ive rhiHted sfiiore near the palsca of
IVterl of. They are presumably those
of sailors nceutly encuttul at Kron-stadt.
V Or ar i. ' t
' ;.- ' ?,' r ' f ' J
r.' a' !-a' ?.'
".ti :-. at ! ' a ."f
m .. r.:r. ;- t-" -
7 - f rt -.rr '
ft. l'a.h a V. .' .
Mt T K' fl ar. J t-r
vf. ,- v- K'.':
,r. f." ! f-r t-'
T- ; !'' Wr
.-.. fa'a::y
: !.-.; !- 'fa. .r
r f. r. r r
!r, H ixr. . F". 'it m
1 Vr IT K- ' at ' t
'.r Mr- J . r. V-yr at 1 r . ;- 1
wf-r fa'al'y lr. J . "! K.r---. ; . !
Ir.r w-r (!ori r. t f . .:i
!i; J a r i i: .
Af I'.'ir.t C'ia'Ji :' ('f
ar. ! e-..n ar. 1 .'.i';" ---r f a. ! ' v
tr.. ' ,':'', t t.--.r i. a. ! a;.-
. tir ft .:! f fji.-..; 7 a
.r.'.r.-! A 1 '' f'i
; ;-. ! f!.T-. -' .. a :..' I ' : ri
o t. r ;-r-.-na
! - t f .
I. ' I
r.-4. K.
A " 1 '
1 ' 1
r. . 1 r . v
t'r.-iy a :"
jur.tiy it d-f.;.
f-r.r. ( v. 1 r.
wi.i c.t an i.b
i t'.:' urt- !.
run! rt:r.ij'
and hut. dr. : f
h'-ard " : ; r-a.
... t ' H ti.
Th" !. ..
in c"r.-
:--rM v.
i.r.e ial
out i f l'x ;.Tiwav
()ce ffcl'ing race va ma !e
tret car. wii h was .-1
.r.:r cn t:.e:r av t
Maf-ngo tre-t tie tr"
,:.r. t?
on full f-r The -xir.g c.xr : '
than half a blf-rk pat th ro'.'.-r sVa'
!ng rink when that T:.r- w.-1
down. Another tre. car i
Fifteen Men Entembed By Gaa EF'sd
Ing in New Men'eo.
p.nvr. Colo. O-t. - '
a a pec Ial to the New a. 15 mn a
lleved tn have b-en entr.rr.-d !n
Dutchman mine at n:ii 'irr. N V .
at 2:30 o'clock this by an
explosion which wrecked the w "h
and r-H.f of the tunnel In whi. h
were wcirking. Only fix men are p -
tlvciy knmrti to have t..-n !n 'he
tunnel nt the t:me of the exp!:. r.
but the usual niicht hhift nun.b.r-i 1"..
and none of them have t.-n !ocat-l
outside of th. mine.
Uesculng parties have o:t
four bodies, onn of which ha
leen Identified as Jan Jenskl. '
years !!. All but one of the rinht
shift were Austrian, the .xception be
ing un American.
Firedamp ha M-ttie.J In the tun el.
making resc ue work dim. u't V
not thought that any c f the entomb' '
men can 1 i v with this condition pre
vailing. As ye t no tire has !) ti r -ported.
Palma Enriches a Rough Ridrr.
Wichita. Kan.. O.-f. fi . A- Moth
er, of Wichita, received a rouimissloi.
as a General In the Cuban Army nn I
the next day he was asked to resign.
Ills commission came directly from
President Palma. He had In mind t
raise a regiment of Rough Uiders. Mr.
Palma sent him a commission at a
getuual. dating the? commission hick
three months.
When Secretary Taft arrived In Ha
vana. Mosher was asked to resign and
n draft was sent to him for his salary
since the date of his commission.
Dead May Total Seventy.
Blucfleld. W. Vu. Oct. fi Tvvei ty
nlno bullion have been recovered fr"'"
the West Fork of the Pocahontas ('ol
lloilos Company mine at Pocahontas
Vu., and 11 conservative estimate
places the total number of th" dead at
70, The rescuing party reached the
scene of the explosion, but the Im
mense amount of debris and wreck
age has hampered the search for
bodies. There in no evidence thus far
of Hie.
Rebel. Capture $125,000.
Vfa. KuHHln. Oct. C An armed hand
numbering 40 men held up a mall
train near the bridge over tlu' Bjeh'
liver last night. After killing a soldier
and wounding three others who wcro
In charge of the mail tho robbers d
cuuiped with $125,000,