Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 10, 1906, Image 1

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    13 "T7
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Fanning Interests of this Community.
NO. 37
Alining Investments Pay
The Daily Milling Uecord says
"It is .in iiii(lini;il)le fact tliat most
iullii' mini Imihi rifss men of the
world have turned their attention
to milling, the source of nearly all
wealth; ir permum who have been
enslaved to the i'lea that the only
safe proposition whs a (i v per cent
or six per c nt H'-nnity, now rea
lize th"t many millions f intoiest
have bcni lout to tln'in through
heeding the adviiv of tli"He interes
ted in cheap money, and that
aui"iig hanking insl itutions of
the west, iglitccu nnd twenty por
rent pi r annum in no otHidored a
haaii!otiH western profit or execu
tive dividend on the great majority
of our gilt edged mining necuritie",
and further, tin.- licheM men in the
W'nild are mining king, many of
whom have ;;rovn powciful enough
I In 1 1 Vj the piopi-r application of
originally " moderate cupital, and it
is piovi-ii that while millions of
doll ii. ha v" lu cii lost in railroad,
f.u in linn tgagc.s, asicrn industriiil
and budding associations, the
Aiin'i ieim mining industry steadily
advances, making enormous profits
for i t m hiijipoi teiM. building great
states an I citiis and points with
pride to the American possession
of mines tint liuvo puil in div
idend's over f-125.tMIO.OOO.
'In mining in vestments extreiuo
y 1 r siin iiintH are not necessary
to make oiu micccsKful, for the man
of modi rate means, properly ad
vised, has opportunities of quickly
doubling his cupital. Under incor
poration gieat achievement!! are
made possihlo through combining
limited Minis vi thousands, thus
equaling the capital of the individ
ual millionr. iiH, making possible iri
gantic undettakingH that are pro
duetivof enormous revenuo. The
dollar of the man of moderate
means is equally as powerful as the
dollar ol tho money king. Both
nerve their purpose; both are en
titled to their proportionate profits.
"In legitimate mining a twenty
five per cent dividend is not con
sidered Htartling and tho mining in
terests of the west are willing to
pay that interest for the uso of
money, for by tho aid of capital
they open up tremendous ore
bodies that lead to still greater
fortune. Tho employment of $10,
000 in mining is the equivalent of
40,000 in most any other branch
of industry.
"For yems the wondrous profits
of the metal industries have bom
whispered among investors, who
uppare ntlv weio afraid to lit their
neighbors" know they were identified
with mining, but the otTorts of the
financial czars of the world in form
ing combinations to control first
tho markets of the miners through
the 'smelting tiusf and then the
mines tnroiigh the 'Amalgamated
Copper trust' have opened the eyes
of the conservathe and modem iu
vestois and they ure makiDg efforts
to obtain their shaio of the metallic
wealth which nature has spread bo
"Nature has laid her treasures
in the mountain recesses of the
"West. The American miner searches
them out. Eastern money makes
possible their conversion into bul
lion and tho joint results of the
minf.r find the canitulists make pos
sible the tremendous profits that
. 11
signalize succcssrui mining.
Victory for San Francisco Policy
A Judge of a San Francisco
court has ruled that the earth
quake clauso in insurance policies
iHinvulid, in u case brought before,
l.v i.ivinir a verdict for the insured.
In his decision he says, "Even if
the earthquake caused the ure tue
defendant would still be liable
under the nolicv. but there is no
evidence to justify finding that the
lira was caused by au eartuquane,
Anothor Happy Couple.
One of South Dakota's stalwart
.sons canifc to Cottage Grovo this
week to claim as bin bride Miss Kva
Martha Bohlman and today they
will bo married here. The groum
is John Cornelius Thomas of Wn
konda, South Dakota, a fowu ofj
some 000 people, where Mr. Thorn mi!
is the druggist of tho town and a
prominent man in tho community,
Miss Bohlman is the daughter of
Geo. Bohlman, the tailor. Aft' r
the wedding they will take quite a
trip and will bo at home, in their
new home in akonda after the
3oth of tho month.
Womans Club Program.
The next meeting of tho Womans
Club is Oct. 20th. The ladies de
cided to meet every other week this
vcar, and their meeting last Satur
day was the first one of the winter
season. The ladies met in the
Commercial Club parlors and com
menced their study of Spanish int.
For the first meeting there ws
only a fair attendance but the
ladies all promiso to bo out hereafter.
The next meeting will be "Au
thors Day" tho program being ns
follows: Roll call quotations from
The Autocrat of the Breakfast
The Concord Sages (tim e minute
papers) Hawthorne, Mrs. Caldwell;
Lowell, Mrs. Goodman; Longfel
low, Mius Mtinl.v; Dr. Holmes,
Mrs. lloinenway; Margaret Fuller,
Mrs. Wallace; I'rof. A let!, Mrs
Kva Wheeler; Thorcan, Mrs. l'hd
Heading ''The n at Stone r aee"
Miis Grant
Current events and business
meeting. All member hhou.d
COUie. MAHH. LIIAM HKlts, hecy.
What is Happening ail Around
Teachers and Students Entertained.
Last Saturday night the V. I'. S,
C. E. of the Christian Church gave
a reception to the teachers of the
Cottage Grovo school, tho High
school students and young people
in geueral at which gathering n
large number o f guests were
present. Iu the early part of the
eveniDg a short program was ren
dered, after which a nodal time
was enjoyed, later, refreshments
were aerved and a delightful even
ing was spent in becoming ac
quainted with oue another and in
renewing last years acquaint mces
and friendships, the guests departed.
Mr. Van Allison, tho barber,
mado a short trip to Ivugeno on
The hotels report a rushiog busi
ness and Mate that it is hard to get
enough rooms to supply tho de
mand. A marriage license was issued in
Lugeiio Monday to Geo. W. Ivcns
and Heitio 15. Uryant, both of Cot
t ige Grovo.
Miss pollie Hefty left Thursday
for Drain, whore she takes a po
sition as assistant to Postmaster
I fazard of that place.
Th" new Ditson sawmill expects
to get to running within a very
short time, as their machinery is
beginning to arrive.
I'nf. Str.mgo reports that the
s.dnol attendance Is steadily grow
ing and that ill every respect" it is
larger than ever before.
F. II . Rosenberg, one of the old
time employees of the Pacific Tim
1 er Co., has retnrned to the Grove
to make his home hern being em
ployed with Campbell and Walker.
The Council was to meet Friday
night to call an election to vote to
amend the city churter to permit of
the tax levy being raised to 2o mills
which tho present charter limits to
10 mills, but found that they could
not legally do so until after the
election of Oct. 2otb.
Mr Cooper, assistant manager of
the l;lurkbutl'i niines was in town
on Thursday, with Mr. Mart;n,
mipt. of con i'rui tion o! the mines.
F. H. Ro,-.Mibiirg reinstated
us a member of tho Commercial
Clnb, after an absence from tho
Grove of a )eir or more, on Mon
day tight.
A. D. Owens was a caller at tho
ofTico this week. Mr. Owens is
much pleaded with the work of his
sawmill this summer and says be
has mado good money.
Rev. J. C. JJarton of Ottumwa,
Iowa, and his cousin, Miss Jane
Carrol of Victor, Iowa, old time
friends of G"o. Atkinson from his
home town Victor, are spending a
! few days vi-iting hero.
Ilev. W. V. McOeo. of Selma,
California, in i i Oregon attending
the session t tho Presbyterian
church, and his wife who is a sister
of Oliver Veateh, with her daughter
are visiting here. Rev. McGee is
thinking of locating in Oregon for
a time.
Tho semi animal distribution of
school funds will bo mado soon, of
which Cottage Grove's proportion
is $1,033 t) from the state and $200
from the county. The annual
amount set aside by the stat; from
its funds is $i.7o per scholar and
by tho county $2.
Coos I'ay is to have a denatured
alcohol distillery. An eastern cap
italist is about to erect a plant
there. The Coos Hay Harbor says
there are 20,000 acres of laud avail
able to the raising of potatoes iu
Coquille Valley that will produce
from 5OO to 800 bushels of potatoes
per acre. Coos Bay better look out
or it will bo wautiug to supply po
t 'tce.o for the whole world, if it
i.eepd up to its talea.
T!io force at tho Vesuvius is
doing a great amount of work
each clay and will hive something
to show for it.
4nd General Mining
Gathered from Exchanges.
Mr. Stocks of Star is now work
iug at tho Vesuvius, under Mr.
Alberton Wood left for
Friday to work on the
W. II. Shane came clown
tho hills Saturday for a few
The mines are all laying in their
winter's supply and are keeping
things going.
Ernest Purvance went up to the
Vesuvius this morning with his kit
of tools and will join the crew al
ready at woric.
Mrs. Susan Mary Buoy, wife of
iNCWiXoah Bliov liviorr thrpe milpc anntVi
cf Creswcll, died at Schleef'e hos
; r ital in Cottage Grove, Oct. 8th at
" p. in. after a long sickness. She
has been sick for three years and
has travels 1 everywhere for her
: health, but the past three months
she has been in the hospital here.
! She was born Ort. 8th, I848 in
I Cedar Co., Missouri and died on
her 5Sth birthday the same hour of
the day as sho was boru.
SI12 has borne patiently her
.many trials, and goes to the long
rest of the faithful.
Graham Hotel in
New Hands.
I Chas. Long, an experienced
I hotel man has purchased Andy
I Graham's hotel business and will
'continue to run a strictly first class
: house as iu the past.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Graham will prob
S. O. Hamblin and wife took the! ably locate in the valley again after
Monday morning train on their a short rest. They built up a gooi
way to Bohemia, where Mr. Hamb- j hotel business here and leave it in
lin will work for F. J. Hard on the 1 good hand. Mr. Graham has sev
Vesuvius this winter. eral plans working out for a future
1 daj .
A large force of men went up to : . . , .
the Vesuvius on Monday morning
and Manager Hard announces th t
the force is being lagely increased,
and that work will be vigorously
Felix LandesB has gone to Ne
vada, where he expects to work in
the mines. He goes on account of
the splendid reports received from
his brother Henry, who is uow
. JV fine new stock of Edison and
Columbia Graphophones and rec
I ords at the Bazaar.
Geo. Meinzer, a former resident
! here, but now of Portland, is mak
' ing a visit among old time friends.
I Veateh S: Currin are greatly re
modelling and improving their
store room to make ready for a
large order of goods which are al
ready arriving.
Pushes Line on to Mines.
S. J. Brund aud son William left
for Star on Monday morning and
will ruth the completion of tho
Farmers and Miners Lino right
through to Bohemia, and they ex
pect to have it through in less than
three weeks. Almost all of the
mines will connect onto tho new
line, and xome of thetn will build
four and eight miles to connect on,
so aa to have telephone coinmuni
ciitian at all times. The farmers
who now have thoir phones con
nected up between the Grove and
Star state that the line is a dandy,
and that their service is the best
Real Estate Transfers.
T A and Alma M Sears to James
H and Amelia S Shortridge; lot 2
and west half of lot 1, blk 1, D G
McFarland's 4th ad to Cottage
Grove, jplloo.
Frank and Emily L Finney to B
Lurch; certain land in sec 33, tp 20
s r 3 w, $1200.
J 11 Richardson locates Fraction
mining clain Bohemia district.
Increase of StocK.
Currin & Veateh are thoroughly
remodeling their Btore to accommo
date a new stock of dry gooda now
enxoute. The interior will be all
repainted and repapered, the shelv
ing changed and new counters in
stalled, so as to give much more
room. The grocery department
will be moved to the rear and the
shoes to the front. It is intonded
to make the stock thoroughly up to
date in every respect and to much
improve all the stock.
In the automobile contest for the
Vanderbilt cup, on Long Island, a
Frenchman, named Louis Wagner,
made the fastest time, making 2y.r
miles in 20o minutes and 10 2
seconds or considerably over a
mile a minute for the entire dis
tance. A number of serious acci
dents occurred one man, an on
looker being killed through his
own caielpsncss ,
if La
Laa (Li B
J &
lacks rur;
! to 20 Dol tars
sis' So
$6 to. $25
As we arc exclusive dealers wc take more care of this line than other stores. If
we cant suit you in stock, we will take your measure and make one for you.
Oor Shoe Sales
Continue for the reason that we carry the most com
plete assortment iu our city and we ask you call in.
Don't Foraef U,
On UNDERWEAR and WORKING SHIRTS-Thc long m ined ones