Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 03, 1906, Image 4

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J. McKEAN I ISHLR, Manager.
.Make nil chfi-ks payable to Nugttct I'ub. Co.
Knterrd at the poaloflkop at Cottage Orove,
o vKon as weoml clas mail matter.
'. months $100
1 yeur $t."0
H months f'2.00
If paid in advance.
Clubbing Rates.
The llohcmki Nugget one year
vlth ud.y one of the following pub
lications one year for amount net
Pacific Monthly
Wookly OrvKonlan I Portland)
Weekly Journal (Portland)
lailv Mininir Record (lVnver)
Weekly Mining Record
Pacitle Homestead
N'ortlnvewt Poultry Jiurnnl
$1 75
i hi'tit on nie tv the AMERI
CAS MINI N t i COMiKKSS, Chamber of Com-
me'oe Bmli!ii;K. Itmer, Colo, where "-ir
leaJvm ill be nelco'ue to the n?e ot tbe ;eaj-
n papers from the xrious mining ret'tii ua of
i Me est, a Mienunc library ana nun
ril IS PA TEH if kept on tile at K. C. Urake'a
Advertising AKeiiey, M ami 65 Merchants Kx
t'hange. Sun Kraiirix-o, California, w here eon
racls for advertising ean be male. for il.
Wednesday, Oct. 3. 1906
.r n." n v vk .',! w a n A rv 'A
Largest Denominational Uuivcrsity U the
Two new Building. Adequate Kquip
niont. 45 Professors and Instructor.
Two new Courses added this year:
English Commercial and
Electrical Engineering.
Tor Particular Athens:
Dean J. T. Matthews or Pres. John II. Coleman
i v. v. -st ri v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v.
The Special Election.
The town is liable to be deluged
with a continuous ruu of special
elections under thi new initiative
rnd referendum law, as any person
can get up some law and get
nough signatures to call a special
tlee'ion. Its workings are just be
ginning to be felt. The object of
the coming election is primarily to
give the city power to call an elec
tion to decide whether the town
shall have prohibition or not. It
aims to avoid any conflict with the
Local Option Law.- but gets around
1' so that the city may decide
t in h matter inespeetive of county
tjf state legi-latiou. If the coming
lection yives the city power to
vote on the wtt or dry proposition,
then another call for election will
be issued and it will be up to the
citizens to vote t have prohibition
or cot.
If prohibition is defeated (so
those on the iDside say) no liceuses
vill be granted, uor saloons opened
unul the matter has been passed
upon by the supreme court.
There will not be a text case
made, nor any violations, but they
will await a ruling of the Supreme
The poiut at issue is whether the
ordinance proposed will give the
city power to regulate these mat
ters, irrespective of the local option
law. It avoids the technicality of
the liquor law being a crimiual law
by including the local option law
in its workings and hopes thus to
avoid the adverse decision which is
thought will be rendered against
tbe cases beiDg tested, of Coquille
nd Freewater.
If the Southern Pacific Co. would
permit it, It would certainly be a
gcod investment for the town and
Commercial Club to put a large
cabinet on the wall in the depot,
tilled with grains and fruits taised
around the Grove and with an ex
hibit of the various ore from Bo
hemia and Black Butte. Such an
exhibit wou'd not cost much and
would eettaiuly be an advertisement
cf the towu for everyone that en
tered the depot.
Silk Creek.
E. A. Wl eeler and family are
enjoying a fine new three seated
Mrs. Mable Dresser and daugb
ter Winnie of Lynx Hollow at
tended the quaiterly meeting ser
vice at th S. A. L. church riatur
day and viMted with Irieuds here
until Sunday afternoon.
tir 1 . t -
we unueistana some or our
neighbors were out on a hunt alter
bear Sunday.
At this writing Mrs. O. D
wheeler and children fr jni Indian
creek are visiting her husband's
relatives who reside here.
Misses Minnie Comer and An
toinette Burdick were on Ihe creek
Work has nicely begun on tbe
addition to the S. A. D. church
s:hool building.
Our district school began Monday
morning. I think teacher and pu
rils must be enjoying the new
Mr. Pannale and family went to
Cottage Grove Monday.
J. R. Elliott was favored with a
visit from his daughter and bsr hus
band tie firbt of the week.
Mrs. Mary Bunch is on the sick
list this week.
Newton Drebser was a caller at
JJavid Este Sunday, ,
WbeteaH, it has phased au Al
mighty God to t ake from us our
brother J. I). Richmond, by death,
Sept. 25th, i9i6, and
Whereas he was a CbiiMun
gentleman, u kind husband and
loving pnrent, and
Whereas he was a nit mber of
the I'irst I'tesby teriau Church aud j
Ruling Elder in 'he congregation
thereof, Therefore,
Resolved first, that vte deplore
the accident that caused his death;
that we will miss his council 111 our
official meetings; that we extend
our heartfelt sympathy to the be
reaved family nnd aSHiire them that
our prayer., to our Heavenly Father
are for thiir comfort, aud
Resolved second, That a copy of
these resolutions be spread on our
session book, a copy be nent to the
strickeued family and a copy be
sent each of our city papers with a
request for their publication.
Done by order of Church session
Sept. 26th, I90O.
R. C. Ukue, Fabtor
Edgar KinGt Clerk
II. C. Veatch,
A. II. Kinj,
C. M: Jackson,
J. P. Cl.RRIN,
Card of Thanks.
wish to thank the many
who have expressed by
word and deed their sympathy with
us in tho sudden and terrible death
of our dear husband and futher,
who we know has gone to tbe bet
ter land, and especially to tbe I. O.
O. F. Lodge and the Rebekahs,
and the Brown Lumber Co., for
their kindness and sunpathy in the
last services.
Mrs. Alice Richmond
and Childken.
Mrs. Haight.
The body of Mrs. Haight, daugh
ter of Mr. aud Mrs. Mansur, who
live four miles ont Coast Fork was
brought in on the train Friday and
taken to the family home from
which it will be laid to rest in the
White cemetery Saturday morning
Mrs. Haight and her husband
came up from San Francisco some
time ago where she had undergone
an operation, and has been failing
ever since, and was itceutly taken
to the Good Samaritan Hospital in
Portland where f-he died.
Klk River, Minnesota papers
please copy.
s -ended from an old Euglish family,
ft r generations distinguished in the
political affairs of England. Mrs.
Chilton has inherited, from this
branch of her ancestry, a decided
English cast of features, golden
ha'r, and the fiesh, beautiful com
plexion for which the women of
Great Biitaiu are famous. She at
tended for several years the New
York school of Expression, from
which institution he graduated
with honors. She also tool, special
lessons under masters in Boston
ud iu London. England. Being a
thorough mistress of all that per
tain to the development of grace
and eaxe of expression and gesture,
Mrs. Chilton possess' s in a remark
able degree the power of wiouing
her audiences aud kindling in tlietn
her own enthuairsm- She has en
jojed the distinction of being the
recipient of invitations to read be
fore the National Association of
Elocutionists in New York and
other cities. In 1H9S she attended
upou invitation, the first annual
Shakespearean Symposium at Strat-ford-on-Avon,
England. Upon thia
occasion airs, niltou rendered a
selection from "King John," which
was heartily applauded and highly
Lodge Directory.
A. F. & A. M.
Cottnee Imve l.odcc No St.
Meetings 1st and ;id WedncdavH
of each mouth.
L. V. Win-ley, W. M.
J. 1! I. uu h. S c.
G. A. R.
Appoinnttx lVi .
Meets at 1 p. in. on tlc -'inl aud
Ith Saturday ot cu b month.
Dr. D. L. Woods, pu t Com.
G. W. McRej nobis. Adjutant
w. o. w.
Bohemia Ctunp No. -'.
Meets each Friday eveniii;:.
L W. Bilker, Consul Com.
Cbus. Vim! ub'M ,", i 1 k.
- V.F tUiu
S 1 1
PLOUti''- Sf.
O. E. S.
Cottage tiiove l iiaptd 1 o(. . 1 W
fi-t tiiit'S hehl on :I1 1 and .1 1 It 1'
day of each mouth.
Mrs. C. H. Bufkholdc. M.
W. S. Bennett, W. l
Miss Cclia IiUicli. Secy.
' v "l-'-,, '
Uur om ii mrvko.
Weather R eport Week Oct. 2
The week, on the whole, was
very favorable. There were sev
eral good showers in the northwest
counties, and although the weather
at times was cloudy and threaten
in the southern and eastern coun
ties, no rain of cousequence oc
curred iu those sections. The
mornings were unusually cool and
frosts frequently occurred i i ex
posed placeB; In some of the higher
valleys the frosts were heavy, bnt
in other sections they were light
and harmless. The afternoon tem
peratures were generally above nor
mal, without the heat being exces
sive. The winds along the coast
were high at times, but in the in
terior they were generally light.
Fine Fen of White Wyandotte
Rubt. OritJin has been working
fur a couple of years or more rais
ing White Wyandotte chickens,
and he succeeds splendidly, aud is
doing better light along. He is
making a careful study of his work,
and keeps sorting hi chickens
over, so an to ke p only thn best
for breeding purposes. While as
yet he Las uot in ide much money
out of them, he is ouly yetting his
experiments reduced down to the
Washington was
born on
Bona pat t was born
Shakespeare, as every li'eraturer
knows, was born on Friday.
America was discovered Friday
The Mayflower pilgrims were
landed Friday.
Iu Scotland, Friday is the fa
vorite day for weddings.
Tbe Battle of Bunker Hill wis
fought Friday.
The Battle of New Orleans was
fought Friday.
The Declaration of Independence
was signed Friday.
Mrs. William Calvin CLilton
reads at the Opera House Friday.
Wagon Runs Over Boy
rercivui j-iimebuugu. me u year
old son of J. D. Litnebiugh met
with a bd Occident Tuofday room
ing. 1 he family were all in a farm
wagon just starting from town in
K. of P.
.Inventus I'dt-'e No. (S.
Meets every Wediicslay night.
S. R. Piper I'hancellar Coin
Chns. Van Denhui a. K. of R. A S.
I. O. O. F.
Cottage (Wove No.f'S.
Meetings every Saturday niht.
S. S. Shortridge, N. G,
Gus D. (J ions. Secy.
Royal Neighbors.
Meets 2nd and 4th Wedne'ay !
each month.
Ethel Bisby, Oracle.
Mrs. C. W. Wallace. Recorder.
M. W.of A.
Meetings 1st aud 2nl Tuesday.
LeBoy Woods, Consul.
C. W. Wallace, Secy.
Cottage Grove No. '21.
Meetings it, oVd ad .rth Fiiday ol
each mouth.
Etu Raker, N. O.
Katie B. VeHch. Secy.
Modern Brotherhood of Aucrica
Meets 2nd and ith Tuestlty t I. ().
O. P. Hall.
T. W. Jenkins. Sen.
w. o. w.
St. Valentino Circle 121.
Meets 1 st and 3rd Tuesday in W.
O. W. Hall.
Flora J. Miller, Clerk.
L. O. T. M.
Lady Lfttuson Hive No. 12.
Meets 2nd and 4th Friday of each
Mrs. Mary Schmutz, L. CJ.
Miss LetaSanford, Iv. K.
K. O. T. M.
Cascade No. OC.
Meets every Thursday night.
O. H. Veakh, Com.
R. K. Bennis, Cootor.
point where he is sure
wav to fortre ahead. He
rj - 1.
larce number nf verv fine tiullctn 1 wuere lie was
from which be e.nects to pet Pond ! father, oil to the
returns this winter. He is not al
together satisfied with his Rhode
Island Reds, and will probably put
in their place Barred Rocks.
Mr. Grifliu is making of the
chicken business a pastime lor his
later years, and hopes too in tbe
course of a few months to make it
pay splendidly .
If a few more of the chickeu
growers of this vicinity gave some
such attention to their chickens at
Mr. Griffin, the town would be
come known for its fine chickens
i a nr 1 .1 i
the best i iroui ' uous omce wnen tne ooy
has a i tried to climb from the back teat,
sitting with his
front seat witlj his
brother, and lost his balance and
fell to the ground on his back on
the left of the wagon just in front
of the front of the front wheel.
The front wheel went on to the boy
before the horses could be stopped
anil then the wheel ttood right over
the bos stomach for au instant be
fore the horses were stuited up and
the w'hefcl pulled off of him. His
father picked him up and carried
him into the doctors office where it
was fouud no bones were broken.
but it has not b'en possible to de-
'l 1
after a time.
Wlllltvio Cnlvln (JMlton Mono-
Mrs. William Calvin Chilton (nee
Albe)isthe daughter of Ihe Jate
joseph Able and Fatricea Able, who
were amoug the pioneer settlers of
Oxford, Miss. Tue Ablca were de
termine whether he is severely in
jured internally or not. Thfl boy
is bearing up well und if there is
uot some bad injuiy to bis internal
organs he will soon be all right.
Thomas M. Doyle has purchased
of John Grober 160 acres in sec 2C
c JiisideratioD $2500.
Classified Advertisements.
Good Cook Wants Position.
Camp cook for thirty or more
men wants good position. Will
t"!:o t utiie charge. Box Ho Ct-ta-.c
Laundry Woman want' 1 at Hotel
bicycle for
Wood Wanted.
like to exchange good
wocd. "W" Nugget
For Sale.
Fine two year old Shorthorn bull.
D. G. McFaki.anh.
Payment on ail furtmr
between Oct. 1 and
Amount 2.50, ix
must be made
5 at my office
David Ukkigs, Agent
Enowles & Gettys
Hohcinia, Oregon.
Knowles & Gettys
Orscco, Oregon.
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Our jYIotto:
Good Goods at Reasonable Prices.
General Merchandise
Miners Tools and Amunitions i
Ladies Long Gloves
Fancy Plaid Silks
Latest Style Belts
Popular Hand Bags
Sutbcribe lor the Nuggei
The Hodge JijjH jrivc u perlcct hcparfltlon
oi Zinc-I,cacI-CreH
1(4 Iilako;St,
Among many pleasant recollcc.
tions of the visitors to England are
those, ol the recitals of Mrs. Chilton,
on tho stage ol the Memorial lee
turo room. Her deli verv of nnc r,r
SImkespeans most dramatic scenes
was full of power and pathos, a
piece of very ahlu work. But 1 am
notsmo that even this was not sui
passed by her handling of more
modern aud domestic themes lit
tie things in themselves, but in
vented with a beauty nud interest
that told of loving sympathy and
eurnest study. II. Snowden Ward,
London, England, editor lecturer
and author of "Shakespeare's Town
and Times."
Cottage Grove souvenir tablets
at tho Bazaar.
Don't miss our fall millinery
opening iSatuiday Mary Uurtels,