l L r All Humors Am Impure mnltcr which t In m k In. liver, fcliliiryrt nml other orgniiN ciimiol dike cure (if Without help. 11 in t iltH. bolln, wKi'tun nml oilier erup tion, loan of npM'tlti', Hint llrcil f 1 1 1 1 K , Milium luniR, lit of IiiiIIkihI Ion, (lull licuil. tit-hen Hint liimiy oilier Irnulilei are (1u to them, They arc remuveil I y Hood's Sarsaparilla In iiMiutl lliiill form or In i hocohilcil tiililetn known uHQartatabS. l'XKliiNen$l. .N iri'rua'i ,-v Mini. When Charles I', NorcroNs, now u Well ki ivvn Washington oorreKp'iiiilelit, began Ills now Mpiipcr career l.e him ent to "cover" one of Hie court), Hit IiIInIiichm iih to look lit the docket II II I llml Hie facts iiIhiiiI iiIi.V cii'o Ihill seem i ll to hi in In warrant him In writ 1 1 1 IiImhiI, One nricrnoon lie discovered nn entry th.'it kii li one William Hin in hinl been MllcMcd unit line. I $10 for Mealing a martingale ll'olii James Junes, n neigh bor. lie rerltei! theM fuel') III ii'i Introduc tory paragraph, nml then went on: "I'liN -rl in I mi I wiim Jii'll.v punished, for the pletly llllle Ion rt I liga h lie Mole WHS the Joy ii mt comfort of the wife of .lames Joiich. She kept It III ll cage In In r parlor, mid when, tired with the work of the day, the Ilia It luga le began to pour forth Uium drains of inelody for which our I'lltsburg martingales nr fniuoiiH, kIic found great pleasure. Such mlnt-reaiits im this iiinii llurtis ithould not he allowed nt large, et'pecla My when they dexceml no low iih to tlcnl tin I'll Ions lltid UK' I 1 1 i -4 martingale." Sut unlay ICvenlng I'ost. IIm. I, llml Kill)! The si lent Ms luiike out ii food rn-te licalnM ll,,. hoiiM' c.il. who. with nil her i 1 1 . i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 j' nml luvabie ,ialitlcs, U tdiowu to he tin agent of dl'-enxe, mid n wh'.li'hiilc ilestroyer "f bin' life. I r, t'.irnlliie .V. ishorin. who 1 1 ; i m hcen con ducting iXpcrlmeiiN nt Chirk I'nlver Mly. has fnuiid Hint cuts Imve diph theria, wh.Hipliii; cough, tutu iculosN, eceina nml i Ink w oiiii. Kvcn when nils do mil 1 1 ' r 1 1 : 1 1 1 - contract thee maladies they ui.iy curry the contagion about with them. As nluiroils they Hie rcfpniisllile fur the death of Ilhout llfty birds ,i year, in-coiillng to II. I'orhiish, State irnlthoiugNt for Mas mii husettK, out Including the suffering Ihey Inflict hy their mingling of hlnK hiilricls nml rabbits. I'hlladeljihla I'n-HH. imruMi)) iiif i The freli iTcniii puffs In tln 1 1 n It tin liaker'H window looked Inviting, und the Interested hoiisekei per Mopped In- Idc the shop to ask the price. "Klf leciia ecnta a dnz," replied the tomling proprietor, w iping his hnmls on his apron, preparatory l.i wrapping the cakes-. "Why," exclaimed the lady, unable to conceal her astonishment, "that's very cheap lor cream putTs ! I usually liave to pay thirty. 1 don't fee how you can make them nt that price." "Illui cheiipi nil lighta." conlldcd the haker. "l'a hen It' olllce telephone I pitta closa d.i shop r 1 n 1 1 1 off. My girl, Antonio, pitta da nicasle." A l.lilr I :tl 1 1 1 . .Tudus Kahn, reproentatlvo from San I'lali lsio, was 111 Washington w hen (ho i-art hiU.ike came and was nearly Iran tic, hi cause Ills wife nml children, In cluding a hahy a few days old, were di rectly in the path of tin; lire. Kahn spent two days trying to tele jrra'm and then took a train and went out, and linding his family safe, stayed II week or mi In the ruined city. On his return he found a letter from n ooiisi'tucnt, written eight days after the shock, which began : "!car Julius: "No douht you will be toirprised to learn from me that we have had a terrible earthquake out lit l." Saturday Kveiilng Post. Told hy 'I'lirlr llultona. The lulnlster'H wife wart busily en gaged one afternoon mending the fam ily clothes when a neighbor culled for a friendly chat. After a lew moments of news nml gossip (he caller remarked, KH Hhe U'gan to Inspect a basket of miscellaneous buttons : "Vini seem to he unusually well cup jilied with buttons of all kinds. Why, there Is one like my husband had on his last wlutcr'H suit." "Indeed," said the minister's wife, with a slight mnile. "All these but tons were found lu the contribution box, and I thought I might as well have mum use out of them. Well, must you Ko? Well, good by. Come ngiiln soon. DoesYour Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for cood blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Ona f ronuont rmiia of hurt Wood ll a ilupKlfih llvur. Till! iM'iiiliinul RiiiimlimUnn. I'ulaiiiuillll iiIihUiiim.. ui o t li i' 11 ulimirliuil inlu tha blo.nl, Inatt'uil of IiuIhk ri-iuuvfil (ruin ilia limly dull- nitliira liilKiiiliil. K" Hi e liuweli opail with Ayor'l I'llli, llvur .lll. All vonutublo. A ItUUa br J. O. Ayr Co. Lowell. Mut. All a tuanunuiturara ot f HAIR VI00R. yers AutiB cuue. CUIiKKV ftCTOBAL. THE HUNT1N0 SEASON. BY gum; i 'Inclunatl Post. Lsittle keon in patfiotim In the battle of I. ike Champliilu. w hern .iiore th in one American distln-gul-hed hlmi lf f r lnaery, n.itahly llll'illg t Item I 'illlllHi- I l.-l li.ltiill'.ll II 11,1 I Capt. Henley, I -It'll tenant oinmamiaut Stephen Casslu per fornieil s e r v Ices which wnii for 1 1 ' lit a medal from Con gross a ll d w hie spread recognition of his bravery. The Itritish force was suH'ilor lu ii it id '"'' ahsi.v. ,ers. thi' calmness of the lake H'rmltted heavy nruiameiits on comparatively light ve.-scls, and of this circumstance the Itritish availed themselves, giving their coiiiiiiander a ship (spiitl lu force to two of the Amer ican ships, with which he, being a vet eran olllccr of no mean ability, made sure .f capturing the young American. Cassln. Hut the naval discipline- Cassln had serted In the Tripolitan war the skill, the molnoss, the courage and the dar lug Intrepidity of Cassln were brought Into action, lie made the attack In stead of waiting fur It. thereby gaining an ml vantage over his rival. Mis undaunted spirit, which had enabled lilin to endure two years' im prisonment lu Spain lu the previous war, now bore him forward, lu spite of the apparently overwhelming ob stacles that confronted liiiu, be over came the enemy, and by his action so Inspired his own men and even the men lu the oilier slrps tli.it he deservedly won his reward of Hit praise of the Congress of his country. A FORTUNE FOR DRESS. 711 Ian Moroaliil, 'v York llt'lrraa, M'iil f I 00,000 V curly. Most people would be sntistied and consider themselves well llxetl for life If they fell Into a fortune of $KK,(MK). That Is the sum, however, which Miss (Tlulla Moroslnl, (laughter of the mill ionaire banker of New Vork, upends on . v ? " 1 MISS MOKOKI.M. her clotlies In ono year. At times her outlay for clothes exceeds even theso enormous figures. Miss Moroslnl does not consider Hie sum at nil largo mid was surprised that the statement should create any public Interest, when n newspaper writer Interviewed her nt lier father's palatlul lioye at lllverdalo on the Hudson. Many of the gowns In Miss Moroslnl's wardrobe cost from $l,(HH) to $8,0H) each. Her lingerie nlono costs $5,000 yearly. (She Is Interested In road driving and maintains -the most costly stables own ed by a woman In Hie world. Of course, the cost of maintaining her stable lias nothing to do with the Item for frocks. e j. a" C-Cah sqo IT--1 OLIHD'.Q P. CCCCHAriqt ivui Put jet there l a connection. Her friends regard her as the most expert woman whip in tin country. And therefore It becomes her io conduct her self as such. Accordingly, when slit: takes (he air In one of her ifl'i.iMHl turn outs behind her three abreast team a matter of some 1 .'.,( h ii i to .JO,mi worth of carriage horse she must naturally be appropriately dressed, with a due consideration to the matching or proper contrast between the colors lu horse, harness, whip. h:,t, hair, cloak, gown, etc. She ile. igns her ow n harnesses, to match the coloring of the horses. When driving she Is clad lu colors which har monize with the harness and elaborate equipage. ( ne set of harness and a cart cost ST.tiim. Kven tlie whips are made to match the turnouts, of which there are seven. One of them lias a nine-Inch handle of solid gold and cost ?.-, n i. Miss Moroslnl Is a girl of striking beauty and superb figure. Her father, niovaiuil Moroslnl. llrst came to tins country as a refugee with the great Italian patriot ,ariiahll. He met with great success in the financial world and was once a partner of Jay Could. AMHERST SWIMMING RULE. I nilvruriKliiiilea Now Kcqulreil to llccoiue Atlt'iKw In (he Sirl. The decree that lias gone out from Amherst College, now that the itittitu lioii lias h large and complete swim ming equipment, that all students of that Institution must not only hatJie but h'urii to swim, is arousing much Inter est In the press, says the Rochester OeiniMrat a nil Chronicle. Heretofore, swimming lias not been dlgnltied as an accomplishment to be require of college undergraduates. It has either been ignored altogether, or, if eticourag 'd. left optional with the students whether they should acquire it or not. Hut Amherst has initiated a forward movement in tlie matter and her exper iment will be watched with some curi osity. It Is, at least, a pretty good ad vertisement for the college, and will no doubt popularize the Institution In the estimation of many young men; for In this day of athletics swimming should be In favor with all who love manly exercise or sport. Strange as it may seem, It that a large iH'rcentage of youths have not acquired the Is said college art of swimming. A sturdy, healthy should take to the water with luy tlie eagerness of a young duck, lu the old days of deep-creek or svvlniming liole Indulgence there was much danger at tending one's experiment) lu the water: but despite that the boys generally took the risk and learned to swim. The modern institutional swimming tanks is much wifer, nml there Is no excuse for a natural youth, having access to these or any other safe bathing places, re maining Incapable of taking care of himself lu the water. Of course there are danger for even swimmers; but the boy or girl, man or woman, who can swim, on the whole, is better assured of escape In u water accident than one who can't. Moreover, there Is a lot of pleasure and fun In swimming when the practice Is Judiciously indulged. St) every en couragement should be afforded to the youth of our time to cultivate the art of Kvvliumlng, even if it is not made compulsory In our schools, colleges and universities. 1UhIIiiiiu:. A car had stopiied at a busy corner. Just as the conductor had reached to give the signal to start, there were yells of warning nnd an answering jell from the outside. "Wait till 1 get my clothes on!" cried a shrill voice. Tho passengers craned their necks nnd looked out. A small boy with a basket of laundry was trying to get uboard. Harper's Magazine. Turf JVole, "Morris was blackballed nt the golf club, nntl he's not even allowed oa tho links." 'Tor goodness' sake! Why?" "lie's the sort of man that never lets the grass grow under his feet." Bostou Transcript. i i--.-t4"' GOOD Sbort atones One day when William M. Kvart1", Hecretnry of State under President Hayes, was n college student, be was called on to read Virgil lu class. Hi started out bravely : "Three tone I strove to cast my arms around her neck, nml - ami -" adding lamely, "That's as far as I got, professor." "Well, Mr. Kvarts," said the professor, "I HiTuk that was tpilte far enough." William II. Crane, the a'tor, was re cently asked how It was that In nevr attempted serious Shakespearean roles. "Put I did once," replied the comedian. "Vears ago, in the West, I played 'Hamlet.'" "Iiil you, ln dei'dV" said an admirer and friend, "liidn't you have a great success'' Oidn't the audience call you before the curtain?" "Call nn-,' replied Crane. "Why, man, they dared me ;" John Sharp Williams had an engage ment to speak In a small Southern town. The train he was traveling on was not of the swiftest, and he lost no opportunity of keeping the conductor Informed as to his opinions of that par ticular road. "Well. If cr don't like It," the conductor finally blurted out, "why lu thunder don't yer git out. an' walk?" "I would." Mr. Williams bland ly replied, "but you see tlie committee doesn't expect me until this train gets In." fJeneral Carr. at the outbreak of the Civil War, h rt Troy to take the com mand of a regiment. At P.ig P.ethel his regiment had been halted for rest ami refreshment and had not yet experi enced the excitement of a skirmish. Confederates were in ambush, and from a site hiding place they opened lire. Carr. so the story runs, instantly put spurs to his horse and dashed u to a group of olliccrs. "They are tir ing ii m in my regiment!" he shouted. "My Hod! Now what is to be done';" First lrliM'llt'N. A few plain rules, formulated by a Chicago bank ollb ial. have been circu lated in the business section of New Vork, and are attracting attention as u restatement of first principles for Hit regulation of the conduct of business men who desire to achieve iolid and soul-sat isfving success. The foundation maxim of the Chica go hanker is that money must b made honestly or not at all. There arc nobler pursuits' than the mere getting of money ; but one may say that after a sullicieiit education the tirst worldly duty of the man wh i lias not inhcriteii a fortune is to gain a competence. Th productive period of life is rather short. From twenty to twenty-live year art spent In preparation, gaininc L-ik.u I. .,)".. nn, I eviw.i-ieii,... p.iuuil.li: medical iraiermiy. vaiarra oenis a cousiou Kliovv leile ami expel lelli e. 1 ossllilj tl(,nal diease, requires a cunstiiutional treat forty years w ill remain for inoliev ment. Hall's Catarrh t ure is taKen internally, making, and if even a modest competence can be ncipiircd ir this time, one his do:ie well The making of money Is a might lem, ami In tin vast in;i irilv v in-ili 11 " of in stances It must be made by plodding Industry, hard work and sfiht observ ance of the prudential maxims. The mass of men are not siitlicieutiy gil'teti to iictpiire money by short cuts and holij strikes of enterprise. It re-pi ires a very exceptional order of .iMlt'y to or ganize and conduct succesfclly vast schemes of protit ; but. whatever tht limitations of tiuancial skill, it is a mistake to suppose th.it dishonest prac-' tices and tiucstionable finessing in busi ness yield greater success than old fashioned integrity. Philadelphia, Led ger. A rltinu; of I'rcMcrliitloiiK. Tlie use of Latin by physicians In prescription writing is commonly re garded as n harmless survival of me dievalism, says tlie Literary lUgest. Occasionally a lay writer suggests It abandonment. In commenting on a re cent note to this effect in a daily pa per, which advocates the compulsory use of Kuglish in prescriptions, the Druggist's Circular and Chemical zette takes occasion to make a strong defense of the tluie-houored practice. Says this paper : "Suppose the sapient writer quoted, whose utleiancos may sound all right to those who know, no more of Ids sub ject that he does, should fall sick and his physician should decide that tlie one tiling needful to save his life was geranium robertlnniuin. If there were a law preventing the doctor from pre scribing lu Latin lie would have to choose one of the upwind of a dozeu English names for this drug. Suppose he chose 'redshanks' and so wrote the word in his prescript ion. When the druggist went to prepare the medicine he would lind that 'redshanks' was the' Kuglish name of at least four entirely different plants, namely, the one al ready mentioned, polygonluin aniphib lutn. polygonluin perslcaria and mines ucetosa. "As with redshanks so with hun dreds of other drugs: Aaron's beard may be cotluus contlnus, cymbalaria eymbalarla or saxlfragu sarmentosa. Of snakeroots there are numberless kinds. Suppose the Kngllsh-wrlting doctor wanted to be sure of getting the right kind, so speeltled suakeroot, then Is the druggist to dispense clmlclfugu raceniosa, asarum canadense or saul cula MarylandlcaV" Some matches may be made In heav en, but the majority ure made by the match trust 1(M Tim Kind You Have, Always ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, nnd lias been made under his personal Kiipervislon for over HO years. Allow no onei to derelvo you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd JuMt-as-p;ood are but Experiments, and rritlaiijjer tho health of Children Experience ngainst Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Cnstorla Is a harmless -substitute) for Castor Oil, I'aro-f-orie, Drops ami Hoothinif .Syrups. It 1.4 I'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Narcotic ivubstanre. Its a-jo is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms ami allays 1'cvcrlslijirss. It cures Diarrlitra and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethinfr Trouhles, cures Const ipatioii and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Htomaeh and Ilowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Me Always Bought Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc eiNTtu eoannf, tt mwmmrwOf.fP.'W in .! . I The I.I ml I of Konnlr, Dora Never tell Flora any secrets. Cora Can't she keep them? Iiora Keep them? Why, that girl tells people her right age I Cleveland Leader. H V tui' T'an'-a ana all ?ff-rrina Tlla ate- rm-oiently curl riy jir. Khnc n t.r'ai .Verve Iti-s iT r. hpml Tor 1 KKK f2trlal hott! ' arid treatise. lr. It. Jf.Klin .1x1. Arch St., l'LHa.,1'. Illatua In the Knicmirmrnl, "Our engagement will have to hf temporarily suspended," announced tht summer girl, ealnily. tin, lniiiossiuie, tne young man i vowed. "It will have to lie. My husband writes that he is coming down for a week." Iouisville Courier-Journal. You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen S. Olmsted, I Roy. N. Y., for a free pain pie of Allen 's Knot-Kase. It cures weatiiif. bet iwollen . aching feet. It lnakea new or tifrnt ahr.m eafjr. A certain oure lor cornn, innrowingnaUn and bunionf". Aildrug gists aell it. 2jc. lion't accept any substitute. Naturc'i Knilowinrnt. Ciller Miss Milliccnt plays wonder fully on the piano. Grandfather (Jreevius Yes; it sort o' runs in the fam'ly. By jacks, you'd ort to 'a vp heerd nio play "Ole D.tn Tucker" an' "Ole P.ob Uidley" on a jevvsharp when I was a boy ! $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased learn i hut there is at least one dreaded dmeaec t it I that science has been able to cure in all itf i -ri.. ami that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh lure is tne only positive cure known to the: acting aireciiy upon tne uwi ana iuucvui suriaoes of the system, thereby destroying the i foundation ot the disease, and giving tne pa tieut strength by buildiiiK up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The I proprietors have so much lwitn in its curative pVuvers that they olter one Hundred liollart lor anv case that it faila to cure, tend for libt ' of teKtlmonials. , Address. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv druecisti". 75c. Hall's Family 1'ills are the best. About the l imit. Clunner And Is old Closeman SO very close in Jiis dealings? (itiyer Close? Why, he wanted to pay less for a desk calendar for the month of February because it did not contain as many days as the other mouths No Dullneaa Anywhere. "Pa," said little Willie, looking up from his book, "what is 'a comatose state'?" "Well, my son," replied Willie's pa, "Just at present there isn't a single comatose state In the union ; all hus tling and prosperous." Philadelphia Press. CURED OF GRAVEL. Not a Single Stone Has Formed Since Using Ooan's Kidney Pills. J. D. Danghtrey, music publisher, of Suffolk, Va., Fays: "During two cr three years that I had kidney trouble I passed about 2 pounds of gravel and sandy sediment in the urine. I haven't passed a stone since using Doan's Kidney Fills, however, and that was three years ago. I ueed to suffer the moat acute agony during a gravel attack, and bad the other us ual symptoms of kidney trouble lassi tude, headaches, pain in the back, uri nary disorders, rheumatic pain, etc. I have a box containing 14 gravel Btones that I passed, but that is not one-fourth of the whole number. I consider Doan's Kidney Pills a tonio." fine kidney Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Foster-Milburn Co., liuffalo, N. Y. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and AdJrcite In Portland of Repra entallv Bualnca Firms. ckkam bupa uaiouh vy guarante ,i,9 u.m. Si-nralor lo be llif beat. Wrlta lor Daa cutaug. liuieiwouil Co., i inn ana uhk. UKN'SCI.OTIIINU Duffum rnilteton, aula aiienia Allreil heiijaiulo A I o.'a correi-t ulotliea. l-.very llilnn In nivn'a ruriiUliluiia. ilorriauu auil bum uitwia. Uiuuaila Hiaiullica. J'lANUS A llHOANS Mttiiy Hue Insiruiuinta ra verl to ua ai'coiiut a't-aiieiia or rainoval of buyer Wrlta tor tleaor ptlon of anoa now ou liuiul, Itrurn, mo. Wrlta todu. Ullbert Co-, t'orllauU IS X no; D) n1 Uoutrlit lias homo thn Minia Signature of aranr. , voxx city Thf-re nre now almnt .'WKIKK) spindle1 employed in the worsted industry in An tria, against 100,000 spindle in 1S.S2. OWAHD K. P.mTON. ArJiRVor a- : Chemtt, .?uivin., t'oieriwio. Kpf-nuen priifi: "il.l. I infr,i. HJI,I ; '"ml, itver.i h , mun, , .iR-r i,i-r. S 1. C anl'lo t:l. f. tiling nivcon. anil lull j.n, llt ffHiit oa aprliratien. Coinrol and V m pjre Wiik oilctieU. i'.elfcreDce: 1 arbunuie rsar tiuubi liable HEAVES CURED! at? tiiroAt and wind V',Z$J2&SXi trooblea. Citre. HeaTea. UP,,.r v4 Coughs, Dittctnper an4 rlCAVC3 I ll Indm-slion. Vatarlnari. aoa uae and recommend PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS will fret them. at dealer, 60c b mail. 8eml for Free book. PRUSSIAN RFV.EDY CO.. ST. PAUL, MINN. CHAS. H. LILLY CO Seattle ud rortUod. Wboleule Agfa IN THE LAUNDRY bOl CCOS WatCf, LbaVCS. LlCanS and Whitens Clothes. A M il-hlers. Kn-e sample I'.orjx nnd F'orai Siau, lico';li-t a 1 Souvenir I'lo nre i i coI.h-.. r, ,r l' enc Mini I e.i i-r's nanie. I'At li if tOASi' lluK.VX Co., o.Kluml, t at. There ia no satisfaction keener than being dry and comfortevble when out in the hardest storm. VVOUABE OF THIS IP YOU WE AD WAT!D!DftOI. Roiled clothino eiACKORYEUOW OH 5 All EVERTWHERL A.J. TOWtR CO..M5TOM.MASJ0.SA. TOWtR CANADIAH C0,LiBitrf.T080NI0. aft VI. L. DOUGLAS 3.50&3.00 Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD .LDoucIas $4 Gill Edra line. cannotbecqualledatanypricOy "-) .Shoe lialrrs t W. I.. Oouglns' Job l'tnr I Ions? ia i lie most 1-uiu.jltMf in this "'ontitry SHOES FOB EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES. Men'a Slioca. to CI. 60. Boya' Bhoea, S3 tuia. Wouiun's Snoea. S4.00 to f l.SO. Miai. t' ChilUien'a Slioua, SJ.liO to (l.CO. Try W- I.. Deiilua AVoim ii'x, AllKaea mut ChlKlrt'ii'a aliot-a; for klylt', tit and wear tliey rli'i'l ollu-r iiiukea. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever you live, you cjo obtain W. L. Douitlaa ahoea. hia name and prke la tamneil on the bottom, which protect youanalnat hlh prke and inferior tioe. Take no Mubtti tute. Aak your dealer lor W. L. Uougla ahoct and inalat upon having them. fast Color ustii ; then will not wtar brassy. Wriie lor llliiatrated Calalug o Hull Style. W. L. UOCULAS, Dept. 3, Urockton, Maaa. P. N. U. No. 40-OS WHEN writing to ail vertleer pleaeo I iiieiiilnu till impar. I -.iMMHwia ! I I fc-' . " E3 E A i i I W 7 II aVJA.ri T j