Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 26, 1906, Image 1

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-ii. jLxn&.
1 PIP"
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Fannin;; Inttii ?,ts of this Community.
NO. 36
J jL s Jimsd JL
And (icucral Mining New
(ialhcrcd from lixchangcs.
Manager A. 15. Wood went up to
the Oirp.n Securities Co. property
nil Monday.
11 I n vit's of Kn'oni' went
Miiou;.;1i the drove on his way to
llohemia tliis week.
Al Churchill ii in town alter an
ahscjiu o n( several wcck. lie jx
pects Id f'li np to t 11 ii ) Hdoii.
Jiihn A. nbrson, due d J5o
hctni.iH Mturdy miners wan grunted
his lin'd cil ictinhip papers in I'.u
gene Monday,
Hh'.c River is in nimh the mine
11 x :i -i J i .1 1 n 1 i 11. It reeds deeper
work, and ni'iie of it, capital and u
smelter. it!i 1 1 1 -r toads, and then
they will Iki in the ranks of the
pindiu inj; camps hhs tin- Kejjisler.
W- A. IhiLMite eanie duwil frulil
the 'eMiviiiM mi S.i uiihiv, tn get a
I i;; hud il i j ii us fur mm p.
He ."-.ivs the mj.In ar getting
rather truddy. It has beou min
i n K '1'iite h ml in the h lis.
A (o'ipl:- of new ilainiH located
in tin- 1I .heinj a petiict were reg
isteneil I.i f t week at the court
house, The Trojan by Thomas II.
Meadow, the Riid'H Nest by Tom
1'urker, l iaik llalev and Harry
The donkey euyiue in its browu
iug on a hillside, where it pawed
upthecaith, disek.Hing the out
cropping that usultcd in the open
ing of the Hunker Hill mine, now
valued at $ 1 7,000,000, is foliage a
marble hhaft erected over its grave,
by ono of its owneia, w ho gained 11
fortune from tlio mines.
M. DeKryner of Portland, a met
allurgist and inventor of an ore fur
nace l the suno namo, with Count
(bo. Yeibekf.o! Rclgiuni, were vis
itor in Hohemia last week, being
hhown around by Lawyer J. C. and
Al Johnson. Mr. Verbeke has
been travelling till over the world
looking up mining propositions to
picsent to li is company in Helgium
who havi largo capital to invent in
good propositions. lie states that
it is probablo that after going
abroad and giving iu his teporta ho
will return by May of next year, ut
least, to mako investments, and
possibly to eiect 11 custom plant for
H Mil
Ladies! Come
in and look
at our furs?
the bundling of ores. Mr. Vulndio
Huys that the camp lias fine on- and
splendid prospect0, and i li i 1 1 ! h the
IkKeyscr invention Kuiuhle to
mich ori'N, The. mining men will hi;
glad to seo Mr. Vcibekc t't'Mii in
the spring unci hope he will "mo
prepared to do something.
Chtmploix Sliooter ol World rwt Mrdforil
tltttuewarden Baker returned
from tho hit; shoot at Mod ford
whore h saw the ehampiou shooter
of the world, Ctoshy, break !!
out of a possible 200. Crosby will
shoot in Sulom this weeu
Steel Made in Klcetrlc Kninacc
il i'orll.artd.
Sle-1 nnide from blaek wind
found at Hie month of the Columbia
river n the Utei-t of llm wonders ol
Oregon. Dr. Day of the Coum
fuent Bureau stated a series of in
vestigations ::t the bl.u k sands of
the I'ucilic const during the Lewis
and Chirk Fair. These have been
eontiiuied and have resulted in a
successful issue. A utnnhir ol
pigs w-re ivii. last week, and were
used in making near whech and
other small casting, and tinned
uut peifeetly. The sui-cckMuI out
come of these tets will piobably
ri'fult in a fin ther dcvclonuieiit of
'.he smelting of such iton ie.
Cottage Grove souvenir tablets
at the Ha.aar.
I'ull opening at the liartels Milli
ner? Saturday.
Wiite to your friends on Cottage
( 1 rove tablets and use tlio souvenir
An attempt was made- to blow
open the Droin post cflice safe Sun
day "ight, but wqh unsiiec shful.
(Curtis Veateh killed a large
coyote near his farm west of town
Tuesday morning, the scalp of
which will net him about S.
Souvenir envelopes and writing
paper cost yon little more and ad
vfcitise the Grove. Do your pait
tJ let people know what a town we
Hiisintss in Cottage Grove is on
the upward path, and is growing
Hteadily, and from now on should
go by leaps and bounds. K'.vry
body is busy nnd is making money.
A prominent business man who
hatt fclwajB been In faNor of the sa
loons said th other day, "Well,
sir, if the saloon question were to
come up again for a vote, I would
vote against the saloons, and 1 be
lieve nine-tenths of the people
would be with me, business is bet
ter, the town is growing on a more
sturdy foundation than ever before,
lot it keep up."
To American Alining Congress
at Denver Oct. 16-I9th.
j To the president of the United
Slates, tlio Chief Executives of
Foreign Nations, Governors of
'States and Territories, Boards of
; 'I rude, Hoards of County Com
missioners, Mayors of Cities and
Towns, Chambers of Commerce,
Mining Bureaus und Exchanges,
.Miners' Organizations, Scientific
' S'-'eir ie and I'ennanent Members
of the Atnei iepii Mining Congress.
; The- Ninth Annual Session of tho
Ann-rt' an Mining Congress is here
, by ( alhd to meet nt Denver. Colo.
Mrs. Wm. Calvin Chilton
Sta.r MonodraLimist.
Subject: An livening in Dixie Land.
Excellent Entertainment, Splendid Interpetation
t. .Xone better on the Coast this year. j
j October 16, i7, 18 and 19, 19oG.
j Tor th purpose of concentrating
au I putting into action the best
thought of the mining world, to
the end that through united action
a greatfr development of the min
ing industry may be obtained, you
are requested to appoint delegates
to the Ninth Annual session.
I t'ON'iRK&S.
j The purpose of this organization
is to advuuca the mining and met
allurgical industries in all their
various brauches within the United
vStates; to assist in bringing about a
more perfect co-operation between
; the government of the United States
j and the developmeur of mining and
: met il'mrgy ; to encourage education
n n nam n n
U U U Lmmt W V
There is no person's money potent enough lo hny here cheaper
than any other person. And everybody is treated alike, no
special courtesies or accommodations to anybody no playing of
favorites either in price or in service or attention. It is a store
where every'person can bny "good" clothing for just what good
clothing is worth with a decent profit added enough to main
tain the store but not enough to make good clothing cost you
as much here as you pay at other stores for it.
r -
in j,j ,i-iii- ,1 niid r ientifie mining
and the di.isi ininati'ifi of scientific
j in form at i n b";irin;; ujiou the le- j
I velojjniciit of tlio metallic nnd won- j
I metallic mining resources of the
' United S'.d to promote a more
I 'o-opi rative t' ndency in the evolu
' tion of agi i' ulture, mining, manu
faf,luring, t ran-po: lation and com
j meree ; and for tho particular pur
j pose of bl inking the mining men of
I the I'nil'.d h'ati s into cloH' r rla
lion with one aii'jther and of pro
moting a fri' n diy feeling for ono an
other Uiiougli s-ji.ial intercourse
arid the di scu -ion of ;nitual inter
ests. TIII.-1. I ' I:;") i ", AK1-; TO IX ACCOM-
e! i-rri'.i
Hirst - - The oreru'on of a depart
ment of mini s- ;i;i 1 mining, through
whii.h i ii'-rc-:n--1 a i.-isbmco and co
operation of tii'; Xational Govern
ment in iy de si-cnred.
Secon I i!.- (Ik; creati on and
El rri
maintenance of a complete exhibit
of commercial specimens of ores, a
complete mining library, a bureau
of information through which all
possible information may be ob
tained about every mineral section
of the country and a mechanical de
partment in which practical illus
trations may be given of treatment!
methols, and a laboratory iu which j
experiments may be made on re- 1
fractory ores and chemical analyses 1
made of ores which are thought to
contain rare minerals, to the end
that the mining man may be as
sisted iu the solution of those prob.
leuis which often mean success or
failure to his enterprise and the
possible investor may gain such in
for. nation as will protect him
against, all but the necessary risks
ll'ontiuu-' 1 lo last pane.)
h ft ir
- . - .' '-r-": -'-.--; Ss'r-T-rtjf vcr-sr-.? Kt-- K-V.
Schools SO Larger Than Last
Year at This Time.
Snpt. Strange stated in an inter
view Tuesday that tho total num
ber of scholars registered was i
over 350, at least oO more than l i-t
year. Last week at which time 2o
were registered, many were in the .
hop fields, and 80 more have come '
in since.
There are now 42 in the High ;
School and 24 iu tho freshman
class. 1
l'rof. Stra'i; e is greatly pleased I
the way school in starting in and
sayg the attendance will bo the
largest in the history of the school.
Many new families from the Last .
have moved, aod so many new
children are in school who have
brought in their Eastern books and
cards for grading. The professor
says he was much surprised to find
so many new pupils. The second,
third, fourth and fifth grades are
all crowded and if the attendance
keeps growing it is probably other
arrangements will have to bo ma le
to handle some of the boys an 1
The furnaces are now almost
readv to be fired up after being re
lined, at a great deal of trouble.
The students are all anxious to
get to work and Monday morning ,
the High school after their assemb
ly, which was addressed by l'rof.
Strange who gave an outline of
their work and duties, and a talk
by Editor Fisher, who spoke of the
value of their education and the
necessity of learning the power of
application, the students went to
their class rooms and began hard
The Graham Hotel is putting in
a big rougu dry mang'.e in its laun
dry department.
Portland is making rapid strides
on its contributions to the V. M. C.
A. building fund.
The DeWald Grocery ha re
cently invested in a fine ne
puting scale of tho latest j'
at considerable expense.
Geo. McQueen injured hit
knee iu playing ball duria
summer and while it has 1
c m
t'efn, right
him considerable, it has not see:
serious until Sunday when
threw it out of joint, and bi
then he has been having a
serious time with it. Monday
was set by Drs. Kime and B s
. -
A 'i'ii' t, leit very firetty wedding
(i --n ri i (-.! 'if lli li.tTin -.f
nr' tils at Salem. Thursday,
.v -pt. 20, at .5 v clock p m.,
i "';g parties being Krnest
I. Sj rs of Cottage Grove and Miss
Z'l'u:i. Wid lershien of Salem, the
p i:t r of the 1 r-al JJaptist Church
oI'-h t ing.
The p it lor decorations were very
pretty 'I'd appropriate and the
p'.e-v.irtg and i repressive ceremony
was vit;i' by relatives and a
f,- v intimate friends of the happy
coup'. -. The bride was attended
by her i-ister, Miss Atha, while
Walt'er Sears of Dallas, acted in the
capacity of best man. The bride
look'.-d charming in a beautiful
go-vn of -.vhitf; .-ilk, while the groom
wore tho conve: tional black. At
the conclusion of the ceremony
spiTi ii I leWe-.hmcnts were served.
Th" happy couplo were the recipi
ents of many elegant and useful
pre-; ms. They took their depar
ture on the evening train at Salem
for Ivi'ene and after a briof visit
wih friends in that city, came to
Colt-.g". Grove, which they will
make thr-ir future home. Tho bride
is a charming young lad', a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. II. Widder
shein of Sab-m. and is a sister of
Mrs- Y. A. Ilogate of Cottage
Grove. The groom is an adopted
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sears, and
both of the contracting parties are
w -ll known here an 1 verv popular.
The'i were given a very cordial re
ception here by their many friends
on their home coining. The Nug
get extends congratulations and
1 best wishes.
Millinery Opening.
I t ike pleasure iu announcing
our opening of Fall milliuery with
a selection of the latest pattern hats
an 1 bonnets on Saturday, Septem-P'-r
the 29th il'dj.
Ma ny Barters.
Pattern hats opening Saturday.
M ivy Ibutcls.
Don't v.iA our fall millinery
ope:ii Mg Saturday Mary Bartels.
The Koseburg Review states that
the Loseburg light and water plant
was not purchased by the Willam
ette Valley Co. but by a New York
County Surveyor Collier came
down from the miues on Tuesday
morning, nftt-r doing considerable
A big sale of timber was made
near Leona 0:1 Tuesday iu which a
largo number of acres changed
, mmm
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