Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 19, 1906, Image 6

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    Between Two fires
"A wise man will make more opixrt unities
than he finds." Francis Ilacon.
CHAPTER II. (Continued.)
"Yes," continued the Irosi.l'if. "owing
to the recent sales of your real nroiiert
In this country (sales, due, I four, to n
Want of confidence in my administration)
nti have at this moment s sum of $.lt.
" In the hunk safe. Now (don't Inter
rupt me, please) the exierieiiiv of a busy
lite teaches nie that commercial reputa
tion and probity depend on results, not
on methods. Your directors have a pre
judice against me and tnv government
That prejudices you. with your superior
opportunities for judgment, cannot shari'
You will serve your employers best by
doing for them what thev haven't the
aense and courage to do for themselves.
I propose that you should assume the re-
anonsihility of lending me this money. The
transaction will redound to the profit of
the bank. It shall also," he added, slow
ly, "redound to your profit."
I lie can to see my way. Hut there were
"What am I to tell the directors ?" I
"You will make the usual return of
lnves;men:s and debts outstanding mort
gages loans on approved security but
you know lietter I do."
''False returns, your excellency means?'
"They will no doubt be formally inac
curate," the President admitted.
"What if they ask for proofs?" saiJ I
"Sufficient unto the day," said the
"Ton have rather surprised me, sir." I
fiald, "but I am most anxious to oblige
you, and to forward the welfare of Au
reataland. There are. however, two points
vhieh occur to me. First, how am I to
Is? insured against not getting my inter
est? That I must have."
"Quite so," he interrupted. "And the
second point I can anticipate. It Is,
what token of my gratitude for your time
ly assistance can I prevail on you to ac
cept ?"
"Your excellency's knowledge of human
nature is surprising."
"Kindly give me your attention. Mr.
Martin, and I wi!l try to satisfy both
jour very reasonable requirements. "ou
liave $li tO.Ot si; those you will hand over
tj me, receiving in return government d
jier cent bonds for that amount. I will
then hand back to you $i'r,m; JI.'.ikx)
yo'i will retain as security for your in
terest ; in the event of any failure oa the
part of Aureataland to meet her obliga
tions honorably, you will pay the inter
est on the whole N ,( it H l out of that
u:n. That secures you for more than
two years against absolute failure of in
terest, which in reality you need not fear.
Till the money is wanted, you will have
the use of it. The remaining $20,0s) I
shall beg of you to accept as your com
mission, or rather as a token of my es
teem. ?20,000 absolutely $43,000 as
long as the Aureataland pays interest !
Tou must admit I deal with you as one
gentleman with another, Mr. Martin. In
the result, your directors get their inter
est, I get my loan, you get your bonus.
We are all benefited, no one is hurt! All
this is effected at the cost of a harmless
I was full of admiration. The scheme
was very neat, and, as far as the Presi
dent and myself were concerned, he had
been no more than just in pointing out
its advantages. As for the directors, they
would probably get their interest; any
how, they would get it for two years.
There was risk, of course ; a demand for
evidence of my alleged investments or a
sudden order to realize a heavy sum at
short notice would bring the house about
my ears. Hut I did not anticipate this.
"Well, Sir. Martin," said the President,
"do you agree?"
I still hesitated. The President rose
end put his hand on my shoulder.
"Hetter say yes. I might take it, you
know, and cause you to disappear be
lieve me, with'reluctance, Mr. Martin. It
Is true I shouldn't like this course. It
would perhaps make my position here un
tenable. Hut not having the money would
certainly make it untenable."
I saw the force of this argument, and
said :
"I can refuse your excellency nothing."
"Then take your hat and come along
to the bank," said be.
This was sharp work.
"Y'our excellency does not mean to take
the money now to-night V" I exclaimed.
"Not to take, Mr. Martin to receive it
from you. We have made our bargain.
What is the objection to carrying it out
"Hut I must have the bonds. They
must be prepared, sir."
"They are here," he said, taking a
tiundle from the drawer of a writing ta
ble. "$300,000 0 per cent stock, signed
by myself, and countersigned by Don An
tonio. Take your bat and come along."
I did as I was bid.
It wan a beautiful moonlight night,
and Wtiittingham was looking her best as
we made our way along the avenue lead
ing to the Piazza 1871. The President
walked briskly, silent but serene ; I fol
lowed, the trouble in my mind reflected
in a somewhat hang-dog air, and I was
much comforted when the President broke
the stillness of the night by saying:
"You have set your foot on the first
rung of the ladder that leads to fame and
wealth, Mr. Martin."
I was rather afraid I had set It on the
first rung of the ladder that leads to the
gallows. Hut there the foot was; what
the ladder turned out to be was In the
Lands of the gods; so I threw off care,
and as we entered the Piazza I pointed
to the statue, and said :
"Heboid my inspiring example, your ex
cellency !"
"Exactly," he replied, I make the most
of my opportunities."
I knew be regarded me as one of his
opportunities, and was making the most
of me. This Is not a pleasant point of
view to regard one's self from, so I
changed the subject, and said:
"Khali we call for Don Antonio?"
"Well, as he's minister of finance, I
thought perhaps his presence would make
the matter more regular."
"If the presence of the President," said
that ollicial, "can't make a matter regular,
I don't know what can. Iet him sleep on.
Isn't his slgnnture on the bonds enough?"
What could I do? 1 made one more
weak objection ;
"What shall we tell Jones?"
"What shall we tell Jones?" he echoed.
"Really, Mr. Martin, you must use your
discretion as to what you tell your em
ployes. You can hardly expect me to tell
Jones anything, teyotid that It's a fine
We had now reached the bank, which
stoo.l in Liberty street, a turning out of
the I'i.nza. I took out my key, unlocked
the door, and we entered together. We
passed into my inner sanctum, where the
safe stood.
"What's it in?" asked the President.
"I'nited States bonds, and bills on
New York and London," I replied.
"Good." said he. "Ia! me look.".
I unlocked the safe and took out the
securities. Me examined them carefully,
placing each after due scrutiny in a small
handbag, in which he had brought down
the bonds I was to receive. I stood by.
holding a shaded candle. At this mo
ment a voice cried from the door :
"If you move you're dead men !"
I started and looked up. The Presi
lent looked up without starting. There
was dear old Jones, descending from his
upper chamber, where he and Mrs. Jones
resided. He was clad only In his night
shirt, and was leveling a formidable gun
full at the august head of his excellency
Ah. Mr. Jones." said the latter, "it s
a fine morning."
The President !" cried Jones ; "and
Mr. Martin! Why, what on earth, gen
tlemen ?"
The President gently waved one hand
toward tne. as if to say, "Mr. Martin will
explain," and went on placing his securi
ties in the bag. In the face of this crisis
my hesitation left me.
'Mr. Martin received a cable from Ku-
rope. Jones, sai.l ttie l'reswenr, in
structing him to advance a sum ot money
to me."
Cable?" said Jones. "Where is it?"
We must have left it at the Golden
House. I saw it was ou the table just
before we started. Though I presume
Mr. Jones has no right ?"
None at all," I said briskly.
Yet. as a matter of concession, Mr.
Martin will no doubt show it to him to
morrow?" Strictly as a matter of concession per
haps I will, though I am bound to say
that I am surprised at your manner, Mr.
Jones looked sadly puzzled.
"It's all irregular, sir," said he.
"Hardly more so than your costume!"
said the President, pleasantly.
Jones being thus made aware of the
havoc the draught was playing with his
airy covering, hastily closed the door.
and said to me appealing!:
"It's all right, sir, I suppose?
"Perfectly right," said I.
"Rut highly confidential," added the
President. "And you will put nie under
personal obligation, Mr. Jones, and at
the same time fulfill your duty to your
employers, if you preserve sileni-e till the
transaction is otheially announced. A
man who serves me does not regret it."
Hero he was making the most of an
other opportunity Jones this time.
Enough of this," I said. "I will go
over the matter In the morning."
His excellency walked up to Jones and
looked hard at him.
"Silent men prosper best, and live long
est, Mr. Jones."
Jones looked into his steely eyes, and
suddenly fell all of a tremble.
The President was satisfied. He ab
ruptly pushed him out of the room, and
we heard his shambling steps going up
the staircase. His excellency turned to
me, and said with apparent annoyance:
"Y'ou leave a great deal to me, Mr.
He had certainly done more than tell
Jones It was a fine morning. Hut I was
too much troubled to thank him ; I was
thinking of the cable. The President di
vined my thoughts, and said :
"I must prepare that cable."
"Yes," I replied ; "that would reas
sure him. Rut I haven't had much prac
tice in that sort of thing, and I don't
quite know "
The President scribbled a few words on
a bit of paper, and said :
"Take that to the postoffice, and they'll
give you the proper form ; I will fill it
some things go easily If the
head of the State is your fellow criminal.
"And now, Mr. Martin, It grows late.
I have my securities; you have your
bonds. We have won over Jones. All
goes well. Aureataland is saved. You
have made your fortune, for there lie
your $1)5,000. And, In fine, I am much
obliged to you. I will not trouble you
to attend me on my return. Good-night,
Mr. Martin."
He went out, and I threw myself down
in my office chair, and sat gazing at the
bonds he had left me. I wondered wheth
er he bad merely made a tool of me ;
whether I could trust him ; whether I had
done well to rely on his promises. And
yet there lay my reward ; and I soon
arose, put the government bonds and the
$05,000 in securities in the safe, locked
up everything, and went home to my lodg
ings. As I went in It wus broad day
light, for the clock had gone five, and I
met Father Jacques sallying forth. He
had already breakfasted, and was on his
way to administer early consolution to
the flower women In the Piazza. He
stopped me with a grieved look, and said ;
"Ah, my friend, these are untimely
I saw I was laboring under an unjust
"I have only Just come from the bank.
I had to dine at the Golden House and
afterward returned to finish up a bit of
"Ah, that la well," he cried. "It Is
then the Industrious and not the Idle ap
prentice I meet?" referring to a series of
fanisus prints with which my room was
decorated, a gift from my father on my
I nodded and passed on. saying to my
self: "Very industrious, indeed. Not
many men have done such a night's work
as 1 have."
And that Is how my fortune became
bound up with those of the Aureataland
! national debt.
After the incidents above recorded,
things went on quietly enough for some
mouths. 1 hid a serious talk with Jones,
reproaching him gravely for his outrage
ous demeanor. lie capitulated abjectly
on being shown the cable, which was pro
cured in the manner kindly indicated by
the President. The latter had perhaps
lieen In too great a hurry with his heavy
guns, for his hint of violence had rather
stirred than allayed Jones' apprehensions.
If there were nothing to conceal, why
should his exivllency not stick at murder
to hide it? However. 1 explained to him
the consideration of high policy, dictating
inviolable secrecy, nnd justifying n some
what arbitrary way of dealing with a
trusted ollicial: and the marked gracious-
ness with which Jones was received when
he met the President at the Ministry of i
Finance on current business went far to' I ' dve tho problem or plenty oi im.i
obliterate his unpleasant recollections. I jmr nnd nt tho same tlmo feredoui from
further bound him to my fortunes by nh- prow Hug small niiliiiiiK construct n
tabling for hlin a rise of salary from the screen : nuike tho frame large enough
directors, "in consequence of the favora-
hie report of his conduct received from
Mr. Martin."
ivuii-iiif ns outliers sceuicii, 1 was nor.
altogether at ease. To begin with, the
new loan did not apparently at all im
prove the financial position of Aureata
land. Desolation still reigned on the
scene of the harbor works; there was the
usual difficulty in paying salaries and
meeting current expenditure. The Presi
dent did not invite my confidence hs to
the disposal of his funds; indeed before
long I was alarmed to see a growing cold
ness in his manner, which I considered at
once ungrateful nnd menacing; and when
the half-year came round he tirmly refus
ed to disburse more than half the amount
of Interest due on the second loan, thus
forcing me to mak an inroad on my re
serve of $4.1,00O. Me gave me many good
reasons for this course of conduct, dwell
ing chiefly on the necessary unproductive
ness of public works in their early stages,
and confidently promising full payment
with arrears next time. Nevertheless I
began to see that I must face the possi
bility of a continual drain on resources
that I had fondly hoped woul ls avail-,
able for my own purposes for a consid
erable time at least. Thus one thing and
another contributed to open a breach be-'
tween his excellency ami myself, and, al-'
though I never ceased to feel his charm
as a private companion, my distrust of
him as ruler, mid. I may add. as a fellow
conspirator, steadily deepened.
Other influences were at this time at
work in the same direction. Rich in the
possession of my "bonus," I had plunged
even more freely than liefore into the
gaities of Wtiittingham. and where I was
welcome before I was now a doubly hon
ored guest. I became acquainted with
the Signorina. the lady to whom the Pres
ident had referred during bis interview
with me; and my acquaintance with the
Signorina was very rich in results
Tl.i- 'f,r !, P,e-i, n..r.
haps the best known person in Aureata-' plete ; G, the swinging l"tti by which
land best known, that Is, by name and the door for tho use of the lien is kept
face and fame; for her antecedents ami In place, and 2, the milliner of nttach
cireuuistanees were wrapped in irnpene-' U)r u miiiiII strap to the side of the
traoie mystery. neii i nrriveu in inn
country the Signorina Christina Nugent
had been settled there about a
year. She
had appeared originally as a member of
an oiH-ratie company, which had paid a
visit to our "National Theater" from the
I'nited States. The company pnued on
its not very brilliant way, but the Signo
riana remained behind. It was said she
bad taken a fancy to Wtiittingham, and,
being independent of her profession, had
determined to make a sojourn there. At
any rate, there she was. She establish
ed herself in a pretty villa, closely ad
joining the Golden House; it stood op
posite the presidential grounds, command
ine a view of that stately enclosure; and
1 .1 I. ..w,,1r.m (..-. ... ..f A Into I
whom M,:7alh, r-Yunt " Vnown'To tb.
rest of the world as Mrs. Carrington.
The title "Signorina" was
,uml f..i ull T know the
gent" was equally a creature of choice ;
but, anyhow, the lady herself never Pr' -
fessed to be anything but English, and
openly stated that she retained her
simply because it was more mimical that
that of "Miss."
(To be continued.)
A Marvrlnaa Trve.
A marvelous tree Is reported to have
been discovered In the Sun Jacinto
Mountains, on the border of Mexico.
The leaves of the tree resemble those
of the fig In shape, but they lire of vivid
pe.i.ui u.ey ureoi nuu
purple and covered with bristly lu rs.i ne(n )11hIi0(1 K(ir(kMlt.r. Tho for
whlch easily is'iietrate the skin, causing mulu fof rnlI(t rr Mx
puinriu swellings, i lie nowers uie icu,
and greatly resemble tarantulas.
Tho most peeullur feature of the
plant, however, Is the heavy and sick
ening odor It gives off. A few whllTs
of this produces unconsciousness. In
fact, the discoverers of ttie tree wero
rendered Insensible by It.
Ah the plant Keeins to have no Im
tanical inline, it Is proposed to call It
either the "Tarantula Plant," or tho
"Chloroform Tree."
Mad Story.
Kind Lady Poor man! You look ho
lean and seedy. Did you ever have an
Ii... lnff V.a iimtii T nu.iil tt
...... .... ........ i u
be a book "gent, but I made a dismal
,, .
lunuie oi ii.
Kind Ln dy Indeed! What was tho
book called?
Dowiian Outt "How to Succeed,"
JM un ii era.
jimmy had come to school with dirty
hands, says a writer In tho New York
World. His teacher was shocked.
"Jamie," she said, reprovingly, "your
hand ore very dirty. What would you
sny if I cume to school that way?"
"I wouldn't speak about it,' said Jim
my. "I'd bo too polite."
Comes Natural to II I m.
Sinkers Did you ever notice Reel-
ton's hook nose and fishlike eyes?
Corker Yes. It isn't any wonder
that Ue tells such flshy stories.
Comfort for Hen ami IhlcUs
It Is n cruel plan which shuts off I ho
ti I r almost entirely from the ben wltn
brood of chicks by placing a Ininrd I"
front of the coop nt night I nor Is such
it ni, in n,u'.uii ri- if line will take tho
trouble to build it coop or coops after
tho following pain. Hulld tho cisl
niter tho usual plan, sloping tho roof
to tho rear nnd covering tho front with
sluts except nt ono lower corner, where
n door should be arranged. w that tho
icr. can be callv let out when desired
. t.
,.,, to rover the front of tho
p ,,, '(t,lVor It with wire netting; t
I either side fasten a strap with a hole in
the end. nnd on the shies of the coop
coop urn the chicks.
place ii screw, over which the straps
ii re placed to hold the screen In place.
To make the screen still more secure
when placed haw the side pieces large
enough so that n long wire null tuny be
d-lveii 111 them nlM.tit one quarter the
h-:gth of the nail, at the end ; then sink
In the ground lit either end of the coop
two pieces of wood, each having n hole
In the end. Into which the nail In the
end pieces of the screen will tit when
the latter Is in position. In this way It
will be Impossible for the Horcvll to get
loose. Ill the Illustration. II. nt dotted
line, shows where the screen will come
when In Ksltlon; A, the side piece of
the screen, with the long wire mill In
(Nisitloii; :i. .1. the stakes In the ground
to Hselve tllO lllllls; H. tllO Hrrcell COlll-
Hereon. India mi polls News.
Wlml Makes iunllr In Fkk-
The grocer soon learns that lie must
send good ctfs's to his customers or he
will not have them long, nnd the farm
er who Is progressive will soon learn
that bo must do the same. The word
"fresh," when applied to eggs, may
menu n great deal, or It may not The
-KH grower who wishes to create reg
ular h nnnd for his eggs at high
prices must market tils stock promptly,
for there Is nothing that so disgusts
the experienced handler of eggs as to
find that the eggs that lie ts.ught for
frenh had been held In the country for
two or throe weeks. Storage eggs
i mm Ty
: iUIL i
i ' -: h : J
purely profe. j are put Into the refrigerator liiimodl
he name "Nu- tely iffter they are laid, come out bet-
j nftor four or five months have
j ,,i.,js(h, than the eggs that are allowed
f (q romfJ,n ln th farmer's pnntry for a
rnonth nftor they are laid before they
are marketed.
IMiint Injory from Spraying.
.As many still complain about the In
Jury done to the leaves of trees, rasp
berry bushes, etc., by spraying, It may
Ihj repeated that there should lie
enough alkali, whether lime or soda,
used to neutralize the add of the cop-
all,,int. H.ivs V. Grenler. who Is
I pounds of copper sulphate to seven and
lone-half pounds of soda, and even then
, It might be safer to add a jsmnd of
lime. For the ordinary (lime) Dor
doaux mixture I would use at least
as much lime as copper sulphate, pound
I for pound, unless I rely (ns I usually
(do) on the ferrocyanlde of potassium
test. As long as the mixture lias nn
odd reaction, danger of Injury to the
foliage, and possibly to ttie fruit, such
as upples, peurs, etc., exists.
To (let Hid of llati,
Dissolve five jmiuihIs oopperns In ten
gallons of water and add enough fresh
slacked lime to niako a moderately
whitewash. Apply to all places
1 . . . , .. , ...
.where the ruts oongregiito nnd they wilt
desert the place at once. Put some of
the wash Into and around their holes
'and along their rmiwnys wherever ioh
I slide to do so. They will change to
'other places, but you must follow them
'up with the wash, and eventually they
will leave your place altogether nnd
will not return while tho wash remains.
The Truck Garden Insect,
Insects Infesting truck gardens very
often affect field crops as well, hut It
should be borne ln mind that pest ex
termlntlng methods that are of no use
In large areas nre often the best In a
small patch where there Is more inten-
l ...itUiiHnii nrwl wiierA tha nrlca
I wl wammt more
lu" " 4
out ay
Inn a l ull.
good deal of discussion lias often
boon provoked ns to the cost of bring
lug up a heifer calf. Mr. Clark, of tho
Alabama experiment Hint lull, bus re
corded dntn. Tho record covered I ho
period from birth to maturity - npproi
luiiitely two years.
One of the calves, which weighed nt
birth lll'tyslx pounds, consumed during
tho Hist your of tier life l.'.l) pounds of
home milk, '.'T.'t pounds of skim milk.
OI pounds of bran, 21' I pounds of liny
and was pastured' for Ml day". When
she was I year old she bud cost JI'J.Hil
and she weighed -l.'lo Hiiinds.
During tho second year her rations
were made up of sorgltuui bay, silage,
oat straw, corn stover and n llttlo st
ton seed mid bran. Tho pasturage pe
riod covered 22 1 days. Tho cost of tho
food was for the second jenr and
she weighed nt the end 'I" sunds.
Thus the total cost of feed up to the
tlmo of maturity was ('.Tiki.
o All-llounil roullrr Kuad.
A corrcsMimlcnt asks for soino miiiI
try food which will answer for general
purposes that Is, a food which will
make bens lay, which Is also good for
little chicks nod which may bo iHtsl for
fattening later If desired. Novices In
poultry raising are quite likely to bo
more or less disturbed by the amount
of detail required to curry on the work
successfully mid nre generally sti-klng
for some short cut, espisiitlly In the line
of feeding. The same food which will
make hens lay without fattening tlieui
will not do to fatten them on. Of
course, corn Is usually a part of ttie va
riety fis bens and will of Itself fatten
them, but It Is not used by Itself as II
regular diet for laying liens. It would
Ih- as nhstird to fis-d hens cracked turn
entirely as It would be to feed little
chicks the whole kernel.
Hon I ulrhrr.
Chasing hogs Is exeissllngly mousing
when the chaser Is bent on pleasure
only. When It I ones nu everyday
luty the funny feature ilisnppenrs, and
Instead the air Is generally laden with
expletives pot suitable to polite society,
The hog Is an clnMvchcnst. It. -lug round
and fat and a No slippery -the chaser
Is not afforded any point of vantage to
obtain a firm hold. This Is true with
but one exception, mid that Is his tall.
Hut hero again the chaser is handicap
ped. Hogs' tails nre so little nnd at
the same time so frail that not Infre
quently the ling emerges from the base
minus tils tall. A more sensible method
Is the use of the Implement Illustrated
herewith. The Inventor, an Iowa man,
claims that no illtllculty Is experienced
in getting the nmise In position. When
iiiicp lr Is Kecllt'elv elilliin...! .111 tlm'u
nose It Is an easy mutter to lead the !
u u I in it 1 to any place desired.
Water llrfure IVrdlnc,
This quest Ion of w atering before or
after feeding has never been settled.
A leading English authority states that
horses should never bo wutered until
after feeding, but always before, esis
dally If tho feed Is grain. If n horse
Is very thirsty give him water mid
then wait a short time before feeding.
If possible, horses should always have
access to water. They will drink less
and there Is much less danger of Indi
gestion or cholera. If a horse Is ex
hausted from ovcrexcrelso, the supply
of cold water should bo limited. If
water Is tepid, a much larger amount
may bo allowed.
I.ate Wrrda.
The late weeds ln the garden those
that come In August nnd September
nre tho ones ttiat produce seed beforn
tho fact Is noticed, and thus stock tho
ground with weeds tho next year. The,""r1'1 '""K"''1'' tor August, and credited
garden Is often neglected Into In tho1'0 h A,rlh"r T' ,?V"""r ,,,f ,,,ft ,I,itu,l
summer, but It should lie kept clear of
weeds until rrost, nnd tho result will
be a great saving of lalsir In tho grow
ing of small fruits nnd vegetables, as
most of tho work required Is due to tho
weeds and grass which spring up nt ull
Growing; Cunllflovrer.
Cauliflowers will not thrive exoeipt
under tho very liest conditions. They
are grown ln tho sumo manner as cab
bage, only the soil must be exceedingly
rich. Many growers have found Jt nec
essary to occasionally water this crop,
which is a hlndranco to field culture,
although the prices usually obtained re-
pay the care. If the leaves are drawn
together over the heads blanching will
tfe greatly facilitated.
1 1.-.7-- Hook of Psalms, first bonk printed I
by Fniixt nnd HcholTcr.
toll) Sir Itlihard Eiupson and Edmund
Dudley executed oil Tower Mill.
l."2l Mexico surrendered to Corle.
l.Vtl Order of J.sulis founded st I'nrlt
by Ignatius Loyola.
1.VS7 - Virginia Dare, llrst white child In
America, burn.
1M2 Gates of Coventry shut against
King I 'In ile of England.
17."d -Foils Ontario 11 nd . Osweg.i de
stroyed by Montcalm.
IT.'tt- Eugene Aram hanged nt T)hurn.
17i!! - Napol 1 ltoimpnrte born. Died
May I, I s J 1 .
177d Fight In MmNon river between
American lire ships uad Itrituh men
of wr.
7N4V - Engagement at Fishing Creek, S.
C ItHiile f Camden, H. C. D
Kalb killed.
1S-MI Flrnt sione laid for the Arc de Tri
umph.', celelil'llt illg tile l!cce of ti
Grand Army of Austrrllt.
1S12 - Detroit siirrtmlered to tho Rrlt
Ish. 1 S 1 ;t ItritUh sloop Pelican captured
I'nited State sloop Argus In English
ls.ll Stenmrr Hothsny Castle lost; KXJ perished.
1M2 President proclaimed Florida war
at nu end.
1SI7 It.lttl.. of Chlirilhlisco, Mexl.-O.
lsS -Oregon territory formed by set of
I '"tigress.
1 s.'M l - Denmark ceded possessions on
west roast of Africa to Great Itrftnin.
lSol opi'g ruptured and g.irroted st
I Invnna.
IS.-.2 -Steamer Atlanta lost on Lnks
Erie ; 2"SI perished.
1S.V Russians def.-nted at battle of
Teehernaya, Crimen.
1 H.V.I -Tuscany deebired In favor of unit
ed kingdom of I inly under Victor Em
manuel, isr.2 Firm Issue of postnl currency.
I Hi Ii! Kngoshlmn, Jnpnn, destroyed by
the British tbs-t .... Mississippi river
declnred open for trnde.
IH1V0 Final proclamation of cessation of
hostilities in the Civil War.
1HI.7 Dexter liuide the fastest time on
record, 2:17,.i, nt HulTnlo.
1S71 -Steamship Lodona lost off th
Florida coast, with 21 liven.
1HSU Cathedral nt Cologne completed
Il.'t2 years building.
1KX3 -Kimball house, Atlanta, Hit.,
IVVi Ttie Caroline Islands nclied by
Germany .... German corvette Au
gusta lost In the Red S.-a with 2H.1
officers and men.
lHMl Eight Chicago anarchists neii
fenced to dentil.
1SHS Convent of tho Sacred Heart, New
York, destroyed by fire.
1S!H Davis Dallon swnm across th
English Channel on his back.
1S!)1 Earthquake In Martinique; 810
persons killed.
1S'.(2 (Jueen Victoria's carriage stopied
by an insane mini, who threatened to
kill her.
lHO.'l Ilcceivers appointed for the North
ern Parllie railroad.
1!H -Stcanishlp Cninpanla established
new record between (ueeni-towti and
New York : lime. Ti ilavs 11 hours and
27 minutes.
100.1 -Jeffries defeated Corbet t In fight
for the pugilistic championship.
11HH -Naval battle on Vladivostok.
Now Walking; on th Water.
Two Inventors are claiming attention of
the sclent ilic world just now In connec
tion with a kind of aquatic shoes. Jose
Antonio, a Mexican student In the depart
ment of mechanical engineering at Cor
nell, gave a successful test of his devlea
by walking a mile and a liulf on the sur
faco of Cayuga lake. The shoes, which
closely resemble small boats, nre con
structed of tin, ! feet .1 Inches long, 11
Inches wide and ll:)i Inches deep. Each
contains four separate air chambers, be
sides the compartment for the foot. Tha
shoes are equipped with collapsible fans,
which close as the wearer steps forward
and then open to prevent the shoes from
slipping backward.
A somewhat similar footgear for water
Is descrlls'd In the Technical
Mines volunteer lire-saving crew nt
('hiirleshmik, Muss. Sadler claims to luivo
made a two-mile trip on his shoes. He
says lie got his Idea from watching the
way a duck uses Its feet. His shoes are
4 feet .1 Inches long, 0 Inches whin nn.l
Inches deep, being the smallest that
would carry his weight, 1.1,1 pounds.
American Laborer Heller Off.
The bureau of labor has Issued statis
tics for 11)0,1, and estimates that the la
boring man Is better off as to wages and
hours of labor. In 11(0,1 the purchasing
power of wages was 1 per cent higher
than In 1004 nnd tho retail prices of food
were slightly higher. This advantage was
more than offset, however, by the Incroastt
In the purchasing power of hit wages.
lne sverage wagea per hour In 100,1 Wera
180 ')er cent hKer hn Hie averaga
VrM trom 1S!'5 t0 1H!,0. and tha num.
Lor of employes were 80 per cent arsatar.