Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 12, 1906, Image 5

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    The Bazaar
Fine Summer Shirts,
Tics, Overalls,
Jumpers, ('doves and
Socks for men and hoys
Laco and Gauze Hoso (or ladies
at 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Cli'cc m,i ml wlclicn, pol k nnd
I'CUlIM In intn, -1 1 1 1 beef,
clileKen pate, veal Ion T, Hiinlliii'H
lie. ....
Kodaks. Photo Supplies, Edison
and Columbia Graphophones J
ana nccoras
The Bazaar-
h Collage Grove, Or.
Paid up Capital:
SurpliM it tiiI t 'ndlvlded I'rolitn.
Money to lonn on a j r i vc I tteeurity
I ! x HiMiip't' uv:iil:ili!' iinv
I i'mi c i 11 1 In1 I ' iiit.-d Mnti'M
II IHhkHT y K IN, I. : WllKK.Kn
1 OOOOOO (000000000X000000(
Dirocforw -
W. II. Allll MH, II. I.I IK II, W. A.
11 vi. 11 N'., rim. m i,
1 . miss k 1 v ; .
llaiiUfCotlajjc drove
raid Capital $15,000.00.
W. H. Abrami Prtildtnl
B. Lurch - Vlce-Freddent
C. Ron Klnrf - Ceihler
A. It. KeWo - AttltUnt Ctihler
We unbelt the accounts! of cor
poration, lirnii nnd individ
ual, anil will lie pleaded to meet
with those wlin contemplate
new in'i'i iiintH.
We pay I per cent on time de
p in i I h lifter August 1, bind. We
will lie moved to our poiinn
iieiit 1 1 ' 1 1 1 10 on or iiliniit that
0000000000 00 OOOOOO oooooo
"iih Or. King's
Jew Discovery
0UGIIS an-
50c 4 $100
Free Trial.
Btircet 11 11 U Cluickrat Curo lor all
Buy gh GroditF
this $60 Machine for $25
FREIGHT PREPAID. i,i.(l, U U SeiUng! focK
4. miU'D, auiiuie ia, eeii-
vUf'y lhrcm lmltle: hl
---r AiiloniKtlu bobbin winder
ml other IntettlmproTe.
IiiniU. 1'hla UtheANTI
tho same machine (fenta
are axklnf 701) 60 fur. All
attarhmouttnowUh each
mapblne. Bold lor only
'. ..nil IS mnnlhlv.
a A nmuiTiias PITil HCMF Bhowluff
el.gant hoiiM'hnM K"'1 wo will ',''P'"'
Prepaid) on Eatr ramenU-or new CRtDIT plan.
Govvrtz rurnlluro Company
173-175 IlretSt.. l'OKTLAND. OR.
77 WB3H aLJznzm acv -.rrrrma
Hays Sain Kendall, of FhilllpNhiirir,
Kan., '-Jiint cover it over with liuck
let'a Arnica naive and tho salve will
do lliu rent." Quickest Ouro for
burnu, boils, H0108, Hculdrt, wounds,
piles, ecccina, Halt rliouni, chapped
hiimlH, Horo feet and Horo eyes. Only
5o at Hi'iihoii'h Pharmacy, Guaran
teed .
W. II. brown, tho popular pension
attorney of I'ltlHlleld, Vt. says:
"Next to 11 pension, tho best thins:
i to get In Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills."
llo writes: " They keep my family In
Hplendld health. Quick euro Tor head
licho, eoiiHtlpatlon und bllllousnoHB.
i!.rc. CiuuniutteU at lleiiBon's 1'har-Hincy.
nrvTrffTrryTrinririnfinnnnf tsts nsmnsnn b o e o o s vzisinrinsvTsvtrrfZTT
Mi'sh Corn Hnott lias hcon visiting
in Kugene.
A homo Lrnnd is the kind for yon
to Hlliokc C. (1. cigftTH.
J. If. IJartel made a hhot t trip
to Jlonwell Springs Monday.
KusHel Welch nnd wlfo went to
Iuigfue Monday afttrnoon.
Dr. Lawhaugh lian been iii town
on biiHinesM for nereral duyH.
Mr. nud Mrs. W. 11. AbiruuH
wtnt north Motiduy afterno mi.
MiHs TotiHy Fieslor returned Irom
a iiiit with friends on Monday.
Hopiiicking will commewo next
Monday throughout the valley.
Julius (folilMchmidt of Kuenc
wan a viHi'tor in town Mon lay.
An old pioneer, Kohinnon
Wright, was killed by u train at
Medford Friday.
W. A. Ifenienway's htoro west of
bridge in Enkin t I5rihlow's bid.,
Wall nnd Water St.s.
1j. J- I.eum linn taken a position
with C. II. lhirkholdcr nnd is ujw
book keeper und HaleHtuan.
"The I'tiHt year ever" is well ap
plied to the Oregon State Fair, the
lender on the I'ncilic coant.
Watch for the new deparlnitnta
in II. Vcnske'H new good, rew
management, and new idenn.
W. T. K rley hikI family j.asseil
through town Siturdny after an
outing at Imdon Mineral Springs.
The Springfield News Hays that
there are twenty four widow-t living
under one tent at the Ncis hop
Mises Mel and Helen Cha l
binnneaie viitiug the faaiilv of
F. (I. Stiller at Cottuge (Jrove tlis
week. Drain NonpRriel.
Mrs. (Jeorge Harrison of Divide
died at Klsmath Falla lat week
and was taken home Sunday from
which she was buried Monday in
the llawley cemetery.
MiH Maud K'dley, who taught
here lant year, teaches this year in
Washington. She made a short
visit Lore lust week, departing for a
visit at Grants I'ass.
Miss Mnrion White, a teacher in
the public fchool year before last
will teach this year in Jacksonville,
and Minn Bertha White, a liHt years
teacher will teach at I'rinevillo this
Geo. McIIugill received a big
disc plow ou Monday from his place
in California and will put it into
use here. It is a big one and cut
out to do a great amount of hard
Welch Si Woods have recently
installed, three arc lights in their
store and Jim Benson has put one
in his. They mako a great im
provement in the lighting of the
W. B. Dennis and wife came in
from Portland Monday night and
went out to Blnckbutte early Tues
day morning, lhey were accom
panied Mr. Martin, . a mechanical
J. F. Jones, travelling passenger
ageutofthoS. P. waa in town on
business tho last of the woek and
stated that the bridge over the
Willamette at Springfield should
be completed within iS days.
The steel ceiling for the new
bank building arrived Friday, and
Contractor Hubbel soon hopes to
have his part of the work finished.
W. II. Abrama has the fixtures all
ready to be set iu place and flu
Mrs. Hoy Welch leaves today for
Portland with her daughter and eou
Dan where Mrs. Welch will put
the children iu school and will give
music leenons during the winter.
She has quite a large class already
arranged for. Mr. Welch will
batch in the meantime.
Henry McCoy's little girl is very
sick, and her life is despaired of.
Her mother gone to tne better laud
just a few days ago, the little one
lies waiting, waiting for the oali,
while her hoartbroken father is in
consolable, at the loss of not only
hor mother, but her sickness,
Marion VeatchandJ. D. Cochran
both went to Portland Monday to
attend the Annual meeting of the
Oregon Funeral Directors Associa
tion to be held Tuesday Wednesday
and Thursday. Mr. Cochran ex
pects to take the regular examina
tion at tho meeting. Mr, Veatch
took his examination last year and
expeoted to have to take the regu
lar yearly examination this year,
but the board has granted the outs
that took the examination last year,
another year. By the yearly ex
aminations, the directors are all
kept up to the latest forms aud
Hems of Interest in and about
Cottage (irove and vicinity.
?inr If ff 5tftfrBAJLOJLJLlL8JUU.
MisH LaDpdon went to Kugcnc
1' ri'lay to vinit.
Mrs. Ntli 1'owen of Kugene
has becu TiHitmg bore.
Kutfene Steam laundry, Allison
and HastiugH ngents.
40 bam laundry soap for $1.00 nt
. A. I lomcu way h store.
W. A. Hcmenwny has bargain
counters full of bargains.
John Crowley is moving into the
hotist jmt east of thft Graham
Firo samples of Cinse Si San
born's Tea or Coffee ut Mctcalf Si
Picking begins at the Hays yard
nt Creswtll on Sept. 3 1 Pickers
'van ted.
Ask for a free simple of Chase t
SanlKrn's Tea or Coffee at Mttcftlf
Si Brtuid's.
Dan Patch made a mile in 1 :55
ut St Paul Saturday with a runner
in front and on at his Bide.
The Pacific Homestead is a goo 1
weekly farming pnper, nnd cn bo
had nt a reduced rnto with Nugget
NVm. Pel men of the 'Wave" con
fectionery has just moved his piano
into the parlor of his store bo that
any of his music patrons can try
new music on the piano. Mr. Per
iiihii ii ouife a musician and with
his con considerable tnusio is to be
The S. P. Co. gave orders the
!.T-t of last week that 25 cars of
lumber per day fdiouM be shipped
to Sin Francisco out of the 220
' us now awaiting delivery .along
tin lines at various points and the
t'uinpmy expects within 10 days to
relieve the entire embargo on lum
ber shipments.
Tbe Wynne Ildwe. Co. is im
proving its show window by en
elosiug the diiplay space in glass,
so as to protect from dust, and to
aldo give a better opportunity for
display. The work is being done
by the master builder of the firm,
Ormand Wynne, and will be a
work of art
Oliver Veatch, Prof. Briggs,
Lhus. VanDenberg, J. M. Dur
ham, W. S. Bennett returned from
their hunting and camping party.
Oliver Veatch claims he won the
fishing honors, though at the cost
of several good wettings. We don't
neo how the weltings helped tho
fishing, unless ho dived for the
fib. They had a good time and
came back feeling like young boys.
Port Lawson was in town Satur
day and Sunday. Since going
with tho paint company that he
now works lor ho has made great
progress, and as a paint salesman
ranks among the most successful,
and it is said, as such, draws a
large salary. He seems, to know
just how to catch all the big roof
ing contracts. His contract for
roofing ail of the Lewis & Clark
Imposition buildings last year was
an immense one.
Lane County Has Exhibit at Fair.
When you go fo the State Fair
do not fail to see Lane County's
exhibit, lhe Register states that
part of the exhibit" will be late on
aacount of the railroad company in
furnishing transportation. IS. M.
W'arreu is in charge and hopes to
make ft good display.
Two Now Citizen.
Final citizenship papers were
issued yesterday to two natives of
Sweden. John Anderson came to
the Uuited States September i5,
1897, and mndo his declaration of
intention to become a citizen of the
United States November 1, 1898,
before P. C. Cheney at Chehalis,
Washington. Mr. Anderson's wit
nesses wore John Crowley and F.
J. Hard.
John Lindquiut, the other ne
citizen came to America July 28,
1880, and took out his first papers
from County Clork Lee in Eugene,
June 28, 1902. He had the same
witnesses as Andersou. Register.
DaveC. Woodu,
Dave C. Woods, an old pioueor,
who has been working for the
Gardner Mill Co. at Gardner, Ore
gon, died nt the home of his
brother near Anlaul Saturday, after
an illness of several weeks and was
buried Sundny iu the Comstock
cemetery, the funeral being con
ducted by Undertaker Veatch. Rev.
Morss of Cottage Grove held the
funeral services. Mr. Woods was
born 42 years ago ou September 18,
I853. He was married to Mary
L. Gadwey. nnd leaves two chil.
dren. He has beeu sick for some
time with an abcess of the liver and
six weeks ago quit work and weut
to his brother's where ho died,
Disc Plows!
Now is the time
3'our f;ill plowing.
W e.-irry the hest
plow thnt is made
would he ok u: cd to
yon eall aiul examine
11 .
We an; a:;:u'-.iw tw have every Re
publican ih 1
in in li ir,,' .
and work-
v lt!i t!.': Republican
Nation, il ( 01,
ioLnl Committee in
tioii of a Republican
ionai campaign must
' administrative and
1 of the- party, and.
favor of tin: t
Coiiirn v-;.
The ( ' 'iiL'n - :
C ,;ir l 0:1 t!,.
Icgi-.Iativ" 1 . . ,r
that In i:; -,, '1
re Roosevelt's
ier-orn!;tv rau-t be- a central figure
and l.i-i a( hi - mer.ts a central
thought i:i the- campaign.
We desire to maintain the work of
this campaign with popular subscrip
tions of One D' 'liar ea h from Republican.-.
To a h subscriber we will
send the 1
mi f ; i an iatK.nal lam-
paign Text R
issued by the
Ik!;, u- ad.i
k and all documents
ve a great victory.
JamjsS. Sin, Chairman.
P. O. Box 2c6 j, New York.
Lorexrto Man Inlvirod tit Reuben
While Doing Ha.llroa.d Work.
Because Lis rescuers stretched
him in an tahicr position on his
back, thus permitting him to swal
low quantities of blood which
flowed from the- wounds on his head
and face and from his tongue which
he had bitten off, W. H. Close died
at Reuben on the Southern Pacific,
lant night. He was foreuan of a
gang of seven nun engaged in re
lining tunnel No. 5, near there,
and the collapse of a scalTold caused
injuries to himself, P. G. Crow and
George .Snyder. 'I he injured were
brought to the Cool Samaritan
Hospital this morning.
Medical men summoned to the
scene stated Close's death was due
to hemorrhages, and i'i their opin
ion, hi life might have been Tsaved
had those nUending caused him to lie
on his stomach. From reports re
ceived nt the local office of the Har
riman lines, it appears-Close, who
is a bridge foreman, ordered his
men to erect a scaffold, from wLich
timbers were bein? placed above.
The material was being forced into
position and the strain proved so
great tho ecniiold collapsed, precipi
tuting the men to the track. Close
fell from, one of the huge timbers
striking him on the light side of
head, aud it is thought ho received
a fracture of the skull. The force
of the blow was such I hat ouo of
the rail-i cut through tho center of
his nose, practically severing that
organ, and he also Lit his tongue
in twain.
Crow sustained a lractured anicle
and several bad bruises, while one
of Snyder's hands was lacerated
aud hia body generally bruised.
The injured were removed to a
sectiou house nearby, whore Close
died. The condition of the other
men is not alarming, and five of
the gaug escaped with no serious
hurts. The doad man leaves a
wife aud several children, who
were near tho scene nt the time.
The family resides at McMinn
ville. Crow is married and lives
at Lpranc, as does Snyder, but the
latter is single. Cloe was em
employed by the company for
some time and wns regarded a
careful workman. Statements
made by others show Close di
rected the placing of tho scalTold,
and no blauio is attached to any
one for tho accident. Telegram.
New Lino Hivs Arrived
H. Vensko bus just received the
goods for his now department
which is dry goods. I ho goods
were selected by Wink Wallace and
comprise a fine lino. Tho goods are
beiug arranged for display and
everybody is invited to call in and
see what is ou Bale. Mr. Vetiske is
adding constantly to his stock and
is enlarging all his departments.
For au expert piano tuner nnd re
pairer, call up L. Woods, Into of
Kimball h j hno l actory, Chicago,
ou phone 393.
( $M IT ,s nation
tO do H 1 Vv?V -lor ,l 'y "r!'' K'l-I t) wear (lie - I H
"isc fliSll'r (,o1 SI0C' J I
have Xfflf .CX. f f ir II 1
itS I worry and j
J waterproof
j i'h' It hxs style
t '(:j&Jfl andcha.rac-
I 'JJSSll - K worth more
Also a line line of Ladies' and
I Gents Shoes - - - m
J.adie I'iii" Sho" ' .r, i to
$'-'.r,. ( i.-nts J i;,- '..) -to
- - I
H -:- M
All the New?
AH the Time
Neat job Work of
All Kinds Dope
CUe'li treat mi nm
w - , i si
because her stomach wan so weak
ened by useless clnigulm that
could not oat, Mrs. Marv II. W'alier.-
of St Clair St Columbus, O., was lile i
ally starvliiff to death. She writer:
"My stomach was so weak from u-v-k'sa
drugs that 1 could not eat, nnd
my nerves so Wrecked that I emiM
not sleep; nnd not before I was j;h i n
up to dlo was 1 induced to try KUv
trlo Bitters: with the wonderful n-
Hiilt that Improvement bi gan at omc,
and a complete euro followed." Rest
health Tonic- on earth. S'uc. (luai
untoed by Reason's Pharmacy tl rug
gist. Chicken fanciers get a Poultry
Journal, and keep posted. The
Northwest Poultry Journal and the
Nugget for ljS,
Ail fi.'.-; to tit all Hol'ts of feet B
i 1
Veatch 1
my iw
Hardware, Stoves, Plumbincr
iroods, Miners' Lotrers' and mill.
supplies, Wagons, Busies, Agri
cultural Implements, Sporting
j,()ods, titins, Ammunition, Hercu
les powder, Caps, Fuse, lite.
lloUia.nif aiul llaV Sl'hnnl tnr vnmi ln.1lu.
Music ( Lt.ichttiky method), Art; Complete'iiilc Ci'uruB: n'.'lnl Inducement. For
iiiuirmauun aaareaa euter Superior.
N V'tir duty to ruuku yourself
u alti'iii'tivt' u iioHrtltjle. If yuu buvu
C'lniil.'xluii, li-iirn hew t" ur.julru n (H-rfevt
Bklli !' li.irml, na. Kiliiruiilct'il llirllioda. I
will . nj ,v,.ii a ir,'.' iniiiii.lilet, Iu a ilulu
onv.'U.i'i', kIWii: ill iuirllculur, If y,n
wrlln t'uliiy. I lv.. .n iirn 'n I ntll mIkmI.
M Al) AJli. HUiJSOiV. an; Mnrlfiiy bldg.,
Stsii i.,i.i,iv i,.n a. I', ri liiinl. or-Kii.
SiK'ec.i race horses went through
to California in a Wells Fargo Fx
pr ss car, especi ally fi te ' for
liotbcs, on the abemoou
passenger train.